HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160429IPC Compliance Filing of Final Journal Entries.pdf3Iffi*. An IDACORP CompanvRECEIVED 1016 fiFA 28 pH h: 36 r'f i - lti,"ri t11i .';, , i-L,t r_!Ltu ':,1 i ,:, il,-tri.ii,{lSSlON JULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel ihilton@idahopower.com April 28, 2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case Nos. IPC-E-1441and PAC-E-14-11 Exchange of Certain Transmission Assets - ldaho Power Company's Compliance Filing of Final Journal Entries Dear Ms. Jewell: Pursuant to Order No. 33313, attached for filing in Case No. IPC-E-14-41 are ldaho Power Company's final journal entries recording the exchange of certain transmission assets with PacifiCorp. The entries reflect asset amounts as of October 30,2015, the date the exchange between the parties closed. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, at (208) 388-561 2 or cwaites@idahopower.com. Very truly yours, JAH:csb Enclosures cc: Service List 1221 W. tdaho St. (83702) P.O. 8ox 70 Boise, lD 83707 IDAHO PO1VER COMPANY FINAL JOURNAL ENTRIf,S Final joumal entries to exchange undivided ownership interests in equipment between PacifiCorp and Idaho Power Company to provide the parties with transmission capacity that better aligns with the current configuration ofthe parties' respective transmission systerns. FERC Account 102 108 l0l Descriotion Electric Plant Purchased or Sold Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Plant Electric Plant in Service To classifu the uchmge of the undivided oweryhip inreresl in o$ets to PacifiCorp from Electric Plmt in Senice to FERC accounl fl02 - Electlic Plant Purchued or Sold in accordancewith lE CFR" Par, l0l, Electric Plail l$truclion 5. Cash Electric Plant Purchased or Sold To record cuh poymentfrcn PrciliCorplor the dilleringvalues resultingfrum the retting of the exclange prices- Construction Work in Progress Accoun8 Payable To recotd tmNrclion costs u ofMarch il,2016 inarcd by ldaho Power tofacilirare lhe ffihonge of undiided ownenhip interest in assets with PaciJiCorp. Electric Plant in Service Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Plant Elecaic Plant Purchased or Sold To cleot FERC occoun, t 102 - Eleclric Plant Purclssed or Sold to Electilc Plant in Seruice md Accumulaled Pruvision for Depreciation for the value of the undivided owenhip in erest in assets re ceived from PacifiCo rp. Current Income Tax - Operating Income Income Tares Accrued Accumulated Defened Income Taxes - Operating Property Deferred Income Tax Credit - Operating Income To record ilmnl and defemd taxa lor lhe undiided Nrerehip interest received in ossels uc langed wi t h P actrtC o rp. Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes - Operating Property Defened Income Tax Credit - Other Income & Deductions To record lhe rqenal of the ocrumuloted defered incore tc balonce for methodllife difererces on the assets relinquished lo Pacilicorp. Defened Income Tax - Other Income & Deductions Accumulakd Deferred Income Taxes - Other Property To establish lhe accumulated defemd income lu balance (rcn-mre base ofsefiin&)for the ,u buis dillererce on the replacercnt prupony reeivedlrom PaciliCorp. Debit Credit 44,618,99 20,630,805 65,249,804 160,908 160,908 878,791 878,79t 74,404,@4 29,946,553 44,458,091 107 232 l3l t02 l0l 108 102 409.1 236 282 4ll.l 282 411.2 410.2 282 5,352,607 4,775,409 5,783j@ 5,783,5U s.3s2.607 4,775,409 5,783,564 5,783,564 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 28th day of April 2016 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S FINAL JOURNAL ENTRIES upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff X Hand Delivered Daphne Huang _U.S. Mail Deputy Attorney General _Overnight Mail ldaho Public Utilities Commission _FAX 4T2WestWashington (83702) X Email daphne.huang@puc.idaho.gov P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Pacificorp Hand Delivered Daniel E. Solander X U.S. Mail Yvonne R. Hogle _Overnight Mai! Rocky Mountain Power FAX 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 X Emai! daniel.solander@pacificorp.com Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-3187 Yvon ne. hoq le@pacificorp. com Industrial Customerc of Idaho Power Hand Delivered Peter J. Richardson X U.S. Mail RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC _Overnight Mail 515 North 27th Street (83702) -FAXP.O. Box 7218 X Email peter@richardsonadams.com Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading _Hand Delivered 6070 Hill Road X U.S. Mail Boise, ldaho 83703 _Overnight Mail FAXX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com ,l tt rix\ r.'l Lj,r.,- tr. rr \Christa Bearry, LegalAssistant I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE