HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150130Allphin Direct.pdfr-t ts A :'-J'ti:Lr,'Llr I t ?015 Jfit{ 30 PH lr: 22 lDr:'i;i [-''* ;=' UT ll-lTi [$ C0l,t],,{I$SlOl{ BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO MODIEY TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROSPECTIVE PURPA ENERGY SALES AGREEMENTS. CASE NO. IPC-E-15-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY ALLPHIN O. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Randy A11phin. My business address 3 is l22L West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho 6 Power" or "Company") as the Energy Contracts Coordinator 7 Leader. O. Please describe your educational- background 9 and work experience with Idaho Power. 10 A. I graduated in L9B2 from Boise State 11 Unlversity with a Bachelor of Business Administration. In 72 June 7982, T accepted a position as a Customer Service 13 Specialist with Idaho Power. In 1986, I accepted a 74 position as an Operations Accountant in the Operations and 15 Euels Management accounting group. My specific 16 responsibilities were accounting for and performing 77 economj-c analyses of the Company's agreements with 1-8 Qualifying Facilitj-es ("QF"), as wel-l- as fuels accounting 1,9 and thermal operations and maintenance accounting. In 20 1998, in addition to the responsibility of performing the 27 accounting and economic analysis of QE agreements, I was 22 al-so assigned the responsibility of administ.ering aI1 23 aspects of existing and new QE agreements as the 24 Cogeneration and Smal-l- Power Production ("CSPP") Contract 25 Administrator. In 20L0, I was promoted to Senior Energy ALLPHIN, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 1_5 t6 1,1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Contracts Administrator and was assigned two direct reports to manage the large number of Idaho Power QF and other renewabl-e energy agreements. I have been involved with accounting, economic analysis, contract admj-nistration, and contract negotiations of Idaho Power QF and renewable energy agreements for approximately 30 years. In addition, I was responsible for the initial implementation of ldaho Power's Oregon Solar Photovoltaic Pilot Program and currently am assigned supervisory oversight of the administration of that program. o.What is the purpose of your testimony in this matter? A.The purpose of my testimony is to provide a summary of the development of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA") QF generation projects on Idaho Power's system and to summarize the current status of contracts, requests for contracts, inquirJ-es, pricing requests, etc., related to PURPA energy sales agreements, obligations, and proposed QF projects with Idaho Power. My testimony is submitted in support of Idaho Power's Petition to Modify Terms and Condj-tions of Prospective PURPA Energy Sales Agreements asking to reduce the maximum term of prospectJ-ve PURPA energy sales agreements with Idaho Power from 20 years to a maximum of 2 years. Have you prepared any exhibits? ALLPHTN, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 71 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 A.Yes. I am sponsoring 10 exhibits that were either prepared by me or prepared at my direction. o. A. Could you describe those exhibits? Yes. Exhibit No. 1 is a graphical depiction of the current and historical energy sales agreements that Idaho Power has been required to enter into with QF generation projects pursuant to PURPA. This graph identifies the amount, in megawatts ("MW"), by year and by resource type of signed and approved energy sales agreements with PURPA QEs. It al-so identifies current requests for contracts from proposed PURPA sofar QEs. This graph separately identifies the MW levels of PURPA projects under contract and operational as of January 9, 2015 781 MW; the additional PURPA solar projects that are under contract as of January 9, 201,5, but not yet operational 461 MW; and the additional PURPA projects that as of January 9, 2075, have made formal, written requests for PURPA energy sal-es agreements with Idaho Power 885 MW. Exhibit No. 1 identifies the total amount of PURPA projects, 2,L87 MW, that have formally requested contracts, are under contract, and are under contract and operational. Exhibit No. 2 is a complete llsting of all active renewable energy contracts that fdaho Power has as of Januaxy 26, 201,5. Page 1 of Exhibit No. 2 is a summary page showing the total number and total MW of renewable ALLPHIN, Dr 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 l_0 11 1-2 13 74 15 L6 71 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 energy contracts, breaking those totals down by resource type and jurisdiction, showing which projects are operational, and separately identifying PURPA QE projects and non-PURPA projects. The remaining pages of Exhibit No. 2, pages 2 through 'l , provide the detail summari-zed on page 1. Each individual project is listed by project number (which is an internaL tracking number for Idaho Power) and identified by resource type, project name, location by state and county, and the MW nameplate capacity. The individual projects are grouped by resource type, with subtotals for the number of individual projects and the total MW for each resource type. o.Do you have any information concerning any additional PURPA QE projects seeking to contract with, or obligate, Idaho Power to PURPA energy sal-es agreements? A.Yes. Exhibit No. 3 shows each individual proposed PURPA QF solar project that has submitted a written request for indicative pricing from Idaho Power for an energy sal-es agreement. There are 48 individual projects, for a total of 885 MW that have submitted such requests. Because the identity of the project developers and their specific projects are not public record prior to such time as they have obtaj-ned an executed contract that is filed with the Idaho Public Util-ities Commission for its approval or rejection, the project developers' identities ALLPHIN, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 and names of projects have been removed. However, because in almost aII cases a single developer has proposed several separate projects, a generic identifier; i.e., Developer A, Project A1, Project A2, etc., Developer B, Project 81, Project 82, etc., has been used. Exhibit No. 3 al-so shows each project's size j-n MII'I, the project's requested contractual- term, the location by state, the project's estj-mated operation date, and the estimated 20-year and 2- year contractual- obligation j-n doll-ars. o.Does Idaho Power have any other requests for PURPA energy sal-es agreements besides those shown in Exhibit No. 3? A. Yes. In addition to those 48 projects that have submitted written requests for indicative pricing