HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160223Compliance Filing.pdfsIm[. RECE IVED ?0t6 FIB ?3 Pt{ h 2lt LISAD. NORDSTROM Lead Courcellnodstom@idahopower.com February 23,2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 RE: Case No. IPC-E-15-03 - Compliance Filing - Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Dear Ms. Jewell: !n Order No. 33292, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ('Commission") ordered ldaho Power Company to file a Flex Peak Program one-time report no later than May 7, 2016. Therefore, enclosed for filing are an original and seven (7) copies of the Redacted Flex Peak Program One-Time Report containing the information requested by the Commission in the order. Also enclosed are an original and seven (7) copies of the confidential portion of the report and confidentialAttachment 1 to ldaho Power Company's Flex Peak Program One-Time Report. Please handle the confidentia! information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this matter. !f you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Zach Hanis at (208) 388- 2305 or zhanis@idahopower. com. Very truly yours,fue@ Lisa D. Nordstrom , r 1 ; 1 !f ii u"*b'#*! is*,o* An IDACORP Company P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. ldaho 5t. Boise, lD 83702 LDN:kkt Enclosures SEffi*. r-1.. t\,lgt' cf\ ;=. T--'-; _r:'i:-- cfJ m '7':-i , rrr C)r:-I (*) mtr-: e*!) i rn ,;; -e- (J 1..4rso.rz 2015 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report February 23,2016 ldaho Power Table of Contents Table of Contents............ ................. i List of Tables ................... ii List of Figures .................. ii Background............. ........1 Summary .........1 Program Operation ..........2 Program Details .........2 Program lncentives ....................3 Recruitment............. ...................3 Use of lnterval Metering Data........ .............5 Participant Performan@.......... ........6 Baseline Methodology Comparison........ ....................6 Load Reduction Comparison.............. ........9 Comparison of Program Costs and Benefits........... .......10 Customer Satisfaction Results. ......12 Changes that Might lmprove the Program............. ........12 Conclusion.............. ....... 13 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page i ldaho Power List of Tables Table 1. 201slncentive Structure. ...........4 Table 2. 2015 Event Realization Rates. .......9 Table 3. Program Costs for 2015. ............ ..............11 List of Figures Figure 1. Distribution by Customer Segment lor 2015............. ...................5 Figure 2. Baseline and "Day of Adjustment" Methodology Comparisons....................8 Figure 3. Annual Program costs versus Peak Load Reduction .................11 Attachments Attachment 1 - CONFIDENTIAL CLEAResult Memo dated February 18, 2016 Attachment2 - Flex Peak 2015 Survey Results Page ii Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power Background The Flex Peak Program ("Program") is a voluntary demand response ("DR') program available to ldaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power" or "Company") commercial and industrial ("C & l") customers who are capable of reducing their electrical energy loads for short periods during summer peak system load days. The Program objective is to reduce the demand on ldaho Power's system during periods of extreme electricity use or load. By reducing demand on extreme system load days during summer months, the Program reduces the amount of generation and transmission resources required to serve customers. The Program pays participants a financial incentive for reducing load and is active June 15 to August 15, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. on non-holiday weekdays. Load reduction events may be called a maximum of 60 hours per season. A similar program originated in 2009 as the FlexPeak Management program to provide C & I customers an option to participate in a demand response program. The FlexPeak Management program was managed by EnerNOC, lnc. ("EnerNOC") a third-party contractor. On February 4, 2015, the Company filed an application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), in Case No. IPC-E-15-03, requesting authority to replace the existing FlexPeak Management demand response program with a demand response program to be managed by ldaho Power. The Commission issued Order No. 33292 on May 7,2015, authorizing Idaho Power to implement the Flex Peak Program under Schedule No. 82 in ldaho. As part of Order No. 33292, the Commission ordered the Company to file an annual end-of-season report that should include the number of participants, number of participating sites, megawatts ("MW") of demand response under contract, MWs of demand response realized and incented per dispatch, percent of nominated MW achieved in each dispatch event by participant, and a detailed program cost analysis. The Company filed its annual Flex Peak Program End-of-Season Report on November 3,2015. Page 8 of Order No. 33292 also required ldaho Power to file a separate, one-time report no later than May 7, 2016 that discusses the Company's experience in running the Program, how the Program's costs and benefits compare to those achieved under the prior program, how participants have performed under the structure, and whether changes might improve the Program. This report addresses the one-time reporting requirements. Summary The substantial cost