HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160608IPC Compliance Filing of Common Equipment.pdfriIC E IVED ?ili6 ruli -8 PH 12: I I ,'' l^l t,1- .iir 't itSSlON, I ..,\,.,r!irrtv 38ffi*. An IDACORP Companv JULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel ihi lton@idahopower.com June 8, 2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case Nos. IPC-E-1441and PAC-E-14-11 Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets - ldaho Power Company's Gompliance Filing of Updated Lists of Common Equipment Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matters please find four (4) copies of the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement between ldaho Power Company and PacifiCorp dated April 27,2016 ("Agreement"). Pursuant to Order No. 33313, updated Iists of common equipment are to be filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. The enclosed Agreement includes the requested updated lists of each party's common equipment. Please note that the Agreement is in tariff format so the document is formatted in accordance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements. The Agreement is being served on the parties to these proceedings. Very truly yours, JAH:csb Enclosures cc: Service List 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8th day of June 2016 t served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMPLIANCE FILING OF UPDATED LISTS OF COMMON EQUIPMENT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 PacifiCorp Danie! E. Solander Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3187 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 X Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email daphne.huans@puc.idaho.sov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email daniel.solander@pacificorp.com Yvonne. hogle@ pacificorp. com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FAX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail ,Overnight Mai! FAX Email dreadinq@mindsprins.com CERTIF]CATE OF SERVICE Idaho Power Company FERC Elechic Tariff Rate Schedules RTCEIVED 2il16 Jiili -8 Pl{ 12: lE i'i' '' 13 i:''uBLlcr ,;-CCn'tUtSSlOH 1.158 Page I of8 Version 0.0.3 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 JOINT OWNI'ERSIIIP AIID OPERATING AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPAI\TY AI\ID PACIFICORP DATED APRIL 27,2016 FERC Docka No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158 Page 2 of8 Version 0.0.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I DEFIMTIONS; RIILES OF INTERPRETATION1.1 Definitions1.2 Rules of Construction ARTICLE II TERM2.1 Effectiveness of this Agreement2.2 Term2.3 Termination..............2.4 Effect of Termination ARTICLE III TRANSMISSION FACILITIES OWI\TERSHIP INTERESTS........3.1 Ownershiplnterests3.2 Capacity Allocations...............3.3 Adjustment of Capacity Allocations and Ownership lnterests3.4 QualifiedOwner......3.5 No Right to Use......3.6 Payments3.7 Waiver of Panition Rights......3.8 Nonexclusive License to Enter and Use Real Properfy............3.9 Access to Antelope Substation for Idaho Power Maintenance of Department of Energy Facilities ARTICLE IV OPERATOR OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES4.1 Appointment of Operator ...............4.2 Authority of Operator...............4.3 DelegationofResponsibilities 4.4 GovernmentalAuthorizations4.5 Audit.......4.6 Insurance4.7 Invoices 4.8 Disputed Amounts..4.9 Assistance 4.10 Remedies ARTICLE VOPERATION AND MAINTENAIICE OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES..........5.1 Compliance; Standard of Work...5.2 Operation and Maintenance; Outages and Outage Coordination; Capital Upgrades and Improvements 5.3 Requests for Generation or Transmission Interconnection Service Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules ARTICLE Vr............ 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 ARTICLE t2.t 12.2 12.3 XII EVENTS OF DEFAT]LT Event of Default Cure by Non-Defaulting Party Remedies 1.158 Page 3 of8 Version 0.0.3 TRANSMISSION FACILITIES CAPITAL UPGRADES PROPOSED BY AI\ owNER.6.1 Capital Upgrades 6.2 McNary Transmission Project ARTICLE \rII PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO TRANSMISSION FACILITIES; CONDEMNATION.7.1 Rebuilding Damaged Facilities7.2 Decision not to Rebuild.... 7.3 Purchase of Ownership Interest................ 7.4 Cooperation.............. 7 -5 Condemnation ........... ARTICLE VIII RETIREMENT AIID DECOMMISSIONING OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ..........8.1 Decision to Retire Transmission Facilities.............. 8.2 Costs of Decommissioning.. 8.3 Purchase of Ownership Interest................ 8.4 Cooperation.............. ARTICLE IX TRANSMISSION SYSTEM BOTJIIDARIES Points of Interconnection; Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency E-Tags Dynamic Transfer Capability Rights...... Jim Bridger Pseudo Tie........... Electric Losses...... Jim Bridger Project Generation RAS......... ARTICLE X TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OPERATION AIID MAINTENAIICE 10.1 ServiceConditions 10.2 Survival ARTICLE XI FORCE MAJET'REl1.l Force Majeure Defined.... ll.2 Effect of Force Majeure Effective: Filed on : Apil27,20l6 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules ARTICLE XIII REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES....... l.158 Page 4 of8 Version 0.0.3 13.1 Representations and Waranties of Idaho Power 13.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCorp ARTICLE XIV INDEMNIFICATION14.l Indemnities ............... 14.2 Notice and Participation 14.3 NetAmount............. 14.4 No Release of Insurers ....-.....-.. 14.5 Mitigation 14.6 Assertion of Claims 14.7 Survival ofObligation............ 14.8 Limitation on Liability ARTICLE XV PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 15.1 Disclosure of Proprietary Information Prohibited 15.2 Disclosure by Representatives 15.3 PermiuedDisclosures 15.4 Injunctive Relief 15.5 Publicity 15.6 Proprietary Information Defined 15.7 Survival ARTICLE XW TAXES 16.1 No Parbrership.......... 16.2 761 Election............... 16.3 Responsibility for Ta<es....... 16.4 Indemnification ........ 16.5 Determination of Depreciation and Other Matters..... XVII DISPUTES Exclusive Procedure Dispute Notices lnformal Dispute Resolution Submission of Dispute to FERC or Approved Courts Continued Performance............. ARTICLE XVIII ASSIGNMENT. 18.1 Prohibited Transfers and Assignments....... 18.2 Permitted Assignments and Transfers.. 18.3 FERC Approval ARTICLE XIX MISCELLANEOUS .......l9.l Notices..... 19.2 Parties Bound 19.3 Amendments............ ARTICLE t7.l 17.2 17.3 17.4 t7.5 Effective: Filed on : Aprit27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules DG{IBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G I .158 Page 5 of8 Version 0.0.3 19.4 Waivers.... 19.5 Choice of Law 19.6 Headings 19.7 Relationship of Parties............... 19.8 Severability 19.9 No Third Party Benefi ciaries............. I 9. I 0 Further Assurances ............... 19.11 Conflict of Interest 19.12 Exhibits and Schedules............ 19.13 Counterparts ............... 19.14 Entire Agreement SCHEDULES Schedule 13.1(f) Schedule 13.2(f) Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipment Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment Ownership Interests; Directional Capacity Allocations; Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge; Monthly Substation O&M Charge; Monthly Common Equipment Charge Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation Acquisition Costs Joint Ownership Transmission Loss Calculation and Allocation Methodology Idaho Power Governmental Authorizations Pacifi Corp Govemmental Authorizations Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.158 Page 6 of8 Version 0.0.3 JOINT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AGREEMENT This Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, dated as of October 24,2014, as amended and restated on October 30, 2015, and further amended and restated on April27, 2016, is between PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, ("PacifiCorp"), and Idatro Power, an Idaho corporation ("Idaho Power"). Each of PacifiCorp and Idaho Power are sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as 6(P@" and collectively as "Esrtieg.". RECITALS: WHEREAS, Idaho Power is a transmission provider which owns, controls and operates, or in certain cases only operates, equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idatro, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming (the "Idaho Power Transmission System"); WHEREAS,Idaho Power uses the Idaho Power Transmission System, its distribution system and its generation resources to provide retail and wholesale electric services, and is the NERC recognized Balancing Authority Operator of one Balancing Authority Area; WHEREAS, PacifiCorp is a transmission provider which owns, control and operates, or in certain cases only operates, equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming (the "Pagifieqp Transmission System"); WHEREAS, PacifiCorp uses the PacifiCorp Transmission System, its distribution system and its generation resources to provide retail and wholesale electric services, and is the NERC recognized Balancing Authority Operator of two Balancing Authority Areas (PACW and PACE); WHEREAS, the Idaho Power Transmission System and the PacifiCorp Transmission System interconnect at the Points of lnterconnection and the Idatro Power and PacifiCorp Balancing Authority Areas are considered Adjacent Balancing Authority Areas at the Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency; WHEREAS, the Idaho Power Transmission System and the PacifiCorp Transmission System include certain equipment for the transmission of electric power and energy located in Idaho and Wyoming that are jointly owned and were operated pursuant to certain legacy agreements between the Parties; Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158 Page 7 of8 Version 0.0.3 WHEREAS, the Parties previously desired to exchange with one another certain jointly-owned and wholly-owned equipment to provide each Party with transmission capacity that better aligns with the current configuration of its Transmission System and current load service obligations, each of which had changed since the jointly-owned and wholly-owned equipment were originally constructed; WHEREAS, in order to facilitate such an exchange, the Parties previously entered into a Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement (the "JPSA"), dated as of October 24,2014 (the "Execution Date"), pursuant to which at the closing of the transaction contemplated by the JPSA: (i) the ownership of certain jointly-owned equipment was reallocated and the ownership of certain additional equipment was exchanged between the Parties; and (ii) certain legacy agreements between the Parties were terminated and the transmission service contained therein converted to OATT service; WHEREAS, PacifiCorp individually owns additional equipment that serve and are a part of the PacifiCorp Transmission System and will not be part of the Transmission Facilities, but that PacifiCorp will make available to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities (as further described in Exhibit A, the "PacifiCorp Common Equipment"); WHEREAS, Idaho Power individually owns additional equipment that serve and are aptrt of the Idatro Power Transmission System and will not be part of the Transmission Facilities, but that Idaho Power will make available to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities (as further described in Exhibit B, the "Idaho Power Common Equipment" and, together with the PacifiCorp Common Equipment, the "Common Equipment"); and WHEREAS, in connection with the JPSA, the Parties previously entered into a Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement, dated as of the Execution Date (the "2014 Aqreement"), in order to: (1) acknowledge each Party's ownership interest in the jointly- owned Transmission Facilities; (2) allocate the transmission capacity of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities; (3) allocate operational responsibility for the Transmission Facilities as between the Parties; (4) define the responsibility of the Operators with respect to the operation and maintenance of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment; and (5) define the responsibilities of the Owners with respect to the operation of their Transmission Systems in relation to the other. WHEREAS, pursuant to 9.5 of the 2014 Agreement, the Parties agreed to, on or before the Effective Date of the 2014 Agreement, develop an OATT-based losses methodology (the "Losses Methodology"); Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158 Page 8 of8 Version 0.0.3 WHEREAS, the Parties developed the Losses Methodology and on October 31, 2015 amended and restated the2014 Agreement in its entiret5r to, among other things, incorporate the Losses Methodology as Exhibit G thereto and make certain conforming revisions to Section 9.5 thereof (the "2015 Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Parties now seek to amend and restate the 2015 Agreement to include certain additional Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment and to clarify the application of certain provisions of the Agreement with respect to Common Equipment and certain wholly-owned Transmission Facilities, subject to and on the terms and conditions provided for herein. NOW, TIEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,Idaho Power and PacifiCorp agree as follows: Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-l 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. ls8. I Page I ofl0 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE I DEFIMTIONS: RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following capitalized terms have the meanings given to them below: "Adjacent Balancing Authority Area" has the meaning set forth in the Reliability Standards. "Affected Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 11.1. "Affiliate" means, with respect to a Person, each other Person that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with, such designated Person; provided, however, that in the case of PacifiCorp, the term "Affiliate" does not include Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp), and no provision of this Agreement shall apply to, be binding on, create any liability of, or otherwise restrict the activities of, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or any of its affiliates (other than PacifiCorp and any direct or indirect subsidiaries of PacifiCorp). For the purposes of this definition, "control" (including with correlative meanings, the terms "controlled by" and "under common control with"), as used with respect to any Person, shall mean (a) the direct or indirect right to cast at least fifty percent (50%) of the votes exercisable at an annual general meeting (or its equivalent) of such Person or, if there are no such rights, ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity or other ownership interest in such Person, or (b) the right to direct the policies or operations of such Person. "AE@" means allowance for funds used during construction and has the meaning set forth in 18 CFR $ 101, Elechic Plant Instructions $ 17 (2014), as amended from time-to-time. "Asreement" means this Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (including all Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto), as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof. "Anqendmefi" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.1(aXi). "Approved Courts" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.4. "Automatic Generation " has the meaning set forth in the Reliability Standards. "Balancing Authority Ared' means the collection of generation, transmission and loads within the metered boundaries of each Owner determined in accordance with the Reliability Standards. Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1 .1 58.1 Page 2 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Bankrup!" means, with respect to any Person, that such Person: (a) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the commencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or similar law, or has any such petition filed or commenced against it; (b) makes an assignment or any general affangement for the benefit of creditors; (c) otherwise becomes insolvent (however evidenced); (d) has a liquidator, administrator, receiver, trustee, conservator or similar official appointed with respect to it or any substantial portion of its property or assets; or (e) is generally unable to pay its debts as they fall due. "Business Days" means any day except a Safurday, Sunday and any day which is a legal holiday or a day on which banking institutions in New York, New York are authorized or obligated by Governmental Requirements to close. "Capital Upgrade Notice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.1(a). "Claingg" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.1(.a). "Closing Date" has the meaning given to such term in the JPSA. "Code" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.2. "Commercially Reasonfi ' means the level of effort thal a reasonable electric utility would take in light of the then known facts and circumstances to accomplish the required action at a then commercially reasonable cost (taking into account the benefits to be gained thereby). "Common Equipment" has the meaning given to such term in the recitals and includes all ancillary equipment necessary to support the operation of the Substations, including land, site preparation, improvements (control building and other permanent buildings), communications equipment, control equipment, SCADA, relays, batteries, battery chargers, cable trench, cabling, local service, security equipment, fencing, yard gravel, and grounding. Each Owner's Common Equipment, sorted by Substation, on the Effective Date is identified on Exhibit A or Exhibit B. "Continuindumq" has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.3. 6(Costs" means, with respect to the construction, reconstruction or upgrade of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment by or on behalf of the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment pursuant to this Agreement, including capital upgrades and improvements thereto, such Operator's actual cost of: (a) preliminary surveys and investigations and property acquisitions in connection therewith; and (b) the development, design, engineering, procurement, construction, reconstruction and upgrade of such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment, including an allowance for AFUDC and applicable overheads determined in accordance with such Operator's customary practices, Effective: Filed on : April27,20l6 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.l58.l Page 3 of l0 Version 0-0.2 as calculated in accordance with FERC's Uniform System of Accounts; provided, however. AFUDC shall be recovered by Operators, if at all, in accordance with Section 4.7(b). "Damage Notice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.1(a). "Damaeed Facilitied'has the meaning given to such term in Section 7.1(a). "Decommissioning Notice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 8.3. "Defaulligg_Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 12.1. "Delegate" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.3. "Directional Capacity Allocation" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). "Directional Capaci 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). 6'pjgp1!e" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.1. "Dispute Notice" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.2. "Dynamic Transfer Capabilitv" means the intra-hour deviation from scheduled flow. "Effective Date" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.1. "Enersy Emergency" has the meaning set forth in the applicable version of NERC Reliability Standard EOP-002, which pertains to capacity and energy emergencies. "Event of Default" has the meaning given to such term in Section 12.1. "Executio4_Date" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "ExeggliveQ)" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.3(a). "Excluded Transmiss 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(h). "FE.BQ" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "FERC Methodology" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.7(b). "FERC Uniform System of Accounts" means the Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Power Act prescribed by FERC, and codified as of the Execution Date at l8 C.F.R. Part 101, as the same may be amended from time to time. Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.l Page 4 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Facilities Proposed " means the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment that are the subject of a Decommissioning Notice. "Force Majeure" has the meaning given to such term in Section I l.l. "Good Utility Practicd'means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, would have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region, including those practices required by Federal Power Act section 215(a)(4),16 U.S.C. $ 82ao(a)(4)(2014). "Govemmental AuthoriV'means any federal, state, local or municipal governmental body; any govemmental, quasi-govemmental, regulatory or administrative agency, commission, body or other authority exercising or entitled to exercise any adminiskative, executive, judicial, legislative, policy, regulatory or taring authority or power, including FERC, NAESB, NERC or any regional reliability council; or any court or governmental tribunal, in each case, having jurisdiction over the Person or matter in question, including either Owner (including in its capacity as Operator) or any of its Affiliates or the ownership, use, operation and maintenance, repair and reconstruction, or retirement and decommissioning of all or a portion of the Transmission Facilities or the Common Equipment. "Govemmental Authoriz 'means any license, permit, order, approval, filing, waiver, exemption, variance, clearance, entitlement, allowance, franchise, or other authorization from or by a Governmental Authority that is applicable to the Person or matter in question. "Governmental Requir 'means all laws, stafutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, and similar acts or promulgations or other legally enforceable requirements of any Govemmental Authority that are applicable to the Person or matter in question. ooldaho Power" has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "Idaho Power Common Equipment" has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Idaho Power License" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXi). "Idaho Power Real Prop " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Idaho Power_Sites" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.l Page 5 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Idaho Power Transmissi " has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Impacted Party" means a Party whose Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) or Directional Capacity Allocation(s) is reasonably expected to have a material adverse effect by the decision to be made. "Indemnified Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.1(a). "Indemnifying Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.1(a). "Interconnection Owd'has the meaning given to such term in Section 5.3. "Intemrpting Olvner" has the meaning given to such term in Section 10.1(c). "Jim Brideer Projecf'means the four-unit Jim Bridger coal fired electric power plant and related facilities, of which Idaho Power's ownership share is l/3, and PacifiCorp's ownership share is 2/3 and which is metered at the bus bar located at the Jim Bridger Project. "Jim Bridger Project Net Generation" means the gross generation output of the four Jim Bridger Project generators metered on the low side of the generator step up transformers, minus the calculated losses on the four step up transformers, minus the tertiary loads on the 3451230 kV transformers #1 and #2, minus the 230/34 kV transformer #5 load, as calculated below: Jim Bridger total generation - (Jim Bridger Unitl)2 + (Jim Bridger lJni2)z + (Jim Bridger Uni6)2 + (Jim Bridger Unit4F) x@.4 x 10-6) - 1.2 - XFMRltertiary - )GMR2tertiary - XFMR5. "Jim Bridger Transmission Losses" means the calculated line losses on the Jim Bridger-Goshen, Jim Bridger-Populus #l and #2, Populus-Kinport, and Populus-Borah #l and#2 345 kV lines, and the transformer losses on the Jim Bridger 3451230kV transformers #1, 2 and3. 6'JPSA" has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Losses" mean any and all damages and losses, deficiencies, liabilities, ta)<es, obligations, penalties, judgments, settlements, claims, payments, fines, interest, costs and expenses, whether or not resulting from third party claims, including the costs and expenses of any and all actions and demands, assessments, judgments, settlements and compromises relating thereto and the costs and expenses of attorneys', accountants', consultants' and other professionals' fees and expenses incurred in the investigation or defense thereof or the enforcement of rights hereunder and costs and expenses of remediation (including, in the case of remediation, all expenses and costs associated with financial assurance); provided, however, Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules that in no event shall Losses include lost profits or damages and losses excluded 1a.8(a). l.158. I Page 6 of l0 Version 0.0.2 under Section term in Exhibit "ManAreI" has the meaning given to such term in Section 17.3(a). "McNary Transmission Project" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "McNary Transmission Project Agreements" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "Monthly Common Equi 'has the meaning given to such D. "Monthly Transmission F 'has the meaning given to such term in Exhibit D. *NAESB" means the North American Energy Standards Board. "Negotiation End Date" has the meaning given to such term in Section 6.2. "MRC." means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. "Non-Defaultine Pary" means an Owner that is not a Defaulting Party. "Non-Operating Olvner" means, in a given circumstance or context with respect to certain Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, the Owner which is not also serving as the Operator in such circumstance or context with respect to such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. 'oNon-Proposing Owner" means the Parry that receives a Capital Upgrade Notice from the Proposing Owner as such term is used in Section 6.1, or the Party that receives a Decommissioning Notice from the Proposing Owner as such term is used in:!9fu!e yIII. *ol\I!'means, with respect to each Owner, the Owner's Open Access Transmission Tariff on file with FERC. 'oQperatiqg_Qurner" means, in a given circumstance or context with respect to certain Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, the Owner which is also serving as the Operator in such circumstance or context with respect to such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. "Ql2grater" means PacifiCorp or Idaho Power, in its capacity as Operator under this Agreement. "Other Costs" has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.7(a). Effective: Filed on : Lpril 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules "Other Costs Records" has the meaning given to such term l.158. I Page 7 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Ownef'means PacifiCorp or Idaho Power, in its capacity as an owner of Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment under this Agreement. "Ownership_Interes!" means: (a) in respect of an Owner and a Segment, the ownership interest (expressed as a percentage) of such Owner in such Segment as described in Section 3.1(a) and set forth on Exhibit C. as the same may be adjusted from time to time pursuant to Section 3.3O); and (b) in respect of an Owner and Common Equipment, the one hundred percent (100%) ownership interest of such Owner in such Common Equipment. "BAgifieorp." has the meaning given to such term in the preamble. "PacifiCom Common Equioment" has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "PacifiCorp License" has the meaning given to such terrr in Section 3.8(aXii). "PacifiCorp Real Propeff " has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aX!. "PacifiCorp Sites" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXi). "PacifiCorp Transmiss " has the meaning given to such term in the recitals. "Party" and "Parties." have the meanings given to such terms in the preamble. "p4ths'means the specific rated electric transmission paths within the Western Interconnection that are identified in the WECC path rating catalogue and that are identified in Exhibit C, which rated paths the Par.ties acknowledge may be comprised of transmission line or substation equipment that are in addition to those identified on Exhibit C. 66ps1s6n" means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, joint venture, association, trust, unincorporated organization, Governmental Authority, or other form of entity. "Points of Balancing Affi 'means the points at which Idatro Power's Balancing Authority Area is an Adjacent Balancing Authority Area with each of PacifiCorp's PACE and PACW Balancing Authority Areas. "Points of Interconnection" means the points of interconnection between Idatro Power's Transmission System and Pacifi Corp's Transmission System. "PriglProiects" has the meaning given to such term in Section 5.2(e). Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.l Page 8 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Pro Rata Share" or "Pro Rata Basis" means a proportionate allocation of a quantity between the Owners that is calculated by multiplying the quantity being allocated by each Owner's Ownership Interest or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage or other metric, as the context provides. "Proposin@" means the Party that desires to make a capital upgrade or improvement to Transmission Facilities or to Common Equipment as such term is used in Section 6.1, or the Party that desires to retire and decommission Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment as such term is used in:\X[g!e VIII. . "Proprietary Information" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.6. "Oualified_Qumgt" means an Owner that has an OATT on file with FERC under which it is authorized to provide transmission service on its transmission system. "Real Property Licenses" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Real Property Rights" has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Regulations" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.2. "Reliability Standards" means the electric reliability standards approved by FERC pursuant to Federal Power Act Section2l5, 16 U.S.C. $82ao(d) (2014). "Remainin@'has the meaning given to such term in Section 8.3. "Be@iveq" means, in respect of an Owner or Operator, the directors, officers, shareholders, partners, members, employees, agents, consultants, contractors or other representatives of such Owner or Operator. "Segment" means a Substation Segment or a Transmission Segment. "Subglatiqqg" means the substations that are identified on Exhibit C. "Substation Seprnent" means the Transmission Facilities that are identified on a specific row of Exhibit C as a Substation. "Transmission Segment" means the Transmission Facilities that are identified on a specific row of Exhibit C as a transmission line. "Ta:< Indemnif.ying Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.4. "Tax Indemnitee Party" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.4. "Taxes" has the meaning given to such term in Section 16.3. Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1 58.1 Page 9 of l0 Version 0.0.2 "Term" has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.2. "Terminated Transmissio " has the meaning given to such term in Section 2.3b\. "Total Directional C 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.2(a). "Transfer" has the meaning given to such term in Section 18.1. "TlA4sferee" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.1. "Transferor" has the meaning given to such term in Section 15.1. "Transmission Facilities" means all items identified on Exhibit C. "Transmission Facili 'means, in respect of each Operator, each agreement, instrument or other contract relating to or in connection with the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment it is responsible for, that such Operator enters into pursuant to this Agreement and, in respect of the Prior Projects, that the Operating Owner entered into prior to the Effective Date; but does not include transmission service agreements. "Transmission Facilft 'has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.8(aXii). "Transmission System" means, in the case of PacifiCorp, the PacifiCorp Transmission System, and, in the case of Idaho Power, the Idaho Power Transmission System. 66\[rECC" means the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. "WIS Agreement" has the meaning given to such term in Section 14.86). 1.2 Rules of Construction. The following rules of interpretation shall apply in this Agreement: (a) The masculine shall include the feminine and neuter. (b) References to "Articles," "Sections," "Exhibits" and "Schedule" shall be to articles, sections, exhibits and schedules of this Agreement. (c) The Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto are incorporated in and are intended to be apart of this Agreement. (d) This Agreement was negotiated and prepared by both Parties with the advice and participation of counsel. The Parties have agreed to the wording of this Agreement and none of the provisions hereof shall be construed against one Party on the ground that such Parfy is the author of this Agreement or any part hereof. Effective: Filed on : Apnl27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.158. I Page l0 of l0 Version 0.0.2 (e) Each reference in this Agreement to any agreement or document or a portion or provision thereof shall be construed as a reference to the relevant agreement or document as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time with the written approval of both the Parties. (0 Each reference in this Agreement to Govemmental Requirements and to terms defined in, and other provisions of, Govemmental Requirements shall be references to the same (or a successor to the same) as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time. (g) The term "day" shall mean a calendar day, the term "month" shall mean a calendar month, and the term "year" shall mean a calendar year. Whenever an event is to be performed, a period commences or ends, or a payment is to be made on or by a particular date and the date in question falls on aday which is not a Business Day, the event shall be performed, or the payment shall be made, on the next succeeding Business Day; provided, however, that all calculations shall be made regardless of whether any given day is a Business Day and whether or not any given period ends on a Business Day. (h) Each reference in this Agreement to a Person includes its successors and permitted assigns; and each reference to a Governmental Authority includes any Govemmental Authority succeeding to its functions and capacities. (D In this Agreement, the words "include," "includes" and o'including" are to be construed as being at all times followed by the words o'without limitation." 0) The words o'hereof,"'oherein" and "hereunder" and words of similar import when used in this Agreement shall, unless otherwise specified, refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement. Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .158.2 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE II TERM 2.1 Effectiveness of this Agreement. This Agreement, including the Parties' rights and obligations hereunder, shall become effective, if at all, on the Closing Date (the "Effective Date"). For the avoidance of doubt, no aspect of this Agreement, other than this Section 2.1, shall have any effect unless and until the Effective Date occurs. If the Effective Date does not occur and the JPSA is terminated, this Agreement, including this Section 2.1, shall become void ab initio. 2.2 Term. The term of this Agreement ("Term") shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof. 2.3 Termination. (a) Subject to Section 2.4(a) and Section 2.4(b), this Agreement shall terminate solely with respect to certain Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment (each, "Terminated Transmiss '), and not otherwise with respect to any other Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment or other obligations hereunder, if one or more of the following events occur: (i) The Terminated Transmission Facilities are damaged and destroyed and the Owners decide not to repair or rebuild (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild) them in accordance with Article VII; or (ii) The Terminated Transmission Facilities are retired and decommissioned in accordance with Article VIII. (b) Subject to Section 2.4(c), this entire Agreement shall terminate if one or more of the following events occur: (i) Mutual agreement of the Parties to terminate this Agreement; (ii) This Agreement is terminated by exercise of remedies pursuant to Section 12.3. 2.4 Effect of Termination. (a) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(a) with respect to any Terminated Transmission Facilities, then, except as for those provisions that are expressly intended to survive termination and, subject to Section 2.46) and receipt of any necessaxy Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements, this Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 or FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .158.2 Page 2 of2 Version 0.0.1 Agreement shall terminate and become void and of no further force and effect, without further action by either Party solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities, provided that neither Party shall be relieved from any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder accruing prior thereto. (b) In the event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3@l with respect to any Terminated Transmission Facilities and the Non-Operating Owner continues to own all or a portion of the Ownership Interest(s) in such Terminated Transmission Facilities, then: (i) the Operator shall, upon written notice from the Non- Operating Owner delivered to the Operator no later than fifteen (15) Business Days after termination of this Agreement solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 2.3(a). continue to perform such of its obligations and covenants in Articles VI,I4L and MII as are set forth in the notice; (ii) such obligations and covenants, together with Articles XI, XIV. XV, XVI, XVII, and XIX (to the extent applicable to the surviving covenants and obligations), shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement solely with respect to such Terminated Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 2.3(a); and (iii) the Parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect such changes to this Agreement as shall be necessary and mutually acceptable to the Parties to conform this Agreement solely as it relates to such Terminated Transmission Facilities to the surviving provisions of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 2.4(b). (c) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 2.3(b), then, except as for those provisions that are expressly intended to survive termination of this Agreement and, subject to receipt of any necessary Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements, including FERC approval, this Agreement shall terminate and become void and of no further force and effect, without further action by either Party, provided that neither Party shall be relieved from any of its obligations or liabilities hereunder accruing prior thereto. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-00 I Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.3 Page I of7 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE III TRANSMISSION FACILITIES OWI\-ERSHIP INTERESTS 3.1 Ownershiplnterests. (a) Pursuant to the JPSA, as of the Closing Date: (i) the percentage of ownership in a Segment that is owned by Idaho Power is set forth in column A of Exhibit C, and the percentage of ownership in a Segment that is owned by PacifiCorp is set forth in column B of Exhibit C; and (ii) when the Owners each own a percentage of a Segment, each of the Owners own an undivided ownership interest in such Segment as tenants-in- common. (b) The Owners 4gree that they shall enter into such additional documentation as shall reasonably be required to document the Owners' Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities and any change in the Owners' Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities as a result of the application of Section 0, provided that in no event shall an Owner be responsible for paying any amount to the other Owner as a result of any change in any Ownership Interest in the Transmission Facilities, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement or as otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties. 3.2 CapacitvAllocations. (a) Directional Capacity Allocation. The Parties agree that the total directional transmission capacity in megawatts of each Segment and Path is set forth in columns E and H of Exhibit C (the "Total Directional "), zmd is allocated to: (i) Idaho Power (A) as expressed in megawaffs as set forth in columns C and F of Exhibit C and (B) as expressed as a percentage of the total directional transmission capacity of each Segment and Path as set forth in columns I and K of Exhibit C; and (ii) PacifiCorp (A) as expressed in megawatts as set forth in columns D and G of Exhibit C and (B) as expressed as a percentage of the total directional transmission capacity of each Segment and Path as set forth in columns J and L of Exhibit C. Each of the allocations of directional transmission capacity of each of the Segments and Paths to each of the Owners expressed in megawatts in Sections 3.2(aXiXA) and 3.2(aXiiX,A) is herein referred to as the "Directional Capaci " and each of the allocations of directional transmission capacity of each of the Segments and Paths to each of the Owners in percentages in Sections 3.2(aXiXB) and 3.2(aXii)G) is herein referred to as the "Directional Capacit.v Allocation Percentase." (b) Scheduling Over Seements which are Not Part of a Path. Each Owner shall have the right to post and sell its Directional Capacity Allocation over each Segment (which is not part of a Path) in accordance with its OATT, and each Owner shall schedule energy or make available for scheduling each Segment (which is not part of a Path) in each Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .158.3 Page 2 of7 Version 0.0.1 direction consistent with its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of the Segment in each direction and pursuant to Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations; provided, however, that at no time shall an Owner be entitled to post, sell, schedule or make available for scheduling more than its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of any Segment (which is not part of a Path) in any direction, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the Owners. (c) Scheduling Over Segments which are Part of a Path. Each Owner shall have the right to post and sell its Directional Capacity Allocation over a Path in accordance with its OATT, and each Owner shall schedule energy or make available for scheduling a Path in each direction consistent with its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of the Path in each direction and pursuant to Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations; provided, however, that at no time shall an Owner be entitled to post, sell, schedule or make available for scheduling more than its applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage of the Total Directional Capacity of any Path over one or more of the Segments which are part of the Path in any direction, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the Owners. 3.3 Adjustment of Capacity Allocations and Ownership Interests. (a) Adjustment of Directional Capacity Allocations and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages. (i) Each of the Owners shall be allocated their Pro Rata Share (based on their applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages) of all temporary changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path. (ii) Permanent changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path occur when the first of the following occurs: (A) when the quantity and, if applicable, direction of change in Total Directional Capacity are agreed to by the Owners; or (B) when WECC or the applicable WECC committee recognizes the quantity and, if applicable, direction of change in Total Directional Capacity. (iiD Each of the Owners shall be allocated their Pro Rata Share (based on their applicable Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages) of any permanent decrease or pennanent increase (which is not the result of a capital upgrade or which is the result of a capital upgrade that both Owners participated in on a Pro Rata Basis (in accordance with their Ownership Interests)) in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii). In the event of a permanent increase in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.3 Page3 of7 Version 0.0.1 3.3(aXii), then the increase in Total Directional Capacity shall be allocated to the Owners based on their participation in the capital upgrade established pursuant to Section 6.1. (iv) In the event there is a pernanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii), the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect revisions in the Total Directional Capacity of the Segment or Path as well as the Directional Capacity Allocations and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages of the Owners in the Segment or Path calculated pursuant to Sections 3.3(aXii) and 3.3(aXiii). (b) Adjustment of Ownership Interests in Segments. O Only permanent changes in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment pursuant to Section 3.3(aXii) have the ability to affect the Owners' Ownership Interests in a Segment. In the event that there is a permanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment in accordance with Section 3.3(aXii). then the Ownership Interest for each Owner shall be calculated on the following basis: (A) Add both of the Owner's Directional Capacity Allocations in the Segment (taking into account the Owner's Pro Rata Share of the increase or decrease determined in accordance with Section 3.3(a)); (B) Add both of the Segment's Total Directional Capacities (taking into account the increase or decrease of the Segment's Total Directional Capacities determined in accordance with Section 3.3(a)); and (C) Divide t}re sum of clause A above by the sum of clause B above to produce the Owner's revised Ownership Interest in the Segment. (ii) In the event that there is a permanent increase or decrease in the Total Directional Capacity of a Segment in accordance with Section 3.3(aXii), the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect any revisions in the Ownership Interests of the Owners in any Segment calculated in accordance with this Section 3.36Xi). In addition, the Owners shall promptly amend the Agreement to update Exhibit C to reflect revisions in any Substation O&M Allocation as a result of changes in the Ownership Interests of the Owners in any Substation Segment calculated in accordance with Section 3.3ftXj). (c) Reviews. (i) Subject to Section 3.3(cXiii), the Owners shall meet periodically, but not less than every five (5) years beginning in the year 2020, to review: Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-6E3-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.3 ""13i"",1:r11 (A) The Directional Capacity Allocations, the Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and the Substation O&M Allocations set forth in Exhibit C; The formulas for adjusting Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Ownership Interests set forth in this Section 3.3; The definition of Pro Rata Share; (D) The treatment of electric losses set forth The formulas describing the charges set forth in Exhibit D; and (F) Any other provisions of this Agreement as either Party may elect. (ii) Subject to Section 3.3(cXiii), the Owners shall meet promptly and attempt to reach a mutually agreeable solution in the event that a Governmental Requirement or Governmental Authorization adversely affects: (A) the ability of an Owner to perform its obligations or exercise its rights under this Agreement; or (B) the treatment of assets of an Owner that are subject to or affected by this Agreement. (iii) In no event shall this Agreement be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified pursuant to Sections 3.3(cXi) or 3.3(c)(ii). unless the Parties agree in writing to such amendment, supplement or modification. 3.4 Oualified Owner. Each Owner shall take all actions required to continue to be a Qualified Owner during the Term. If at any time during the Term an Owner ceases to be a Qualified Owner, then such Owner shall immediately provide notice thereof to the other Owner and take all actions required to resume being a Qualified Owner. 3.5 No Rieht to Use. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Agreement shall not confer upon either Owner ttre right to use or transmit energy over any transmission facilities owned by the other Owner (other than with respect to the Transmission Facilities and Paths as provided for herein). 