pursuant to Schedule f3, Idaho Power has received numerous other inquiries requesting energy sales agreements for significant amounts of PURPA generation. However, in the preparation of my exhibj-ts, it was necessary for the Company to select a point in tj-me and take a snapshot of the current proposed projects at that point in time. This snapshot was at the time when the Company had 48 solar project requests for a total of 885 MW, which are depicted in Exhibit No. 3. Since that point in time, the Company has continued to receive numerous requests for additional PURPA QE energy sales agreements. ALLPHIN, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 t7 t_8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o. A. O. What are some of those additional requests that are not shown in Exhibit No. 3? A.Over the last several weeks, Idaho Power has received requests for eight additional PURPA solar agreements totaling 186 MW, a request from a single developer for five 80 MW pumped storage hydroelectric PURPA energy sales agreements totaling 400 MW, and numerous other energy sales agreement inquires. Additional project requests for generator interconnection have also been received, in excess of an additional 200 MW, in which the projects have stated their desire to sel-l- QE energy to the Company; however, these projects have not yet requested QF energy sal-es agreements. Do you have other exhibits? Yes. Exhibit No. 4 shows the esti-mated contractual obligations of Idaho Power's cogeneration and small power production QF contract obligations. This exhibit is broken out by time period, by signed and proposed contracts, and by resource type. o.Has Idaho Power done any comparisons of its renewable generation to the renewable portfolio standards of other states? A.Yes. Exhibit No. 5 is a chart that depicts comparison of Idaho Power renewable generation resources the renewable portfolio standard ("RPS") or renewable a to ALLPHIN, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 portfolj-o goal ("RPG") of Idaho Power's neighboring states 2 of Montana, Washington, Utah, Nevada, and Oregon - and to 3 that of Cal-ifornia. 4 Q. CouJ-d you further describe what is shown in 5 Exhibit No. 5? 6 A. Yes. Idaho Power does not have any current 7 requirements for a RPS or RPG in the state of Idaho, but 8 what is shown by Exhibit No. 5 is that with only its 9 currently existing PURPA and utility renewable energy power 10 purchase agreement ("PPA") resources, the Company would 11 meet a renewable energy standard of 20 percent of retail L2 load (megawatt-hours (*MWh") ) supplied by renewable energy 13 (MWh). Exhibit No. 5 also depicts an estimated renewable 14 energy level for Idaho Power, calculated as percent of 15 retail- load in MWh supplied by renewable energy in MWh, for L6 four additional scenarios: Idaho Power's actual PURPA and I7 utility renewable energy PPAs plus the 461 MW of PURPA 18 solar under contract 24 percent; Idaho Power's actual 19 PURPA and utility renewable energy PPAs plus the 461 MW of 20 PURPA solar under contract plus the 885 MW of PURPA solar 21, proposed - 31 percent; Idaho Power's actual PURPA and 22 utility renewable energy PPAs, 461. MW of PURPA sol-ar under 23 contract, plus Idaho Power's Company-owned hydro generation 24 77 percent, and, finally, Idaho Power's actual PURPA and 25 utility renewable energy PPAs, 461 MW of PURPA solar under ALLPHIN, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 1,6 L1 18 L9 20 27 contract, 885 MW of PURPA sofar proposed, plus all of Idaho Power's Company-owned hydro generation - 90 percent. The l-atter two scenarios depict that if Idaho Power's 1,,'709 MW of hydroelectric nameplate capacity were combined with the Company's acquired renewabl-e capacity, which would represent over 3,100 MW of renewabl-e generation capacity, it would equate to 90 percent of retail load supplied by renewable energy. In fact, Lf the Company's PURPA generation, including PURPA solar under contract and proposed, were considered, Idaho Power would exceed the RPS requirements of its neighboring western states, dS wel-l- as California, at 37 percent of retail load supplied by renewabl-e energy. 1 o.Have you conducted, or directed, any analysis of Idaho Power's PURPA generation? A.Yes. Using information from Idaho Power's Load Serving Operations Group, I have prepared Exhj-bit No. 6. Exhibit No. 6 is a serj-es of graphs consj-stj-ng of 24 separate graphs, one per page, which depict the first week of each month for the years 20L6 and 20L'l and one summary page. These graphs depict an analysis conducted by Idaho 1 This comparison is done to show the magnitude of QF development and Company-owned hydro compared to various mandatory RPS requirements. Because Idaho Power does not receive the Renewable Energy Certifi-cates/ Credits ("RECs") from most of its QF generation, this generation cannot be used to meet any potential RPS requirements and fdaho Power cannot represent to customers that they are receiving renewabl-e energy from the QFs, or from generation, for which it does not receive the RECs, and is not making any such representation here. ALLPHIN, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 tr 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 16 11 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Power which compares estimated total system 1oad, on an hourly basis, over 20L6 and 2011 , to the Company's must-run resources, must-take PURPA generation, and must-take non- PURPA power purchase agreements. The estimated }oad is taken directly from the Company's operational forecast. The must-run Company-owned resources are comprised of Idaho Power's hydro and coal- generation, and are represented at must-run minimum levels. This means that they are taken down to minimum operational levels where they cannot be backed down any further without violating environmental- regulations for hydro, and without being shut down for coal. Must-take PURPA and non-PURPA purchases are taken from Idaho Power forecasted generation from the various PURPA projects currentl-y under contract with ldaho Power. This forecast is a combination of historical generation information from existing projects and project-provided estimated generation as contaj-ned withln the contracts. There is no gas, market purchases, market sales r ot other generation depicted on the graphs or analysis. o.What is shown by this analysis? A. This analysis shows the frequency with which Idaho Power's system, when in a state where it cannot be backed down any further, wil-I have generation resources in excess of its system load. This will put the system into an imbalanced, over-generation state unless some remedial ALLPHIN, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 action j-s taken to balance the system. If remedial actions 2 are not available, or not employed in a timely manner, then 3 the Company can have system reliability violations, events, 4 and/or outages and damage. In fact, over the last several 5 years, rel-iabil-ity curtail-ments of PURPA generation have 6 been necessary in order to maintain the integrity of Idaho 7 Power's system. Eor the period from May 2011 through 8 December 2074, the Company has had at least 15 reliability 9 events that resul-ted in wind generation output reductions 10 in order to maintain the rel-iable operation of the 11 Company's electrical system. These curtailments, or 12 generation limitation set points, have been relatively 13 j-nfrequent, for relatively short durations, and are removed 1,4 as soon as possible once it can safely be done and maintain 15 a balanced system. 