HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150623Comments (6 Total).pdf09:17:03 p.m.06—22—2015 1 1H31—1995 O:OOAM FROM P.i June 22,2015 711iJU23 AM 8:37 Fax 334-3762 d.c. II V Idaho Public Utility Commission P0 Box 83720 Boise,ID 83702 Re:WC-E-15-0l Dear Commissioners Kjellander,Redford and Raper, We want to voice our concerns regarding Idaho Power Company’s (We),Rocky Mountain Power (RMP)and Avista requesting petition in limiting the PURPA contracts from 20-years to just 2-years.Idaho is blessed with lots of days filled with sun light.As you already know,WC,RVW &Avista have invested millions of dollars in coal fired plants,transmission lines along with numerous substations.Their rater-payers are the ones picking up the tab for all of their facilities.Those utilities can leverage long-term contracts,while borrowing on those assets,again and again and again at the expense ofthe rate-payers. Now,those same utilities want to limit larger producer’s solar az4 wind contracts to just 2 years,while they pay them at very low avoided costs.They claim they don’t need the additional electricity.At the same time they want the rate-payers to pick up the tab for even more transmission line.They want to build many more expensive 230 -500KV transmission lines in order to “wheel more power”across the state.They have even already asked the WUC to allow them to swap out some of their facilities within those same utility companies all while claiming they “need”those proposed facilities to balance out the power.They even propose to reduce of value in large amortized amount for those same “used”equipment.What a total hypocrisy,it is amazing feat of the pea under the nut shell game of hoodwinking the rate-payers. Yet they certainly don’t want outside power producers to come into Jdaho with solar or wind!You have to ask yourself WHY?it is so obvious they want to keep Idaho rate-payers under their thumbs and “keep business as usual”.Yet they continue to contribute large sums of money to politicians and PAC committees.They also pay their top executives HUGE salaries with HUGE benefits. It is no mystery to us why they don’t contribute to all of Idaho University’s (or any other universities)for further research in long term storage of solar or wind in a meaningfUl way.It seems as if they would rather see the rater-payers deal with deadly health effects,not to mention the affects on the environment from using coal power,than pay any other power producers for clean energy,especially in long-term contracts. We urge the commissioners to uphold the PURPA intent and not reduce long term contracts from 20-years to any other compromise of 10,5 or 2-year contracts.After all,if IPC “has too much poweC then can always sell it to other utilities outside ofIdaho on those new transmission lines they are so busy building. Sincerely, Evereff&EileenVh?k1W 4 6177 Somerset Lane Star,II)83669 Subject:Case Comment Form:Caroline Morris Date:June 22,2015 To:<bevcrly.harker@ puc.idaho.eciv>,<jcan.icwcII (qpLtcidaho.gov>,<gene.tadness @puc.idaho.gov> Cc:<l1eursnorris @ enun I Name:Caroline Morris Case Number:ipc-e-15-01 Email:lie ursmorris (emuil .cuiii Telephone:2089541092 Address:1347 W Parkhill Drive Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Dear PUC Commissioners Kjellander.Redford and Raper: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on IPC-E-15-01,the Idaho Power Company’s request to reduce the length of contracts to purchase power under PURPA.I am an Idaho Power residential rate payer,and I urge you to deny this request,as explained below: Idaho Powers proposal would inhibit or block solar development in Idaho,The desired shorter contract length would bar solar companies seeking financial support from outside large investors,because they are disinterested in short-term investments with no secure future.When a utility builds an expensive power plant or transmission line,its customers repay costs for the projects entire lifetime,often 20-30 years.Clean energy businesses deserve the same deal.Therefore,financially sound development of Idaho’s own clean energy resources will require that PUC continue the 20-year long-tern contract rule for applicant businesses. Why do we want to encourage clean energy in Idaho?As a rate-payer,I am annoyed that about 40%of customers Idaho Power payments buy out-of-state produced coal and gas to generate our electricity.Both these fossil fuels pollute the air and degrade the climate with carbon.We can no longer ignore human-caused