3.6 Payments. All payments required to be made by or on behalf of the Owners under the terms of this Agreement, including payments to the Operators of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Monthly Common Equipment Charge and Other Costs, shall be made to the account or accounts Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 (B) (c) (E) FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.3 Page 5 of7 Version 0.0.1 designated by the Owner or Operator to which the payment is owed, by wire transfer in immediately available funds in the lawful currency of the United States. 3.7 Waiver of Partition Rights. The Owners acknowledge that any exercise of the remedy of partition (whether at law or in equity) of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities or any portion thereof would be impracticable in view of the purposes and requirements of this Agreement, would violate the spirit and intent of this Agreement, and would defeat the Owners' intentions and reasonable expectations as well as the consideration upon which each Owner entered into this Agreement. Accordingly, each Owner agrees that during the Term it (a) will not, directly or indirectly, commence, maintain, support or join in any action or proceedings of any kind to partition the jointly- owned Transmission Facilities or any portion thereof; and (b) waives, after consultation with its qualified legal counsel, any and all rights that it may have under this Agreement or Governmental Requirements (whether at law or in equity) or otherwise to commence, maintain, support or join in any such action or proceeding. Each Owner acknowledges that the other Owner has entered into and will perform the terms of this Agreement in reliance upon the other Owner's agreement and adherence to the terms of this Section 3.7. and would not have entered into this Agreement but for such reliance; and that it would be unjust and inequitable for any Owner to violate or to seek relief from any provision of this Section 3.7. 3.8 Nonexclusive License to Enter and Use Real Property. (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including this Section 3.8: (i) PacifiCorp hereby irrevocably grants to Idaho Power a nonexclusive license (the "Idaho Power License") to use and access the real property to which Idaho Power's Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities are affixed (the "PacifiCorp Sites"), but only to the extent of, and subject in all respects to, PacifiCorp's real property interests (including fee, rights-of-way, easements and other real property interests) and other real property rights therein (collectively, the "PacifiCom Real Propertv Rights") and only to the extent such Idaho Power License is permitted by the PacifiCorp Real Property Rights and Governmental Requirements; and (ii) Idaho Power hereby irrevocably grants to PacifiCorp a nonexclusive license (the "PacifiCorp License" and, together with the Idaho Power License, the "Real Property Licenses") to use and access the real property to which PacifiCorp's Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities are affixed (the "Idaho Power Sites" and, together with the PacifiCorp Sites, the "Transmission Facilities Sites"), but only to the extent of, and subject in all respects to, Idaho Power's real property interests (including fee, rights-of- way, easements and other real property interests) and other real property rights therein Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l s8.3 Page 6 of7 Version 0.0.1 (collectively, the "Idaho Power Real Property Rishts" and, together with the PacifiCorp Real Property Rights, the "Real Property Riehts") and only to the extent such PacifiCorp License is permitted by the Idaho Power Real Property Rights and Governmental Requirements. (b) Each Real Property License will be utilized by the grantee Owner and its Representatives for the use of, and rights of ingress, egress and access to, the applicable Transmission Facilities Sites to permit the Owner and its Representatives to exercise the Owner's rights and obligations as to its Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities. (c) The rights of the grantee Owner and its Representatives for use of, ingress, egress and access to the applicable Transmission Facilities Sites shall be governed by this Section 3.8 during the period the Real Property License is in effect, including during any period after this Agreement has been terminated but the surviving provisions identified in Section 10.2 (including Section 3.8) remain in effect. (d) Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, each Real Property License may be utilized by the grantee Owner and its Representatives for the right of ingress, egress and access to the Transmission Facilities Sites, for the sole purpose of inspection and as provided for in Section 3.8(fl. (e) In the exercise of its rights under the Real Property License: (i) the grantee Owner and its Representatives shall not interfere with the construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance, capital upgrades and improvements to, repair and reconstruction of, and retirement and decommissioning of the Transmission Facilities (or any other equipment or facilities owned, controlled or operated by the grantor Owner on the Transmission Facilities Site) or any portion thereof by the Operator or pose a safety hazard; (ii) the grantee Owner and its Representatives shall comply with any requirements of the Real Property Rights applicable to the Transmission Facilities Sites as of the Effective Date and any other Real Properry Rights arising after the Effective Date with respect to which it receives written notice; (iii) the grantee Owner shall provide reasonable prior written notice to the grantor Owner of its intent to exercise any right or privilege granted by the Real Property License; and (iv) the grantee Owner and its Representatives exercising any right or privilege under the Real Property License shall comply with the grantor Owner's or any other contractor's safety and operational procedures and security rules, provided that such procedures and rules are in writing and are delivered to the grantee Owner in advance. For the avoidance of doubt, the Owners acknowledge that no representations or warranties are made with respect to the Transmission Facilities Sites and that the Real Property Licenses are expressly subject in all respects to all Real Property Rights applicable to the Transmission Facilities Sites. (0 Each Real Property License includes a nonexclusive right of the grantee Owner for the location of equipment in which such Owner has an Ownership Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.3 PageT of7 Version 0.0.1 Interest, together with any replacements, capital upgrades or improvements thereto, on the Transmission Facilities Sites, to be utilized by such Owner to locate such equipment on such premises, together with the right to access such equipment over and across the Transmission Facilities Sites, provided that any replacements, capital upgrades or improvements to such equipment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to its expiration or termination. (g) Each Real Property License shall terminate, in whole or in part, if and to the extent the grantee Owner no longer requires the Real Property License for the uses described in this Section 3.8. including if and to the extent such Owner no longer has an Ownership Interest in the Transmission Facilities affixed to the respective Transmission Facilities Sites, written notice of which the grantee Owner shall promptly provide to the grantor Owner. (h) If and to the extent the Real Property Licenses are not permitted by any of the Real Property Rights with respect to all or any portion of the Transmission Facilities Sites (the "Excluded Transmissi "), then the Parties shall cooperate in good faith to identify and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to implement an altemative to the Real Property Licenses with respect to the Excluded Transmission Facilities Sites in order to attempt to provide each of the Parties with the rights that they would have been provided under the Real Property Licenses with respect to the Transmission Facilities Sites; ry4!g[, however, in no event shall an Owner be required to amend, revise or modiff in any respect any of its Real Property Rights pursuant to this Section 3.8(h). 3.9 Access to Antelope Substation for Idaho Power Maintenance of Department of Enerey Facilities. (a) PacifiCorp shall provide Idaho Power access to the Antelope Substation for the purpose of maintaining the Department of Energy equipment that is listed on Exhibit E and located in the Antelope Substation. (b) PacifiCorp shall provide Idatro Power access to the Antelope Substation control building to allow Idaho Power to perform the necessary switching to maintain the Department of Energy equipment, and to allow access to Idaho Power's SCADA, communication, telemetry and metering equipment. Idaho Power shall provide PacifiCorp advance notice of its desire to gain access to the control building. Effective: October 30, 201 5 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.4 Page I of7 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE IV OPERATOR OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 4.1 Appointment of Operator. (a) The Owners hereby appoint the Party set forth in column M of Exhibit C as the Operator of each of the Transmission Facilities associated with the Party's name on Exhibit C, and the Party hereby accepts appointment, to serve as the Operator and to perform the other covenants and obligations of the Operator expressly set forth in this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (b) Each of the Owners hereby authorizes the Operators to utilize its Common Equipment and wholly-owned Transmission Facilities to support the operation of the Transmission Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or Governmental Requirements, the Owners agree that the Operators shall have no obligations, responsibilities or duties to the Owners other than as are expressly provided for in this Agreement. (d) A sole Owner of Transmission Facilities that are operated by the other Party to this Agreement may unilaterally elect to supervise and perform, or cause to be supervised or performed, the physical operation and maintenance, interconnection, design of capital upgrades and improvements, repair and reconstruction, security, outage restoration, and retirement and decommissioning of the solely-owned Transmission Facilities. Should the sole Owner choose to resume operation or perform any of the above- listed items, the sole Owner will provide the Operator with sixty (60) days prior written notice describing the specific work the sole Owner is electing. The Operator will be relieved of this specific work, but will continue to perform all other covenants and obligations of the Operator as expressly set forth in this Agreement. 4.2 Authority of Operator. (a) Subject to the limitations set forth in Articles IV-VIII. each Operator shall be responsible in all respects for the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is the Operator in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, each Operator shall supervise and perform, or cause to be supervised and performed, the physical operation and maintenance of, interconnection to, design of, capital upgrades and improvements to, repair and reconstruction of, sectrrity of, outage restoration of, and retirement and decommissioning of, the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for in accordance with this Article IV and Articles V-V[I. In the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, each Operator shall have authority, subject to the other terms of this Article IV and Articles V-IX, to take Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.4 Page2 of7 Version 0.0.2 any or all of the actions it reasonably determines are necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement. (b) The Owners and the Operators agree that title to all capital upgrades and improvements to the Segments and Common Equipment constructed by or on behalf of the Operators pursuant to Articles V and VI shall vest with the Owner or Owners of such Segments or Common Equipment in accordance with their respective Ownership Interests in such Segments or Common Equipment, and, in the case ofjointly-owned Segments, shall be jointly owned by the Owners as tenants-in-common in accordance with their respective Ownership Interests in the jointly-owned Segments. (c) Each Operator will exercise or enforce all of the benefits, rights and remedies under the Transmission Facilities Contracts for the benefit of the Owners without adverse distinction between the Owners. In furtherance and not in limitation of the immediately preceding sentence, and except as otherwise provided in Section 9.5 with respect to electric losses, each Operator agrees to transfer, assign, distribute, pay over or otherwise make available to the Non-Operating Owner, the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any) of any payments or proceeds obtained pursuant to any Transmission Facilities Contract. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Owners agree that only the Operators shall be entitled to exercise or enforce the benefits, rights and remedies under the Transmission Facilities Contracts. 4.3 Delegation of Responsibilities. An Operator may, in its sole and absolute discretion, utilize its employees and supervisory personnel, and any independent technical advisors, consultants, contractors and agents which it may select, as may be required to perform its obligations (each, a "Delegate")- Notwithstanding any such delegation, the Operator shall remain responsible and liable for all of its delegated obligations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If a non-operating Owner is amenable to such delegation, such non-operating Owner may be delegated certain responsibilities under this section. 4.4 GovernmentalAuthorizations. (a) Each Operator is authorized to prepare and submit to all appropriate Governmental Authorities the necessary reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to procure all Governmental Authorizations required to perform its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for or to comply with Governmental Requirements, ry[glg[ that the Operator shall consult with the Non-Operating Owner prior to the submission of any such reports, application, plans, specification and other documents to the extent to which they relate to any jointly-owned Transmission Facilities. To the extent permiued by Governmental Requirements, each Operator shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.4 Page 3 of7 Version 0.0.2 obtain and structure all Government Authorizations for which it applies after the Effective Date in such a way as to recognize each Owner's applicable Ownership Interest(s) (and assoc iated D irectional Capacity Al location Percentage(s) and Directi onal Capacity Allocation(s)), if any, as contemplated by this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, except as set forth in Section 5.1ft), nothing in this Section 4.4 shall obligate an Operator to prepare and submit to appropriate Govemmental Authorities any reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to procure any Governmental Authorizations required by the Owners in connection with their ownership of an Ownership Interest in the Transmission Facilities or the Common Equipment or the recovery of any costs and expenses in connection therewith. (b) To the extent that an Operator cannot obtain a Governmental Authorization pursuant to Section 4.4(a) on behalf of one or both of the Owners, each such Owner shall: (i) be responsible for preparing and submitting to the appropriate Governmental Authority the necessary reports, applications, plans, specifications and other documents to procure such Governmental Authorization; and (ii) exercise all Commercially Reasonable Efforts to obtain such Governmental Authorization. Unless and until the Owner or Owners are able to obtain such Governmental Authorizations, the Operator shall not perform or continue to perform any of the obligations requiring such Governmental Authorizations if to do so would result in the Owner or Owners or the Operator being in violation of Governmental Requirements or Governmental Authorizations. (c) Each Owner shall, at its own cost: (i) reasonably cooperate and support the Operators in obtaining any Governmental Authorizations required pursuant to Section 4.4(a); and (ii) reasonably respond to inquiries or requests issued to it by any Governmental Authorities in respect of such Governmental Authorizations; ry4!91!, however. that an Owner shall not be obligated pursuant to this Section 4.4(c) to disclose Proprietary Information except to the extent that it is otherwise required to disclose such Proprietary Information: (A) by Governmental Requirements; (B) bV any Governmental Authority; or (C) pursuant to the express terms of this Agreement. 4.5 Audit. Each Non-Operating Owner may, at its cost, atany time during normal business hours and with reasonable prior notice of not less than thirty (30) Business Days, but not more often than once in any twelve (12) month period, inspect and audit the books and records of the Operator and any of its Affiliates and Delegates (and the Operator shall secure such rights for the Non-Operating Owner from its Affiliates and Delegates) involved in the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement ("Other Costs Records"), to the extent reasonably relating to the determination of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, and Other Costs for which the Non-Operating Owner is liable under this Agreement as shown on an invoice provided to the Non-Operating Owner pursuant to Section 4.7 within eighteen (18) months prior to the date of the audit notice. Each Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.4 Page 4 of7 Version 0.0.2 Operator shall, and shall cause any of its relevant Affiliates and Delegates, to keep and maintain all such Other Costs Records to the extent reasonably relating to the determination of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, and Other Costs for which the Non-Operating Owner is liable under this Agreement and make such Other Costs Records available to the Non-Operating Owner in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If any audit discloses that, during such eighteen (18) month period, an overpayment or underpayment of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges or Other Costs has been made by the Non-Operating Owner or the amount of any Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs allocated to the Non-Operating Owner in an invoice is incorrect, then such overpayment, underpayment or incorrect amount shall be resolved pursuant to Section 4.8. The Non-Operating Owner requesting the audit shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of all reasonable costs and expenses (including internal costs and expenses) incurred by or on behalf of the Operator and any of its Affiliates and Delegates in complying with the provisions of this Section 4.6, provided that the Non-Operating Owner shall not be required to reimburse any such costs if the audit determines that the Non- Operating Owner has made more than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in overpayments of Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs or more than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charges, Monthly Substation O&M Charges, Monthly Common Equipment Charges, or Other Costs have been incorrectly allocated to the Owner. 4.6 Insurance. (a) Owner Insurance. Each Owner shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining during the Term insurance covering its respective legal liabilities related to its Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment. Insurance required by this Section 4.6(a) will be placed with appropriate carriers and in amounts in accordance with Good Utility Practice and Governmental Requirements. (b) Property Insurance. Each Operator, on behalf of the Owners and any other named insureds or loss payees, will, with respect to Substations and equipment therein that is included as part of the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities it is responsible for: (i) determine the appropriate property insurance coverages, minimum amounts, self- insured amounts, deductibles and other insurance policy terms which shall be reasonable and customary for similarly situated utilities; (ii) obtain and maintain such property insurance during the Term; and (iii) be solely responsible for pursuing claims and/or negotiating settlements in respect of claims under such insurance coverages. The Operators shall be compensated for the costs of obtaining and maintaining such insurance (including any premiums, to<es and fees, but excluding deductibles, self-insurance or non- Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.4 Page 5 of7 Version 0.0.2 insured costs) through the Monthly Substation O&M Charge. Subject to Article VII, each Owner shall be responsible for its Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of any deductibles, self-insurance and non-insured costs, all of which shall be Other Costs. The Operators shall not be obligated to obtain or maintain any other insurance by or on behalf of the Owners with respect to the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment for which they are responsible. 4.7 Invoices. (a) Each Non-Operating Owner shall pay the respective Operator the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, and the Monthly Common Equipment Charge calculated in accordance with Exhibit D as compensation for the Operator's services under this Agreement. In addition, each Owner shall be responsible for its Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operators pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, including Sections 4.2(a), 4.4(a), 4.6. 5.2, 6.1, 7 .1,7 .5, 8.2 and 16.3 (collectively, the "Qther Co$g"). In the event that an Operator incurs, or reasonably expects to incur, significant Other Costs in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (S100,000), the Operator shall immediately notify the Owners in writing of such Other Costs. (b) Within thirty (30) days after the end of the first full calendar month during the Term, and within thirty (30) days after the end of each month thereafter during the Term, each Operator will deliver to the Non-Operating Owner an invoice which will show the total amount and each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge and the Monthly Common Equipment Charge determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. For purposes of clarity, the first such invoices will include amounts owed for the first full month and any partial month that precedes it during the Term. Within thifty (30) days after the end of the first calendar quarter first occurring during the Term (i.e., within 30 days of the first March 3lst, June 30th, September 30ft, or December 3l't during the Term), and within thirfy (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter thereafter during the Term, each Operator will deliver to the Non-Operating Owner an invoice which will show the total amount and each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of Other Costs determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; provided. however, that Other Costs associated with capital upgrades and improvements to, or repair and reconstruction of, Transmission Facilities: (a) shall not include AFUDC, ry4!g!, that the first Other Costs invoice may include accrued AFUDC on Prior Projects up to the Effective Date; and (b) that are a Substation Segment shall be invoiced using estimated Other Costs, provided that each Operator shall provide a final invoice showing a true-up of estimated Other Costs compared to actual Other Costs after the upgrade, improvement, repair or reconstruction is placed into service;. The Non- Operating Owner shall pay its Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interests) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Effective: Filed on : April 27, 2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .158.4 Page 6 of 7 Version 0.0.2 Monthly Common Equipment Charge and the Other Costs shown on the invoice no later than thiny (30) days after the date of the invoice. Any payment past due will accrue interest, per annum, calculated in accordance with the methodology specified for interest in the FERC regulations at l8 C.F.R. $ 35.19a(a)(2xiiD (the "FERC Methodology"). The failure by an Operator to timely deliver an invoice shall not relieve the Non-Operating Owner of its payment obligation in respect of its share of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, the Monthly Common Equipment Charge and Other Costs as shown on such invoice, or release the Operating Owner of its responsibility for such invoice. 4.8 Disputed Amounts. If any Non-Operating Owner disputes any portion of any amount specified in an invoice delivered by an Operator pursuant to Section 4.7, the Non- Operating Owner shall pay its total amount of the invoice when due, and, if actually known at the time by the Non-Operating Owner, identify the disputed amount and state that the disputed amount is being paid under protest. Any disputed amount shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII. If it is determined pursuant to Article XMI that an ovelpayment or underpayment has been made by the Non-Operating Owner or the amount of any Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, Monthly Substation O&M Charge, Monthly Common Equipment Charge, or Other Costs allocated to the Non- Operating Owner on an invoice is incorrect, then: (i) in the case of any overpayment by the Non-Operating Owner, the Operator shall promptly return the amount of the overpayment (or credit the amount of the overpayment on the next invoice) to the Non- Operating Owner; (ii) in the case of an underpayment by the Non-Operating Owner, the Non-Operating Owner shall promptly pay the amount of the underpayment to the Operator (for the benefit of the Operating Owner), otherwise, the Operator shall charge the Non- Operating Owner for the underpayment on the next invoice; and (iii) in the case of an incorrect allocation of Other Costs to an Owner, the allocations of Other Costs on the next invoice shall be adjusted to correct for such incorrect allocation, in each case, together with interest for the period from the date of overpayment, underpayment or incorrect allocation until such amount has been paid or credited against a future invoice calculated in the manner prescribed for calculating interest on refunds under the FERC Methodology. 4.9 Assistance. Each Non-Operating Owner shall cooperate with the Operator promptly, as and when reasonably requested by the Operator, to assist the Operator in the performance of its duties, responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement, including executing and delivering from time to time such additional documents, certificates or instruments, and taking such additional actions, as may be reasonably requested by the Operator. Each Non-Operating Owner shall bear its own costs for providing such cooperation and assistance as requested by the Operator unless the Owners agree otherwise in writing. Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 4.10 Remedies. 1.158.4 PageT of7 Version 0.0.2 (a) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Operators shall have no liability to the respective Non-Operating Owners in connection with the performance of their covenants and obligations under this Agreement, except as provided in this Section 4.10 and Section 14.1(c). The Non- Operating Owners agree that they have a duty to mitigate any damages and shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to minimize any damages they may incur as a result of an Operator's failure to perform or breach of any of its covenants or obligations under this Agreement. (b) The Owners and Operators acknowledge that the obligations and covenants performed by the Operators hereunder are unique and that the Non-Operating Owners will be irreparably injured should such obligations and covenants not be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Consequently, the Non- Operating Owners will not have an adequate remedy at law if the Operators shall fail to perform their obligations and covenants hereunder. The Non-Operating Owners shall have the right, in addition to any other remedy available under this Agreement, to specific performance of the Operators' obligations and covenants hereunder, and the Owners and Operators agree not to take a position in any proceeding arising out of this Agreement to the effect that the Non-Operating Owners have an adequate remedy at law. Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.5 Page I of3 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE V OPERATION AND MAINTENAI\CE OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 5.1 Compliance: Standard of Work. (a) The Operator shall perform its obligations set forth in this Agreement: (i) without adverse distinction between the Owners; and (ii) in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Govemmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. (b) Without limiting the generality of Section 5.1(a), each Operator shall comply with Governmental Requirements and Reliability Standards applicable to an owner and an operator of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is responsible, regardless of whether any such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment are solely owned by the Operating Owner, the Non-Operating Owner, orjointly owned by the Parties. 5.2 Operation and Maintenance: Outases and Outaee Coordination: Capital Upgrades and Improvements. (a) Each Operator shall operate and maintain the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment for which it is responsible in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards- (b) Each Operator shall provide written notice of planned outages associated with the Transmission Facilities, Common Equipment and Paths for which it is responsible to the Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator as soon as outage schedules are known, but no later than the later of the period specified in the Operating Owner's OATT or the Northwest Power Pool Processes document dated May 2014, as it is amended from time-to-time, regarding outage coordination and shall, subject to Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards, accommodate reasonable requests of the Non-Operating Owner to change the date or period of the planned outage. Each Operator shall promptly notify the Non- Operating Owner's outage coordinator of any event or circumstance that results in a partial or total reduction of the transmission capacity of a Segment or Path set forth in Exhibit C, and shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to diligently: (i) coordinate operations during such event or circumstance; (ii) coordinate the restoration of the transmission capacity of such Segment from such event or circumstance with the Non-Operating Owner; and (iii) perform the actions necessary to restore the transmission capacity of such Segment or Path and otherwise recover from the event or circumstance. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Owners shall be allocated their share of a temporary reduction in the transmission capacity of the Transmission Facilities Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.s Page 2 of3 Version 0.0.2 and the Paths pursuant to Section 3.3(gXi), and shall be allocated their share of a permanent reduction in transmission capacity of the Transmission Facilities and the Paths pursuant to Sections 3.3(aXii) and 3.3(aXiii). The Operator's outage coordinator shall accommodate reasonable requests of the Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator, and Non-Operating Owner's outage coordinator shall accommodate reasonable requests of the Operator's outage coordinator, in the event of an actual or potential Energy Emergency to take extraordinary steps to protect reliability. (c) Each Operator shall make maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for: (i) the costs of which are recordable as an operation and maintenance expense under the FERC Uniform System of Accounts; and (ii) that are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Govemmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. Such maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge. The Operator shall not separately invoice the Owners for the costs of such maintenance renewals and replacements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any maintenance renewals and replacements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(c) to Transmission Facilities shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement, and any maintenance renewals and replacements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(c) to Common Equipment shall be Common Equipment for purposes of this Agreement. (d) Each Operator shall make capital upgrades and improvements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment it is responsible for: (i) the costs of which are recordable as capital expenditures under the FERC Uniform System of Accounts; and (ii) which are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards. The Operator shall consult with the Non-Operating Owner and receive prior approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned, with respect to any capital upgrade or improvement for which the Non-Operating Owner shall have financial responsibility under this Agreement and which Operator reasonably expects to incur total project costs that exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000). The Owners shall be responsible for their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interests, if any, in the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment being upgraded or improved) of any Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in making such capital upgrades or improvements. Such capital upgrades and improvements to the Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Other Costs charge. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(d) to the Transmission Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No- ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.5 Page 3 of3 Version 0.0.2 Facilities shall be considered Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement, and any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.l(il to Common Equipment shall be considered Common Equipment for purposes of this Agreement. (e) Each Operator shall assume responsibility for completion of "Idaho Power Extraordinary Items," "PacifiCorp Extraordinary Items," "Idaho Power Planned Improvements," '?acifiCorp Planned Improvements" and completion of a "Casualty Loss" as each is defined in the JPSA (collectively, the "Priq1-Proj-ects,"), underway on the Effective Date on Segments for which it is responsible in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and such capital upgrades, improvements, repairs or reconstruction shall not be subject to approval of the Non-Operating Owner. Such Prior Projects are included in the services for which the Operator is compensated by the Other Costs charge. The Owners shall be responsible for their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interests in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed) of any Costs incurred by or on behalf of: (i) the Prior Project's Owner prior to the Effective Date; and (ii) the Operator commencing on the Effective Date through the completion of such capital upgrades, improvements, repairs or reconstruction. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades and improvements made pursuant to this Section 6.1(e) to the Transmission Facilities shall be considered Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. Insurance proceeds received by a Party related to the Prior Projects, shall be forwarded to the Operator, less an amount equal to that expended by the Party on the Prior Projects up to the Effective Date and not reflected in Net Book Value on the Effective Date. The Operator shall apply such proceeds (up to each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed)) to the completion of the Prior Projects, and return to the Owners their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Segment being upgraded, improved, repaired or reconstructed) of any excess insurance proceeds. 5.3 Requests for Generation or Transmission Interconnection Service. The Owners acknowledge and agree that all requests for interconnection to any of the jointly- owned Transmission Facilities must be coordinated with the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities and processed in a manner consistent with the Owner's OATT pursuant to which the request was made ("Interconnection Owner") and any Governmental Requirements. An Interconnection Owner in receipt of a request for interconnection with any jointly-owned Transmission Facilities will promptly notify the responsible Operator and the other Owner, and thereafter the Owners and the Operator will coordinate and cooperate to process the interconnection request. The Operator will coordinate and conduct any studies required to determine the impact of the interconnection request on the jointly-owned Transmission Facilities and other affected systems, including the Owners' Transmission Systems, in accordance with the Interconnection Owner's OATI and any Governmental Requirements. The Operator will notify the Owners and such affected systems of all meetings held with the entity requesting an interconnection. Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.6 Page I of4 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE VI TRANSMISSION FACILITIES CAPITAL UPGRADES PROPOSED BY AIT OWI\I'ER 6.1 Capital Upgrades. (a) At any time during the Term, a Proposing Owner may elect to make a capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities to which it has an Ownership Interest, provided that in no event shall a Proposing Owner be entitled to make a capital upgrade or improvement to any Transmission Facilities that reasonably would be expected to have a material adverse effect on the other Owner's ownership, use or enjoyment of its Ownership Interest(s) in such Transmission Facilities (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) as contemplated in this Agreement. A Proposing Owner shall provide the other Owner no less than sixty (60) days' prior written notice of its election, together with reasonable details about the proposed upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities (each, a "Capital Upgrade Notice"). Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Capital Upgrade Notice, the Non-Proposing Owner may notify the Proposing Owner in writing that it elects to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to jointly owned Transmission Facilities. The Non-Proposing Owner may not participate in any capital upgrade or improvement to Transmission Facilities solely owned by the Proposing Owner, whether or not the Non-Proposing Owner is an Impacted Party. (i) If the Non-Proposing Owner delivers notice to the Proposing Owner within the sixty (60) day period that it elects to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities, then the Owners shall meet and agree on: (A) the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement; (B) the allocation of increased transmission capacity, if any, associated with such capital upgrade and improvement between the Owners, including arry change in the Owners' Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s) which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (C) any change in each Owner's Ownership Interest with respect to such Transmission Facilities and any applicable Substation O&M Allocation which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (D) each Owner's share of the costs of such upgrade or improvement (which shall be based on the Owners' respective Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities); (E) any change in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge, if any; and (F) such other matters as the Owners may agree upon, all of which shall be memorialized in an amendment to this Agreement executed by the Owners, including any amendments to the Exhibits hereto which shall be effective as set forth in Section 6.1(b) (the "Amendment"); provided, however, that any failure of the Owners to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (F) above shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of Article XVII. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in this Agreement, an Owner shall not be prohibited from making acapital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities pursuant to this Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-l 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.6 Page 2 of 4 Version 0.0.2 Section 6.1(a) because the Owners fail to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (F) of the immediately preceding sentence, and any such disagreement shall be resolved pursuant to Article XVII. (ii) If the Non-Proposing Owner elects not to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities (or fails to deliver a notice to the Proposing Owner within the sixty (60) day period) or is not entitled to participate in the capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities pursuant to Section 6.1(a), then the Proposing Owner may proceed with the capital upgrade or improvement, provided that the Proposing Owner shall coordinate with the Operator responsible for the applicable Transmission Facilities on the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement. (b) The applicable Operator shall design, permit, construct, install and commission any upgrades or improvements to the Transmission Facilities provided for in Section 6.1(aXi) in accordance with the Amendment or, if applicable, any resolution pursuant to Article XVII, and otherwise in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements and Govemmental Authorizations. The Owners shall be responsible, based on the Amendment or, if applicable, any resolution pursuant to Article XV[, for all of the Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in connection with such capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities. Effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such capital upgrade or improvement, written notice of which the Operator shall provide to the Owners, the Owners' Ownership Interests, Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations in respect of such Transmission Facilities any applicable Substation O&M Allocation shall be adjusted, if at all, in accordance with the Amendment or, if applicable, any resolution pursuant to Article XV[, and the Owners shall memorialize any revised Ownership Interests, Directional C apacity Allocation Percentages, D irectional Capacity Al locations, and applicab le Substation O&M Allocation in a revised Exhibit C. which shall be effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such upgrade or improvement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades or improvements provided for in this Section 6.1(b) shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. (c) The applicable Operator shall design, permit, construct, install and commission any upgrades or improvements to the Transmission Facilities provided for in Section 6.I(aXii) in accordance with the final scope of the capital upgrade or improvement established by the Proposing Owner pursuant to Section 6.1(aXii), and otherwise in accordance with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements and Governmental Authorizations. Regardless of the foregoing, when an Owner of solely-owned Transmission Facilities that are operated by the other Parfy makes a capital upgrade or improvement, the Owner and Operator will jointly determine equipment specifications. Unless agreed to otherwise, replacement equipment shall be consistent with the original Effective: Filed on : Apnl27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules L158.6 Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.2 equipment specifications. The Proposing Owner shall be responsible for all of the Costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator in connection with such capital upgrade or improvement to the Transmission Facilities and title to such capital upgrades or improvement shall vest solely with the Proposing Owner. Effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such capital upgrade or improvement, written notice of which the Operator shall provide to the Owners: (i) the Owners' Ownership Interests, Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations in respect of such Transmission Facilities and any applicable Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, Substation O&M Allocation, and Monthly Common Equipment Charge shall be adjusted, if at all, in accordance with Section 3.3; and (ii) the Operator shall operate and maintain such capital upgrade or improvement in accordance with Section 6.1(a). In addition, the Owners shall meet and agree on: (A) the allocation of increased transmission capacity, if any, associated with such capital upgrade and improvement between the Owners, including any change in the Owners' Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations which shall be determined in accordance with Section 3.3; (B) any change in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge, or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge, if any; and (C) such other matters as the Owners may agree upon, all of which shall be memorialized in an amendment to this Agreement executed by the Owners, including any arnendments to the Exhibits hereto which shall be effective as of the date of successful commissioning of such upgrade or improvement; provided, however. that any failure of the Owners to agree on any of the matters specified in subparts (A) through (C) above shall be resolved pwsuant to the provisions of Article XVII. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, any capital upgrades or improvements provided for in this Section 6.1(c) shall be Transmission Facilities for purposes of this Agreement. (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the provisions of this Section 6.1 shall not apply to capital upgrades or improvements made by an Operator pursuant to Section 6.1(c) which are necessary for the operation of the Transmission Facilities in accordance with Good Utility Practice or required by Governmental Requirements or Govemmental Authorizations, which shall be governed by the provisions of Section 5.1(d). (e) Each Owner shall provide the applicable Operator prompt written notice of any request pursuant to its OATT from a customer to provide additional transmission capacity that will require one or more capital upgrades or improvements to any of the Transmission Facilities. If capital upgrades or improvements are required in accordance with such Owner's OATT, then such capital upgrades and improvements shall be made by the Operator in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.1(a) and Section 6.1(b). 6.2 McNar.v Transmission Project. Within thirty (30) days after the earlier of the date on which: (a) Idaho Power notifies PacifiCorp in writing that it desires to proceed Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .1s8.6 Page 4 of 4 Version 0.0.2 with negotiations regarding the development, construction, operation and joint ownership of a new transmission line from McNary-Walulla-Walla Walla with capacity to be determined based on future studies and needs (the "McNary Transmission Project"); or (b) PacifiCorp notifies Idaho Power that it plans to proceed with all or a part of the McNary Transmission Project, the Parties will meet and negotiate in good faith to reach agreement on the definitive terms and conditions of construction, ownership and operation agreements for the McNary Transmission Project (the "McNary Transmission Project Agreements") pursuant to which the Parties will develop, design, engineer, procure, construct, test, commission, operate and jointly own the McNary Transmission Project. Any such negotiations shall automatically terminate if the Parties fail to reach agreement on the definitive terms and conditions of the McNary Transmission Project Agreements within ninety (90) days of receipt of the earlier of the notice in Section 6.2(a) and Section6.2(b) (the 'Negotiations End Date"). The Parties will attempt, to the greatest extent possible, to base the Parties' rights, duties, obligations, liabilities and remedies under the McNary Transmission Project Agreements on the Parties' rights, duties, obligations, liabilities and remedies under this Agreement; provided that the Parties agree that PacifiCorp shall be the operator of and responsible for the design, engineering, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning of the McNary Transmission Project under any McNary Transmission Project Agreements and that the terms and conditions associated with PacifiCorp's responsibilities as operator shall be definitively negotiated as part of any McNary Transmission Project Agreements. If the Parties fail to reach agreement by the Negotiations End Date on the definitive terms and conditions of the McNary Transmission Project Agreements pursuant to this Section 6.Z,thenPacifiCorp may proceed or not proceed with the McNary Transmission Project and Idaho Power will have no further right to participate with PacifiCorp in the development, construction, operation and joint ownership of the McNary Transmission Project. Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERI 6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.7 Page I of4 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE VII PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO TRANSMISSION FACILITIES: COIIDEMNATION 7.1 RebuildingDamagedFacilities. (a) If any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are materially damaged or destroyed (the "Damased Facilities"), then within thirty (30) days of the date the damage or destruction occurred, the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities and Common Equipment shall deliver to the Owners a written notice (the "Darnag9_Ilqlig9") of the Operator's good faith reasonable estimate of the cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities. (i) If the Damaged Facilities consist of Transmission Facilities that are jointly owned by the Owners and the Damage Notice indicates that the total project cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities is estimated to be Five Million Dollars (55,000,000) or more, inclusive of insurance proceeds, then the Owners will determine whether the Damaged Facilities will be repaired or rebuilt within thirty (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. (ii) If the Damaged Facilities consist of Transmission Facilities that are jointly owned and the Damage Notice indicates that the total project cost to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities is estimated to be less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), inclusive of insurance proceeds, then, the Operator will determine in accordance with Good Utility Practice whether the Damaged Facilities will be repaired or rebuilt and provide notice thereof to the Owners within thirry (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. (iiD If the Damaged Facilities consist of an Owner's wholly-owned Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, then, the Owner will determine in accordance with Good Utility Practice whether the Damaged Facilities will be repaired or rebuilt and provide notice thereof to the Operator within thirty (30) days of the date of the Damage Notice. (b) If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 7. 10. 7.10. or 7.10. respectively, to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities, then the Owners will, upon receipt of any insurance proceeds paid in connection with such Damaged Facilities, apply such proceeds (up to each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) in the amount to be paid) to the repair and reconstruction of the Damaged Facilities which will be carried out by the Operator. The Operator will be responsible for obtaining any necessary Governmental Authorizations to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities and determining the manner in which to repair and reconstruct the Damaged Facilities (including the equipment to be used). Each Owner shall reasonably cooperate with and support the Effective: Filed on : April27,2O16 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.7 Page 2 of 4 Version 0.0.2 Operator in obtaining any such Governmental Authorizations in accordance with Section 4.4(c). The Operator will cause such repairs or reconstruction to be made so that the Damaged Facilities will be repaired and restored to substantially the same general condition, character and use as existed prior to such damage or destruction. If the cost of such repairs or reconstruction exceeds the insurance proceeds required to be applied to the repair or reconstruction pursuant to this Section 7.1, then the Owners shall pay, in accordance with their applicable Ownership Interests, if any, the shortfall amount. 7.2 Decision not to Rebuild. If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 0, 0, or 0, respectively, not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities), then, in each case: (a) each Owner shall: (i) be entitled to retain any insurance proceeds received pursuant to insurance maintained by it with respect to the Damaged Facilities; (ii) receive its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any revenues from the salvage or sale of the Damaged Facilities; and (iii) pay its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any costs of removal of parts and equipment from the Damaged Facilities; (b) the Operator shall pay to the Owners their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Damaged Facilities) of any insurance proceeds received from any property insurance obtained by the Operator pursuant to Section 4.66); and (c) subject to Section 7.3. this Agreement shall terminate pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Damaged Facilities. 7.3 Purchase of Ownership Interest. If the Owners, the Operator, or the Owner determines pursuant to Sections 0, 0, or 0, respectively, not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (or cannot reach agreement to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities) and, in each case, one Owner desires to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities (the "Continuins Owner"), then the Continuing Owner shall have the option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities. In order to exercise its option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities, the Continuing Owner must give written notice thereof to the other Owner within thiny (30) days of the Owners' or Operator's determination pursuant to Section 7.1 not to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities. The Owners shall enter into such documentation as the Continuing Owner shall reasonably request to document the purchase and sale of all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner in the Damaged Facilities, provided that the purchase price of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the other Owner shall be equal to Effective: Filed on : April 27, 2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I . 158.7 Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.2 the other Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s) in the Damaged Facilities) of the salvage value of the Damaged Facilities. 7.4 Cooperation. If the Continuing Owner seeks to repair or rebuild the Damaged Facilities purchased from the other Owner pursuant to Section 7.3, then, at the Continuing Owner's request and expense, the other Owner and the responsible Operator (if the Continuing Owner is not the responsible Operator) will, for a reasonable period of time, cooperate with and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to assist the Continuing Owner in the repair or rebuilding of the Damaged Facilities. This Section 7.4 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Damaged Facilities. 7.5 Condemnation. If there occurs a loss of title to, or ownership ol or use and possession of,, all or any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment as the result of the exercise of the right of condemnation or eminent domain by or on behalf of any Governmental Authority, then the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment will promptly give notice thereof to the Owners, which notice shall generally describe the nature and extent of such condemnation or eminent domain proceedings (including any negotiations in connection with such proceedings). The Operator shall, in consultation with the Owners, use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to resist the loss of title to, or ownership of, or use and possession of, all or any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment through condemnation or eminent domain. If, as a result of condemnation or eminent domain, the Owners shall lose title to, or ownership of, or use and possession of, all or any portion of any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, then the Owner or Owners shall determine whether: (a) the relevant portion of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment is no longer useful for the transmission of electric power and should be retired and decommissioned, in which case the provisions of Article VIII shall control; (b) the relevant portion of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment should be replaced or modified, in which case the Owners will, upon receipt of any awards paid in connection with such condemnation or eminent domain, apply such awards to the replacement or modification of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment which will be carried out by the Operator responsible for such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment. The Operator will, consistent with the decision of the Owner or Owners, as applicable, determine the manner in which to replace or modify the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, and will cause such replacement and modifications to be made so that the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are replaced or modified in accordance with the decision of the Owner or Owners, as applicable. If the cost of replacement or modification of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment exceeds the awards received by the Owners in connection with such Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.7 Page 4 of4 Version 0.0.2 condemnation or eminent domain, then the Owners shall pay their Pro Rata Share (based on their respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment) of the shortfall amount; or (c) if the Owner or Owners, as applicable, do not reach agreement on one of the actions provided for in Section 7.5(.a) and Section 7.5(b), or on another course of action, within sixty (60) days after the date of the notice provided by the Operator to the Owners pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 7.5. then each Owner shall receive its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment) of all awards received by the Owners (or their Affiliates) in connection with any such condemnation or eminent domain (less the actual cost fees and expenses incurred by the Operator in collection thereof). Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.ls8.8 Page I of2 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE VIII RETIREMENT AIID DECOMMISSIONING OF TRANSMISSION FACILITIES 8.1 Decision to Retire Transmission Facilities. The Owners will determine in accordance with the terms of this Article VIII when any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment are no longer useful for the transmission of electric power and should be retired and decommissioned. If the Owner or Owners decide to retire and decommission any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, then, subject to Section 8.2 and Section 8.3, this Agreement shall terminate pursuant to Section 2.3(a) solely with respect to such Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment once they are retired and decommissioned. 8.2 Costs of Decommissioning. Each of the Owners shall be responsible for paying its Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement) of the aggregate amount of all costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator to retire permanently the Facilities Proposed for Retirement from service, including decommissioning, dismantling, demolishing and removal of equipment, facilities and strucfures, security, maintenance, disposing of debris, abandonment and all other costs incurred by or on behalf of the Operator to retire permanently the Facilities Proposed for Retirement from service, net of any amounts recovered in connection with the sale of any retired equipment, facilities and structures. 8.3 Decommissioning Notice; Purchase of Ownership Interest. A Proposing Owner shall give written notice to the other Owner when it believes any of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment in which it has an Ownership Interest should be retired and decommissioned (each notice, a "Decommissionins Notice"). If the Non-Proposing Owner either (i) has an Ownership Interest in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, or (ii) is an Impacted Party with respect to the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, ffid, in either case, desires to continue the operation of the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, then the Non-Proposing Owner shall have the option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)), if any, of the Proposing Owner in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement. In order to exercise its option to purchase all of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s), if any) of the Proposing Owner in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, the Non-Proposing Owner must give written notice thereof to the Proposing Owner within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Decommissioning Notice. The Owners shall enter into such documentation as each Owner shall reasonably request to document the purchase and sale of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Directional Capacity Allocation(s)), if any, of the Proposing Party in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, provided that the purchase price of the Ownership Interest(s) (and associated Directional Capacity Allocation Percentage(s) and Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.8 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.2 Directional Capacity Allocation(s)) of the Proposing Party shall be equal to the Proposing Party's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest(s), if any, in the Facilities Proposed for Retirement) of the depreciated cost of the Facilities Proposed for Retirement. 8.4 Cooperation. If the Non-Proposing Owner seeks to purchase and continue the operation of the Facilities Proposed for Retirement, then, at the Non-Proposing Owner's request and expense, the Proposing Owner and the responsible Operator (if the Non-Proposing Owner is not the responsible Operator) will, for a reasonable period of time, cooperate with and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to assist the Non- Proposing Owner in the continued operation of the Facilities Proposed for Retirement. This Section 8.4 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 2.3. Effective: Filed on : April?7,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.9 Page I of2 Version 0.0.2 ARTICLE IX TRANSMISSION SYSTEM BOUNDARIES 9.1 Points of Interconnection: Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency. (a) Each Owner's Transmission System, which includes the Owner's Ownership Interests in the Transmission Facilities, shall be considered interconnected at the Points of Interconnection, and the location and associated meter for each Point of lnterconnection, and any other information required by Governmental Requirements to be agreed to by the Parties, shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. (b) Each Owner's Balancing Authority Area shall be considered Adjacent Balancing Authority Areas at the Points of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency, and the location and associated meter for each Point of Balancing Authority Area Adjacency, and any other information required by Governmental Requirements to be agreed to by the Parties, shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties in writing and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. 9.2 E-Tags. Each Party shall cause the Operator of a Path to be included on all e- Tags as a scheduling entity. 9.3 Dynamic Transfer Capability Rights. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Idaho Power authorizes PacifiCorp to utilize up to 400 MW of Dynamic Transfer Capability over the Idaho Power Transmission System in an east to west direction; provided. however, no schedule shall exceed the scheduling capability of any point of receipt and point of delivery combination. (b) Idaho Power's grant of, and PacifiCorp's utilization of, Dynamic Transfer Capability scheduling rights pursuant to this Section 9.3 are subject to Good Utility Practice and Governmental Requirements. (c) The Dynamic Transfer Capability rights provided for in this Section 9.3 does not include the Jim Bridger pseudo-tied generation provided for in Section 9.4 and recognizes that Jim Bridger Project generation does not utilize Automatic Generation Control. If the Parties desire to utilize Automatic Generation Control for Jim Bridger Project generation in the future, it will be designed to have no impact to the Dynamic Transfer Capability or any such impact will be mutually agreed to by the Parties. Effective: October 30, 201 5 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.9 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.2 9.4 Jim Bridger Pseudo Tie. (a) Idaho Power authorizes PacifiCorp to transfer its share of the electrical output of the Jim Bridger Project from the Jim Bridger Project bus bar meter into its PACW Balancing Authority Area utilizing a pseudo-tie. (b) Idaho Power's grant of, and PacifiCorp's utilization of, the pseudo-tie are subject to Good Utility Practice and Governmental Requirements. In addition, the pseudo-tie rights provided for in this Section 9.4 may not be sold or transferred by PacifiCorp to anyone without Idaho Power's prior written consent. (c) To calculate the PacifiCorp pseudo tie, PacifiCorp shall subtract Jim Bridger Transmission Losses from PacifiCorp's share of the Jim Bridger Project Net Generation. 9.5 Electric Losses. Each Party agrees that when it is the operator of the Balancing Authority Area containing a Segment for which the other Owner is the transmission provider for the Segment, that it will: (a) provide elecffic energy for transmission losses as needed to keep ffansmission service schedules whole within its Balancing Authority Areq consistent with Governmental Requirements and Reliability Standards; and (b) provide compensation for electric losses in accordance with Exhibit G "Joint Ownership Transmission Loss Calculation and Allocation Methodology." 9.6 Jim Bridger Project Generation RAS. The Parties agree that the Jim Bridger Project shall be tripped to implement the Jim Bridger Project Generation RAS schemes according to protocols that shall have been mutually agreed to by the Parties and included in operating procedures of the Parties on or before the Effective Date, which operating procedures the Parties shall review and update annually as necessary. Effective: October 30, 201 5 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. l 58. l0 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE X TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 10.1 ServiceConditions. (a) Operation and Maintenance. Each Owner shall operate and maintain its Transmission System in a manner consistent with Good Utility Practice, Governmental Requirements, Governmental Authorizations and Reliability Standards; provided. however. that nothing in this Section 10.1(a) shall modify or amend such Party's responsibility as an Operator under this Agreement. (b) Additional Services. This Article X is applicable only to the physical interconnection of the Owners' Transmission Systems at the Points of Interconnection and does not obligate either Owner to receive or provide any service. Other services provided by one Owner to the other Owner shall be govemed by such other agreements as the Owners may enter into from time to time. (c) Intemrption of Service. The Owners shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts, consistent with Good Utility Practice, Reliability Standards and Govemmental Requirements, to provide a physical interconnection to be operated in continuous synchronization at the Points of Interconnection, provided that an Owner ("Intemrpting Owner") may temporarily intemrpt or isolate the interconnected facilities under the following circumstances: (i) by operation of automatic equipment installed for power system protection; (ii) after consultation with the other Owner, other than in an emergency situation where consultation is not practicable, when an Owner deems it necessary for installation, maintenance, inspection, repairs or replacements of equipment on its Transmission System; (iii) at any time that, in the sole judgment of the Intemrpting Owner, such action is necessary to preserve the integrity of, or to prevent or limit any instability on its Transmission System; (iv) where necessary to comply with documented directives from a Governmental Authority; (v) as a result of one or more events of Force Majeure; or (vi) where necessary to prevent: (A) death or serious rnjury to any person; (B) material damage or harm to any property; or (C) any material adverse effect to the security of, or damage to its Transmission System or the electric systems of others to which its Transmission System is directly connected, including the other Owner's Transmission System. An Intemrpting Owner shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to provide the other Owner (1) with reasonable advance notice of anyplanned intemrption of the interconnection facilities in accordance with the notice requirements set forth in Section 5.2(b), and (2) with notice of any other intemrption of the interconnected facilities as soon as practicable after the intemrption. If synchronous operation is intemrpted, the Owners shall cooperate so as to remove the cause of such intemrption as soon as commercially practicable consistent with Good Utility Practice, Reliability Standards and Governmental Requirements. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-00 I Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.10 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 (d) Physical and Cyber Security. The Operators shall cooperate with the Owners in complying with any physical and cyber security or other security requirement established by Governmental Requirements or Reliability Standards applicable to the Owners and the Transmission Facilities and the Common Equipment, written notice of which the Owners shall provide to the Operators. 10.2 Survival. The provisions of this Article X, together with other provisions of this Agreement (but only to the extent applicable to the surviving provisions of this Article X), shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, provided that in the event of termination of this Agreement the Parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect such changes to this Agreement as shall be necessary and mutually acceptable to the Parties to conform this Agreement to the surviving provisions of this Agreement in accordance with this Section 10.2. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.l I Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XI FORCE MAJEURE 11.1 Force Majeure Defined. For purposes of this Agreement, "Force Majeure" means an event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming Force Majeure ("Affected Parqy"), which, despite the exercise ofreasonable diligence, cannot be or be caused to be prevented, avoided or removed by such Affected Party including, to the extent satisffing the above requirements, acts of God; earthquake; abnormal weather condition; hurricane; flood; lightning; high winds; drought; peril of the sea; explosion; fire; war (declared or undeclared); military action; sabotage; riot; insurrection; civil unrest or disturbance; acts of terrorism; economic sanction or embargo; civil strike, work stoppage, slow-down, or lock-out that are of an industry or sector-wide nature and that are not directed solely or specifically at the Affected Party; the binding order of any Governmental Authority, provided that the Affected Pafiy has in good faith reasonably contested such order; the failure to act on the part of any Governmental Authority, provided that such action has been timely requested and diligently pursued; unavailability of equipment, supplies or products, but only to the extent caused by Force Majeure; failure of equipment, provided that the equipment has been operated and maintained in accordance with Good Utility Practice; and transportation delays or accidents, but only to the extent otherwise caused by Force Majeure; provided, however. that neither insufficiency of funds, financial inability to perform nor changes in market conditions shall constitute Force Majeure. ll.2 Effect of Force Majeure. (a) If an Affected Party is rendered wholly or partly unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement or its performance is delayed because of Force Majeure, such Affected Party shall be excused from, and shall not be liable for, whatever performance it is unable to perform or delayed in performing due to the Force Majeure to the extent so affected, ry4lgg[ that: (i) The Affected Party, as soon as reasonably practical after the commencement of the Force Majeure, gives the other Party prompt written notice thereof, including a description of the particulars of the Force Majeure; (ii) The suspension of perfoflnance is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the Force Majeure; and (iiD The Affected Party uses Commercially Reasonable Efforts to overcome and remedy its inability to perfonn as soon as reasonably practical after the commencement of the Force Majeure. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.l I Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 (b) Notwithstanding anything in this Article XI to the contrary, no payment obligation arising under this Agreement prior to the date of an event of Force Majeure shall be excused by such event of Force Majeure. (c) Whenever an Affected Party is required to commence or complete any action within a specified period and is prevented or delayed by Force Majeure from commencing or completing such action within the specified period, such period shall be extended by an amount equal to the duration of such event of Force Majeure occurring or continuing during such period. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. I 58. l2 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XII EVENTS OF DEFAULT l2.l Event of Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default ("Event of Defaulf') by the defaulting Party (a "Defaultine Party"): (a) The failure to make, when due, any payment required pursuant to this Agreement, if such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party; (b) Any representation or warranty made by such Defaulting Party herein is false or misleading in any material respect when made, unless: (i) the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject of such representation or warranty is made true within thirty (30) days after notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party, ry4!91[that if the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject of such representation or warranty reasonably cannot be corrected within such thirty (30) day period, then the Defaulting Parry shall have an additional period of time (not to exceed sixty (60) days) in which to correct the fact, circumstance or condition that is the subject of such representation or warranty; and (ii) such cure removes any adverse effect on the Non-Defaulting Party of such fact, circumstance or condition being otherwise than as first represented, or such fact, circumstance or condition being otherwise than as first represented does not materially adversely affect the Non-Defaulting Parry; (c) A transfer, assignment or other disposition of its interest in this Agleement or its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) in the Transmission Facilities, in each case, in violation of Article )(IX; (d) Section 3.7; The failure to perform or breach of its covenants and obligations in (e) The failure to be a Qualified Owner, if such failure is not remedied within thiffy (30) days after written notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party; (0 The failure to perform or breach of any material covenant or obligation set forth in this Agreement (other than provided for in Section 12.1(a). (b), G), (O or (O), if such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the Non-Defaulting Party, provided that if such failure or breach cannot reasonably be cured within thirty (30) days, then the Defaulting Party shall have an additional period of time (not to exceed ninety (90) days) in which to cure such failure or breach so long as the Defaulting Party commences good faith activities to cure the failure or breach during the initial 30-day cure period and continues to utilize Commercially Reasonable Efforts to effect a cure; or Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-00 I Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.158. l2 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 (g) The Defaulting Party becomes Bankrupt. 12.2 Cure by Non-Defaultine Parqv. If a Defaulting Party fails to cure an Event of Default, then the Non-Defaulting Parry may, in its sole discretion, attempt to cure the Event of Default, provided that the Defaulting Party shall reimburse the Non-Defaulting Party for all costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Non-Defaulting Party pursuant to this Section 12.2. 12.3 Remedies. (a) If an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, then the Non- Defaulting Parfy shall be entitled to exercise any of it remedies at law or in equity, including recovery from the Defaulting Party of any damages suffered as a result of the Event of Default, subject to Section 14.8. The Non-Defaulting Party shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate any damages suffered as a result of the Event of Default. (b) The Parties acknowledge that the obligations and covenants performed by each Party hereunder are unique and that the Non-Defaulting Party will be irreparably injured should such obligations and covenants not be consummated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Consequently, the Non-Defaulting Party will not have an adequate remedy at law if the other Parfy shall fail to perform its obligations and covenants hereunder. The Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right, in addition to any other remedy available under this Agreement, to specific performance of the Defaulting Party's obligations and covenants hereunder, and the Parties agree not to take a position in any proceeding arising out of this Agreement to the effect that the Non-Defaulting Party has an adequate remedy at law. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. ls8.l3 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XIII REPRESENTATIONS AIID WARRANTIES l3.l Representations and Waranties of Idaho Power. Idaho Power represents and walrants to PacifiCorp as of the Execution Date as follows: (a) It is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. (b) It has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on its business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (c) It has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Governmental Requirements; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default of any material agreement to which it is a party. (e) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (0 Except as disclosed in Schedule 13.l(fl, all material Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements to have been obtained by it prior to the date hereof in connection with the due execution and delivery of this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made and are in full force and effect. (g) It is a Qualified Owner. 13.2 Representations and Warranties of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp represents and warrants to Idaho Power as of the Execution Date as follows: (a) It is duly formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.158. t3 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 (b) It has all requisite corporate power necessary to own its assets and carry on its business as now being conducted or as proposed to be conducted under this Agreement. (c) It has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on its part. (d) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance by it of this Agreement do not: (i) violate its organizational documents; (ii) violate any Governmental Requirements; or (iii) result in a breach of or constitute a default of any material agreement to which it is a party. (e) This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it and constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and by principles of equity regardless of whether such principles are considered in a proceeding at law or in equity. (0 Except as disclosed in Schedule 13.2(0, all material Governmental Authorizations required by Governmental Requirements to have been obtained by it prior to the date hereof in connection with the due execution and delivery of this Agreement, have been duly obtained or made and are in full force and effect. (e)It is a Qualified Owner. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.14 Page I of4 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XIV IIIDEMNIFICATION 14.l Indemnities. (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Owner (the "Indemnifyine Parqy") shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Owner (the "Indemnified Party") and its Representatives, from and against any and all suits, actions, liabilities, legal proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses of whatsoever kind or character (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) of third parties (collectively, "Claims"), for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (other than the Indemnified Pany and its Representatives) arising from the Indemnifying Party's (including its Representatives'): (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement. (b) In addition to and not in limitation of the indemnity provided in Section 14.1(a), but subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Owner, as Indemnifying Party, shall severally and not jointly, in accordance with its applicable Ownership Interest(s), indemnify, defend and hold harmless each Operator, as Indemnified Party, and its Representatives from and against any and all Claims for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (other than the Indemnified Party and its Representatives), or fines or penalties levied or imposed by Governmental Authorities or other Losses incurred by the Indemnified Parry and its Representatives, in each case, arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including in connection with the performance by the Operator of its obligations under this Agreement, except for such Claims or fines or penalties or other Losses arising from the Operator's or its Representatives': (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement. (c) Subject to the provisions of Section 14.3 and Section 14.8, each Operator, as Indemnifying P*y, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each Owner, as Indemnified Party, and its Representatives from and against any and all Claims for injury or death of persons or physical loss of or damage to property of Persons (including the Indemnified Party and its Representatives), or fines or penalties levied or imposed by Governmental Authorities or other Losses incurred by the Indemnified Party and its Representatives, in each case, arising from the Operator's and its Representatives': (i) gross negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform a material obligation under this Agreement; provided. however. in no event shall the Operator be obligated to indemnify, defend or hold harmless an Owner and its Representatives from and against any such Claims or fines or penalties or Losses to the extent arising from such Owner's or its Representatives': (i) gross negligence Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.14 Page2 of 4 Version 0.0.1 or willful misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement; or (ii) failure to perform any material obligation under this Agreement. 14.2 Notice and Participation. (a) If an Indemnified Parfy intends to seek indemnification under this Article XIV with respect to any Claims, the Indemnified Party shall give the Indemnifying Party prompt written notice of such Claims upon the receipt of actual knowledge or information by the Indemnified Party of any possible Claims or of the commencement of such Claims. The Indemnifying Party shall have no liability under this Article XIV for any Claim for which such notice is not provided, but only to the extent that the failure to give such notice materially impairs the ability of the Indemnifying Parfy to respond to or to defend the Claim. (b) The lndemnifying Party shall have the right to assume the defense of any Claim, at its sole cost and expense, with counsel designated by the Indemnifying Party and reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party; ryKlell, however, that if the defendants in any such proceeding include both the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party, and the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it which are in conflict with those available to the Indemnifying Party and that such conflict materially prejudices the ability of the counsel selected by the Indemnifying Party to represent both Parties, the Indemnified Party shall have the right to select separate counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnifying Parfy, at the Indemnifying Party's expense, to assert such legal defenses and to otherwise participate in the defense of such Claim on behalf of such Indemnified Party, and the Indemnifying Party shall be responsible for the reasonable fees and expenses of such separate counsel. (c) Should any Indemnified Party be entitled to indemnification under this Article XIV as a result of a Claim, and should the Indemnifying Parfy fail to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemnified Party has provided the Indemnifying Party written notice of such Claim, the Indemnified Party may, at the expense of the Indemnifying Party, contest or, with or without the prior consent of the Indemnifying P*y, settle such Claim. (d) Except to the extent expressly provided herein, no Indemnified Party shall settle any Claim with respect to which it has sought or is entitled to seek indemnification pursuant to this Article XIV unless: (i) it has obtained the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Party; or (ii) the Indemnifying Party has failed to assume the defense of such Claim within a reasonable period of time after the Indemnified Party has provided the Indemnifying Party written notice of such Claim. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. I 58. l4 Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.1 (e) Except to the extent expressly provided otherwise herein, no Indemnifying Party shall settle any Claim with respect to which it may be liable to provide indemnification pursuant to this Section without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party; provided. however, that if the Indemnifying Party has reached a bona fide settlement agreement with the plaintiff(s) in any such proceeding, which settlement includes a full release of the Indemnified Party for any and all liability with respect to such Claim and does not obligate the Indemnified Party to take or forbear to take any action, and the Indemnified Party does not consent to such settlement agreement, then the dollar amount specified in the settlement agreement, plus the Indemnified Party's reasonable legal fees and other costs related to the defense of the Claim paid or incurred prior to the date of such settlement agreement, shall act as an absolute ma:<imum limit on the indemnification obligation of the Indemnifying Party with respect to the Claim, or portion thereof, that is the subject of such settlement agreement. 14.3 Net Amount. Subject to the limitation in Section 14.2(e), if applicable, in the event that an Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify and hold any Indemnified Party harmless under this Article XIV, the amount owing to the Indemnified Pany shall be the amount of such Indemnified Party's actual Claims, fines or penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, net of any insurance or other recovery actually received by the Indemnified Party. 14.4 No Release of Insurers. The provisions of this Article XIV shall not be deemed or construed to release any insurer from its obligation to pay any insurance proceeds in accordance with the terms and conditions of valid and collectible insurance policies. 14.5 Mitieation. Each Indemnified Party entitled to indemnification hereunder shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate all Claims, fines, penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, after becoming aware of any event which could reasonably be expected to give rise to any Claims, fmes, penalties or other Losses, as the case may be, that are indemnifiable or recoverable hereunder or in connection herewith. 14.6 Assertion of Claims. No Claim of any kind shall be asserted against any Owner or Operator pursuant to this Article XIV, whether arising out of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other cause of or form of action, unless it is filed in a court of competent jurisdiction, or a demand for arbitration is made, within the applicable statute of limitations period for such Claim. 14.7 Survival of Oblieation. The duty to indemnify under this Article XIV shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement, with respect to any Claim, fine, penalty or other Losses, as the case may be, arising out of an event or condition which occurred or existed prior to such expiration or termination. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ER15-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.14 Page 4 of4 Version 0.0.1 14.8 Limitation on Liability. (a) Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement in any action at law or in equity, whether based on contract, tort or strict liability or otherwise, for any special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages or losses, including any loss of revenue, income, profits or investment opportunities, loss of the use of equipment, or the cost of temporary equipment or services, ry4!g! that any fines or penalties or other Losses levied or imposed by Govemmental Authorities shall not be excluded under this Section 1a.8(a) as special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages or losses. (b) Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement if and to the extent that the Agreement Limiting Liability Among Western Interconnected Systems executed by Idaho Power on August 5, 1985 and by PacifiCorp on August 22,1973 (the "WIS Agreement") is then in effect between the Parties and expressly limits or precludes such liability. Nothing in this Agreement shall amend or otherwise affect in any way the terms and conditions of or liability of the Parties under the WIS Agreement. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 15.3 Permitted Disclosures. in this Article XV: l.158. I 5 Page I of3 Version 0.0.1 Notwithstanding anyhing to the contrary contained ARTICLE XV PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 15.1 Disclosure of Proprietary Information Prohibited. Any Proprietary Information of a Parfy (whether in its capacity as Owner or Operator) (the "Transferor") which is disclosed to or otherwise received or obtained by the other Parry (whether in its capacity as Owner or Operator) (the "Transferee") incident to this Agreement shall be held in confidence and the Transferee shall not (subject to Sections 15.2, 15.3 and !5J) publish or otherwise disclose any Proprietary Information of the Transferor to any Person for any reason or purpose whatsoever, or use any Proprietary Information for any purpose other than performance under this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the Transferor, which approval may be granted or withheld by the Transferor in its sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Transferee shall observe at a minimum the same safeguards and precautions with regard to the Transferor's Proprietary Information which the Transferee observes with respect to its own information of the same or similar kind. 15.2 Disclosure by Representatives. Each Transferee agrees ttrat it will make available Proprietary Information received from a Transferor to its own Representatives only on a need-to-know basis and in compliance with Governmental Requirements, and that all Persons to whom such Proprietary Information is made available will be made aware of the confidential nature of such Proprietary Information, and will be required to agree to hold such Proprietary Information in confidence in accordance with the terms hereof and in compliance with Governmental Requirements. (a) A Transferee may provide any Proprietary Information to any Govemmental Authority having jurisdiction over or asserting a right to obtain such information, plovjded that: (i) such Governmental Authority orders that such Proprietary Information be provided; and (ii) unless prohibited from so doing by Governmental Requirements, the Transferee promptly advises the Transferor of any request for such information by such Governmental Authority and cooperates in giving the Transferor an opporfirnity to present objections, requests for limitation, and/or requests for confidentiality or other restrictions on disclosure or access, to such Governmental Authority. (b) A Transferee may, to the extent required, disclose Proprietary Information to any Governmental Authority in connection with the application for any Governmental Authoization; provided that unless prohibited from so doing by Governmental Requirements, the Transferee shall provide the Transferor prior written advance notice of such disclosure and the Proprietary Information that is to be disclosed. Effective: October 30, 20 15 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-00 I Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1 58.1 5 Page 2 of3 Version 0.0.1 (c) A Transferee may disclose such Proprietary Information regarding the existence and terms of this Agreement as such Transferee deems necessary to enable it to comply with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or the rules, regulations and forms of the Securities and Exchange Commission, issued thereunder or the applicable rules of any stock exchange, or as otherwise required by Governmental Requirements. 15.4 Injunctive Relief. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of the provisions of this Article XV by any Transferee, the Transferor shall be entitled to an injunction restraining the Transferee from such breach or threatened breach. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting the Transferor from pursuing any other remedies available at law or equity for such breach or threatened breach of this Agreement. 15.5 Publicity. Any public relations matters, including public announcements and press releases or similar publicity, arising out of or in connection with the terms of this Agreement or the ffansactions contemplated herein, shall be coordinated and agreed to between the Panies prior to said announcement or release. 15.6 Proprietary Information Defined. For pulposes of this Agreement, "Proprietarf Information" means all information, written or oral, which has been or is disclosed by the Transferor, or by any Representative of the Transferor, or which otherwise becomes known to the Transferee, or to any Representative of such Transferee, or any other party in a confidential relationship with, the Transferee, in each case, incident to this Agreement, and which: (a) relates to matters such as patents, trade secrets, research and development activities, draft or final contracts or other business arrangements, books and records, budgets, cost estimates, pro forma calculations, engineering work product, environmental compliance, vendor lists, suppliers, manufacfuring processes, energy consumption, pricing information, private processes, and other similar information, as they may exist from time to time; (b) and the Transferor expressly designates in writing to be confidential, @yided that "Proprietary Information" shall exclude information falling into any of the following categories: (i) Information that, at the time of disclosure hereunder, is in the public domain, other than information that entered the public domain by breach of this Agreement by Transferee or any of its Representatives; (ii) Information that, after disclosure hereunder, enters the public domain, other than information that enters the public domain by breach of this Agreement by Transferee or any of its Representatives; (iii) Information, other than that obtained from third-parties, that prior to disclosure hereunder, was already in Transferee's possession, either without limitation on disclosure to others or subsequently becoming free of such limitation; Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.15 Page 3 of3 Version 0.0.1 (iv) Information obtained by Transferee from a third-party having an independent right to disclose the information; or (v) Information that is available through independent research without use of or access to the Proprietary Information. 15.7 Survival. The provisions of this Article XV shall continue in full force and effect during the Term and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, with respect to any Proprietary Information obtained by any Transferee prior to such termination. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. I 58. l6 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XVI TAXES 16.l No Partnership. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create or constitute a partnership, joint venture or association between the Owners. Each Owner agrees and covenants that it shall not take or omit to take any action or reporting position with any Governmental Authority contrary to this Section 16.1. 16.2 761 Election. The Owners intend that, as tenants in common and owners of undivided Ownership Interests, for United States income ta:< purposes the Owners shall elect in accordance with the provisions of section 761 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), and the applicable income tax regulations thereunder ("Regulations"), to be excluded from all of the provisions of Subchapter K of the Code upon the first occasion in which such election may be filed under these Regulations and that, if such election is not filed, this Agreement shall constitute an election under Regulations section 1.761-2(b)(2)(iD to be excluded from all of the provisions of Subchapter K of the Code and the applicable Regulations, beginning with the first year of the creation of the tenancy in common as contemplated by this Agreement and that no Owner shall object to any such election. 