76 O. What is the frequency of hours, over the years t] 201,6 and 20!7, in which Idaho Power's must-run and must- 18 take resources exceed total system load? 19 A. The summary page of Exhibit No. 6 shows the 20 frequency of hours in which must-run and must-take 27 generation will exceed total system 1oad, and is broken out 22 into four categories: (1) Idaho Power's Company-owned 23 must-run hydro and coal plus non-PURPA must-take power 24 purchases, without the addition of any PURPA generation - 25 2, 492 hours t or t4 percent , of al-l- t7 ,544 hours during 20L6 ALLPHIN, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 13 1-4 15 1,6 1-7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 and 201,7; (2) everything included in category 1 plus all existing PURPA generation (excluding solar) - 5,L20 hours, or 29 percent, of all 17,544 hours during 2076 and 2077; (3) everything incl-uded in category 2 plus al-l- PURPA under contract (including PURPA solar under contract 461- MW) 5,709 hours, or 33 percent, of all 17,544 hours during 2016 and 2077; and 1ast, (4) everything in category 3 plus the 885 MW of proposed PURPA solar 6,952 hours, ox 40 percent, of all- 77,544 hours during 2076 and 2017. Each one of these hours creates a potential over-generation event where remedial- action of some kind will be necessary to keep the system j-n bal-ance and meet the obligation to reliably serve customers. o. A. Can you describe your remaining exhibits? Yes. Exhibit No. 7 shows the annual actual and forecasted PURPA expense from 2004 through 2025, which increases from approximately $40 million in 2004 to approximately $230 mj-Ilion in 2025. This is an approximate 575 percent increase over those 22 years. Exhibit No. 8 shows the approved net power supply expense incl-uded in Idaho Power's base rates on a normalized basis for 20L0, 2012, and 2013. o.What costs have been included in base rates for net power supply expenses over those years? ALLPHIN, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 L1 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. Exhibit No. 8 shows the major Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (*FERC") accounts for net power supply expenses that have been lncluded in base rates since 2010. The major FERC accounts include Account 501, Coal; Account 547 , Gas; Account 555, Purchases; and Account 441; Surplus Sales. Account 555, Purchases, has been split into two separate line items, one for purchases that are non- PURPA related and the other for purchases of PURPA generation O.What do these numbers reflect with regard to the relationship of purchases for PURPA compared to the other cost components of net power supply expense? A. It has been suggested that even though PURPA generation may not be needed to meet current customer 1oad, it can be assumed that the excess generatj-on could be sold as surpJ-us safes, and therefore benefit the customer by a reduction on net power supply expense. Based upon the dol-l-ars included in base rates that are reflected in Exhibit No. 8, this assumption woul-d not be accurate. fn fact, even though net power supply expenses associated with the purchase of PURPA have increased, surplus sal-es have decreased, both in volume and in do1lars. The gap between the cost per Mhlh of PURPA and the price for surplus sales has widened, meaning that the average price incl-uded in base rates that the Company must pay to purchase PURPA ALLPHIN, DI L2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 generation even though it is not needed to meet l-oad is greater than the price the Company could sel-1 that same generation on the market. Customers are adversely impacted by having to pay for generation that is not needed to serve Ioad while decreasing the amount of the surplus sales credit offset O. Inlhy have surpJ-us sales decreased so much in recent years, both in terms of doll-ars and vol-ume? A. There may be a number of reasons for the reduction in surplus sales. One reason may be the increased amount of avail-abl-e generation in the Pacific Northwest, much of it due to the increase in wind and solar generation. Another major reason for the l-ower prj-ce of surplus sales may be the cost of gas, which has decreased significantly over the past several years. The bottom Iine is that it may not be prudent to lock in long-term pricing for generation at a time when overall costs for technology and fuel are decreasi-ng. o.What is the relationship of the cost for PURPA components ofgeneration compared to the costs of the other net power supply expense? A.As shown in Exhibit No. 8, the cost of purchases of PURPA generation contained in base ratesr orr dollars per MWh basis, is now greater than al-l- the other cost components. At $62.49 per MWh, the average cost of ALLPHIN, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 PURPA purchases is greater than the average cost of coal at 2 $22.19 per MWh, greater than gas at $33.57 per MV{h, greater 3 than non-PURPA purchases of $50.64 per MWh, and 4 significantly greater than what is being sold as surplus 5 sal-es at $22.41 per MWh. 6 Q. What is the implication of these pricing 7 differences and the potential j-mpact on the Company's I customers? 9 A. If the Company is required to purchase PURPA 10 generation when it is not needed, the Company may be 11 required to curtall other less expensive sources of 1,2 generatj-on or market purchases in order to continue 13 purchasing PURPA generation at a higher cost. This would L4 mean that the Company's overall- net power supply expense, 15 on a dol-l-ars per MWh basis, would increase, adversely 16 impacting the customer. 1,7 a. Are you presenting any other exhibits? 18 A. Yes. The last two exhibits I am sponsoring 19 are Exhibit Nos. 9 and 10. Exhibit No. 9 is similar to 20 Exhibit No. 3, except the information is for PUPRA solar 2L projects that are under contract as of January 20, 2075. 