HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171103Compliance Filing.pdfSEffi*. RE it.$ ?aU"Sf:rRoM ,,,.l#fffJo'l?&l8u'o*lnordstrom@idahopower.com X* !.("*+r"-,-, November 3,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Case No. IPC-E-15-03 2017 Annual Compliance Filing - Flex Peak Program End-of-Season Report Dear Ms. Hanian: ln Order No. 33292, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") ordered ldaho Power Company to file a Flex Peak Program end-of-season report within 80 days after the end of the season. Therefore, enclosed for filing are an original and seven (7) copies of the Flex Peak Program end-of-season report containing the information requested by the Commission in the order. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Zach Hanis at (208) 388- 2305 or zharris@idahopower. com. Very truly yours, RECEIVED ?0l1HOV -3 Pl{ h: 30 Lisa D. Nordstrom An loAcoRP companv P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 LDN:kkt Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 3'd day of November 2017 I served a true and correct copy the 2017 FLEX PEAK PROGRAM END-OF-SEASON REPORT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Customerc of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street (83702) P.O. Box 844 Boise, ldaho 83701 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FAXX Email kal.klein@-p uc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com g reg@ richardsonadams. com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq Ki Executive Assistant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 An IDACORP Company 2017 FIex Peak Program End-of-Season An n ual Report November 3,2017 Table of Contents Table of Contents..... List of Tables List of Figures lntroduction.... Background... .. il ..1 .,1 .,2 ..3 ..3 ..4 ..8 ..8 14 15 16 16 17 Program Details Program lncentives Program Results Participation ......... Operations.............. Load Reduction Analysis... Program Costs Benefit-Cost Analysis ........ Customer Satisfaction Results Program Activities for 2018..... Conclusion....... Flex Peak Program Report Page i ldaho Power List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. 2017 I ncentive Structure. Realization Rate per Event - 2017. Realization Rate per Participant for Each Event - 2017. Annual Program Costs - 2017. 3 ...9 .11 .15 List of Figures Figure {. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. ldaho Power Service Area ....... 2017 Site Participation by Region Based on Nomination............ 2017 Site Participation by Business Type Based on Nomination Range of Nominated Load Reduction (kW)..... . Average Versus Max Reduction Achieved per Event....... Average Realization Rate by Each Nomination Size Class......... 5 6 7 9 10 14 Page ii Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company lntroduction The Flex Peak Program ("Program") has been operated by ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") since 2015. The Program is a voluntary demand response ("DR') program available to large commercial and industrial customers that can reduce their electrical energy loads for short periods during summer peak days. By reducing demand on extreme system load days, the Program reduces the amount of generation and transmission resources required to serve customers. This Program, along with ldaho Power's other DR programs, lrrigation Peak Rewards and the ResidentialAir Conditioner Cycling Program, have helped delay the need to build supply-side resources. The results presented in this report are from the 2017 Program season, the Company's third year of operating the Program. ln its third year, the Program maintained similar load reduction and realization rates as the prior year (2016). There were five new sites added and overall participation resulted in the highest hourly load reduction for the season of 36 megawatts ("MW"). The average realization rate for the three load reduction events that occurred in the 2017 Program season was 81 percent. Enrollment in the Program increased for the 2017 Program season and 99.3 percent of previously participating sites re-enrolled in the Program. The total Program costs through October 1, 2017, were $635,453. The cost of having this resource available was $17.65 per kilowatt ('kW") based on the maximum demand reduction of 36 MW achieved on June 26,2017. Background ln 2015, the Company requested approval to implementthe Flex Peak Program as an ldaho Power operated program. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("lPUC") approved the Company's request in Order No. 33292, and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon ("OPUC") accepted the proposal from Advice No. 15-03. Prior to 2015, a similar DR program for commercial and industrial customers was operated by a third-party vendor. As part of Advice No. 15-03, the OPUC adopted Staff's recommendation that the Company file an annual end-of-season report with information regarding the Program. The Company was also directed by the IPUC in Order No. 33292 to file an annual end- of-season report detailing the results of the Program. ln compliance with the reporting requirements, the annual end-of-season report includes the following: . Number of participating customerso Number of participating siteso MW of demand response under contracto MW of demand response realized and incented per dispatcho Percent of nominated MW achieved in each dispatch event by participanto Cost analysis of the Programo Number of events calledo Total load dropped for each event. Event durationo Total capacity payments made Flex Peak Program Report Page 1 ldaho Power Company o Total energy payments made. Number of customers who failed to meet their loado Number of Program applications denied due to Program subscription limit. Benefits identified with each dispatch of the resource. Assessment of whether the trigger or dispatch price is properly set to utilize the asset most often. Participantattritiono lssues the utility has identified meeting requests to participate in the Program. Changes in baseline methodology taken or anticipated. lmprovements ldaho Power and the Program might benefit from Program Details The Program pays participants a financial incentive for reducing load within their facility and is active June 15 to August 15, between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on non-holiday weekdays. Customers with the ability to nominate or provide load reduction of at least 20 kW are eligible to enroll in the Program. The 20 kW threshold allows a broad range of customers the ability to participate in the Program. Participants receive notification of a load reduction event ("event") two hours prior to the start of the event, and events last between two to four hours. The parameters of the Program are in Schedule 761 in Oregon and ScheduleS22 in ldaho, and include the following: a a A minimum of three load reduction events will occur each Program season Events can occur any weekday, excluding July 4, between the hours of 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Events can occur up to fourhours per day and up to 15 hours per week, but no more than 60 hours per program season. a ldaho Power will provide notification to participants two hours prior to the initiation of an event. lf prior notice of a load reduction event has been sent, ldaho Power can choose to cancel the event and notify participants of cancellation 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. I ldaho Power Company, P.U.C. ORE. No. E-27, Schedule 76 2 ldaho Power Company, l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Schedule 82 a o Page2 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company Program lncentives The Program includes both a fixed and variable incentive payment. The fixed incentive is calculated by multiplying the actual kW reduction by $3.25 for weeks when an event is called or the weekly nominated kW amount by $3.25 for weeks when an event is not called. The variable energy incentive is calculated by multiplying the kW reduction by the event duration hours to achieve the total kilowatt-hour ("kWh") reduction during an event. The variable incentive payment is $0.16 per kWh and is implemented for events that occur after the first three events. The Program also includes an incentive adjustment of $2.00 when participants do not achieve their nominated amount during load reduction events. This adjustment amount is used for the first three events. After the third event, the adjustment is reduced to $0.25 per kW. lncentives are calculated using ldaho Power's interval metering billing data and participants received the incentive checks within 30 days of the end of the Program season. Participants were mailed their incentive checks or had their ldaho Power account credited by September 15 in 2017 . The incentive structure offered for the 2017 season is listed in Table 1. Table 1. Fixed-Capacity Payment Rate*Variable Energy Payment Rate** $3.25 per Weekly Effective kW Reduction $0.16 per kWh (Actual kW x Hours of Event) Adjustment for first three events $2.00 per kW not achieved up to nomination Adjustment after first three events $0.25 per kW not achieved up to nomination *To be prorated for partialweeks **Does not apply to first three Program events Program Results The results presented throughout this report are at the generation level and system losses have been considered. ldaho Power called three load reduction events in2017. The first event occurred on June 26, the second on July 14, and the third on August 2. The maximum realization rate during the season was 98 percent and the average for all three events combined was 81 percent. The realization rate is the percentage of load reduction achieved versus the amount of load reduction committed for an event. The highest hourly load reduction achieved was during the June 26 event at 36 MW. Participants