16.3 Responsibility for Tares. It is the intent of the Owners that so far as possible, each Owner shall separately report, promptly and timely file returns with respect to, be responsible for and pay all properfy, income, franchise, business, or other ta<es or fees ("Taxes"), arising out of its Ownership Interests and the matters contemplated by this Agreement, that such Tares shall be separately levied and assessed against each Owner severally and that each Owner shall be solely responsible for and shall pay all such Taxes so levied and assessed against it without any responsibility of the other Owner with respect thereto and without the amounts thereof being paid and apportioned between the Owners under this Agreement. To the extent that Taxes (such as property, payroll, sales and use Taxes) may be levied or assessed against the Transmission Facilities, their operation or the Owners in such a manner as to make impossible the carrying out of the foregoing provisions of this Section 16.3, then either Operator shall report, file returns with respect to and pay such Taxes and each Owner shall immediately reimburse such Operator for each such Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of such Tores; plovitdgd, however, that sales and use tax included in Other Costs or in the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge, the Monthly Substation O&M Charge or the Monthly Common Equipment Charge shall be recovered by the Operator pursuant to Section 4.7. Neither Operator shall have any obligation to contest or to seek refund of such Taxes; provided, however. that each Operator may, by its personnel or counsel of its selection, pursue such administrative or court proceedings as the Operator may determine. Each Owner shall on request pay to the Operator such Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its applicable Ownership Interest(s)) of the costs of such proceedings and shall share in any Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ER15-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.16 Page2 of2 Version 0.0-l savings resulting from such proceedings in the same proportion. Each Owner agrees to cooperate with the other Owner with respect to reasonable requests for information or other matters with respect to Taxes. 16.4 Indemnification. Each Owner (the "Tor Indemniffing Partv") shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Owner (the "Tax Indemnitee Party"), on an after-tar basis, from and against any Ta<es (including any interest or penalties) imposed on such Tar Indemnitee Party or the Transmission Facilities or any part thereof, to the extent such Tares are the responsibility of the Tor Indemnifying Party pursuant to this Article XVI. 16.5 Determination of Depreciation and Other Matters. Each Owner shall determine the basis and method it will use for pu{poses of depreciation and other matters where investment of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment is relevant. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.17 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XVII DISPUTES 17.l Exclusive Procedure. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, interpretation, termination, performance or validity of this Agreement (each, a "Dispute") shall be resolved pursuant to the procedures of this Article XVII. 17.2 Dispute Notices. If a Dispute arises between the Parties, then either Party may provide written notice thereof to the other Party, including a detailed description of the subject matter of the Dispute (the "Dispute Notice"). Any Parfy may seek a preliminary injunction or other provisional judicial remedy if such action is necessary to prevent ireparable harm or preserve the status quo, in which case the Parties nonetheless will continue to pursue resolution of the Dispute pursuant to this Article XVII. 17.3 Informal Dispute Resolution. (a) The Parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve any Dispute by prompt negotiations between the Party's representative so designated in writing to the other Party (each a "Manager"). If the Managers are not able to resolve the Dispute within thirfy (30) days after the date of the Dispute Notice, then they shall refer the matter to the designated senior officers of their respective companies (the "Executive(s)"), who shall have authority to settle the Dispute. If the Executives are not able to resolve the Dispute within sixty (60) days after the date of the Dispute Notice, then the Dispute shall be resolved pursuant to Section 17.4. (b) All negotiations, communications and writings exchanged between the Parties pursuant to this Article XVII shall be treated and maintained as Proprietary Information, shall be treated as compromise and settlement negotiations for purposes of the federal and state rules of evidence, and shall not be used or referred to in any subsequent adjudicatory process between the Parties, including at FERC, either with respect to the current Dispute or any future Dispute between the Parties. 17.4 Submission of Dispute to FERC or Approved Courts. If a Dispute cannot be settled amicably between the Parties pursuant to Section 17.3, then any Party may, in its sole discretion, within one (1) year after the conclusion of the time period for informal dispute resolution specified in Section 17.3, submit such Dispute (a) to FERC or (b) to the jurisdiction of the state courts situated in the State of Idaho or the United States District Court for the District of Idaho (the "Approved Courts"). Each of the Parties, in its capacity as an Owner and Operator, consents to and accepts for itself and in respect of its property, generally and unconditionally, the exclusive jurisdiction of the Approved Courts and appellate courts from any appeal thereof, and irrevocably waives any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the jurisdiction of the Approved Courts. Each of the Parties, Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.158. l7 Page2 ofZ Version 0.0.1 in its capacity as an Owner and Operator, further irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, proceeding or other action brought pursuant to this Article XVII in any of the Approved Courts, and irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permiued by law, and agrees not to plead or claim in any such Approved Court that any suit, proceeding or other action brought therein has been brought in an inconvenient forum. 17.5 Continued Performance. During the pendency of any Dispute, each Party shall continue to perform all of its respective obligations under this Agreement. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r .1 58.1 8 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XYIII ASSIGNMENT 18.1 Prohibited Transfers and Assignments. Neither Parry shall have the right to transfer, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of (collectively, "Transfer"), in whole or in part, its interest in this Agreement, including its rights, duties and obligations hereunder, nor to Transfer, in whole or in part, its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) in the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment, except as permitted under this Article XVI[. 18.2 Permitted Assignments and Transfers. Subject to Section 18.3, the restrictions set forth in Section 18.1 shall not restrict: (a) Dispositions and sales of equipment or facilities by either Operator incident to renewals or replacements of the Transmission Facilities or Common Equipment; (b) The right of an Owner to subject any of its Ownership Interests (or Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) to the lien of any mortgage upon all or a portion of its own physical electric utility property or to otherwise collaterally assign its rights and obligations in this Agreement to a lender or other person providing financing to the Owner; (c) The right of an Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) in connection with any sale, merger or other transfer of substantially all of such Owner's electric transmission facilities as an operating entity; provided, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the fansferee: (i) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the transferring Owner (including, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (ii) qualifying as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; (d) The right of an Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) to an Affiliate of such Owner which owns all or substantially all of the transmission facilities of such Owner; provided, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the ffansferee: (i) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158. I 8 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 transferring Owner (including, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (ii) qualifying as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; (e) The right of any Owner to Transfer voluntarily all of its Ownership lnterests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) to a third party; provided that: (i) the other Owner, in its sole discretion, approves such Transfer and approves the third-party purchaser as having demonstrated that it is financially and technically capable of performing the transferring Owner's (and Operator's) obligations under this Agreement; and (ii) the other Owner is offered the right of flrst refusal to purchase all of such Ownership Interests (and Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages and Directional Capacity Allocations) and Common Equipment and all of the transferring Owner's rights and obligations in this Agreement (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator), on terms no less favorable than those offered to such proposed third-party purchaser; provided, however, that the effectiveness of such Transfer shall be conditioned upon the third-party purchaser: (A) agreeing in writing, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other Owner, to assume all of the rights and obligations of the transferring Owner (including as part of such Transfer, all of its rights and obligations in this Agreement as an Operator) as of the transfer date; and (B) qualifying as a Qualified Owner on the transfer date; and (0 The right of an Owner to post, sell or make available for scheduling transmission capacity or schedule energy in accordance with Sections 3.2(b) and3.2(c), unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing in advance by the other Owner, 18.3 FERC Approval. Any Transfer pursuant to Section 18.2 that is subject to FERC approval shall not take effect until FERC has approved such Transfer and has made it effective. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.19 Page I of5 Version 0.0.1 ARTICLE XIX MISCELLANEOUS 19.l Notices. (a) Any notice, demand, request or other communication required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by the Owner or Operator giving such notice, demand, request or other communication and shall be hand delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or overnight courier to the other Owner and/or Operator at the address set forth below: If to Idaho Power as Owner: Idatro Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street With a copy to: Boise, lD 83702 Attn: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone : 208-388-2360 Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise, ID 83702' Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 If to Idaho Power as Operator: Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street With a copy to: Boise, ID 83702 Attn: Director, Load Serving Operations Telephone: 208-388-2360 Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, lD 83702 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 208-388-2300 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503-813-67 12 If to PacifiCorp as Owner: Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5{83-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules With a copy to: 1.158.19 Page 2 of5 Version 0.0.1 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomatr Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 503-8 1 3-5854 If to PacifiCorp as Operator: PacifiCorp With a copy to: 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1600 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Director, Transmission Service Telephone: 503-813-67 12 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Legal Department Telephone: 503-8 I 3-5854 (b) Each Party shall have the right to change the place to which any notice, demand, request or other communication shall be sent or delivered by similar notice sent in like manner to the other Party. The effective date of any notice, demand, request or other communication issued pursuant to this Agreement shall be when: (i) delivered to the address of the Party personally, by messenger, by a nationally or internationally recognized overnight delivery service or otherwise; or (ii) received or rejected by the P*ty, if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in each case, addressed to the Party at its address and marked to the attention of the person designated above (or to such other address or person as a Party may designate by notice to the other Party effective as of the date of receipt by the other Parfy). 19.2 Parties Bound. This Agreement shall be binding upon each of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 19.3 Amendments. (a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 19.3(c), this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, other than pursuant to an instrument in writing executed by the Parties. (b) Absent agreement of both Parties to the proposed change and except as otherwise provided in Section 19.3(c), the standard of review for changes to this Agreement proposed by a Party, or FERC acting sua sponte, shall be the "public interest" standard of review set forth in United Gas Pipe Line Co. v. Mobile Gas Service Corp., 350 U.S. 332 (1956) and Federal Power Commission v. Sierra Pacific Power Co., 350 U.S. 348 Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1 58. 1 9 Page 3 of5 Version 0.0.1 (1956); provided that the standard of review for any modification to this Agreement requested by non-contracting third parties shall be the most stringent standard permissible under then-app licable Governmental Requirements. (c) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as affecting in any way the right of either Party to unilaterally make application to FERC under Section 205 or Section 206 of the Federal Power Act for a change in the charges set forth in this Asreement. It is the intent of the Parties that the standard of review that FERC will apply to any such unilateral application shall be the just and reasonable standard of review rather than the "public interest" standard of review. (d) An amendment that is subject to FERC approval shall not take effect until FERC has accepted such amendment for filing and has made it effective. 19.4 Waivers. No waiver by any Party of any one or more breaches or defaults by the other Party in the performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any other breaches or defaults whether of a like kind or different nature. Any delay, less than any applicable statutory period of limitations, in asserting or enforcing any rights under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such rights. Failure of any Party to enforce any provisions hereof shall not be construed to waive such provision, or to affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof, or the right of the other Party thereafter to enforce each and every provision thereof. 19.5 Choice of Law. (a) This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement, and any claim or controversy arising out of this Agreement (whether based on contract, tort, or any other theory), including all matters of construction, validity, effect, performance and remedies with respect to this Agreement, shall be governed by and interpreted, construed, and determined in accordance with, the laws of the State of Idaho (regardless of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law). (b) TO TI{E FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF TIIE PARTIES HERETO WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH TI{IS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FIIRTI{ER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WAIVED WITI{ ANY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A ruRY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.ls8.l9 Page 4 of5 Version 0.0.1 19.6 Headines. Article and Section headings used in this Agreement (including headings used in any Exhibits or Schedules attached hereto) are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement. 19.7 Relationship of Parties. The covenants, obligations, and liabilities of the Owners are intended to be several and not joint or collective, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to create an association, joint venture, trust or partnership, or to impose a trust or partnership covenant, obligation or liability on or with regard to any of the Owners. Each Owner shall be individually responsible for its own covenants, obligations and liability as herein provided. No Owner shall be under the control ol or shall be deemed to control, the other Owner. Neither Owner shall have the right or power to bind the other Owner without its express written consent. 19.8 Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof becomes or is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as reasonably to effect the intent of the Parties. The Parties ftrther agree to replace such illegal, void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business and other purposes of such illegal, void or unenforceable provision. 19.9 No Third Partv Beneficiaries. Nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement is intended to nor shall be construed to confer upon or give to any Person (other than the Parties) any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated herein. 19.10 Further Assurances. Each Party agrees to execute and deliver from time to time such additional documents, and take such additional actions, as may be reasonably required by the other Party to give effect to the purposes and intent hereof. 19.11 Conflict of Interest. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit any Party from engaging in or possessing any interest in other projects or business ventures of any nature and description, independently or with others. 19.12 Exhibits and Schedules. The Exhibits and Schedules to this Agreement are identified as follows, and are incorporated herein by this reference: Exhibit A Exhibit B Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipment Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-00I Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.19 ,J.:ff"t:J.i Ownership Interests; Directional Capacity Allocations; Directional Capacity Allocation Percentages Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge; Monthly O&M Equipment Charge Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation Acquisition Costs Idaho Power Governmental Authorizations Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Schedule 13.1(0 Schedule 13.2(f) PacifiCorp GovemmentalAuthorizations 19.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be original, and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. Electronic transmission of any signed original document, and retransmission of any signed electronic transmission, shall be the same as delivery of an original. At the request of either Party, the other Party will confirm electronically transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 19.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto, and the other documents between the Parties referenced herein constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral and written, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no oral understandings, terms or conditions and the Parties have not relied upon any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, not contained in this Agreement. ISTGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWSI Effective: October 30, 20 15 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-6E3-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.20 P4ge I ofl Version 0.0.3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement as of the date first above written. FACIFICORP, AS OWNER AND OPERATOR By: Namc: Ric& Vail Titlc Yie&csidd. Trrrrdrion IDAIIO POWER COMPA}.IY, AS OWNER AI{D OPERATOR Btr Nutc: Vern Porter Titlc: VPr Custooer Operatlons Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l58.2t Page I ofl Version 0.0.1 Efrective: October 30, 20 I 5 Filed on : October 30,2015 IPC-PAC JOINT OMIERSIIIP AIYD OPERATING AGREEMENT E)CIIBITS AI\iD SCIMDT]LES FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules EXHIBIT A Description of PacifiCorp Common Equipmentl l .1 s8.2 I .l Page I of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 Asset Asset Class Asset description 2nd line of Description Location:013019 - Goshen Substation, lD 303350 3s010 Goshen substation and Service center Bl-011 ER 85-8971 303359 35010 Goshen substation and Service center lDBl- 0010 ER 85-318 304729 35010 Goshen/Ridgeli ne/Wolverine lnterconnect tDBt-0021 ozP R I 2O0s I cl 0o4 I 10029 49o 40050503 35201 CABLE TRAY CAATS# 62842 40053163 35201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-8887 40063710 3s201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-6207 40063777 35201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-6999 40063744 35201 CABLE TRAY ER 85-7028 40065335 35201 CABLE TRAY wBs rlD/200 6/ cl 001/ L00297 47,388 WOLV CRK 400635s2 3s201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 8s-318 40063660 35207 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-1224 40063674 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-3370 40063686 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-3926 40063696 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-8887 40063708 3s201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-6053 40063667 35201 HEATER ER85-2297 40000610 35201 ROOF CAATS# 105120 40063720 35201 ROOF ER 85-6999 40064214 3s20L ROOF - CONTROL HOUSE ER 101852 40093381 35201 HOT WATER HEATER IN CONTROL HOUSE/5HOP TZP R / 207s / CIT R6 I 700ss7 29 40093382 3520L TOILET IN CONTROL HOUSE/SHOP lZP R / z0ts I C lr R6 / 7OOss7 2s 400637L5 35203 EMERGENCY GENERATOR BUILDING ER 8s-6999 40063745 3s203 EMERGENCY GENEMTOR BUILDING ER 86-7028 40063706 3s205 AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6053 40063776 3s20s AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6999 40072736 35205 AIR CONDITIONER TZP R / 2008 / ClT R5/1003 6s43 40087985 3s20s HVAC (UNIT HEATER)l7P R I 20L3 I ClTR6/100s0366 4006372L 3s20s UNIT HEATER ER 85-5999 40064t78 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 85-7028 40080307 35209 SECURITY SYSTEM wBs rz PR/2008/ cl 00L/ L003s459 40053684 352L3 PUMP ER 8s-3926 40063689 35213 SEWER SYSTEM ER 85-5790 40053593 35213 SEWER SYSTEM ER 85-8480 400535s6 3s273 WELL ER 85-318 40063700 35213 WELL ER 85-8887 40063719 3s2L9 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE ER 85-6999 GENERATOR BUILDING 40047725 35225 HOIST ER 370304 MANUAL HYDRAULIC TANK 400il863 35225 HOIST ER 85-2019 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1 .158.2 I .l Page2 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 400s0277 35227 CEMENT CURB TIDMl2003/ClOO7 40092927 35227 CLEARING, GRADING & FILL MATERIAL TtD Al 2071 I C1004/GOSH ENSB 40000613 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CMTS# 104348 40063691 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-7958 40053695 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-8887 40063707 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6053 400637L2 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 8s-6890 40063718 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6999 40063722 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-6294 40063749 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 85-5983 4006377L 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 381099 40053781 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 8s-6927 40065337 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (5URF wBs Tr r D/200 6 I cl oo! Loo297 4t,388 WOLV CR K 40090745 35227 CLEARING, GRADING. & FILL MATERIAL (SURF DZAF I 2073 / C / 00 1/GOS H E N 3 40092060 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (5URF r rD / 2073 / Cl O02 I t00s0974 40000516 3s2?7 FENCE CAATS# 104348 40063668 3s227 FENCE ER 85-2019 4006s343 35227 FENCE wBs rrD/2006/ cl 00L/ Loo29741.388 WOLV CRK 40063654 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-318 SHOP 40063655 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-318 40063551 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-1332 40053675 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 8s-3370 40063590 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-5942 40063692 35227 FENCE & GATES ER85-7827 40063697 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8887 40063709 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-50s3 40063773 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 381099 40063895 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8513 40092924 3s227 FENCE & GATE5 \o Al 2011/ c/004/cosH E NSB 40063751 35227 ROADWAY ER3262748 40092949 3s227 ROADWAY TID AI 2077 / CIOO4IGOSH E NS B 400s3167 35229 FLOODLIGHT ER 8s-8887 4005s875 35229 FLOODLIGHT ER 85-7959 40092940 35229 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM rtD Al 2077 I C1004/GOSH ENSB 40077758 35301 FIRE PROTECTION ER 85-3388 40053182 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8887 40055887 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 85-7959 7200-724 1240V 400s6316 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 8s-1332 40056968 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 8s-50s3 40057070 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 85-3370 40090753 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORME R 72OI24O DZAF 120L3 I C/001/GOSH E N3 40059034 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5KVA ER 394015 40063907 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5KVA ER 85-8513 WEST 40011988 35317 CABLE TRENCH CAATS# 368834 400t2067 35317 CABLE TRENCH CAATS# 104348 40047968 3s377 CABLE TRENCH TtoM/20021c/ots 40047976 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-8887 40049276 35317 CABLE TRENCH TtoM/20031c|006/o1 40049773 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-6890 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 3 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 4005049s 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 3269825 40056736 3s377 CABLE TRENCH T|DM/200slclo34 40056925 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-5053 40059027 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 394015 40064L40 353t7 CABLE TRENCH ER 393983 40064756 3s3L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 8s-6983 40064L79 35317 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-7028 40064224 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 381099 4006s336 35317 CABLE TRENCH wBs rrD/200o/clooLl 100297 4r,388 woLV cRK 40092920 353L7 CABLE TRENCH TtD Al 2077 I C1004/GOSH E NSB 40072071 35377 CONDUIT CAATS# 104348 40049775 35377 CONDUIT ER 85-6890 4005203s 353L7 CONDUIT wBS DZPR/200s / Cl DR4/ LOO27933 40055872 35317 CONDUIT ER 8s-7959 40056926 35377 CONDUIT ER 8s-6053 400638s4 353t7 CONDUIT ER854771 40064143 35317 CONDUIT ER 393801 40064L67 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-6983 400642L6 3s3L7 CONDUIT ER 358899 40065338 353L7 CONDUIT wBs rrD/20061c/ oou t0o297 4L,388 woLV cRK 40065372 35377 CONDUIT wBS TrDM/200slcl}ss 4007639s 35317 CONDUIT Tr D M/200s/c I 037 I 70037848 40092922 353L7 CONDUIT lD Al ZOLL I C 1004/G OSH E NS B 40055879 353L7 GUY UNIT ER 85-7959 40057057 35319 ANNUNCTATOR EQ# 330685 ER 85-3370 L6L/691<\t 40056920 35319 ANNUNCIATOR EO# 330591 ER 8s-5053 345KV 40037996 35319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER ltDM/Lssg/C/012/0L 40058183 35319 METERING PACKAGE (qTlW)TrD 12006/ Clllu LOO297 47 100% RE rM B INTERCNT 40092942 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIW) S/N EQ# 394727 TID AI 2077 I C IOO4IGOSH E NS B 40092943 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIVr) S/N EQ# 394728 TID AI 2O1U CIOO4IGOSH E NSB 40092944 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIW) S/N EQ# 394729 T tD Al 20tL I C I 004/GOSH E NS B 40011996 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL CAATS# 368834 400L2087 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATSS LO5622 40036600 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBs DsHE/1999 I ClO27 KrN PORT-GOSHEN 345KV LNR 40047972 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T|DMl2002lCl0L5 40047980 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-8887 40049278 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TIDMl2003/C(006/0L 40050501 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3269826 400s0s0s 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 62842 40055733 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBS Tr DM/2005 I CIOL3 /00L 40056967 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 8s-50s3 400s8182 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TnD I 2006 / Cl 00L/ L0O297 47 100% REt M B INTERCNT 40059033 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 394015 40053866 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-7868 40063918 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8383 40053919 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8217 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 4 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40063948 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-8498 40063949 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-8707 40063961 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-5207 40063989 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6046 40054056 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-6143 40054068 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-6402 40064077 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5294 40054084 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-5850 40064092 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-5571 40064L22 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-6782 40064133 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6985 40064L34 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-9431 40064L73 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 8s-5983 40064183 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL ER 495333 40054L87 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER3279270 40064200 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3300340 4006420L 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3364403 40064202 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER 3379906 40064203 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER3379922 40064208 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER327473L 40064209 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3538196 400642LO 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER3s76220 400642LL 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 358702 400642t8 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 368899 40065356 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL wBS TilD/2006/C/OOU 700297 41,388 WOLV CRK 4007054s 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TMGM 12006 I Cl 004 I L003L77 s 40071424 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL rzP R I 2007 I CIT R2 I L0031327 40071930 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZPR I 2005 I C lTR4 I L00361244 40076404 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL 'ilDM I 2005 I C l 037 I L0 03L848 40077955 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6990 40077956 35319 RETAY AND CONTROL ER s08929 400779s7 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3358371 40077969 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TIDM/2004/ClOO2/02 40078979 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3s42123 40078980 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3554190 40078981 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 3s38196 40078982 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 392340 40078983 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6860 40078984 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6218 40084168 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL TZP R I 20Lr I CITR 1/1004s 3 6s 40088444 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZP Rl 2073 I CITR 1 /1005060s 40092947 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TtD Al 20L7/ C/004/GOSH ENSB 40092065 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T rD / 20L3 / Cl OO2 / LOO'0974 40092L7L 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL rzP R / 20L4 I C I 004 I 70052809 40092L72 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZPRlz}t l C/O041 L0052826 EO# 403072 . 403073 400L2L43 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK EQ# 354748 CAATS# 707\30 400120s9 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK EQ# 354749 CAATS# LO7L29 40053162 35327 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ER 85-8887 40048L52 35321 BATTERYAND RACK WBS TIDM/2003 /CIO34 C&D I N 161KV YARD FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Elechic Tariff Rate Schedules l 158.21.1 Page 5 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on :, April 27,2016 40064083 3532L BATTERYAND RACK ER 85-672s9 40064093 35321 BATTERYAND RACK ER 85-6671 400642L2 35321 BATTERY AND RACK ER 100669 40048153 3532L BATTERY CHARGER wBs rDM/2003/c1034 LAMARCHE rN 161KV YARD 40063920 3s327 BATTERY CHARGER ER 85-8677 400642L3 35321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 100669 4009L449 35327 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 404131 TZP R I 20L4 I C lTRs I 700s24L4 40057255 3s32L POWER PANEL ER 65-6053 40064L45 35323 GENERATOR ER 393801 40064181 35323 GENERATOR ER 85-7028 40064229 3s323 GENERATOR ER 101835 40092926 3s32s GROUND GRID TtD Al 201-71 C/004/GOSH E NSB 40053169 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8887 40055878 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7959 40056323 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-5942 40056930 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6053 400s9029 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 394015 40063806 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-2019 40063862 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7092 40063899 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8513 40064076 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6294 40064094 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-5671 40064123 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6782 40064!75 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6983 40065346 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM wBS TilD/20061 Cl 00U 700297 41,388 WOLV CRK 40076400 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM T tDM / 200s / cl o37 /10037848 40091989 35325 GROUNDING MAT FOR SWITCHES TSHE /2077 / C/00vGOSH E N 40092062 35325 GROUND GRID r rD / 2013 I Cl 002 I LOO'09L4 40053808 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-2019 40053953 3s32s INSULATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-6707 40064L25 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-6782 40050523 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-8696 40055881 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-7959 40056307 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-1332 40056309 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 16'ER 85-1332 40039803 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER3277749 400s0s22 3532s INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 8s-8696 40053772 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-8887 400ss880 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-7959 40056308 3s32s INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-1332 40056324 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-5942 40057063 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-3370 40053795 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-1495 40063848 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4,ER 85-3782 40063962 3s32s INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-6207 40064L24 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-6782 40055932 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4,& 6'ER 85-6053 40053171 35325 INSUTATED PLATFORM 5'ER 85-8887 FERC Docket No. ERl6-l 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.21 .l Page 6 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40087851 3s327 ANIMIAL GUARDS TZP R I 20L3 / C lrR u1004995s 40092923 35327 CUTOUT POLYMER, 27KV 1OOA TtD Al 20LL/ Cl 004/GOSH E NSB 40092946 35327 POWER & CONTROL CABLE TtD Al 207u C1004/GOSH E NSB 40092064 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T tD I 2013 / Cl 002 I 700s09 L4 40011940 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 3269826 40011992 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE cMTSf 368834 40012083 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# L05622 40036s99 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 64872 40047970 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T\DM/20021C/OLs 40047978 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 8s-8887 40049277 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE rDM/20031C/006107 40049778 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 8s-6890 40050504 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE cMTSf 62842 40050527 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8696 40055732 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs Tr DM/200s I cl0L3 I 007 400ss88s 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-79s9 40056328 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-5942 40056739 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDMl200slclo34 40056942 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6053 40057058 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-3370 40059032 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 394015 40063853 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-4843 40063864 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-7092 40063905 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8513 40063945 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8s51 40063968 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6207 40064075 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6294 40064082 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6459 40064097 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-5571 40064130 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6782 40064146 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 393801 40064177 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6983 40064782 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-7028 40064186 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 503945 40054225 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 381099 40065355 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBS Tl rDl2006/C/ 0OL/ L00297 4L,388 WOLV CRK 40076403 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T tDM / 20Os / C I O37 I 70031848 40078985 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# 104348 40053202 35327 TERMINATOR (POTHEAD}ER 85-318 4007205L 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM CAATS# 104348 400s0500 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 3269826 40053199 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-318 40056315 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-1332 400s6327 35329 LIGHTI NG FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5942 40056939 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-6053 40057067 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-3370 40063699 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8887 40063704 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5053 40063850 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-3782 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.ls8.2l.l PageT of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 40063903 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8513 40063969 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-6207 40064131 3s329 LIGHTI NG FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5782 40065351 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM wBS TilD/200 6/ Cl 00Ll L0029741,388 WOLV CRK 40064706 35341 INTERPOSITION CABINET ER 85-6807 40045527 35341 METER wBs TrDM/2003/C|BvU 151 TNTERTTE SCADA tlo 40025656 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 105656 40025550 3534L REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)cAATSf 105622 40025664 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 105688 40056953 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# L6897 WlO 7247 40057945 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)1DMl2005lClOAs 40065357 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)wBs fl rDl2006/cl oou L00297 47,388 WOLV CRK 40077995 35341 REMOTE TERMTNAL UNrT (SCADA RTU) UPGRADE rtDM / 2004/ cl oo2lo2 wESDAc D20ME UpGRADE CARD 40039996 3s342 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF WBS TIDM/2OOO/ClRDF/OL FOR 345KV SOE 40038011 35342 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER EQ# 362693 CENGI L999 I C/063/00000001 161KV Hathaway lnstr 4003999s 3s342 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER EQ# 362695 wBs TrDM/20OO I Cl RDF I 0t 345KV HATHAWAY INST 40063536 36L27 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERTAL (SURF ER 13-1560 GRAVEL 40063549 36207 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 13-1560 40063640 36277 CABLE TRENCH ER 380407 4006364L 36217 CONDUIT ER 380407 40063633 36279 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 1-6411 40063634 36219 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 510214 40063647 362L9 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 380407 40090729 36225 GROUND GRID DZAF I 2OL3 I C/OO UGOS H E N7 40063s58 3622s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 13-1560 40063643 36225 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 380407 40063644 3622s INSULATED PLATFORM 6'ER 380407 300s4527 3900s BUILDING - COTTAGE ER 85-318 30059607 39011 SEWER SYSTEM ER 3326386 COTTAGE #2 30001166 39405 GENERAL MASS UN ITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30001168 39405 GEN ERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30008365 39505 GENERAL MASS UN ITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30008367 39s05 GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30008369 39505 GENERAL MASS UNITIZATION 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 30053245 39700 cY2072 GOSHEN SUB COMM EQU|P (C/C 13696) 30064754 39700 cY2013 GOSHEN 161SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C 13696) 30064755 39700 cy2013 GOSHEN 34s SUB COMM EQUrp (C/C 13696) 3006s523 39700 cY20t4 GOSHEN 161COMM EQU|P (C/C 13696) 30066457 39700 cY2O74 GOSHEN 161COMM EQU|P (C/C 13696) TtD Al 207L/ C/004/GOSH ENSB 30015435 39705 ALARM RELAY PANEL ER 100387 30058797 39705 ALARM RELAY PANEL ER 101623 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.ls8.2l.l Page 8 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27, 2016 300s6984 3970s AUDIO ALARM AND CONTROL-COM BUSTIBLE GAS DETECTOR ER 393827 GAS DETECTOR/MONTTOR 30048499 39705 COMM. STATION ALARM CONTROL RTU - DSX wBs rrD/2006/ cl 007/ L00297 4L,388 WOLV CRK 30054615 39705 COMM. STATION AI.ARM CONTROL RTU - DSX DZP Rl 2008 / Cl OO2 / LO03s62s 30044697 397LL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM{'See Long Descr (Alt Cntl Ctr) CAATS# L6897WlOt247 30015446 397LL SCADA REMOTE RTU EQf 331579 cAATSf 704218 30045739 397L4 CISCO SYSTEMS MULTI SERVICE NETWORK ROUTERS ctTc/20o6lcl40slo2Hw rNcL HW RAcKs & SYSTM CA 30043225 397L4 DATA NETWORK CONNECTION TO CORP NETWORK DZP R I z0os I C I DUg / 100287 13 30042944 39774 MODEM CAATS# 106611 30033439 397L4 MODEM . UPGRADE EQUIPMENT CAATS# 65545 30057021 397\7 FIBER OPTIC CABLE - ADSS T|DM(2OO4|Cl0O2lO2 300s7023 39717 FIBER OPTIC PATCH PANEL \DM/2004/C/O02/O2 30048506 39717 FIBER OPTIC TRANSM ITTER/TRANSCEIVER EQ# 374045 wBS TilD/2006/C/ }OL/ 700297 41,388 WOLV CRK DMX 300s7022 397L7 FIBER OPTIC TRANSM ITTER/TRANSCEIVER EQ# 38s788 TIDM / 2OO4/ Cl OO2/ 02 D MX H C 300s4616 39723 DIGITAL DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM DZPRI 2008 / Cl OO2 / 1003s62s 30054617 39723 RAD|O (RF) CONSTELT-ATTON HARRTSPSTRATEX EQ# 383334 DZP Rl 2008 / Cl OO2 / L0O3s62s 30015401 39726 CROSS CONNECT TREE/FRAME ER 3431160 30015437 39726 CROSS CONNECT TREE/FRAME ER 100387 30054618 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF DZPR I 2008 / C I OO2 /1003s62s 30057024 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF TIDMl2004lClOO2lO2 30044698 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF{'See Long Descr (Alt Cntl Ctr) CAATS# t5897 W/OL247 300s3680 39726 TELEPHON E PROTECTOR BLOCKS ER3726273 300s3681 39726 TELEPHONE PROTECTOR BLOCKS- ADDTL cosrs ER3726213 30054404 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL DZPR I 2008 / C I OO2 I LOO35624 300s4808 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL T|DM I 2005 I Cl 037 I 70037848 + 10032851 300s702s 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM TIDMI2OO4/CIOOLIO2 COASTCOM 24 SLOT SHELF 30059171 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM - ATLAS 550 & COASTCOM TIID I2OO7 / ClOOUWCGSP2DA DAF 3005rt405 39729 SYNCHRONIZI NG STANDARD DZP R I 2008 I Cl OO2 I LOO3S624 300s4812 39732 PLC TMNSMITTER/RECEIVER SET EQ# 385786 T tD M / 200s I c I 037 / 1003 7848 300s462L 39735 AC POWER TRANSFER PANEL DZPR I 2008 I Cl OO2 I LOO3S625 30054619 39735 BATTERYAND RACK DzP Rl 2008 / Cl OO2 / LOO3s62s 30015425 39735 BATTERYAND RACK4SVDC ER 3713880 C&D 1754 3003302s 39735 BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 331355 CAATS# 65746 30033025 3973s BATTERY CHARGER CAATS# 65745 30048495 39735 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC wBS TilD/2006/Cl00Ll 1002974L,388 WOLV CRK 30054620 3973s BATTERY CHARGER SAGEON 161KV YARD EQ# 383338 DZPR I 2008 / C / 0O2 / L003s62s 300s7028 3973s GENERATOR TRANSFER PANEL DZP R I 20 tO I C I D R9/ 1 003 9834 300s8802 39735 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS)ctrc/20061c/47212Lo 3003303s 39738 Analog Telemetry Receiver wBs DsPT/1999 / Cl 022 / 0L2 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l.l s8.2l. r Page 9 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 30043124 39738 PANEL.REI.AY AND CONTROL CAATS# 101083 30015440 39738 PROTECTIVE RELAYING RECEIVER ER 100387 300s7020 39738 PROTECTIVE REIAYING TERM I NAL RFL 9745 EQ# 385787 T tD M / 2005 / C I O37 / LO03 t8 48 30075442 39738 PROTECTIVE RELAYING TRANSMITTER ER 100387 30015407 39738 TELEM/FSK RECEIVER ASSEM BLY ER 3431160 30015409 39738 TELEM/FSK TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY ER 3431160 30057027 39738 TELEM/TRANSMITTER OR RECEIVER TERMINAL ER 3527637 2ND BUS VOLTAGE TELEMETRY POINT 30051553 3974L INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) TELEPHONE SYSTEM ctrcl20o6/cl4L2/27o 30075427 39744 CALL SEQUENCER ER 3541547 30015413 39744 PARTY LINE SELECTOR ER 3394145 30058371 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH TIDMl2004lClO02lO2 30048509 39744 TELEPHON E SWITCH RS.232 wBs rrD/20061c100u Loo297 4L,388 WoLV CRK 300s4623 39747 (2) ANTENNA SYSTEMS. S'DZP R I 2008 / C I 002 / L003s 62s 30054624 39747 (2) RADOMES 5'TELGAR DZPRI 2008 / C/002/1003s62s 30054626 39747 (2)WAVEGUIDE DZP R / 20 08 I C I 002 I L0035 62s 30032828 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS# 54872 300s4627 39747 GROUNDING GRID DZP Rl 2008 I C I O02 / 7003s62s 3005452s 39747 TOWER FOUNDATTON RE-BUTLD (EQ #362491)DZP R I 2008 / Cl 002 / L003s62s 30055188 39753 AIR CONDITIONER - FREE STANDING OUTSIDE A/C SYSTEM rzPR / 2009 / CITR9I10038873 30058372 397s3 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE - VAULT TZPR I 2009 I CITR9l10038873 location: 068194 - Summer Lake Switchvard, OR 40091809 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZBE / 2074 / C /00 1/100s 170s 40091810 353L7 CONDUIT TZBE I 2Ot4 / C I o0 1/1oos 17os 40091812 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TZBE I 2074 I C 100 1/100s 170s 40091813 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZBE I 2074 I Cl00 u100s 1705 40048909 35201 CABLE TRAY rsoul2003/c{004 400s3672 3520L DUCT ER37-27397-784 40053667 3s309 COMPRESSOR, GAS ER37-2L397-L84 40048910 35317 CABLE TRENCH rsou/2003/cloo4 40003362 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL cAATSf 60808 40003370 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CMTS# 62305 40003378 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL CAATS# 62306 40048914 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL rsoM/20031c{004 40070460 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TORM/2004/C1009/01 40085750 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL rzKu 2017 / c / o04l1004388s 40085635 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZBE I 2OL2 / C lT U2 / LO047 64t 40091006 35319 RETAYAND CONTROL DA TOREl20L3lC/001/100s1253 DA 40003374 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK CAATS# 62306 40053663 3s32L BATTERY AND RACK ER 31-21397-184 #3 TCX-580 400s3654 35321 BATTERYAND RACK ER 3t-27397 -L84 #4 TCX-580 40085149 3s32L BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 393538 TZBE / 2017 I C lTRsl 100449 38 40085148 35327 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 393639 TZBE I 2071 I C lr Rs/100449 38 40048912 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM TSOM/2003/Cl004 40003358 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CMTS# 50808 40048913 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TSOM/2003/C/004 40053677 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER3L-2L397-184 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 