savings and increased customer interaction by managing and operating the Program outweighs the slightly decreased enrollment. The Company believes the Program will continue to gain participation and increase capacity with a longer recruitment season in 2016. ln addition, the Company concluded the following: o The Program had a total of 72 sites reducing peak demand by 25.6 MW Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 1 a a ldaho Power Company Despite changing to a Company-managed program and a short timeline to implement the Program, the Flex Peak Program retained 71 percent of past participants (34 of 48 participants) from lhe 2014 season 15 new sites enrolled in the 2015 season Curtailment event results showed maximum load reductions of 24.1 MW, 25.6 MW, and 14.6 MW, respectively, for the three events, and an average of 21.4 MW. The events achieved realization rates of 86.7 percent, 96.6 percent, and 55.4 percent, respectively, averaging 79.6 percent Idaho Power believes the current methodology to determine load reduction results is more accurate than the prior program The tota! Program costs for 2015 was $592,872 Program cost savings did not result from a reduction in incentive payments as customers are paid more per kW than the prior program The cost of having this resource availabb was $21.96 per kW in 2015 based on the average nomination for the season compared to $49.16 per kW based on average nomination for the 2014 season The Program shows high customer satisfaction results among participants Program Operation ldaho Power's experience in running the Program in 2015 was positive. The Company was able to effectively manage the Program and achieve nearly $1 million in cost savings while experiencing a relatively small reduction in participation. ln 2015, parameters were established for the Program, an incentive structure was developed, participants were recruited, and the Program was administered in a manner that resulted in similar load reduction compared to the prior program. Program Details Customers with the ability to nominate or provide load reduction of at least 20 kilowatts ('kW') are eligible to enroll in the Program. The nomination is the amount of load reduction a participant has agreed to reduce during a load reduction event. The 20 kW threshold allows a broad range of customers to participate in the Program. Participants receive notification of a load reduction event ("event") two hours prior to the start of the event, and events last between two to four hours. The parameters of the Flex Peak Program are set forth in Schedule 82, and include the following: o A minimum of three load reduction events each Program season o Events occur any weekday, excluding July 4, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. o Events occur up to four hours per day and up to 15 hours per week, but no more than 60 hours per Program season o ldaho Power notifies participants two hours prior to the initiation of an event a a Page2 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power o If prior notice of a load reduction event has been sent, ldaho Power can choose to cancel the event and notify participants of cancellation 30 minutes prior to the start of the event Program lncentives The Flex Peak Program includes both a fixed and variable incentive payment. The fixed incentive is calculated by multiplying the actual kW reduction by $3.25 for weeks when an event is called or the weekly nominated kW amount by $3.25 for weeks when an event is not ca!!ed. The variable energy incentive is calculated by multiplying the kW reduction by the event duration hours to achieve the total kilowatt-hour ("kWh") reduction during an event. The variable incentive payment is $0.16 per kWh and is implemented for events that occur after the first three events. The Program also includes an incentive adjustment of $2.00 per kW when participants do not achieve their nominated amount during load reduction events. This adjustment amount is used for the first three events. After the third event, the adjustment is reduced to $0.25 per kW. lncentives are calculated using ldaho Power's interval metering billing data and participants' incentive checks were mailed by September 15 in 2015, within 30 days of the end of the Program season. The incentive structure offered for the 2015 season is listed in Table 1 . Table 1. Fixed Capacity Payment Rate*Variable Energy Payment Rate** $3.25 per Weekly Effective kW Reduction Adjustment for first three events $2.00 per kW not achieved up to nomination $0.16 per kWh (Actual kW x Hours of Event) Adjustment after first three events $0.25 per kW not achieved up to nomination *To be prorated for partialweeks **Does not apply to first three Program events Recruitment The Company actively engaged in recruiting activities to ensure the Program would have sufficient participation to reduce peak !oad. However, there were some contributing factors that made enrollment challenging for the Program in 2015. The Program was approved on May 7, 2015, providing ldaho Power 25 business days to recruit customers for the Flex Peak Program before the season began on June 15, 2015. The biggest hurdle was the limited timeframe to enroll Program participants. Knowing this would be a challenge, the Company communicated with prior participants as well as engaged in Customer Representative visits advising customers about the short timeframe to enroll in the Program. Early in May 2015, Program