HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150625Comments (4 Total).pdfzzI ‘-DC’ 4 4 D . r ?O 5 JU N 2 5 NN C 3M M tr C, , C, > - z 0Qo C Ljrç cj9 )1’ !HIE—I w c -:1 LU0—0 fiJ LL . LUs; - Ci ci N ‘“ SjN • f. Jean Jewell From:baldings @yahoo.com Sent:Wednesday,June 24,2015 5:54 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:baldings@yahoo.com Subject:Case Comment Form:william balding Name:william balding Case Number:IPC-E-15-O1 Email:baldings(yahoo.corn Telephone: Address:7965 w whittaker st boise id,83714 Name of Utility Company:idaho power Acknowledge public record:True Comment: Climate change is urgent and solar is a locally based climate solution (and one that grows our local economies). Idaho needs clean energy to protect our air,water,and climate November’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report heightens urgency to address climate change On Thursday 6/18,Pope Francis issued climate encyclical calling on the world to move away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy. Idaho Statute 61-515 directs the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to “require every public utility to maintain and operate its line, plant,system,equipment,apparatus and premises in such manner as to promote and safeguard the health and safety of its employees,customers and the public.’Today,one of the greatest long-term threats to the health and safety of all these groups is carbon dioxide pollution with its attendant climate change.For the sake of our children and grandchildren, the country has to stop burning coal.Idaho must stop using electricity generated by coal, and Idaho utilities need to reduce and eventually eliminate use of coal.One of the most cost effective ways to do this is to let PURPA work and free market economies compete. Idaho utilities say we don’t “need”the electricity: The Public Utilities and Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA)requires electric utility companies to purchase the power at “avoided cost”rates.Thus,as each contract is executed, it provides the company with the cheapest possible power at that time.Even if it is “excess power,”the company can shut down other,more expensive resources,and customers will benefit from the cheapest possible portfolio of electricity generation. As long as we are burning dirty coal,we need more clean energy. Coal retirements are very likely to happen within the planning horizon,and new regulations are on the way.We need to promote clean energy. Reducing contract length will stymie the growth of Idaho’s tremendous solar resources Southern Idaho has some of the best solar resources in the country and money spent on solar stays in the state,boosts the economy and tax base,while providing jobs for Idahoans. Money spent on coal power leaves our state and provides none of these benefits. Changing the rules to reduce contract lengths that independent power producers from 2 to 2 years will discourage growing Idaho’s clean energy economy.There are better ways to Idaho electric utility concerns than to effectively quash renewable energy. 1 We need to promote,not discourage the growth of our clean energy economy. Solar electricity provides price stability.Unlike fossil fuel resources that are burdened with increasingly volatile fuel cost inputs and future regulatory uncertainty,we know the cost of solar today,and it will only get cheaper as fossil fuel electricity generation gets more expensive. Fair is fair:Idaho Power and other monopoly utility companies finance their own resources over the long-term and independent power producers should get the same deal. Sincerely, William Balding Unique Identifier: 2 Jean Jewell From:retrogeek3@gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,June 24,2015 4:39 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:retrogeek3 @ gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Kevin Cowgill Name:Kevin Cowgill Case Number:IPC-E-15-01 Email:retrogeek3gmail.corn Telephone:2082844215 Address:2801 Cherry Lane Boise Idaho,83705 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power/Cowgill power and light Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Thanks for considering my comments. I’m writing to oppose IP’s plan to eliminate by drastic reduction,the terms of contracts with solar developers.Reducing these terms from 20 years to 2 is comparable to vanquishing enemies and putting their heads on pikes.Very effective discouragement.Now,I am biased, because from March through early December I buy little if any electricity from the utility.I have Solar with battery storage along with solar hot water.It works great in Idaho.I seriously doubt Idaho Power doesn’t already know this. I believe coal will only get more expensive and solar will continue falling in price and become even more efficient.Everyone wants clean air,especially me.So we can skip the Clean Coal baloney and proceed with solar along with energy efficiency.Thanks for your time. Kevin Cowgill Retro Electric llc Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:irentit2@gmail.com Sent:Thursday,June 25,2015 12:29 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:irentit2@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Tim Hastings Name:Tim Hastings Case Number:IPC-E-15-Ol Email:irentit2(gmail .corn Telephone: Address:ie Dora St Boise ID,8372 Name of Utility Company:Idaho power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I am opposed to the request from Idaho Public Utilities to reduce the length of its PURPA contracts from 20 to 2 years.There is no reasonable and just explanation for this.It would appear to only serve the utility companies bottom line and not the general public.And certainly not the emerging renewable energies sector of our economy.We are fortunate in Idaho to have so many days of great sun exposure.Idaho should be a model for the rest of the country when it comes to renewable resources for energy. Unique Identifier: 1