HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150608Mahlum Direct Redacted.pdfj"l:--.'1:-,.; . ,.: t_,;.] , ,,,':; 1 , lf , j -rl':i -S pt{ rr: 53 l: ,. , ;IiTlLI liL _{"iO*, : *SIt,,., BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )oF rDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ) ORDER AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL ) CASE NO. IPC-E-15-17 oF A LONG TERM PROGRAM CONTRACT ) WITH SIEMENS ENERGY, INC., AND ) DEEERRAL OF ASSOCTATED COSTS. ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY OE TREVOR MAHLUM 1 Q. Pl-ease state your name and business address. 2 A. My name is Trevor Mahlum and my business 3 address is 7221 lilest ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 5 A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho 6 Power" or "Company") as a Power Pl-ant Area Maintenance 7 Leader in the Power Supply Department. 8 Q. Pl-ease describe your educational background. 9 A. I graduated from the University of Idaho in 10 2004 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical 11 Engineering. After receiving my degree, I began my career 12 working as an Experimental Power Reactor Operator at the 13 Idaho Natlonal- Laboratory (*INL"). I spent approximately t4 two and a half years at the INL working for Battelle Energy 15 before beginning work at Idaho Power. 1-6 O. Pl-ease describe your work experience with 77 Idaho Power. 18 A. I joined Idaho Power in June of 2007 as an 19 Engineer I in the Power Productj-on Engineering group. As a 20 mechanical engi-neer, I supported the gas turbine fleet 27 through construction, contracti.g, project modifications, 22 outages, and envj-ronmental reporting. Beginning in 2008, I 23 lead the effort to obtaj-n a Permit to Construct through the 24 Idaho Department of Environmental- Qual-ity for the 25 construction of the Langley Gulch power plant ("Langley REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. Gu1ch" )From 2009 through 2013, T assisted with the Langley Gulch construction through contract support, specifj-cations revj-ew, reporting, on-site construction help, and plant commissioning. In 2013, f was promoted to the position of Power Plant Area Maintenance Leader where my current responsibilities i-nclude both maintenance and project improvements at the Langley Gu1ch, Danskin, and Bennett Mountaj-n facilities. In addition, f am the lead technj-caI reviewer for the Long Term Program (*LTP") Contract. What is Idaho Power requesting in this case? Idaho Power is requesting (1) approval of the LTP Contract with Siemens Energy, Inc. ("Siemens"), (2) approval of the transfer and sale of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to Idaho Code S 61,-328, and (3) approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment of costs associated with the LTP Contract. a.What is the purpose of your testimony in this case? A.My testimony in this case will describe Idaho Power's current management of its gas plant maintenance program and the benefits that would exist with gas plant maj-ntenance provided for under the LTP Contract with Siemens. Company witness Courtney E. lilaites will describe Idaho Power's request for approval of the transfer and sale REDACTED . MAHLUM, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 of certain assets to Siemens pursuant to ldaho Code S 67-328 and its request for approval of the Company's proposed accounting treatment. a. A. Please describe the Company's gas fleet. Idaho Power owns and operates three natural- gas-fired facilities: the Langley Gulch combined cycle combustion turbine (*CCCT"), the Danskin simple cycle combustion turbine (*SCCT"), and the Bennett Mountain SCCT. The Langley Gulch plant consists of one 180 megawatt (*MW") Siemens STG-5000F4 combustion turbine and one 96 MW Siemens SST-700/SST-900 reheat steam turbine and i-s l-ocated south of New Plymouth in Payette County, Idaho. Located northwest of Mountain Home, Idaho, the Danskin facility consists of one 169 MW Sj-emens 501-E and two 44 MW Siemens-Westinghouse W2578L2A combustion turbines. The Bennett Mountain plant is located east of the Danskin plant in Mountain Home, Idaho, and consists of one 162 MW Siemens-Westinghouse 501F SCCT. O. How does Idaho Power currently maintain its gas fleet? A. At this time, Idaho Power sel-f-manages its natural gas fleet through a collaborati-ve effort between the Company and the original equipment manufacturer (*OEM") . The Company's OEM for al-l- its combustion turbines is Siemens. Idaho Power's combustion turbines are subject REDACTED . MAHLUM, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 to required maintenance outages at OEM-recommended 2 intervals based upon each plant's primary mode of 3 operation. Based on Idaho Power's historj-cal operating 4 profj-le, the Danskin and Bennett Mountain SCCTs have 5 maintenance intervals based on the number of plant start- 6 ups and Langley Gulch has a maintenance schedule based on 7 hours of operation. 