10 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 40070459 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TORMl2004lCl009lOL 4008s749 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZKU 20LL I C I O04l1 0043 885 40026415 35341 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 91-45604-5303 40026407 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 20286-075 40026471 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER22892-97 LANDIS & GYR 40003366 3s342 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF CMTS# 52306 30063479 39700 c.y20t2 coMM EQUTPMENT (ClCL2723)TZKU 20 LL I C I 004/ 1 0043 88s 3006s848 39700 cY2074 SUMMER LAKE COMM EQU|P gClC L27231 30060474 39700 MODEM CAATS# 62306 30060475 39700 MODEM cAATSf 62306 30051499 39705 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)TORMl2004lC{OO9lOL 30051s00 39717 FO OPTICAUELECTRICAL CONVERTER TORM12004lCl009l07 30038166 397L7 SUMMER LAKE BPA SUB FO LINK REPEATER DYMEC 5844 TORM/2004/Cl0r2/03 30038167 397L7 SUMMER LAKE SUB sUB FIBER OPTIC CABLE (IUMPERS) TORM/2004/ClO72/03 30019697 397?3 RADIO (RF)CAATS# 59502 30079707 39723 RADIO (RF)CMTS# 60684 CIAC 30051501 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF foRMl2004lc/o09lot 30039314 39726 SUMMER LK COMMUNICATIONS RACK ER 45557-6301 30019711 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS# 70574t 30051502 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM TORM/2004/ClOO9/OL 30038168 39729 SUMMER LAKE DIGITAL MUX COASTCOM UNIVERSAL 24 SLOT TORM/20041C/OL2/03 30038159 39729 SUMMER LAKE DIGITL MUX CHANNEL, coAsrcoM 30011-102 roRM/20041c|0L2/03 30051504 39732 PLC TMNSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 10 WATT TORMl2004lC(OO9lOL 30039322 39732 SUMMER LK COUPLING CAPACITOR TELEMETRY EQUIP ER 51384-5570 300367t2 39735 BATTERYAND RACK TSOM/2003/C/00s 30019701 39735 POWER SUPPLY CAATS# 60684 CIAC 30038165 39738 SUMMER LAKE BPA SUB RELAY/CONTROL PANEL TORM/2004/Clgtzl03 30038164 39738 SUMMER I.AKE MODULE REMOTE I/O SEL 2594 TONE EQUIP TORM/20041C/OLZ/03 30038153 39738 SUMMER I.AKE TONE RFL 9745 REI.AY RECEIV/TRANSMITTER TORM/2004/ClOLz/03 30039313 39738 SUMMER LK RTU,51OO, LANDIS & GYR ER 45557-6301 30019699 39738 XMITTER, RECEIVER, 125 VDC, RFL 6750 CAATS# 60808 C|AC 3001959s 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM cAATSf 59502 30019703 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CMTS# 60684 CIAC Location: 068190 - Burns Reactive Station, OR 307722 35010 FEE LAND ER 31-16546-184 SEC 18 T22s R31E 40046458 3s201 BUI LDINGS (EXPLOSIVES STORAGE)TORMl200uCl0L7 4009002s 35201 BUILDINGS (TRAILER)TZBE I 2073 I C lT M 3/100s 1s2 1 40090026 3s20L BUITDINGS (TRAILER)TZBE I 20L3 I CIT M 3/1005 152 1 40003444 35207 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-16546-184 40003396 3s2os I ArR CONDTTTONER (EVAPORATTVE OR REFRTG.)ER 31-16546-184 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I .158.21 .l Page ll of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40090005 3s205 HVAC (HEATER)TZBE I 2OL4 / C lT R5 / 100s228t 40003432 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 31-15546-184 40076347 35209 SECURITY SYSTEM wBS rzBEl2007 I Cl 002 I 70033499 ETC 40003420 352t3 PLUMBING SYSTEM ER 31-16546-184 40003452 3s213 WATER HEATER ER 31-16546-184 40003428 352L3 WELL ER 31-16546-184 40003400 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-16546-184 40089799 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZBE/20L3/ClO02 40003456 35227 CULVERT (FOR YARD DRAINAGE SYSTEM)ER 31-16545-184 40003408 35227 FENCE ER 31-16545-184 40065680 35227 FENCE CAATS wO 4870 40070759 35227 FENCE ER 31-16546-184 40070785 35227 OIL STORAGE TANK ER 31-16546-184 40072629 35227 ROADWAY, INC. CLRING, GRADING, SURFACE ER 31-16546-184 40003424 35227 SIGN ER 31-16545-184 40083194 35227 SORBWEB BERM DORE /20711 Cl 830 I L004sO73 SPCC 40003404 3s227 UNDERGROUND ENCLOSURE (MANHOLE)ER 31-16546-184 40070760 35229 FLOODLIGHTS ER 31-16546-184 40003412 35229 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-15545-184 40070787 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 31-16546-184 40070773 35315 POWER FUSE MOUNTING 14.4KV ER 31-16546-184 4007075L 35377 CABLE TRENCH ER 31-16546-184 40070753 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-16546-184 400764L7 35319 ANNUNCIATOR TZBE / 2007 I C lT U2 I L003 L67 4 40070750 35319 CABINETS ER 31-16546-184 40070742 3s319 OSCILLOGRAPH ER 31-323-91-6089 40003274 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 60585 40049782 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TORM/20041C{O77 40070s08 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL TORMl2004lC/OOq/03 40076238 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL WBS TORM/2 OO4/ CIOO2IO6 BRIDGER RAS 400764L8 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL rzBE I 2007 I C lT U 2 / 7OO3 767 4 40077762 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZBE / 2009 I C lT R2 / 7003s 77 8 40077976 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBS "r-zBEl2007 / Cl007l 10035772,L0032860 40081902 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZBE I 2070 I C lT R2 I 700 40822 40083333 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZBE I 20 7L I C ITR 1/10045 1 6 1 40040404 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK wBS TORM/20071C/00u0L 40070744 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK ER 31-323-91-6089 40070746 35321 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ER 31-16546-184 40070747 35327 BATTERYAND RACK ER 31-16546-184 40068811 3s32L BATTERY CHARGER TORM/2005IC/014 AMERTCAN BATTERY CHARGING 40070748 3s321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 31-16546-184 40070762 3s323 GENERATOR ER 31-15545-184 40070763 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-16546-184 40049787 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TORMl2004lC/O77 40070774 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-16546-184 40076346 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs rz BEl2007 / cl 002 / 70033499 ETC 40070770 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-16546-184 4002639s 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 60585 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 12 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40078993 3s341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU) EQ# 380030 'toRM / 2OO4l ClO09 I 03 GE D-20 40070779 35341 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER ER 31-15546-184 40049783 35341 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER S/N 18891 EQf 358602 TORM I2OO4/C/017 HATHAWAY DFR 300627s4 39700 cy2011 BURNS REACTOR COMM EQUIP (C/C 73746l. 30064750 39700 cy2013 BURNS REACTOR COMM EQUrP (C/C t3746l. 30051600 39708 FILTER SYSTEM DZBE / 2007 / Cl OO3 / L003L7 29 TELECT D UAL FE E D FIL 300196s9 397tL MAS SCADA REMOTE RADIO CMTS# 106281 30054741 39774 DATA NETWORK ROUTER - CISCO 2811 wBs rz BEl2007 I c/o02/ 10033499 ETC 30051601 397L4 DATA SWITCH - ESS DZBE I 2007 I C I OO3 I LO0317 28 300s1602 39723 DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM DZBE I 2007 I C I OO3 I tOO3 L7 28 30051603 39723 RADIO (RF) TO BURNS BUTTE EQ# 37773L DZBE I 2007 I C I 003 I LOO3 77 28 30051604 39729 DIGITAL M U LTIPLEX SYSTEM EQ# 3777 33 DZBE I 2007 I C I OO3 I 7003 !7 29 COASTCO M 30051527 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 10 WATT TORMl2004lClO09/03 300s1s26 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER SET 50 WATT TORMl2004lC/O09/03 30051605 3973s BATTERY AND RACK , 48V EQfi 377734 DZBE / 2007 / Cl 003 / 7003t7 29 C&D M SE N D U R 30051606 39735 BAfiERY CHARGER EQ# 377739 DZBE / 2007 / Cl OO3 / L003L7 29 VA LA R E 300195ss 3974L COMPUTERIZED DIAL EXCHANGE CAATS# 51598 30051607 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM 5 FT ozBE / 2007 I c I o03 I L003 L7 29 30051608 39747 TOWER - 30 FT DZBE / 2007 | C / OO3 I LOO377 29 300627ss 39750 cy20L7 BURNS REACTOR MOBTLE RAD|O (C/C 137461 Location: 085050 - Threemile (noll Substation, lD 304274 35010 FEE LAND THREEMILE KNOLL IDCB-0151 T tDM / 2005 I Cl O37 / 70033667 40076973 3s207 CONTROL BUILDING WBS Tl DM/200s I ClO37 I LoO3 1845 + 40077028 35201 METAL CABINET WBS TIDM/20O5 /ClO37 / LOO31846 + FILING CABINE 40077040 3s209 SECURITY SYSTEM EQf 382918 WBS Tl DM/20O5 I Cl O37 /1OO3 1846 + 40077070 35219 FOUNDATION AN D SUBSTRUCTURE WBS TIDM/20OslCl037 /1OO31846 + CONTROL BUILD 40076970 35227 CEMENT CURB WBS TIDM/20OslClO37lt0031845 + INSIDE SUB 40076977 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF WBS Tl DM/20O5 I Cl 037 I t003 1846 + 40083599 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZP R I 2OO9 I C/OO1/3 M LTRAN S 40077009 35227 FENCE WBS Tl DM/20O5 I ClO37 I LOO3 1846 + 40077038 35227 ROADWAY, INCL CLRING, GRADING, SURFACE WBs Tl DM/200s I cl037 I 7oo3 1846 + 40077042 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER WBS TIDM/20O5/C|O37/t0O3L846 + NO DETAIL INF 40077043 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER T|DM/20O51C1037170031846 + NO INFO IDAHO POW 40083611 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER TZPRI 2009 / C1001/3 M LTRANS 40076969 353L7 CABLE TRENCH WBs Tl DM/2OO5 / Cl O37 / 7003 1846 + 40076972 353L7 CONDUIT wBS Tl DM/2005 / C/O37 / L0O3 1846 + 40077045 353L7 STORAGE CABINET WBS TIDM/20O1 / c1037 / 7003 1846 + 40076947 35319 ANNUNCIATOR WBS Tl DM/2005 / Cl O37 / LOO3 1845 + 4007700a 3s319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER EQ# 383154 WBS Tl DM/200s I C1037 I 7oo3 1846 + FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 13 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40087925 35319 DIGITAL RELAY TRIPPING DEVICE TWYOIaOIUC/O0 {TMKDIG (SEL 2411) 40077029 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIVT) 345KV WBS Tl D M/20os / clo37 I tO03 1845 + 40078954 3s319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIVI) 345I(V wBS TrDM/200s I Cl O37 I 70033453 40076524 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBs Tt DM/200s I cl o37 I L0033453 40077036 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL WBS Tl D M/20O5 I Cl 037 I tOO3 1846 + 40077993 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBS TJBM/20041 Cl OO2 I L0035564 RAS 40090241 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TTRB I 2074 I C lTRz I 10052044 40077039 35319 SATELLITE CLOCK EQ# 382426 WBS Tl DM/20O5 I C lO37 I IOO3 1846 + 40076948 3s32L AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH WBS Tl D M/20O5 I ClO37 I lOO3 1846 + 40076949 35327 BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 376225 WBS TIDM/20O5 I Cl O37 / L003 1846 + 40076950 35321 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 37 6224 WBS Tl DM/20os I cl 037 / 1003 1845 + 40077072 3s323 GENERATOR WBS Tl DM/20O5 / Cl 037 I LO03 1846 + 40077073 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM WBS Tl DM/20O5 / Cl O37 / t003 1846 + 40076s23 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBS TrDM/2005 I Cl O37 I 700334s3 40077033 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE WBS Tl DM/2005 I Cl 037 i1003 1845 + 40077992 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBs rJBM/2004 I Cl OO2 I t003ss64 RAS 40077025 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM WBs Tl DM/20o5 I Clo37 I 7003 1846 + 40085832 35341 HMI AUTOMATION ((SOFTWARE)TZPR I 20L7 I C/TR6/1004s 185 40077037 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)WBS Tl DM/20o5 / C/O37 / t003 1845 + 4007704L 35341 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS RECORDER WBS Tl DM/20O1 / C/O37 / 7003 1846 + 30064302 39700 CY2O12 THREEMILE KNOLL SUB COMM EqUIP (cc 13695) 30064757 39700 CY2O13 THREEMILE KNOLL SUB COMM EQUIP (c/c 13695) 30055318 397L4 DATA NETWORK ROUTER EQ # 382416 wBs TIDM/2005 I Cl 037 I 70033277 CTSCO 2877 30055078 39774 DATA NETWORK SWITCH WBS Tl D M/20O5 I ClO37 I L003 1846 + 300s5317 39774 DATA NETWORKSWITCH wBS TtDM/2005 I ClO37 I 70033277 ETHERSWTTCH 300s5084 397L4 MODEM WBS Tl DM/20 05 / Cl 037 / 7OO3 1846 + 300ss320 397L7 FIBER OPTIC CABLE - ADSS wBs r D M/20 0s I c/o37 I 70033277 300ss321 397L7 FIBER OPTIC PATCH PANE6 wBs Tr DM/200s I cl o37 I t0033277 30055081 397L7 FIBER OPTIC/TRANSMITTER RECEIVER 5ET EQ# 382477 WBS TIDM/200s/c/o37 I 70031846 + DMX 30055088 39720 POWER QUALITY MONITOR WBS Tl DM/200s I cl 037 ho03 1846 + 300s5080 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/sHELF WBS TIDM/20O5 I C lO37 I 7OO3 1846 + 300s5079 39729 DTGTTAL MULTTPLEX SYSTEM EQ# 382418 WBS TIDM/200s / c1037 / 1003 1846 + 10032865 30055070 39735 BATTERY AND RACK EQ# 382414 WBS Tl DM/20O5 / C/ 037 / 1003 1846 + 30055071 39735 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 382415 WBS Tl DM/20 05 / C/O37 / 7OO3 1846 + 300ss069 39738 AUDIO-TON E PROTECTIVE RELAY TERM INAL RFL 9745 WBS Tl D M/200s / Cl 037 / tOO3 1846 + 300s5085 39738 PANEL.RELAYAND CONTROL FOR RTU WBS Tl DM/20O5 I ClO37 / 7003 1845 + 300ss090 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH WBS Tl DM/2005 / Cl 037 / tOO3 1846 + 30058659 39744 TELEPHONE LINE SHARING SWITCH TJBM I 2004 I C I OO2 I 10035564 300ss089 397s8 SYNCHRONOUS TIMER EQ# 382425 WBS Tl D M/20Os I cl 037 I 7OO3 1846 + location: 013209 - Big Grassy Substation, lD 40091701 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZP R I 2073 I C lT R2 I LOO'209 L 30066402 39700 CY2O15 BIG GRASSY SUB COMM EQUIPMENT (c/c 13696) TSHE / 20L3 I Cl 002 / L00527 04 300955 35010 FEE LAND - BIG GRASSY IDJI-OO4O CAATS# LOO974 350209013209 35020 ACCESS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY cAATSf 100974 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.1 Page 14 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 40051667 35201 CABLE TRAY cAATSf 100974 40051673 35201 CONTROL BUILDING CAATS# 700974 40051599 35205 UNIT HEATER CAATS# 700974 4005L727 35219 FOUN DATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE CMTS# 700974 FOR CONTROL BUILDING 40057677 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CAATS# 700974 40085597 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF TZPRI 2OO9 / CIOO3lBG RASUB 40051675 35227 CULVERT (FOR YARD DRAINAGE SYSTEM)CAATS# 100974 40057677 35227 FENCE CAATS# LOO974 40085599 35227 FENCE/GATE fzPR/ 2009 / cloo3/BGRASUB 40051696 35227 SIGN CAATS# 100974 40051668 35377 CABLE TRENCH CAATS# 700974 40085595 3s3L7 CABLE TRENCH fzPR/ 2009 / cl 003/BG RASUB 4005L672 353L7 CONDUIT CAATS# 700974 40085598 35377 CONDUIT rzPRl 2009 / c/003/BGRASU B 40051598 353L7 MICROWAVE TOWER CMTS# t00974 40051660 35319 ANNUNCIATOR 12PT CAATS# 700974 40012339 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS wO BGSYg4RE s5850 40048213 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL TIDMl2003/C/030/01 40051594 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# L00974 40081301 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZPR I 2009 I C I OO2 I L0038044 40082329 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL TZPR I 2008 I C lTR2 /1003s805 40085622 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL rzP R / 2009 / c/003/BG RAS U B 40090276 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL rzP R I 20L3 I C lr R2l10049986 40051551 35327 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC CAATS# 100974 ALCAD 40051552 35327 BATTERY CHARGER CAATS# tOO97425A 40057679 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM CAATS# 700974 4008s601 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM rzPR/ 2009 I cloo3lBG RASUB 40051580 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 6'CAATS# 700974 40089316 35327 ANIMAL GUARDS TZP R / 2OO9 / ClOO3/VI B RTN 40051692 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# LOO974 40085505 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TZP Rl 2009 / C / Oo3lBG RAS U B 40051587 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM cAATSf t00974 40085605 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM 'tzPRl 2009 I c/003/BGRASUB 400s1685 35341 INTERPOSITION CABINET CAATS# 700974 4005169s 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 100974 MG 30063295 39700 CY2O11 BIG GRASSY COMMUNICATION EQ (c/c 13588) TZP R I 2009 I Cl 003/BG RASU B 3005s743 39700 CY2OL4 COMM EQUIPMENT (BIG GRASSY/C 13696) rzP Rl 20t3 I CITR2I10049986 30015853 39705 COMM. STATION ALARM CONTROL RTU CAATS# 702273 30015859 39774 MODEM CAATS# LO2273 30015867 39723 RADIO (RF)CMTS# L02273 3001587s 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF CAATS# 702273 30046440 39735 COMM BATTERYAND RACK TDM/20O5/C/046 East Penn Unigy IIAGM seale 30046447 3973s COMM BATTERY CHARGER TIDM/2005/C/046 48 volt Batterv Charger Svste 3001s877 39744 PARTY LINE SELECTOR CAATS# 702273 30015879 39744 TELEPHONE LINE DATA CAATS# L02273 3001s865 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS# LO2273 30015869 39747 RADOME CAATS# tO2273 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 30015871 39747 TOWER cAATSf 702273 30015873 39747 WAVEGUIDE CAATS# t02273 30041045 397s3 AIR CONDITIONER (EVAPORATIVE OR REFRIG.)TtDMl2OO4lClOL6 Location: 054003 - Hurricane Substation, OR 301046 3s010 FEE LAND JV 98 301047 35010 FEE LAND JV 98 40001502 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-8240-183 40001611 35201 EM ERGE NCY LIGHTING SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40001638 3s20L EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM ER 31-45565-4110 40089325 35205 HVAC (ArR CONDTTTONER)TZW Al 20L3 / C lTRsl100s0607 400910s8 35205 HVAC (AtR CONDTTTONER) EQ#403884 TZWW I 2014/C/rR5/100s3683 40001608 3s20s UNIT HEATER ER 31-8240-183 40001599 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-8240-183 40001623 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-1668s-183 40001629 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-16585-183 40001535 35227 CLEARING. GRADING. & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-45565-4110 4000160s 35227 FENCE ER 31-8240-183 40059121 35227 FENCE CAATS WO 49O9-4O92O 40001626 3s227 GATE ER 31-15685-183 40059011 35227 ISOI.ATION LINK PANEL CAATS# 61383 40001620 35227 LOAD CENTER ER 31-8240-183 4000L5L7 35227 ROADWAY ER 31-8240-183 40001614 35227 SIGN ER 31-8240-183 40090549 3s227 SORBWEB BERM DORE / 2074 / Cl 830/100s 196 1 40019081 35301 STATION SERVICE TMNSFORMER 25KVA JV 98 400L9L26 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-8240-183 40019242 35377 CONDUIT ER 31-45565-4110 40019286 353L7 CONDUIT ER3L-52228-43LO 40019102 35317 UNIT HEATER ER 31-8240-183 40079174 35319 ANNUNCIATOR ER 31-8240-183 40019150 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 31-8240-183 40019270 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 31-45598-4077 40019302 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 31-52228-4310 40079188 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 31-50175 400s6961 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL. JLs METER cw Es I 200 4 I cl 07 U Loo26626 J LS M ETE RS 40088248 3532t BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC eq# 398360 TZW W / 2073 /C/TR5/10048s84 40088249 3s327 BATTERY CHARGER EQ# 4OOO34 rzww I 2073 I c/TRs/10048s84 40019098 35323 GENERATOR ENCLOSURE ER 31-8240-183 40079L75 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40079189 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-45565-4110 40079190 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER3L-'2228-43LO 40019089 35329 FLOODLIGHT ER 31-8240-183 40019085 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-8240-183 40019106 3s339 FIRE EXTINGUISHER ER 31-8240-183 40025848 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 31-45598-4077 400s8735 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS# 5373516374t 40025836 3s343 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF ER37-45598-4077 30060500 39700 MODEM ENCLOSURE ER 31-45598-4077 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Ll58.2l.t Page 15 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 16 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,20l6 30060499 39700 TRANSLATOR CABINET ER 31-45598-4077 Location: 085023 - Jefferson Substation, lD 301873 35010 JEFFERSON L6TI69 KV SUB LAND IDJI-0034 ER 85-7780 40077567 35207 CONTROL HOUSE ER 85-7780 40003928 35201 ROOF CAATS #105119 40068043 35273 WELL ER 85-7780 40051981 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 8s-8534 40077563 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 8s-8138 40078966 35227 FENCE ER 85-7780 INTERIOR FENCE AROUND REACTORS 40077580 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8138 40089462 3s227 TREX BERM DZP R I 20 73 / C / 7 Oo / LoOs 70 26 40077606 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 83-8355 40051983 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 8s-8534 40068066 35377 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-7780 40077566 353L7 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-8138 40058057 353L7 CONDUIT ER 85-7780 40077659 35377 CONDUIT ER 101131 40048224 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TIDMl2003lclo32lot 40051990 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 85-8534 40051991 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-8534 4005803s 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL ER 85-7780 40068093 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-7780 40077586 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8138 4007760s 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 83-8355 400776L2 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROT ER 85-6403 40077629 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6670 40077633 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL ER 8s-5892 & 8s-5906 4007764L 35319 REIAY AND CONTROL ER 393587 400776s3 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL ER 383764 40077664 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL ER 101131 40048353 35321 BATTERY AND RACK 125VDC wBs DzPR/2004 I Cl DRs I LO02 1825 C& D 40048364 3532L BATTERY CHARGER 135VDC wBS DZPR/2004lClDR5l 1002782s C&D 3sA 40068100 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40068101 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40077582 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-8138 400776L5 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM ER 85-5557 40068104 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 12'ER 85-7780 400s1986 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-8s34 40077585 3s325 INSULATED PLATFORM 14'ER 85-8138 40051985 3s325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-8534 40058102 3s325 INSULATED PI.ATFORM 4'ER 85-7780 40077584 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 4'ER 85-8138 40068103 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 5'ER 85-7780 40077589 3s325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 6'ER 85-8137 40051989 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8534 40068109 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-7780 40077590 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8137 40077602 3532t POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 83-8355 400776L8 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-6557 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 17 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40068130 3s329 LTGHTTNG FTXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-7780 40077607 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 83-8355 40077663 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 101131 40041681 35341 REMOTE TERMTNAL UNrT (SCADA RTU)TIDM/20O2/C1009/B L&G s700 RTU Type 1A w/Atta 400s1992 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-8534 40058887 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS f104220 40068132 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 8s-7780 40077651 3s341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 3346400 30064810 39700 cY2013 JEFFERSON SUB COMM EQUrp (C/C 13696) 30065819 39700 cY2014 JEFFERSON SUB COMM EQUrp (C/C 13595 300200s9 39723 DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM CAATS #106921 30020061 39723 RADIO (RF)TO MENAN BUTTE EQ# 333534 ER 6-3360 30020041 39726 CROSS CONNECT TREE/FRAME ER 100388 30020035 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3429610 30020039 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3639473 30020043 39729 ANALOG CHANNET ER 100388 30020049 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL CAATS #29638 30058717 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3394384 30020037 39729 ANALOG MULTIPLEX SHELF ER 3429610 300ss030 39735 BATTERY AND RACK 48V EQS 386004 DZPR I 2009 I C/D R9/10039402 30020045 39738 PROTECTIVE REI.AYING RECEIVER ER 100388 30020047 39738 PROTECTIVE REI.AYING TMNSM ITTER ER 100388 300200s1 39747 COMPUTERIZED DIAL EXCHANGE CAATS #103068 300200s7 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM CAATS #105921 Location:085026 - Antelooe Substation. lD 40051027 35201 CABLE TRAY ltDM/200slcloLL 40077623 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 85-8606 40064983 35207 ROOF TZP R I 200 6 I C / LU2 I 700297 88 40077637 35205 AIR CONDITIONER ER 85-6998 40077632 3s205 Heat Pump ER 6167 40059400 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 393041 400789s7 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF wBS TZ PR/2009/C/TR 1/10038830 40069401 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 393041 40077624 35227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-8606 40077638 3s227 FENCE & GATES ER 85-7007 40077639 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (5URF ER-85-7007 40053477 35227 RETAINING WALL ER 8s-8505 40082503 35227 ROADWAY TZP R / 2OL7 I Cl7 00 / 7004367 4 40082502 3s227 TREX BERM TzP R / 2oLL / C /700/10043574 spcc 40077634 35229 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8606 40077635 3s229 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-8606 40053478 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 85-8606 GE 40053484 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 85-8506 ELEC DRYTYPE 40053480 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 5OKVA ER 85-8606 GE 74400-249 40053481 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER sOKVA ER 85-8606 GEL2470-277 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules l. t 58.21.1 Page 18 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 400s3482 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 50KVA ER 85-8506 WEST 40077642 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER 50KVA ER-85-5157 40077693 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40077678 35377 CABLE TRENCH ER 85-6859 40069480 35377 CONDUIT TIDM/2004/Cl004lOL 40069820 35377 CONDUIT TzP R / 2007 / C lT R6 I LOO34427 40077679 35317 CONDUIT ER 85-5859 40077696 35317 CONDUIT ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40037997 3s319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER DREK/Lese/cloLz/07 40004900 35319 OSCILLOGRAPH ER 383741 ROCHESTER SN 38960 40038455 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL CAATS #39063 WBS DSHE/L9991C1064 40049109 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL wBs rDM/2004lcloL8 40049275 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL floM12003/cloo6 40055764 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBS Tr DM/200s I Cl OL3 I OO2 40065150 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-6119 40069399 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 86-6888 40069485 3s319 REIAY AND CONTROL TIDM12004lcloo4lo7 40077640 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-8550 40077643 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5397 40077644 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-6202 40077645 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 85-5573 40077647 3s319 REI.AYAND CONTROL ER 85-7088 40077684 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL ER 85-6859 40077699 35319 ANNUNCIATOR ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40077700 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40093429 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZP U I 20 L4 I C lT R2 / LOOS 482 4 40077708 3532L BATTERYAND RACK ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40077709 35321 BATTERY CHARGER ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40077685 3s32s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 85-6859 40077707 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40077687 3532s INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 10'ER 85-6859 40053457 3s32s INSULATED PI.ATFORM 4'ER 85-8606 40077686 35325 INSULATED PLATFORM 4'ER 8s-68s9 400534s8 35325 INSUI.ATED PLATFORM 6'ER 8s-8606 40049274 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDM/20031C/006 40053473 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 85-8606 40055753 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE wBS Tr DM/2oos / C/O73 / 002 40069484 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TIDMl2004lclOO4l07 40077697 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 8s-68s9 40077706 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40095487 35327 INSULATOR, POST 15KV rzP R I 207s / ClTR61100s6633 4009s488 3s327 r Nsu rAToR, susPENsroN 7s / zsK\t TZP R / 20Ls / C /rR6/100s663 3 40095489 35321 CUTOUT TZP R / 2O7s I C lTR61100s6s9s 40095490 3s327 INSULATOR, POST 15KV TZP R I 20L5 I C/TR5/1 00s 6s 9s 40077677 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 86-6859 40077692 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 85-5859 40077707 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 393884 Over 100% CIAC 40026477 35341 INTERPOSITION CABINET ER 85-6805 40045539 35341 METER wBs Tf DM/2003 I ClO27 I Or FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.21.l Page I9 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40026475 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-6805 LEEDS & NORTHRUP 40026479 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #103389 LEEDS & NORTHRUP 40025483 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #105609 HARRIS CONTROE 40038308 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)CAATS #101090 40077648 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-6797, 85-5991 40077649 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)ER 85-803s 40078832 35341 REMOTE TERMTNAL UN|T (SCADA RTU) EQ# 328178 CAATS #104205 I.ANDIS & GYR MODEL 5410 40038013 35341 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER SENGlt999/Cl062 40026487 35349 SATELLITE CLOCK CAATS #21206 30064761 39700 cY2013 ANTELOPE SUB COMM EQUrP (C/C 13696) 300201s7 39777 FIBER OPTIC CABLE CAATS #106293 30020159 397L7 FIBER OPTIC/TRANSMITTER RECEIVER SET CAATS #106293 30034104 397L7 FIBER OPTIC/TRANSMITTER RECEIVER SET CAATS #39063 WBS DSHE/1999/C/O64 30020143 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3394350 30020145 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 3639465 30020151 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL ER 100964 30020161 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL CAATS #104205 30058712 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL CAATS #100597 30032507 39729 ANALOG CHANNEL MODEM & TERM UNIT (ANALOG) GRANGER/TELLABS FXS - PROJECT 65543 30020155 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS #106293 30020149 3973s BATTERY CHARGER ER 5057 30036924 39735 COMM UN ICATIONS BATTERY BAN K TIDMl2002lclRDF/011 30036182 39738 PROTECTIVE RELAY TERMINAL - RFL 9745 TIDMl2000/cl0L3 30036183 3974r'.TELEPHONE LINE SIGNALLING UNIT - TELLABS 4470 TIDMl2000/clo73 30042062 39750 cELLUT-AR TELEPHONE (10761)rtoul2o04lcl0t8 Location:085051 Populus Substation, lD 304311 35010 POPULUS SUB LAND IDBA-0015 TUDI2OOT lC|OO2IPSUBR Goldbere Land 304312 35010 POPULUS 5UB LAND IDBA.OO16 TttD 12007 I C1002/PSUBR Hatfield Land 304313 3s010 POPULUS SUB LAND IDBA-0017 TllD l2OO7 / C|OO2IPSUBR Evans Land 40080144 35201 CONTROL BUILDING TrD12007lcloo2lPsuB 40080153 35207 METAL CABINET (FOR FIBER OPTICS)rilo/20071c1o02/PSUB 40080206 35209 SECURITY SYSTEM TrD/20071C/002/PSUB 40080149 352L9 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE . CTRL BLDG frD/20o7lcloo2lPsuB 40080142 35227 cLEARtNG, GRAD|NG, & FrLL MATERTAL (SURF rDl2O07lCl002lPSUB 40080147 35227 FENCE & GATES TilD12007lCl002lPSUB 400801s7 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER T|O/2007/CIOOL(PSUS 40080146 35315 DISCONNECT SWITCH 5OA 24OVAC TfiD12007 lcl002lPsU B 40080384 353L7 CABLE TRENCH T|D12007lcloo2lPsUB 40080143 35317 CONDUIT rDl2007/c|002/PsuB 40080148 353L7 FOUNDATION AND SUBSTRUCTURE - COMMON TrD12007 lc/002/PSUB 4009L778 353L7 FOUN DATION AN D SUBSTRUCTURE - JOINTLY OWNED TrD/2007/C/002/PSUB FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page20 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 40080134 35319 ANNUNCIATOR TIID I2OO7 I CIOO2IPSUB ROCH ESTE R 40080140 3s319 CABLE TERMINATION CABINET TrD12007lc/002/PsuB 4008014s 35319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER TIID / 2OO7 / C/OO2IPSUB ROCH ESTE R 40090423 3s319 DIGITAL FAULT RECORDER/SYNCHROPHASOR WECC WISP SYS T UT H I 20Lr / Cl 003 /1O} 47 406 40080201 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIW) 345KV T|D12007/C1002/PSUB 40080202 35319 METERING PACKAGE (CTIyr) 345KV SPARE TtD/2007/C/Oo2IPSUB 40080155 3s319 RELAYAND CONTROL TilD/2007/C/002/PSUB 40080304 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL WBS TIID/2007/CIOO2IRAS MODIFY RAS SCHEME 40086594 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TWY O I 20LL /C/00s/POPDATA 40088586 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZP R I 2Ot2 I ClT RU LoO4837 s 40080135 3s321 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH TtDl20OT lC|Oo2IPSUB 40080136 35321 BATTERYAND RACK 125VDC EO# 381622 TrD/2007/C/002/PSUB 40080137 3532L BATTERY AND RACK 48VDC EQf 381520 TrD/2007/C/Oo2IPSUB 40080138 35321 BATTERY CHARGER 125VDC EQ# 381623 TilOl2O07lClOo2lPSUB 40080139 3s321 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC EQ# 381621 TrD12007lC/002/PSUB 40080150 35323 GENERATOR TilO/2007/C1002/PSUB 40080151 3532s GROUND GRID SYSTEM rilD12007lcloo2lPsUB 40080154 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TrD12007lC|Oo2IPSUB 40086693 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TW\ O / 2077 lC1005/POPDATA 40080152 35341 HMI AUTOMATION (PC, PRINTER, SOFTWARE)TrD12007/C1002/PSUB 40080155 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)TilD/2007/Cl002/PSUB 30058656 3900s PREFAB BUILDING.2 ROOM GFRC CONCRETE 7l'x24' TilD / 2007 / Cl 0O2 / tOO347 2s 30060173 39011 SITE CLEARING T tD I 2007 I C I OO2 I rOO3 47 2s 30060174 39011 SITE GROUNDING T ilD / 2007 I C I OO2 I LOO3 47 2s 30059151 39700 cy2010 coMMUNrcATroN EQUTPMENT (CC 13695) CA TnD / 2007 / Cl Oo2IPS U BCOM 30060197 39700 cy2010 coMMUNrcATroN EQUTpMENT (CC 13596) JO rilD I 2007 I cloo2lPsu BcoM 30064303 39700 cY2O12 POPULUS SUB COMM EQUrP (CC 13695) 300s8641 39705 RTU - GE CANADA TrD 12007 I C/O02 I LO0347 25 30058642 39774 ROUTER - CISCO 2811 TrD I 2007 I CI OO2 / LOO3 47 2s 30058643 39723 DEHYDRATOR SYSTEM TilD / 2007 / C I 002 / L00347 2s 30058644 39723 RAD|O (RF) 11 GHZ 28DS1 TO RED ROCK EQ#XXXXXX T|D / 2007 / Cl OO2 / LO03 47 2s 30058645 39726 EQUIPMENT MCK/SHELF w FUSE PANEL TilD / 2007 I Cl 002 / LOO3 47 2s 300s8546 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM COASTCOM R4O9 TrD / 2007 I Cl002/ 700347 2s 300s8650 39735 AC POWER TRANSFER PANEL TrD / 2007 / Cl 002/ L00347 2s 300s8647 39735 BATTERY AND RACK DEKA EAST PENN UNIGY II EQ#XXXXXX TrD I 2OO7 I Cl OO2 / L0O347 2s 300s8648 39735 BATTERY AND RACK EQ #XXXXXX rw /2007 I cl 0o2 / L0o347 2s 300s8649 3973s BATTE RY CHARGER Eq#XXXXXX T ilD I 2007 I C I 002 I tOO3 47 25 30058651 39735 EMERGENCY POWER GENERATOR SYSTEM ONAN 35KW f ro I 2007 | c | 002 / Loo3 47 2s 300585s2 39735 PROPANE STORAGE TANK f tD / 2007 / c I oo2 I L003 47 2s 300s86s4 I 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM .6'TELGAR RADOME T nD I 2007 I C I 002 I LOO3 4t 25300s86s3 I 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM - HP5-107-PIA EQ#XXXXXX T rD / 2007 I Cl O02 I LOO3 47 2s FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.21.t Page2l of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 30058655 39747 TOWER SABRE S3TL 150', EQ#XXXXXX TrD /2007 I Cl 0O2 / L00347 2s 30058690 39747 WAVEGUIDE T tD 1 2007 I C l 002 I LOO3 47 25 Location: 238018 - Walla Wa!!a Substation, WA 30066230 39700 CY2OL4 WALLA WALLA SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C 1213s) 302032 35010 FEE LAND 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 302033 3s010 FEE LAND 1998 BALANCE CONVERSION 40006115 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-11353-283 4000615s 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER3L-L297-285 40006153 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-3032-285 40006171 3s201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-6625-283 4000619s 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-87s9-283 40006207 35201 CONTROL BUILDING ER 31-11825-284 ADD|T|ON 72', X 40'. 40005243 35201 ROOF CMTS# 63355 40006159 3s205 FAN SYSTEM ER3L-3726-283 40079192 35205 Heat Pump TZW Al 2009 I C/TR6/10039983 40006227 3520s UNIT HEATER ER 31-52545-4359 HEAT PUMP 40005191 35207 LOAD CENTER ER 31-8130-283 4000613s 3s213 PUMP ER 31-113s3-283 FOR WELL 40006279 35213 WELL ER 31-11185-285 40005091 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-11353-283 40006151 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER37-t9287-283 40005187 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF JV 98 40006203 3s227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER 31-8759-283 400062Lt 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF ER31-17074-283 40006235 35227 CLEARING, GRADING, & FILL MATERIAL (SURF CAATS# 62049 40006143 35227 FENCE ER 31-11353-283 40006215 3s227 FENCE ER3t-17074-283 40006223 35227 FENCE ER 31-51146-4283 40006231 35227 FENCE CAATS WO 5044-42960 40006239 3s227 FENCE CAATS# 62049 40006175 3s227 GATE ER 31-6625-283 40006099 35227 I.ANDSCAPING WSPRINKLING SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40006123 35227 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40006L67 35227 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31.5095-286 FOR CONTROL BUILDING 40006111 35227 ROADWAY ER 31-11353-283 40006183 3s227 ROADWAY ER 31-5625-283 40006103 35227 SIDEWALK ER 31-11353-283 40006107 3s227 SIGN ER 31-11353-283 40083979 35227 SORBWEB BERM ow Asl 207L/ cl 830 / Lo04 4 477 40015680 3s301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORMER ER 31-11353-283 15KVA & 75KVA 400L5757 35301 STATION SERVICE TRANSFORM ER ER 31-11353-283 2 2sKVA 51,020.30 1 50KVA S83 40015768 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-11353-283 40015873 35377 CONDUIT ER 31-6525-283 40015917 353L7 CONDUIT ER 31-87s9-283 40015970 35317 CONDUIT ER 31-13569-283 40016031 35317 CONDUIT ER31-L7074-283 40079177 35317 CONDUIT IZW A(2OO9 I CITR4I10038563 BLUE MOUNTATN LINE FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page22 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40016135 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL ER 31-45598-4085 40016147 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL WEST TYPE LCB-MDAR TONE TRANSFER 40016159 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 51140 40076779 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL cAATSf 62199 40037827 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL CAATS #6256s 40038965 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TWAM/2000/Cl006/07 40039330 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL twaml2000lc/oO4 40045019 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL rwAM/2000/clo02/02 40051649 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TMGM/200s/ClOO2/OO7 40062282 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 54711 40067360 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL wBS TWAM/2 006 I C / OOS{ LOo30393 40059614 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TrwA/2006/c loo2 I 10030679 700% ctAc 40070542 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL DZW Al 2007 I C/D R2110033850 4007927L 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CMTS# 60177 40084368 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL Tzw Al 20t2 / clTR2l10046085 40084398 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZW N 207L I C lTR2l100455 65 40084773 3s319 REI.AY AND CONTROL CWES/2008/C/OO5/GCPDWALL 40085983 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TZW A I 20 L3 I C I T R2 I 100 48488 40086984 35319 RELAYAND CONTROL TZW A / 2073 / C / T R2 / LOO 4860 4 400s6959 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL - JLs METER cw Es /2004/ cl 07 tl Loo26624 J LS M ETE RS 40016191 3s319 REI.AY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CAATS# 62199 40015195 35319 RELAY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CAATS# 62199 40015199 35319 REIXY, INSTRUMENT, OR DEVICE CMTS# 62199 40040442 3s319 SATELLITE CLOCK wBS TWAM/2 0OL/ ClRDF I 70009183 ARBTTER 40049636 35327 BATTERYAND RACK 125VDC DZW A/2O03 / ClDRs/10020340 C&D 40049637 3532t BATTERY CHARGER 125VDC DZW A I 2003 I C I DRs I tOO20340 LAMA RC H E 40015809 3s323 GENERATOR FUEL TANK ER37-1474-285 400t5772 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40015837 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-19287-283 40015974 3532s GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER 31-13569-283 4001603s 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM ER3L-L7074-283 40079179 3s325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TZW Al 2OO9 I C/TR4l10038s63 BLU E MOU NTAI N LINE 40015699 35327 CUTOUT ER 31-11353-283 40015053 35327 CUTOUT ER37-79742-286 40015780 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-11353-283 40015986 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-13559-283 40015002 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER37-74722-283 40016051 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-17074-283 40016087 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-20078-285 400L6L07 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-3844-296 40016131 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE ER 31-45598-4085 40015155 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS# 61140 40037826 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE CAATS #52665 40069513 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE Ttw A12006/ c/0o2/ Loo30679 100% ctAc 40079180 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE rzw Al 2oo9 I c/TR4l10038s63 B LU E MOU NTAI N LINE 40015739 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40015845 3s329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER 31-6625-283 FERC Docket No. ERt6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I.l58.21.t Page23 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 40016018 35329 LIGHTING FIXTURE/SYSTEM ER37-L7074-283 400L5776 3s339 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ER 31-11353-283 40040993 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)TW AM I 2OO2 I CI OLLI B GE HARRIS 40073835 35341 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (SCADA RTU)wBs DPrT/2007 I C I 007 I 10033783 40015139 35342 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER ER 31-45598-4085 HATHAWAY 30061183 39700 CY2Oll WALLA 2 SUB COMMUNICATION EQU|P (C/C 137491 30054194 39700 cY2013 WALLA WALLA SUB COMM EQU|P (C/C L37471 30065027 39700 CY2O13 WALLA WALLA SUB COMM EQUIP (C/C 13749l, 30065810 39700 C:YZOI4 WALLA WALLA 230 SUB COMM EQUIP (c/ct2t37l 30050484 39700 PLC TRANSM ITTER/RECEIVER SET CAATS# 60177 30058938 39771 BASE STATION . TAITTB 81OO DSY S / 2007 I C1806/P PWW2 3 1 300s8945 397LL RADIO CONTROL - DISPATCH OUTPOST CONTROLLER DSys I 2007 / c/806/ppww23 AWEC (A/r coNVERTER) 300s8944 397lt RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT 1541 NODE DSYS I 2007 I C I 806/P PWW23 30058941 397LL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT CMM DSYS I 2OO7 I CI8O6IPPWW23 1 CONTROL M ODULE 30058945 39711 RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT DAS DSYSIZOOT I C/806/PPWW23 TAIT DIGITAL AU DIO swt 30058940 397lL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM - TAIT SMM DSYS I 2007 / C1806/PPWW23 1 S|TE M G MT MODULES 300s8939 397tL RF COMBINER DSYS I2OO7 I CI8O5IPPWW23 1 D B SPECTRA 30044266 39777 WW SUB GROUP PENDLETON RADIO CONTROL sYS #360705 DZWW / 2002 / C/D Us/10013392 30047400 397L4 csu/Dsu CMTS# 54711 30058948 397\4 DATA NETWORK ROUTER - CISCO 2811 DSY s I 2007 / C/806/P PWW23 30058947 397t4 DATA NETWORK SWITCH - CISCO ETHERSWITCH osYs/ 2oo7 I c/805/PPWW23 30047401 397L4 MODEM CAATS# 64711 3004r'940 39714 TERMINAL CONTROLLER *see long descrio.xFR FR 3970230025620 PN629L7 30055181 397L7 PATCH PANEL FOR FIBER-OPTICS T tw A / 2008 / c / oos / Loo37 97 4 30054429 39723 MICROWAVE RADIO TO KENNEWICK EQ #381360 ozw A/2008/ clo02/ L003548t - MoD A84797F1-A 30040190 39723 MICROWAVE SYSTEM TO COMBINE HILLS EQ fi373072 DWAL/20O4/ClOO7/03 30045833 39723 MW TOWER tsee lons descrip.XFR fr 39702 30025618 PRJ 707223 30058950 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF DSYS I 2007 I C1806/PPWW23 30058942 39726 EQUIPMENT RACK/SHELF WFUSE PANEL DSYS/ 2007 I C/806/PPWW23 1 300s89s1 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL osYs / 2oo7 I c/806/PPWW23 30055182 39729 DIGITAL M ULTI PLEX SYS.IMACS PREM ISYS CHANNEL BANK f tw A I 2008 I cl oos I L0037 97 4 3002s616 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEX SYSTEM CAATS 106733 30040401 39729 WALLA WALI.A CHANNEL CARDS FOR PARTY LINE CONNECTN TWAM/200s/C/030 30040189 39729 WALLA WALLA SUB MULTIPLEX SYSTEM DWALl2004lClOO1l03 30025672 39732 PLC TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER 5ET CAATS 52199 30058952 39735 BATTERY AND RACK 48V DEKA DSY S / 2007 / C / 806/P PvvW2 3 300s89s3 39735 BATTERY CHARGER 48VDC AMERICAN POWER DSYS / 2oO7 | C l8o6lPPWW2 3 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page24 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 300M944 39735 DC POWER SUPPLY PANEL *see lons descrio.xFR FR 39702 30025520 PN 629L7 300s89s5 39735 EMERGENCY POWER GENEMTOR SYSTEM WSAFTEYSWITCH DSYS / 2007 / C/805/PPWW23 300589s4 39735 GROUNDING GRID DSYS/ 2007 / C/805/PPWW23 300s89s7 39735 PROPANE STORAGE TANK DsY S I 2007 / Cl 805/P PWW2 3 30058956 39735 VOLTAGE CONVERTER DC TO DC 48.12 VDC DSYSI 2007 / C/805/PPWW23 30025514 39744 TELEPHONE SWITCH CAATS 62199 30058943 39747 ANTENNA SYSTEM - VHF FOR TAIT BASE STATION DSv S | 2007 I C I 806/PPWW2 3 1 30040188 39747 WALLA WALI.A SUB ANTENNA SYSTEM owAL/20041c{00L/03 30054430 39747 WALLA WALLA SUB ANTENNA SYSTEM DZW A / 2008 / C / 002 I 1003s 481 30040191 39747 WALLA WALIA SUB RADOME DWAv2004/C/001/03 30040192 39747 WALLA WALLA SUB WAVEGUIDE MATERIAs DwAV20O4/C/001/03 30046553 39753 WALLA WALI.A COMMUNICATIONS ROOM AIR CONDITIONER DW AL/ 2006 I Cl D R9/100294ss Location: 540065 - Jim Brideer Substation, 345kV Non-Shared 40084979 35227 CLEARING, GRADING & FILL MATERIAL rrc/2007/cl002rBsuB 40055232 3s227 FENCE TWY M / 2002 / C I OoU L00L2388 40055237 35227 ROADWAY TWY M | 2002 / Cl O0 1/100 12388 40055230 353L7 CABLE TRENCH TWY M I 2002 I C I OO7 / t00L2388 40076407 353L7 CONDUIT TIDM I 2005 I Cl 037 I L0037847 40084980 35317 CONDUIT TilO12007IC1002lJBSUB 40037972 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS f37855 40047923 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TW Y M I 2002 I C I O0 U 700 167 83 40055235 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TWv M I 2002 I C I 00U L00L2388 4005524L 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL TJ B M/2005/C I OO7 I tOO27 424 40063425 3s319 RELAY AND CONTROL CAATS# 64841 40065263 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL TWYM/2 005/ C I O 46 I 7002s37 0 400764L5 35319 RELAY AND CONTROL T\DM / 200s / c / o37 I LO03t847 40084985 35319 REI.AYAND CONTROL TrD12007lCl002lBSUB 40093311 35319 REI.AY AND CONTROL TZRS / z0ts / ClTR1/1oos s4o8 40055234 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TWv M I 2002 I C I 007 I t0012388 400764L2 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TIDM / Z00s / c / 037 / L0037847 40084982 35325 GROUND GRID SYSTEM TilD12007IClOo2lJBsUB 40055235 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TWY M I 2002 I C I OoL I L0072388 40065262 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE TWYM/2005/C I 046 I L002s37 0 40076474 3s327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE T tDM I 2005 I C I 037 I tOO3 t847 40084984 35327 POWER AND CONTROL CABLE filD12007IClOo2lJBSUB 40084985 35341 SEQUENTIAL EVENT RECORDER TrD/20071C/002rBSUB 30051281 39700 cy2010 JB suM coMM EQUIP (C/C 13918) 30037769 39705 SCADA L&G TW Y M / 2Oo2 / C / OO7 I LoO7239 O 30047883 39774 MODEM CMTS# 64841 30054817 397L7 FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVER/MODEM T tDM I 2005 I C I O37 I LO037847 30037772 39777 FI BER OPTIC TRANSM ITTER/RECEIVER TWY M I 2002 I C I 00 U 700 L239 0 30054816 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL TtDMl2OOs 1037 I L0031847 + 10032865 300s8806 39729 DIGITAL CHANNEL Tr DM/200s/037 I 10032866 30037773 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER TWY M / 2002 / C /00 ul00 12 390 30037774 39729 DIGITAL MULTIPLEXER SHELF TW Y M / 2002 / C I 00 U L00 1239 0 3004L287 39729 JB SUB DIG MULT CARD FOR T1 CIRC JB TO ctTclz}oslcls07ls7 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.1 Page25 of25 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 CASPER 30033442 39738 AUDIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM SAATS#37677 30033448 39738 AUDIO-TONE PROTECTIVE RELAYING SYSTEM CAATS #37855 3003777L 39738 Telemetry Receiver TWY M I 2002 I C I OOl I L00L2390 30037770 39738 Tone Relav Equip TWY M I 2002 I C I OOL I LO0L2390 30047884 39738 TRANSMITTER, RECEIVER, 125 VDC, RFL 6745 CAATS# 54841 30054815 3974/,COMMUNICATION CABLE >5OO FT.TIDM/2005/C lO37 I LOO3L847 COAX FO PLC FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules EXHIBIT B Description of Idaho Power Common Equipment t.158.21.2 Page I of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 Adelaide Transmission Station FERC Acct Adetaide Asset Description VintaEe 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS 1974 35011 PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 1975 3s011 PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 7977 35200 DRAI NAG E SYSTEMS-CU LVERTS, ETC L976 35200 YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL, ETC.7976 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.7977 3s200 ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING L976 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 7977 35200 WATER WELL PUMP 1977 35200 SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL 7977 3s200 SEWER LINE t977 35200 LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE & LIGHT 1977 35200 LIGHT MAST L977 3s200 FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING L977 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING L977 35200 BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM L977 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM t977 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM L977 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM L977 35200 D.