enrollment mailings were sent to all participants that had participated in prior seasons lrom 2012 to 2014. The Company actively recruited from the 60 previous participants with 107 sites to attain a level of potential load capacity similar to prior years. Previous participants were identified for enrollment due to their Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 3 ldaho Power Company past experience and familiarity with the prior program. Contents of the enrollment mailing included Program details, a Program application, the Program's incentive structure, and a listing of the customer's eligible service points. Additionally, the ldaho Power Program Specialist and Customer Representatives answered specific customer questions by phone, email, and through face-to-face contact, which helped inform potentia! participants of new Program details. While the Company's recruitment of previous participants was effective, some previous participants did not re-enroll and other participants elected to nominate a load that was lower than prior years. Once ldaho Power realized reduced enrollment was likely, a second marketing effort was launched that identified candidates for the Program that had a kW of 450 or greater in the summer months. This customer communication was sent on May 27,2015 to 132 customers totaling 169 sites. As a result of this effort, an additional 15 sites enrolled in the Program for the 2015 season. Demand response program dynamics can be complicated and require customers to process and evaluate impacts on business operations as well as gain approval from corporate entities. Some customers may not have had the amount of time necessary to fully evaluate both the incentive structure and operation of the Program in order to enrol! or gain corporate approval prior to the start of the season. Despite changes to the Program, most past participants and sites re-enrolled. The number of sites enrolled in the Program tor 2015 was 72 compared to 93 sites in 2014. Of those 72 sites, 57 were previously enrolled during the 2014 season. Those 57 accounted for 79 percent of the 2015 enrolled sites. The Program retained 34 of the 48 participants from the 2014 season for a71 percent customer retention rate. ln addition to retaining 57 sites, 15 new sites were added to the Program. During the 2015 Program season, there was no attrition from enrolled participants; however, participant with six sites enrolled had one site drop out of the Program during season due to some customer-owned equipment maintenance occurring during Program season. The Company considers the enrollment numbers for 2015 to be satisfactory, given the limited timeframe to recruit participants. Some former participants were unable to re- enroll in 2015 due to increased production requirements that prevented participating in load reduction events and some former participants discontinued their business operations. These extenuating circumstances would have prevented these customers from participating in any demand response program. When comparing actual enrollment from 2014 lo 2015, the enrolled capacity was similar. ln 2014, the average nominated amount was 31.8 MW compared to 27 MW for the 2015 season. The Company did not identify any issues related to meeting requests to participate in the Program in 2015. ldaho Power processed and accepted all customer applications for the 2015 season. Figure 1 represents the 72 sites that enrolled in 2015 and their diversity per customer segment. one the the Page 4 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power 2OL5 Participation by Customer Segment Based on Nomination Refrigerated Warehouse -.LLo/o \ Manufacturing 3% Light lndustrial L0% Use of Interval Metering Data lnterval metering data provides ldaho Power the ability to view all participants' load after events. This metering data was used to calculate the reduction achieved per site during load reduction events. Using this data, ldaho Power provided participants post-event usage reports that showed hourly baseline, actual usage, and reduction during an event. This tool assisted participants in refining their nomination for future events. This data provides information useful in determining which participating sites may have an opportunity to provide more reduction or change their reduction strategy if nomination amounts were not achieved. Based on individual event performance, ldaho Power contacted participants if their reduction was 25 percent less than the nominated amount for the event. When a participant did not achieve at least 75 percent of their nominated amount, there was often one or more of the following factors that influenced the performance: o Production requirements prevented the ability to curtail or fu!!y implement all load reduction measures within facility o Building operators and/or maintenance personne! were out of town or unavailable during event day o Enrolled facility was offline or not in production during entire load reduction event or baseline period due to reduced hours of operation The Company works with participants to assist in electing a feasible nomination amount based on facility size and operation. The Company believes that with more accurate nominations, participants will be more likely to achieve the expected reduction providing a higher realization rate and more reliable load resource. Additionally, if a Program Figure 1. Water & Wastewater Treatment Facility 9% Other 