environmental changes due to rising carbon dioxide levels.The obvious alternative solution is to develop Idaho’s abundant solar potential. New solar businesses could contribute much to local economies too:construction work,jobs and tax base growth. If clean energy is Idaho’s goal,the PUC must continue to provide financially sound encouragement to solar energy businesses operating in this state by maintaining the 20-year long-term contract rule.Keep the current,fair clean energy rules. I urge that Idaho Power’s desire for shorter term contracts must be denied. Because you as PUC Commissioners are chosen by Governor Otter,you have the ethical responsibility to make clear that this PUC decision is free of political and economic influence.In 2014,Idaho Power gave the Governor’s reelection campaign $5000 and its executives donated $10,000 more.Please ignore all political influence and deny the current request.Other states and countries courageously have protected the environment and the earth,so please help Idaho to do so too. Jean Jewell From:chisholm3@mindspring.com Sent:Monday,June 22,2015 6:34 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:chisholm3@mindspring.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Bill Chisholm Name:Bill Chisholm Case Number:IPC-E-15-0l Email:chisholm3(mindspting.com Telephone:208-543-4418 Address:19@73E Hwy 30 Buhl Idaho,83316 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Co and other regulated electrical utilities doing business in Idaho Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I have been involved in Idaho energy issues for over forty years,I have participated in the planning processes,advanced the solar for schools program,an energy efficiency education program using $02 Credit dollars,submitted an Idaho energy plan to the Legislature’s Interim Energy Committee’s website before the committee even had its first meeting.That plan emphasized energy efficiency,conservation and renewables. It seems to me somewhat ridiculous that we are even having this conversation,not because I don’t think that there are some legitimate questions regarding the size of PURPA projects and the requirement,but because the utilities themselves have been very myopic in facing a reality that has been coming down the pike,and which I have been speaking and advocating for thirty years.I urged the utilities to get in the business,to install their own point of use,distributed systems. We have to get away from coal..it is ridiculous that at this stage in our state and nation’s energy portfolio that we are still using this antiquated,polluting and environmentally destructive energy source. Two years is a ridiculous proposal for contract tenure.We need to get real.The utilities were granted a monopoly in exchange for public regulation that is meant to protect the public interest,the public good.Its late in the game the utilities shouldn’t be trying to slow down and stop,they should be trying to figure out how to make it work. I’m not a fan of utility sized solar projects out in the wilds or on public land,I would like to see them over parking lots and on roof tops of industrial and commercial size building,particularly buildings and at industrial sites that are demanding large amounts of energy,particularly during peak energy usage. Coal aside,I believe that we need to be more cognizant of the hydro side of the electrical production equation.Ongoing drought in the West may be focused on the intense state of water shortage in California,but Idaho is not immune to water shortage potential,which means solar makes even more sense. It is time for the regulated utilities to step to the plate with constructive proposals that moves us towards an efficient and clean energy future.Shorting the contract period for PURPA projects to two years is not constructive.I’m not saying that 20 years is a necessary and reasonable mark either.Maybe 10 to 15 is a more reasonable contract period,but if the utilities aren’t going to step to the plate then PURPA projects are going to have to get us there. 1 Jean Jewell From:paulhartl077@gmail.com Sent:Tuesday,June 23,2015 12:15 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:paulhartl077@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Paul Hartl Name:Paul Harti Case Number:IPC-E-15-01 Email:paulhattlO77(agmai1.com Telephone:208-721-2004 Address:PC Box 6481 Ketchum ID,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Please deny Idaho Powers request to shorten the contract length with independent power producers from 20 to 2 years.This move is meant to,and would surely destroy most non-fossil fuel power producers by making investment in these firms far riskier.Changing these terms midstream should not even be considered,and would show extremely bad faith on the part of IPUC toward all but an elite few of wealthy,powerful and well-connected power producers. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:bethnorm@cableone.net Sent:Tuesday,June 23,2015 2:56 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:bethnorm@cableone.net Subject:Case Comment Form:Norman Hill Name:Norman Hill Case Number:IIPC =E-15-01 Email:bethnotm(cableone.net Telephone:208 233 0490 Address:6900 W Portneuf Rd Pocatello Idaho,83204 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Co Acknowledge public record:True Comment:My wife.Beth,and I are concerned with the length of PURPA contracts (those existing and upcoming contracts).Twenty years is not in the best interest of customers. When Idaho Poweer is required to sign contracts for a period of 20 years,it has the potential to cause higher utility rates for customers.We now enjoy very reasonable and fair rates and would prefer that not change.We feel if Idaho Power is required to sign contracts, they should be no longer than 2 years. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Gene Fadness Sent:Tuesday,June 23,2015 10:24 AM To:Jean Jewell Subject:FW:Ken Miller of Snake River Alliance Gave me Your Name Attachments:Investor Owned Utilities are Failing US Presentation June 201 5.pptx From:perrynelsonranch@aol.com [mailto:perrynelsonranch@aol.com] Sent:Tuesday,June 23,2015 9:20 AM To:Gene Fadness;kmiller©snakeriveralliance.org Subject:Ken Miller of Snake River Alliance Gave me Your Name Gene Ken Miller gave me your name as a contact who can help me provide the attached presentation to the Idaho Public Utility Commission Case Number:IPC-E-15-01.If need be,I can also testify. I feel that Idaho Power Co.specifically and all the Northwest Investor Owned Utilities (IOU)must think outside the box. And it is the IPUC’s responsibility to motivate them to give rate payers an equal advantage to stockholders and company management.Solar technology costs are within reach of each community.When Henry Ford up scaled the assembly line for making cars,I bet the buggy whip manufactures where very upset and would have liked to control the market to prevent the advantages of scale.Idaho Power can control the market for electricity as a buggy whip manufacture equivalent.Is the IPUC going to let it happen? Steve Nelson 19810 E.Onyx Ln. Spokane,WA 99217 Phone -509-995-2043 email -perrynelsonranch@aol.com 1 Le g e n d Id t h o Po ’ e r Un e s — 16 1 k V — 23 0 k V — 34 6 k V — 5J U k V Ot h c r U t t y Li n e s .a 34 5 V 9J O k V Po w e r th i i n k s th e y ca n ge t dL e c U L t u r e ad d i t i o n a l / m: t h e Bo a r d 9O N N e V I U . E PC E R DM I N . (H o t S u f l n Al l th e No r t h w e s t I th e y wi l l ge t ne e J e d fr o m so m e w co n s th e Ca n n P’ c i r I c P’ Y R in k o St b o n P— i s — 6r o w i e e 6t Pd h o - N c i t h v e t MI c c c Wt 1W N FA L L S J Co n s e r v a t i o n an o t h e r RO C K Y MO U N T . a 4 N I I 1:. a,-.. I I4Li(• A e Is th e r e a Lo s s of Lo a d in th e Fu t u r e Wh e n Ev e r y o n e is lo o k i n g so m e w h e r e el e fo r po w e r ? 0 is th e r e a de s e r t of re s o u r c e s in ou r fu t u r e ? Mt - tJ — 4 w __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2; i - -- — Id a h o Pu b l i c Ut i l i t y Co m m i s s i o n ’ s re s p o n s i b i l i t y is to Gu i d e us th r o u g h th i s Bu s i n e s s Mo d e l _ C h a n g e __ _ -- - - 1_ L . _ Z u— Ho w do e s th i s ap p l y to th e IP U C Ca s e IP C - E - 1 5 - O 1 ID A H O PO W E R CO M P A N Y ’ S PE T I T I O N TO MO D I F Y TE R M S AN D CO N D I T I O N S OF PU R P A PU R C H A S E AG R E E M E N T S Th e ba s i c pr e m i s e of pr o j e c t f i n a n c e is th a t le n d e r s lo a n mo n e y fo r h e dé v e I o p r e n t of a pr o j e c t so l e l y ba s e d on th e sp e c i f i c pr o j e c t s ri s k s an d fu t u r e ca s h fl o w s . As su c h , pr o j e c t fi n a n c e is a me t h o d of fi n a n c i n g in wh i c h th e le n d e r s to a pr o j e c t ha v e ei t h e r no rè c o u r s ë or on l y li m i t e d re c o u r s e to th e pa r e n t co m p a n y th a t de v e l o p s or tt ,, . & sp o n s o r s th e pr o j e c t . • ..•.-4 •-,•:: :• •j f. I _1 0 -.-.-j.