HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150415Noe Direct.pdf] '.i if;ll Lfl? I 5 Fi{ h: $3 li iJ , Ir..-'l I ". .,- U'i I Lll i :.1, lliiirit i 1 I 3.S l{ii'l BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMTSSION IN THE MATTER OE THE APPLICATTON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POV{ER COST ADJUSTMENT (..PCA") RATES EOR ELECTRTC SERVICE FROM JUNE T, 2015, THROUGH MAY 31, 2076. CASE NO.rPC-E-15-14 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KELLEY K. NOE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t_0 11 1,2 13 L4 15 76 L7 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 a. Please state your name and business address. A.My name is Ke11ey K. Noe. My business address is L227 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by fdaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") as a Regulatory Analyst II in the Regulatory Affairs Department. O. Please descrlbe your educatj-onal- background. A.In May of 2004, f rece j-ved a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Boise State University. I have al-so attended el-ectric utility ratemaking courses, including "The Basics: Practical Regulatory Training for the Electric Industry, " a course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities as well as "Introduction to Rate Design and Cost of Service Concepts and Techniques" presented by Electric Utilities Consultants, Inc. o.P1ease describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. In September 2006, I accepted a position at Idaho Power as a Einancial- Analyst in the Finance Department. My responsibilities as a Financial Analyst were two-fold. In the credit analysis portion of my position I was responsible for gathering counterparty credit and financial- j-nformation, preparing a risk NOE, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company 1 analysis, and approving an appropriate credit limit 2 assignment. When necessary, f negotiated security or 3 col-Iatera1 documents in accordance with corporate credit 4 standards. The other responsibilities in my position 5 included providing the financial- support for the Grid 5 Operations, Planning, and Operations Analysis and 7 Development groups. This included preparing studies, 8 reports, analyses, and recommendations j-n areas such as 9 budgets, forecasts, capital expenditure proposals, 10 financial plans, and regulatory requirements. 1t-In October 20L0, T accepted a Regulatory Analyst II t2 position within the Regulatory Affairs Department of the 13 Company. My duties as a Regulatory Analyst II include 74 gathering, analyzing, and coordinating data from various 15 departments throughout the Company required for development L6 of jurisdictional separation studies. In addition, I t7 provide analyst support for the Company's regulatory j-ssues 1-8 related to its pension plan, emission control upgrades at 79 the Jim Bridger power plant, the exchange of certain 20 transmission assets wlth PacifiCorp, and the Environmental- 2l Protection Agency's proposed rul-e to regulate carbon 22 emissions from existing power plants under Cl-ean Air Act 23 Section 111 (d) . 24 O. What is the purpose of your testimony in this NOE, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company 25 proceeding? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1-4 15 L6 L7 18 1,9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A My testimony describes the Company's proposed implementatj-on of the revenue sharing mechanism establ-ished by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") in Order No. 32424 in Case No. IPC-E-11-22. My testimony begi-ns with a brief background of the mechanism as it applies to the 2074 financial results. Eurther, my testimony details the determj-nation of the 20L4 revenue sharing benefits and the allocation of benefits to individual customer classes. My testimony concludes with the proposed class-allocated benefj-ts to be included in the 2075-2016 PCA. I. BACKGROT'IID o.Please describe the mechanism as it was approved in Order No. 32424 in Case No. IPC-E-11-22. A.Per the terms approved in the settlement stipulation, if the Company's actual Idaho jurisdictional year-end return on equity ("ROE") falIs