HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150608Waites Direct Redacted.pdfIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLTCATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF A LONG TERM PROGRAM CONTRACT WITH SIEMENS ENERGY, INC., AND DEEERRAL OE ASSOCIATED COSTS. L: 50 CASE NO. rPC-E-15-17 BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF COURTNEY E. V{AITES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 76 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. a. A. o. A. address j-s 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. Pl-ease state your name and busj-ness address. My name is Courtney E. Waites and my business By whom are you employed and j-n what capacity? I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Please describe your educational background. In December of 1998, I received a Bachelor of Power" or "Company") as a Senior Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department. Arts degree in Accounting from the Universi-ty of AIaska in Anchorage, Alaska. In 2000, I earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Alaska Pacific University. I have attended New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities and the National Associatj-on of Regulatory Utility Commissioners "Practical Skills for the Changing E1ectric Industry" conference, the Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., "Introduction to Rate Desj-gn and Cost of Service Concepts and Techniques for Electric Util-i-ti-es" conference, Edison Electrj-c Institute's "Introduction to Public Utility Accounting" course, Edison Electric Institute's Electric Rates Advanced course, and SNL Knowledge Center's "Essential-s of Regulatory Finance" course. o. Idaho Power. Please describe your work experience with REDACTED . WAITES, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1_0 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 t1 18 79 20 2l 22 23 24 25 o. A. A.I began my employment with Idaho Power in December 2004 in the Accounts Payable Department. In 2005, I accepted a Regulatory Accountant position in the Einance Department where one of my tasks was to assist in responding to regulatory data requests pertaining to financial issues. In 2006, T accepted my current position, Regulatory Analyst, in the Regulatory Affairs Department. My duties as a Regulatory Analyst include providing support for the Company's various regulatory actl-vities, including tariff administration, regulatory ratemaklng and compl-iance filings, and the development of various prici-ng strategj-es and policies. What is Idaho Power requesting in this case? Idaho Power is requesting (1) approval of a Long Term Program (*LTP") Contract with Siemens Energy, Inc. ("Siemens"), (2) approval of the transfer and sale of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to Idaho Code S 67-328, and (3) approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment of costs associated with the LTP Contract. 0. proceeding? What is the purpose of your testimony in thls A.My testimony will describe request for approval of the transfer and assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code Idaho Power's sale of certain S 6!-328 and its wArTES, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company REDACTED - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 request for approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment of costs rel-ated to the LTP Contract. r. I.DAEO CODE S 61-328 o.Pl-ease describe the Company's request approval of the transfer and sal-e of certain assets Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 67-328. A. As mentioned in the testimony of Mr. Mahlum, Idaho Power currentl-y has capitalized spare parts on hand in anticipation of maintenance outages. Vflith a LTP Contract, the Company has no need for its current i-nventory of spare parts; Siemens will provide all parts