HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141029Application.pdf3Effi*. L"/!il r.i , .t Iii:-r-.i.1,' .l 7t|!\ OCT 29 PH h: lBLISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@i dahopower.com October 29,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-14-38 NEEAAgreementfor 201*2019 - ldaho Power Company's Application and Testimony Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Application. In addition, enclosed are nine (9) copies of the Direct Testimony of Wanen Kline filed in support of the Application. One copy of Mr. Kline's testimony has been designated as the "Reporte/s Copy." ln addition, a disk containing a Word version of Mr. Kline's testimony is enclosed for the Reporter. !f you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, An IDACORP Companv dr-d.1/-^U*.,*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:evp Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise. lD 83707 LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I nordstrom @ idahooower. co m Attorney for ldaho Power Company IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORIW TO FUND ITS CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE THROUGH THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER. nfiCfl\/l:'i.: ?illE 0CT 29 PH lr: l9 ' 'rrt-l L -,i:-'l..ll: - l r;, ..r.,' LiT !l-lf i E |} {1ilF,,! f*i i$sloFt BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PC-E-14-38 APPLICATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powef or "Compotry"), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-503 and RP 52, hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order authorizing ldaho Powe/s continued participation in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ('NEEA') for the period 2015- 2019 and that its participation be funded by the ldaho Energy Efficiency Rider ("Ride/'). ln support of this Application, ldaho Power represents as follows: I. BACKGROUND 1. NEEA is a non-profit organization whose ongoing purpose is to maximize energy efficiency in the Northwest via the acceleration and adoption of energy efficient APPLICATION - 1 products, services, and practices through market transformation. NEEA's definition of market transformation is the strategic process of intervening in a market to create lasting change. NEEA is funded by Northwest utilities, the Energy Trust of Oregon ("ETO"),1 and the Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA"). This strategic alliance is built around recognition that greater market transformation can be achieved across Washington, Oregon, Montana, and ldaho by working in concert than by working as individual states or organizations. ln addition, NEEA makes available regional and nationa! expertise and best practices which Northwest utilities might not be able to access as readily or at lower cost. From 1997-2013, NEEA has delivered 1,024 average megawatts ("aMW") of tota! regional energy savings, 398 aMW of which are net market effects energy savings.2 A summary of NEEA's regional savings and ldaho Power allocated portion of savings from 1997-2013 is included as Attachment 1 to this Application. 2. ldaho Power can better leverage its market transformation investment by building on NEEA's pooled resources, suppliers, market research, and program design in the four-state area. Because NEEA works in markets beyond ldaho Poweds service area, there is a greater likelihood that market change in ldaho Powefs service area will be rooted in a regional market. ldaho Powe/s participation in NEEA enables it to influence the direction of NEEA's activities to bring direct benefit to its customers. From 1997-2013, Idaho Power's allocated portion of NEEA savings was 246,753 megawatt- hours or 28.2 aMW. ' The Energy Trust of Oregon administers energy efficiency funds for Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, Northwest Natural, and Cascade Natural Gas in Oregon.' Net Market Effects are savings associated with market change and not counted as locally incented savings or baseline savings. APPLICATION - 2 3. When ldaho Power first began participating in NEEA in 1997, the Commission authorized the Company to recover the costs of its participation in rates. For the years 1997-1999, the Commission authorized the use of revenue sharing funds to reimburse ldaho Power for its contributions to NEEA. Case Nos. IPC-E-96-26, IPC- E-98-12, and IPC-E-99-7; Order Nos. 27045,27124,27200,27877, and 28211. ln Order No. 28333 issued in Case No. IPC-E-99-13, the Commission authorized ldaho Power to commit to continued participation in NEEA for the years 2000-2004 using a reserve of revenue sharing funds. 4. ln May 2005, the Commission issued Order No. 29784, which increased funding of ldaho Powefs Energy Efficiency Rider so that ldaho Power could expand its energy efficiency efforts and continue its participation in NEEA for the years 2005-2009. ln March 2009, the Commission approved a stipulation finding amounts paid to NEEA through 2OO7 were prudently incurred as part of a stipulation covering a portion of demand-side management expenses ldaho Power incurred from 2OO2-2O07. Case No. IPC-E-08-10, Order No. 30740. 5. !n Case No. IPC-E-10-04, the Commission approved ldaho Powe/s request to continue its participation in NEEA, and use of the Rider funds for that purpose, during the current 2O1O-2O14 funding cycle. Order No. 31080. The Commission reminded ldaho Power that it should use Rider funds thoughtfully, to wit: The Rider funds are provided by customers and are not unlimited. The Commission expects Rider funds to be used judiciously to ensure customers receive tangible benefits from their payments to support energy efficiency programs. We recognize that some of NEEA's programs result in actual benefits to customers, especially over time, but that the actual benefit may be difficult to quantify in the short-term. Nonetheless, when ldaho Power in the future requests a APPLICATION - 3 Commission determination that its use of Rider funds was prudent, it must demonstrate a sufficient benefit to customers resulted from the Company's participation in NEEA. The Commission's approva! of the Company's continued participation in NEEA, and the use of Rider funds to pay for that participation, is not a determination of prudency. ld. at 6-7. With this in mind, ldaho Power scrutinized how to judiciously use Rider funds to maximize the benefits of NEEA participation for its customers. In the testimony that accompanies this Application, Senior Vice President of Customer Operations Warren Kline describes ldaho Powe/s involvement in a multi-year collaborative process to structure participant funding options for NEEA's 2015-2019 Business Plan to best suit the needs of, and gain the most value for, ldaho Power customers. II. NEEA'S 2015.2019 BUSINESS PLAN 6. NEEA categorizes the savings it achieves into five categories: (1) total regional savings; (2) baseline savings; (3) local program savings; (4) net market effects; and (5) co-created savings created by NEEA and its utility partners working collaboratively. Tota! regiona! savings are an estimate of savings associated with a!! market changes in the region. Baseline savings are naturally occurring market changes without intervention from NEEA, BPA, ETO, or local utilities. Local program savings are energy savings accomplished and claimed by BPA, ETO, and loca! utilities. Net market effects are savings associated with market change and not counted by locally incented programs or the baseline savings. Co-created savings are the sum of the net market effects and local program savings. 7. NEEA's 2015-2019 Business Plan sets forth how NEEA intends to deliver 145 aMW of total regional energy savings utilizing $145-$169 million invested by APPLICATION - 4 regional stakeholders. Of the 145 aMW of savings forecast lor 2015-2019, NEEA expects 75 aMW will be co-created though NEEA and its utility partners working collaboratively, 55 aMW of which will be net market effects savings. Net market effects are a calculated value over and above energy savings reported by individual utilities as a result of local program activities and a baseline of naturally occurring energy efficiency. The total resource cost target for NEEA's portfolio is equal to or less than 3.56/kwh. 8. Included as Attachment 2 to this Application, NEEA's 2015-2019 Business Plan sets forth the vision, key strategies, and two complementary goals for 2015-2019. The first goal is to fill the energy efficiency pipeline with new products, services, practices, and approaches. Second, NEEA intends to create market conditions that will accelerate and sustain the market adoption of emerging energy efficiency products, seryices, and practices. To this end, NEEA has identified four strategic business markets on which to focus in 2015-2019: consumer products, residential new construction, commercial new construction, and commercial lighting. As described in greater detail in the Business Plan, NEEA's market transformation portfolio includes: o Residential Sector: Certified Homes/Next Step Site-Built Homes; Ductless Heat Pumps; Heat Pump Water Heaters; and Retail Product Portfolio. o Commercial Sector: Building Operator Certification Expansion; Commercial Lighting Upstream Platform/Reduced Wattage Replacement Lamps; Commercial Lighting Regional Resources; Commercial New Construction; Commercial Real Estate/Existing Building Renewal (optiona!); lntegrated Design Labs; Luminaire Level Lighting Controls; and Top-Tier Trade Ally (optional). APPLICATION - 5 o lndustrial Sector: Commercial and lndustrial SEM lnfrastructure, Certified Refrigeration Energy Specialist Certification, and lndustrial Technical Training (optional). o All Sectors: Codes and Standards, New lnitiatives (includes I nigation/Agricu lture), and Emerging Technolog ies. 9. During the 2015-2019 period, NEEA will continue many of its current market transformation activities with an emphasis on the residentia! sector. NEEA wil! maintain its focus on the core pieces of market transformation and on researching and testing new products and developing emerging energy efficiency technologies. NEEA will deliver added value through data services, building stock assessments, and through regiona! resources such as annual conferences and Conduit. Conduit is an online collaboration too! and resource dedicated to Northwest energy efficiency professionals. 