HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171229Extension Agreement.pdfIDAHO POWER COMPANY P.0. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 RECEIVED ?017 DiC 29 All ll: 05 ll.::l-i$ ilUSLlC t :r li l'ri-q nniliJlsslAn IDACORP Company ON PATRICK A. HARRINGTON Corporate Secretary Ms. Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 December 28,2017 Re:IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCUR SHORT-TERM DEBT IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF UP TO $45O,OOO,OOO AT ANY ONE TIME Case No. IPC-E-15-23 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in the above referenced case are four (4) copies of a lender extension authorization memorandum agreement ("Extension") for Idaho Power's Credit Agreement dated November 6,2015, previously filed with the Commission in this case ("Credit Agreement"). The Extension extends the expiration date of the Credit Agreement to November 4, 2022, as authorized in Section 2.21(a) of the Credit Agreement. Idaho Power intended to file copies of the Extension Agreement with the Commission when executed, but a review of our files has indicated that the filing was not previously made. Please contact me at pharrington@idahopower.com or (208) 388-2878 if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, c: Terri Carlock t Telephone (208) 388-2878, Fox (208) 388-6936 p h an i n gto n@j d a h o p o w e r. c o m {00226867.DOC; I} September 27,2017 To: Idaho Power Company/IDACORP, [nc. Bank Group From: Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Adminiskative Agent Rel (i) Idaho Power Company $300 Million Cred-it Agreemenl dated as of Nowember 6, 2015 (the "Idaho Power Credit ') and (ii) IDACORP, Inc. $100 Mitlion Credit Agreement dated as of Novembe r 6, 2A15 (the "IDACORP. Inc. Credit Agreementl' and together with the Idaho Power Credit Agreement, ihe "Credit Asreements") Reference is hereby made to the Credit Agreements described above. Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Credit Agreements. Pursuant to Section Z.Zl(a) of the Idaho Power Credit Agreement, Idaho Power Company has requested that the, Facitity Termination Date be extended lor an additional year until November 4, 2022. Idaho Power Company has agreed to pay sach Lender,approving the extension a fee equal to 0.06p/o of such Lender:s Commitment; pro'riided that such fee shall be payabte only in the event that the extension of the Facility Termination Date until November 4,2022 is approved in accordance wjth Section Z.?L(b) of the Idaho Power Credit Agreement. Pursuant to Section 2;21(a) of the IDACORP, Inc. Credit,Agreement, IDACORP, Inc. has requested that the Faoility Termjnation Date be extended for an additional year until November 4, 2022. IDACORP, Inc. has agreed to pay each Lender approving the extension a fee equal to 0.067o of such Lender"s Commitmentl provided that such fee shall be payable only in the event,tltat,the extension of the Facility Termination Date until November 4,2022 is approved in accordance with Section 2.21(b) of the IDACORP, lnc. CreditAgreement. Please insert your institution's name and indicate on the following page whether you consent to the requested extersion of the Facility Terminatlon f)ate for each of the Idaho Power Credit Agreement and the IDACORP, lnc. Credit Agreement until November 4, 2022, and email a PDF copy of this letter to Kader Crawford at Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A. ( kclawfor{@robinsonbradshaw, com). Your response is requested nrior to 5:00 u.m. (ET) on October 12. 2017. Please contaet Cathedne Cgles (phone: 415-8344822; email: catherine.coles@wetlsfargo.com) and Rally Killian (phone: 704-4104731; email: rallykillian@wellsfargo.com) if you have any questions. Tlrank you for yoru'attention to this matter, CHARI i1126130\€ , i : i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I hereby: Lender v*CONSENTS to the extension of the Faciliry Termination Date under the Idaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the Idaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. {_CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Terrrination Date under the IDACORP, lnc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. bio*,ctsrl'Title: Date:s)2017 CHARI\1326130v2 an R NA.hereby: CONSENTS to the extension of the Faciliry Termination Date under the Idaho Power Cred.it Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Tetmination Date under the ldaho Power Credit Agleement to November 4,2A22. t,/I CONSENTS to t]re extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc, Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Tetmination Date,under the IDACORP, hrc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. Title: Date:Ocfuder to 20t7 (:llARr \l]26130i2. l,viv?attx N.A hereby Lender Name CONSF,NTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Dale under the Idaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to ahe extension of the Facility Termination Date under the ldaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. x_ _x_ By CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, lnc Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under rhe IDACORP. lnc. Credit Agreement to November 4.2022. Name Title: Date OJ^l..,,. V,20t7 CH.,\R I \l 126l l0v2 MUFG UNION BANK, N.A.hereby: Lerds Nane X CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the Idaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the Idaho Power Credit Agreernent to November 4,2022. X CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. ,d,,kBy: Name: ERIC OTIENOTifle:m Date: OCTOBER 12 20t7 CH.A.Rl \1326130v2 Bank of America, N.A. hereby: Lender Name _X_ CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the ldaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the ldaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. _X_ CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facitity Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. G. Title: Date: Senior Vice President October I I 2017 CHARI \l 326 I 30v2 t;.hereby: l-cndcr Nanrc J CONSEN'I'S to the extension of the Facility'l'errnination Date under the ldaho Poler Credit Agrecnrcnt to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extensiorr of the Facility Ternrination Date under the ldaho Porver Credit Agreenlent to Novenrber' 4,2022. CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc. Credit Agreerrrent to Novenrber 4,2022. DOES NOTconsent to llte extension of the liacility'l-ernrination Date under the IDACORP, lnc. Crcdit Agrccnrcnt to Noventber 4,2A22. Nanre 'l'irle: Date: C;.loL*- tl ,2017 I cilAIu\t126130, J / V'. z n Vtta. 1 ,1";'t THE BANK oF NEw Yo35 JELLoN hereby:ffi x CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under rhe ldaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the ldaho Power Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. X CONSENTS to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, Inc Credit Agreement to November 4,2022. DOES NOT consent to the extension of the Facility Termination Date under the IDACORP, lnc. Crcdit Agreement toNovember 4,2022. h*,t. tn Name: Title: Date: October I I 201? CllA&l lJl6l.l0v3