necessary for maintenance and repair of Idaho Power's gas fIeet. Under the terms of the LTP Contract, Siemens wil-l- take ownership of Idaho Power's inventory of initial spare parts for each combustion turbine ("initial spare parts"), as Iisted in Exhibit G to the LTP Contract provided as confidential Attachment 1 to the Applj-cation, and is expected to remove them from Idaho Power's facilities soon after the approval of the LTP Contract. In consj-deration of the transfer of the initial spare parts to Siemens, the contract price reflects a discount based on Idaho Power's net book value of the initial spare parts. o.Pursuant to ldaho Code S 67-328, an electric utility must obtain approval from the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission ("Commission") before it sell-s or REDACIED - WArrES, Dr 3 Idaho Power Company for to 1 transfers ownership in any generation, transmission, or 2 distrj-but j-on plant. Eurther, Idaho Code S 61-328 states 3 the Commission must find that the transaction is consistent 4 with the public interest prior to authorization of the 5 transaction. Is the transfer and sal-e of Idaho Power's 6 inj-tial spare parts to Siemens in the public interest? 7 A. Yes. In addition to the flnancial benefit of 8 reduced contract costs over the life of the agreement, the 9 transfer and sale of the lnitial spare parts will- all-ow for 10 the return of spare parts Idaho Power woul-d otherwise no 11 longer use. The demand for these specific spare parts is L2 limited as the parts are no longer the latest technology 13 and have a limited buyer poo1, limiting its market val-ue. 14 The transfer and sal-e of the initial spare parts to Siemens 15 provides significant value to ldaho Power customers in the 16 form of reduced LTP Contract pricing. L7 O. What is the net book val-ue of the initial 18 spare parts that will be transferred to Siemens? !9 A. As of December 3!, 2074, the net book val-ue of 20 the assets that would be transferred to Siemens is 2L approximately $21.9 mill-ion on an Idaho jurisdictional- 22 basis. 23 O. Is the net book value of $21,.9 million in 24 initial spare parts part of the Company's approved rate 25 base? REDACTED - V{AITES, Dr 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 1,4 15 16 L1 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 A.Approximately $19.1- million of the initial spare parts Idaho Power is proposing to transfer to Siemens is j-ncluded in the Company's Idaho rate base approved under Order Nos. 32426 and 32585, Idaho Power's last general rate case (Case No. IPC-E-11-08) and Idaho Power's request for inclusion of the Langley Gulch power plant in rates (Case No. IPC-E-72-14) . The remainJ-ng 92.9 mil-l-ion in initial- spare parts are located at the Bennett Mountain and Danskin plants with vintage years of 2072 and 2013, having been placed in-service after the Company's last general rate case. O. How will Idaho Power's customers benefit from the transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens? A.The transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens will result in lower overall costs during the life of the LTP Contract. As discussed in Mr. Mahlum's testimony, Siemens wil-I install parts and equipment under the LTP Contract that are the latest and most advanced technology availabl-e on the market today. With this in mind, Idaho Power identified the initial spare parts as those parts the Company currently owns that would not be used or installed as part of a LTP Contract. Durj-ng negotiations with Siemens regarding the LTP Contract pricing, Siemens agreed to take ownership of the initial REDACTED - WATTES, Dr 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 r_6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 spare parts in exchange for reduced contract pricing based on the net book val-ue of those parts. Therefore, over the life of the LTP Contract, Idaho