8 Currently, each outage has been contracted to 9 Siemens for service on a case-by-case basls. The service 10 includes an outage field engJ-neer that oversees the outage, 11 a service crew that performs the work, and the rental of t2 specialized tooling required for the removal and subsequent 13 installation of the turbj-ne components. Under the self- 1,4 manage approach, Idaho Power's only option is to buy parts 15 at the manufacturer's ful-l list prices. In addition to the 16 contract for OEM service, Idaho Power may be required to 71 contract for ancillary services or equipment for each 18 outage, such as mobile cranes, insulation crews, 79 scaffolding crews, and sanitary facilities, depending on 20 the scope of each outage. 27 O. Does the Company's self-management of its gas 22 plants include any other maintenance requirements? 23 A. Yes. fn addition to the OEM servj-ce, turbine 24 components(i.e., turbine blades, combustor baskets, and 25 fuel nozzles) need to be replaced at their respective REDACTED . MAHLUM, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 17 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 individual service intervals. These turbine components are costly, proprietdry, and have lead times up to 48 weeks. Idaho Power's current practice is to purchase the parts from Siemens in advance of the outage, all-owing adequate time for delivery and possession of the parts prior to commencement of the outage, and, upon receipt, are capitalized. During the outage, the exj-sting parts are removed and the replacement parts are installed, resulting in short outage windows and earlier plant availability. o.What does Idaho Power do with the parts that have been removed from the combustion turbines? A.The removed parts are retired from Idaho Power's books and sent to Siemens' service shop where they are inspected and repaired. Once refurbished, the parts are returned to the Company, capitalized, and ready for use again. a.Are there any other maintenance tasks required for Idaho Power's gas fleet? A.Yes. The maintenance of the Company's gas fl-eet also requires various addj-tional tasks to be performed by both Idaho Power and contractor personnel. Idaho Power completes pre- and post-inspection work while also performing other facility maj-ntenance and repairs (i.e., exhaust repai-rs, fuel fil-ter replacements, valve repairs) during turbj-ne outages to maximize the REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI 5 fdaho Power Company 1 availability of the plant. Work on the turbine al-lows for 2 a complete combustj-on inspection, includj-ng, but not 3 limited to, the removal and reinstallation of new or 4 refurbished pilot nozzles, support housings, combustor 5 baskets, transition sealsr ds well as some consumable parts 6 like bolts, washers, and gaskets. Because these additlonal 7 tasks requlre schedul-ed outages, Siemens often performs I supplementary work as an adder to the base cost of an 9 inspection, typically at a discounted price. 10 O. Vfhat prompted Idaho Power to ]-ook at other gas 11 plant maintenance options? 72 A. Idaho Power began looking at other maintenance 13 options for its gas fleet during construction of the !4 Langley Gulch pIant. Langley Gulch is the Company's only 15 CCCT and uses some of the newest, most technologically 16 advanced parts on the market. Idaho Power recogni-zed that Ll its employees do not have aI1 of the necessary technical 18 skills to maintain the plants to the 1eveI offered by t9 Si-emens. 20 O. Did the Company issue a request for proposal 2L for the services provided for under the LTP Contract? 22 A. No. However, Idaho Power did contract with a 23 professional knowledgeable in long-term program contracts 24 who contacted multiple third-party providers of gas plant 25 maintenance as part of a formal request for information REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 't 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 process. Those third-party proposals were analyzed by both the Company and the contracted professional and it was determined that there are currentl-y no other third-party maintenance providers that could provJ-de servj-ces equivalent to those provided under the LTP Contract with Siemens. Because Siemens is the OEM for all of the Company's gas plants and is the industry leader in gas plant maintenance, the only available alternative to the LTP Contract with Siemens would be the continuation of a Company-managed maintenance program with technical- support and parts purchased from Siemens. o.Prior to the execution of this agreement, was a LTP Contract with Siemens an option? A.Yes. However, when Idaho Power operated only the Danskin and Bennett Mountain plant SCCTs, an LTP Contract was not an economical- alternative because of the limited frequency of maintenance outages for those plants. SCCT outages are based on the number