10. While NEEA's program portfolio offers a wide range of benefits to participating utilities, ldaho Power believes that the NEEA initiatives from which its customers will derive the most value are: the activities of the University of ldaho lntegrated Design Lab located in Boise, the Top Tier Trade Ally Advanced Training, the commercial lighting initiatives, residential retail product portfolio, and residential new construction. These initiatives along with the accomplishments in emerging technologies, codes and standards, and general research, provide services and information that would be difficult for ldaho Power to acquire without regiona! collaboration. III. REGIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY INITIATIVE AGREEMENT 11. While ldaho Power shares NEEA's stated goals of improving energy efficiency and is committed to responsibly pursing energy efficiency initiatives for its customers and the region, ldaho Power must ensure that every energy efficiency APPLICATION - 6 expenditure is made prudently. To that end, over the past several months, ldaho Power and NEEA negotiated elements of accountability resulting in a Regional Energy Efficiency lnitiative Agreement ("Agreement"), which is included as Attachment 3 to this Application. The Agreement addresses: 12. Reoional Results and Reportinq. Under Section 1 of the Agreement, NEEA will deliver the services necessary to achieve the five-year goals and objectives outlined in the NEEA 2015-2019 Business Plan. NEEA wil! develop an annual Operation Plan and associated budget that describe how NEEA will pursue the five-year Business Plan goals and objectives, as well as interim milestones that will be used to assess progress toward achieving them. NEEA will deliver quarterly status reports to the NEEA Board of Directors3 throughout each year, with written annual status reports provided to all NEEA funders. 13. ldaho Power Enerqv Savinqs. Section 2 commits the projects in NEEA's 2015-2019 portfolio to deliver 145 aMW of total regional energy savings, of which 75 aMW are co-created energy savings. NEEA will report ldaho Power's share of tota! regional savings in proportion to its share of the five-year funding for NEEA for 2015- 2019 at 8.966 percent, which wi!! be adjusted for any optional programs that participants do not fund.a Idaho Power's share of the tota! five-year regional energy savings wil! be assessed for cost-effectiveness from a Total Resource Cost perspective. In addition to Idaho Powe/s share of total regional savings, NEEA will deliver an annual savings report including any true-up for the calendar year by July 1 of the following year. 3 ldaho Power has a representiative serving on the NEEA Board.a ldaho Power's direct funder share is bised on "all in' percentages that assume all funders participate in all NEEA programs and activities. Actual or'effective" funding shares will vary depending on decisions by funders to participate in optional programs and activities. APPLICATION - 7 Savings wil! be reported by zip code where feasible both for achievements as a result of the 2015-2019 investment, as well as for achievements during 2015-2019 as a result of prior investments in NEEA. 14. Fiscal Audit. As described in Section 4 of the Agreement, NEEA will retain the services of an independent certified public accounting firm to complete an annual financial audit and intemal control review. Copies of each audit will be made available to the NEEA Board of Directors and funders by August 1 each year. 15. Term. As set forth in Section 5, the Agreement will become effective on January 1,2015. Absent early termination, the Agreement will end on July 1,2020. 16. Earlv Termination. Section 9 addresses three instances where ldaho Power may reduce or discontinue NEEA funding and terminate the Agreement early. First, ldaho Power may at its option terminate its agreement with sixty (60) days written notice if its regulatory bodies or commissions do not allow recovery of expenses incurred under this Agreement. Second, ldaho Power may elect to reduce or discontinue NEEA funding under this Agreement upon the implementation of restructuring legislation or other legislation which eliminates the responsibilities of !daho Power to provide benefits under a public purpose charge. Third, ldaho Power may discontinue funding with sixty (60) days notice to NEEA if there is a change to the Bylaws of NEEA to which ldaho Power does not agree. 17. Under Section 10, ldaho Power may choose to reduce or cease its investment in NEEA if the NEEA Board of Directors determines at any time that NEEA's progress versus business plan objectives does not warrant continued investment in NEEA or if NEEA does not have sufficient funds to operate. lf Idaho Power were to APPLICATION - 8 seek redress of a concern about the conduct and/or performance of NEEA, the Company and NEEA would engage in informal and formal mediation before ldaho Power could cease its investment in NEEA by making a one-time payment equal to one- sixth of its current average funding amount. 18. Fundinq Amount. As detailed in Section 6 and Exhibit A to the Agreement (Attachment 3), and subject to regulatory approval per Section 9, ldaho Power has committed to fund NEEA based on a quarterly estimate of expenses up to the five-year total direct funding amount of $13,450,835. This amount includes: . ldaho Powe/s 2015-2019 share of core budget and activities, not to exceed $12,981,458, . Top Tier Trade Ally Advanced Training, not to exceed $436,081, and o Allocation of annual administrative expenses for optional programs estimated at $33,296. ldaho Power has not elected to fund the following optional programs and activities: o Existing Buihing Renewal and Commercial Real Estate, $627,730, o lndustrial TechnicalTraining, $138,076, o Specific market transformation activities including marketing resources, market channel development, and stakeholder support and coordination (as defined in Appendix 12 of the NEEA 201F2019 Business Plan) for all initiatives, estimated at $794,388, and o Associated administrative expenses, $119,126. 19. Idaho Power's direct funding share is 8.966 percents of NEEA's $145- $169 million 2O1F2O19 budget. Each NEEA membe/s funding percentage is based upon four components: (1) a regiona! share of total customers and (2) a regional share u tdaho Power's direct funding share is based on "all in" percentages that assume all funders participate in all NEEA programs and activities. Actual or "effective" funding shares will vary depending on decisions by funders to participate in optional programs and activities. APPLICATION - 9 of energy sales,6 (3) load growth forecast for 201*2019, (4) a 40 percent cap on increases as compared to the prior funding cycle. This funding percentage calculation places a 12.5 percent weighting on the customer component and an 87.5 percent weighting on the energy sales component. Load growth is assumed to increase at a rate of 1 percent annually. IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 20. ldaho Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 ef seg. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present the testimony of Senior Vice President of Customer Operations Wanen Kline that accompanies this Application and support the Application in such hearing. V. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 21. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: 1221West ldaho Street (82702) 1221West Idaho Street (82702) Lisa D. Nordstrom ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 I no rdstro m@ idahopowe r. co m dockets@idahopower.com Theresa Drake ldaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 td ra ke@ idahopower. co m 6 Based on2012 EIA Form 861 data for retail customer and energy sales and Final Contract High Water Mark (CHWM) Contract amounts for BPA public power customers. APPLICATION.lO VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 22. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order authorizing: (1) that this matter may be prccessed by Modified Procedure, (2) ldaho Powe/s continued participation in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance for the period 201*2019, and (3) that the Company's participation be funded by the Energy Efficiency Rider. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 29h day of October 2014. Attomey for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 11 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-39 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 Market Transformation-NEEA 1 997-201 3 ldaho Power Allocated Energy Savings Annual Energy (kwh) Avg Energy (aMw) 1 997 1 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1997-2013 2,102,400 0.24 4,555,200 0.52 4,642,800 0.53 12,789,600 1.46 9,691,276 1.11 12,925,450 1.48 11,991,580 1.37 13,329,071 1.52 16,422,224 1.97 18,597,955 2.12 28,601,410 3.27 21,024,279 2.40 10,702,998 1.22 21,300,366 2.43 20,161,728 2.30 19,567,984 2.23 18,346,465 2.09 246,753 28.16 1997-20{3 NEEA Regional Energy Savings Net Market effects aMW Total aMW 398 1,024 NEEA Total BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-14-39 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 h, : (-) 0)C a)o .C D,O q (g c)c o) =rr-{ r-{OOC\.I C\I Irrr od, -r -\V -c\.1 = - (E CL CN ct)o) L'a m o)OC(o = OC .0)Oi:+L! oo ()Cr! 0) =c oZ- ftrooc Lo Lo \o r\ o m 3 I : : = : > 3 = 3 X N Rrr(f)com C €.;gE:E E epHP u' €3 'Ei5E E iA =*-E€ e E= e ;= P 8 - P P= ' ee ;E s B3 ;#Af EEio.E E E EE 5p3Ce E,EEpEfr- = E ZFfi rrEEE 66qEE_ E ES; 60s s*:+E is==6F :s ;i: EEsuss:EIEss:PI E E H;; c se.E E gE ggi H3 fr gHi Hg =-* -o-e,'E=-E E $ r r r r r.EE r.E r r r r.E r r r r r C(, o_oaoc U' =6 LrJ UJz. Ot ONItr) o : cg(L oooc'6:a UJU.Iz. CNr{o$tIro'{o : (\I E:*o lE E '.9 'P s.3 E.E"UAEgE€oE E .^-S Er aa*€ E ;* EE EEEEEEFUfiE:<lc< oE, ,7,fr::5: ?* ? 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Ctr oNI|f)Ho : ot II'EiiIEIiI'gEgEE*I'iE*EiiFI gItiigEgiiEIEiIgEigiiEt;egiggg; *S;E-E=;==, tt Ef,*--*EE '-*-'l;;i,I*-t*uEEiEEEEi; s$€ g s Ft fiEefsEEEEEe, tg *; eEr;5',=EEEEEt e*uE E: Er r ;HEE::E;:E*-;sEeE E,EI*gEEEEEIIE EEEifiEIBiEgEEBE :E E E FH. H E:eE;cBgEf T;g8E aEezE E i ggI I gE gE ggggglE; glgggiaggi;lgltE $p n; gE a { i= o I II s$E.$;€FIE*.E; c(g o-oU'o)c,6 =(D lrJlr.lz Ol doNIroHo : NH =-Ycc,o=E EocP(s .e6E3:B.oop C' 'Eo=(Ut ocL=3Eboz ,E,iL _:<#o lioo :ts -o)!q Y-"E gE LF(s OEFO+.aO E U EgO E EgtlE .- -'= = ->EB.E E Pon .! 66E .oo J(\, =EF e =sE(s(,(scl oo qE'60.9 E E.9H tsE(sX (5c.=X o(I,o6 EE =E,o ==O = =E,olJ-(r) = IY UJ -IY = IJ (J IJ-J!J-L.l- -J =-rYO =lrJ =tYu- t-u.J -IY =(J (9 u.J rY c/) lJJ =O lJ-O cr)UJ o- =x U.J I Lf) l.t.J m F c,UIq).C o U' (Eo UrO !o) C,-c-:<(/,b E= =OOrE=oo.!P -FO '{= o3qlo€c(Eq)o9b6#o)()L(s! 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Ll.J C.,a 6 G, ==C,) E,o (J UJcr) z.lrJa C') LJ.JE, I(o IJ 6 oaf,, 9.1 5 uo.Yo ciJ Y o-googo= jgg]OEE EE E g o (l)= ci;*=9: u"p=:b.;o! o-'<9eo6 o: cE< c (!;io =-E --o J c, 0.) b 9GsEPEdt:! - (D ri r5E€ =o6dLb b;E*f Cr C E =eE Ef; .o oo)P6((l:DGE f;E_o6hot EeGb3EE 6o 3E B'g"H ts =$o-*nooo! o:#-c c 9l ooEc.= O)E=pi 65C (D€ !c(s9boluc U0.=€ c g,= oe=Eii e->! o(l).= 3; =€oho.o ..1 ooLhCgo > EEEEE 9 EG"'-c>\o -oboE -(EochEoesE*. oaY9;EE J.E.= o Ee o, =-gLgy= _ooEE E -tE o+ (! I 0) E.€'E =-bq?r#E'= o O () o g€E;-EE BE EEEeEqEg, # EEEE; EE ; $eE5 s;;3 aE! 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Eo f(!(,: = .EGaS E =o Y $EiEc = o'E ->>GA-qEEg3:= I H.9 c;o.s o q,_ F'.= oHe3EE o.: c EE E =E.=()9'-6>J EEEai'a* Ek c g5 d.,E E oaeE 6 E E 'EE E€E9 0 c)...9 =.!i 9 EH *E'*SptE c 6e EE€ eY O (E.:i =E=ie1;E ,;-F6-=E=b0'=9-da_ 6-.E#(J E(l)0)FLco-Xl(Jooo)Eo E(Ul!o @oEo= .Eoo)crcH,EEr;Bco .99 o €FE'oC)cNo&!0,, tc(s.- o.Ee()-Eoo;-E<c ,Eg*eE g E B;€as--9rE; Ho); cE 9-OE(s-=ts Eaa'- (Jt.9ouoE.EEd'.. s! o, :f6 = oL E AF"-c fiEoR I lo- oll q, EEr fi €aEs BeiEF O d!+ts!roolepsta Efi€ F6.- bO-iE€E d) (t, alrJ (Il o)E, Eo q) E Eoc) q)P(EPat! (E o)E, (tl'5 o) E EoC) c.oPo) lnCoC) =o)z. c(E (L U'al,o)c'6 =o lrJIJz or doNIrJ) Ho : sfN -EEq fr,#g I=-=gEE5Efi- 5 a EEEEE f eE *; ligEg: E: E? ;.E,F g r; i FE E.oE = o=-E 6<'-or ^ (t) = o), # >L!l Cr{!*eHf,oIE=€E E E* g!'E E.u E s gE E 3E E i; E } L -. L=,_€€ 3'=. € IiE =EEgaHar E:gE= EIEE F E5!E EEEE g E F€! EigE E _fi5€r Hiil EsEgE5 =bEE g E.U.f E g IgEE EiE;;e f E:E"::EE ;;E=€frtsi E *TEi B.E!E;i E;E i *iE5 -E=t5=-ooH;c E5EEIIEEEEE;E*f I I " t>g -'F t' (') efuEiElra;Eg[!!i!g;gg55gf[[ ;g IiiEEiiIE $ EEfiEEESE*EEgE EiagiE EggEEfEi gErgEEEi c(\' o-oU'o)c'6 lo lrJlrJz ('tdoNIlr) HoN (oN E."EH ga;f!EEfE .aEEEi;:= ts,E:* 6-:a(s o-:IEOo* !rr'=6b=qEo9*c= e btoooorc#E,'-9rt EsO - !o o(r)s E^1, Bo E-fi g EhtE 4oo=; -#-gE b': o' LHEE.ooP ots$oo,9 tr ros is E.+ HEEREE$Po oi3= E ,E E 3Eo,EE IH-I.=ts=.o6 s EeEEEEEEEEgiEEtE E i ; at; cE +$HEflII i E.-EE;iHE-*.=HEiE'E: '-r- E siEE: =5;:-fLE3,E e figEEHEEigE=ifSE 9 'g= *uE€ *;EE FEgEE g*HEn o* fi=gE E:TE; Ei.<E&r gHE=r d 11I".EE*E: E g 5E a: s g€ Bs PE E: H8 qs E ='= c) EtEtggEgE;Ei =- "r'ib()F r.- c= oi E;E6ot9oL - >.-o-=: = -c;r #hE 6 c r f,E;s E E qEE E t*Ees i*s*E ;'EE ,E EeE EsE ese 0 3 NN c/)a =, Ct) aE,u.Jz.IJaz, FU.J C5o m E, ==cr) E,O CJ l..t.Ja E, =() E,(5 E, C') oz. Io u.J ct t- o,o =o0o tooCL =o E(E ooeo- =) I z oEg o, .9p,89Eh -b, P*!9 E -too, <E39.=e 3.E eE3FE;PE (D(D H 3 OE Oe.=OEs uaB Ee HEe* 5 gEE ooog B frEqE.l?HE 3 Eoooo- 'SSsp6'-.=::, -c L E 8:s o) =#o =a(sLtsE c) .g =c C(! o- U'ooc'd =o lrJlrJz o!HoNIlr)do : oN #c(I, o)-cF'-o)(,llhooE = (5 -LtU-P* c ts?=aFx=(1)-+# E E;EifrlQolqoEetoFor b E'= = (! =-oEEE E -Jd!LEEs: -+ (It Y = oE'v3=oltsriE bE c.9 -S E or.9 Ro ", *E E U<:= t^c H HEgtzts.Eg $EEBEfrEEEEiEF # Hi:gt=;c se :IgE:EFf;:H iE EEEEEEi;gEEiE gEEEiEEEEEEfifit C,)EJ = E,oo-o-O C5O O =. CJlrJ CJ =.C'G,u-l =u-I E, C,) o =.lrJ o- =xIJ I U.J 6 o#l<oG,-o9o(,(s6p ES =>(IlEo.PArbO-cEq)-c o)oP#>or9Ha =>rg-a.="9< = ()= HEErfL =tro3'a e E-E $E;=i6EgEs Ag *'EEolo; Eb#5 oyF oo .c(o(/)o)o -; :c, E 8.8ts>-o)'6 .9-oc(l,o or-La r- 'th > >Har bli Etbo,';c"P:E-o (/,,,-e.FgE{:Ou0aP oAB E-o9>g? fr.= !L!F o= E5 -oE= =.9rE iEs Eooc)(/, o,'E9-A EgH#t0 -O)CLIt E'COOr I O0=I- EE.9(s=PIe2-anoa u, ,=-6 eEtrHtsE >(,o(Jc)oc(,o.9 r o.9 <I)9Eo.!2ots> f '= 9.-qo Is-c g#.O(E =FieEo'= (!ho==(l)=(!it oi;o E.=Ese ^ UDPe9go= (E E b: -EoP': E.=oo6.2 oo-E i5 oa;s.E =g aiig=>'e'u 9o_ f E3€EFEO) E(E b0o o- L.oP(EoEts(DoalrJE,oI FlrJE, o)E (l)Ec =E(l)o-o -a Ul>F3Eahc>L gD.9 uo (!.=o- o- o.r EE=Ho-aq)9.>!P#(J =9oE EO'oE-r(U ip c)E (, '-o(D =Ef(go.oE egi6ebEs6uooQ io Ec, Eo)ol)(Ec(o(, =E>gU0 '(, EaUJC_o(EF'E(!#CAL;€ EE€oE>.9xEUJo.)v(Ir (/, L- E'Et=-E9aGb cts3E €L(r6o >.=()ao- o Cl o)oo EolE*o .9aEOE =c)o-o tEitEeE€EEiisi:iEggEri"ae-= gEiEgFgiflEEEiiEiEgigEgiEEiEii gEgEEgiiggi = E iiEigiiEgr lgiigig; Eg[gEg;;EtEeiiiaairs-is: E E rEE**iEEggS g iigEgEgiiii* iigE I c(! o-qo(l)c'6 fo LrJlrJz OtdoNIrodo : o(f) ct)aE, a =. Ct)az. C,)l+Jao(J E,oLr-(/) IJ.I =CJ IJ.J 6o =, o.- C,)c/) U.J =,C,) 6 o) oC\I Ilf) oC\I Ic\ u.J cEt t- (l,E'ooEooJo o) (l)Eoo =o) L o .9o.>(\,c(t, ou0C ((,a Eoa5UI (1) oE Np L C,Po =(l)c oa'6 .>(tl <o -9?rnYu0(l,c.If AL6a@ -o Lo:uU,EEc(Dor'5' LLbo- =c=oL!'-(E C, an(EC ol 9h0EGlo)tE(Etso- 6-EgsOcoo*Eoo-k€E>o-Er aoy C'E'ElE E EsPucc)=o)65'e,oo9pi G'PPE(sFP-Od*(t,'o -c o!-o o,E(tr =oJ2.3 : .oP((,#c(l) Eo o- .E Ec(E .tlto (l) oc.9#lt,#co) E:l(Joo o) !ofEON-c>oc) (s ETE.! o.Si0)i,ap- -Ot/).=oo) E A.=E EEe bz9* --Lofs or€bP -t.EaE o(-) (! (uEo) C. uDSPc(l,'-E#L(,(E Ei,o>\c(JLCE (l)o'6 Ebo- o)€E C, L/,gI TJ!-#6 Poo-o- I U) E J-o OIc .oxo) .c oof so)Co Eo P (s -o.=E >EU ENo -E#<s e-c EEH:08 xotoo-() (s*F>.o6X & 3E(I,EL'-:< .- c(J# (SqbE o o-C^=(so .,E E-= fB=9o Ec(t, Eoi;a>9(,Bo'o#E q.t .Sts(/,'-E =o)53o-oeBolcbF -LEb-tcot.9 o..=(nE(! F obPE(sut tnq)(D;.o.=P A(Joo) .E g6 E-OEoH 9o50 E ESHBiluo.!zc-- unE(gE =OO);sEg='(\l(E bot eE A E c, e --E E, sEHEE EEe oi EEettirsEEEiI- EE EEEtrflEE*EiB E E iE= s=!EI€ggli= I E Eii€iiEEEB lE AE I E tE€;gEe ge sEBEt fr E: zE ,egBss$ .r eEe-Eg€ E;iEa€:E 5!.,P ;EEfleEtE;=€ n : *.ti EEEE3EiEEEEE gE€i ggEEEEiEEEEEEiEJ EEIEE=E;E€IHEEgI € B=;; Hrcg= FEt-H;E t fr EfiEt*EFEicE;5iEggi!EiEEE $ig: 5EE,EEi $;s;e EEH IEE =E. EEEE IIFEEEgti*gEE E;E-€EE H EE SgEEfu sFEEEEEEE IEIEE* EEEg gEE* ; -EPEb+<o) sE,e€si; ;t;EgE;tEE: iE€ EEEIg +* EgiEggggl EIiggElggBi, EigE ilEEii gg EEigIEEi E ?= gtE Ei; EEEgE-EiEr r Eo)cE'o(D'F O)NCoo-ocUr.8.: EE;spaE h E=4-o-E P E€3UEC hoNo E.= E 3E,bE>EF(l)'- - rr(Doro9S-E Fuo! --c i.Y P$B == c (o6otor-. -!L\(! - o).=s3 *n mEe;EIE g* o oIFE = U'E s qpac ts.L O H t:#E 3Pil'-'l tz fiE:$Ernio<J E HEE-CC-: (J (S- 9Po o.i (s(IJc- -c arS (D EE 3se sHHe.9 ?tt! Y i! rn- Y!tso.c <s_t ;Q =o=_ = S p i;[ fr.>.6.:c zgE= Eg ;EE€ A 3 E E; FE iI ilaBE E< b= h.E N UEEE F ;zE > (!E (f) g ,_-_B- i'*a' E 0.2 calig EE(JcL EE ==o6, uoP.= b0o=b0g o= alrJc/)oo-oE.o- C,)(r) U.J(J OE,o- =.U.J =U.J C5 C5z.lrJ =o = =.oE,OOC) E,lJJo o lrl = C,)oIrJo- = U.JE, I lrJE, (5 G'a2 EEi=6r= EE EE.E3 Erclr(JG, C' b0 .E sEL =8'6.=.-! .o,EEs.GI ELl.l.t C, "SrBi h F";i: E*s -as*ggEEAEESHE E=*g_Et-a n= E C5 = =z. CL UJ =E, = ,EEEgEEFEHfisIE€sEE. gEgEEEEEEEEBEEEEEEE g;BEiE:E:E-gtiEiE€EE E EE€FE iiEiE EEEEEEgfE -"=+ EeEj< o rie€r r E=EEEEiEEEE{Eg] # u t gtgggSEl gisE g Fr gI gEg afie;E * igEEigiI iEEIiiiI ggEEEiii AE E FEf, !IP =obp=P':3 i n'aB -i= oi (E (D-- =EAE H Ti E= h E€.9 s E =a.