had a committed load reduction of 35.1 MW in the first week of the Program. This weekly commitment, or "nomination", was comprised of 65 customers participating in the Program totaling 141 sites. Out of the total number of sites, 136 sites participated in the 2016 season, and five sites were newly added in 2017. The committed load reduction at the end of the season was 35.8 MW and was the peak committed load reduction for the season. Flex Peak Program Report Page 3 ldaho Power Company The first event was called on Monday, June 26. Participants were notified at 2 p.m. for a four-hour event from 4-8 p.m. The total nomination for this event was 35.1 MW. The average load reduction was 34.4 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 36 MW during hour three. The realization rate for this event was 98 percent. The second event was called on Friday, July 14. Participants were notified at 2 p.m. for a four-hour event from 4-8 p.m. The total nomination for this event was 35.4 MW. The average load reduction was 26.4 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 28.4 MW during hour one. The realization rate for this event was 75 percent. The lower realization rate for this event was primarily due to some larger sites that ran reduced shifts on Fridays as well as a lower participation overall due to the timing with the weekend. The third event was called on Wednesday, August 2. Participants were notified at 2 p.m. for a four-hour event from 4-8 p.m. The total nomination for this event was 35.8 MW. The average load reduction was 25.1 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 25.5 MW during hour two. The realization rate for this event was 70 percent. The lower realization rate for this event was primarily due to some larger sites that underperformed or had reduced participation due to operational needs of the sites and one larger customer with seven sites that did not participate at all due to operational constraints for this specific customer. Participation The number of sites enrolled in the Program for 2017 was 141 from 65 customers, with five new sites enrolling for the Program season. The average number of sites enrolled per participating customer was 2.2. The Program did not experience significant attrition and re-enrollment in the Program was high as 136 of the 137 sites participating from the prior season re-enrolled. One site did not re-enroll from the 2016 season because the site believed the Program would not fit its business operations for the 2017 season due to major renovation at the site location and an expansion of their business which would greatly affect their summertime operation. !n response to Program participant requests, ldaho Power utilized a new auto-enrollment option for the 2017 season. Existing participants were re-enrolled in the Program automatically and mailed a confirmation packet based on the prior year's enrollment information. Participants notified the Company in writing if they no longer wanted to participate. This new auto-enrollment implementation was successful and many customers voiced positive feedback regarding the change. While ldaho Power did not actively market the Program, the Company has continued to strive to increase the number and size diversity (in terms of nominated load reduction) of sites enrolled. Since the effort was placed on recruiting more diversity in the Program, the number of sites ranging from 50-200 kW has grown substantially the last two seasons from 32 in 2015 to 69 in 2017 . Page 4 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement approved in IPUC Case No. IPC-E-13-143 and OPUC UM 1653+ ("Settlement"), ldaho Power did not actively market the Program prior to the 2017 season as enrolled capacity was maintained at approximately 35 MW, which was the amount agreed upon in the 2013 Settlement. The Company did not deny any Program applications in 2017. Figure 1 represents ldaho Power's service area divided into five regional areas Western, Canyon, Capital, Southern, and Eastern. Figure 1. 3 ln the Matter of the Continuation of ldaho Power Company's A/C Cool Credit, lrrigation Peak Rewards, and FlexPeak Demand Response Programs for 2014 and Beyond, Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Order No. 32923. a ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company, Staff Evaluation of the Demand Response Programs, UM 1653, Order No. 13-482. STERN ON STE a Challis. a E CA 6 i61 6 t'*'ea aAflmon a LU @ Fells 'John oay ta Bumsa C Smihlierda Flex Peak Program Report Page 5 @THERN ldaho Power Company Figure 2 represents the enrolled capacity (total nominations) that were enrolled in 2017 and the distribution by ldaho Power's regional service areas. Figure 2. 2OL7 Site Participation By Region Based On Nomination Canyon Western Page 6 Flex Peak Program Report 8% 37% Capital 22% Eastern t2% Southern 2t% ldaho Power Company Figure 3 represents the enrolled capacity in 2017 and the diversity based on business type. Figure 3. 