Power and its customers will pay a lower cost and receive more technologically advanced equipment than would exist under a Company-managed maj-ntenance program. O. Do you believe the transfer of ownership in the initial spare parts to Siemens complies with ldaho Code s 6t-328? A.Yes. The transfer and sal-e of the initial spare parts to Siemens is consj-stent with the public j-nterest, will result in lower overall costs to Idaho Power and its customers, and Siemens has the bona fide intent and fj-nancial ability to operate and maintain the initial spare parts 1n the public service. II. PROPOSED ACCOT'NTIIIG TREATMENT O. What is Idaho Power's proposed accounting treatment for the costs associated with the LTP Contract? A.Idaho Power requests approval of (1) the deferral of the initj-ation fees to a regulatory asset, (2) the transfer of the net book value of the initial- spare parts and associated net tax expense to the regulatory asset, and (3) a carrying charge on a portion of the regulatory asset bal-ance. REDACEED - WAITES, DI 6 ldaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 16 t1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 O. Why does the Company seek to defer the initiation fees? A. Whil-e the LTP Contract provldes significant benefits to customers over the life of the contract, absent the requested accounting treatment, the fj-nanclal impact to the Company in the first few years is considerable, primarily attributable to the initiation fees and net tax expense. As mentioned in the testimony of Mr. Mahlum, the initiation fees serve as a prepayment toward services that will be performed by Sj-emens over the life of the agreement. Because the expense is for work performed throughout the duration of the contract, Idaho Power j-s proposing to establ-ish the initiation fees, on an Idaho jurisdictional- basisr ds a regulatory asset. The Company is proposing to amortize that balance, on a straight-Iine basis, over the length of the contract, commencing on payment of the inj-tiation fee to Siemens. The deferral and subsequent amortization of initiation fees will more closely match the expense recognition with the work being performed. O. What is the length of the amortj-zation period the Company is requesting? A. Idaho Power is requesting an amortization period of 20 years. As explained in the testimony of Mr. Mahlum, the estimated expiration date of the LTP Contract REDACTED - WAITES, DI 7 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1,2 13 l4 15 16 t1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 varies by combusti-on turbine but ranges 18-22 years. Using a 2O-year period will align the length of the amortj-zation wi-th the range of the estj-mated contract duration. O. What is Idaho Power's proposed accounting for the deferral and amortization of the ini-tiati-on fees in a regulatory asset? A.Idaho Power proposes to record the deferred initiation fee amounts to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Account L82.3, Other Regulatory Assets. The Company will record amortization of the deferred amounts to EERC Account 407.3, Regulatory Debits. O. If approved, how would the Company transfer the net book val-ue of the initial spare parts to a regulatory asset? A. If approved, the LTP Contract will provi-de for the transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens which, in turn, provides customers the benefit of lower contract costs over the life of the LTP Contract. The Company i-s requesting to transfer the unrecovered portion, or net book vaIue, of the initial spare parts, $21.9 million on an Idaho jurisdictlonal basis subject to true- up, at closing. The Company also proposes to amortize the amounts on a straight-line basi-s over the estimated life of the LTP Contract r ox 20 years, commencing on the execution of the LTP Contract. The deferral and subsequent REDACIED - WATTES, Dr 