HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150415Customer Notice.pdfOpportunities for Public Review Idaho Power's filing is a proposal that is subject to public reviewand approvalbythe IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (47zw.Washington St., Boise, Idaho, 83702),Idaho Power offices, or on Idaho Power's website, idahopower.com, or the IPUC website, puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updatesvia email about the case. Written comments regarding the utility's application maybe filed with the IPUC. You can view additional related materials on the filing, including a news release, at idahopower.com/rates. ldaho Power Files 2015 Power Cost Adjustment Decrease OnApril 15, Idaho Power submitted its annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) proposal for approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission [PUC). The PCA is a cost recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return on this filing-money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power supply expenses. How the 2015 PCA Will Change Prices If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC, the typical Idaho residential customer using 1,050 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of energy per month will see a decrease of about $0.47 on their monthly bill, beginninglune 1. The amount all Idaho customer classes payfor electric service will decrease by $10.1 million. This is an overall percentage decrease of0.91 percent from current prices; the actual percentage ofchange will depend on a customer's group and the rate they pay. Included in the PCA calculations, cri$omer$gtll receive $8 million in revenue sharin$iry-hictriT. $400thousandmorethanlastyear. W-iiEZOB' customers have received a total of $liiimilliffin revenue-sharingbenefits. il (Ji . @ Printed on recycled paper ctD#47088/04-l 5 @ 2015 ldaho Power Percentage Decrease from Current Prices 3Iffi*. Uuhat Will Be the Combined Effect of the PCA and the Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) Filed in March? On March 13, 2015, Idaho Power filed its annual Fixed CostAdjustment (FCA). The FCA only applies to Residential and Small General Service customers. If both proposals are approved as filed, the combined impact for those two customer classes will be a $0.5 million decrease in the amount they pay for electric service, beginning Iune 1. The typical Idaho residential customer using 1,050 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month would see a decrease of about $0.11 on their monthlybill if both the PCA and FCA are approved as filed. Why !s the PCA an Overall Decrease This Year? The PCA has two components. The forecast component reflects Idaho Power's anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs, and customer benefits from sales of surplus energyfor the comingyear. The true-up component brings last year's forecasted costs in balance with the costs actually incurred by the company by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. Over the past PCAyear (April201a - March 2015) revenue from the PCA tracked more closely with actual power supply costs resulting in a lower true-up component as compared to the prioryear. How Can I Manage My Bill and Control Costs? The price we pay for electric service is a set rate. But there are actions you can take to help manage your energy use and lower your electric bills. Five simplethingsyou can do to lower your energy use: . Turn lights, appliances and electronics off when not in use. . Clean or replace furnace filters at least twice each year. . Clean coils on refrigerators and freezers semi-annually. . Use timers on landscape pumps and special-use heaters. o Lowerwaterheatertemperature to I20' F. Also, you can go to idahopower.com/highbillhelp to find out how to understand your bill, review payment options, and get information about Idaho Power energy efficiency programs.