below 9.5 percent in any fiscal year from 2012 through 2014, the Company is authorized to accelerate the amortization of accumul-ated deferred investment tax credits (*ADITC"), up to a total of $45 mi11ion. The revenue sharing portion of the mechanism consists of two components. Eirst , for actual year-end Idaho earnings greater than 10 percent ROE up to and including 10.5 percent in the years 20L2 through 20L4, the earni-ngs wil-l be shared equally between Idaho customers and NOE, Dr 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 1_3 L4 15 L6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 the Company. The customer share wil-l- be a reduction to rates at the same time as the PCA becomes effective. Second, Idaho earni-ngs above a 10. 5 percent ROE wil-I also be shared, with customers receiving 75 percent of the earnings applied as a reduction to the Company's pensj-on balancing account. o.Has the mechanism resulted in any action fol-lowing the completion of the 2009-20L3 fiscal years? A. Yes. The mechanism was originally established in Case No. IPC-E-09-30 and approved in Order No. 30978, effective for the years 2009-2071. The mechanism was modified and extended in Case No. IPC-E-LL-22 and approved in Order No. 32424, effective for the years 2012-20L4. The ROE thresholds approved under each settl-ement stipulation are displayed in the table below. Idaho Power's Idaho jurisdictional earnings Ln 201,1, 20L2, and 2073 triggered the earnings sharing provisions of the mechanism. As shown in the table beIow, the Company has shared with customers a total- of $93.3 million either as a direct rate offset in the PCA or as an offset to amounts that would otherwise be collected in rates. In 2009 and 2010, the Company's actual Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE was between 9.5 and 10.5 percent, resulting in no accelerated amortization of ADITC or revenue sharing. NOE, Dr 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 13 1,4 15 16 \1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 2409-2011,20L2-20L3 Availabl-e ADITC For Use ROE Threshold 50-50 Sharing Threshold 15-25 Sharing Threshold Customer Benefits ($Millions) : Reduction to Rates Offset to Pension Bal Acct TotaI $45 Million 9.5% 10.5U N/A $27.L $20.3 $45 Million 9.5% 10% 10. 5% $14.8 $31.1 s47 .4 $4s. e O.The Commission extended the revenue sharing mechanism with modj-fications through 2019 in Order No. 33149. Did approval of the mechanj-sm's extension in Case No. IPC-E-LA-LA affect the 2014 revenue sharing computation? A. No. The changes made to the mechanism in Case No. IPC-E-14-74 and approved in Order No. 33149 take effect beglnning with fiscal year-end 2075 financial results. II. QUATiETFTCATION AIID AT DIT OF yEAR-Er[p 2014 RE\ZENUE STIARING CAICT'I.ATTONS O. Pl-ease describe the methodology used to determine the Idaho jurisdictional 2014 year-end ROE. A. The methodology used to determine the Company's Idaho jurisdictional- 2014 year-end ROE is consistent with the methodology used for the year-end 2009 through 20L3 ROE determinations and approved by the Commission in Order No. 32558. First, the Company prepared a full jurisdictional separation study ("JSS") based on third quarter financial information as of September 30, 2014, and jurisdictional al-location factors from the 20L3 NOE, Dr 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 tr 6 7 8 9 t_0 11 L2 13 L4 t_5 L6 L7 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Federal Energy ReguJ-atory Commission Form 1 filj-ng. The results of this study were used to develop allocation factors for various components of operating income and rate base. Followlng the completion of the 2074 fiscal year, retail- revenues were directly assi-gned to each jurisdiction, and the al-l-ocation factors from the third quarter JSS were applied to al-l other year-end system financj-al figures to determine year-end Idaho jurisdictj-ona1 net rate base and operating income. Common equity was then all-ocated according to each jurisdictj-on's proportion of net rate base. Finally, the Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE was determined by dividing the Idaho-allocated earnings on common stock by the ldaho- allocated