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 amortization of the unrecovered portion of the initial spare parts over the contract l-ife will more closely align the benefits received from the LTP Contract with the costs associated wlth transfer and sale of the assets O. How does the amortization period of 20 years compare to the current depreciable l-ife of the j-nitial spare parts? A. The initial spare parts have a remaining depreciable life of 30 years so a 2}-year amortization period is an acceleration of the remaining depreciable life of the initial spare parts. a.What is Idaho Power's proposed accounting for the deferral- to and amorti-zation of the unrecovered amounts of the initial spare parts in a regulatory asset? A.Idaho Power proposes to record the deferral of unrecovered initial spare parts to EERC Account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, and record amortj-zatlon of the deferred amounts to FERC Account 407.3, Regulatory Debits o. and sal-e of A. Will deferred taxes result from the transfer the initial spare parts to Siemens? Yes. The transfer and sale of the initial spare parts to Siemens will create a net tax expense of approximately $1.8 million on an Idaho jurisdictional basis. Similar to the transfer of the unrecovered portions of the initial spare parts, because the tax expense is a REDACTED . WAITES, DI Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 77 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 result of the transaction that will provide customers benefits over the l-ife of the LTP Contract, the Company is proposing to (1) record the net tax expense to FERC Account 282, Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (debit Account 282, Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes, and credit Account 410.1, Deferred Income Tax Expense) and (2) amortize the amounts on a straight-line basis over the estimated life of the LTP Contractr or 20 years (debit Account 410.1, Deferred Income Tax Expense, and credit Account 282, Accumulated Deferred fncome Taxes) . o.Is Idaho Power proposing to accrue a carrying charge on the amounts included in the regulatory asset? A.Yes. The Company is propos j-ng to accrue a carrying charge on of the regulatory asset, in initiation fees and $2.9 million of the initial spare parts. Because $2.9 million of the initial spare parts has not yet been included in the Company's authorized rate base and therefore the Company is not currently earning a return on the amounts, Idaho Power is requesting to accrue a carrying charge on that amount, using the Company's most recent authori-zed rate of return. O.Will approval of Idaho Power's request j-n this case change customer rates at this time? A. No, the Company is not requesting to change customer rates at this time. REDACTED - t{ArTES, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 1-4 15 t6 L1 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 O. Has the Company determj-ned what, Lf aoy, impact the LTP Contract wlII have on Idaho Power's revenue requirement? A.Yes. Idaho Power completed an analysis that quantified the present value revenue requirement impact of executing the LTP Contract over a 21-year period, the estimated length of the agreement. The analysj-s compared the annual revenue requirement difference between two scenarios: (1) a scenario in which there was no LTP Contract (the self-management scenario) and (2) an LTP Contract scenario. Accordingly, this revenue requirement analysis l-ooked at incremental costs associated with the execution of the LTP Contract as compared to the costs that would exist under continued self-management. o.V'Ihat are the results of the present val-ue revenue requirement analysis? A.By entering into Company' s Idaho jurisdictional- reduced by approximately $7.3 (20Ls-2034). A. Yes. revenue impact to customers. the LTP Contract, the revenue requirement would be