=E 6 ; n Efr' fiP Y-rCDE-pIcr il=E a o, -rFIre 3 =pEts E = B il EE R< =Ea il>c. Y=o roh-!F L (O >F = E,Oa-o-O(J C'u-t E, cu) L(s o-oU'(l) '63dl t! trJz OlHoNIro oN (o (Y) E e 4o ggE*Iggl EtgggE;gEiEgg * g gggEIE* EgE gI aE t I ggE gI a,f H E E L g;g-s;=EsEH= *-EI= *;tP::,:::; glggIgiEigi; lgiigi ilggiiiggggrIEI ; EEEE E iE EEgg* EgI EE E EE E B$EEEE$iEEE E EE.E*:i-*ligEgEEEfiEEE,igilEi cH,f;EEE+,eEEs s rE;E**g, iEs"EtEE;gEEE 1 EE E ilE E g sE AE EEE!i EiEEE gE EI Ei EEEEE igSE IE i BgE ig iiEI gE .E .Y(Ets,!tLO =u0ol€ c6 orS(J.c o- gEm -68;EAE9€o, EER H E,r5 t;H g < g_eE tJ-l C # O) 2 EFB Cs(L U'oo)c'tl, =(D UJlrJ =OlHoNIrr)dol N(n 3=-;+uE,*lEgg:gigEEiEEiET =Ee;Bg*a-HietEE -=-IgEg*gEgigl;gga,igtEg+ga EEiEHSgE c(E (L oU'(Dc an5o lrJ UJz o)doNIro dol @(o E eEe I.* ;sgrE#r i=- 3-gf€E;c *i s;EE =Eq EE tE#,s fEE E.E cFfiE;€; EE E-E=E[! gE UE .oE-co- E[E $gx €;:a*geE; eEg 5= ==Pr r 2E=.EE E * 'E=EE=E :=t E ,il rBEriE=i EEEiEE [a$ E EP F E;- Ea;gE* *EEtlE Fg; s i gE rE rEii- IEE=E*,IEiEEEiE=E'**iEEigEEE aEfiirgi i;g;iE SEEE :a$E ,E:€=EgE EHEEEEE EEEE*Ee 5E$E ;teE#EEFFEE#8€8s8€E 56EHtE: =EESd:s r r r .E -. gE -- - L I c lo 'E s=fiE E :ESEE= - E E t=EE; EHEE;;$Ele;Ee;EFE€=iE:gI EB€tlgEEiEiE$rts-*iEEiHE[Ii E IEEitu ;E gEiEIgE iE:i =- =E n*E=m EEoo'=:(-)m(5 E EEE E EEE EE EI() 6 c) cE = F -.8 to'6 Z r g *€ E."g.A< = >o ioEa ; gE SEg $E g EE f;!E om o aa 2.6. ci '-; o.iO\d U'83E E RE(5 6 i;ll) 6El E0 ,(D '+ o)h P2 E ;R EgE :3E E)E E f; fiE fr E ;I,fiq tn cu,, Y '= cE H E EH: E EE E5 E E S"B E ? pq 3 fr H !,:g t E EE g -; Ni cd+ddN cso-ooo)c'a =o LrJlrJz O)doNIrOHoN Ot(f) L(! o-ot,c,c'6 =o UJ UJz OldoNItr) do : o+ r\QP 6EE NgIP BE E* HE6C) -=E u0 Ol .= i $gEE Hg8 E; EE.E=o.P eEEiIE.go o' : Ef E- $q eE€E:;E I Et E c.9(o b:': PsIEEEE = He =E g f*E*E.i.?Ti== .] := i=.> > aE, ()lrJE,OC)C,) U.J(Jz, =E,OLJ.G,r!o- u-l U.J =, I x U.J O)(o Isfrtilg E =Le ooo 0.)L) 3ooo)Et P !o.!6 (l)J qc 3 E@ oo)oCo)o.xlrJ Ol oN Lr) oN6 P o.x(1) Eo o be oq)oEq,o.xlrJc.9 (E .q .E Eo ooq)c'a =cn =-o(E o (EL o) =o.Eo,s(Ea o) oqg E x(1)c o o,b0(Eao_ tho (EE o)uo(s o, (s =E(5 .(JEq) TL ooFo o) =c.oofE(DEco-o(lo No coE N oo .=.G OJo fF t'aEooL -o6 oo- ol.gEg(E()a ooo)oo TL .c6.E o,oo- Eco'Fo (DE. Ol oNILr) oN ov (o =o E.9!(! o)G, In(,i< (s o'& o)(s a (ll c oI-o(E =o(E o) !c) =oo)U' c)l6 b/c oJ (! =6:, c t .o:EE oE (tlEc(Eo Ecl! oEoC) .9 (!o o)-c u!E'.4 (EE. :=(u!oC): (E E oEo(D o q) (EEE, z E.E, beoOlo o) (! o,E, o)oE .(Ea Eoo (l)!oO E co) =oo)E. oo0EI(E EIf oE(!-oc(5o u0c€coo- .cc-o (E.s.9E(!rL Ol oN tr) oN ou0C C,o ==.E $NoNIrr) oN ootc (5o ==(! lrllrJz 6o (so (s o Eo oh0c'= (oa E o 6bo,Ec Gfl =d-66OP:9o9 hlE'4= ofi3t Or doN lr) oN obac (!tt ==6 +NoN rodoN ob!c'=(,U' =(E (Eo) o -e .E E x oEE=:iE =e q HE E nig EEEEB I i EE EE g;i;t E*ritti e Ei E;;IEEEE , gEggii gt EEgigEggtllgi c(\l (L v,oo)c'a 5o lrJ trJz OtiloNIrO o : sl' c,r) =lrJ =ct) U.J =F =,lr.JE,E,_,C) (/) U.IF = cr)tJ.J(/)C' = =cn (5E lJ.J =lrJ I G,Ix 6 =u-JCLo- stsNooE c)t o u'l N N(o ro roro strr)o @ o o(o ra)(o or RRi ,.1r)HoN @N (r)c!6 oN tN (\l N c (oN OtN tgNoOq)N oqdE (\l st otot ro o6 Nrn o o o oo NN O! :oiu q!?'rl ')H oN (,st @(f)ro ol$t @N o (o o Nst (r)(o sisNooEq'dI-o (\I @ N (o Ol o(\I o(f)(r)(o rf,N o oNN roOl G ooasI o 6 EqESI dooe o(f,to Or :oiJ qttrrrr)HoN NN F.'J)ro(o (r)sfrr)(r)(r)o r,o osf rc)\t ro o(Y) = .g ol N o-!o .E co:(J q) o E u!.EEco(L o .g=c co fo N o.= .o =c DI Ec(,o- o .s.:s Eo =(J (a qo N s bl.g!coo- o .a =c co fo c, .6=c u! .EEcoo- G oE ae ao0 co(J sLoooco =o filJJz cndoNItJ) ol N+ sfooC!I CtlorHo)rtcD,.O-l-lIroooNNNNrtt(l)rJ)orr)7iO,{'{ =o o o()NNN odltIlt.{(D{lr)or(t)(l)(l)oooooc)oc) o0 bro u0 o0.c .c .E .s!EEEccccS':,i,iE2rrrr sr* % sr* sr* *+ % % % % % fuo* % fio* br* h+ %n, % NL'drfi+mr{IJ(JTJUa, t, l, l, LIIJt)LThhhhr-'tJ(JUEO h0 EO h0EIE:FIE!EEtFIEtrFI=aatlf lr. E ll.tctt croooo(rceooutqqe.ut6il(\lr{r{ (a,rpqnurn3) 6 upqg ;prye vt ED EI.- GCA -filEo.L EO(ufrra(d +J.oF o, OGJ Irr) F{oSI F =,u-l =G, CLIrJa dt C,'' U-J(/) =.U.Jo-xU.J lrllrJ =. I r-l ".jxa =.lJ-lCLo- <tN _\o-(') @(oe (olr)N+o6 (o @- @rr)Ol N(oNd(o _o- (f)st Fj(oro .D ro+I+6 N+\6o)o, @(, Ar- lr)e\l ro6q a!ttN6i4 r)r.r) @-o(f, <f_ N ooo_oroF. (nNN. N(o ^i tc,ol Fa.r2 u2t (o F-rtsi-1 roNGl c\,1(r) r; q @FNt0 (oN\Orroo @@\o_(oolo{o @F\(r)-o(oo-o NroN. o j I 6Nq, @ 6 c,6.qot\Na'G N <t_(o(o(o @ 6oo:+F\N F\\o _@. r.r ot +i+ @. roN .j toN@- (f)ro @In(o N6t-ItO No+-(r,(o6) N(oc.l No.1 o, Fc,q $l& @N(f)- N sf- N ooo_oNF. NNq o si ot,N+clollt,a ooot (r,o1 6 l-t + o e, C'roNt,6 c't(oo{ F\roo F.oq @ ry(o 6o(fr_ mo(o_ or o<f(f)-oF.o- N oto, o, @ a ]f,loq(o6tfrt(.,a (o(o @- F.+@e oloNd+N rorJ)@-ooo- oN(o. o)oo. (oN(f)- slo c! c- t4,sata @(o<t- N(oclr s(o*- @@q NG'qc$lq(\l4 rooN+Ol(o- N o o-root(o Nrr)o\fo_ N @NN.oae tt* Nlr, oi<fN. (oN oist 6- $rocdo)ar- @U} \t+ol ro+(r) <f66I o) (\l-(o oo o,io\cn (oF-o-o+o- ol6rqFclc2 o t.DN.cloqtata oroqom(o@ N @-o N m+(o- roN j (o$oqtoto ort)(o-o*6 ct.Dtt(nC'+0 (f)<l(o- C{ool @ +oNo_ (oc!ctFot 6 roN. NNdl N ooo-roro N@<t- @ol G'tN .f'No.roG @rooI N. r'. ol @o d !, o_oN.t- @O @lo- (f)(o(r) oro*_ro o)o.l @o+ @(r)\ Or N(r)lr)- NOto) ooct @a I C'@o- G'tF+c,g ol<t,o- (r) (o@ oNo-No)(o N€o- LOst j o(') 'o.(na -- Oto@- @(r)r) rt69 fi,c,od* +(ooI(f)F\d) (o(oo- (f)ro .-i C'G'q Nol 6 @(ost- (o (r)- N ooo_o$(o (r) N+Nq 6 dNo,dO N@\lr,F- j oo(r)-+O) @_o Eq. C'F_o_toG Nrorf) $iN(f) r)!oN+roCrl(o ro- r)o; ooto(o Or o,cl 6q F a G' (D. r,,cto- G'G'a olro(o- (oro@ F.(o- (oN (ooo- C\to coF\@-oo oIdttoG ol@q GI(oq N ooo_oorr- o:6q Glll)tnG od,or-N6'\tl* (o<fco- @ (o* (r)r) @-(o @(r, (f) =t tn oo(r)- $orJ) oC' 6,: 6 Nstq roF\+ ooo-oolr)^ N FsIq NN4 6Id(oolct(\t.o (f) @_st@ro6 N$or (r)N(o (,N @. N(o Ol r)o(o- @No o6q @(f) 6 ctoci@@ G'5 N(o _(o_(o(ool $coo-+ 1 @tlt: F6o 6i4 roocl tr)Oldl N oo -o-rsor(f) (ao ct+o- N a0aout-N('t ui6 \o(o @-(o N..: 6ro(r- (o6N$ I at@+rtG (ooF\d+6) (f, @- (oNrr-(o (r) N oi(oq N ottoo- Cr)(t,o- ol(o u? r,@6t 5 _o- Fro6)ctNo (oro +a{ol c{ Noi@(f) nt sf(o fD_o@(o+ (')No-(n(r),o.s (arf)F\+Or\o- N tc,octo(ri O Oto(f)-o@(o .+ @ +oNr)ri FNFoa ct 0 F.q(o F.q ooo-oN-t(r) F\q Lr) Ato stoo- NaoaottNG N@ +@6-r) NOrF-- (, N riFor-ut ct- FN* N(r)r)dc{\ (oro cd to ,o (o(o @_r,<f @- or(o (o OrNd(o d Ftd Fqq c:@4 @aoG'. rooF $ G o,9 o o,) =oo) td c.o G C)o-o q c:6 E.o N .E E! oc'6 f6 bIooEto ,OJ C.9 G Eos !o)oEa o E0 E i!o E.o ooE. oEo oxoa c.9€.9cf E Eo()og o o o rqo4-U' G oF rc GEc6a "do.E'oo bo(l) G a oI (s Eox =ofEo o_ =o@F b,6' etn o! l! =Go o!.scc6 o_ oIo c.o 6l'6 td od =oooooE ba=-EOc'aoEd=_!!.sEP.u c EE c j=fa@ U o N = bx oc E Eoo .o C(up oE. aoo lo oE. oI (! o oo,xr o: c, =oo iEo E a! (5 Eo!cf o o E Uoa G ,9oo =: o E .9.! 6 E o =oi o oXCo6gdeo!p(,Yol|ocE'o OJEo:< ELdiz.a=-301 EO*NotoLO.2-so!Nc EEcn.st =FU.Jo FLTJC'o 6 I (f,xa =,U.JCLo- c(! o_ taU'o,c'a =6 UJl!z. OlioNIrr) doN +s c,r)U.Jc/) =lrJCL><lrJ =O C) =, U.JlrJz, Io! <7)x 6z,u.JCLCL otaoo, o 0 (oN@- NN(o rr)\(a @ oloq. N (o o@rr)- @ N Nc\l Nr.r)N do\o(o O) o(o @ c, G'O Glrfro Nu,6- c,6qcltl\.\lG'G Nltt IG' O (r,Nro- (om o CD. NI@ o(oq N (o (r)$@-ro Olro NN c.irJ)6l (orO ra) o,iNO) EtoNol NC uto.qc, o, lotoq @l4ttlltGIq N ro o,o 0 odr\oi(f,lf (oc!OloiN r,!t odo(o (r,$(o. (o Olto \io(o+O!st @Olc\l6 O) cl,N(o lr)N GIe C'N1'lctro@-c,N Iq(qc,Ei.l,!0 6ot(tNottC'* \toN- ro(o(o (o(orr) odoN $loo- No(o (ost -(o-(oorr) sto @-Nost (f)(oo- dOl N(D t!{aD€ t(rr-t,c,o-c,N o(oo0 G,i!f aGt0 I@- .D c, 0 NOt@d(o(o (osfo.l (Y)oN otN FJorro (f)\t @-roOllo <fo@-No\i r\\NoOl to(!lN- .Y'N!t- FI'c G' +t- o, clt crn Eftc,0 ao.!o N0 No-N @NN+ C'T CNOr+ @(\I(o- rr) orlr) t.o- NN L)o 6'ao0 o,oor-Nrl:!+s ooor. Glo\$ C'octJttllt 0 \irr)(rr-oro Ol(f,(o- (f) N (Y) CN CN{N Ol(o(o- (oN roOio.l fr) CINor-6sG sdao(\l N(\t I+ao6lciN5 ll,(o od rD-C' 0 r\oq NN+ (o(f) @- ro@ Oro\,o- $lOllo (Y)or\ 'rto(o N co_ s}O)(n rr)(\J st- lr, Ol6 oG'ro(\. 1.ll ctg) Ut (t @N rt c, U'ol,€(\lg tNo-Ict- G'utG (omo- t,@(r)- (\l rr)(o +(r) Ol (r,ola"(f)roq AI t rr)- @No-(, +ro(fr- sfr\ol (oN iF.t++ 6o@-ol(9t:lri a if o- rt@-E' rDoalE'o $ 3'} U'iEoEoo tl =.! Gt a!u, a; E(!(!ts E.Eo, '= O'E(5< (gE.9oU)c)A .\e=Yo)o-a .E'c(s PC(l)6)EL!(\l.:+ =goL! U) (Ec.oanOudl-Eqo-hjoO) arF;FO U'c.o!(I,o(I)'=(It=otgEoooo c.o .(o C)o o.o)o (l, -co odo .o) ='o (\, LL E 6crE.=O'(E o, gr(!t'= aEEa!EF<t ooU' oEtxlrl (Joo a- .E CI =E C5OEn 6 (r') IJ-J c./)z. U-Jo-xu-t E, lrJ Iu-i lJ- U-JU.J = I o? cf)xaz.lrJo-L !hn ooLr)o-m ooo-or,o-N Io 6dt d F\\(r)(o00d ooq. OC\'rr) lr)$\ooIr)$ ro@noolr) Ni ooo-o<tGI FI+Nq(\l ooo-o F. ooo_oor.r) c.i oooctoro-(\l& (f) @ ctoo-(o oF-to- (t co_$ NN(o- (osfNd lr)sfdrf,lr)- to\toN (rttf \t<ic{ O)00- $(oo- O)o\o+ ro co+(oo- N orroo. O)(o (f)- o(o c.lr) st_ G'tt o-o(r,(o N (o_o roi ogl\oo rlro$_r\ 6- F.roio-o(r)o co Nor-(l,@F)- a m@\o-(t <)O. (o 6f..@- (f) o0- <f NN@- (f) OtF.d lr)r+-oo(o-(, rf,\!t,N6*F+ N F" c"t(oa$ $rfN. Orco- sf(o o_ oro(o .a @ o-!i0ul N r, F.I r.r)+ rf)6sf-oor.f, Ni or!Oo- Ot -\o. o(oOldrt-{ c,6'0.t,ctootN N 01oL)AId oOr\oorn sirosi- Nsfo- N(o(oo(f,|r)d No)_ (oo@_ tr, t4 lOor\lr)roco sistc\l st.1 orr)rD-NolOl cnoc,$or-N (o r.)$l N@ N(o -<i- or a sf sf_roO j (o€q Ol ro Ol@@- N(o IcldF|: N t.tr)q.gF.t\ ^i tNN. tf) @ Nrr,(r)-o@ @L.d)- F.@Ol \l@o).Nrl6l g ooo-o ooo- !o =t ooqo6 Ic,tq+ Oc)orfro cri oEt6 Cft,al o@@- lr)F\co- (f) oN(r) sio_(o" (a o dtr,rosi N(o GD. ctctcic, N\ao(oq. co6(tloo€o- No _(o- O)@\(f) No<t- Olrr) co- fn rosfNoorO.t roo=toolr)6i (oF._o_ O)cool No_(ooCD. (o6cr-tng,(0- (l}N or..rr- roF\+-r) (o rr)- ro (f)- N F.