portion of common equity. O. Do you have an exhibit demonstrating the application of this methodology? A. Yes. Exhibit No. 3 provides a step-by-step calcul-ation of the Idaho jurisdictional ROE and subsequent revenue sharing benefits based on year-end 201-4 financial results utilizing the Commission-approved methodology described above. O. Has the Company quantified the Idaho jurisdictional 201-4 ROE and any year-end earnings in excess of 10 percent? NOE, Dr 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 A. 2074 Idaho quantified Company's end ROE of o. approved in $23 ,298 ,296 Yes. As seen on l-ine 46 of Exhibit No. 3, the jurisdictional ROE was 11.19 percent. As on line 73 of Exhibit No. 3, rn 20t4, the earnings exceeded an Idaho jurisdictional year- 10 percent by $23,298,296. Per the terms of the settlement stipulation Order No. 32424, what portion of the will be shared with customers? A. In accordance with Order No. 32424, revenue sharing based on year-end 201,4 financial results will be provided to customers in two tiers. The first tier refl-ects customers' 50 percent share of the Idaho jurisdictj-onal 20L4 year-end earnings in excess of 10 percent ROE up to and including 10.5 percent. The first tier, calculated at 50 percent of $9,143,1,13 (Line 63, Exhibit No. 3), results in a customer benefit prior to tax gross-up of $4,877,586. After tax gross-up, customers receive a total rate reduction of $1,999,745. These amounts are displayed in Exhibit No. 3 on line 69. The second tier refl-ects customers' 15 percent share of the Idaho jurisdictional 2074 year-end earnj-ngs in excess of 10.5 percent ROE. The second tier, calculated at 15 percent of $13,555,1,23 (Line 66, Exhibit No. 3), results in a customer benefit prior to tax gross-up of $10r166,343. After tax gross-up, customers receive a total- benefit of NOE, Dr 7 Idaho Power Company 1 $76,693,L34 in the form of a reduction to the Company's 2 pension balancing account. These amounts are displayed in 3 Exhibit No. 3 on line 71. An accounting entry was made to 4 reduce the pension deferral balancing account by 5 $76,693,\34 wj-th an effective date of December 31, 20L4, to 6 reflect this benefit. 0. What is the total- benefit customers will 8 receive as a resul-t of revenue sharing based on the 9 Company's actual year-end 201-4 financial results? 10 A. After tax gross-up, the combination of the 11 $1,999,745 reduction to rates and the $15,693,L34 reduction L2 to the pension balancing account results in an overall 13 customer benefit of $24,692,219. t4 15 III . CI,ASS AI,LOCATION O. How does the Company propose to allocate the 16 $7,999,1,45 revenue sharlng to customer cl-asses? t7 A. The Company proposes to allocate the 18 $'7 ,999,1,45 revenue sharing as a rate reduction to customer 79 cl-asses based on each class's proportional share of 20 forecasted base revenues for the June L, 20L5, through May 21 31, 2076, sharing period. 22 O. What is the impact of al-Iocating the proposed 23 rate reduction to customer classes proporti-onalIy to base 24 revenues? 25 NOE, Dr I Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 q, 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 L6 t1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A.Exhibit No. 4 details the aflocation of the $'7,999,1-45 revenue sharing benefit to customer cl-asses proportionally to forecasted base revenues for the June 7, 2075, through May 31, 2015, sharing period. As displayed i-n co1umn G of Exhibit No. 4, each customer class receives a decrease of approximately 0.78 percent relative to current base revenues. IV. RATE DESTGN o.How does the Company propose to include the class-allocated revenue sharing benefits in rates? A.With the exception of the special contracts for Micron Technology, Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy, and the J. R. Simplot Company - Pocate1lo, Idaho Power proposes to include the class-allocated revenue sharing benefits in the 2015 PCA rates effective June 1, 20L5, through May 31, 20L6, dS detail-ed in this case by Mr. Scott Wright. Col-umn F of Exhibit No. 4 details the proposed class-specific revenue sharing rates I have provided to Mr. Wright to be included in the 201,5-201,6 