2OL7 Site Participation By Business Type Based On Nomination Agriculture 5o/o Commercial Property 8%Other 2% Education 3o/o Light lndustrial 6% Government 4% Flex Peak Program Report Page 7 Food Processing t8% Refrigerated Warehouse LL% Asphalt, Concrete, Gravel 30Yo Water & Wastewater Treatment Facility \ L3/o ldaho Power Company Operations lnterval metering data provides ldaho Power the ability to view all participants' load after events. This metering data was used to calculate the reduction achieved per site during load reduction events. Using this data, ldaho Power provided participants post-event usage reports that showed hourly baseline, actual usage, and reduction during an event. The data assisted participants in refining their nomination for future events. This data also provides information useful in determining which participating sites may have opportunity to provide more reduction or change their reduction strategy if nomination amounts were not achieved. Load Reduction Analysis An evaluation of the potential load reduction impacts in 2017 were conducted internally by ldaho Power. The goal of the review performed by ldaho Power was to calculate the load reduction in MW for the Program. The analysis also verified load reduction per site and per event. The baseline methodology used in 2017 is the same methodology utilized in prior seasons. The baseline that load reductions are measured against during load reduction events is calculated using a 1O-day period. The baseline is the average kW of the highest energy usage days during the event availability time (2-8 p.m.) from the highest three days out of the last 10 non-event weekdays. lndividual baselines are calculated for each facility site. Once the original baseline is calculated, there is an adjustment included in the methodology called the Day-of-Adjustment ("DOA") that is used to arrive at the adjusted baseline. Adjustments address situations where load is lower or higher than it has historically been and the baseline does not accurately reflect the load behavior immediately prior to the event. The DOA is applied to each site's original baseline by accounting for the difference between the average baseline kW and the average curtailment day kW during hours 2-3 prior to the start of the event. The DOA is calculated as a flat kW and is applied to all baseline hours and capped at +/- 20 percent of the original baseline kW. The DOA is symmetrical, having either an upward or downward adjustment to the baseline, and is applied to the original baseline kW for each facility site for each hour during the Program event. The Company does not expect or anticipate any changes to the baseline methodology for the upcoming season. Page 8 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company As Figure 4 below depicts, the most commonly nominated load reduction was in the 0-50 kW range, accounting for approximately 40 percent of the sites. Figure 4. Table 2 shows the Program realization rates for 2017 based on average load reduction per event. Table 2. * Eased on average rcduction Range of Nominated Load Reduction (kW) 60 55 50 -45 .E ,o t4 gs o30 P =25fo209ts L0 5 0 55 50 r20t7 .20t6 0-50 51-200 201-500 Nominated amount 501+ Curtailment Event Event Timeframe Nominated Demand Reduction Average Demand Reduction (MW) Max Demand Reduction (Mw) Realization Rate* June 26 4-8 pm 35.1 34.4 36 98o/o July 14 4-8 pm 35.4 26.4 28.4 75o/o August 2 4-8 pm 35.8 25.1 25.5 70o/o Average 35.4 28.6 30 81o/o Flex Peak Program Report Page 9 ldaho Power Company Figure 5 below shows both the average and peak demand reduction achieved during each of the three curtailment events. The maximum demand reduction achieved ranged from a low of 25.5 MW for the August 2 event to a high of 36 MW for the June 26 event. The August 2 event's 25.5 MW reduction achieved a realization rate of 70 percent, while the June 26 event's 36 MW reduction achieved a realization rate of 98 percent. Combined, the three events had an average realization rate of 81 percent. The realization rate analysis shows that maximum load reduction was achieved in the first third of the Program season during the first event, which correlates with ldaho Power's overall summer system peak of late June/early July. Figure 5. Average Versus Max Reduction Achieved Per Event40 35 g'o Er. vt 820 =(u 1qoo '-oEro r Average Demand Reduction I Max Demand Reduction 5 0 June 26th July 14th Event Date August 2nd Page 10 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company Table 3 shows the realization rate for each participant in the Program for 2017 Table 3 Participant Number June 26 Event Realization August 2 Event Realization Season Realization 1 1060/o 34o/o 71o/o 71o/o 2 66%760/o 80o/o 74o/o 3 113o/o 260/o 29o/o 560/o 4 560/o 9Oo/o 101o/o 82o/o 5 7Oo/o 39o/o 24o/o 45o/o 6 460/o 88o/o 77o/o 70o/o 7 141o/o 143o/o 118o/o 134o/o 8 215o/o 1260/o 147o/o 1630/o 9 2o/o 84o/o 