of start-ups so multiple years exist between scheduled outages at the Danskin and Bennett Mountain plants. Until the addition of the Langley Gulch CCCT, contracting for gas plant maintenance services with Siemens at each outage interval- has been the most cost-effective approach. With the construction of Langley Gu1ch, a baseload CCCT whose maintenance is based upon run-time hours, the Company REDACIED - MAHLUM, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 anticipates more frequent gas plant maj-ntenance activj-ties to exist going forward. With this in mind, Idaho Power began evaluating and negotiating an agreement with Slemens for a LTP. o.Is there a difference in cost to Idaho Power between the self-management option and a LTP Contract? A.Yes. The LTP Contract wj-Il provide a l-ower I priced alternatj-ve to the maintenance of the Company's gas 9 plants; Idaho Power estj-mates the cost to continue with 10 self-management woul-d be approximateJ-y over 11 the life of the contract while the LTP Contract would cost L2 approximately over the comparable time 13 period, a savings of 14 agreement. over the life of the l_5 L6 17 o.Please describe the LTP Contract the Company is requesting approval of in this proceeding. A.Under the LTP Contract, Siemens wj-l1 provide 18 schedul-ed maintenance on a1I three combustion turbines, 19 including program parts or repairs, shi-pping, services, 20 Iabor, engj-neering services, and program management 27 services. Program parts consist of the major combustion 22 turbine parts provided by Siemens, including the locking 23 hardware used to affix the parts, the parts installed in 24 the combustion turbine upon the effectj-ve date, all- initial 25 spare parts, and all parts changed during the length of the REDACTED . MAHLUM, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 1,6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 contract ("Program Parts"). Some of these Program Parts are the latest technology Idaho Power would not otherwise have access to and thej-r superiority eliminates the need for two combustor inspection outages at Langley Gu1ch. Moreover, they are avail-able under the LTP Contract at a ! I discount from the rist price. Siemens will also perform unschedul-ed maintenance on al-l- three combustion turbines to the extent such work is not covered by Siemens' other warranties under the contract. Leveraging Siemens' pool of regional inventory, outage resources, and technical- expertise will result in lower overall costs to Idaho Power and its customers. O.Aside from lower costs over the life of the contract, how does the LTP Contract differ from the Company' s current self-managed maintenance practice? A.The following chart provides a high leve1 comparison of Idaho Power's current maintenance practices compared to offerings under the LTP Contract: REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI 9 Idaho Power Company Current Maintenance Practice Proposed LTP Contract Scope of Work As established in each individual purchase order. Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance at a1I three qas facilities. Term As established in eachindividual purchase orderi on a case-by- case basis. Up to 25 years Warranties Equipment: the lesser of 18 months from delivery ox 1,2 months from installation. Software: 12 months from date of shipment. Shop Repair/ Modernization: 12 months from shipment. Technical services: 12 months from completion. Program Parts: during the term of the LTP Contract. Open/Close Hardware and non-Program Parts: up to for Langley GuIch 5nd up to Ifor Danskin and Bennett Mountain. Includes a post-term parts warranty after end of LTP Contract. Scheduled outage duration guaranty. Warranty response guaranty. Reliability guaranty. Li-mitation on Liability In aI1 circumstances, Siemens' Iiability is Iimited to the totalprice paid to Siemens under the applicable purchase order giving rise to the claim. Total aggregate liability during calendar year is anylimited . Further there is a lifetime cap equal to 100 percent of all amounts paid to Siemens under the LTP Contract. Price As established in eachindividual purchase order. Per unit initiation fees combined with large milestone amounts due at or near actual outage events. REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr l-0 Idaho Power Company I As shown above, the LTP Contract will- provide Idaho 2 Power with both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance 3 activities for an extended period of time while offering 4 enhanced prj-ce predictability. In addition, provisions 5 with respect to performance obligations, guaranties, 6 warranties, liquidated damages, and limitation on liability 7 will mitigate risk. I Q. What is the length of the contract with 9 Siemens under the LTP Contract? 