HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150313Harris Direct.pdfiiliStt.tR t3 Fi{ 3: 52 l{-i.'.* r ir.,l.J;lLIl';Ii CCi, i,,,;,,:;lC; i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY EOR AUTHORITY TO TMPLEMENT FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT (*FCA") RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM .'UNE 7, 201,5, THROUGH MAY 31, 2076. CASE NO. IPC-E-15-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OE ZACHARY L. HARRIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 o. A. 0. A. 0. A. address j-s I22l West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. Please state your name and business address. My name j-s Zachary L. Harris and my business By whom are you employed and in what capacity? f am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Please describe your educational background. In December of 2008, I received a Bachelor of Power" or "Company") as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department. Science degree in Accounting from Brigham Young University- Hawaii. fn December of 2017, I received a Master of Science degree in Accounting from Boise State University. After I began my career with Idaho Power in May 20L7, I attended the electric utility ratemaking course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Public Util-ities. I also attended the "Cost-of-Service Concepts and Techniquesr" as weII as the "Rate Design for El-ectric Utilities" courses offered by Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., in 2072. o.What is the purpose of your testimony? A. The purpose of my testimony is to descrj-be the Company's request to implement its annual- Eixed Cost Adjustment (*FCA") rates per Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order No. 32505 (Case No. IPC-E- 11-19), which approved the ECA as a permanent rate HARRIS, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 I 9 r-0 11 t2 13 1,4 15 76 L1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. mechanism for the Residential and Smal-l- General Service customers. The Commission's subsequent Order No. 3273L issued i-n Case No. IPC-E-11-19 directed that the FCA mechanism continue with its existj-ng methodology. Specifically, my testimony wil-l- discuss three areas rel-ated to the FCA mechanism and Schedule 54, Fixed Cost Adjustment. Eirst, I will briefly discuss the FCA mechanism itself and how the FCA amount is determined. Second, I will describe the determination of the 201-4 FCA amount. Lastly, I will discuss the calculation of the FCA rates the Company j-s proposing to go into effect on June 7, 2075. I. FIXED COST ADiN'STI'ENT MECIIA}IISM What is the purpose of the FCA mechanism? The FCA is a true-up mechanism that "decouplesr" or separates, energy sales from revenue in order to remove the financial disincentive that exists when the Company invests in demand-side management resources. Under the ECA, rates for Residential Service (Schedules 7, 3, 4, and 5) and Smal-I General Service (Schedule 7) customers are adjusted annually to recover or refund the difference between the level of fixed cost recovery authorized by the Commission in the Company's most recent general rate case and the l-evel of fixed cost recovery that HARRIS, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 the Company received based upon the weather-normalized 2 energy sales during the previous calendar year. 3 Q. Please describe the ECA mechanism. 4 A. For both the Residential and Smal1 General- 5 Service classes, the FCA mechanism is the same. The 6 formula used to determine the FCA amount is: 1 ECA : (CUST X ECC) (NORM X ECE) I Where: 9 FCA : Fixed Cost Adjustment; 10 CUST : Average Number of Customers, by class; 11 FCC : Fixed Cost per Customer rate, by class; 72 NORM : Weather-Normali-zed Energy, by class; and 1-3 FCE : Eixed Cost per Energy rate, by class. 1,4 O. How is the ECA amount determined? 15 A. The FCA amount is the difference between the 16 Company's Ievel of "authorj-zed fixed cost recovery" (CUST X tl ECC) and the level of weather-adjusted "actual fixed cost 18 recovery" (NORM X FCE). 19 O. Can the FCA true-up amount be ej-ther posj-tive 20 or negative? 