22 Each project is l-isted individually by name. Exhibit No. 9 23 shows each project's size in MW, the term of the contracts 24 (which are all for 20 years), the location by state, the 25 schedul-ed operatj-on date (which is 2Ot6 for all projects), ALLPHIN, DI L4 Idaho Power Company 1 and the estimated contractual- obligation for both a 2)-year 2 term and 2-year term in doll-ars. 3 Exhibit No. 10 is a graphical depiction of the 4 average actual per MWh cost of PURPA energy purchases and 5 Mid-C market prices through year-end 2074 and the same two 6 values forecasted through 2030. 7 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? I A. Yes. 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 16 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 ALLPHIN, DI 15 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 l_0 11 1,2 13 1,4 15 1,6 1-1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 STATE OF IDAHO ) )County of Ada ) I, Randy truthfully, and following: SUBSCRIBED AND January 2075. ATTESTATION OA TESTII{OIW SS. Allphln, having been duly sworn to testify based upon my personal knowledge, state the SWORN to before me this 30th day of I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Energy Contracts Coordinator Leader in the Load Serving Operations Group and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I decl-are under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-fiIed testimony and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 30th day of January 2015. Notary Publi Residing at: expr-res: ALLPHIN, DI T6 Idaho Power Company 11phin $oT{t}'{Do- 'o1g1c5 or Idaho>oisa r My commission BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPG.E.I5.O1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 ts E- ==g I5e =- E II B ;I gI I 5- =! -o =[Hg =4^!}E =9 E 3€-od! 3 et I- = 33 -Io FI 9 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 uaI ErT:t8 E} ==oo c.i rii eNqie .! =c.! o art.EEo,ctoCLo o-E =.U (, .U go(J (l,EE=a, C'(l,o a- o-E, =a- =- o ni C'6a otoeGc.! ooo 6coE6LoILoT'E.! (,6 c,oo o =tc=0(,oo o- o-c,Do- oooooooooooooooooooooooNc)@(^osl^lO6(.0sfN(\ N r{ r-{ Fl r{ el (rnutl suer$etahl !olio(L P =i*r =EoerJ0eL)Hb5!OEAJogr5a 4G =c BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 ldaho Power Gompany Renewable Energy Gontracts List SUMMARY PURPA Projects OregonSolar Projects Non PURPA Projects SUMMARY BY FACILITYTYPE 133 60 3 1,302.08 MW 0.46 MW 135.65 MW 196 1,438.19 MW Biomass CoGen Thermal Hydro Wind 10 1 3u 27 19 4 5 Solar Hydro Wind 29.45 MW 15.90 MW 15.00 MW 't43.70 MW 576.92 MW 105 780.97 MW 461.00 MW 10.11 MW 50.00 MW OR Solar 28 55 521.11 MW o.42MW 55 0.'12 MW OR Solar 0.04 MW 0.0'[ MW Geothermal Wind 2 1 35.00 MW 100.65 MW 135.65 MW 190 1,438.19 itw Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of6 ldaho Power Gompany Renewable Energy Gontracts List PROJECT DETALS PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE 31616150 Biomass 41365515 Biomass 31615100 Biomass 316'16'100 Biomass 31616'115 Biomass21865113 Biomass 21615100 Biomass 41455091 Biomass 31616110 Biomass11766002 Biomass Total Biomass ProJecG: 10 41866113 CoGen Total CoGen ProiecG: I 31765150 Thermal21662100 Thermal 31616082 Thermal Total Thermal ProlecG: 3 86 Anaerobic Digester Bannock County Landfill Bettencourt Dry Creek BioFactory, LLC Big Sky West Dairy Digester (DF-AP #1, LLC) Double A Digester Project Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Station Hidden Holloiv Landfill Gas Pocatello Waste Rock Creek Dairy Tamarack Cspp Simplot Pocatello Magic Valley Tasco - Nampa Tasco - Twin Falls Arena Drop Barber Dam Birch Creek Black Canyon #3 Blind Canyon Box Canyon Briggs Creek Bypass Canyon Springs Cedar Draw Clear Springs Trout Crystal Springs Curry Cattle Company Dietrich Drop Eightmile Hydro Project Elk Creek Falls River Fargo Drop Hydroelectric Faulkner Ranch Fisheries Dev. Geo-Bon #2 Hailey Cspp Hazelton A Hazelton B Horseshoe Bend Hydro Jim Knight Kasel & Witherspoon Koyle Small Hydro Lateral #'10 Lemoyne Little Wood Rvr Res Littlewood / Arkoosh Low Line Canal Low Line Midway Hydro Lowline #2 Magic Reservoir Malad River Marco Ranches Mile 28 Mill Creek Hydroelectric 2.28 3.20 2.25 1.50 4.50 3.06 3.20 0.46 4.00 5.00 29.'llt 15.90 't5.90 10.00 2.00 3.00 't5.00 0.45 3.70 0.05 0.14 1.63 0.36 0.60 9.96 0.13 1.55 0.52 2.44 0.22 4.50 0.36 2.00 9.10 1.27 0.87 0.26 0_93 0.06 8.10 7.60 9.50 0.34 0.90 1.25 2.06 0.08 2.85 0.87 7.97 2.50 2.79 9.07 0.62 1.20 1.50 0.80 Exhibit No.2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 2 of6 2'1615205 21615078 31214058 31415065 31615140 31416013 31s15100 317',t5126 314't6020 31616081 31516014 31615057 31415023 31615106 44395973 116',t5077 417',t7137 21615215 31615',t21 31415134 31615098 31315093 31715128 31715140 11715144 31415094 3161503'l 31615030 31615056 31316015 31615105 31515107 317't5099 31615130 31615125 31715',t23 3r515009 31615't 17 31615154 126't8250 Gooding Bannock County Twin Falls Gooding Lincoln Kootenai Ada Bannock Twin Falls Adams Power Minidoka Canyon Twin Falls Canyon Ada Gooding Gooding Gooding Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Lemhi ldaho Fremont Canyon Gooding Gooding Lincoln Blaine Jerome Jerome Boise Gooding Twin Falls Gooding Twin Falls Gooding Blaine Lincoln Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Blaine Gooding Jerome Jerome Union ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydm ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID to ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID to ID to ID ID ID OR ldaho Power Gompany Renewable Energy Gontracts List '12614070 Hydro 21615200 Hydro 31515004 Hydro 3'14'14'111 Hydro '126'16071 Hydro 31615067 Hydro 314'15164 Hydro 31415165 Hydro21415119 Hydro 31615003 Hydro 31615104 Hydro 31515103 Hydro 31617100 Hydro 41515122 Hydro 11415009 Hydro 31615'158 Hydro 31416001 Hydro 313'15021 Hydro31414075 Hydro 41717139 Hydro 314'15027 Hydro 12616072 Hydro 31315029 Hydro 3'1715141 Hydro Tota! Hydro Proiects: 6.1 21615101 Wind 31765170 Wind 31315050 Wind 31318100 Wind 216151'15 Wind 21615'120 Wind 31315035 Wind 31765160 Wind 21615125 Wind 31315130 Wind 41718140 Wind 21615105 Wind 12618200 Wind 21615130 Wind 31720190 Wind 31315075 Wind 31315060 Wind 31315045 Wind 41455300 Wind 21615135 Wind 31618100 Wind 21615110 Wind 31315055 Wind 31315065 Wind 31315150 Wind21615140 Wind 31315070 Wind Total Wind Proiectsr 27 Mitchell Butte Mora Drop Small Hydroelectric Facility Mud CreeUS & S Mud CreekMhite Owyhee Dam Cspp Pigeon Cove Pristine Springs #'l Pristine Springs Hydro #3 Reynolds lrrigation Rock Creek #1 Rock Creek #2 Sagebrush Sahko Hydro Schaffner Shingle Creek Shoshone #2 Shoshone Cspp Snake River Pottery Snedigar Tiber Dam Trout-Co Tunnel #1 White Water Ranch Wilson Lake Hydro Bennett Creek Wind Farm Budey Butte Wind Park Camp Reed Wind Park Cassia Wind Farm LLC Cold Springs Windfarm Desert Meadow Windfarm Fossil Gulch Wind Golden Valley Wind Park Hammeft Hill Windfarm High Mesa Wind Project Horseshoe Bend Wind Hot Springs Wind Farm Lime Wind Energy Mainline Windfarm Milner Dam Wind Oregon Trail Wind Park Payne's Ferry Wind Park Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park Rockland Wind Farm Ryegrass Windfarm Salmon Falls Wind Sawtooth Wind Project Thousand Springs Wind Park Tuana Gulch Wind Park Tuana Springs Expansion Two Ponds Windfarm Yahoo Creek Wind Park 2.O9 1.85 0.52 0.2'l s.00 1.89 0.13 0.20 0.26 2.05 1.90 0.43 0.50 0.53 o.22 0.58 0.37 0.07 0.54 7.50 0.24 7.00 0.16 8.40 113.70 Elmore 21.00Cassia 21.30Elmore 22.fi Twin Falls 10.50Elmore 23.00Elmore 23.00 Twin Falls 10.50Cassia '12.