139o/o 75o/o 10 1o/o 4o/o 20o/o 9o/o 11 460/o 48o/o 54o/o 5Oo/o 12 64o/o 51o/o 53o/o 560/o 13 97o/o 630/o 2o/o 54o/o '14 44o/o 97o/o 117o/o 860/o 15 27o/o 3o/o 3Qo/o 20o/o 16 0o/o 49o/o 35o/o 28o/o 17 131o/o 41o/o 42o/o 71o/o t8 260/o 79o/o 113o/o 73o/o 19 179o/o 143o/o 154o/o 159o/o 20 179o/o 121o/o 148o/o 149o/o 21 61o/o 113o/o 4Oo/o 71o/o 22 154%104o/o 15o/o 91o/o Flex Peak Program Report Page 11 July t4 Event Realization ldaho Power Company 24 2o/o 4o/o 1Oo/o 5o/o 25 17o/o 4Oo/o 192o/o 83o/o 26 195o/o o%89o/o 95o/o 27 24o/o 43%4o/o11 60% 28 1O9o/o 40o/o 28o/o 59o/o 29 14Qo/o 3o/o11 135o/o 129o/o 30 187o/o 98o/o 41o/o 109o/o 31 560/o 5o/o 160/o 25o/o 32 147o/o 14Oo/o 123o/o 137o/o 33 209o/o 7o/o 193o/o 1360/o 34 154o/o 122o/o 123o/o 133o/o 35 760/o 112o/o 5o/o11 101o/o 36 489o/o 0o/o Oo/o 1630/o 37 1o/o 35%92o/o o/o11 38 97o/o 67o/o 82o/o 82o/o 39 172o/o 1860/o 61o/o 140o/o 40 152o/o 71o/o 90o/o 1O4o/o 41 2o/o 0o/o 60/o15o/o 42 154o/o 0o/o Oo/o 51o/o 43 3o/o11 71o/o 22o/o 690/o 44 58o/o 7o/o 88o/o 51o/o 45 167o/o 173o/o 1860/o 175o/o 46 o/o11 260/o 44o/o 27o/o 47 273o/o 125%131o/o 1760/o 23 15o/o 630/o 0o/o 260/o Flex Peak Program ReportPage 12 ldaho Power Company 49 65%53o/o 9o/o 42o/o 50 24o/o 2oo/o 29o/o 24o/o 51 65o/o 0o/o 25o/o 3Oo/o 52 760/o 79o/o 30o/o 620/o 53 102o/o 82o/o 89o/o 91o/o 54 4o/o 199o/o 67o/o 90o/o 55 82%1260/o 97o/o 101o/o 1630/o56 14o/o 0o/o 59o/o 57 137o/o 29o/o 129o/o 98o/o 58 77o/o 67o/o 15o/o 53o/o 59 94o/o 91o/o 1O1o/o 960/o 60 660/o 82o/o 79o/o 760/o 61 247o/o 83o/o 60/o11 148o/o 760/o62 19o/o 0o/o 32o/o 63 80o/o 44o/o 18o/o 47o/o 54 690/o 94o/o 83o/o 82o/o 65 72o/o 7Qo/o 2o/o 48o/o 48 770o/o 0o/o Oo/o 257o/o Broken out across four size classes, the sites with the smallest nominated load reduction, 0-50 kW, achieved the highest average realization rate across the three events at 116 percent. The 0-50 kW group had the largest portion of sites enrolled in the Program, totaling 56 sites that accounted for 40 percent of total enrolled sites. The second smallest size class, 51-200 kW, had 50 sites enrolled and achieved the lowest average realization rate at 74 percent. The 201-500 kW group had 26 sites enrolled and achieved a realization rate of 79 percent. The largest size class, 501+ kW, had nine sites enrolled and achieved a realization rate of 89 percent. ldaho Power will continue to work with all customer segments to help refine nominations to align closer with realistic reduction opportunities which will increase the overall program realization rate. Flex Peak Program Report Page 13 ldaho Power Company Figure 6 below represents the realization rate achieved by each nomination group, averaged across all three events. To calculate the results, each site's average load reduction (across three events) was divided by its average nomination across the three events and then grouped by size. Figure 6 Program Costs Program costs totaled $635,453 through October 1,2017. lncentive payments were the largest expenditure comprising approximately 89 percent of total costs. The incentive payments were fixed-capacity payments resulting from the three events called during the 2017 Program season. The fixed capacity payments totalwas $564,954 and the variable energy payments total was $0. Variable energy payments were not made during the season because the variable energy payment is implemented starting with the fourth event. Preliminarily, the total Program costs for 2017 are estimated to be $17.65 per kW based on the maximum demand reduction of 36 MW, or $22.22 per kW, based on average load reduction for the season of 28.6 MW. Average Realization Rate By Each Nomination Size Class oP(! 0c C .9Po .NEoE, L40% L20% L00% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% 89% 79% 0-s0 51-200 201-500 501+ Range of Nominated Load Reduction (kW) III Page 14 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company Table 4 below displays the 2017 year-to-date ("YTD") Program costs by expense category. Table 4. Expense Gategory 2017 YTD Program Costs Materials & Equipment Contract Services Marketing & Administration lncentive payments Tota! $785 $11,018 $58,696 $564,954 $635,453 Benefit-Gost Analysis The Benefit-Cost analysis for the Program is based on a 20-year model that uses financial and demand-side management alternate cost assumptions from the 2015 lntegrated Resource P/an ("lRP"). The Settlement, as approved in IPUC Order No. 32923 and OPUC Order No.13-482, established a new method for valuing DR and defined the annual cost of operating ldaho Power's three DR programs for the maximum allowable 60 hours as no more than $16.7 million. This amount was reevaluated in the 2015 IRP, as agreed upon in the Settlement, to be $18.5 million. ln 2017, the preliminary cost estimate of operating all three of ldaho Power's DR programs was $8.5 million through October 1,2017. lt is estimated that if the three programs were dispatched for the full 60 hours, the total costs would have