21 A. Yes. The ECA true-up amount can be either 22 positive or negatj-ve. If the FCA is positive, that 23 indicates the Company's authorized level- of fixed cost 24 recovery is greater than the l-eveI of fixed costs recovered 25 through the energy rate. This stems from the fact that the HARRIS, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 t1 18 1,9 20 27 22 23 24 25 growth rate in weather-normalized energy sales is less than the growth rate in customers; i.e., the use per customer has decreased. The effect would be that the Company has under-collected its authorized l-eve1 of fixed costs. In a similar fashion, if the ECA is negative, that indicates the Company's authorized fixed cost recovery amount is less than the fixed costs determined to have been recovered through the energy rate and results in a refund. II. FCA DEEERMINATION FOR CJAI.EIIDAR YEAR 2OL4 o. 2014? Did the rates for the FCC and FCE change in A. No. The FCC and FCE rates used to determine the 2074 ECA bal-ance did not change and are the same rates used to determine the 2073 FCA balance. The FCC and FCE rates were established in the Company's most recent general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-11-08, and are found in the Company's tariff under Schedul-e 54, Fixed Cost Adjustment. O. How is the authorized leveI of fixed cost recovery derived? A.The authorized level of fixed cost recovery is the product of the ECC and the average number of customers, by class. The Company uses a prorated customer count based on the number of active utility service agreements at the end of each month. This approach applies the same methodol-ogy that was used to determine customer counts in HARRIS, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 the Company's most recent general rate case. The annual 2 average customer count is derived by calculating the 3 average of the 12 monthly prorated customer counts. O. How is the actual l-eveI of fixed cost recovery 5 determined? A. The actual level of fixed cost recovery is the 7 product of the ECE and the weather-normalized energy sales 8 for the calendar year, measured in kilowatt-hour (*kIllh") . O. Does the Company compute a monthly FCA balance 10 and report the estimated monthly ECA balance to the l-1- Commissi-on? 12 A. Yes. Although the FCA is an annual mechanism 13 that is ul-tj-mately calcul-ated and determined using customer t4 count and energy sales data for the entlre calendar year, 15 to maintain compl-j-ance with Generall-y Accepted Accounting 1,6 Principles, a monthly FCA balance is estimated and recorded L7 in the Company's accounting records. At year-end, once the 18 annual ECA amount j-s determJ-ned, an adjustment is made to L9 the sum of the previously recorded 12 monthly reported 20 estimates to alj-gn with the annual- FCA balance. 27 Since 2009, the Company has continued to report the 22 estimated monthly FCA balance in the monthly FCA Report 23 provi-ded to the Commission. Exhibit No. 1 is a copy of the 24 monthly ECA Report for calendar year 20L4. 25 HARRIS, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 1,7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o.Were any adjustments made to these estimated amounts once the Company's final year-end 2014 weather- normal-ized sales and customer count informati-on became avallabl-e? A.Yes. Because the monthly ECA balance is an estimate made for accounting compliance, an adjustment is typically needed to align with the final- annual FCA amount for fi-nancj-al reporting purposes. This adjustment varies from year to year. When the Company's final annual average customer counts and annual weather-normal-ized energy sales were determined, the annual "authorized fixed cost recovery" (average customer count X FCC) and the "actual fixed costs recovered" (weather-normalj-zed energy X FCE) could be calcul-ated. The difference between this year-end determinatj-on of the FCA balances and the sum of the 12 monthly reported estimates of the FCA bal-ances required adjustments to align with the annual FCA amount to be recorded in the Company's 2074 financial statements. The adjustment amounts can be found in Exhibit No.1. A downward adjustment of ($578,024.16) was made for the Residential customer class, reflected on line 6 column O. A downward adjustment of ($26,978.08) was made for the Small General Service customer class, reflected on l-ine 20 HARRIS, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 77 1_8 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 column O. The total downward adjustment for both customer cfasses is ($605,002.24) . o.What is the total calculated amount of the FCA, not including interest? A.The total calcul-ated amount of the FCA for both the Residential and Small- General Service customer classes, not including interest, is $16,751,798.39. Exhibit No. 2 shows the calculation for each customer cl-ass. The calculated FCA balance for the Residential customer class, not including interest, is $15r869,567.83. This amount is also found in Exhibit No. 1, line 6 col-umn P. The calculated ECA bal-ance for the SmaII General Service customer class, not including interest, is $882,230.56. This