@Elmore 23.00 Twin Falls/Elmore 40.00Cascade 9.00Elmore 21.00Baker 3.00Elmore 23.00Cassia 19.92 Twin Falls 13.50 Twin Falls 2'1.00 Twin Falls 10.50Power 80.00Elmore 23.00 Twin Falls 22.00Elmore 22.00 Twin Falls 12.00 Twin Falls 10.50 Twin Falls 35.70Elmore 23.00 Twin Falls 21.00 576.92 ID ID ID ID ID MT ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID to ID ID ID ID ID ID MT ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID Malheur Ada Twin Falls Twin Falls Malheur Twin Falls Jerome Jerome Canyon Twin Falls Twin Falls Lincoln Twin Falls Lemhi Adams Lincoln Lincoln Gooding Twin Falls Liberty County Gooding Malheur Gooding Jerome Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 3 of 6 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Contracts List PURPA PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE 25586937 Solar 255916,14 Solar 25088520 Solar 252449'13 Solar 25253149 Solar 2526'1338 Solar 25289173 Solar 12616100 Solar'12727358 Solar '12739324 Solar 25031625 Solar 25524198 Solar '12705219 Solar 25573998 Solar 25075329 Solar'12741175 Solar 25580735 Solar 12745920 Solar 127'19362 Solar Total Solar Proiects: '19 20140708 Hydro 20140601 Hydro 20140328 Hydro 315151'10 Hydro Total Hydro Proiec{s: 4 '12618240 Wind 12618230 Wind '12618220 Wind 12618210 Wind12618245 Wind Total WInd Proiects: 5 American Falls Solar ll, LLC American Falls Solar, LLC Boise City Solar, LLC Clark Solar 1, LLC Clark Solar 2, LLC Clark Solar 3, LLC Clark Solar 4, LLC Grand View PV Solar Two Grove Solar Center, LLC Hyline Solar Center, LLC Mountain Home Solar, LLC Murphy Flat Power, LLC Open Range Solar Center, LLC Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC Pocatello Solar '1, LLC Railroad Solar Center, LLC Simco Solar, LLC Thunderegg Solar Center, LLC Vale Air Solar Center, LLC Black Canyon Bliss Hydro Clark Canyon Hydroelectric Head of U Canal Project Little Wood River Ranch ll Benson Creek Windfarm Durbin Creek Windfarm Jett Creek Windfarm Prospector Windfarm Willow Spring Windfarm ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID OR OR ID ID OR ID ID OR ID OR OR Power Power Ada Elmore Elmore Elmore Elmore Elmore Malheur Malheur Elmore Owhyee Malheur Ada Power Malheur Elmore Malheur Malheur Gooding Beaverhead Jerome Shoshone Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker 20.00 20.00 40.00 71.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 80,00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 t161.00 0.03 7.55 1.28 't.25 10.11 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 121112016 121112016 1t16t2016 12t31t2016 12131120',t6 1213112016 1?,3112016 9t1t2016 12t31t2016 12t3',12016 12t3',U2016 12t1t2016 1213112016 121',U2016 12t31t2016 1213112016 1211t2016 12,31D0'.t6 't213112016 111'.t5120',t4 6t1t2017 511t2015 6t'U2o',t5 1213'.12016 12131t2016 1213112016 12ts'.U2016 't2131t2016 ID MT ID to OR OR OR OR OR Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 4 of6 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Gontracts List 90001311 OR Solar 90001416 OR Solar 90001413 OR Solar 90000028 OR Solar 90000005 OR Solar 90000079 OR Solar 90000025 OR Sotar 7 kW Shaffer Solar Chamberlain Dairy Chamberlain House Cliff and Pat Looney Clinton Kennington Dean Mackey_79 Findley Family Trust - Findley Land and Livestock 90000075 OR Solar Findley Land and Livestock_7s 90000081 OR Solar Findley Land and Livestock_81 90000006 OR Solar Gary Taylor_06 90000003 OR Solar Gordon D. Luther_03 90000007 OR Solar Gordon Dale Luther_O7 90000077 OR Solar Jason Peters_77 90001301 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_I301 90001302 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_130290001303 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_1303 90001307 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_1307 90001310 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_1310 90000043 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_43 90000045 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_45 90000046 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_46 90000047 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_47 90000048 ORSolar Jensen Farms LLC_48 90000050 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_50 90000052 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_52 90000054 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_54 90000056 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_56 90000057 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_57 90000060 ORSolar Jensen Farms LLC_60 90000076 OR Solar Jensen Farms LLC_76 90000044 OR Solar Kenneth Jensen_44 90001306 OR Solar Malheur County Fairgrounds #1 90001313 OR Solar Malheur County Fairgrounds #2 90001 315 OR Solar Malheur County Fairgrounds #3 90000073 OR Solar Mark Wettstein_73 90000088 OR Solar Mark Wettstein_88 90001414 OR Solar Michael McGourty 90001312 OR Solar Onion Storage_1312 90000063 OR Solar Ontario City Hall_63 90000072 OR Solar Ontario Goff Clubhouse_72 90000062 OR Solar Ontario Public Works Shop_62 90000059 OR Solar Ontario WTP East Bldg_S9 90000055 OR Solar Ontario WTP West Ponds_ss 90000080 OR Solar Ontario WWTP Aerators_80 90000084 OR Solar Ontario WWTP Building_84 90000086 OR Solar Ontario WWTP Lift Station 86 90000051 OR Solar Pine Eagle High School 90000064 OR Solar Pine Eagle Middle School90000078 OR Solar Pine Eagle Pump Station 90000001 OR Solar Randy Bauer 90000067 OR Solar Robert Mairs_67 90000002 OR Solar Roger Findley90000061 OR Solar Roger Findley-61 90001309 OR Solar Schuster 9OOOOO04 OR Solar Treasure Valley Community College Total OR Solar Projec{s: 55 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malhuer Malheur Malhuer Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Baker Baker Baker Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur 0.01 o.ol 001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 o.ol 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.12 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 5 of 6 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Contracts List PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE 90001412 OR Solar 90001411 OR Solar 90001415 OR Solar 9OOO141O OR Solar 9000'1417 OR Solar Total OR Solar ProlecG: 5 Clark - Sth Ave Pivot Clark - 6th Ave Rental Clark - Jake's House Clark - New House Jackie Hansen OR OR OR OR OR OR ID Malheur Malheur Malhuer Malheur Malheur Malheur Cassia Union 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 22.00 13.00 35.00 100.65 100.65 10000003 Geothermal Neal Hot Springs Unit #1 10000002 Geothermal Raft River Unit #1 Total Geothermal ProiecG: 2 1OOOOO01 Wind Elkhom Wind Project Tota! Wind ProlecG: 1 OR Non PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Exhibit No.2 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 6 of6 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 15 L6 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 ldaho Power Company Proposed PURPA Solar - As of January 20, 2015 ldaho Project Name Proiect Developer MWac Term (Yearc)State Estimated Op€ration Estimated Obligation (includes integration) Estimated 2 Yeal Obllgation (includes i-oar-li^-l Project A1 Developer A 80 20 ldaho 17lOLlL6 5194,O97,773 s9.903.s5s Proiect A2 Developer A 28 20 ldaho 12lo1/16 s57,364,680 s3.418.s5s Proiect A3 Developer A 30 20 ldaho L2l3LlL6 5s8,538,038 S2,s61,s12 Proiect A4 Developer A 30 20 ldaho 12l3LlL5 ss7,091.198 S2,43s,210 Proiect B1 Developer B 20 20 ldaho tol30lL6 548,177,629 52,441,832 Proiect 82 Developer B 20 20 ldaho LO/3O/t5 547,1s8,t18 s2.413.4s0 Project C1 Developer C 20 20 ldaho L2l3tlL6 5s3,382,246 s2,318,923 Project C2 Developer C 20 20 ldaho 12l3rlL5 ss3,283,030 52,337,229 Project C3 Developer C 70 20 ldaho r2l3Lh6 549,203,964 S2,1s0,195 Project C4 Developer C 20 20 ldaho L2/37/16 s49,360,962 s2,148,ss8 Project Cs Developer C 20 20 ldaho 12/37116 S48,760,343 S2,084,543 Project C6 Developer C 20 20 ldaho L2l3ut6 5s1,486,s68 s2,208,70s Project C7 Developer C 20 20 ldaho t2l3th6 ss1,493,788 52,t78,763 Project C8 Developer C 20 20 ldaho 12l3L/t6 Ssr,3ss,245 s2.159.s41 Project C9 Developer C 20 20 ldaho t2/3rlL6 s51,797,624 S2,148,385 Project C10 Developer C 20 20 ldaho t2l3L/16 s48,438,230 s2,048,049 Project Dl Developer D 5 20 ldaho t2l3t/16 s13,4s0,419 s652.511 Pro.iect D2 Developer D 7.5 20 ldaho L2l3rh6 s16,813,024 s81s,639 Pro.iect D3 Developer D 10 20 ldaho L2l3L/t6 522,4L7,366 S1,087,s19 Project D4 Developer D 10 20 ldaho t2/3U16 522,4t7,366 S1,087,s19 Project E1 Developer E 13 20 ldaho t2l3LlL6 529,142,s7s sL,4L3,775 Project E2 Developer E 20 20 ldaho L2/31/L6 544,834,73r s2,17s,038 Project E3 Developer E 13 20 ldaho 12/3Llt6 s29.1.42.s7s sr,413,775 Project E4 Developer E 20 20 ldaho L2l3L/16 544,O77,867 s2,113,543 Project E5 Developer E 20 20 ldaho 7u3rh6 543,264,238 s2,o47,317 Project E5 Developer E zo zo ldaho L2/31/16 543,264,238 52,047 3r7 Project E7 Developer E 20 20 ldaho 12/tth6 541,264,238 52,047,317 Proiect E8 Developer E 20 20 ldaho t2/31/L6 543,264,238 52,047,317 Proiect E9 Developer E 20 20 ldaho L2/3L/L6 s42,3s6,002 sr,972,577 Project E10 Developer E 20 20 ldaho t2/3uL6 541,372,078 s1,893,105 Project E11 Developer E 20 20 ldaho t2l3Ll16 541,372,078 s1,893,105 Project E12 Developer E 13 20 ldaho 12/3!t6 s26,891,8s1 s1,230,519 Proiect F1 Developer F 70 20 ldaho t2/3u16 s138,908,195 S5,14s,735 Project G1 Developer G 3 20 ldaho L2l3t/16 ss,863,804 s256,151 Project H1 Developer H 1 20 ldaho t2/31h6 s1,818,839 s74,315 Project 11 Developer I 20 20 ldaho t2l3ut6 s36,376,775 s7,486,292 s1,711,!r41,939 s78,857,515 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 2 Subtotal 755 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 M 45 46 47 48 ldaho Porc.Crmpany Proposed PURPA Sobr - As of ,anuary 20, m$ Oreron Project Name Proiect Developer MWac Term (Yearsl State Scheduled Operation Estimated Obligation (includes int4ration) Estimated 2 Year Obligation (includes Project J1 Developer J 10 20 Oregon 05ltsl75 s30,282,970 92,004,849 Project E13 Developer E 20 20 Oregon 12/3Llt6 541,372,O78 s1,893,106 Proiect Kl Developer K 10 20 Oregon 7u3llL6 s31,889,203 s2,084,319 Proiect K2 Developer l(10 20 Oregon l2llLlL6 s31,889,203 S2,084,319 Proiect K3 Developer K 10 20 Oregon L2ltLl76 s31,889,203 s2,084,319 Project K4 Developer K 10 20 Oregon t2l3LlL6 s31.889.203 s2,084,319 Project K5 Developer K 10 20 Oregon L2l3tlL6 s31.889.203 s2,084,319 Project K6 Developer K 10 20 OreSon 12l3rlL6 s31,889,203 S2,084,319 Project K7 Developer K 10 20 Oregon 7zllLlt6 s31,889,203 s2,084,319 Project K8 Developer K 10 20 Oregon t2l3th6 s31,889,203 s2,084,319 Proiect K9 Developer K 10 20 Oregon t2l3th6 531,889,203 52,084,319 Project K10 Developer K 10 20 Oregon t2137175 s31,889,203 s2.084.319 subtotal 130 $390,547,080 524,74t,148 Total 885 52,102,'189,019 5103,508,664 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 2 ol 2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.I5.O1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 GrO6?Fts)l oNC'aO-.,rOI (i(o FloGltt aoo6aG'*l o.\t octFGll Ar(O lO-O(Ol Ot' rrisoidl iF F FOI N5 roail No iool ni69}1 oI ooNr,)ro+l iNUIOFIOFI rr.' F6@rl,l rad d+F rr't r.tCr, 66-((ll -F 0o (DNl aOo ao 6aol cto N olot 6E FFI .YI001 6 I I rto$lrlarrol 6Fy}(gFGril 6ri OOF.r'I clI\ FtCltFl laN 00gloal r.to- 6- qoJ lo- O 6 Fcrrl Cl0 6l FtOl Cl6 -Fl ail--l * toGlrrottFl GoFglctlris6l -(', GIOOFI rDc,t- Ft + d -I of,N 6glcraol o.t- q o-.V U,-o Ncrl .l!N OrOl O5 O FFI .\l--l * octo-ool r:rtl g) Gt t N ol .atF tlcroc,I 6d iof.{tl <.it GltFNl 6F !tF(oaOI aOJ dddol dNg)anrtt +6(}U}1G l6 I Gt!i(trrnOOl .oo fr) N (0 G) lrll roCrF?l\t l6r.iJGtiri I 6iCFlt0OO I 6OFNrF I @dG dnid I AiNglor I !t0g}61- l- NtrNoel l,rO(,rOtlOOt rolOi\Ct6lOOl olO--NNEI -6eoliCt.\ll 6GlF6a6-lrl -do d d od t-I .\iN FF6(Ol F? dt6-El +c g) cf.o1 6l,}J}l 6I Ea-6,6E6EaEF$55EE:O>rE=O(D0():EbSut Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 .gl .ool ao(ol aorrr1 ut -J --FIF6t6I-J F-*l - l.'l rotl !td+NIN ur]l rdol o-l- rl -rol rf,ltl tl{1+NIN-Jqrril 6olo*l- (rl rotl !l$1 +Nl (\r-Jqrr)l 6olo-l- ]' ]' ocrcrooal o666--El S- E sl* BSF E-l : E HugEsu s H or ol or(ttlNNl\lod @1 +6-l 6(\t roJ o_G)-lrf$l Fl C)O) u)l tlFI c.lo *l* cr, crl crG'NI(oanFlo(ttel-ttlo)rO-l@ rf-l 6!t rol aE *l o (n ol r.-(t o)l (|tN(il.OC' NI C'.ll tot 6(oFlt6t 61 ctttldttlt -,.l- to rol nrN..)I(C,(O i\l aON(c)l!tN G'I '6ft- -J {_c, rrrl otrtlo{*l -@l- orl r-ol Ftoloil c.iFlo@J (o-OloUll !tlFl- ol roal actlo_lo)lorIlllloil!t l* <ol r.-6l (')33 e,{JE. H EI g E,il$ 6EEooFOsEl*e(,,o- ortoIi\6a(Ddt o ot t t ot orl-@ .', 00 !t ollo(lll\oOlr)lcl @FFNNlriaFotol1ll(,II\NO-lt dr E ao c, 6l+N --@ltO rt -l(O6 6 Nloi-l* 68- E E E8€ EeH.YO>E!=.0orF5 -tc.t IoldFIolNI a rollrtI(!'I ol -loJol 1 ool6l-lol6lcrlJ I *lNIoJ61ol(lllcil 1 orlNI6lNI -l(ol 1 c)O@eNUIID-G, l\ lOJ odciot @o@ lf)-rj ci'''I\]\o @ @o6ata,NI'}6Nut Foi ot+(t 610,\od.dqN & roorolo -g)(O,\t @o)F ?