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE t977 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7977 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAT SYSTEM 7977 35200 LOCAT SERVICE FND L977 35200 FOUNDATION - COMMUNICATION t977 35200 EQUIPMENT PAD L977 35200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1977 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1977 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND L977 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1995 35200 UNIWALKS 7977 3s200 LOCAL SERVICE STRUCTURE L977 35200 METAL STRUCT - COMMUNICATION 1977 35200 15KV BUS SUP, CT, PT, MISC STR L977 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES L977 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 1995 35300 INSULATORS - PIN OR POST 7977 35300 U8" X7" FI.AT BAR COPPER 7977 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE t977 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1995 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WtRt 1980 3s300 #78 - #L9 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1993 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1995 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1995 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WrRE 1996 35300 s18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1993 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1995 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1995 3s300 #L4. #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #I4 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #T4 -#L6 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 #14 -#L6 CONTROL WIRE L996 35300 frL4 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #L4 - fi76 CONTROL WtRt 1980 3s300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #70 - #12 CoNTROL WrRE 1995 35300 #LO - #I2 CONTROL WIRI 1991 35300 #10 . #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1993 3s300 #LO - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #LO - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1991 3s300 #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #LO - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #to - #72 CoNTROL WtRE 1995 3s300 #IO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE t977 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1980 35300 #7 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 7977 35300 #L-#6 CONTROL WIRE L977 3s300 #7 - #6 CONTROL WIRE t977 3s300 #L-#6 CONTROL WIRE 7977 35300 *7 - #6 CONTROL WIRE L977 3s300 #L - *6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 4/0 coPPER CONTROL W|RE L977 35300 350 MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE t977 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.2t.2 Page 2 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl5-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 3 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on:. April27,2016 35300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE L977 35300 5OO MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE L977 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 1995 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1995 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND L977 35300 f6 COPPER GROUND MAT L977 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND MAT 1995 35300 7/L6COPPER GROUND 7977 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND L977 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 7977 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1995 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1995 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7977 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN t977 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1977 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 199s 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1977 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L977 35300 2" -3-L12" CONDUIT 1995 3s300 2" -3-l/2" CONDU|T 1977 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDU|T L977 35300 5,,CONDUIT t977 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1995 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1977 35300 sOKVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1977 3s300 L67-499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L977 35300 SWITCH - POWER FUSE 7977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME t977 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1991 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FMME 1995 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L977 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1995 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1993 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7977 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1965 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1965 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1991 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 1977 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 1977 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 7977 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 7977 3s300 LOAD CENTER, AC L977 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1995 3s300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 1991 3s300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 1995 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 7977 35300 ALARM SYSTEMS-WIRED CIRCUITS 1992 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 4 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules CABINET OR PANEL r.158.2t.2 Page 5 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 3s300 OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE L975 3s300 CHAIR 7952 35300 CHAIR 1953 3s300 CHAIR L964 35300 DESK 1931 35300 DESK 1950 35300 DESK 1961 3s300 DESK L977 35300 FILE CABINET 7977 3s300 TABLE 1952 3s300 TABLE 1954 35300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAL5 1991 3s300 PRINTER 1991 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EqUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE. CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #L4 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #LO - #12 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35200 SMOKE DETECTOR 2001 3s300 METER 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2000 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 2000 39720 M ICROWAVE, STR UCT( POLES&FIX}1998 39720 M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&F lX)1998 3s200 BUILDING HVACSYSTEM 2004 3s300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2004 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2003 3s300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2003 35300 BATTERY RACK 2003 35300 SAFEWSWITCH 2003 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 35200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 2005 35200 SUPERSTRUCTURE ROOF 2005 3s300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 2006 3s300 DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR 2006 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2006 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2005 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 2005 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 2005 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2006 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2006 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2006 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2005 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAME 2006 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2006 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2006 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2005 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2005 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 ATARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT 2006 35300 ALARM/MON ITORI NG EQUIPM ENT 2006 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 2006 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2006 3s300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERA6 2006 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2007 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2007 39740 FIBER, CARD SHELF 2007 39740 FIBER, CARD SHELF 2007 39740 FIBER, CARD UNIT 2007 39740 FIBER, CARD UNIT 2007 39740 FIBER, WIRE/CABLE 2007 39740 FIBER, WIRE/CABLE 2007 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 2008 39720 NETWORK EQ 2009 Page 6 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 39120 NETWORK EQ I 2OO9 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 2009 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2009 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2009 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2008 3s300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 2008 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP 2008 39500 OTHER LAB/RESEARCH EQUIPM ENT 2009 39500 OTHER I.AB/RESEARCH EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20t2 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 20L2 3s300 PROTECflON EQUIPMENT 20L2 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20t2 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 2007 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2007 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2007 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2007 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page 7 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2007 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2007 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EOUIP 2007 35300 COMMUN]CATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2007 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2007 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY 2007 3s300 48 VOLT BATTERY 2007 35300 BATTERY RACK 2007 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2007 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 2007 3s300 TRANSFER SWITCH 2007 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 2012 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2012 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 20L3 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2073 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT 20L4 35200 WOOD POLE - MISC 2074 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L4 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2074 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 20L4 3s300 COMM MCK/PANEL FMME 2074 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L4 3s300 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 2014 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L4 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20L4 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2014 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L4 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 7977 35300 CONTROL WIRE. tOW VOLTAGE t977 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1965 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 1977 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20L5 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2015 35300 COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADE 20L4 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2014 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 8 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on :, April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.158.21.2 Page 9 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 Borah Transmission Station FERC ACct Borah Asset Description Vintage 35011 I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS r972 35011 I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS 1983 35011 PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 7975 35011 PERMANENT LAND TMPROVEMENTS TS 1983 3s200 YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL, ETC.7975 35200 YARD SURFACING. GRAVEI- ETC.L982 3s200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL. ETC.1983 35200 SITE EXCAVATION L972 35200 SITE EXCAVATION 1983 35200 ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING L972 35200 ENGR, SURVEYING OR CONSULTING 1983 3s200 ROAD EXCAVATION 7972 35200 ROAD EXCAVATION 1983 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1975 3s200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1982 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1983 3s200 WATER WELL PUMP 1975 3s200 WATER WELL PUMP 1983 35200 WATER SYSTEM r975 35200 WATER SYSTEM 1983 35200 WATER WELL t97s 35200 WATER WELL 1983 3s200 SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL L975 3s200 SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL 1983 35200 SEWAGE DRAIN SYSTEM 7975 3s200 SEWAGE DRAIN SYSTEM 1983 35200 SEWER LINE 7975 35200 OIL CATCH BASIN L975 35200 LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE 7975 35200 LIGHT LOWERING DEVICE 1983 35200 LIGHT MAST 1975 35200 LIGHT MAST 1983 35200 LIGHT MAST, LOWER DEVICE & LIG L977 3s200 LIGHT MAsT, LOWER DEVICE & LIG 1983 35200 FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING L975 3s200 FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING 1983 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1975 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1983 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35200 BUITDING PLUMBING SYSTEM 1983 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 1983 35200 AIR CONDITIONERS &/OR COOLERS 1983 35200 EXHAUST FANS & DUCT 1983 35200 HUMIDIFIER 1983 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7975 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1983 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1975 35200 BUlLDI NG ELECTRICAL SYSTE M 1983 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7975 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1983 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7975 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTE M 1983 3s200 AIR COMPRESSOR FND 7975 35200 FOUNDATION - COMMUNICATION L975 35200 EQUIPMENT PAD L975 35200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1975 3s200 TIGHTING MAST FND 7977 35200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1983 35200 TUNNELS 1975 35200 TUNNELS 1983 3s200 CONCRETE ABOVE GROUND CABLEWAY 1975 35200 coNcRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLTDS 7975 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1982 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1983 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 7975 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND t979 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1983 35200 TREAD PLATES t982 35200 TREAD PLATES 1983 35200 UNIWALKS L975 35200 UNIWALKS 1983 3s200 METAL STRUCT - COMMUN]CATION t975 35200 HEATERS L975 35200 HEATERS 1983 35200 LIGHTING L975 35200 LIGHTING 1983 35200 WELL HOUSE (INACTIVE)7975 35200 WELL HOUSE (INACTIVE)1983 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM35200 Page l0 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,20l6 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC L975 35200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC 1983 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES t975 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 1983 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1975 35300 15KV POWER CABLE L975 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1983 35300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 1985 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 1991 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 1993 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 199s 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 7975 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE t975 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1982 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1985 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1995 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1996 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 7997 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1982 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1985 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 7977 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE t977 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 7982 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1985 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1993 3s300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 7977 35300 #74 - fr76 CONTROL WIRE L979 3s300 *74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #14 - #15 coNTROL WIRE L975 3s300 #r4 - #16 CoNTROL WrRt 7982 35300 #14 - #16 coNTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 #74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #74 - *15 CONTROL WlRt 1995 35300 *L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE L975 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page ll of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on :. April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 #14 - #15 CONTROL WrRE 7975 35300 r14 - #16 CONTROL WtRE L975 35300 #L4. #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1985 35300 #74 - #76 CONTROL WtRE 1991 35300 #L4 - #76 CONTROL WtRt 1975 3s300 #L4. #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1982 35300 #I4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 COMIAL CABLE L982 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE L982 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 1983 35300 fiLO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE L982 35300 #70 -#L2 CONTROL WtRt 1983 35300 frLO . *72 CONTROL WIRE 1985 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRE 1985 35300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL WtRE 1993 35300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WrRE 1995 3s300 #LO -#I2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #70 - #12 CoNTROL WrRE 1980 35300 #LO - fiLz CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 *LO.*12 CONTROL WIRE L982 35300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 #LO -#72 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 i7O -#72 CONTROL WIRE 7975 3s300 frLO - #12 CONTROL WrRt L975 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL WtRE L982 3s300 #10 - *72 CONTROL WrRE 1983 3s300 #LO. *T2 CONTROL WIRE 1985 35300 #7O. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1991 3s300 #LO - #12 CONTROL WIRE 1993 3s300 #7O - *L2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 frLO - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1996 3s300 #70 - #t2 CoNTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #LO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1984 35300 #7O. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 7987 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRE 1995 3s300 $10 - #L2 CoNTROL W|RE 1979 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1975 35300 #TO -*L2 CONTROL WIRE 1975 3s300 fr10 - #72 CoNTROL WtRE 7975 3s300 #to - #12 coNTRoL wrRr 1981 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page 12 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 s10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE t982 35300 #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRt 1983 3s300 frLO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #LO . #72 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 *LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE L975 35300 #7.#9 CONTROLWIRE 7975 35300 #7 - #9 CONTROT WIRE t975 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE L977 3s300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1980 35300 #7 -*9 CONTROLWIRE L982 3s300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1983 35300 #I - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1985 35300 #1 - f5 CONTROL WIRE t97S 35300 #1- #5 CONTROL WIRE 7975 35300 #L - #6 CONTROL WIRE L975 3s300 f1 . #5 CONTROL WIRE L982 35300 #L - #5 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 f1 - #5 CONTROT WIRE 1995 3s300 *L-*6 CONTROL WIRE 1982 35300 #T - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #I - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE 7975 35300 #I - #6 CONTROL WIRE 7982 35300 #L - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 fr1- #6 CONTROL WIRE 7982 3s300 fiL -*6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 f1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #1 . f6 CONTROL WIRE 1975 3s300 1/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 7975 35300 2/O COPPER CONTROL WIRE 7982 35300 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE L975 3s300 1/0 ALUM CONTROT WIRE t975 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS L982 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1983 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS L975 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 7982 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1983 35300 #4 COPPER GROUND L975 35300 #4 COPPER GROUND 1983 3s300 f5 COPPER GROUND MAT L975 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.2t.2 Page 13 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.1s8.21.2 Page l4 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on ; April27,2016 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND MAT 7982 35300 #5 COPPER GROUND MAT 1983 35300 7/16 COPPER GROUND L975 3s300 7/16 COPPER GROUND L982 35300 TIL6COPPER GROUND 1983 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND t975 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 7979 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1982 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1983 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND L975 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND L979 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1980 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1942 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1983 35300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND L975 3s300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1983 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L977 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7975 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L975 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1975 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L982 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1983 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7975 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L982 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1983 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L975 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1975 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L975 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT L975 35300 2" -3-U2" CONDU|T 1975 35300 2" -3-7/2" CONDUIr 1981 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDUTT t9a2 3s300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUIT 1983 3s300 2" -3-L/2" CONDU|T 7975 35300 2" -3-7/2" CONDU|T 1981 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDU|T L982 3s300 2" -3-t/2" CONDUTT 1983 35300 2" -3-7/2" CONDUtT L975 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT L982 35300 2" -3-712" CONDUTT 1983 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page l5 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 35300 4" CONDUIT 7975 3s300 4'' CONDUIT t979 35300 4, CONDUIT L982 35300 4" CONDUIT 1983 35300 4.'CONDUIT \982 35300 4" CONDUIT 1983 35300 5,.CONDUIT L982 35300 5'' CONDUIT 1983 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE L975 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1981 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE t982 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1983 35300 1549KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L975 3s300 1549KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L975 35300 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L975 35300 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1982 35300 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1983 35300 SWITCH - POWER FUSE L975 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME t975 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME t975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1996 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1985 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1985 35300 CONTROT RACK/PANEL FRAME 1975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7975 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L975 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7975 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1991 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 1995 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 7975 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 199s 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 199s 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 199s FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 199s 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 199s 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1991 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1991 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT L982 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 1996 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1975 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT L982 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1983 3s300 CONIROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 1995 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1993 35300 CONTROL EOUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L974 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L975 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1975 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 198s 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7975 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L977 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L977 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1982 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 198s 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1984 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.2 Page 16 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page l7 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1987 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L975 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME L975 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME t975 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME L975 35300 SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME 1983 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 1985 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT t976 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 7976 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1983 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1976 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1983 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 YARD LOCALSERV OR LOAD CENTER 7975 3s300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER L982 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 1983 3s300 48 VOLT BATTERY 1982 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY 1983 3s300 BATTERY RACK 7975 35300 BATTERY RACK 7982 35300 BATTERY RACK 1983 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC L975 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC L975 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 7982 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 1983 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC t975 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC L982 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1983 3s300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 1995 35300 VOLTAGE ALARM L975 35300 VOLTAGE ALARM 1983 35300 AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 1PH L975 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 AUXIL]ARY POWER XFMR 1PH 1983 3s300 25KVA 1 PH XFMR 1975 35300 25KVA 1 PH XFMR 1983 3s300 5OKVA 1 PH XFMR L97s 35300 sOKVA 1 PH XFMR 1983 35300 75KVA 3 PH XFMR 7975 3s300 75KVA 3 PH XFMR 1983 35300 112KVA 3 PH XFMR 7975 35300 112KVA 3 PH XFMR 1983 35300 sOOKVA 3 PH XFMR t975 3s300 sOOKVA 3 PH XFMR 1983 35300 Lt<\tA 480/240-120 VOLT XFMR 1975 3s300 tKv A 48O/ 240-120 VOLT XFM R 1983 35300 OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT 1982 3s300 OTHER METERING EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE L979 3s300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1983 35300 CHAIR 1975 35300 CHAIR 1983 35300 DESK 7975 3s300 DESK 1983 35300 FILE CABINET 1975 35300 FILE CABINET 7979 35300 FILE CABINET 1983 3s300 PRINT HOLDER 1975 3s300 PRINT HOLDER 1983 35300 TABLE 19s6 35300 TABLE 1983 35300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHEMLS 7992 3s300 INTERCOM SYSTEM 7975 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page l8 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page 19 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1999 3s200 EQUIPMENT PAD 1999 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1999 35300 #L8 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1999 35300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 2" -3-L12" CONDUIT 1999 35300 4- CONDUIT 1999 35300 AUXILLARY GENERATOR 1999 3s300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 1999 3s300 AIARM/MONITORI NG EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL5 1999 3s300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 1999 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1999 35300 #74 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WlRt 1999 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2000 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2000 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2000 35300 SAFETY SWITCH 2000 39720 M rcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FlX)1998 39720 M ICROWAVE, STR UCT( POLES&FIX)1998 39720 MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT 1998 39720 MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT 1998 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 200L 35200 SMOKE DETECTOR 200L 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2000 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1998 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2003 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2003 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2003 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2003 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2003 3s300 MDF BOARD FOR COMMUNICATIONS 2003 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2003 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2003 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2003 3s300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2003 35300 CONTACTOR 2003 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2004 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2005 35300 DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR 2005 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 2007 35300 BARRIER. FENCE, EQUIP PROT 2007 35300 GRATING 2007 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERA6 2007 3s300 AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH 2007 35300 ALARM/MONITORI NG EQUIPMENT 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2008 39740 FIBER, CARD SHELF 2008 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page20 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-l 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.158.21.2 Page2l of69 Version 0-0.2 Effective: Filed on :, April27,2016 39740 FIBER, CARD UNIT 2008 39740 FIBER, WIRE/CABLE 2008 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE zooT 3s300 GROUND]NG AND FITTINGS 2007 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2007 39120 NETWORK EQ 2009 39120 NETWORK EQ 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2008 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2008 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2008 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACVPANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY 2009 39720 M ICROWAVE, BATTERY CHARGER 2009 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2009 3s300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2009 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 2009 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 20LO 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2017 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L7 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 LARGE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2077 3s300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 207L 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L2 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2072 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2072 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2072 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L2 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2012 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 20L2 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2072 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L2 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2072 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L2 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2072 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L2 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2072 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2010 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2010 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20LO 35300 CONTROL WIRE - tOW VOLTAGE 2070 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 20LO 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEt FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEt FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 20L0 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L0 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20\0 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L0 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LO 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2070 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2010 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20to Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.2t.2 Page 22 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.2 Page 23 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 2070 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2070 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 20L0 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAME 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L2 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2072 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2072 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2072 3s300 TARGE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2072 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2012 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2008 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2008 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2008 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2008 35300 PROTECTION EOUIPMENT 2008 3s300 PROTECflON EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 2072 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 2073 35300 STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS 20t3 36600 PAD-3PH SECT ENCLOSURE- PRIMAR 20L3 36600 VAULT BASE SECTION 2073 36600 VAULT TOP SECTION 20L3 36600 CONDUIT DUST-DIRECT BURIAL.PRI 2073 36700 UG CONDUCTOR-PRIMARY 15KV 2013 35700 SECT ENCLOSURE 3PH . PRIMARY 20L3 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L3 39720 M lcRowAVE, STR UCT(POLES&FrX)2072 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2012 39720 MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE 20L2 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2015 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2075 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 20L5 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY CHARGER 2074 39740 FIBER, CARD UNIT 2075 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L2 3s300 CIP SECURIW SYSTEM 2074 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2014 3s200 FOUNDATION . COMMUNICATION 20L2 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.158.2t.2 Page24 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 Hemingway Transmission Station FERC Acct Heminsway Asset DescriDtion Vintaee 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 207t 35200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 20L0 3s200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 20L0 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 25 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 35200 WATER SYSTEM 2070 35200 WATER WELL 2010 35200 COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM 2010 35200 YARD LIGHTSYSTEM 20LO 35200 FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING 2010 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 2010 35200 BUILDING PLUMBING SYSTEM 20ro 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 2070 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 20LO 35200 BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION 2010 3s200 FOUNDATION - STRUCTURE 2010 35200 FOUNDATION . OTHER EQUIPMENT 20LO 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 2070 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2010 35200 METAL STRUCT - OTHER SUPPORT 20L0 35200 METAL STRUCT - EQUIPMENT 2070 35200 WOOD POLE - MISC 2010 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2010 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2010 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 20t0 35300 CABLE TRAY AN D ACCESSORIES 2070 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 20LO 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 20to 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 20LO 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 20LO 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2010 35300 INSUI.ATORS - PIN OR POST 2010 35300 BUS. RIGID WITH FITTINGS 20LO 35300 STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS 2070 35300 STN POWER CABLE AND FITTINGS 20LO 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20LO 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2010 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 20to 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20LO 35300 75KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 2070 35300 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 2010 3s300 SWITCH - POWER FUSE 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 CONTROL RACK/PAN E L FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20LO 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAME 20L0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20ro 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20t0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAME 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EOUIPMENT 2070 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2070 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.2t.2 Page26 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35300 METERING E Page27 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apnl27,2016 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 20t0 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L0 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 20to 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L0 35300 COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 COMM MCK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 DISTANCE / TAUIT LOCATOR 20to 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LO 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 YARD LOCAT SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2010 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2010 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2070 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2010 3s300 48 VOLT BATTERY 2010 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2070 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2010 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 2070 35300 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 2010 3s300 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 2010 35300 BOX, CABINET OR PANEL 2070 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 20L0 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 MISC OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2070 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L7 35200 WOOD POLE - MISC 2073 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2013 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2013 35300 GROUNDING AND FIfiINGS 2013 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2013 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20t3 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L3 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2013 3s200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 2014 3s300 BUILDING SECURIW SYSTEM 20L4 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 397LO TELEPHONE, VOICE TERMINALS 2074 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2014 39740 FIBER, WIRE/CABLE 20L4 35300 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 2073 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.2t.2 Page 28 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 Kinport Transmission Station FERC Acct Kinport Asset Description VintaSe 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS L970 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS 7972 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS 1976 35200 RETAINING WALLS t972 3s200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 7972 3s200 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS-CULVERTS, ETC L972 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEI" ETC.7972 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.L976 3s200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.7979 35200 SITE EXCAVATION L972 35200 BLACKTOP 7972 3s200 GRAVEL 7972 35200 GRAVEL \976 35200 CULVERTS 7972 35200 ROAD EXCAVATION t972 35200 ROAD REGRADING 1984 35200 CONCRETE WALK 1980 3s200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES L976 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES L992 3s200 WATER WELL PUMP 1976 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35200 WATER SYSTEM L976 35200 WATER WELL 7976 35200 COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM L976 35200 WATER STOMGE RESERVOIR 7976 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 7976 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1980 3s200 YARD TIGHTSYSTEM 1992 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 7976 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1980 3s200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 7976 35200 LIGHT STANDARD 7976 3s200 LIGHT STANDARD 1992 35200 FOUNDATION . CONDENSER BLDG 1980 35200 FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING L976 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING L976 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1980 3s200 COMPLETE CONDENSER CNTRL BLDG 1980 35200 COMPLETE CONDENSER CNTRL BLDG 1980 3s200 PIPING FOR PLUMBING L976 35200 SHOWER 7976 35200 WATER HEATER t975 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 7976 3s200 HEATER & AIR COND]TIONER COMBI 1980 35200 HEATER & AIR CONDITIONER COMBI 1980 35200 AIR CONDITIONER TRANSFORMER 1980 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM t976 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM t976 3s200 BUILDING LI6HT FIXTURE 1980 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1980 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM L976 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1980 3s200 D.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE L976 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1976 35200 CATWALK FND L976 3s200 FOUNDATION - COMMUNICATION L976 35200 COMMUNICATION BOX FND 7976 35200 EQUIPMENT PAD 1980 35200 OUTDOOR CABINET FND 1993 35200 FOUNDATION - METAL CI.AD 7976 35200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1992 35200 TUNNELS 7976 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.158.21.2 Page29 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS t976 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1981 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 1992 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND t979 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1980 35200 CONDUIT UNDER GROUND CABLEWAY 1981 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1981 35200 UNIWALKS 7976 35200 CONCRETE MAN HOLE WCOVER 1981 35200 CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER L992 3s200 CABLE RISER SUPPORT 1976 35200 CATWALK STRUCTURE t976 3s200 METAL STRUCT - COMMUNICATION L976 3s200 STATIC BAR SUPPORT STRUCTURE 1976 3s200 WELL HOUSE (INACTIVE)1976 35200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC L976 3s200 HEATERS t976 35200 LIGHTING L976 3s200 PLUMBING 1976 3s300 BARRIER - FIRE, SWITCHING, ETC L976 35300 HANDRAIL 1976 35300 GRATING L976 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 7976 35300 2/O AWG CONDUCTOR COPPER 1985 35300 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 1981 35300 266.8 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 1976 3s300 336.4 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM L976 35300 397.5 MCM CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 7976 3s300 15KV POWER CABLE t976 3s300 15KV POWER CABLE 1976 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1980 3s300 15KV POWER CABLE L976 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE L976 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE r976 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1991 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRt 1995 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1976 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1980 3s300 #78 - #L9 CONTROL WIRE 1981 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 30 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 CONCRETE ABOVE GROUND CABLEWAY 797635200 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1986 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1990 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1991 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE L992 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1993 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 199s 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1995 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 1997 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #78 - fiLg CONTROL WlRt 7992 35300 f18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 7976 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 7979 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1991 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE t992 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 7976 3s300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 7979 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WlRt 1982 3s300 *14 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 7976 3s300 #14 - #16 CONTROL WlRt 7979 35300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #14 -#16 CONTROL WlRt 1995 35300 #L4.#L6 CONTROL WIRE 1992 35300 #14 - #L6 CONTROL WlRt t976 35300 *74 - #16 CONTROL WIRE t979 3s300 #74 -#L6 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #74. #L5 CONTROL WIRE 1992 3s300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #14 -#t5 CoNTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 #14. #L5 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #74 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #74 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 7996 3s300 #74 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1990 35300 *14 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 #74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 3s300 fi]^4.