million over a 20-year period O. Have you prepared an exhibit demonstrating the esti-mated revenue requirement impact? Exhibit No. 1 provides a summary of the the Company's Idaho jurisdicti-onal retail REDACTtsD - WAITES, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 O. Please explain what is driving the lower annual revenue requirements. A.The annual revenue requirement under the LTP Contract generally provides for lower capital expenditures and lower operating expense amounts over the estimated life of the agreement, resulting in savings over 20 years. o.If the LTP Contract provi-des cost reductions over the next 20 years, why is Idaho Power not proposing to reduce customer rates at this time? A. The present value revenue requj-rement analysis performed by the Company identified avoided costs that would exist under the LTP Contract. Absent the LTP Contract, these avoided costs would be included in future rates for recovery from customers. However, because the Ievel of recovery of equivalent costs currently included in rates i-s less than the cost that would be incurred under the LTP Contract, it is not appropriate to further reduce rates at this time. The execution of the LTP Contract will serve to keep future customer rates l-ower than they would have otherwise been. O. Please summarize Idaho Power's proposed accounting treatment of costs associated with the LTP Contract. A.Idaho Power is requesting approval of a regulatory asset that includes the deferra1 of $I REDACTED - WATTES, Dr 12 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o. A. I or initiation fees pald to sj-emens , $21. 9 million associated with the net book value of the initial spare parts being transferred to Siemens, and $1.8 million rel-ated to the net tax expense resulting from the transfer and sal-e of the initial spare parts to Siemens. The Company is proposing to amortize these amounts over the estimated life of the LTP Contractr or 2A years. Einally, Idaho Power is proposing a carrying charge equal to the most recent authorized rate of return on the regulatory asset balance. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. of WAITES, DI 13 Idaho Power Company REDACTED - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada SUBSCRIBED AND June 20]-5. ATTESTAIION OE' TESTII,ONY SWORN to before me this 5th day of expar :ozfoqJz02 I WAITES, DI L4 Idaho Power Company ss. I, Courtney E. Waites, havi-ng been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by ldaho Power Company as a Senior Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony and exhibit are true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 5th day of June 2015. urtney .ot Af, f {...d tulr'\r' -otary Publi Residing at: My commission REDACTED - BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-17 IDAHO POWER COMPANY WAITES, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.1 LTP Contfft R0 Req RATE BASE El.dric Plant in 9ruic. Produdion Pl.nt [6s: Accumul.tad OepGciation IIat Elcdric Pl.nl in S.ruic! [6s: accumulatad Orferaed lncmc Tarai Add: Consryilis - Othcr Dcf.rrcd Prog TOTAI. €OMS|TED RATE EAIE trET rt{cotE Td"lOFdhgR@ Op.r.ting ExpcnaB Opcration and Meinlcnenca Ftpansi Oepradatiff [xpcnses Amfriz{im of Umhcd T.m Plant T.x6 Olhcr Than lname Prdision fq Dcfarcd lncoma Tarai Fadaral lncom Taxcs State lncmc Trxcs Td.l Opcrating Exp€nsas Co@lldncd Op.ntkra lrcme Prop@d R.t. of R.tum E.rninSs lmpad l{.]