amount is also found in Exhibit No. 1, Iine 20 column P. O. What is the total amount of the 2014 FCA, including interest, the Company is requesting to implement in rates on June L, 201,5? A.The total- amount of the 2074 FCA the Company is requesting to begin recovering in rates on June L, 20L5, is $16,887,710.40, refl-ected on Iine 32, column U, of Exhibit No. 3. The ECA for the Residential- cfass i-s $15,992,1,09.41 reflected on line 15, column U, of Exhibit No. 3. The FCA for the SmaII General Service Class is $889,600.99 reflected on line 29, column U, of Exhibit No. HARRIS, DI 7 Tdaho Power Company 1 3. Exhibit No. 3 shows the FCA balances and adjustments, 2 plus interest, through May 201,5. Exhibit No. 3 and Exhibit 3 No. 1 both contaln the same j-nformation as the FCA Report 4 sent to the Commission each month; however, Exhibit No. 3 5 cal-culates interest from January 20L4 through May 201-5 6 while Exhibit No. 1 shows that lnformation only for the 1 201,4 cal-endar year. I Q. What is the significance of these numbers with 9 respect to the Company's recovery of its fixed costs? 10 A. Because the Residential ECA 1s a positj-ve 11 number, it means that the average use per customer has 12 decreased from the l-eve1 establ-ished in the Company's last 13 general rate case. Therefore, in accordance with the t4 approved mechanism, the Residential class will receive an 15 adjustment to allow for recovery of the fixed costs that 76 were not collected, on a weather-normalized basis, through L7 the energy charges during the year. The same holds true 18 for the Sma1l General Service class, meaning that the use t9 per customer for this cl-ass has also decreased, and the 20 Company has under-col-lected its authorized l-evel of fixed 2L costs on a weather-normalized basis for the Small- General 22 Service c1ass. 23 24 25 HARRIS, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 L6 t1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 III. CALCI'I.AETON OF THE FCA RATE O. Please describe the calculation of the FCA rates the Company is proposing to go into effect on June 7, 2075. A. The ECA rates the Company proposes to go into effect on June L, 20L5, were calculated by taking the FCA balances for each customer cl-ass described above and dividing by the respective energy sales forecast for the June 7, 20L5, through May 31, 20L6, time frame. This j-s the same period as the Power Cost Adjustment test year. O.What has the Company determined the forecast energy sales to be for both the Residential and Sma11 General Service classes? A.The Company's forecasted energy sales are 5,006,760,739 kwh for the Residentlal class and 739,242,087 kwh for the Smal-I General Service class. O. What are the corresponding FCA rates for the Residential and Small General Service classes based on a combined and equal ECA rate changer ds defined j-n the approved mechanj-sm? A.To recover the authorized l-evel of fixed costs, the FCA rate for the Residential class would be 0.3258 cents per kWh and the corresponding rate for the Smal1 General Service class wou1d be 0.4099 cents per kwh. HARRIS, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 The calculation of these rates is found in Exhibit No. 4. 2 ln Order No. 32505, the Commission ordered that the ECA 3 deferral bal-ance wil-I continue to be recovered or refunded 4 equally between the Residential and SmaII General Service 5 customer classes. Order No. 32505 at 9. Because the 6 Residential and SmaII General Service classes reduced their 7 energy consumption per customer such that the Company 8 under-collected its authorized leveI of fixed costs as 9 established in Case No. IPC-E-11-08, each cl-ass requires a 10 rate surcharge. 11 O. What is the difference between the FCA 72 deferral- balance currently in amortization and the proposed 13 FCA deferral balance? 1,4 A. In this filing, the Company is proposing to 15 collect rates based on an FCA deferral balance of 16 $16,881,110, which would be $1,969,268 more than the 71 current FCA deferral balance. In Order No. 33047, issued 18 in Case No. IPC-E-I-4-03, the Commission approved the total L9 ECA deferral- balance of $74,9L2,442 with rates based on 20 that bal-ance ef fective for the period June l, 201,4, through 21, May 31 , 2 015 . 22 O. Does the proposed FCA balance exceed the 3 23 percent cap on annual increases over base revenue as 24 established in Order No. 30267? 