5%_ Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 5 ldaho Power Company participant does not achieve their nominated load reduction amount during a load reduction event, they wil! receive a lower incentive amount based on the actual reduction achieved. This encourages participants to elect achievable nomination amounts which maintains the reliability of the expected Program results. The Company anticipates improved Program performance in 2016 because participants will be more familiar with the Program and wi!! be able to nominate amounts that more closely align with achievable load reduction levels. Pa rtici pant Performance The results throughout this report are calculated at the generation leve! and system losses have been taken into account. Idaho Power called three Flex Peak Program load reduction events in 2015. A detailed analysis of the realization and reduction amounts for each event was provided in the F/ex Peak Program End-of-Season Report filed on November 3,2015. The highest hourly or peak load reduction for 2015 was 25.6 MW during the second event. Had the previous methodology been used to calculate the load reduction for this event, the peak load reduction would have been 32.0 MW. The difference is primarily due to a variation in the baseline methodology and the corresponding adjustment on the day of the event. A comparison of the baseline methodologies is explained in more detail below. Baseline Methodology Comparison The Company's load reduction results in 2015 were verified by an impact evaluationl performed by a third-party contractor, CLEAResult. ln addition to the impact evaluation, CLEAResult also conducted an analysis of another baseline methodology that was used in prior seasons by EnerNOC. The additional analysis determined the load reduction achieved using both the current Program methodology as well as the methodology used in the prior program. The memo prepared by CLEAResult analyzing the baseline methodologies is included as confidentialAttachment 1 to this report. The confidentia! memo describes proprietary information about EnerNOC's business mode! regarding the baseline methodology used for the FlexPeak Management program. The goal of the analysis was to calculate load reduction in MW under ldaho Power's methodology and the methodology that was previously used for the FlexPeak Management program. For the Flex Peak Program, the baseline that load reductions are measured against during load reduction events is calculated using a 10-day period. The baseline is the average kW of the highest energy usage days during the event availability time (2:00 - ' The lmpact Evaluation was included as an attachment to the annual Ftex Peak Program End- of-Season Report filed on November 3, 2015. Page 6 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power 8:00 p.m.) from the highest three days out of the last 10 non-event weekdays. lndividual baselines are calculated for each facility site. Once the original baseline is calculated, there is an additional piece included in the methodology called the Day-of- Adjustment ("DOA") that is used to arrive at the adjusted baseline. Adjustments address situations when load is higher or lower than it has historically been and the baseline does not accurately reflect the load behavior immediately prior to the event. The DOA is used to determine the amount of load the participant curtailed as a result of participating in the load reduction event. The DOA is applied to each site's original baseline by accounting for the difference between the average baseline kW and the average curtailment day kW during the two hours prior to event notification. The DOA is calculated as a flat kW and is applied to all baseline hours and capped at +l- 20 percent of the original baseline kW. The DOA is symmetrical, having either an upward or downward adjustment to the baseline, and is applied to the original baseline kW for each facility site for each hour during the load reduction event. ln determining the load reduction amount for each event, there was a variation from the previous program's baseline methodology compared to the current ram's baseline methodo used in 2015 due to the DOA. The prior baseline methodology resulted in greater reductions and increased realization rates averaging 17.9 percent higher compared to the current Program realization rates. The results for the first event had similar load reduction between the two unlike the last two events. During the 2015 season, the peak nomination was 28.1 MW with a peak reduction of 25.6 MW at generation level. Using the previous baseline and DOA methodology would have resulted in a peak reduction of 32.0 MW, or 6.4 MW greater than the current methodology. Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 7 ldaho Power Company Both methodologies are commonly accepted throughout the industry, however, ldaho Power believes having a symmetrical DOA with caps is a more equitable way to calculate load reduction for both participants and the Company. At this time, the Company does not anticipate any changes to the baseline methodology for 2016. Figure 2 represents the measured reduction from ldaho Power's baseline and DOA methodology versus the prior program baseline methodology for the second event on July 21,2015. Figure 2. Flex Peak Baseline Comparison-7 l2Ll2O15 (All sitesf 105,C00 15.000 Notificetion EventStert Evcnt End .-"+*-.