-to-Gr6 Tar Muhiplier R@dE R.quiEmot Sclf Manilc R{ Raq RAIE IASE El.dric Pl.nt in hrui@ Produdi@ Plant [6s: kumulatad Oapreci.ti@ Ilrt El.dric Plem in S.Nicc Bs: Acumulatcd Deferred lncm. Tucs Add: Conery.lio - Othar Daferad Prog TOTAT G'ilUNED RATE AASE ldaho PmrCompany ldaho Ju6ldlctlff.l PH6t Valuc Rmnsc Rcqulmcnt lmp.d Lst Tlm Pro8nm COtECt 2015.2034 0 0 1,4s2;@ t4,2s5,4s6 14296496 22,028,085 22,O2a,@s 12,2?2,*6 32,212,*5 32,272,9a6 0 0 2s3,530 7r'M I,t77,7ta 1,t8&690 2,600,r.97 t,s2,6t5 4,@5,032 5,72t,150 0 0 7,598,679 13,581,089 13,119,312 20,139,394 L9,427,87 28,630,X1L 21,587,54 26,545,536 (1,765,931) (1,589,336) (1,493,834) (1,330,110) (1,12r,916) (991,523) (8s1.490) (736,132) (62E,a19) (531,5911 3O,Ltr326 24,5L7,53 34603,368 39004781 36,925,54 42,389,953 40,121,154 47,79t,@ 45,223,5LO 42,667,@5 0000000000 0 0 928,082 767,911 11,415 925,527 77,914 1,229,399 25,818 27,0A60 0 253,630 16t,777 $t,77t 1LL,507 7rL,507 7,U2,477 L,U7,4L7 L,042,4t7IIIIIIIIII0 0 {9,965 91,426 91,883 712,2At 712,9!t3 710,544 211,596 272,65144,297 8,297 t02,7l2 239,151 325,506 339,3i[5 4z,,9Tl 393,4rc 45a,8{X, 410,532 (1,16s,60o1 (1,16s,5(n) (1,6s5,828) (1,873,s68) (1,706,781) (2189,689) (1,975,/181) (2,s65,963!. 12,242,9L41 l2,La9,2o7l(22r,9151 (223,915) (318,281) (359,917) l32Z8Z) (4m,54s) (379,5871 (493,120) 1430,8591 (4m,ss2) 1LL,TOL L77,7O2 772,2OL 719,699 269,844 921,2$ 359,t73 7,228,67 488,77' 495,A50 {111.,7011 (111,702) l772,2OLl 1739,6991 .269,8141 l92t,2161 (359,173} 11,228,667) 1488.717} (495,850) 7.6% 7.6X 7.8/. 7.6* 7.8t;y. 7.6y. 7.*% 7.6% 7.$y. 7.&% 2,475,452 2,353,L14 3,492,08 3,85,175 3,172,192 4,253,097 3,512,695 4985,0,01 40,13,353 3,849,i184 1.42 1.642 t,U2 t.g2 1.642 1.42 1.42 1.il2 t.U2 L.il2 +ffio,5u 3lSrprr s,7tr,9o6 6,2ar,s91 sroa,7x 5p.3,srs s,767,ut5 a,rrsArT 6,61r,lls 6,32ors2 21550,631 3278&660 42,632,330 4a,353,455 50,438,163 51,617,4t7 69,A76,553 76,766,269 76,766,269 77,A42,072 (2,972,4tir) (:.,913,410) (s:}5,386) 102s,431 2,6s4,s9i1 4,118,7* 6,675,719 9,155,299 1r,84t50 14149,149 25.523,115 3+7OZO7O 13,t54,716 4732A,O3a 47,783,869 50,198,681 5120O,$/r 57,510970 65,131,420 e3,692,921 4,2L7,7$ 4,3o3,i5 4,454,296 4683,391 '1,1118,32! d899,32 4,931,0@ 5,022,567 5,O7a,4L 4,975,Q50000000000 21,301372 30,398,895 ?a,7O4,12O 12,A4,A3 42,9'lt5rl6 4t2!,9,:lo3 58,269,805 62,588,i103 60,052979 5&712518 Tdal Opcrnin8 Rdcnu6 Opcr.ting Erpenrd OFration .nd M.intcnan@ Erpcnc Oepreciaio [xpensci Amdizilid of Umit.d Term Pl.nt Tar6 OtherThrn lnffia Prdisi@ fo Dcfer.rd ln@me Taxcs hdaral lncom Taxct St.te lncme Tues Tdal Opcr.ting Expenss Co@lldded opcntllt lM. Prop6ed Rate of R.turn Eamings lmpad l{ct-to€r65 T.x Multipliar naae Rcquiromot 7.86iX 7.8% 1.$* 1,257,084 2,m3,696 3,128,141 L.{2 L.il2 L.g2 2,8,1 r,1',,272 s,tj,/,,tlo' 7.6% 7.6X 7.6fi ,,stL,L47 3,413,702 3,EO,ZLO t.g2 1.642 L.42 s,765,ro. t65ajsl 5,219,2Os 7.6X 7.6X 7.6% 7.6* 4,751,539 5,856,220 5,267,3G 5,61,112 1.42 LA2 L,gz L.42 7,n2,O27 g,StsttS t 5{r2r tir,5,765 L74,67O 185,5/t9 525,6D C4,St3 14,745 5&,529 2*9*' 1,222,3$ 254,9X 517,539 728,385 1,059,07i1 t,377,O21 t,*7,4t7 L629,L62 1,764,t43 2,?57,073 2,479,551 2,479,55L 2,5L4,290000000000 142,059 207,41 277,276 309,219 32{,155 352,77A 453,595 5q),810 503,36 512,9m Tr,297 91,739 2*,59 Q7,659 457,279 433,970 4{6,535 575,60A 522p8 405,107 1L,29\7a21 l,.,$a,222) (2,0so,072) (2,318,s3i1) (2,334,673) (2,,184,i154) 12,70,.,9@l l?,272,w) (2,887,884) (2,9:15,s33) REDACTED - Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-17 C. Waites,lPC Page 1 of2 4G.,t9 ,,s,*z t1:6,il(r, trss,loa 5,66/rr5a 6rt9,26 7fi1on ,,615,9!3 a6at9a tps,755 qriA.rtffir|G6o (rrc/..ol I{D.IJ.| w1.81 l4,B,atl .qr, lot,i.o 1,61ln rp.rra 2,o,,|I, \*rtt (rtEvrPA.r-3lu ) |,'lr,ll ld.ho Pow.Comp.ny ld.hoJuEldlctld.l pffit V.luc Rmnur Rcqulmilt lmp.ct L6g Tm Proinm Cdtnct zrls - 20:ta LTP Contract Rw Req RATE BA'E Eledrac Planl in Scilic. Produdior Plant Lcss: Acuhul.tcd O.precialion l{ct Elcdric Plam in S€dica Lers: Accuhulatcd Dcfarred lncme Texcs Add: ConseNatid - Other Delerred Prog TfrALOMBITED MTE NI t{ET tilcof{E Tdal OperatinS Rdenuei Operating &penses Oplration and Maintananc! Etpeng Deprecidio Expenlcs Amdization of Limited Term Plant Taxes OtherThen lncome Provision ftr Drrlrred lncoma Taxas Fcderal lncomc Tarei State lncmelaraa Tdal Operating &pcnias Cffi lld.tcd Op.ntl.