PCA rates. o.What is the Company's proposal for providing revenue sharj-ng benefits to its special contract customers? A.Consistent with the methodology used to share 20LL, 2012, and 2013 revenues, the Company proposes to provide the special contract customers a flat dollar-per- month credit in twelve equal portions to serve as a NOE, Dr 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 L7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 reduction to monthly lnvoices billed for June 201,5 through May 2015. The total revenue sharlng benefit allocated to each special contract j"s displayed in column E of Exhibit No. 4. 0. Is the Company's rate design proposal for the 20!4 revenue sharing benefits the same as what has been proposed and approved in prior years? A.Yes, the Company is proposing to provide the 2074 revenue sharing benefits as a cents-per-kilowatt-hour credit to aIl- rate classes, excluding the special contracts, and a fl-at dolIar-per-month credit to the special contract customers. 0. A. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. NOE, DI 10 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 tr 6 1 8 9 10 11 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY STATE OF County of T, IDAHO Ada SS. truthfully, following: Kelley K. Noe, having been duly sworn to testify and based upon my personal knowledge, state the I am employed by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of L2 the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-fil-ed testimony 13 and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my !4 inf ormation and bel-ief . 15 L6 L7 1B 1,9 DATED this 15th day of April 2015. Kel SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN . Noe before me this 15th day of 20 April 2075. 2t 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 My commission expires z I 7.;>O -;)oJto NOE, Dr 1_1 Idaho Power Company Noztary Puffic f pr I{ahq ResidingtrOT4.?l .Da- Puautc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-14 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY / NOE, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 1 5 5 a lo i L ta t5 la ta l,, t 2t 6 n 6- lt* 3 s at I 3 4 $ ll I B g $ $ t $ $ ai @ s i a, E c DA}IO POTVER COTPAI{Y ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ANALYSIS Fslhr Twrlv. Ionth. EnrLd D.cmb63l, mla ffi ..,sunlRYoFnEsulnt... TOTALgIIEf patp tD&ler 2,955,893,456 2.829,257,997 55.7% DEVELOPMENT OF NET INCOME OPEMTING REVENUES RETALSAI-ESREVENUES(lnd,l,l0.1 R.v) t79,717,133 &10,056,t57 DinciArrign OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 11,1,097,4!3 '100,ts4,663 95.,4% TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 903.t1,4,i166 9.4t.7t1.5.(} rOTALtME[ EHC pABolt Saptant r A@.tionr/Raliq ffi 1,079,,112,163 OincrA.dga'1,46,194,130 95.,1% 't.227.606.302 OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATONAilANTENANCEEXPENSES 63,I,97,646 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE gi},647,321 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 5,230,127 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 2,1,6Et,065 REGULATORY OEBITS,/CREDITS 55,236 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXE .It,76O,E2O INVESTiTENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTUENT (21,1,533) FEDERAL INCOilE TAXES 16,291,0,a7 STATE lNCOrrE rAXES /i,E36,75E TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 794,5i10,1E0 199,271,271 4,706,167 203,961,'til4 79:t,771,663 120,297,175 8,686,8't2 2t,596,E71 0 26,73:t,175 30.76t (t,220,511\ 6,6E7,5E1 976,59,t,137 251,012,'165 6,779,917 25?,792,OA2 17,162,704 (2,505,723) 2?2,145,67 76,1?'t,263 196,277,EO4 196,277,804 1,753,771, t34 11.19% 05.4% 95.7% e5.7% 93.2% 0.0% x.2% 05.7% 97-1% 96.E% e5.6% 95.0% 95.7% (L 10) 95.9% {L 3(r) 05.?