(o\ oro(Y)_ lr)rOoi F(,cr-(,c,_6- N ar)@(o- (r)Oo- (o @c =c a co @ o A Uoe ooF bo uoEu.; EGuo & .9E L = L E I =o E L I EoIa a z o o 4 G o '6oe 6oF o =oer o E .9u .s Go oE oo GUor cEcg J E EoO FFF = = C c c.gJ E EEoO Io c O .,c ,UJ6 6 ,=Ef,J o E J co E so E 6 =D =o G = &u.u =-ouc,, ,q U U'6 t O C9 .9= O c o FUE .9 foc uC) =Eo + =U? .d O o ooL (J G oF .2 .9!c =z oEoIo oa ov G =o Gooj ,; EGuo4 C,q .a= O C.9 oaou ===@ a do o FoI- a) o E5L I I 3o oE oo oo oJ E =o GI r =GoF d oo0 o oL oE oo o o= oo =o2 4E .grJ EooEEoo o G @ EoG EooEEoo G o E G oo oEEoo aEF oI G =.\ooo Cso_ aa0)C'a =co UJtrJz. ON LO ol LOs Lto&oU'o '6 :fco trJlrJz. ct!doNIrr)Ho : ro+ <, oct od E u At .9 do:.> N.9ts .90 o G o! o ! ' co i;E oet .9 g = oo ,:g .4 E! Eso- tJ)o(Dc V' =(D lrjLdz. Ol dONIlr) o : Ns -(-)o_J CE C5 =a -J-)6o = =G,(5 OG,CL ctaU.J(./') =lrlo-xU-Jo U-J _J =z, o, t-loGI I1r) FIO c\.1 I =cf)xo =.LrJCLo- otr)@ o CA o (r)N oIo rf)c)d (f,st oo oaG Eg-oo !g o62Eo U 'oo o grroo o o|o at,Q ol @ olr)oro (o(n orr)N ooN o (n \tat)(r! NN(n- N lr) O)(, H Na o o(o 6(\I ooN Oro(\la oNe (o o(n (o (,N F.(\(\t(6 osf Nroma (o Lr)o$I o(o ro1r) sf(o c)\o(r)(o mNor NGIorJ} olr)tr)(o sl 6 si6 o(v tYl oNtrta LO@ oro (o(f) N(r)N @oro oo o<t(r) (lt-oo nltl {r} ooO) ooOra Oolr) oorrtG tr,r+o(o or\tr)F.@ @NN o @ 66$ rf)N.1 o$t ti mN(o ro lt,O oN*ooN oN No N N${v)lf,(r) lotoor(\ ioloq.(\.* OLr)g t\o*N oOr o ro(\l N O)oN NNN oa?, _ro_ oolr) o{rl $iQ o o oa o oo ooacE uc aF as dEa =o aoooo o G o o5 G = oo c oeU.EoI G- 0gq q oEo oIG U Eo .t cga U' oo oo c.9 G G ct oco oe oI 6 = Gc3 E !^o E3oE E0 E =o oo o o =(J ao.= o0 ooG oo oEouG G =E6 b!o 4 ct ag 6 U' I0iloA rts2 aEF o.= .s.= !o- =oEeoo oa aoo o(J 6!U t oo ao oao0 Zoott oo.E o G Ga u o oE Eo !t o Uoa o o: E = oo oo oa)Er c EEoooE Eo E oo c 6 EE o 4o =o- ooF Eo ba0A>0 .= o G .94E xa! =.! CI a U.J == =oCJ -CJO_J6(5 =.a_J =6 6 =. =E,(5OE,o.- 6(/)lrJ(/)z.UJo-xLLI 6trJ = =.=o, t-{O(\.,t IlJ)r-{Oc\J I =cf)xo =U-JCLo- 6(o6 ro(, OiNo- N olo6 o CN ol$l ci Nol @Nr)- ONo- N (oNN. 6ol(\l 6 No0_ (o co og6 EE-6o 0 o G Eo u;ooo F ooN. o)+(')-o (o osflr) oo! oN 6\oio.(o NoodN or\$ c,to\GIG'* o Gl Ol\i(o-Ooo o+o oCtt nN o(o((,- (f, NNo^ N (a N@@_ F6 N n- (f) N or; o6 Nro(o-(t0 nN(r)-rnolr) olN6 o!F. o@s{ ct(!slc)rr) 6NOl rattso)o (o N o@Nt* o(oo O(o co o@6g) o gr 6(f)6 roN o ctc,c,6 =oE o ot o oo oo6oo U,E oF!s GTEoE eo e6o oa Ecco o oIo = oo oo&u oTo- roeo o€o o!G ba GFd oaa ,r, EoE oG o G GU od o Gooe o!6 = co E hG oo EGo .E = o.= EoIE a o IJ o Eoo coo oo EoEoUGEGE G Uoa .t at G U' G b!oB uE- aEF o .s--E]o- oEeoooc! eoo oo oltb!'= oo coe o !oovt o.eao coct d.Eo to Eo &eoJ !o G IA oT G = ao9ooEcC'gU =EEoooC o E oo o a E o qc,:o. aoF EGUoE o '= o sc.9 Eo xr! =.! 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U-JC'6 =cEr =E,C'oE,CLz. -JCL cn c.l.)EIz.a =Et CDr-{ostILr) F{O<\t I =fxo =lrJCLCL ,-eHppEEUEE *E*=s + gEi;gEE no- =b0 o4t a.- 6 E lr0- igEI= EeE$g$4 TgEEFE=.qiEEe- B -s E; +';6- E S;E E ;EEBSsEE*EEEE oitEOoOi; Cp-trto=a.= o x6 0i;E 6J E o!- E -eo &;* E = o.= - -o d EE 8oo- o (/) ='tr ; fr$*reI ;CacE€EE r&;s-=E*E E q^ o!E o=<E EftS:0 ,E e€ts .E oiorrJ q 5E: I E=E E EEE-s EEFd C I ^qR#IE 5.E 7 b.E =e P;gcP 6 E OEEEEEo.E o r.E Eo(!E E -o2'Eco$* E HEE= '" A2E; fr n*lll 6 >c=LP- o o.o:f * E; e s's-".€ E : €REEg EE E =r S = !l'= o O,iEf.iogcocB.EHflEE=E;I3 E !?5 6 r, q co,i8E,iE E s; B. 9ii . E . ..9 . c.9Esc y.'Z c o!s c EFE -Es .^= gE E fi HliEE !-==.!l o.9 o ( = ?oE @ 3E.HEE!h.OsLo =o -, o -=.== EFE:< i, -= ^IsEf€5Fts. ..9. . d oEoIE.!9ktso(J O0\ @'5 E cF6€s5rOd -L< C6,_ O ;EqEEE-otr q if-o5 -*(ts o()J E b0C!or oF.!9 5 o>-EP=.giuoo; cEb 6E.g c: oo.=c) g =.92zriEbO E'-u =uE-oJo (I o-ooo)c'a fo UJtrJz. 6 U.J ==F =Osl (t)z,o CL =-)ct)c/) C,)(5z. =(/) C5E,u-tz.u-laz. FlrJ(5 --)oo =E(..j,OE,o- =. 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I =fxa =U.Jo-L oIdoct,LcEJEe -o3 p- E.E Eo O.E@co -fo9H H o.9E6 E.e H - gEIE' 8# PgSEEE =g=r;*e af HfrEgEgEE$ >\bE=_aoY'= aE.= 63 eEBE' G OCE^ .E,E :E $tr s =B ESES [$ 5f;eH 5o 6'=E 0tP - @ T F:;g O EEE:I E o s o:: E AEE Hoo's rE ifi E 805:==co-:s fiaEe aLEe hq. roc=a(S-a p GE'c#E ^-oe dSi xuo ^ ca 6"EI, g I EE=EEEGldi:coesBESt)s Po'-tEEoP = f o Y cEg: E E EE eEgE "igoo> G o=E>ozza6 aE a a a g <0,F!u€ats ._c.egu)EH3(Jb o6o.E'=oE€oo5poa =oe6baoco o> s !Ea<Eo r.E Eer6- I Er.E E .9 $€' ;E- * EE EE E$*p E: gc fu'#H EE =6 =9 bH is ig Et Eq fi E *fr g E3X I I E 8 E 3 aAO.oO.; >10 -EE> '=O'- O E-.='iEEooGY 4riJ tr'=ts == aFEesEEg=€a.o C-o-=EF*Egs gE o a9)e.9 E.a€ E aE.!l! cooNPa6 c(\' o- tnoq.,c'6 fm lrJ LrJz Ol oNIro oN (f) Lo uE!oo baE =ooE o oEoEoC'=Eoo!o o -oNo3 oE lrJUJzo ==os ,c o @ =oI ,; Eo b!oool l o .c oo aC'6obo E o N oc .a oo.co.;E 3s. u69ogCooom9 Eeoio+ EUECo;u!9cv,:Bao'o =u.:co=OLo'=oE!#!(c au.J -)z.Ez,oC) c/) =O =o- =_,ct)(t) ct)(5z, =c/) aElrJ =U.Ja = lJl(5o 6 =E C5oE,o- =, -Jo- C,)a LJ.J =C,) m CD t-lOC! ILT' t-{o(\.I I xo =lJJCLCL o- d d L-o 9'ES EboY E-. E o.cg!qt@: Hlt= a; e ,ii oE* 6.14.aE B 3-EJ Hi; EEEEE# EE F, E tEE:t s E tsE!cE. HA;:EE E 5s!: Hd 3 =€ E'B o0ocg)i E6.= EE;B>E _'Ec!GO!=o .cio-c E.g E Foo oLEo L^5G> oc=(og- 6 He!2od*a ggE c-6€3 -b a.EE EE ti8E fi€Eo G -_ c c =SE EEE$ =t" gaE; ={> =9 54GE c o E Ys€ si EB*E *€ €g 3E H 33 s 3EIEEh=h3T 8 f E E E. iroa o a o Eo o0 .;:i6fEg u0oo.= .9v.E 3Po,oIEX5>LO,PO_c ooao_ 3"aU'9 6d'6€p FgEEE -Foo.5ta a- EN ooO LF =oz =ol\l E,o --t- G, LrJ IoGI I (no(J o lJ-J _JlJJ lJJ o -)OU-FE,oo- oE.F l_g6=oi()> E'-eg o) o)J E6(oEo-9aL-c OP(,F(I)oC-(l)F.>6P-oE(t)o-tsooo)s)(,q)o!ocl(E.E o)eE-c c)-cE.9= EEv# AFoJ(t''2 clE8..=oL0) o)E a0) Eo-#c .0)o l-rJ o q) (Eo- oP(! =o- E =o- #(Eq)I =o_ #(E(t)IaU'o) C):Jo E.oaCo)x lr.J I co (I,o '{= c)c) o (\l ooo UI .Co'= m ao() Eo) .N o) o)J .9otoo_ uc9 hEU o-;E fr -ooo>=o9 oo :X lrJdH s5=1 bol ol E- l'#^Vi=8 iE cL d.o E= It)]IlLz (\9,== Eq]= 3# L-:<oEaao"raE 3E*=q)pd; 0 E,A .O UOoE c.-o'E :-t[L>\L (So0 o:L-q P F",or *E Paa'IJo =- o)o >c:(l) c'=o tsts ooo+-O H8rev(JOO E.P . (trO .= (! 0.,#-C#ul(I,o5 E(l) oEE-O i,F(Eo-) EoE.o) EEE. ;sE it- frtE ;--d.EJ r E or EEE E=l* E E-EE: ig!'g[sEE g ; :EE; Es=g;s5";e == stigifI:Et;E= I{ EgE;aEEgE$frigEE e * EEc;E =n*;*ftEg;giHiIEe 3E€;EFFE;; lEiIEgE=tEitEiE;g f,ETE€I;5eE€si€tE; ; q?iie.: EEfl,*sEE=*S HE EE F=8 3.,8=6Eee=E-o o--o o EEU FJo.=N (!FCr).=N EIO E' o # EiatEggIEgE *ESEegIE+iggEggg*t I * E;EIEfgiEit, ;EEa*rEl,g-EEEE HE r E = ;fifiBgtE EEEgE #!€#IIE=EEflEEEEgEg Hi-€ F .q E t $eapiis H € 'Eo b'F.Ep -:< q, g '6 3 3Eeik H b E : e iEq;H 6 t e E .g r=!,-iE:E H E Z 5 E€FEE 5 E E EE f i(E./,c)(J & g '6 -: I E0 iE.SIE c_ = E e.9 h- .= :EEUE- EP ; E EA * E ESlEg EEfi €Erg E*€ P ;I6EH EE Eo E_ !-E d, EBEs E !=-iroa sH E t fig Hf; '=Fx;u E P a ETE1 ;i E g fi# EE EiE$EE E : c(s (L U'o(uc'6 =6 LI UJ Ol doNIr() ol rJ)lr) O')r-lONI I LOr-{O(\ .oEtF+Jr-O o_ Off)o\- o_ (s -FJ()x. atlrt =F = = lrJulz C,) =o CL E,c)cr)lrJ6 U.J == I(oxo =.u.Jo-o- EE _ g' e tE.o.o6|.aE € ;3 = djE E.E gE it ;S E EEgH EH.E ""o ' =EE"" ' " o= F CNE UJ E. E. m FllJ:< E. 3 =>. -ogE - I E a = -=.;'r< g) 5 P EE }BE 5 HtgE6=€; E(l) !i-o o-x = c o-c -; EE PP EKEE;E = og I -sE lo ii9bEE8 E€: gp ieEE Eh (D! = L:98i;8 o 9 oEE oPyy'-oEq,= d)Pi UEs eE EE nE =E 5 4EsEEs; E.Fe2E iEE=Eo0!: (I'E(oOXc=9!;ti;: X=E EEt H9+ EgEtgtflEH -.E r-gl L!-C-; EE QE;E-f< - E€ ql.c =E E'E s €e oo o doUi I U a0a uio s:a qot: :(qllrl =o ? 00 a- Eo N otL 5 -- T tr -- tr-EEH$E O)r-lO(\ Itf)r-{(fN U)t*()+-J(s CIIr- G)-{-J(s =O- E =o_ .P(U CII aaI! =F Ez lrJ lrJz ,i,:, so ,doO I otea- uto !; o: trtrt!e o 3ql 0 o- o t o( c(s (L oU'oc'6 =o lrJlrJz Ol oNIrr, oN Nt.r, fr: x e; s,pE E .Eu= fl^H s E q_ ; q EHc E EE;E E s gt; g"E J=. e E EcH = uo F Ei g$E$ C EE== E EEiE E E E;-gHq Ep SEEE E gig E E:'E: ; PeL bEEEE e *E-EibE E EH.: s 53EH E Ei':dEas ,E;ii E$p E - EEH = Eo 5 E o E.9 -E trP 3 =# E $EHEESI; EgE E EEEE E EEE =:EEt E* gg gEE gg gg gEE; aEg ig g i EE gE Ec Eg g gg IE' dEE r ' ' ' o o ' o ' -9-.r -a .E o-R eEu*obb - E ' : EE -;EEE*EE E E E 5 o- .l .r ... 1. .l t* * * ** O') t-lON I LOr-{ONao_ E:f o_ +J(s()Iaa()]=(J:l(] aa lrJ l- Ez lrllrlz Er sm E'E p3 rr s i E E € EE .E S EsE; Et ;rE i* 6l E aE egfu Egt $[ ;- EEEEq E€EEEEEHA ifr E EE E E g Fg- BEE iEgE Fg; gg =gg Ea g iBE Ei Eg Egg It I g$f?fiEfi gE EE E f E ;* zli $E ,$E E .iEEEg$Es H EE, IE ga Er E; EE EEg' FEE EE E =Eg:Eg€gg E t-' *E* Eg iE E* IE EgEE EEi $g' E od0o a Ba a- yio (t OS -.q{trJt!a U q) c{ C!- c o.) -lON I LO -lO(\ a OJ E I o_()-1)a #x()Z Co.F O =\--+)aCoC) =0)Z. (!FC()pa0)t_ at UJ =1- E =lrllrlz 3d E E f; ? SEs E H .. H ^E E p E0= q = E g _H E [ = .. \il-E E E EE=FEF Ee;A EEEE 3 E EE*$if iI,E d€$; e s EififrEu $€=Hfr r eEH gEg a;=EgEfi EAigE i E;Egg*EEggE-EggEggggi;8: EEsE E€EEnE;€ E=EH; EeHE E E;E iT s*E -P,t ea =tEE EiEi,E EE E i$ i *gEi EI*gEE EE Eg*EEggE g =EE E:gE+ gEU g: csa- @oo,c'6 lm lrJlrJz otrloNIlO dol otrJ) O')r-tON ILo l-lc)N C.aaC(Uo-x Ll-.] Co'+;(0 OEt a)O\-o+J(trt- C.)o-o oo .C ==m ta lrJ -l- -FIz - lrllrlz ..;)'. 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Egggt,EtcEE*i=EgE=EEEEEEEEEEE B aggi; *ffEE,gre; EggEIagtE .E *EgEg = fiEgEE EE EEETESEH EE E:EgFFE EE EgEEE OnodoUa tu (B a) a. vio (! c0S:(J nlrJa o oo a- o ft oLL A O) t-{ON ILor-lONa0) C)r_ =oa G)t (U Co'h0 ox. u0C.F -Cu0: .aI 6.) E Eo(J aa =E,(,oE,o- lrllrtz ".,;i.i .. i;,,.i' \:"Y -.'f ,,,"".Ftr 'r,;1 EE= E fiEEq;E EiEil$ g a E g * .F = $ E E" sEsa -bo e E HF=g=$E ." = Ee; = E L EEE E-EgEFge; =e; fi=; iEEE I EE s E E $ :e H E E e;;EE :bE; s*; = E;_HE;€Hq Hi8fiE i EIE E aE E tg' E ;t e fi g gggEfig- IEEi E'EE.E EE=afigEEEE Eqi;;EEi cN o- UIU'(t)Et,fo IJ UJz ctrdoNIrr, Hol (o(o O')r_lOC\ Ilr) ,-lONao\_-l-JCoO u0C.;: -Cu0J o) ()J C) (s .S E:fJ ta UJ Il- Ez lrl lrJz (! o-oooc t =m UJIJz ordoNIrodoN +(o AE;g E E Eg H=r E i. E E A ;r -rE EtEEae=E$E EB$* E= i s qs eae:; E eE ,: H =i sx E E gp -EBE-=- B EE E* !!;t 3Eg f EES=Es=EsE. psEEE Eg H ="s ;; EE*-tt E E= Fn E EE ;g$Eg E;E :€EEE=eiE EEgse u#EgcEEgEEE:BEEEggEEEEEEE EE g€H',, *--,EEEEESSflE EEEE$i g E Fg m E E 3E EE= EEEfr HE E=EE Ee= SE.g Eg HE g$g EE =E EEEEE$6iEEgEg EgEE$g = gg gE g-EBEi Eg FgEEgEEgEgEEg E EFEEEE e ==HH=E' ' 'o =Et- ' o o * qt od0U d tu s0 a. qU s o\ irtrla o e U q) a c\ ,o o0.gslm b0C.Fa'x L.Ja()El OC () td o, +J -lAt-L!Y\\ IEgEO .oNIPLPS =(.)