-tl\ 6 {r}(oooi od6N6 to(,rtoFg}OF(r) (v, ct)c.i ddN aD t)G'Fiotoe (,)OO)-(v,t)(qrt\ {-o-O -C{t (v,ti a !t-\F (')tNg)&6 (vrtonolroC' (rI N .i' GIIG)C, l\ F I\ (lC, N-Cl-artloCl F O 0O CrlanO) T\ N F I\I 'T'd l, 6i ri.o1c.iF N g) o)ltl6 6 rrltF l* o HE>tEhE,oCEl!e1 o,oEb6.ot:h FE€dE-, (l,o BE iEE H-E-rt r-liFl EE iIaotol co o !lof? z r+a .9 HLA-LVoo- x o) LrE ll !soE a.t =\L5ta e EO-' o .Eo-9 g 59E E bEE 6 { .E o oE'Ioo ,ol.o51b o.l(\r: !l FE €IdEtaolol -l,o 5lbNlT=bl E5 fldEtaolol _tgl oPI HILl€ItrlOoI,oc .9o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.5 dGoN<IJ dl nd ^JGo_^E ul o. ^lG3> 60,.,,1 Ec -) rO-FERs 6lrl€Og^E 9=l7)F.o=r.,lo-: d E.E€,s; <A) di Io^iF{E:trE,i 9x:3EOaE ^t ='E€fi:9=1a):IEoac ^l:EE,x:c,j-qc9 R:E€ 3-t B3 .fs&APAAA;?S.8OooooeooocOCgloOF\,rnn.nNF '(qmUU) Atrer1 ager^auau Aq pa;lddng (qfrffnf) peol lrelau lo% c ! Ic a, r t 3-tZ 9 JOI E E- 5=€s ^, =! i = 2 er.9 a) :E go oBStg tl r{lard Jt$, T I i is it E E; H3 i $ E =s *5q Exhibit No. 5 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 .9 orts *l-:r,raEEoo3e9oL=&€ LE8.9ogE;iyv L F&E>EL UItrcL =8,U=-ugsotro.go.a& IE3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TEST!MONY EXHIBIT NO.6 ldaho Power Company Estimated Load, Must run Resources, Utility PPAs and PURPA Calendar Years of 2015 and 2017 t4% 17,52[4 Hours 2,492Houts Totalhours in 2076and2OL7 IPCO Only - Must run and take from Utility PPAs IPCO Must Run, must take from Utllity PPAs, plus all PURPA under contract (including solar) Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of25 -tl R tt;I tIa't E* te-g tI eTi! a-llfl G'I a Tc T Ct T LI! iili iiiiii;iisi $ I5J ,nw aG' t6eIea It T,},gtoto .t ELo CtEuCt EIotaiIo Bll gi ErlItIUinUoLoE LonoA octlt >d n-F r f --/ a I -5 7I>,J 7->q il rI > 7: I.q -/ q r& q - ry Exhibit No.6 Caae No.!PC-E-15-01 R. Allfiin, IPC Page 2 of25 Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 3 of25 -E E z e ;e3 g .= " :o*bsEE=aE E P ; 9f EE i = ! 5 EE :E=.i7\Z; =3 * S ! = =9 9 ^ + E E E i o o! o.di r l >E Y Y3 !Ea - i i' i == T 3E --oI=*-g oz:ER}:E,!'E o od Fi!a € 0 o!a o oNci4aG ooN N!o 3 E c .9 o oco(, oJa!F ocId o E !o tioIo oII t a,oo !o vlorJo olr o 3oCo-co3 a oN !or Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 4 of 25 r E E i Eg3 i -: T E:s L 3 r: 6= zq E g E Y6 Pt_ i : = = iE i3E .? 3 d E li E =3 * s ! = =9 -9- + E E- E i o o! o€ Y I I l= Y Y j !-: ' i l- i == T 6- RE6-o:EEq, oxo(UdlUR3 g l/lEE 3 tr .9 oLoco(9 oJGF oc =d o E !o ooIo oII ti !oo !o tnotlo oll o 3oq o-c(!t, ioo F: a = oo I a = o o d a ro o Gi i: € o I Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 5 of25 .E E z s eEE E E * E:i ! i ! .!= EE- ! = E = EI !]E .? ] U = 3a E =3 S S * = EP 9-+ E E Ei o oE ociE r I :5 Y Yj :i' ' i i' i == T .O od ho € odd P 3 E tro t! otro(9 oJg oc d l, =!o rit!I C, oII vl !oo !o tiorJo oE Lo 3oA o.co! 3E ,;o;2( 6,1 .:oasER}t'fiB:<E GoNri c io o I o o j 3 Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 6 of 25 -E E =, f ;PE ' E * E:s r 3 ; t= :E- 'o !0 : \,- q = = E 3 :e xi i = = = EI air 3 5 ; E zE i31 { d d = qo e - i E E = E o 6! oo: I I f = Y Yj !-a ' i i' I == T |D o h IE o o d-E 3 E 'tro o ocrc,(, oJg oc =d i, !o or!Uo oLL ,; Eoo !o vloIo oL Lo3oo o -trot, o- NCdo-EEor o3@q, s^= > !r1 =f, o o ri t = ood a = @do Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC PageT o125 E:6=i : - { Egi ; ; i g: zF E s : \,= q= = = 3 a9 AE I = = = ER EE -! 2 A z f: =BE .? ' d = 9a E =3 S * I 5 =g 9-i E E Ei 6 oE ocoE = = == Y Yj !-: ' i i- I == T o= -tosE =ro o 9U3E EE3'--r 1ood oc 0 0ddic = lo c)d cf 3 E c .9 o oEo(, oJ a!h o tr u t, =!o vtoIo ott ti Eoo !o U!t!uo oII Lo3oc oEo! Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 8 of 25 = E .= $ EEf E t 3 g: ;q ! i E :6 sr_ i = E = i! :;E .? i 6 E gE E =3 f s 4 = :9 I^1 e e E; o oE o-i f l fE y Y3 !?= ' i i' i == T o o io o o, raoN N a 3 E tro t! oco(J, o-vt!t- o =u l, =Eo tioIo :Qll tr,r) :!ro !roooUo,o]Elso]oA o.Ct!! @-c o-n6+E oI Hg sg @ o , @ o =ooooooo- o- 6-NRd /nhl ooo- t l- It 1 q F i IT* -- I : i I I I II (q (st -I I I I I I : I I I t fl 71 I iI i I { , .1 " I it (-T 7 i ; I4ra Iir Exhibit No.6 Case No.lPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 9 of 25 = E E * E3E E t i E:E i i t €E pi i = E = En EE!14iI 3 ; E E iE ; =3 * S t = E9 -9arr e e E! O Oy Oil8 5 = =E y ?3 ! ?= ' i i' i =-- T o CId @ta= 6- o!= ";9I'z{0, 0.tEER3 EE<r 0 oN la re c,d d a o od .i.na = /nv[ q F bI hil *a.1 sqtlF' L€t (il lP L J ) xE L h€t J e r b{ J I fl il( ,j Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 10 of25 i E z i ;EA 9 E * E:<tha$ { i F a. z= . d Z :G gt- i = E = EI i]E 3 i E E CZ E =3 S S * = E9 I^1 E E Ei o o! o-i ) l lE y Yj !j= ' i i' I == T ciz TE-9 o*sBR} EEa.- .a od hea o o oAa o oN 6co rooN ea ao qoooo 66od 3 E tr .9 EoCo(, o-v.Et- oc Ju o EEo tiogo olr ti !oo !o IA(!(,o otl o 3oo oEGa, oo 6' {I II T { - ----/t*{*fru --\"il Cflr \J q : \# Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 1 ot25 - E E I 53a s 5 + E:! c ; # E= aE E P i .:f Ei i = = i :E xc ; = = I )-; =iE .? 3 [ = Ci E =3 * S ! = EP -9ar. e 4 E! o ov o€i I f l= Y Yj !@a c 4 e6 = =-_ =lrt I o= ,;orao-g 0Je3R}3fioiI 3 tr .9 o oEo(9 o.Y(!F o tr =u t, E !ooolr,o otl ll !oo !o uo(Jo oll o 3o4 o-cG3 rOod F; o IoN€ o @ o o io o 6i o @ oNj o o!= 6-9Ez=o) o ll:E]R}:fi6.=ZE oodci oz Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 12 ot 25 iE-=rs;ga g .= * E:4tai i 'v ! qZ EE i = = t EE ":I= ; ; i a g; E =B f * I = =9 I-3 E E E! .q .q-Y. o.,= I v j J=: ' i l' i == T 3 E co G ocoo oJ(!F oc d, t^ f E !o t,otJo otl tn a,oo !o vto(Jo oTI o 3oe oEo = Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 13 of25 * E E I Eai: E _: I !:E ! i ! ,i= EE- i = E = EI i3E .R 3 U E ai E =6 f f I 5 =E 9 -i E E Ei o o! o€df f f lE Y Yj !i= " i i' i == T o!= ";9EzaqlE o 9ER3:fi!.=AL Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 14 of25 * E E r 'gEE 6 E E E:s r 3 ; E= a= E * E gf t==€: I : = = ;! F =E .? 3 u E iE i 44o F e G e i o o! o€i I I f = Y Yj !;= ' i i- I == T o=*-E s2a oJrER} EEar- 3 =c .9 (E ocor0 oJg oc3c, 1Af =!rOrioIoiolIL o ia,roo a,io lio(,oLolr o 3oG o-co! ho h' Ca Fo d Ca tso ga od d Ea Fo cao€6. /nhr Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 15 of25 i E z f ;s3 s E + !; u$!3A t ! E q: ,t- i = : ; EI i}E ': } E E Ci E =3 * * 4 5 =e Ia*eed!g09o-E ' f 15 Y Y3 y:= ' i i- i == T N o r-'aa ts E tr .9 t! otro(J oJt!F o., g, iIid t,5 =Eo tit!Io otl o Eoo !o oo,9rO iOrlIiro3og o-c(!1' ts C)d 6!a 3Er93:*-g o5}BR3 EEa'-4L ts oN aar c! d 5a F o j .!a4 Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 16 of25 = E E { EEt i i r E; z5 E g E !E st_ i = E = iX iiE 3 3 5 E ei E =3 * S I 3 =9 -9-i E E Ei o oF 6-i : I lE :1 Y3 ! T= = i i' I == T RE "i9=uEo,3 oxrlJHd,R3 LUi =E Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page'17 ot25 .E I : * ;eE E E * !:$ I }, ; ,i= ;=aEE I = = 5 EE ;B:Eiir E = ; E !E t=6 r * s E ;E E a*edd!ggYo6E l l l5 Y Yj !i' ' i i- i == T T\od $ o dt EE ES(q; o.!rBR}t'fio:<r No 6 4 3 E tr .9 o oco(, oJa!l- o tr =4, t^ =!o l,(!Io oll. o !oo Eo oo|.,o otlLo 3oo oEG!ct c tso q Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 18 of25 I I I I i i ; : s ;sE g E * iTg i ! E EEr: i : E = Ex E =E s ] u E iE i=I f t I_ 5 =! s6 = e e c E o oE oID ! f D f E Y Y5 :i= ' i i- I == T l=6atrriO-=Eor 0ats0,q. 6,R} >!n =E o a = ts o d a = ts o(l. 6 aE c I = tstoal a = ooo. 3 E tr .9.tto oco(J o.Y(!l- oc &, o =!o ot!Io olt 1^ !oo !o UIo(Jo oTL Lo3oo oEo! oGoooour o- o-NRI ,nhl 4 I D { . { G n { F D ._,rJ ',?F B-.a tt P d rq II Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 19 of25 -i E- z i ;e3 s E * I: unE ! i E ,2; E! a = 5 ER 5:!E;ir 3 = i E iE E-e 4 4 4 = Eg .9G41- i E E E- i o oE ocoY > r )5 Y Y5 !i' ' i i' I == T ii t=.