----l ".,r,fliorbaselins =J -..4- Original Eseline +- ldaho PooEr Srselin" -'r",Pri€r Baseline 5 7J21 Usge ldaho Powrr pcek redustinn-25.5 MW Prior mcthod peak reduction 32 MW LC00 1100 12:CE 100 20C 3:0O 4C0 5CO 60O 700 8OO 9C0 Table 2 shows a comparison of the realization rates for 2015 based on peak load reduction per event. The table shows the realization rate for each event using the Flex Peak Program DOA methodology and what the realization rates would have been had the Company used the DOA methodology from the previous program. Page 8 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power Table 2. Event Date FIex Peak Program DOA Methodology Previous Program DOA Methodology June 30, 2015 July 21,2015 August 4,2015 Season Average 86.7o/o 96.6% 55.40/o 79.60/o 91.30/o 121.1o/o 80.20/o 97.5% The realization rate is the percentage of load reduction achieved versus the amount of load reduction nominated for an event. A realization rate over 100 percent indicates the participants exceeded their nominated amount. A realization rate under 100 percent indicates the participants did not achieve their nominated amount. The realization rates for each event are lower than in prior years due to the calculation change in the DOA. The change in the DOA resulted in a reported reduction less than the previous methodology; however, the Company believes the load reduction amounts achieved from each event are a more accurate representation of the actual load reduced for each event using the Flex Peak Program DOA methodology. The realization rate analysis results show that maximum load reduction was realized in the middle of the Program season. This time period is the last week of June through the middle of July, which corresponds to ldaho Power's overall summer system peak. Load Reduction Comparison Program participants had a committed load of 28.1 MW in the first week of the Program, which was the peak nomination for the season. The nomination was comprised of 38 participants totaling 72 sites. The committed load at the end of the season was 26.37 MW, which was achieved by Tl facility sites. The first event was called on Tuesday, June 30. Participants were notified at 2:00 p.m. for a four-hour event from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. The tota! nomination for this event was 27.72 MW. The average load reduction was 23.6 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 24.0 MW during hour three. The realization rate for this event was 86.7 percent. Had the previous methodology been used to calculate the load reduction for this event, the peak reduction would have been 25.3 MW with a realization rate of 91.3 percent. The second event was called on Tuesday, July 21. Participants were notified at 2:00 p.m. for a four-hour event from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. The total nomination for this event was 26.4 MW. The average load reduction was 24.9 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 25.6 MW during hour one. The realization rate for this event was 96.6 percent. Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 9 ldaho Power Company Had the previous methodology been used to calculate the load reduction for this event, the peak reduction would have been 32.0 MW with a realization rate of 121.1 percent. The third event was called on Tuesday, August 4. Participants were notified at 2:00 p.m. for a three-hour event from 4:00 -7:00 p.m. The total nomination for this event was 26.2 MW. The average load reduction was 13.8 MW. The highest hourly load reduction was 14.6 MW during hour three. The realization rate for this event was 55.4 percent. This was primarily due to one customer with two sites that was not able to provide their typical load reduction because of production issues caused by outages from range fires. These two sites achieved a realization rate of 8 percent in the August 4 event, compared to an average of 113 percent for the first two events. Had the site's realization rate for the August 4 event been the average of its realization rates from the first two events, the realization rate for this event would have been 94.8 percent. Had the previous methodology been used to calculate the load reduction for this event, the peak reduction would have been 21.1 MW with a realization rate of 80.2 percent. Gomparison of Program Costs and Benefits The primary benefit of the Program is the cost savings compared to the prior program. Total Program costs for 2015 were $592,872, or $21.96 per kW based on the average nomination amount of 27 MW for the 2015 season. By managing the FIex Peak Program internally the Company saved its customers nearly $t million in 2015 compared lo 2014 program costs. lncentive payments were the largest expenditure comprising 82 percent of total costs. Total costs during 2014 for the FlexPeak Management program were $1,563,211 or $49.16 per kW based on an average nomination amount of 31.8 MW for the 2014 season. The incentive payments were fixed capacity payments resulting from the three events called during the 2015 Program season. The fixed capacity payments totaled $487,857. Variable energy payments were not made during the season because the variable energy payment is implemented starting with the fourth event. Based on ldaho Power's understanding, the cost savings of approximately $1 million was not due to customers receiving lower incentives. The Flex Peak Program pays customers an incentive between $29.25 (with three events) and $36.93 (with the maximum of 60 hours) per kW compared to the former