-Coq)()tr la =E,(5o G,o- lrJlrlz E.i sEE:i *,:E,HE E 9 iEte EE'EnEgEES*€E bE€: EHE E E E E E EEE iH i E *EUH t E-[Eg ;qeH;'+ESEEEi EEE ;EE $ E E E g AEC EE E E gEE E = i tEI E E E E € gEE EE E E EEEE E i;E; i ; q E 5 ==;; g; E = ;eEE * iEEE E F E T E EFg =; E g EEE* E s c(E (L oano)c'6 =o lrJlrJz ChdoNI!oHol !oro O),-lO ry LOr.lONa_o(U I C .qpa 0)ocg su0 CI.PC aa =E,(5oE,o- ITJ UJz g;H EE AEE EAEEt E,E=i "-E[e g E EE E EE E *E E B#E: IIgEggEEggtEtggg,EEEEi*H:E E g a *=u* eE* .=; EE pE*EE- iEtEEEEEgEEg5EseEEEE*EE E+EgEEE=gEE*tEgEt'gEE-*E = ggag gg, E,I Egg ggggEEigaE; EggEggg Poo {tOs ? 0 aO o. ?iU q f,U:f, q!Jlrl =o e o Oa o t oL( O)r-lON I LOr-lON q)\_f-pO:lt-+a(u\-\+-C u-la (U'r -.lJa =!C !C(tr ,a(J\-() E E \JO aa =E,(5oE,o- UJ UJz P 6"_: g e $,qo9 El= .g o, € qrc(J 'Et : FE F fr E '; ; E E i8Ea H Zp f; E P P H E E 3c',il 5 =E a e € E E ,g E H gEEEEEEEFEEgEE$EeX E e* EEe EE€-:" Eg:n €EE^-P ;BEE Su*u, iHr: gegn :€EtE *s=oECI E F3.= EE; H .aE E E a * EEEE ETiE E5E; HE EEA i"iEcbEfrBE EEEE EE;qfi EHflEE E EEti E E E* ZSEEEE EE EFE E igEr; (nE ;BE ;E-E Ef,iH EogI;E ; = iiEE g E- giE E gggffg = EiagEgsg,r c(\, (L U'Utoc an =o lrJ UJz OrHoNIrr)do : Nrc| O')r-lON I LO t-{ON *o0 .CC (s !-F (U .9C.C(J()F (U'= +Ja =,o C al =E,(Jo E,o- lrJ ITJz -t.: - . ,r ;iu,i;rl*_..)' .g+q . -ri_,,,'?f{:'n;'i;, EE9cg'f€n'P uo o; g = o-EeH c EE :g o ; 8 e q .:.= oEE; EE €5EE€=; :af ;!P= g E EE E i E & c ?-c* -**;# = 5 E= E_,,, E E nE E3' EtsE d ; EE H-aP g 5 3e *= z *BE;gEE?€EggEEEgtigEt €:B .fr..EHEEEgE E-iEA R-co-EE! sE $E-gt:E: .E€E€ seEE E E Ct ;sao= =b .= o al EHE CF HE.Eg#EEE EgE€€€s €: H:g:EE$E:E E=FE gga pg E =*gE gB $; E g EgEg =EEIHi=EEEEE#EEEEE-EEgE = gIEg E EE! E EEE$EEgE€eE 3 EE-f;fl Pno dtuoi s O GO a- uio t! oIf, LaUJ- o I 0 Q) a o t otL A alrlx.!l -lJe .(sOc) o_a u0r- 0)CuJ o) --l=O.u o.lP ISrrlar -ldbo'rNt+G)Co(.o -lrC(sCIO =E##!- !-c)0)OO tl EJ =F Ez UJ lrJz il,oo)oo)U'o)o(l)oo)oo)U'c,UI(D oo)oo,qo)oo)oo,o(l)oo) a(1,o(l.)od)a(l)ac,ao ao)od,oc) (J EooE, -:<o =o)Z. (E= -LL O_)aE od.g @=(l)o 5uro o-o#I#o)a o o#o = (s Ea ac.oo'= o) P a (DP(g o)- o) (s = an o'o m Eo c) E Eoo #c(l) E.95g UJ c.9P(l o) .9p F(l)E Eo (l) E EoO oEoo-q) E:,1! .d o q) =o m U;C CIlr U'o E(oJ !co)oo(t) o =tr (l) .9zoa (! o)Co)(5 (o Po:,aC o5 E C) o) E EoO U;o- Ef o_ o(u .cso(o =OI .=Eco) o o)No)q) U- ouo (l) ooo C IL(! = oo-I 05 O 6C E o)F Eo)OI(s -:<o({,o_ o o)P(s(u - ooa_ ac(I) o od a(u ocC G'E € U'oN(l)oLl!goE9 -L o) &UL(u(l)lrE EPco)p'a o)E, c(IJ o- U'ttoc'a =ol t!t!z ot oNILr)dOl Orro o(l)ano)a(l.)oo o(l)ao)o(l)oo,UI(l)a(l)oc,UI0)o(l)ao o(D oo, oo oo)oo)ao.)oo)oo o(l).n(D o) =oo- (gC o)#.4arJ.J c)€=o OQ &,; (o.Co.o)P#(om o (l)'6o E C(t)E'o o)E, a.=:<+g .9pJc(\,LL b0.s 'o) O oaoCC'U- u0L='6 O U'o Efo- P(so)I .d C) E PCoo6 PCo)ro'a o)E a c)-ooo)-C#o(J E#Co)E'a o)E, an q) -ca(s =an(ug o O E#c(l) =ooE, a o)tsp E =soo uCo E.g =olrJ boc P(! o)-Poc) i5 oo-c.o(g =-c.9o E Cop UI(l)E aPa(! (!mo E(ttJ #c(l)oUI(l) o =tL o(l)oC'c fu- EPc o.)o'o o)E, ac(! U-oo(sc =lr 6 co)poo)E. oo- E(\,J Pc(uooq) ofEoo.; oa 6 q)Eq)a ao UJ -Jo CN(, oa aou.l -Ja(, a;JU-(J ,/;Ja(, ao- E(EJ o)aClm PE (I, -o(I, oEc(! C) !co,(Jao)Ec(tr()C E Cli5g ELL(SAJ oUE eAa3-(utr-C)UE COoi# o)O o)t-{oGIIrr)r-{oGI I c/)(5 =,= =lrJ_J -tE, lrJE, -)oUJL)oE,CL (r) U-JF od (/)oE oz, c/) G, U.Jo U.JlJ- UJ CJ I l\.xo =.U.ICLo- E(E (L tnoo)c'6 =@ UJUJz. or oNIlo'{o : oNHHHHEH 4rivao!.c cll.9.oogE fip= Es d E*.9 o €igEfe.E E;EE; EflgHEd FE E:(l)E=FF58EEg9 b+d uE^g(s;o;i;e Ei EE#XE:E!- o (5-.98s9{ E5f;EE ,x : = :='EeE;er#E e*-(, :q#;H EEBEE Eg: H5E A a€:i n s:I*;fr = EHE E.gfiA .!.8 c ol tr E - tn _ oE=o = gbH;EErJ Efi.EE-oE '= Fa.= 9c = EEgg:!C) X.== c# r = iE d€EE frfrEe;EEl- =()oe()q)- a >.* * (E = = :*€rE:V-LL'--# 5 EfrrF{;cr) qH.i6EXo + Esigts' oE.9 (E.==€ oo,e E'A 5 H; EE*q8; + EgF;i g oCL5o EOl< o = oaEotsO'=>EE'E<5() al,oeSo'=OEoEoo 0) =()5 UtooBoN.EE o:oe I-IJ ElrJ iZl G6E tr r r g#gEilSE#Ebs;, i -€ E i* gEI^.-i:= HE EEHpgfrtE*q tilt-i: [=U* €iEEH i,=EHEHagEH E-,=-aE.=HEEHfif iEIitg gEiigiggtig gi gggIgEIggIl, =2 IigE , E ;E*i E;g* E E: =E:*E*sEr*,sE*i*iEiiEE[fiE ==EEE;iE'gEflEEEiEEEEEEisrE: EEc EEgi* ;; ;=fit E F;EEifItEEf,=E I coLov,o)c at:fct lrJlrJz ordoNI!or{o : Nr- oo E=" : F iEs s a=Eeu,gE g g;;,Fg*,= HgP =.. EEi : ilEee#EA;t E EEE*EfgE$ *;EEElEie**iSE**gggfigEg* t*EuEeEE**€EEuEEefE Eq E,_ f c .p -e. aP Eig+EEtEgg*gE; HEE*EEHiEEEEiEI t*aE*E iEg,EE;Eg faEE;fufi ;Ht g* E E€;; Bg I E"-*fr q e: EP eg = = cE;*cuEitr;i,EE;EE;erE+E si Eg?f,g;;gfiEEitEiEsi uEtneE*", p 3 Esets.= +HsE#j;;[ [iEau;:aE $Er #; E ,fi*!u*€- Eu =eEF EEEg EE; r*EE* i == rEsgEtiEAgI figgi sEEB EraieaEgg I I ' T ,ESEEE ag !i - E o, ,.E*EE-.;Eg; +=s;. H E ;tE sEEgE ; f;c*iE Et iiPpEE =f gstcE EEp 9E=*E I i1 s EEEE;c 5 gEEEEEtE3E EjhFo, s p 6 fel€s a E ;e g F€ E; -fl p =pisE ; I EEi€ EE H; u--I;EEI='l-=E;iEE*E*Eu gI Ie tu gEEEgi igEgiiEEEii igri qfia # =ti e *H E;==TEuEEtE*TE-E'E*;Y€'' Ef i;cp* EE=E3; EEiHE gIi:IggiEEigEggtiEigggEg "€€ ii ;Eei :, E EE g..5=: E"g;#fgi =,--'H- e.E*r* asH +lEEEaE ra= *E'i Et=1gE ;;TE5E - r $g{;fl;Fati;'eEiEiEa*lgggg;:rr;E ;=E, i=E':E€E t-,**B'EE ti EEgt IEig:gEE tEigeETtE*jEEfl EiEEaff I P g e e E* Efr ^hb -E EgEitEgfiE =U U=EEEE!EEEfuEEtEiEEEi E g;*EEE giE,r{H rEri*tEE ggggggu*iiE;EEgEitgEgilE*E tPi;EItr;fi;iEfl seFE!rE eeEEica!E+EeIEu Egggi$EEi E p E E =i-E EEEEEEE,EJ E=EEIEEEEEEEf, I I ggi: iIgaggglg E; gagg:*EgIEggigl EgEE EiE{EEHEF EE igEEEEEEEEiiEfii Ei6* =at'EEEiE EE EgEggggEEEEgiEE E a I.e 6 c(\t o- U'oo) 'a =o UJLlz. O)HoNIrJ) Ho : @N !oE q o, -E[ €.E E a';€<-oEd:EHE9Eoz b U pi^o . >! o-e€e*EE;EaiE.= E sEEEE F€EIEH-€ o=EEe if, Eo= oE!qo==E--= E irEQCso.=OE;f o.: o sEes!E Et gEEI 8:::Et E H E E.E ;fTETgU =!ef € *e E;EE;gttl E EEgE $SEt.g :E l 3 si E: E E:EI $sU' EEEEi!$E$$ :ou;g- Rg ?E*=- €* E €-E ie=E== Ir EEiu;E Ei ;Aa g q;5 :;=EEE tE *:;r:i E'E re*se E;I rE:tE* aE ;EEtEp P= iB;Ei E?EtP.e== g"E -;"uEEHPEE F€roE eEE t3;tIe ;* =E;iE+E* '= EH-EH*EEt* li?FBt E E= E ifiEEEEE EtE EEgE€E FE€# *C')t.!J ==c) C) lJ- C-)lrJo-c/)o =. c/)-C)o_J6(5 =.a_J =6 =.o = =EolJ-C,)z. G,F FU-J-E = lJJlrJz. I G.t FIx 6z. lJ.Jo-o- I :I I rr ilFE x )<x ><><)<x x x x x x o ot L(!CL C'-Gt CI (E G c, C' (J(l) CI(J ,2o .\t !\l .\l G'ct C) 6oo6o(! oELctct ba,E c,EIoG u0 '=o(, E =t(, o (,oc,=.! (, Ec, a. c, ac, o, o,EI o, C' o (\t =(\l GE E (! (l,o(,TTG(!a o c +=o_ E = (o uoc.; (IJ booe9o)Eo9 0-* =u(soo>oo-6#c oE.9o -O =PpbnOCr 'do'A o)C =o o -oooCO.YO +-..ogtooloo)o=c6=- 3E&3b.c:d> *0)(! bo'acP-.-0bno y!o|-OP-E 3E9E oN lo.Y! oE'p>o6 o olCPCCbn.= (!cs6E3=(l);P#Yo-:;Oo-Es =L-Oo=L_o:o -5 EE =iE=E.E -=€al\l daEO'=9 c)EU'-G.=aoq 6t- =viEE-=cloCLr! aE9ctEga =.i€Eqr! 'Eia=G=Oor?iY -(t;e*6 bo -.-aE*aE= o o, o(! G = c) N E O =z;^il-o=i; o- o+oA: (-) E z._ o!#oCJar -O:oao.o=(1)(t) (1)-Eo) o(!o=COoo]L cs_G q)I (s E =zo o =Eo o- c .oJ $: o) bo o)co) boC ao =z o =E(o (o (o Ec(g Cd)E o)o(q o_ (,)3roo o- 6)o;a) =xE(sCE o =0)a.ofIoH-b_G\6P^oYo)JoEoo f troocc'-b,0 = 9? =@LE 5E ' b0- 0)o xEF-o)=6O_(g o=oci€'i: < oo=> r!- g b-o?E -3Oo oii g G'cJ_C >(/)o6 =0, ooc,anU' o! o (5a, o(J TE(lla bl Q6, glll oU Eo IL ci o E!o C,[,ct C' fi, (J o5 Gl =G' c(! o-oooC'a :lco trJL!z O) dONILO o : OlN Eso-oU'oc tn d) UJUJz or oNIro FIol o@ oUJ =,F =o(J *C')Lr.l = o C) 5u.JCLC,)a =, cr) -oo cn(5z,a = cEtz,o =E,o c/)z. E IJ-&. = u.JlrJ = I (\,1 x 6z,lJJCLCL U'!, .!oE(E C' x x x x x x x 6 C' !! 0a o t< x x x x x LIa o (E o, UI '6 oao.o,5U' =(l)EoIo q)o h0Co'=t, -=O(tr6- 61, =Eo=d.)+REE5(J-ciJ OE!o (EO_ .9b(o= Efi *.E -J(E-LG(l)c (!.tro) b0 i= co .g .8= -e €'=Est(J6E I o-(l)ooEE5qJ rrl -LOgEE 6sai.A ir i, = B'-E9=F o-.= S..C (EO#= E =fi= o.=8.i iEb6 - o-'E(oxG,o c)=E=#a)z cs p_- -e'B.E(l)!o- EE€ o€6 (l.,.C (E^A.; 6LEI8o o€--.t.c.E C)6'=tU,PEEd)o5;PQ6 oroo-- Pe6)r C'C.9.9EE-oo6E UIo ot,a! oUoo :r4t tna 0, =u,coo o Eo o- o e..o CLoE(! .C(E> >*o-:O(E=>ut (E !(E d=^-==b/69. Eo 6='==iitlcd)>\oo=g(Eo(D>E-99o-roll EH =cE(l).fo tsro= .9efoIEeE R'E?'='r"o =-6E4 A E5 I .(so (E E ]n -g(s ahoE C, u0 .E(I, (.)c)Eo)5 c U'tto)oo CL oEo.E6o(l(!E cc)ao, o.oc(Eo6o,t,o EEo (U!oc) EEooU,o8I o'.:(,,E €hg3#(u Foxo.=-ss caEEpos 9,alr o PEP1;o.= too(l,o.o o<)p!o E--d(!oE='EO.,Y5oE9i(E= -(E=>qHts--o !r't E =o)j3 ua=(s =a)L:>ia)i5 qro5ooc,o)(,3EEC o (u=.E 0,E ou0c o o o !,o o- =(l,c o-o!.Eo o (so?x=uo- 9ao, cr aEa(l)o---O^boua!-P.jlrl i= c.9o Eo(L (Ec.o (t,z (Eco'& oE o(' -cT'ooC)€ oJY,96o=loi-(E =o cso-o@o)c'a =o lrJ UJz O)HoNIrodo : H6 alrl z, =o(J *C/'LLIF (J () LL6lJJ CLc/)az, a=(.)o EI(5z,a _)6 z.(D =E,o c./)z. E U.J-E, = U.J lJ.J =. Ist!-.1xazlJ.JCLCL oa, a! C'E(g x 0o .E! UI Et ,a >< o-Io oo-oo (l) EoI bo c) .9.= bI,C (\, oo- oo (I)bo(5c .goo (! 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UJ bp o) q (l)ct(Eo.tcoF(Ec -c.t =o.9E.=o(E (1) TE to O :I tn.s oc.oso) Eco'50 o) Io =o OJoCo) Ec -OF(L6o- o.r Jtro.:GUcod(E /n>t FIrJE, do_l! =z. cilrlIJ -l< =o6 bIo o o).L (E E -a)Pb(}'= .9oS.+6 g.(s(l)- ts=C,Eo.c (l)EY-h6E(st-r'6 bO 6)(l)C SE'63 (l)-oo .=P.(E0C#L(J !ctEg ts'q 0)LBxoi a IJ.J -z, ==,o(J *C/'LuF CJ (J lJ-6U.JCLcraa =a-C)o dt C' =,a -J CEl =,(D =E,o c/)z, G, lJJ-E = IJlrlz, I C\I x 6z,LUCLo- :1:rl E *eaIIr,ant0 f,p x x x ,< x x x t<)<x x U'a,E aD o (!N oo(! 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OE Y Io o a.=Ytr) - o t:d.!OG;E-E€Hs=s68"e [il p€- i Hi *;Lo* si o oCO oU.J z. ==,oC) *c/) U.J F =FCJ C) U- Ou-tf1 c/) 6 =. (r) -C)o -Im C5 =.a_I m =.O =E,OU-(/)z. G,F Fu-t -E, =lrllJ.j = I GI Flx 6 =U-J ^CL f-tt I: E! rrt::?ill= L L E(!c, !,EI Lc,.= Eo,oE o .Eo ah .E =Lo =o)t o, (t, c, U' (.' L6,.= (l,o c, c, (J Gl Eo(J oEq,b0(ll (! =(! b0o L oU (5 E ct (lt U' .E b0c,A EIlrl-(\t x x x ,<x x t<x x x x oq,octEL EL 0) CI 0o.= o,(, '= o, (Jlll= .E = Ec(s C.9.9 o) oo 0)cAa =oel =-oOYco-oo) :GO-a+ ooP .=6905o)'ol- c-_O C 'F()f!o o_ INoo boC'to =oocLI E.o 3o _ao o =Eoo boC o)o o_ boC'a (g(l) (J o)o o.o +O-o_ BSOOo-FL(J:f (I,o_h 9un -=-98'o o)o'=atco).Oa)a.=o L(l)oloEps,;-lb-o,bnOC fOOC--O -o €. O,C 0)o'- o- hoc- =E0) othoo_ =o_ 0)t o OTc)c.>q :ioOUcot'-E 3Ef-t=E'T UJ t^ c(l) E0)oo(sC(g E oa) o- bo ',F oo_o)G. E.F(! EooO o (g C -o=a E.o(! Eooo C.o (! f6 tJ o) Eobc -:l(rJ0E5"d CJ Cks.eFotEoq-: oL$laG- :in ool = "-i -C)(\,ult6- Q s qr$EE:(5o)(E0)o EtL;-- E-(sEOEO(tf-o :EEHE o% oLL-oCO0o c 69 uooX (E;+ = (s o j.:9C.-OuiSs (!.=c c<ogbGAo-oi oc(.) =Ec BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-38 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 REGIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMTIATIVE AGREEMENT This Regional Energy Effrciency Initiative Agreement ('Agreement') is between Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "IPC') and Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Inc., a nonprofit corporation ('NEEA'). RECITALS: NEEA is a non-profit corporation that has been fi.rnded by Northwest utilities, Bonneville Power Administration, and the Energy Tnrst of Oregon since 1997. NEEA's mission is to mobilize the Northwest to become increasiugly energy efficient for a sustainable future. NEEA is a strategic alliance built around a broad recognition that lasting change in energy effrciency can only be created through strong partnerships and that greater enef,gy efficiency can be achieved across Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Idaho by working in concert than by working as individual states or organizations. NEEA delivers regional market'transformation, energy-efficiency initiatives, and increased availability of energy-efficient emerging technologies. The purpose of these initiatives is to deliver cost-effective electricity savings through long-la*ing changes to the marke@tace. Idaho Power seeks to fund NEEA as described herein, in order to benefit from the group's market transformation, energy efficiency initiatives, and research. Based upon the mutual promises exchanged between them, NEEA and Idaho Power agree as follows: AGREEMENT: t) Resional Results and Reoortins. NEEA shall deliver the services necessary to achieve the five-year opportunities, targets, projects, activities, goals, and objectives selected by Idaho Power in Part B of Attachment A, as described and outlined in the NEEA 2015-2019 Business Plan as adopted by the Board of Directors on June 20, 2014 ("Services'), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein into this Agreement by this reference as if set forth in fulI at this point. NEEA shall develop an annual Operations Plan and associated budget that describes how NEEA will pursue the five-year Business Plan including but not limited to all opportunities, targets, projects, activities, goals, and objectives ("Goals and Objectives"). The Operations Plan will speciff interim progress goals/milestones that it will use to assess progress toward Business Plan Goals and Objectives. a) NEEA will present annual oper,ations plans and associated budgets for approval by the Board of Directors annually. b) NEEA will deliver quarterly status reports to the Board of Directors, with a written annual status report provided to all NEEA funders. Page I of14 2) c) NEEA will present annual operations plans and associated budgets, with a sunmary of highlights relevant for Idaho Pow€,r's service territory. Idaho Power Enersv Savinqs. The projects in NEEA's portfolio will deliver 145 aMW of total regional energy savings of which 75 alvfw are co-created energy sayings. NEEA shall deliver a minimum energy s4vings that allows each funder to satisfr its governing regulatory body that its investment of ratepayer fimds is justified. a) Idaho Power's share of total regional savings will be detemined by Idaho Power's Direct Funding Share (as defined in the table in Attachment A, Part A) of the total five year regional energy savings, which will be adjusted for any Optional Prograrns that Idaho Power does not fimd and will be shown to be cost-effective from the Total Resource Cost perspective. b) NEEA will deliver an annual savings report including any tnre-up for the calendar year by July I of the following year. Savings will be reported both for achievernents as a result of this 2A15-2019 investrrent as well as for achievements during 2015-2019 as a result of prior investments in NEEA. c) Savings will be reported where feasible atazip code level. d) Savings as a result of prior investments will be reported based on prior funding share. Ooerational Effectiueness. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, direct that NEEA contract with an independent third party to perform an assessment of optional program costs and be,nefits and the effectiveness of collaboration activities implemented by NEEA (specifically, the Stakeholder Relations outreach and Regional Portfolio Advisory Committee voting activities). This assessmeut would be conducted and delivered to the Board after at least one fulI year of experience with the optional programs. Fiscal Audit Each year, NEEA will retain the services of an independent CPA firm to conduct and complete an annual financial audit and internal control review. The selection of the firm and audit will be overseen by members of the Board of Directors and copies made available annually to the Board of Directors and funders by August l. Term. This Agreement becomes effective on January 1,2015. This Agreement will end on July 1,202A, unless terminated earlier pursuant to paragraph 9 or 10. 3) 4) s) Page2 ofl4 6)ToJlal Fundins Amount. Idatro Power shall fund NEEA based on a quarterly estimate of expenses up to the five-year total funding commitment as described more fully in Attachment A, a true and correct copy of which is attached to this agreement and incorporated herein as if set forth in full at this point. As set forth in Part B of Attachment A, Idaho Power's total funding amount for the five year period under this Agreement shall not exceed $13,450,835.00. Pavirente. Idatro Power shall make palments based on the invoicing and paynents schedule in the attached Attachment A, '?alurent Schedule." Additional Funds. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit NEEA's ability to solicit funds from third-party sources. Exceotions to Fundine Commltments. The following exceptions shalt apply to Idaho Power's funding commitrrelrts: a) If Idaho Power's regulatory bodies or commissions do not allow recovery of expenses incurred under this Agreement (such expenses incurred through the Oregon or Idaho Rider or Idaho Power's current commission- approved method of funding its demand side management activities), Idaho Power may, at its option, terrrirate this Agreement. If Idaho Power chooses to terminate this Agreement under this subsection, it shall provide NEEA with sixty (60) days written notice of such intent, after which date Idaho Power shall not be liable for any additional expenses and NEEA shall refund any prorated amount paid under quarterly invoices which amount is for Services to be rendered beyond the temtination date. b) Idaho Power may elect to reduce or discontinue NEEA ftnding under this Agreernent upon the implernentation of restnrcturing legislation or other legislation which eliminates the responsibilities of Idaho Power to provide benefits under a public purpose charge. c) Funding by Idaho Power may be discontinued with sixty (60) days notice to NEEA if there is a change to the Bylaws of NEEA to which Idaho Power does not agree. Determlnatlon of Sufficiencv and Termination. a) If the NEEA Board of Directors determines at ar.y time that NEEA's progress versus business plan objectives does not warrant continued investment in NEEA, or that NEEA does not have sufficient funds to operate, Idaho Power may choose to reduce or cease its inveshent in NEEA. If the Board determines to completely cease operations, Idaho Power shall pay its pro rata share of the wind-down costs, up to its current annual firuding amount less any credits. 