25 HARRTS, Dr 1_0 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 1,6 L1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 A.No, the proposed FCA bal-ance does not exceed the 3 percent cap on annual j-ncreases over base revenue. The proposed FCA balance is an increase of $1r 969,268 over the existing ECA deferral balance. The total base revenue for the Company's test year for the Residential and Small General Service customer cl-asses is $470,477,052. The FCA increase is 0.42 percent higher than base revenue ($1,969 ,268/$q10,471 ,052) , which is bel-ow the 3 percent cap. O. What is the percentage change in bilIed revenue as measured from total billed amounts currently recovered from Residenti-a1 and Smal1 General Service customers, including the current ECA? A.The total FCA deferral balance of $16,881,710.40, including interest, the Company i-s proposlng to collect through the FCA rates effective June l, 20L5, through May 31, 20L6, represents an annual increase of 0.35 percent from current billed rates for the affected customer cl-asses. The percentage change in billed revenue is found in Exhibit No. 5. o.How will the Company incorporate the ECA Sma11 General Servicesurcharges for the Residential and classes on customers' bi1ls? HARRTS, Df 11 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 t2 13 14 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 A. The Company proposes to continue includj-ng the FCA with the Annual Adjustment Mechanism Charge on Residential and Sma1l General Service customers' bi11s. O. Does this complete your testi-mony? A. Yes, it does. HARRTS, Dr 1"2 Idaho Power Company 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 1,6 L7 18 79 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ATTESTATION OE TESEI}TONY STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) I, Zachary L. Harris, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I decl-are under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoi-ng pre-filed direct testimony is true and correct to the best of my j-nformation and belief. DATED this 13th day of March 201,5. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of March 2075. Notary Public Residing at: exp].res: HARRTS, DI 13 Idaho Power Company Harris "aOt{f .*,- - 'oE u rc for Idaho My commisslon BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TEST!MONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 EEi =q Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. !PC-E-l5-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 2014 Fixed Cost Adjustment Annual Galculation Residential FCA Calculation FCC Customer Count Authorized Recovery FCE Normalized Energy Actual Recovery 2014 Residentia! FCA Balance Small General Service FGA Galculation FCC Customer Count Authorized Recovery FCE Normalized Energy Actual Recovery 2014 Small General Service FCA Balance Total2014 FCA Balance Note: Amounts do not include interest $650.63 411.470.09 $267,714,7U.07 $0.051602 $15,869,567.83 $360.57 28,046.05 $10,112,565.77 $0.068633 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Hanis,lPC Page 1 of1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-15-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TEST!MONY EXHIBIT NO,3 - E,o HTE9E>EEE(JtLre&=lxs IEiSEE = Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Hanis,lPC Page 1 of2 - 5o HTH EEg(JCLIbPrExRo-Y >. *EEeEs = Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Harris,lPC Page2 of2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 xotrJ't cri @o)u1 0r.!om<fooooci cixxo| o)44(n (n !oe Eg+Etc6lleOEie .o G'-- 60\F\ F\6@ (, (t)6s+ t\ (tu?aoo\oo6@ooFT\(r, to{r' r't s+ o!cD o o -ErOUag<Ego oao\ @o.\o 6 Nr')qr\r\ -1.oNs6 \oN@ Noo.\ot ,rt o-qo \ o6.\o a o-(,) c{-qo\ r\\oorrl- ql. rr)tJ)Fir4s+ ooP E$ o\ F\(r@NOct c,i\OtN(\l<tdo(f)q-lo Eo]{ E E o = FONaqo.ooo-\oci o:o.@o.@u'i r'+ s+ eEX Es- g: 6; E oL6.93Pl!EE9 .F L -Sb 39aPrlEort E*Ss E.5 EE EEE ,I P P -!YOOOE FFF Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Hanis,lPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.5 soqo Nco o@fnS ioo-ol'-o-N e !too*oo saco sssseNo@ccqc?oooo BE CE 9IEsEIt6Eg o :El Efisq=il EBdB NRSN -@o6q E u d;d; ^igEEl *B .()!16l o cttrPtrl E NOOOFtt(at-N- N- 6- @F@FO ON. ooo@FOetF_ O- @-NN OoN *ot td' It c.i60*o eNO-NO_ o_b- N-X ^, 6 F o.{==-J 53 REEil gci Rbm=l o-z.v *e r i N'$- oorl o F ET EI 5 iEEI oc?oo oaio @ts d N-oo!to 0o_NNN. 6 qoo ooo-ooN-N 06 Noo- o\ e doti 6o 6 @ qr- N 8. @<td €6o6$ E\r$oi^@qaEo!@t^t eOtO €-,, Eg#EIF5^ol6'E EI EI c=l=il =Ql EHEl o =Ea 3EE -!r o=>3 = !.@A: EE EEE;€E} =B EEEFE gi € E'i E gE F .;E9= 6eco =o totoo6N{tONt- o-otsOF*6 ONoots- o_ON.o!\N_@oooo- b ooo*rOJilNN!t sB.Y>EPEE9t5!cgoE,E69ERojEm E6€='6ohdnrXOr- EJ@:g oo.E a,o doc(,o 6EU' 6 0iEi,2l *c!9>r6G a oEOOI E'IB 6 e?il tEEfl sl sEEE'El fil 2oZZEr El SiAAgl .E Q .E .q!..I E>EEEI $EE€El 6065clo6oorl ci=cEE Exhibit No. 5 Case No. IPC-E-15-05 Z. Harris,lPC Page 1 of 1 FNot€:t