*L6 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #L4 -#L6 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 *I4. #L5 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 frI4 -#L6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #14 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1990 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 7976 Idaho Power CompanY FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page3l of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRE t976 3s300 #LO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #LO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #LO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 7992 3s300 #70 -#72 CONTROL WtRE 1996 35300 #70 -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #LO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WrRE 1990 3s300 #70 - #12 CONTROL W|RE 1991 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL WIRE 1992 3s300 #10 - #72 CoNTROL WrRE 1995 3s300 fito - #12 CoNTROL WtRE 7979 35300 #LO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 #10 - #12 CONTROL WrRE 1995 35300 frIO -*L2 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 #LO. #72 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #70 - #12 CONTROL WrRE 1981 3s300 #to - #72 CoNTROL W|RE 1981 35300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRE 1991 3s300 #LO - #!2 CONTROL WIRE 1992 3s300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRE 1996 35300 fr70 -#72 CONTROL WtRE 1980 35300 frLO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE L992 35300 #70 - #72 CONTROL WtRt 1976 35300 #10 - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1992 35300 #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #70 - #12 coNTROL WrRE 1981 35300 #t0 -#L2 CoNTROL WtRt L984 35300 #TO - fiL2 CONTROL WIRE L987 3s300 #\O - #12 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #1O -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 7979 35300 #10 -#72 coNTROL WrRE L976 3s300 *TO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 #LO -#I2 CONTROL WIRE 1991 35300 #tO - fiLz CONTROL WIRE 7992 35300 #10 - #72 coNTROL WrRE 1995 3s300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1996 35300 #10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE L976 3s300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #LO -#72 CONTROL WIRE 1981 3s300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 7976 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page32 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 33 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 35300 #LO -#72 CONTROL WIRE 3s300 fr7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1981 35300 #7.#9 CONTROLWIRE 7976 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE L979 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1983 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE L976 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1980 35300 *7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1983 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1981 35300 *7 -*9 CONTROTWIRE 1980 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE L992 35300 #I - fi6 CONTROL WIRE 1976 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #1- #6 CONTROL WIRE 1980 3s300 f1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 #L. #6 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 #L - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1976 35300 #1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE 7992 35300 f1- #6 CONTROL WIRE t975 3s300 #1- #6 CONTROL WIRE 7979 3s300 #I. #6 CONTROL WIRE t992 35300 1/O ALUM CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 250 MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE 7976 35300 250 MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE t976 3s300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 7976 35300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 7976 35300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE 7976 35300 750 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 1OOO MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 1/O ALUM CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 1995 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 1996 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 7992 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS L976 35300 #5 COPPER GROUND MAT L976 3s300 fi5 COPPER GROUND MAT 1980 3s300 #5 COPPER GROUND MAT 7992 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 #7 COPPER GROUND 7976 3s300 7/16 COPPER GROUND 1976 35300 216 COPPER GROUND 7992 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 7976 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1979 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1980 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1981 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 7984 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1985 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 7987 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1992 3s300 4/O ALUMINUM GROUND L976 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 7976 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND L979 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1980 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1981 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 7992 3s300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1976 3s300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1980 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7979 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN t976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN t992 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN !976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7979 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1980 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1979 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 35300 2" -3-U2" CONDUTT 1976 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 1976 35300 2" -3-U2" CONDUIT L992 3s300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUTT 7992 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 34 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 3s300 2" -3-t/2" CONDUIT Page 35 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 35300 4'' CONDUIT 1976 35300 4'' CONDUIT 7979 35300 4'' CONDUIT L992 35300 4'' CONDUIT L976 35300 5.'CONDUIT t979 35300 5" CONDUIT L992 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE L992 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 7976 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1981 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE L992 3s300 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1980 3s300 5OO.1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1980 35300 UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L982 3s300 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR L976 35300 15-49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1992 35300 167-499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1981 35300 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1973 35300 5OO-1499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1981 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1976 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAM E 7976 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 3s300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 3s300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1980 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7992 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME t976 3s300 CONTROL RACK,/PANEL FRAME 7997 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1991 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L975 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1990 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 1980 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1980 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME !976 3s300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANET 7979 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PAN EL FRAM E L979 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1992 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 7992 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1996 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1990 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT L992 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1990 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS L996 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1976 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1990 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1990 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 36 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27, 2016 3s300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL FERC Docket No. ER1 6-1507-000 35300 AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1986 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1993 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1997 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L976 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L976 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7976 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1976 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L972 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1976 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L979 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1984 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1987 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1981 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1986 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1990 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1990 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1991 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1990 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1992 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L992 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1996 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.2 Page37 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT L992 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 1976 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME L976 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER L976 3s300 JUNCTION BOX 1980 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER \997 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY L997 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 7976 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 1980 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 7976 35300 LOAD CENTER. DC L992 3s300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR L992 35300 41- 1OO AMP CIR BRKR !992 3s300 3 POLE DISCONNECT L976 35300 3 POLE DISCONNECT 1980 35300 3 POLE DISCONNECT L997 35300 CONTACTOR 1976 35300 VOLTAGE ALARM 1976 35300 AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 1PH 7976 35300 1OOKVA 1 PH XFMR L976 35300 AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH 1976 3s300 sOOKVA 3 PH XFMR 7976 35300 45KV 480 VOLTXFMR 1976 35300 3OKV 480 VOLT XFMR 1976 35300 EVENTS RECORDER (INACTIVE)1982 35300 ALARM SYSTEMS-WIRED CIRCUITS L992 3s300 SPECIAL METERING COMPUTER t976 3s300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1989 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE L982 3s300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1982 35300 CHAIR 7976 35300 CHAIR 1981 35300 DESK 1976 3s300 DESK t952 35300 DESK 1953 3s300 DESK 1980 35300 FILE CABINET L979 35300 FILE CABINET 7976 35300 FILE CABINET L979 35300 FILE CABINET 1980 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35300 SCADA Page 38 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on: April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 DRAFTING TABLE t947 35300 DRAFTING TABLE 1950 3s300 TABLE t976 3s300 TABLE 7949 35300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAL5 199s 3s300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 1995 3s300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 1992 3s300 INTERCOM SYSTEM t976 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL W|RE 1999 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1999 35300 fiL4 - #t6 CONTROL WlRt 1999 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUI PMENT 1999 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1999 3s200 EQUIPMENT PAD 1999 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1999 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1999 35300 AUXILLARY GENERATOR 1999 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1999 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1999 3s300 SAFEW SWITCH 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, STRUCT( POLES&FIX)1998 39720 MtcRowAVE, STRUCT(POLES&FlX)1998 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 2000 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 2007 35200 SMOKE DETECTOR 2007 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 39 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on :, April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1999 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1999 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2002 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2002 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2002 35300 SWITCHBOARD RACK OR PANEL 200t 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2001 3s300 ALARM/MONITORI NG EQUIPMENT 2001 3s300 ALARM/MON ITORI NG EQU I PM E NT 2001 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1998 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1998 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1998 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1998 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2001 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FMME 2001 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2001 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT 200L 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 200L 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 200r 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 tr18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 2001 3s300 #LO - fi72 CONTROL WIRE 2001 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2001 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2001 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2001 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2007 39710 TELEPHONE, CARD UNIT 200L 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2004 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2004 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2004 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2004 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD SHELF 2004 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 2004 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2004 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2005 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2005 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.2 Page 40 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No- ERI 5-1507-000 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 200s 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2005 3s300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2005 3s300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2006 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2005 35300 SAFEW SWITCH 2006 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2006 3s300 SAFEW SWITCH 2005 35300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 MISCTEST EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2007 3s300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 2007 35300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 2007 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY 2007 39730 BASE STATION, MISC EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 2008 3s200 METAL STRUCT - COMMUNICATION 2007 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 35300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2007 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 2009 3s200 FOUNDATION . OTHER EQUIPMENT 2008 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2008 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 4l of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2009 3s300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2009 35300 BATTERY RACK 2009 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2009 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 2017 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 2077 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2077 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 2077 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 20L7 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 20lL 39720 MICROWAVE, ANTENNA 2017 39720 MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE 20!L 39720 MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE 20L7 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2071 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 20L7 3s300 I.ARGE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE zo77 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2070 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20to 3s300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L0 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules L158.2t.2 Page 42 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.2 Page 43 of69 Version 0.0.2 3s300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2010 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20ro 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20to 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2070 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 20LO 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 3s300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2010 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2010 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 20L2 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2008 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2008 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2002 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L3 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 20L3 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20L3 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L3 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L3 3s200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 2073 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Filed on : April 27,2016 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 20L3 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2073 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2013 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2013 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2073 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L3 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 20L3 3s300 5OKVA TOCAL SERVICE XFMR 2013 35300 SWITCH - POWER FUSE 2013 3s300 CONTROT RACK/PAN EL FRAME 2013 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANE L FRAM E 2013 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2073 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L3 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L3 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2013 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2013 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FMME 2073 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L3 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2073 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2013 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L3 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2013 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20\3 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20L3 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2013 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 20L3 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 2013 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 20t3 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2073 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2013 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20t3 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2073 3s300 BATTERY RACK 20L3 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2073 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 20L3 35200 SUPERSTRUCTURE ROOF 20L3 3s200 COMPLETE CONDENSER CNTRL BLDG 20L3 35200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 2073 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTE M 20L3 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 20t3 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2074 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page 44 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2014 r.r58.21.2 Page 45 of 69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 35300 COMM MCK/PANEL FRAME 20L4 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L4 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE r976 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1998 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1998 35300 COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME 7976 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20L4 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L4 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L4 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2014 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20t4 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2074 35300 COMMON ASSET.KPRT REPI.ACE FAILING SEQUENCE OF EVENT RECORDER 2015 3s300 KINPORT - CIP PHYSICAL SECURITY 2074 35300 KINPORT . COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADE 2014 39710 JIM BRIDGER RAS UPGRADE (ANALOG TO DIGITAL). KINPORT 20t4 39740 JIM BRIDGER RAS UPGRADE (ANALOG TO DIGITAL)- KINPORT 20L4 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1991 M idooint Transmission Station FERC Acct Midpoint Asset Description Vintage 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.1988 39740 FIBER, WIRE/CABLE 2009 35011 LAND OWNED IN FEE TS 1965 35011 I-AND OWNED IN FEE TS t976 35011 I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS 1980 35011 I.AND OWNED IN FEE TS 1988 35011 PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 1966 35011 PERMANENT LAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 7976 35011 PERMANENT IAND IMPROVEMENTS TS 1980 3s200 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS-CULVERTS, ETC 1988 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEI- ETC.1955 35200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.1966 3s200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL ETC.L977 35200 YARD SURFACING. GRAVEL, ETC.1980 3s200 YARD SURFACING - GRAVEL, ETC.1981 35200 PARKING CHOCKS 1988 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 35200 DRAIN ROCK 1980 3s200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1955 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 7977 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1980 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1981 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1983 3s200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 1988 35200 WATER WELL PUMP t977 3s200 WATER WELL PUMP 1988 35200 WATER SYSTEM 1988 35200 WATER WELL 7977 35200 WATER WELL 1988 3s200 COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM 1988 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1965 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1977 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1981 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 1988 35200 LIGHT STANDARD 1955 35200 LIGHT STANDARD 1966 3s200 FOUNDATION - STATION BUILDING 1965 3s200 FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING 1983 3s200 FOUNDATION . STATION BUILDING 1988 3s200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1965 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1983 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1983 3s200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1983 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 1988 35200 EYE WASH STATION 1983 35200 EYE WASH STATION 1988 35200 WATER HEATER 1988 3s200 BUILDING HVAC SYSTEM 1988 35200 EXHAUST FANS & DUCT 1955 3s200 EXHAUST FANS & DUCT 1988 35200 HEATER & AIR CONDITIONER COMBI 1992 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1983 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1988 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1980 35200 JUNCTION BOX MEDIUM OR LARGE 1983 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1980 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1983 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35200 MANHOLES & GRATES t.158.21.2 Page 46 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1988 35200 D.C. EMERGENCY FIXTURE 1983 35200 BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1983 35200 BUI LDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1988 35200 LOCAL SERVICE FND 1980 35200 LOCAL SERVICE TRANSFORMER FND 1988 35200 AIR COMPRESSOR FND L976 35200 345KVXFMR, REG, REACTOR FND 1983 3s200 CULVERTS 1981 35200 EQUIPMENT PAD 1988 35200 OUTDOOR CABINET FND 1988 3s200 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING FND 196s 35200 SPILL GAP SUPPORT FND 1988 35200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1965 3s200 LIGHTING MAST FND 1966 35200 YARD MONUMENT MARK (INACflVE)1955 3s200 YARD MONUMENT MARK (INACTIVE)L966 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 7976 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1988 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 1988 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 1955 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS L976 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1980 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 1981 35200 CONCRETE UNDER GROUND CABLEWAY 1981 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND L976 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND L979 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 1980 35200 CROSSOVER TRENCH 1981 35200 TREAD PLATES 1981 35200 CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER 1955 3s200 LOCAL SERVICE STRUCTU RE 1980 35200 LOCAT SERVICE STRUCTU RE 1988 35200 OUTDOOR CABINETSUP STR 1988 3s200 SPILL GAP SUPPORT STRUCTURE 1988 35200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC 1965 35200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC 7976 3s200 TOOL SHED, MAINT BLDG, ETC 1988 3s300 BARRIER - FIRE, SWITCHING, ETC 1988 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 1983 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.158.2t.2 Page47 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 35300 4-7KV PIN/POST INSULATORS t976 35300 3/8 STATIC WIRE 7964 3s300 3/8 STATIC WIRE 1965 35300 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER L976 3s300 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 1988 35300 350 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 1983 35300 8 SHIELD, 7 STMND ALUM 1981 3s300 3" -3-314" ALUM TUBE 1983 35300 15KV POWER CABLE 1983 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE L976 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 1976 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 7993 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 1995 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1995 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #t8 - #L9 CONTROL WIRE 1989 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WIRE 7976 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1981 35300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WrRE 1983 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRt 1989 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1990 3s300 f18 - f19 CONTROL WtRE 1992 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 7994 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1995 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1996 3s300 #18 - f19 CONTROL WrRr 1980 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1981 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1983 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1989 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1990 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1993 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1996 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRE 1980 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1981 35300 #18. #19 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1990 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WtRt 1993 35300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE L994 3s300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WrRE 1995 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 48 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on :. April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 49 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 3s300 s18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #14.#L5 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 3s300 *L4 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 1989 35300 #74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #I4 - *L6 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #L4 - fiL6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #14 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1989 35300 #L4 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #74 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 199s 3s300 #74 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 1996 35300 #t4 - *76 CONTROL WlRt 1976 35300 #I4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE t976 35300 #74 - #16 CONTROL WIRE 1955 35300 #L4. fiL6 CONTROL W]RE 1955 35300 #74 - #L5 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 *74 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #L4 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #14 - #L6 CONTROL WIRE 1989 35300 #L4 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 7976 35300 #L4 - #76 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 1955 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 1980 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 1981 35300 #L0 - #12 CONTROL WlRt 1988 3s300 #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #70 - #t2 CoNTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #LO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1989 35300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 7992 3s300 #LO - #I2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #LO - *L2 CONTROL WIRE 1989 3s300 frLO - #12 CONTROL WIRE 1993 35300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 *LO . #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1965 35300 #7O - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1965 3s300 #70 - #12 CONTROL WlRt 1966 3s300 #10 - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #IO -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1981 3s300 frLO - #I2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #70 - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1989 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 35300 *70 - #72 CONTROT WIRE Page 50 of69 Version 0.0.2 E{fective: Filed on : April27,20l6 3s300 #70 -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #70 -#72 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #70 -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #7O. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 s10 - #12 CONTROL W|RE 1989 35300 fr70 - fi12 CoNTROL WtRE 1980 35300 #TO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 *to - #t2 coNTRoL wtRE 1988 35300 #to - *72 CoNTROL WtRE 1989 35300 #70 - #72 CONTROL W|RE 1990 3s300 *70 - #L2 CONTROL WtRE 1995 3s300 *70 - fi72 CONTROL WrRt 1995 35300 #IO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 #70 - #12 CoNTROL WtRE 1980 35300 #10 - #72 CONTROL W|RE 1988 35300 tr70 -#L2 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE 1965 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1965 3s300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1966 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWTRE 1988 35300 #7 - *9 CONTROL WIRE 1988 3s300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1988 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 fi7 .#9 CONTROL WIRE 1966 3s300 #7 - f9 CONTROL WIRE 1980 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1981 35300 #7 - #9 CONTROL WIRE 1965 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1966 35300 fi7 -#9 CONTROTWTRE 1980 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1981 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 7966 35300 #7 -#9 CONTROLWIRE 1988 3s300 #7 -*9 CONTROTWTRE 1965 3s300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE 1992 35300 f1 . #6 CONTROL WIRE 1995 3s300 #7 - fi6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 3s300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE 7976 3s300 #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE 1980 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE L976 35300 #7 -fr6 CONTROLWIRE 1981 3s300 f1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #T - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 #L - *6 CONTROL WIRE 1977 35300 #I - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1965 35300 #1 - f6 CONTROL WIRE 1966 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1968 35300 f1 . f5 CONTROL WIRE L976 3s300 #7. #6 CONTROL WIRE 1981 35300 *7 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 #L - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1992 35300 #1 - #5 CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 1/O ALUM CONTROL WIRE 7976 3s300 1/O AI.UM CONTROLWIRE 1980 35300 1/O ALUM CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 1/O COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1988 3s300 1/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 1995 35300 2/O COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1955 35300 2/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 2/O COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 3/0 coPPER CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 4/O COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 250 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1988 35300 350 MCM ALUM CONTROLWIRE L976 35300 350 MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1983 3s300 5OO MCM COPPER CONTROL WIRE 1983 35300 5OO MCM ALUM CONTROL WIRE 1965 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 1988 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 1988 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE . LOW VOLTAGE 1995 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 1996 35300 S1 COPPER GROUND 1965 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1980 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1981 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS t976 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1996 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1965 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1966 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 1976 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 5l of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND I PTC 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND 7976 3s300 #5 COPPER GROUND 1981 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND MAT t976 35300 f6 COPPER GROUND MAT 1980 35300 #5 COPPER GROUND MAT 1981 3s300 #5 COPPER GROUND MAT 1988 35300 f6 COPPER GROUND MAT 1989 35300 1/4 COPPER GROUND 1980 3s300 7/16 COPPER GROUND 7976 35300 7/15 COPPER GROUND 1980 3s300 7/16 COPPER GROUND 1981 35300 9/16 COPPER GROUND 1988 3s300 1/O COPPER GROUND 1988 35300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1980 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1981 3s300 2/O COPPER GROUND 1989 35300 4/O COPPER GROUND 1988 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1965 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1972 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 7976 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1980 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1981 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1983 3s300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND 1989 35300 350 MCM COPPER GROUND 1983 35300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1965 35300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 7965 35300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1983 3s300 5OO MCM COPPER GROUND 1988 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1955 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1983 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1965 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN t976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.21.2 Page 52 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1965 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1983 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1955 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1980 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7966 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN L976 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 7976 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1980 35300 CONDUIT & FIfiINGS ABOVE GROUN 1980 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1981 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 1988 3s300 2" -3-!12" CONDU|T 1976 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDU|T 1980 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDU|T 1981 3s300 2" -3-712" CONDU|T 1988 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDU|T 1980 3s300 2" -3-L/2" CONDU|T 1965 3s300 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 1988 3s300 2" -3-L/2" CONDU|T 1965 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDUTT 7976 3s300 2" - 3-L12" CONDU|T 1988 3s300 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 1976 3s300 2" -3-t/2" CONDU|T 1980 35300 2" -3-L/2" CONDUIT 1981 35300 2" -3-L12" CONDUTT 1983 35300 2" -3-712" CONDU|T 1980 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDU|T 1981 35300 2" -3-u2" CONDU|T 1983 35300 2" -3-7/2" CONDUIT 1988 35300 4" CONDUIT 1965 35300 4'' CONDUIT L976 35300 4.'CONDUIT 1979 3s300 4" CONDUIT 1980 35300 4'' CONDUIT 1981 3s300 4" CONDUIT 1989 3s300 4'' CONDUIT 1980 3s300 4" CONDUIT 1989 3s300 5'' CONDUIT 1965 3s300 5" CONDUIT 1981 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 53 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ER16-1507-000 3s300 6'' CONDUIT 1988 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1988 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1988 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1988 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1988 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1976 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1980 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1981 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1983 3s300 25KVA 34KV GRND XFMR 1988 35300 UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1980 35300 UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1988 35300 75KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1983 35300 1OO-165KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1983 3s300 1OO-166KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1988 35300 167-499KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 1981 3s300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 1988 3s300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGUI.ATOR 1988 35300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 1991 35300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGULATOR 1988 35300 35KV OR LESS 1 PH REGUI.ATOR 1988 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME L976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1989 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1955 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1965 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1965 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1996 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANE L FRAM E 1965 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 7976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME L976 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 1980 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1983 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1989 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1989 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1989 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 1995 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1996 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1993 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 54 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.2t.2 Page 55 of69 Version 0.0.2 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME I 1993 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1955 3s300 CONTROT RACK/PANEL FRAME 1976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1995 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1996 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 7976 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1988 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1988 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1989 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL5 1996 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERAL5 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1981 3s300 PROTEfiION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 7994 3s300 AI.ARM/MONITORING EqUI PMENT L994 35300 AI.ARM/MON ITORI NG EQU I PM ENT 1993 3s300 AI.ARM/MONITORI NG EQU I PM ENT 1981 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1994 3s300 AI.ARM/MONITO RING EQU I PM E NT 1994 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUI PMENT 1989 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1989 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 1989 35300 PROTECTION EOUIPMENT 1989 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1989 Filed on : April2T ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1993 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 1993 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1982 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1984 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 196s 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1965 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1955 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 7976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT L976 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1976 3s300 CONTROL EQUlPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1981 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1980 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1984 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1983 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1989 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1993 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1993 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1995 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1996 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1996 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1989 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 1985 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 1981 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 56 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 57 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 3s300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 1990 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1991 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 1990 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 1965 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 1983 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 1984 35300 OIL STORAGE TANKS 1988 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 1956 3s300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 1983 3s300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 1988 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC L976 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 1980 35300 LOAD CENTER, AC 1981 35300 IOAD CENTER, AC 1983 3s300 LOAD CENTER, AC 1988 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1965 3s300 LOAD CENTER, DC t976 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 7979 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1981 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1983 35300 LOAD CENTER, DC 1995 3s300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 1989 35300 10 - 40 AMP CIR BRKR 1995 3s300 47 - LOO AMP CIR BRKR 1992 35300 3 POLE DISCONNECT 1988 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 1990 35300 ALARM SYSTEMS-WIRED CIRCUITS 1992 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1968 3s300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1938 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1981 35300 MISC OFFICE FURNITURE 1981 35300 CRT/ MONITOR 1954 35300 CHAIR L976 3s300 CHAIR 1956 35300 CHAIR 1968 3s300 CHAIR t974 35300 CHAIR L974 35300 CHAIR L975 35300 DESK L975 35300 DESK 1950 35300 FILE CABINET L976 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 FILE CABINET 7934 35300 FILE CABINET 1966 35300 DRAFTING TABLE L975 35300 TABLE 1938 35300 TABLE 1968 35300 HYDROGEN ANALYZER 1988 3s300 LOCKER 1954 35300 MODEM 1988 35300 VACUUM GAUGE 1988 35300 VISE 1984 35300 SIGN 1988 3s300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 1992 3s300 PRINTER 1988 35300 PRINTER 1989 35300 PRINTER 1992 35300 PRINTER 7992 35300 INTERCOM SYSTEM r976 39720 MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, PANEL UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, RADIO 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 39720 MICROWAVE, CARD UNIT 1999 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1999 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 1999 35200 OUTDOOR CABINET FND 1999 35300 #78. #L9 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #14 - #!6 CONTROL WtRE 1999 3s300 #10 - #72 CONTROL WtRE 1999 35300 #1 - #6 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 #6 COPPER GROUND MAT 1999 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 58 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 250 MCM COPPER GROUND I 1999 35300 4'' CONDUIT 1999 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 1999 3s300 #10 - #72 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUI PMENT 1999 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 1999 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 1999 35300 #18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 1999 3s300 #LO - #L2 CONTROL WIRE 1999 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2001 39720 MICROWAVE, BATTERY 2000 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2000 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2007 3s300 fiLO - #72 CONTROL WIRE 2007 35300 COAXIAL CABLE 2001 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2007 3s300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERATS 2001 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 200t 35200 SMOKE DETECTOR 200L 35200 CEMENT WALL (FENCE)1998 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1998 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 1998 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 1998 3s300 ALARM/MONITORING EQUIPMENT 2002 35300 SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME 2002 35300 SCADA RAC(/PANEL FRAME 2002 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2002 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2002 3s300 SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME 2002 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2002 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2002 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2002 35300 2/0 AWG CONDUCTOR COPPER 2002 3s300 250 MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 2002 35300 5OO MCM CONDUCTOR COPPER 2002 3s300 f18 - #19 CONTROL WIRE 2002 35300 #74 - *L6 CONTROL WIRE 2002 35300 #LO. #L2 CONTROL WIRE 2002 35300 f6 COPPER GROUND 2002 3s300 2" -3-7/2" CONDUlr 2002 3s300 4'' CONDUIT 2002 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 59 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2004 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2004 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2004 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEI FRAME 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2004 3972A MICROWAVE, RADIO 2005 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 2005 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2005 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2005 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2005 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 200s 35300 METERING EQUIPMENT 200s 35300 METER 2005 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2004 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2004 35300 BATTERY RACK 2004 3s300 SAFETY SWITCH 2004 35200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2005 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2005 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2006 35300 COMPUTER AND PERIPHERA6 2006 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2005 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2005 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY 2005 35300 BATTERY RACK 2005 3s300 SAFEW SWITCH 2006 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.21.2 Page 60 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2002 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 3s200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 3s200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 3s200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 35300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 2007 