FlexPeak Management program that paid customers an incentive between $25 and $35 based on a public press release from EnerNOC in the "ldaho Business Review" from 2009. The Company recognizes that participation and realization rates decreased somewhat after changing the methodology to determine load reduction in 2015 compared to prior years, but ldaho Power believes the significant cost savings outweighs the slight reduction in participation. Due to the cost savings, the Flex Peak Program is more cost effective than the prior program. As shown in Figure 3, the cost of the Program in relation to the kW reduced is significantly lower in 2015 compared to prior years. Figure 3 shows the annual program costs and peak reduction in kW from 2009 to 2015. NOTE: ln 2015, ldaho Power used a different methodology to determine peak Ioad Page 10 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report ldaho Power reduction. Had the previous methodology been used, the total peak load reduction in 2015 would have been 32,000 kW. Figure 3. Cost vs Load Reduction s3,5oo,ooo s3,ooo,ooo s2,5oo,ooo 52,000,000 AnnualCost 51,500,000 - Peak Reduction (kW) *Program Cost (S) s1,000,000 s5oo,ooo SO Table 3 displays the 2015 Flex Peak Program costs by category. Table 3. 3J tro,U(, =EoE J(EoC 50,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 o 2015 Program Costs Materials and O&M expenses Contract Services lncentive payments Marketing & Administration Total $13,309 $8,165 $487,857 $83,541 $592,872 ln addition to the cost savings, the Program also provides several other benefits to the Company and its customers. By managing the Program internally, the Company is able to engage with its customers more frequently and provide additional opportunities to better serve them in their overall electrical needs. More engagement with customers encourages more participation in the Company's energy efficiency programs and increases overall customer satisfaction. Participants have also expressed that they Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 11 ldaho Power Company value the Program's transparency as all enrolled participants must abide by the same program rules, incentive structure, and operational boundaries unlike prior years when customers had individual contracts. Customer Satisfaction Results Customer satisfaction results from the end of season survey indicate increased satisfaction among Program participants. ldaho Power conducted a post-season survey sent via email to all participants enrolled in the Program. The survey focused on quantifiable questions that encouraged customer feedback for future Program improvement. ldaho Power received responses from 19 of 38 customers for a response rate of 50 percent. ln 2014, the Company received responses from 13 of 48 customers for a response rate of 27 percent. Survey results were evaluated on a S-point rating scale with 5 being the "best" and 1 being "worst". The combined average response for all questions in 2015 was 4.6 out of 5 compared to an average response of 4.4 in 2014. When customers where asked how satisfied they were with their overall experience in the Flex Peak Program, the average response was 4.5. Additionally, when asked how likely they would be to re-enroll in the Flex Peak Program in the future, the average response was 4.9. The results of the survey were favorable and showed that participants were satisfied. The full survey report is included as Attachment 2 to this Flex Peak Program one-time report. Ghanges that Might lmprove the Program An increase in enrollment is the primary improvement that could benefit the Program. ln an effort to increase enrollment, recruitment efforts for the 2016 season began in the fourth quarter of 2015 and wil! continue in 2016. ldaho Power Customer Representatives or the Flex Peak Program Specialist will meet with participants from the 2015 season during the off-season to discuss past-season performance and review Program details. Potential participants have been identified and are being recruited through field visits and will receive further communication in early spring of 2016. ldaho Power has launched a marketing/customer recruitment campaign with Customer Representatives to recruit new participants. The goals of the marketing campaign are to increase the number and size (in terms of nominated load reduction) diversity of sites enrolled. By having a larger size diversity enrolled, the Program would be less prone to volatility in its realization rate. The Company also developed new Program literature and a new Program brochure. This marketing campaign will focus on identifying customer dynamics that make successful Program participants and will also highlight available incentive amounts based on customers' load size. The Program will be jointly marketed with ldaho Power's energy efficiency programs and promoted during events such as workshops, trainings, and tradeshows. The Company also believes that having at least three contacts per facility to notify prior to load reduction events provides a higher participation rate of enrolled facilities. When an event is initiated and the participant only has one or two personne! to notify of the event, the reduction plan may not always be implemented if the designated points of Page 12 Flex Peak Program One-Time Report contact are not available. Having at least three contacts per site provides redundancy in the notification process. For the 2016 season, the Company