[ lmm. Prop6cd Rate of Return EarninSs lmpad llrt-to€rGs Tax Muhiplic. Xna@ RaqdEhfii Scff ManaSC Ra Rlq 34,668,425 34654425 47,494,192 47,494,t92 47,494,t92 47,194.192 47,494,t92 60,557,414 71905,833 71,905,&'3 5,U7,24 7,961,On 9,501,@2 1I"035,155 12,569217 1+103,280 t5,637,342 L7,593,317 19,915,95 22,23A,454 27,42L,t45 25,7OL,395 37,991G9 35,459,Ct7 34924975 33,390,912 31,85e850 12,961,6t7 31\949,927 ir9,567,368 (484,376) (401,790) (3m,$2) (131,884) s,42A s2,0a2 109,sre 185,05s 347,19 5$,747 -IIIIIII 4247A,259 19,A58,612 49,531,7A9 45,511,809 41,423,t65 4,425,L79 37,4t6,47O 47,O3O,UL 54,476,972 50,537,891 310,634 29,681 1,5i16,933 41,479 41,894 42,313 12736 1,119,79 1,119,790 1,534,052 1,534,052 1,534,052 1,534,062 L534062IIIIII I229,547 230,729 317,668 379,257 320,853 322,457 324.069 3S,66 39,112 472,570 559,814 510,601 476,524 44€,442 l2,3B,4nl 12,233,251 13,02A,4721 12,672,0711 12,627,08) (2,S96,02U (2,S71,0Oir) 1,584,7&t 1,398,4(B 56,62 1,955,005 2,322,558 2,322,55aIII4ts,27r 495,557 498,035 451,028 597,L6 672,947 13,371,263) 13,697,9321 (3,332,4141 t4s,7021 I t710,382) 16,10.165)701,569 529,9L] 1,513,904 582,145 684,661 693,557 697,769 1,805,116 1,818,27 1,mo,5:]a(7o1,ss) (s29,9r3) (1,613,904) (682,14s) (688,561) (693,ss7) (697,759) (1,805,116) O,ALa,2nl (Loq),s:r8) 7.46% 1.&% 7.&9t 7.6% 7.8% 7.6% 7.U%7.5% 7.6% 1.*% 4,040,460 3,662,800 S,s14,963 1.92 1.642 L.g2 5,604,il35 6Pra,3ll 9,055160 4,3X7,974 4,70L,722 3,A70,976 \U2 L.642 t.Uz zrit2,95i, 6,73sp2t 6356,14r 3,538,699 5,50t,74 5,1m,r57 4,972,AL6t.s2 L.u2 a-s2 t.s25,971,74 9,Ot3r5a ronl6,aTll t 165,364 Eledric Plant in seNac. Produdion Pl.nt bss: Aeumulated Oaprcciation ,{et Eledric Pl.nt in Scruicc tess: Accumulat€d Oalerred lncme Taxea Add: Conetuilio - Other Dltlned Prog TfrAL COMBTID NATE BA'E I{EI IilCOME 79,O5t,43 79,74!,739 83,588,897 85,111486 8s,Ss1"ffi4 85,734805 9ZOO9,7S0 123,868,0m 131,671,276 138,568,541 t6,7O2,523 t9,274,24 27,974,167 24,727,394 27,4fi,697 3O,259,93t 33,393,345 '7,391,242 4\641,*2 46,123,125 62,349,320 &,65,493 61,610,729 60,384,084 54,W,*7 55,474,474 63,6L6,44 6,473,774 90,025,914 92,445,415 4,536,342 4,72O,O9t 4610,89!' +515,479 4,4L4,O65 1,237,94t 4,Gr2,O$ 3,920,539 3,951,6rt5 1,91t,671 0000000000 57,512,917 35,745,42 56,99,80 55,872,609 53,6/r6,il3 51,186,932 59,524,375 82,553,178 %,O75,ru 88,503,745 Td.l Oper.tinB Rwenuei Ope.aling Erpen*i Oparetion and Maintcnane Erpcns Depreciatifi &pcnses Amffiailio oI limitcd T.rm Plant Taxrs OthcrThan lncme Provision fd Oel€rrcd lncome Taxes Federal ln@me Tares State lncme Taxa! Td.l Oper.ting Exp.nscs Crelid.t.d OD.ndrl3 lmmc PropGed Rate of Rcturn EarninSs lmpad l{at-to-G16s Tar Multiplicr R{cnuc RcqulEmdt ss,342 273,864 1,102,54a 29O,L67 586,096 302,962 3L9,445 L,657,2@ 2,553,38 2,575,723 2,69,921 2,749,2$ 2,763,29 2,769,211 3,133,'t15 4mO,9:,600000000 s23,4% s30,718 559,090 572,t47 STt,957 582,084 561,931 849,420 3723a7 351,053 132,M 339,78 324,AU 311,079 L7O,2N 205,335 12,937,9391 12,a49,3t2) 13,177,304) 12,9s3,441) 13.ose,994) l2,9s9,3ils) (3,062,9s2) {4,136,2991 3,1(B,s80 211,701 4,?53,079 4,475,74 oo 907,& 959,755 4s,225 496,083 (s,07s,65s) (4,28a099) 42,275 334,587 906,3,18 43O,i155 604,385 437,521 633,718 1,792,008 2,713,538 1,03&502 (4n,27s1 l33{,5a7l (906,348) (4x),'l6s) (6O4,38s) (437,s21) (633,718) (U92,(m) 12,713,6*l (1,0:]8,502) 7.,,5tC 7.6/. 7.8/. 7.6% 7.6fr 7.85t4 7.6)a 7.6X 1.6* 7.6/r 4,97,7 4,776,275 5,385,535 4,822,052 4,820,985 4,460,814 5,3t2,334 8,280,688 9,479,154 7,*4,996 t.642 1.642 t.sz L.*2 7.92 L,il2 L.gz 7.642 t.U2 1.6{2 4,2D6,34 r,7/t4,121 a,W,eS rpl7,ars tBt6,o't'r,t24,6t5 a,122,85, t3,595,1SO t5,s,frt t1t2t,ru REDACTED - Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-17 C. Waites,lPC Page2 of2 rd i.q 4,fi,38 7;14,121 4,,lt1,5$ ?,917,,t 7,El6,Os7 73.2a,66t5 t;r2\8 8595,t9o ,5,5,'47n B,Xn,1U c(xll|crlExE rr(G6r) 1,s71r.5 r,zer06 w,ttet ,9alr t r'r,org raaFra l,r$,r$ +5arroE 3r.rrr {r6rraa iErrlrpAcr-syis t (2,rt,2al(xtarxtAcr.roYl3 3 ,9!68