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2006 35300 BARRIER - FENCE, EQUIP PROT 2006 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2006 3s300 CONTROT RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2005 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2006 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2006 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2006 3s300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 2006 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2006 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2006 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2005 35300 AI.ARM/MONITORING EQUIPM ENT 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2007 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL MCIVPANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANET FRAME 2007 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FMME 2007 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 ALARM/MONITORI NG EQUIPM ENT 2007 3s300 ALARM/MON ITORING EQU I PM E NT 2007 3s300 SCADA MCK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2007 35300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 2007 35300 SCADA COMPUTER AND PERIPHERALS 2007 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.21.2 Page6l of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,20l6 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2007 35300 DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR 2007 3s300 DISTANCE / FAULT LOCATOR 2007 35300 COMMUN]CATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EqUIP 2007 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 3s300 coMMUNTCATTONS EQUTP 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 IT8 VOIT BATTERY CHARGER 2007 3s300 48 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2007 35300 II8 VOLT BATTERY 2007 35300 48 VOLT BATTERY 2007 35300 BATTERY RACK 2007 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2007 35300 BATTERY RACK 2007 3s300 BATTERY RACK 2007 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2007 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2007 35300 TMNSFER SWITCH 2007 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 2007 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2008 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2008 397LO TELEPHONE, MISC EQUIPMENT 2009 39740 FIBER, MISC EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 CONTROT WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2009 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2009 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2006 35200 SUPERSTRUCTURE ROOF 2009 3s300 CONTROLWIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20LO 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20LO 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2070 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSU RE 20LO 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2009 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2009 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2009 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME3s300 Page 62 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27 ,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 3s300 BUS - CONDUCTOR WITH FITTINGS 20LO 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20LO 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2070 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 2010 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2009 3s300 COAXIAL CABLE 2009 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2009 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2009 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2070 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 20ro 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2070 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L0 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2017 35300 COAXlAL CABLE 20tL 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2017 3s300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 2071 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20LO 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20LO 35200 CONCRETE MAN HOLE WCOVER 2010 3s200 CONCRETE MAN HOLE W/COVER 20L0 3s300 COMPOSITE CABLE. LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 20to 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 20L0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20to 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO r.158.21.2 Page 63 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: on: April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ER15-1507-000 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2070 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 2010 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 2010 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 20LO 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 2010 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 2010 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 20LO 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LO 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LO 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 3s300 coMMUNTCAT|ONS EQUTP 20LO 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EOUIP 20LO 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35200 COMPLETE STATION BUILDING 2017 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 2077 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2077 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20Lt 3s300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 20tL 3s300 SWITCH - AIR BREAK OR BYPASS 20tL 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAM E 207L 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20Ll 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20tL 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L7 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2017 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LI 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2077 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2011 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 207L 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LL 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L7 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.21.2 Page 64 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20t7 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2017 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LL 39720 MICROWAVE, EQUIPMENT 20to 39720 MICROWAVE, WIRE/CABLE 20to 3s300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2012 35300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L2 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2072 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L2 35300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 20L2 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2012 35300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 20L2 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2012 35300 MISC TEST EQUIPMENT 20Lt 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2012 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20t2 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2012 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L2 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2004 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2044 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2070 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 20to 3s200 CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER 2010 3s200 CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER 2010 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - TOW VOLTAGE 20LO 35300 COMPOSITE CABLE - LOW VOLTAGE 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20to 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20L0 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 2010 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.1s8.21.2 Page 65 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2070 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20LO 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20LO 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 3s300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2010 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20to 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERA6 20LO 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 20LO 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHEMLS 2010 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 20LO 3s300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 2010 35300 CONTROL COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 20LO 3s300 coMMUNtCATtONS EQUTP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L0 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2070 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2010 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20LO 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2007 35200 CONCRETE MANHOLE WCOVER 2007 35200 CONCRETE MANHOLE W/COVER 2007 3s200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 35200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 35200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 35200 WOOD POLE - COMMUNICATION 2007 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules t.ts&.21.2 Page 66 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,20l6 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1 507-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules r.158.21.2 Page67 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April27,2016 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2007 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOLTAGE 2072 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEt FRAME 20L2 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 20L2 3s300 METERING EQUIPMENT 2072 3s200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 2013 35200 CONDUIT & FIfiINGS UNDERGROUND 2013 3s300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2073 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L3 3s300 UNDER 15KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 2073 35200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 20L3 3s200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 2073 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH W/LIDS 2073 35300 CONTROL WIRE . LOW VOTTAGE 20L3 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2013 35300 AUXILIARY LOAD CENTER 2073 3s300 AUXILIARY POWER XFMR 3 PH 20L3 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2017 3s300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2011 3s300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L7 3s200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 2073 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2073 3s300 CONTROL WIRE. LOW VOLTAGE 2013 35300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 20L3 3s300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 20L3 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2073 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2073 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L3 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 20L5 35300 CONTROT RACK/PANEL FRAME 2015 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEL FRAME 2075 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20L5 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 2015 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2015 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2075 3s300 CONTROL RACIVPANEL FRAME 2075 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2015 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2075 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2075 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 20L5 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2015 35200 FOUNDATION - OTHER EQUIPMENT 2015 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2075 35300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2075 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 20ts 35200 SITE PREPARATION & IMPROVEMENT 2015 35200 PERIMETER FENCE & GATES 20L5 35200 YARD LIGHT SYSTEM 2015 35200 BUILDING FIRE PROTECTION 2015 35200 CONCRETE SURFACE TRENCH WLIDS 2015 3s200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2015 35300 CABLE TRAY AND ACCESSORIES 2015 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2075 3s300 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 2015 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 20L5 3s300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2075 35300 LARGE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 20L5 3s300 15.49KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 201s 35300 75KVA LOCAL SERVICE XFMR 2075 35300 SCADA RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L5 3s300 SCADA EQUIPMENT 2075 3s300 COMM RACK/PANEL FRAME 2075 35300 COMM RACIVPANEL FRAME 2015 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L5 35300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L5 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 2015 3s300 130 VOLT BATTERY CHARGER 2015 35300 130 VOLT BATTERY 20L5 35300 BATTERY RACK 20L5 3s300 SAFETY SWITCH 20]-5 35300 TRANSFER SWITCH 20t5 35300 BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM 2015 35200 CONDUIT & FITTINGS UNDERGROUND 2015 3s300 CONTROL WIRE - LOW VOLTAGE 2015 35300 GROUNDING AND FITTINGS 2075 35300 CONDUIT & FITTINGS ABOVE GROUN 2075 35300 SMALL ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 2075 35300 LARGE ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE 20L5 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.2t.2 Page 68 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : April 27, 2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-1507-000 3s300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 20L5 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAME 2015 35300 CONTROL RACK/PANEL FRAM E 20t5 35300 CONTROL MCK/PANEt FRAME 20L5 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 2015 3s300 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 20L5 35300 YARD LOCAL SERV OR LOAD CENTER 20Ls 3s300 CONTROL EQUIPMENT 2015 35300 PROTECT]ON EQUIPMENT 2015 39740 FIBER, CARD UNIT 20L5 35300 CIP SECUR]TY SYSIEM 2014 35300 COMMUNICATIONS UPGRADE 20t4 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 69 of69 Version 0.0.2 Effective: Filed on : Apil27,2016 FERC Docket No. ERl6-l 507-000 i', I 6NrE rjEI La. o o IL = co O\ c.I crts= 6h- =* o.Yr 9pr.:- c) Jaq) b0 COPfi-ol-rd)AH ao Ptu(.)o I()-cBrO.d() -Qq)t-jo.tP() C)l{l!.-srOr\V.^al-d!- ii uta.=l+l 9Fcg+rXXi o*Al \ P.lL)(J(B6dO CB$o.lI()o)li A ,i-0< (l)l-.(.)I- g*alix() =:f; tr >E.G ^ vt-Q- - v oI-J.g () C >G)(j)- dIlE Ool)0 'A€*g .2 =adz E1Atrt! 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('to\NJ-c;o!Eofr- E - &BOr- = oootr-oin a\o &rI] ctz o&()oa()&14 = c.9o o 'oGoo(J 6c -9oo a I I ! t a t I I I ! qtN tl N --:s9 i; qNroSsB eu!nct6doEro -^lv J!Soarlrom-ESS:S33,9r!:G G O.c E cr'E 'E 'Er eEEEb'gFFF.6EsLLt<E g E E: HE€€€I?I E E E! s19FFF'd vltro Po+.Uttt =tn xEiqdqio.'.cd 5',, ts eEf a-H ooUaEB€.3tLd li: ENk9FsEN.;o --oE*tl. ca o\ (\l -:-c;c'lEofr+ I- -.='s5C\- ee€ieXX*lRRRRqqqqIgEEBEgEE: IHilS{8585:gggBcrctcid: x co 6o -9 =uoeoutco oo i5 3 o =o ou ==6Uo o = XXXSEEEE:EEFEEEEgI EEEEEE6"EiRRRRcjcic; eqg9oooooooo6666 d! n.! d? t!mmmmmmmon6ut6 NtstsFddGtro@r.orOrONNNN cqqgoooooooorl' sl t ti NNNtsuidddddddo606 f,] dl d! d!oo6mo@66 CCooUUooooee li@6ddecrF6L, IJ oo'tr'troGoocc EE 66i;.a.cqql:l:EE-E'=i*sggFEE=E dN.6FFbE*+FiNce e*:tt!:oo:--Ll!,#SEEE;-A'E'=-=OOOC'a0coy60(o6 o oacr r) I\o ilEI C,z 0,&ooo UdHEr EG6qq'EE65t r 9EEo=ECLH Ool)0€*E =Hd xxxx!oo6di di di dirrnmm-l IXXXHrt\\\.@@(oE'lOtO@al Iqq\tsrEEHs;I Id'! d! .! 9rmm+O'tlttm6l a Ir: \ !'! n.@ooHroo o o @l I I I -^l?!,601mm-Hdl\\-HHIo ro-ddlIir+ ltl 6 G.dNc.=l+*EEtE E.b.br7'?:=t= tr o oro o c c'FFiia-CSB€.=66'6 O d o'A#FtsI -u9 5Ntg FSE! o o EIt) h cnO\N -'- c;o'l E ctfr,n q - i.Y- &Bo.a = (!, o ?rr in a\o &trl C,z o14ooo UilglIL o c.96 It5 om -toc3o L)e XXE6EEEXEF:EESEEgESEg: IHSEsEsSEEE:SgBctddSBgS; leuEt =+fi(JGBq ""Hfu s.rgE IR c -eou -9 !qoooL) 6co uo 6 J tsoF (, e (,g J FoF L' c (Jg !R * }ql\\tl@@o.@6Er Ixxx!moo!6 d; ail X*HEEEERRREEEE EEEEEESRRRdddg d! d? d!mom66@ 5555:6q6qt(9999tE eet=rrr'HcrRBBiiii:E99q.q.q.q.s.q.q:ju96h66n66l9gPEEEESEEIE#}E!!EeE!:E Y - 6 d o d d 6 o.EEE€EEEEEE;cEErrrrttr;EihEEgEEgE:=TE"EEEEEEE:o==60qqO:).cacccEtr:6o 9 s g g E g e:F4dFFFFFF}-' vlgo.},o+,vltt =ttt EcG! qio.'EEd5t r sEf a-H o'oUo €*g =td ij9.loENrE rJE1'=r :o E C) f! = cn o\ (\J-c;e'lEofr.o q --.: C) !,P-po.- ooOaFrorr) a\o &14 C,z 6)l4ooo L)dE]CL I o =ot oU x oU o o = ==o =ot ou 3 =ouo+o = E6*sx:EEDD;: :HxXXE:BE$$E; t *l!rI Ix!9root nEEERHcio ExEE iYoOHO9P qq9oao6ONN000rl, mm6di d; rimoro60m \qdlG66ororod d N qqomog)oo o(,c, ct aa o! otoo rl oottr6GoodGt iir6 6oadit .B .s' fi:a8;rs8_ 9:EEE€E:E E b b ErOOFFF.FFdNd d t lt :r*&E ts c !t =='EEE'eotE=l88==Er re * )e lelHF6=.NO6:_Nros? I !xxxXromt?-lFBHE; ) Fot- U c Ur J FoF (J A uE 3 co ou -9 IoCLoU 6c.9oo 6 I t I I I I I I ! I I qqa@oonOoo600 d! ol Fl60momrorono FFHut ili c;60FNNTI tsF6idqtsdooo 6ou!ss# 9rx6l$r;' Sr =rErE 'Er '= olE!,iE'ts !t'B t,pEt coaooc, ^qE6H()e-E ;a6gEEtrEa.oFF a= oeoo|9& utco PIE+tgllt =tD EH gd5t r EEE CLE ()'oUa EfrE ij9 EN,9 FjEN'io tro!o lrr fio\N -'- c;c!Ec,fr"-.* -.: G, !r,$-6A. t? Xe oao =o!U8cU Xu OAoq o?EE3 Js =bg? 64 .l ou(J g J =tr=tri 'S9ifJo =H x co o0 -9 :qooo(J 6c.9o E6 3 a.9 6I _9a lla6odu 6co uo 6 EEEsEIhhhcio: xx*€E:$$$gE: XXXX*rooooo-ooooor ! xlRre* xlqcqqqrooooo.ooooddddHl I I I I t I I I I I qqqooEroo6 6Amdi di diro@roooo d? G! n: 666roro@ tqarq grooroom gqqooo >. €l9r -fSrnl1r Er'[r Er!rgr Er f,r EtFr xom\6EE'Ed!*gE.;;cclrqEE -'=oo =EFF=EE*Esd=i>;'E*GO.=CooEi:ltt6ZF c -96 !f mlt6o =goat oooIr*oia t\o ilr! z o,laooo(J&tI]h Eqcl qio'=8.(66! rtEt 6-H () oUh8f;fr3t,.-e/, lj:.ZoENtgnsEN.Eo ;o'og frr mO\GtJ-dqEoB- E;-.!i'$5a. - = (, oootFoia a\o & 1I] dz c)l.ooo UdE]rI. 8xrIltNNI I x*ld! dlttsF. GU E= c $l E U c IJg J FoF U 4 ()c J FoF U G (Jq ==U 3 = o =of 6B = GroJ ru = Ec .9uo.=6 = co 6q -ea 'troCLo(J6c -ooo.!o qql8tr66. ! oolci cil I q6!ooloo H -! ErtrEr-r5rdirq J. L) strii >rEf;, 6Er = clEEr#trt9riEr -€' ei EE: Xss:Nci d; HEEiFEE; 6686mtsl\xG66 xxxXGNNYui ..i Gi I6sf<t= xxxxxiele:aqqqqeorroooooool Ixxx**>e*tooooo00.eiciciddctd'ooooo00ldHdddd oc;o6 eooro qort colomoo ctro@ d! d'! d!oo6roroooom h+cg.idir;Pd60=nmm;i qgcqoooo 6criC.id;d;PNOO=noo= I I I --!toold6-Lddtq\\-o o € 6 nlEEEE SS,,!{qi *s:E=6:=';66Pyr9oEE.EE'Erj3E.=EEEb.brgE.E.Eb.E:IITEgP!i E g'3 EEEE;EEI fi tttc _9+,oPailt =ta Eqa :ti E6l,5t rrEf CLH ()'oUo 5E€,=iid lj9 6..let{EN'=r eoE() TL cao\NJ-cio!Ect fro. I '$-Bo1 - = (, =ot 6r 3 =oUot o3 8Xc.!mo6d xx\qli)d!tO qqoooon6 qqooooo4 ociqdori CooiEH gqoooo6d qqoo()nN+ f^lo>lt!.60'O mrdiE:6- 6 -ac G. = Erd : El.=P.E,H !oat2P! E'IEL=l 6E E €,?EE=to =ri:.(,z,6Fr6 oo?c-otat I\o Ird ctz Dlio o U&r!f:. Euo.'=qd 5',, I eEf a-H ool)o4& I j tL* Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Pagelofll Version 0.0.1 EXHIBIT D Monthly Transmission Facilities O& M Charge; Monthly Substation O&M Charge; Monthly Common Equipment Charge l. Interpretation: Cooperation. (a) Capitalized terms not defined in this Exhibit D are defined in Article I of this Agreement. (b) The Parties shall cooperate as necessary to update this Exhibit D in the event that FERC formula rate filing references change over time. Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charee. (a) The Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge for each Transmission Segment each month during the Term shall be equal to: (i) the product of: (A) the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment as of such month; and (B) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided by (ii) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month after the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share (based on its Ownership Interest in the Transmission Segment) of the Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge with respect to each Transmission Segment for which it is responsible. The invoice shall show the total Monthly Transmission Facilities O&M Charge with respect to each Transmission Segment for which it is responsible as well as each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Ownership Interest in the Transmission Segment). 3. Monthly Substation O&M Charee. (a) The Monthly Substation O&M Charge for each Substation each month during the Term shall be calculated as follows: (i) If the description of any Substation Segment in such Substation on Exhibit C indicates that any Substation Segment contains Line Terminal Equipment, then the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for such Substation shall be calculated as the sum of the following: Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.21 .4 Page2ofll Version 0.0.1 (A) For each Substation Segment in the Substation, the portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for the Line Terminal Equipment in each such Substation Segment shall be equal to: (1) the product of: (x) the Acquisition Cost of the Line Terminal Equipment in each such Substation Segment as of such month; and (y) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided by (2) twelve (12); and (B) The portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for the Substation Bus Equipment in the Substation shall be equal to: (l) the product of: (x) the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment of such Substation as of such month; and (y) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided by (2) twelve (12).. (ii) If the description of the Substation Segments in the Substation on Exhibit C does not indicate that any of the Substation Segments contain Line Terminal Equipment, then the Monthly Substation O&M Charge for such Substation shall be equal to: (A) the product of: (l) the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment of such Substation as of such month; and (2) the O&M Expense Factor as of such month; divided by (B) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month after the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge with respect to each Substation it is responsible for as follows. (i) For any Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXi), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share of the Monthly O&M Substation Charge shall equal the sum of: (A) For each portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXiXA), with respect to each Substation Segment, the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on its Ownership Interest in each Substation Segment in such Substation; and. (B) For the portion of the Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXiXB), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on the applicable Substation O&M Allocation. (iD For any Monthly Substation O&M Charge calculated pursuant to Section 3(aXii), the Non-Operating Owner's Pro Rata Share shall be based on the applicable Substation O&M Allocation. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page3ofll Version 0.0.1 4. Monthly Common Equipment Charee. (a) The Monthly Common Equipment Charge for the Common Equipment at each Substation each month during the Term shall be equal to: (i) the sum of the Return on Capital, the Recovery of Capital, the State and Federal Income Taxes, the Local Properfy Tar<es and the Transmission O&M Expense, in each case, with respect to the Common Equipment; divided by (ii) twelve (12). (b) Beginning the first month following the Effective Date and each month thereafter throughout the Term, pursuant to Section 4.7 of this Agreement, each Operator shall invoice the Non-Operating Owner for its Pro Rata Share (based on its Common Equipment Allocation Factor in the Substation) of the Monthly Common Equipment Charge with respect to each Substation for which it is responsible. The invoice shall show the total Monthly Common Equipment Charge with respect to each Substation for which it is responsible as well as each Owner's Pro Rata Share (based on its respective Common Equipment Allocation Factor in the Substation). 5. Annual Adjustment. The following terms shall be adjusted each June (in the case of PacifiCorp) and each October (in the case of Idaho Power) following the Effective Date by the Operator responsible for the Transmission Segment, the Substation Segment or the Common Equipment, as appropriate, as follows (collectively, the "Annual Adjustment"): (a) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Line Terminal Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment, the Acquisition Cost of the Substation Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment, and Net Book Value, all of which shall: (i) exclude any costs included in CWIP; (ii) not be reduced for accumulated depreciation (except for Net Book Value); and (iii) be adjusted as follows: (l) Increased to reflect the cost ofcapital upgrades to such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment placed in service during the months since the Effective Date or the last date of the immediate, prior annual adjustment; and (2) Decreased to reflect the cost of equipment comprising such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment which has been retired Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.158.2 r.4 Page4ofll Version 0.0.1 (and no longer placed in service) during the months since the Effective Date or the date of the immediate, prior annual adjustment. (b) The following factors from each Party's annual rate filing: (i) Return on Capital; (ii) Recovery of Capital; (iii) State and Federal Income Taxes;(iv) Local Property Taxes;(v) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes: (l) Account 190; (2) Account 281; (3) Account 282; (4) Account 283; (vi) Transmission Net Property, Plant & Equipment; and(vii) Transmission Plant in Service. Each of the Annual Adjustments shall be reasonably determined by the Operator responsible for such Transmission Segment, Substation Segment or Common Equipment. 6. Definitions. "Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes" means: (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the sum of Sections (AXl) and (AX2) below: (1) Account 282based on the product of: (a) Transmission-related Account 282 is the product of: (i) Total Account 282 (ldaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule l, Line 4); and (ii) the sum of (l) Transmission Plant Allocator (Idatro Power Rate Filing - Schedule l, Line 8) and (2) General & Intangible Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule l, Line 47); and Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERI 5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page5ofll Version 0.0.1 (b) The quotient of: (i) Net Book Value of the Common Equipment; and (ii) Transmission Rate Base (Idaho Power Rate Filino - Rate Calculation, Line 20). (2) Accounts 281,283 and 190 based onthe product of: (a) Transmission related Accounts 281,283 and 190 is the product of: (i) Total Accounts 281,283 and 190 (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Lines 3, 5 and 6); and (ii) The sum of (1) Transmission Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule 1, Line 8) and (2) General & Intangible Plant Allocator (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Schedule l, Line 47); and (b) The quotient of: (i) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment, and (ii) Acquisition Value of Transmission Plant, Property and Equipment (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, the sum of Lines I through 8). (B) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCorp, an amount equal to the sum of Sections (BXl) and GX2) below: (1) Account 282based on the product of: (a) Transmission-related Account 282 is the product of: (i) Account 282 (PacifrCorp Rate Filing, Attachment 1A, Line 1); and (ii) The Allocator (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment 1A, Line 6); and (b) The quotient of: Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules I. r58.21.4 Page6ofll Version 0.0.1 (aa) The Net Book Value of the Common Equipment; and (bb) Total Net Property, Plant & Equipment (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Line32). (2) Accounts 281,283 and 190 based on the product of: (a) Transmission-related Accounts 281,283 and 190 is the product of: (i) The sum of Accounts 281, 283 and 190 (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment 1A, Lines 2,3 and 4); and (ii) The Allocator (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Attachment lA, Line 6); and (b) The quotient ofi (aa) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (bb) Total Plant in Rate Base (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Line 24). "Acquisition Cost of the Line Terminal Equipment" means, in respect of a Substation Segment, the cost of the Line Terminal Equipment in the Substation Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F. as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost of the Substation Bus Equipment" means, in respect of a Substation, the cost of the Substation Bus Equipment in the Substation as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost of " means, in respect of a Substation, the cost of the Substation Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment" means, in respect of each Transmission Segment, the cost of the Transmission Segment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment; plevlded, however, that (i) in the case of the Antelope-Goshen Transmission Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment shall be reduced by 44.44% to account for the fact that only approximately 25 miles of the approximately FERC DocketNo. ERr5-683-00r ?ffi,:f;3:[i::rr3,,13it, Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules PageTofll Version 0.0.1 45-mile Antelope-Goshen Transmission Segment is jointly-owned Transmission Facilities and (ii) in the case of the American Fall - Malad Transmission Segment, the Acquisition Cost of the Transmission Segment shall be reduced by 57.28% to account for the fact that only approximately 29 miles of the approximately 68-mile American Fall - Malad Transmission Segment is jointly-owned Transmission Facilities. "Acquisition Cost of 'means, in respect of Common Equipment in a Substation, the cost to the Owner of such Common Equipment as initially determined on the Effective Date and set forth on Exhibit F, as the same may be adjusted from time to time by the Annual Adjustment. "Annual Adjustment" is dehned in Section 5 of this Exhibit D. "Common Equipment Allocation Factor" means, in respect of each Substation and each Owner, the Substation O&M Allocation for such Substation and such Owner, provided that prior to the Effective Date the Parties shall work together to determine whether an alternative allocation factor should be used for purposes of allocating the Monthly Common Equipment Charge as between the Owners. 66CWTP" means Construction Work in Progress. "Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation" means the rate calculation tab of Idatro Power's current year annual FERC formula rate filing. "Idaho Power Rate Filine - Schedule 1" means the schedule I tab of Idaho Power's current yeax annual FERC formula rate filing. "Line Terminal Equipment" means all series capacitors, shunt reactors and phase shifters and all other equipment that the Parties mutually agree is "Line Terminal Equipment." All Line Terminal Equipment which is part of a Substation Segment on the Effective Date, sorted by Substation Segment, is identified on Exhibit F. "Local Property Ta><es" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) The Property Tax Rate for the State of Idaho. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules PageSofll Version 0.0.1 "Net BoG Value" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; (B) Less. the Accumulated Depreciation. "O&M Expense Factor" means, in respect of each Operator, an amount equal to the quotient of: (A) The Total Transmission O&M Expense of the Operator; and (B) The Transmission Plant in Service of the Operator. "PacifiCorp Rate Filing" means PacifiCorp's current year formula rate true-up. "B4[9.@" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to: (A) The Net Book Value; (B) Less, the Accumulated Deferred Income Ta<es. "Recovery of Capital" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) The Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) The FERC approved depreciation rate for Account 353 Transmission Plant Substation Equipment. "Refurn_gn_eapital" means : (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the product of: (l) The Rate Base; and (2) The Rate of Return (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 23). Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.r58.21.4 Page9ofll Version 0.0.1 (B) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCorp, an amount equal to the product of: (1) the Rate Base; and (2) the Rate of Return (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l,Line 126). "State and Federal Income Taxes" means: (A) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by Idaho Power, an amount equal to the product of: (1) the Rate Base; and (2) the Composite Income Tax (Federal and State) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation,Lne 24). (B) In respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation owned by PacifiCorp, an amount equal to the product of: the Rate Base; and the Composite lncome Tar (Federal and State) Factor, which shall be equal to the product of: (a) the weighted cost of preferred and common (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Lines 124 and 125); and (b) the income ta>< factor (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l, Line 132). "Substation Bus Equipment" means all equipment necessary to support the operation of the substation bus, including foundations, lally columns, bus conductor, fittings, circuit breakers, air break switches, shunt capacitor banks, potential transformers, current transformers, ground switches and enclosures attached to or associated with the bus. All Substation Bus Equipment which is part of a Substation Segment on the Effective Date, sorted by Substation Segment, is identified on Exhibit F. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 (1) Q) FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page l0 ofll Version 0.0.1 "Substation O&M Allocation" means, with respect to each Substation, the "Substation O&M Allocation" set forth in Exhibit C, as the same may be amended from time to time pursuant to Section 3.3(b) of this Agreement. "Substation Segments" means, with respect to a Substation, the Substation Segments which are listed on specific rows under the Substation on Exhibit C. "Total Transmission O&M Expense" means: (A) In respect of Idaho Power, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in Idaho Power's annual FERC Formula Rate Filing: (1) the Transmission O&M Expense (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 33); (2) less. Account 561 (Load Dispatching) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 34); (3) less. Account 565 (Transmission of Electricity By Others) (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 35); and (4) fu, O&M Expense: A&G (Idaho Power annual FERC Formula Rate Filing, Rate Calculation, Line 36). A sample calculation of Idaho Power's Total Transmission O&M Expense based on Idaho Power's 2013 FERC Formula Rate Filing is attached hereto as Attachment I for information purposes only. (B) In respect of PacifiCorp, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in PacifiCorp's annual FERC Formula True-Up Rate Filing: (l) the Transmission O&M Expense (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 53); (2) less, Cost of Providing Ancillary Services Accounts 561.0-5 (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l,Line 54); (3) less, Account 565 (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l, Line 55); Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page ll ofll Version 0.0.1 (4) fu, A&G Expense Allocated to Transmission (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 66); (5) plgg Accounts 928 and 930.1 - Transmission Related @acifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule 1, Line 69); and (6) plus. A&G Directly Assigned to Transmission (PacifiCorp annual True-Up Rate Filing, Schedule l,Lne74). A sample calculation of PacifiCorp's Total Transmission O&M Expense based on PacifiCorp's 2013 FERC True-Up Rate Filing is attached hereto as Attachment 2 for information purposes only. "Transmission O&M Expense" means, in respect of the Common Equipment at each Substation, an amount equal to the product of: (A) the Acquisition Cost of the Common Equipment; and (B) the O&M Expense Factor. "Transmission Plant in Service" means: (A) in respect of Idaho Power, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in Idatro Power's annual FERC Formula Rate Filing: (1) the Transmission Plant in Service (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, Line 1); (2) less, Generator Step-Up Facilities (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation Line 2); and (3) less, Large Generator Interconnects (Idaho Power Rate Filing - Rate Calculation, Line 3). (B) in respect of PacifiCorp, the amount calculated as follows based on items identified in PacifiCorp's annual FERC Formula True-Up Rate Filing: (l) the Average Transmission Plant in Service (PacifiCorp Rate Filing, Line l5). Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.t58.21.5 Page I of2 Version 0.0.1 Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 EXHIBIT E Department of Energy Equipment Located in the Antelope Substation Oil Circuit Breaker B103. Govt. Prop. No. 85420 Westinghouse Type BM-4B, De-ion Grid Oil Circuit Breaker. Acquired 1957, Moved from TRA 1981. Serial No. l-71-578-8 Rated Voltage 138 kV Rate Amps 1200 A Impulse kV 650kV Intemrpting MVA 3500 MVA 810 gallons of oil per tank weight 39,500lbs. Oil Circuit Breaker B164. Bus Tie Breaker Westinghouse Type 16GM31.5, Acquired 1982. Serial No. l-38Y5468 Rated Voltage 169kV Impulse kV 750kV Short Circuit Amps 31,500 A l3l5 Gallons of oil per tank weight 54,000lbs. Circuit Switcher 165,4.. Govt. Prop. No. 83712 S&C Circuit Switcher/Ivlark V, Acquired 1982. Catalog No. 157320- Serial No. 8l-31857 kV Nominal 16l kV Marimum Design Voltage 169 kV BIL 75OKV Amps, Continuous 1200 A Amps, RMS Symmetrical Fault, Closing, 30 duty cycle 30,000 S&C Operator, Type CS-IA Operator Voltage 125 V DC Catalog No. 38846R3-BBIIPW Serial No. 181400 l. 2. 3. FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 4. Circuit Switcher 1624. Acquired 1982 S& C Circuit Switcher/lVlark V Serial No. 81-31735 Same information as item 3 above S&C Operator Type CS-IA Serial No. 81-31735 Page2 of2 Version 0.0.1 5. Transformer. Govt. Prop. No. 5-220" Ac$ired 1957. 161 kv/138 kv Feeds #1 Antelope-Scoville Tie Line Westinghouse 137,600lbs Serial No. 6534543 55 MVA, OA 73-l/3 MVA, FOA, with fans on both sets of fins (3 fans are already on I set of fins) gl-213 MVA, FOA, with 3'd stage cooling (additionof 2 oil pumps, one pump is already installed). Y-Y auto transformer with delta tertiary Includes no-load tap changer, 5 steps, for voltages from 16905 volts to 152950. Tap lever is locked on step 3. % Z -1.5% at 55 MVA. 161 kV/138 kV 6. Transformer. Govt. Prop. No. 5-587. Acquired 1982 16l kv/l38kv Feeds #2 Antelope-Scoville Tie Line General Electric Serial No. Ml01875 167,000 lbs. 55 MVA, O(A) 73.3 MVA, FA 91.6 MVA, FOA, 55o C, has I set of fins with oil pump and 3 fans and oil. 102.7 MVA, FOA, 65 o C, expansion tank on top, Y-Y auto transformer with delta tertiary. lncludes no-load tap changers, 5 steps for voltages from 109050 volts to 152950 volts. Tape lever is locked on step 3. YoZvolts- 1.47 at 55 MVA, 16l kv/l38 kV 7. Ouindar Transfer Trip Conffol System QP-11/l2s (Aerojet Nuclear Co. E-45408C-3) Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl5-683-001 !j9 6NrE F-hN'=o 1 oEo=TL o =o Jooo oz EEE3Eo>EFO=cd 6NNc,rol .co9 -E>(J orsl t cts H -ooot E Ec,S'sE eq o<tNd;@a 3e EE =FU;u.= O=E6cob<(J =EE.3Eo>EFO^-d(: oNh odmd!N .gog E>IJ (rrF.Nui6 -E =-oq C, 3 E 5e,S.58 E o N st6 ofo co '.i l6 oc3o '6 .94LJg<oac]c 6cooj <f czolEO 3 oo +NN x(J d :Roq <f aUr >RNq6<l .=OE;-oj:E coo>*96 oG Ot (o @@.n ssE gtr iiEe<>(J o EGr= :EA-- o>ssFe6E 6d') 66€..i co 6 !f ocl!Eo Go .g6 u =6 oo6 oz _cEEEo>F'gg 66 F.'FN .co9@JL6 -E>u NNtsr e6ccd -oo o € E EoSFb5 {!oE g 6N@.46.! jjEEis =?E;u,= O'=E6CUE<U oEE3Eo>EFO=EU o o4<fN.iq .go9 e>o o r .E 5 -ooo*EEoS*,!a E nno. 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IcoE c(,! o GJ o E EJ I o3qc'=EoI oc) @ 6 couooo o =I @,q., Eo- o GJ oEEf Ioq a E codoo oE63 @ o(, .cao I o o o 6sf cot o(, ouE 6 .E <l + =ood I odp 6 .E 6<i NIt f lood I ouE d E n<f 'oop roo .EY ccv C q E.Z EoI I ,9cc = hst tE@ o@I !loo4 6 Eooc I l =oo4 o NocoU lI Ic o =-eo = \o \o a.t -'t cia-l e,iod\o:no=i bo.='cda*o 6+jo.'EECE lY' 6L'OO 9E€>oo or oo(Ja4e I :tL& Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page I of4 Version 0.0.2 DGIIBIT G Joint Ownership Transmission Loss Calculation and Allocation Methodology PacifiCorp and Idatro Power agree that as joint Owners of certain Transmission Facilities, defined in this Agreement, the companies shall calculate, allocate and settle the electric losses associated with these Transmission Facilities in accordance with this Exhibit. Collection for Losses: This Exhibit G does not affect PacifiCorp's and Idaho Power's respective OATT-based losses methodologies. PacifiCorp and Idaho Power shall continue to collect for electric losses in accordance with their OATTs. Calculation of the Ouantity of Losses: The quantity of losses for each jointly-owned transmission line or transformer will be calcuiated by implementing an I2R calculation based on measurements at one end of each transmission asset using existing metering equipment and assumed series resistance for each asset. The calculations and selection of inputs, such as which line or transformer terminal is metered, which quantities are used (amps or MVA/voltage), and what resistance values for each transmission element are used, will be agreed upon by each Party. In the case ofjointly-owned transformers, a constant core loss value agreed upon by each Party shall be included in the calculation. The metering devices used to provide the inputs to the loss calculations may or may not be revenue quality. A metering device calibration process and schedule shall be agreed upon between the Parties. The Party responsible for the calculation of losses for each jointly-owned asset is described in Table l, below. Calculations are to be developed for all hours each calendar month and results are to be shared with the other Party no later than the 7e working day of the following month. Allocation of Losses: The quantity of electric losses on each jointly-owned transmission line or transformer shall be allocated between each Party consistent with each Party's asset ownership percentage. Losses for each asset will be calculated for each hour and multiplied by the asset Ownership Interest of each Party. Losses will be totaled on a monthly basis differentiating between on-peak hours and off-peak hours. The Idatro Power portion of losses for all assets located within a PacifiCorp Balancing Area will be summed and owed to PacifiCorp. The PacifiCorp portion of losses for all assets located within the Idaho Power Balancing Area will be summed and owed to Idaho Power. Table l, below, defines the Balancing Area of each asset, the Party measuring the losses for the asset, and each Party's Ownership Interest. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 2 of 4 Version 0.0.2 Return of Losses to PacifiCorp[ Other than losses for the Jim Bridger generator main step-up transformers (which are described below), for each calendar month, if the losses owed to PacifiCorp are greater than the losses owed to Idaho Power, Idatro Power will choose to settle either financially or physically. If settled financially,Idatro Power's will settle financially with PacifiCorp in accordance with PacifiCorp loss return business practice. If settled physically, Idaho Power will return losses to PacifiCorp. Losses to be returned are the amount owed from Idaho Power to PacifiCorp less the amount owed from PacifiCorp to Idaho Power. The loss return period will begin on the 15ft of the next month and will continue until the 15ft one month later. On-peak losses for the month will be evenly distibuted across all on- peak hours in the loss return period and off-peak losses for the month will be evenly distributed across all off-peak hours in the loss return period. Return of Losses to Idaho Power: For each calendar month, if the losses owed to Idaho Power are greater than the losses owed to PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp will settle flrnancially with Idaho Power in accordance with Idaho Power's loss return business practice. Losses to be settled financially are the amount owed from PacifiCorp to Idatro Power less the amount owed from Idaho Power to PacifiCorp. Table 1r3 " ln the event of a conflict between the percentage of asset Ownership lnterest set forth in columns (3) and (4) of this table and those set forth in Exhibit C for such asset, the Parties agree that the percentage of asset Ownership lnterest set forth in Exhibit C shall control. Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 (1)(2)(3)(4) Asset Asset Balancing Area Party Asset Loss Calculation Performed By IPC Loss Allocation (Asset Ownership Interest) PAC Loss Allocation (Asset Ownership Interest Kinport-Midpoint 345kV Line IPC IPC 73.2%26.8% Borah-Adelaide Tap (Borah- Adelaide-Midpoint #1 345kV Line) IPC IPC 64.4%35.60/0 Adelaide-Adelaide Tap (Borah- Adelaide-Midpoint # 1 345kV Line) TPC IPC 64.4%3s.6% FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.2 Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 Midpoint-Adelaide Tap (Borah- Adelaide-Midpoint #l 345kV Line) IPC IPC 64.4%35.6% Boralr-Adelaide#2 3 4 5 kV Line IPC IPC 64.4%35.6% Adelaide-Midpoint#2 345kV Line TPC IPC 64.4%3s.6% Midpoint 5 00/345kV Transformer PAC IPC 63.7%36.3% Midpoint-Hemingway 500kV Line PAC TPC 37.0%63.0% Hemingway-Summer Lake 500kV Line PAC PAC 22.0%78.0% American Falls-Arbon Valley (American Falls-Malad 138kV Line)PAC IPC 3.6Yo 96.4% Hurricane-Walla Walla 23 OkV Line PAC PAC 40.8%59.2% Goshen 345 / l6lkV Transformer# I PAC PAC s.6%94.4% Goshen 345 I I 6lkV Transforme#2 PAC PAC s.6%94.4% Goshen-Haven Tap (Goshen- Antelope l6lkv Line)PAC PAC 21.9%78.1o/o Antelope 23 0 / I 6lkV Transformer PAC PAC 26.8%73.2% Antelope 161/l38kV Transformer#1 PAC PAC 66.7%33.3% Antelope l6lll38kV Transformer#2 PAC PAC 66.7%33.3% Antelope-Scoville#l I 38kV Line PAC PAC tt.s%88.5% Antelope-S coville#2 1 3 8kV Line PAC PAC tt.5%88.s% Goshen-Jefferson I 6 I kV Line PAC PAC 37.8%62.2% Jefferson-Big Grassy 161kV Line PAC PAC 37.8%62.2% Jefferson 16lkv Phase Shifting Transformer PAC PAC 37.8%62.2% Bridger-Three Mile Knoll 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% Goshen-Three Mile Knoll 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% Bridger-Populus# I 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% Bridger-Populus#2 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% Populus-Boratr# I 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 ldaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules Page 4 of4 Version 0.0.2 Populus-Kinport 345kV Line PAC PAC 29.2%70.8% Goshen-Kinport 345kV Line PAC PAC t8.3%81.7% Jim Bridger Generator Main Step-up Transformer Losses: Losses on the Jim Bridger generator main step-up ffansformers shall be allocated each hour between Idaho Power and PacifiCorp based on each Party's pro rata share of Jim Bridger project net generation for such hour. The calculation of such losses shall be in accordance with the following: 1) Jim Bridger #l generator main step-up transformer loss : ((Jim Bridger #l generation)2 x (4.4 x 10-u)) + 0.3 MWh 2) Jim Bridger #2 generator main step-up transformer loss: ((Jim Bridger #2 generation)2 x (4.4x l0-, + 0.3 MWh 3) Jim Bridger #3 generator main step-up transformer loss : ((Jim Bridger #3 generation)2 x (4.4x 10-u)) + 0.3 MWh 4) Jim Bridger #4 generator main step-up transformer loss: ((Jim Bridger #4 generation)2 x (4.4x 10-u) + 0.3 MWh Jim Bridger main step-up transformer loss: Jim Bridger #1 step-up transformer loss + Jim Bridger #2 step-up transformer loss + Jim Bridger #3 step-up transformer loss + Jim Bridger #4 step-up transformer loss. Idaho Power's share of Jim Bridger main step-up transformer losses shall be physically retumed to PacifiCorp. Such losses shall be scheduled to PacifiCorp 168 hours after the hour in which such obligation for losses was incurred. Effective: October 30, 20 1 5 Filed on : October 30, 2015 FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules 1.1s8.21.8 Page I ofl Version 0.0.2 Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30,2015 scrrEDULE 13.1(0 Idaho Power Governmental Authorizations l. Federal Power Act, Section 203 Approval 2. Federal Power Act, Section 205 Approval 3. Approval of the transaction by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission 4. Approval of the transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission FERC Docket No. ERI 6-210-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Rate Schedules L 1s8.21.9 Page I ofl Version 0.0.0 Effective: October 30, 2015 Filed on : October 30, 2015 scrrEDULE 13.2(f) Pacifi Corp Govemmental Authorizationsl. Federal Power Act, Section 203 Approval 2. Federal Power Act, Section 205 Approval 3. Approval of the transaction by the Califomia Public Utilities Commission4. Approval of the transaction by the ldaho Fublic Utilities Commission 5. Approval ofthe transaction by the Oregon Public Utility Commission 6. Approval of the transaction by the Utah Public Service Commission 7. Approval of the transaction by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission8. Approval of the transaction by the Wyoming Public Service Commission FERC Docket No. ERl6-210-000