has updated its recruiting and enrollment application to request three contacts per facility. Conclusion A Company-managed program offers customers and the Company several benefits. First, there are significant annual cost savings. The total cost savings this season compared to the prior year was nearly $1 million. These cost savings flow back to customers through the Company's Power Cost Adjustment mechanism. Second, all participants were paid within 30 days of the season ending compared to previous years where the second installment was paid nearly five months after the end of the season. Lastly, because the Program is managed by the Company, Idaho Power was able to cross-market energy efficiency programs and strengthen relationships with its customers. Flex Peak Program One-Time Report Page 13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-15-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WI LL BE PROVIDED TO THOSE PARTIES THAT HAVE SIGNED THE PROTEGTIVE AGREEMENT BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.15.O3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 Flex Peak Program Summary How much do you agree, or disagree, wlth the followlng statements about the applicaton prooess and operation of the program: How clear were the noUfication messages for the Flex Peak Program events? Mean Raa,ptse Man Resptse For each of the events ldaho Power called thls summer, please lndicate how prepared were you for the event? Man Rspnse 4.2 Followlng each event, ldaho Power provided post event perfurmance data for eacfi particlpaUng facility. How usefu! was thls infurmatlon ln helping you refine future nomlnatlons for the program? llan Rsrynse 4.9 lf you contacted ldaho Powsr, how helpful was ldaho Power with any questions you had regardlng the Flex Peak Program? fulean Rsponse 4,6 How satisfled are you with the dmellness of recelvlng your lncentive payment? llan Respnse 4.7 How saUsfied aro you with your incentive amount? llean R*pnse hlean Rspotr* Mean Rsptts 4.4 4.9 How satlsfied are you with your overall o<perlenca wlth the Flex Peak Program? How llkely would you be to re-enroll in the Flex Peak Program ln the future? 4.5 4.9 4.6Overall Program Average Flex Peak Program Survey What ls your role at your company? Answer Options Facilities Director/Manager/Superuisor Mai ntenance Di rector/Manager/Supervisor Operations Director/Manager/Supervisor Plant Di rectoriManager/Supervisor Other (please specify) Other (please spedff) Energy Engineer Master Electrician Lead Water Tech. Roeponeo Porcent 26.3o/o 21 .1o/o 15.80/o 21.10/o 15.87oerctM@r skippdqtrcfran What is your role at your company? Reeponse Count 5 4 3 4 3 19 0 r Facilities Director/Manager/Supervisor I Maintenance Director/Manager/Supervisor : operations Director/Ma nager/Su pervisor r Plant Director/Manager/Supervisor r Other (please specify) NN f\FFf\FFFF ssssoooo ssssoooo ss gg E$ oII5I ssssz'e o(o(ooeG -6'L ov # E g E$Edz F.8E Eg ssssOXFf\[orr)trg st\t(')(f) 8R o2r AE0l eiocc6o (O (Y) (', roEg + + + + OE o?rE':B,qovG t\N FT\T\F FFFF Eg o--"Et 3; : s s : SF ER &" I HE ooo-*' $ EE o o o o E-E =-PE9a6EE EO EEEED Bg oooo @or(') @N$sl(\ (f, c\t N B;B -6X L Crv E E gB " t E E?g EF rO€oB E ooooCED Eg sGD OE6 €gE oNd)F9 HR- E',sl, Et, F."(o(o EB >6EDv ro ro ro ro-io\o\o\o\E E gts5g6B EEEEd .ec=q)(Eo= =BI.v-9,r-L-lSoo>o)-cE [D' =P€,(o E PE fiet tiB's g EE aaEooGH(E(l,(l)1Sooh- G (E.=F==6EggO.E'-'-: E €EE;v =oo€!. !+d) 0)i E gE g g >a.EloEDV E CD-e 5'g e..P El_e Eq I I B I eE BF Es nF E88f;oo-oP eE .E e E .BE =fi E E fi EE EEe E E E e Er g8= t g # = tE i;El E g; c ir -c'E g+te E- B* E f E-g Er1E g EBE!ps etti I e5 & o o* E AeeE E B.e e E EE b EaaE b Ea a 8 bA I EEs= I gs s = BF=q =ss€ t Es;sfi EEl ? €;;=e i ?:;E;-fl i * I B E*** EE s E*A* g ;s : E leee; rE E :aEFE + :#E E }E:s si E iEE:3 i !goo e?$=SFESgF#TFgEf,bf,tEEbEEcoGocEEEEg IT:!I Po s. ilEFrf;E;i dg=gEo ftrtaPtro Eo+,oPti a0tr'= -9o*-o.Cttts .!= 3 otot-a0o.2T' Lo oot- b/0o5o o =,E,(J =E 3oI I 6a!.oEg$ TE8bEE!roO.5oirtOo]! oii..!!-oEr s E#rrlE s.E EE.g =E$Fi+ e =6ooo.! 'EO E!- EE!scCLt!os Flex Peak Program Survey ldaho Power noufred customers of an event by contaaing them three tmes by emall or by phone. Which of the following statements best describes your thoughts on the number of noUllcations recaived? Answer Optlons Too much Right amount Too little OverallMean Response ResponsePercent Count 29.4o/o 5 70.60/o 12 0.Oo/o 0 answercd quelrtion 17 skipped question 2 Which of the following statements best describes your thoughts on the number of notifications received? FIex Peak Program Survey How clear were the notfication messages for the Flex Peak Program events? Answer Options Very clear (5) Somewhat clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) Somewhat unclear (2) Very unclear (1) Response ResponsePercent Count 88.2o/o 15 11.8o/o 2 0.0o/o 0 0.0olo 00.0% 0ansnadquqrtion 17skippedqu*tion 2 Mean Response Weighted Response 75 8 0 0 0 4.9 How clear were the notification messages for the Flex Peak Program events? r Very clear (5) r Somewhat clear (4) u Neither clear nor unclear (3) I Somewhat unclear (2) w Very unclear (1) F(\t l2-b5Elo8oG \ovlnECo o o(Y)N S fr +++ E. o92,E = r\r\r\R,q FTFovE, -e ssE EHE d55BEr! \BOGE $$\Ft!;9F sdE CLc = f, --.tE B= P::So lE Bo $e *.B* E 6 \E,E' E -E'gE rOC g 9E rOO c,c== d$d sss!t o) o)C\INN ft9r EHbEct, ? = bos EE9s IEEE2 $go.5 63EI ;F 6tUVt a!