-b EE-0,E oarEs3:EEE Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-0't R. Allphin, IPC Page 20 of25 -E E : i ;ef ; E E g: Z5 E g E -:$ EE _E : E = Ex b3r .: 3 u E iE t =3 * * ! = =E I ^ 1 E E E E o o! o-i l f >= y Y6 !og c a c6 = *= +* Ilt I F_e .tdgE s oI Hg s.E o I o o, ts o = Fodrl f F o = 3 E c .9 o oco(!, o.xt!F ot =d 6: =Eo 6GIo oIL t !oo !o r,loIo olrLo 3oo oE(!! = E E E Eg;; E i 3 E: :#{=,E ; = f i €E Ei: 3 = r E iE i =B * s t 3 =P 9-+ E E E; o o! o6Y f ] ]E Y YJ :I= ' i i' i == T oZ ";9],a<(g oJEIUi0,R}gE <E o({ F-td F cd 6tat ho6a Gaa, 3 E tr .9 t! ocot9 o.=.!l- o tr u tif E !o oGIo ott Ut !oo !o Ulo(Jo oll Lo 3o4oEo = h ct dTJ Fod IaooooD-5 (re F lt ry M rFry € -rD b!t L T T L (\qry ryEx € - \€_\=tt\ ,vrw Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page21 of25 Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page22o125 = E E i EIg s i 3 E: ;E E g E :6 gt i : = = ;E F3r E = u E iE tqf 4 4 4 3 :g I-x c c sn rr e E e i o oE ocoi L f= Y Ys ?!= " i i' i == I oZ .to3e0o 0IIER} TE h od hea ts o diBa o 6ioa tsdo r!oo t\rex a \q -.-.d __ -El d .-- .-"gnffi (ffix ,t1hl Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page23 ot25 * E E r .egE E E * !:[ ! i ! €= E!- i = E E f! :]I 3 = 5 = u. {=H { { t_ 5 =! e6 ? E E c i o oE o6dP = = =E Y 9. !i= ' i i- i == T aZ ";9reoo, 03rER} $uoE h od o ts o o o ts oNii o o to Fdo o 3 E tr .9 o oco(o o.!t!F oc u r, =Eo tiG(,o oII tl !oo !o ooIo otl Lo 3ooo (!! Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page24 ot25 .E E : f ;gE E E + !:s r 3 ; 6= zE E P q 9; gt- ! = E ; il i}E 3 } 5 E EE E =3 * f ! = =9 I-* e E Ei o oE o6Y f f :E Y Y5 !i= = i i' i == T h-ot=r€20, 0I:UR3 TEo,=ZE oN F. o = F o d o2 F o dt o2 Fo({ o2 3 E tr .9 g oco(9 o:t!F oc:,d 6 E !o liotJo olr al, !oo !o oo|.,o oE Lo 3oo osG!h C' 02 Exhibit No.6 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page2i of25 .E E z l ;sE g E + [:Ei=giEE E]E 3 ] 5 E le E=3 1 * * = =E I-+ E E E!- q oE o6g 5 = == I P3 :?' ' i i- i == T h-o: ";9tZOq ozRO,iruR}:E,.=otr F 0d€ tEI Fo 6 ao BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.7 % ?o. %)'%c t. % % % % % % "% %J,h, %, ,% % %( % % %coococ,r'tetaCt,t6l N tl F ruclltht $ UIPtro E (E o. str:)r Lo 3oa.o-eoE Exhibit No.7 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.8 Approved Net Power Supply Expense in Base Rates (Normalized! 20to FERC Account Account 501, Coal Account 547,Gas Account 555, Purchases (Non-PURPA) Account 555, Purchases (PURPA) Account 447. Surolus Sales Expense S L67,7Lg,og4 5 6,062,472 S 0G,G89,601 5 62,9s1,4s4 5 (92,642,L Energy 7,769,60t.0 42,552.4 1,110,756.0 t,043,642.0 (2,755,646.41 s/Mwhs 23.3e $ L42.47 S oo.oa S oo.zz S sg.oz FERC Account Account 501, Coal Account 547, Gas Account 555, Purchases (Non-PURPA) Account 555, Purchases (PURPA) Account 447, Surplus Sales Expense Energy S/MWh s t67,192,7M 7,L45,609.2 s 23.40 S 51,934,201 1,176,351.9 S 44.15 s 45,510,093 763,793j s Sg.Sg s 52,851,454 L,043,642.0 s 0o.ZZ s (124,916,1s3) (3,578,497.2) s 3s.50 2013 FERC ACCOUNT Account 501, Coal Account 547, Gas Accou nt 555, Purchases (Non-PU RPA) Account 555, Purchases (PURPA) Expense S 108,503,180 S 33,367,563 S G2,606,593 S 133,853,869 Energy 4,759,957.7 993,970.8 7,236,373.4 2,74t,849.4 s/ruwns 22.79 S sg.sz S so.oa S sz.qg 5 zz.qtAccount 447, Surplus Sales S (5t,235,t ,309,046. Note: Accou nt547, eas S/fUWn include total variable expense plus all fixed expenses Exhibit No. 8 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.9 ldaho Proiect Name MWac Term (Years)State Scheduled Operation Date Estimated Obligatlon (includes integratlon) Estlmated 2 year obligation (includes integratlon) Grandview PV Solar Two, LLC 80 20 ldaho 09lo7lL6 5372,729,779 s21,36s,030 Boise City Solar, LLC 40 20 ldaho o1l0u16 s7s6,299,294 s10,34s,907 Mountain Home Solar, LLC 20 20 ldaho t2137176 s79,877,s43 s4,310,801 Pocatello Solar 1, LLC 20 20 ldaho Lzl3tlt6 574,7L2,9s6 S4,oss,s63 Clark Solar 1, LLC 77 20 ldaho r2l3vL5 5243,227,312 sr2,7s2,9il Clark Solar 2, LLC 20 20 ldaho 12137116 s69,246,830 s3,70s,030 Clark Solar 3, LLC 30 20 ldaho t2/31/16 s1O2,774,966 ss,464,983 Clark Solar 4, LLC 20 20 ldaho 72/3t116 s67,990,610 s3,633,830 Murphy Flat Power, LLC 20 20 ldaho 7210L/16 s59,184,146 s2,850,894 Simco Solar, LLC 20 20 ldaho 72101^176 s59,9s1,24s 52,887,9O4 American Falls Solar, LLC 20 20 ldaho t2llilt6 s6s,313,902 52,62t,813 American Falls Solar ll, LLC 20 20 ldaho tzlotlt6 562,494,248 s2,378,384 Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC 20 20 ldaho tzlout6 s6s,60s,413 s2,s31,995 ldaho Power Company PURPA Solar prolects under contmct - As of January 20, 2015 subtotal 401 s1,439,408,18s s7&91s,sr8 Subtotal 60 s225,830,701 s13,919,3:r4 s1,56s,238,886 s92,8il,4t2 Exhibit No. 9 Case No. IPC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1 Proiect Name MWac Term lYearsl State Scheduled Operation Date Estimated Obligation lincludes intecrationl Estimated 2 year Obligation {includes intesrationl Grove Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregon 7213L116 s37,638,4s0 s2,319,889 Hyline Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregor Lzl31h6 s37,638,4s0 s2,319,889 Open Range Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregorr 12l3tl16 S37,5384s0 S2,319,889 Railroad Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregor t2l31lL6 s37,638,4s0 s2,319,889 Thunderegg Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregor t2l3tlt6 s37,538,4s0 s2,319,889 Vale Air Solar Center, LLC 10 20 Oregor 7213U16 s37,538,4s0 s2,319,889 Total 46t, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I5-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ALLPHIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1O t.t It t I tttt t.qt t.ti I nt rtId.XRts =*6r E,IS Et,d;=-;<!rR &;R dE€llfi6 o o:.sdE o.rs dtvoJiiNEF ;E+s-<ovdqrEER =alr61,oc 6rA6tJ)r^cf)=d)r1 qmn/s xo!,ci E lt oI cfGfA u,co Eo Exhibit No. 10 No.|PC-E-15-01 R. Allphin, IPC Page 1 of 1