10 A. The contract term of the LTP Contract is the 11 time between the execution date and the earlier of the 12 performance end date for each combustion turbine or 25 13 years. Because the performance end date is based on a 1,4 combinatj-on of the number of scheduled outages, equivalent 15 baseload hours or equivalent starts, the expiration of the 16 contract will vary for each combustion turbine; the l7 estimated expiration date of the LTP Contract for each 18 combustion turbine ranges t8-22 years. When analyzj-ng the 19 LTP Contract, the Company has assumed a contract term of 20 20 years. 27 O. What warranties are provided by Siemens under 22 the LTP Contract? 23 A. Under the LTP Contract, Siemens will warranty 24 al-I Program Parts during the term of the contract. In 25 addition, i-f the LTP Contract is executed, Siemens will REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company warranty open and close hardware and non-Program Parts for the Danskin and Bennett Mountain plants for up to I and up to I ro. the Langley Gulch plant. After the end of the contract term, generarry I from the date of the last major outage, Siemens wiII provide limited warranty coverage for all- new, repaired, or refurbished Program Parts, non-Program Parts, and open and close hardware. o.What is Siemens' commitment in handling warranty claims? A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 1,6 t7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 O. What are the limitations of liability under the LTP Contract with Siemens? A.The contract contains market Iimitations on programcertain consequential damages for long-term contracts for the benefit of both parties. REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr 12 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 76 t7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 o. Contract? A. involves ' milestone initiation fee is the LTP Contract. o. A. How is the pricing structured under the LTP The pricing structure under the LTP Contract per-unit initiation fees, combined with periodic amounts due at or near the actual outage events. O. What are the per-unit initiation fees? A. In an attempt to more appropriately match payments made to Siemens with the work Siemens wil-I perform, the parties negotiated a milestone-based fee structure as explained above, including the per-unit initiation fees. Because mil-estone work is expected to occur every few years, resulting in periodic mil-estone- based payments, Siemens requires an initiation fee higher than under a fixed annual, outage, and variable fee-based pricing structure as a prepayment toward services that wiII be performed over the life of the agreement. The total and is due upon execution of Please describe the milestone payments. The milestone payments are payments due at or near actual outage events. The payments incl-ude a REDACTED - MAHLUM, Dr 13 Idaho Power Company 1 Combustor Inspection Milestone payment, a First Hot Gas 2 Path Mil-estone payment, and Major Inspection Milestone 3 payments, which is an inspection that encompasses the full 4 scope of both the combustor i-nspection and the hot gas path 5 inspectj-on as well as a full compressor inspecti-on. 6 Similar to the accounting for work performed by Siemens 7 under the current self-management of maintenance, a portion 8 of the milestone payments will be capitalized and a portion 9 will- be operation and maintenance ("O&M") expense, which 10 has historically been a capital and O&M split of 89 percent 11 and 11 percent, respectively. 72 O. Pl-ease summarize your testimony. 13 A. Idaho Power currently self-manages its gas 14 plant maintenance through a collaborative effort between 15 the Company and Siemens, contracting for outage and 16 maintenance services on a case-by-case basis. The 17 construction of the Langley Gulch plant employs some of the 18 most technol-ogically advanced parts available, resulting in 19 third-party maintenance provi-sions offered only by Siemens. 20 UntiI now, individually contracting for maintenance 21 services for gas plant maintenance with Sj-emens has been 22 the most cost-effectj-ve approach. Execution of a LTP 23 Contract with Siemens will provide a lower-priced 24 alternative to self-managed maintenance of Idaho Power's 25 gas plants. REDACTED - MAHLUM, DI T4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Does Yes, this conclude your testimony? it does. MAHLUM, Dr 15 Idaho Power Company REDACEED - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 77 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 25 21 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OE IDAHO County of Ada SUBSCRTBED AND June 2015. ATTESTATION OF TESTIIONY SWORN to before me this 5th day of for Idaho ss. T, Trevor Mahlum, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Power Plant Area Mai-ntenance Leader in the Power Supp1y Department and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 5th day of June 2075. REDASTED - MAHLUM, DI L6 Idaho Power Company Notary Publi Residing at: My commissj-onPunulL