-o -cx7 rgE EE = !, E9s b; E=- EgEg 2 $go.5 t tCo -c-z, =6CD OEg Es* -s!9oto EEbE(t, ? = bor EE EE EooEl = g-g 6EEx EE.EE !tgoCLIO $HHao t.t H=6C ar" J3 E+e.',o -- -- 1E €€€, oooo oootr =f f !,oE=9EE to ssso =b o o$o 6=6c ar" fE 8 SiP = 9 i;> = = ooGO Y !E!k t ooo9 A ooo6 € EEE t,goCLtO @oro) bo !t ta H=6c ar" lc! = >\E)E ;=eo **ig fff.t ooo)c 5l:, FNFFFF $x$ co ooE o =o oLo =to 6CLo CL =o3o .gT' ._Eoo6oE. LoE Efo0 Et, -9 E o3oo-o-cot oco oo€ o .trooo o1r tro oo-c e =o oo =!,goCIo CLioEo 6oE .Eooog CL LoE E =o .9,E Itg Eo o =o o9et3!,o; EC,E9EDOPoo-E -Y :io:d8XOf,,P $c\r$ o(o(f) (oooFNN C.,l r N F(\F sf ll) lr) s9!o l!coNA !5rtOs!o!gEcg4 o t G tt*EHOi'B: FT iEE AT F =tbla=oEo-.ef-E-S 8 Z, E E T'oL tE CLobo, $ 6 =to *o!lioI N I r!EooI onlotrt G!oo3 tlrrl 3o-coPlE.g!t .s ooog CL LTgE Eg =o.0C,6s.CLECoo l!O:3o= aeG o .C,o =tiPtro oo.tPrFosuoo Lot! Flex Peak Program Survey Followlng each event, ldaho Pouver provlded post event porbrmance data for eacfi par$clpating facility. Hov useful was thle lnbrmaUon in helplng you refine futrre nominatlons forthe program? Reeponea Reeponle WelghbdPcrcent Count Ragpsrso94.1Vo 16 805.906 1 40.07o 0 00.07o 0 00.0% 0 0 ens*wad qwtbtt 17 skipd quwtlon 2fifunRsWw Anewer Opffons Very useful (5) Somewhat useful (4) Neither useful nor useless (3) Somewhat useless (2) Very useless (1) How usefulwas the post-event performance data ldaho Power provided in helping you refine future nominations for the program? Somewhat useful (4), Flex Peak Program Survey Dld you contact ldaho Power wlth any quesilons regardlng the Flex Peak Program? Anemropuons RorPoncc RaePoneePercent ComtYes 58.8% 10No 41.2% 7*pradqffin 17std@OrcAron 2 Did you contact ldaho Power with any questions regarding the Flex Peak Program? Flex Peak Program Survey lf you contaaed Eaho Power, hoy helpful wae ldaho Powerwlth any quesdons you had regadlrlg the Flex Peak Program? Ansv$er Opdons Very helpful (5) Somewhat helptul (4) Neither helptul nor unhelptul (3) Somewhat unhelpful(2) Very unhelptul(1) Recponae Reepmca WolghtedPercont Count Reeponee70.0Yo 7 3520.0Yo 2 810.0olo 1 30.0% 0 00.0% 0 0&MqNq, 10ski@qtrctun IffutRapw 't.6 How helpful was ldaho Power with any questions you had regarding the Flex Peak Program? Flex Peak Program Survey How satsfed ar€ you wlth the dmellness of reelvlng your lnenUve payment? AruurerOpdons Very satisfied (5) Somewhat satisfied (4) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3) Somewhat dissatisfied (2) Very dissatisfied (1) Reponre P.rc.nt 70.6% 29.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%gaM, slcl@qu*don Raponcc Ws[&OCount Rcponee12 60520000000 17 2*boMw How satisfied are you with the timeliness of receiving your incentive payment? 1.7 Flex Peak Program Survey Hm sEdsfed are you wttr your lnendve amounfil Anewer Op$ons Very satisfied (5) Somewhat satisfied (4) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3) Somewhat dissatisfied (2) Very dissatisfied (1) Rccponae RccponscPorcont Count29.4Yo 558.8% 10' 11.8% 20.0% 00.0% 0qrcaw 17ekl@quxilot 2il@tRaptw Wdgltcd Rerponce 25 40 6 0 0 1.2 How satisfied are you with your incentive amount? Flex Pek Program Survey Hov sadsfied ar6 you with your overal! elperlenca wlth the Flex Peak Prcgram? Answer Opdons Very satisfied (5) Somewhat satisfied (4) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3) Somewhat dissatisfied (2) Very dissatisfied (1) Recponce Pscent 56.3% 37.5% 6.3% 0.0% 0.0% otpttaradWtloa ski@qtrcilon Rccporc Count 9 6 1 0 0 16 3*tut@w Wdghted Rerponae 45 24 3 0 0 tl.5 How satisfied are you with your overall experience with the Flex Peak Program? Neither satisfted nor dissatisfied (3),6.3% Flex Peak Program Survey How llkely would you be to re.enroll ln tte Flex Peak Program ln the future? Answsr OpUons Very likely (5) Somewhat likely (4) Neither likely nor unlikely (3) Somewhat unlikely (2) Very unlikely (1) Recponse Percent 93.8% 6.3% 0.lYo 0.0% 0.ivoarffiqu*iut sklpd qu*ton Reaponse Count 15 1 0 0 0 16 3ManRapw Welghted Response 75 4 0 0 0 4.9 How likely would you be to re-enrollin the Flex Peak Program in the Somewhat likely (4), Flex Peak Program Survey Please provlde any addltonal comments about ldaho Powe/s Flex Peak Program. fuisrver Ofllons answwedqt*tion skipedqu*tion Response Count 5 5 14 ext I understand that the program does not want to give more than two hours notice, but it would be very useful to have more advance notice of an impending event. The more notice the better. Overall Mean Zeke was verv heloful and knowledqeable. Just need to work on notification qliche. ldaho's peak program was easy to enroll, performance reports made available timely after each event, easy to make changes to nominations in between events. The support team was outstanding in their management and communications for the program. They provide detail information needed to review with other levels of OD manaqement. We look fonrard to next season. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 23d day of February 20161 served a true and correct copy the FLEX PEAK PROGRAM ONE-TIME REPORT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Customerc of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street (83702) P.O. Box 844 Boise, ldaho 83701 X Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email karl.klein@puc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com q reo@ richardsonadams. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email dreadino@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.ors Ot^r4N CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1