% (L 10) 95.7% (Llo) 501,92 t,319 t0,7t1,808 5,007,465 23,012,060 0 1t,05,t,144 (20s,37E) 15,E,J7,237 ,1,6E2,03,4 75t,123,52t 191,66E,012 4,,t99,1 79 I 96,157.101 95.,t% 95.7% 95.7% 93.2% 0.0% 96.2% 95.7% 97.1% 96.E% 95.8% 1,1 30,280,1 25 1 55,359,997 1.2A5,610,122 E32,1E1,422 125,740,568 6,S86,000 31,748 230 7s,651 27 ,779.567 41,511 (7,,t1 3,733) 6 908,583 1,024,045,E2E 261,594,294 7,O92,887 268,687,1E1 17,930 898 (2,61 1,623) 28.t,006,,{57 79 580,631 2U,125,825 2U,125,425 1.832,268,616 fl.16% 1 7,1,065,519 183,226.E62 192,388.205 OPERATING INCOME AOO; IERCO OPERATING INCOME OPERATING INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME AN AOD: AFUDC EOUITY ADD: OTHER INCOilE ANO DEDUCTIONS INCOUE BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES LESS: INTEREST CHARGES NET INCOME ACTUAL YEAR.END RESULTS. BEFORE ITC AOJUSTMENT EARNINGS ON COMITION STOCK COMMON EOUITY AT YEAR END RETURN ON YEAR.END COMUON EqUTY EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 0.50 ROE EARNINGS ON COUMON STOCK @ 10 ROE EARNTNGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10.50 ROE ACTUAL YEAR.END RESULTS - AFTER ITC ADJUSTMENTI INVESTiIENT TAX CRED]T ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTED EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK ADJUSTED COMMON EOU]TY AT YEAR.ENO ADJUSTED RETURN ON YEAR.END COMiION EOUtrY 16C,501,256 (14.t'9.5%) 175,377,113 (Lrl4' r0%) lEil,l/6,969 (1.14' 10.5%) (32,784,030) (L4l-Lil3) / (1-9.5%) 163,493,775 1,720.987,104 9.50% lDAtlO RETtlRl{ Oil COIXOil EQUTY (Um aal <t5* AODITIONAL ITC AOJUSTMENT (Annurliz,It L 5,1 L nre.tivr. lh.n 0; il po3iliv!, ihln rmLr of 154 or 325,000.000 lDAl{O RETT RN ON COXION EQUTY (Lln. aa} >lot[ IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 'IO% ROE BUT LESS THAN 'I0.5% lDAl€ RETtnil ON COITON EqUTY (Um,L) >10.t* INCREUENTAL IOAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN IO.5O% ROE Ord.r *tAA; ROE b.ts.n '10%-,l0.5% -CUSTOUER SHARE - 509( (R.duction to 6trr) ROE b.tEcn '10%-10.5% -COMPANY SHARE - 50% ROE groltlrthfi 10.5% (ln@mnttl) - CUSTOMER SHARE - 75% (Otlllt io P.ntion b.hn6) ROE gc.tlr th.n i0.5% (ln@mntll) -COI{PANY SHARE - 25% 0 9,743,173 (LsGL19y(!-10%) 1 s,55s,'t 23 (1,(!150)/(1-10.5%) 4,E7't,5E6 it,87'1,5t6 10,166,3,13 _9r3!9J!l_ 23,298,296 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. !PC-E-15-14 K. Noe, IPC Page 1 of 1 PEp.Gd by: K.hy Nor BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-14 IDAHO POWER COMPANY NOE, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 s @\o Lr) i{' o,O)o)t-@ soqoo (ooro-]f,o o, o- 6 t-Nlo (f,Nt_ o(n-(, (.tt*(D (oolo ssssls sss-"ls ^^^,{^ ^^^o-l^co co @ @lco co co co oloN N F- r.-lN N r.- N olr.rd ci ci cilci d d ci cild","1- l-N(oNlr)l Itr)(oo$l I88881 <<<<loooof =2221ddddl I:::1 1l.- r N NIN r (f) (r) OlcOo) \t (o olF- (r) F- $ atl(or$oNl(o ro@(f) lt-6rNorlN 6No l-.n' i, N (rl F- F- (o F- I c{O-@-l(O -@@ l(f)- ls r?-- l!? ;---l* sxsslxrqc?qlo? -qolqlqrrooollo Nooolr ..,.."1,-=*_.1.,Ft\NNlr <.F-t l(o@_ (D- F- (O_l@_ rO_ r- O_ l\O, N rD rrl- lr) l.* - l(Y)(ost\(ol- (oto lo(O (D l.r) -l- oa, (O O) lO)o., o ld 6i 6 of lct(", lF- N ltlF lO) lO --_*l: *_-ol",@NF(DlN F-(o(O l(')o- @_ or- o_lcD_ o_ o- (o- Iro-(o@lf,tl@ @(oo) l{CD(')rf (')ls Ot- ll\O((,stO16 e6(O |l.ctlorNNl(') 3d)t lNrFN lO NO)N lO,d)- lo- .If r N l@ :.-."_l: ___-l",ll--CDIN I(Ooll,lil(,) I:-- lH I SS-oSS;e;eS;e;eS;e ^^O-@oo6co@oocoo@@\\q\\\\\\\\\oooooooooooo (f)o)osr.-s(f)$o(toitrt-clOor(fJ(O@(r)(O-O)F-(oO(O@tr)$rttr)SScfJOOOOOOOOsOOOooooooooooooooooooooc)ooooocioddociciddci@@oe@@@@@@@@ CoNO-SOrO(O@(OO$r'-co{r}O)(o-lr)ONO$ro)- !t- tf)- @- cO- F- t"-- O)_ Or- N- l'-,(Oc.) F-S-OrOrNO)N\tCA rNtON69Gr)@O)-@rt-N---@(,+co -t1-t1 t1-@@ ssssssssssssrt!to6t(oo)lo(\tNttI)(()(OOONIJ)(,I:OrO(\lr tcjcjcj--<r,i cjdc;-cjt(\l OrOOlJ)rrS-(DS(,Olrt(o N(\I(OSFOTOCDOl\61 r(DOOTNOTNSO oF- JF-oF-F-qcloo,CD(', .rfONTN@l\(\lFo-t N_Or--O-No{(,)(O-@-r (\lf)(O@ e $Fll) rNN$N rl:OFl-(Ot-(O-(O-.tt6lO r0ONI\t(OtO-OIJ) 6lOO)lf,tO(Oe@A,- (r)NmN@{ONJF-lI) (OtOlr)@@r\l\Ct)(D_ O- l\- N- r\_ Ot (O_ (o_ O{ (o- N_lJ)l,O ()Or-lO(v)(O(OtNF NCOOT- (D(O(D_ r N_t -tc.,N =EoocYge6rg5 [*etaE -c6=o-Y o oDc,CoroE q@ PYqt= o.=<(r EEo EaoEro x(U0 =Eod HEPL E9E;E92Pu.t ,b HPb E E5s oEsod? (tt EA =to l! ul o o oEEt>gg g :=E rot:#el6ls!gbd 5t=E:,itio.ou6t tr€E€ E=fii a8s Loo ooFE'oo(EoooII(o oN -(o o =Ilr, oNJ oc..{ f0,l -ol ^zl9 \tc{Orr(DCDN('r()r(r)NrN OSO)O Ot\ \l@(o(\to ;F- <vr(\l (,)s -(Y)$.",.-BSBpE$EXgE$(oo)o(\(\ (\ (?) (Y) 0)i(E ()-Ytoz EEa r 'B Es Hip. ff f .Ei =;;g fl Eggglggggig[ggs g --Bg g o^lEZI rc\,r.')r'rl(oF-oo,P=SP:P9= PPRNNR X Exhibit No. 4 Case No. IPC-E-15-14 K. Noe, IPC Page 1 of 1