HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150813Comments (3 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:js_weber@hotmail.com Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 9:57 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:js_weber@hotmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:John Weber Name:John Weber Case Number:IPC E-15-18 Email:js weber(hotmai1.com Telephone: Address:7855 W Hummel Dr Boise Id,83709 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:IPC E-15-18 Dear Commissioners and Staff, I will address a few points that are related to this filing. It is obvious that the public,in this case Idaho Power customers,wants to get their power from solar generation.Polls that have been performed by Boise State University show this. Customers that own unshaded real estate can install their own solar power.That leaves out a big percentage of the population that rent houses or apartments as well as shaded real estate owners.The PUC needs to allow these parties access to solar generation in some form or fashion.Community solar is growing throughout the United States.This is one method.This is a free country and customers should have the freedom to choose how their electricity is generated regardless if they are a renter or not.For a growing number of people this is a moral issue. The PUC should reinstate the eligibility cap of 10 aMW for wind and solar projects.A 100 kW cap to too low to take advantage of economy of scale for solar and wind projects. PURPA contracts should be for 20 years or 25 years.Most solar panels have power warranties for 25 years.20 years is a good length of time for customers to lock in low rates and for developers to obtain financing. In this case it appears there will be 10 separate projects with quite possibly 10 separate owners.I think of it like a subdivision.By developing a 10 lot subdivision,the lots can be sold for less money than developing 10 lots in different locations.It only makes sense to develop the projects next together.To do it any other way would be foolish. As always,thank you for your consideration. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:wsgbw@svskylan.net Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 4:00 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:wsgbw@svskylan.net Subject:Case Comment Form:Brad Walker Name:Brad Walker Case Number:IPC-E-15-18 Email:wsgbw(svskylan .net Telephone:208-788-4525 Address:P0 Box 400 Bellevue ID,83313 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Idaho Public Utilities Commissioners, I am writing in regards to case #IPC-E-15-18.Idaho Power is opposing Site Based Energy’s application for 10 individual 100 KW solar projects near Bellevue,Idaho.I am the property owner of the land that will be leased to Site Based Energy for these proposed solar power installations.It seems to me that Idaho Power is looking for any way to stop these projects from moving forward.Although each project will be on the same piece of land,each installation will be separately funded and owned.The financial risk for each solar project is separate for each owner for each 100KW project regardless of the fact that the projects are adjacent to each other.Site Based Energy has identified a more financially feasible path due to economies of scale to bring multiple solar projects online in Blame County. Site Based Energy is following the laws as written.If each project was funded and owned by the same group or individual,then Idaho Power would have a stronger argument that these 10 individual projects are 1 project. As the property owner leasing the ground for these 10 solar projects,I see great value in these projects for our local community and the citizens of Idaho.My business,Walker Sand and Gravel,is one of the larger power consumers in Blame County and as a large power consumer,I see advantages in having local,renewable energy sources.My business is very energy dependent and nothing is more frustrating that losing power at peak demand times when I need to produce gravel.While Idaho Power has become more and more reliable,adding to the power grid’s diversity and resiliency can only help the ratepayers.Becoming less reliant on importing power from coal plants outside of Idaho can only be good for the state.Projects like these from Site Based energy will keep jobs in Idaho,will help Idaho lead the nation in the Clean Power Plan,and will help Idaho Power manage peak power demand without huge investments in new,non-renewable energy sources. Please reject Idaho Power’s opposition to Site Based Energy’s 10 solar projects. Sincerely, Brad Walker Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:docmcgarry@gmail.com Sent:Thursday,August 13,2015 3:58 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:docmcgarry@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Sean McGarry Name:Sean McGarry Case Number:IPC-E-15-18 Email:docmcgarry(agrnai1.corn Telephone: Address:4014 Morningwind Ave Boise ID,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I support the 10 proposed solar photovoltaic installations that are proposed in association with Site Based Solar in the Wood River Valley.I also feel that they should be treated as 10 separate installations as they will have at least 10 different owners.We do not treat a row of townhomes as a single unit,forcing the respective owners to share everyone elses energy cost and forcing them to pay higher rates because of apparently high energy usage as a geographically linked entity.Likewise,we should not force pooling of independent solar installations. Solar installations like these are a good tool for diversifying our electricity sources, decreasing greenhouse gas production,and improving the health of our communities by decreasing pollution due to electricity generation.As a physician,I see the negative health repercussions of our historical electricity production,and look forward to a day when we,as a society,include these externalities in the final price of our electricity.Until then,we can at least support projects like this that guarantee a low energy cost for the next 20 years. Some day I hope to own my own solar installation,and I hope that I can count on the PUC and Idaho Power to recognize how beneficial that can be for us all. Sincerely, Sean McGarry,MD Unique Identifier: 1