been approximately $12.4 million, which is below the total annual costs agreed upon in the Settlement as revised in the 20151RP. ldaho Power's cost-effectiveness evaluation for DR programs is updated annually. A more comprehensive cost-benefit analysis will be included in the Company's Demand- Side Management 2017 Annual Report when all the data will be available. ldaho Power believes the purpose of demand response is to minimize or delay the need to build new supply-side peaking generation resources and to reduce load during extreme system peaks. The benefits of having the Program available, and with each load reduction event, provide ldaho Power a supply side resource to mitigate any system peak deficits. DR helps fulfill the current system capacity need and prolongs the need to build new generation resources. The Company believes by calling at least three events per season the Program will be more effective in providing consistent and reliable reduction. Having a minimum of three events allows the Company to test processes and software and helps customers fine tune their curtailment plan. The Company did not call more than three load reduction events Flex Peak Program Report Page 15 ldaho Power Company during the 2017 Program season because ldaho Power's generation resources were sufficient to satisfy system load. However, in all three events the Program provided a resource to assist in balancing the wind forecast when that forecast did not always align with ldaho Power's peak load, as well as potentially avoiding additional market purchases. Based on market prices for each of the days in 2017 the Program was dispatched, ldaho Power estimates the Program saved a total of $27,000 worth of energy purchases. The variable energy price for utilizing the Program after the third event is $0.16/kWh and could be considered the dispatch price for calling load reduction events beginning with the fourth event. The price of $0.16/kwh is typically higher than the energy market price. The Company believes the variable energy price is appropriate because having a dispatch price below $0.16/kwh could cause the Company to call events more frequently resulting in reduced participant performance and event fatigue. The Company also believes that a lower dispatch price to trigger more load reduction events could send the wrong signal regarding the purpose of the Program and DR. Gustomer Satisfaction Results ldaho Power did not conduct a post-season survey this year as there were not significant changes made to the Program from the last two seasons. The prior two year's surveys were favorable and the Company believes conducting a survey every 2-3 years will reduce survey fatigue considering this customer segment also participates in the quarterly Customer Satisfaction Research Suruey conducted by Burke, lnc. Program Activities for 2018 The primary improvement ldaho Power and the Program could benefit from is a more consistent and firm load reduction when events are called. The Company will continue to communicate the value proposition with enrolled customers and the importance of active participation when events are called. Recruitment efforts for the 2018 season will begin the first quarter of 2018 to encourage participation. ldaho Power will meet with existing participants during the off-season to discuss past-season performance and upcoming season details. The Program will be jointly marketed along with ldaho Power's applicable energy efficiency programs as needed. The Company will utilize its Customer Representatives to retain the currently enrolled sites and encourage new sites to participate. For the upcoming season, ldaho Power plans to focus on retaining currently enrolled customers. While ldaho Power does not plan to actively market the Program, it will enroll new customers that show interest and are a good fit for the Program. Page 16 Flex Peak Program Report ldaho Power Company Conclusion The Program currently contributes approximately 10 percent of the Company's overall DR portfolio and can be relied on to provide dispatchable load reduction to the electrical grid. When analyzing the Program at the generation level, industrial and commercial customers have made noteworthy contributions to ldaho Power's DR programs. The Program had a total of 141 sites reducing peak demand by 36 MW. The Program retained 99.3 percent of past enrolled sites (136 of 137) from the prior season and added five additional sites in 2017. Load reduction event results showed maximum reductions of 36, 28.4, and 25.5 MW, respectively, for the three events, with an average of 30 MW. The events achieved realization rates of 98 percent, 75 percent, and 70 percent, respectively, averaging 81 percent for the season. The total Program costs for 2017 through October 1st were $635,453. The cost of having this resource available was $22.22 per kW based on average reduction (28.6 MW) for the season. Flex Peak Program Report Page 17