7) 8) e) l0) Page 3 of14 b) Any direct funder may at any time seek redress of any concerns such funder may have about the conduct and/or performance of NEEA or its staff by first informing the NEEA executive director of the concerns and requesting corrective action. Failing a mutually satisfactory resolution within 30 days, the funder may present its concerns in writing to the board chair. Failing a mutually satisfactory resolution by the board, the funder may within a 30 day period trigger a formal mediation of its concerns. Upon receipt of a certified letter from the funder, NEEA shall promptly secure the services of a professional mediator acceptable to the funder and the parties shall then participate in good faith toward a mutually satisfactory resolution. The mediation process shall be completed within 30 days from receipt of the funder's mediation request. If after the mediation process, the parties are unable to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution, Idaho Power may, in its sole discretion, choose to cease its invesfinent in NEEA. At such time, Idaho Power shall make a one-time payment equal to one sixth of its current average annual funding amouat, less any credits. This one-time payment will be in full accord and satisfaction of all obligations NEEA and Idaho Power may have to each other. Insurance. NEEA shall maintain (and shall cause each of its agents, independent contractors, and subcontractors performing services hereunder to maintain) at all times at its sole cost and expense at least the following insurances covering its obligations under this Agreement. NEEA shall evaluate and secure additional insurance (e.g., Professional/E&O, inueased liability limits, etc.) requirernents from contractors or subcontractors, in amounts that are reasonable and customary for the scope ofsuch services. a) Workers' Compensation lnsurance required by law, at statutory limits, and Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). If any work in furtherance of Services hereunder is to be performed at Idaho Power locations or Idaho Power's customer locations by NEEA ernployees directly, a waiver of subrogation in favor of Idaho Power to be secured. b) Business Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owne{ or hired automobiles used in connection with Services, with a combined single limit of at least $1,000,000 per accident. NEEA shall issue an endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured but only to the extent of NEEA's (including its agents, independent contractors, and subcontractors at any tier) strict liability or negligence and only to the extent of the policy limits stated herein. c) Commercial General Liability Insurance including: (i) bodily injury;.(ii) property damage; (iir) Contractual liability coverage covering its obligations of indemnity and defense; and (iv) personal and advertising Page 4 of14 r2) injury with a combined single limit each occurence and in the aggregate of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). NEEA shall issue an endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured but only to the extent of NEEA's (including its agents, independent contactors, and subconhactors at any tier) shict liability or negligence and only to the extent of the policy limits stated herein. d) All insurance required to be issued under this Section shall be issued on a U.S. policy by one or more insurance cariers and licensed to do business in the state where services are rendered e) Prior to commencing Services under this Agreement, NEEA shall provide to Idaho Power a Certificate of lnsurance evidencing such insurance coverage and naming Idaho Power as an additional insured as required on the coverages described in Paragraphs b and c. NEEA will provide at least ttrirty (30) days prior written notice to Idaho Power of any cancellation of these insurance coverages. fndemnffication. Each party shall indemniff, defend, and hold harmless the other party, its directors, oflicers, employees, and agents (collectively, Indemnitees) from any and all third party claims, demands, suits, losses, costs, and damagas of every kind and description, including attomey fees, brought or made against or incurred by any of the Indemnitees resulting from, arising out ot or in any way connected wittu any act of indemnifuing party, its employees, agents, representatives, or subconffactors of any tier, their employees, agents, or representatives in the perfonnance or nonperformance of the indemnifuing party's obligations under this Agreement or in any way related to this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary: a) Neither NEEA nor Idaho Power will be deerned liable or to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or other intemrption deemed to result directly or indirectly, from acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of public ene(ny, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, strikes or other work intemrptions by its employees, or any other similar cause beyond its reasonable control and not reasonably anticipated by either party unless such delay or failure in performance is expressly addressed elsewhere in this Agreement. A party shall as soor as practicable notiff the other party in writing of the occurrence of any such event as described in this paragraph that will or may adversely affect the performance of the party's obligations under this Agreement. b) Under no circumstances will either party be liable to the other with respect to this Agreement for any incidental indirect, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or profit, or loss of use of property, whether based in whole or in Page 5 ofl4 l3) 14) part on Agreement, negligence, strict liability, tort, statutory or any other theory of liability. Non-Solicitation. It is hereby mutually agreed that neither Party will solicit for hire any employee(s) of the other Party who are associated with efforts called for under this Agreement during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one year thereafter. Confidentialitv. a) Confideirtial Infonnation. All data which a Party discloses to one another shall be deemed to be Confidential Information, protected under the terms of this Agreement, provided in the case of tangible or electronic information, such information is marked with or aocompanied by a legend or writing, stating that it is Confidential lnformation, or with a similar marking. All information disclosed in accordance with the terms of this paragraph shall hereinafter be referred to as "Confideatial Information." b) Protection of Confidential Information. During the term of the Agreement and for a period ofthree (3) years after its expirafion, the receiving Party will safeguard said Confidential Information with the same degree of care as it exercises over its own Confidential Information, but in no event less than reasonable care. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NEEA shall protect the confidentiality of Idaho Power's customer data indefinitely. c) Exceptions. Confidential Information will not be deemed to include inforrration which: (i) at the time of disclosure to a receiving Party is generally available to the public or thereafter, without any fault of the receiving Party, becomes generally available to the public by publication or otherwise, or which becomes general knowledge; or (ii) was in the possession ofthe receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the disclosing Party; or (iii) was independently made known without restriction to the receiving Party by a third party not under any obligation of secrecy or confidentiality to the disclosing Party; or (iv) was developed by the receiving Party independently from the Confidential Inforrnation disclosed to it by the disclosing Party. d) Data Ownership. IPC Data is all data and information, including but not limited to, data regarding Idatro Power, its customers or vendors (other than NEEA) that is furnishbd, disclosed, or otherwise made directly or indirectly available to NEEA or subconkactors at all tiers by or on behalf of Idaho Power under this Agreernent. IPC Data shall remain the sole property of Idaho Power. NEEA may not use IPC Data for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under this Agreement or achieve the Goals and Objectives set forth in the Attachment A. IPC Data may not be Page 6 of14 e) sold, assigned, leased, or othenrise disposed of or commercially exploited byNEEA. License to Use. To the extent reasonably necessary for Idaho Power to use the any work product delivered to Idaho Power or made available to all NEEA funders under this Agreement, NEEA agrees to provide Idaho Power with a nonexclusive, fully-transferable, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, and world-wide license, to reproduce, make derivative worlcs of publicly perform, and publicly display in any form or medium, whether now known or later developed, digita[y perfomr, distribute, make, use, and import any intellectual property rights NEEA may have that are incorporated or used in the work product delivered to Idaho Power or otherwise made available to all NEEA funders under this Agreement for use within Idaho Power service territory. Data Securi[viProtection. NEEA shall establish and maintain commercially reasonable safeguards against the destruction, loss, theft, or alteration of IPC Data in the possession or control of NEEA (or its subcontactors at all tiers). In addition to all other remedies permitted under this Agreement and applicable law, NEEA shall be required to promptly remedy and mitigate any damages, losses, or expenses caused by a breach in the security of NEEA's systems that adversely impacts Idaho Power. NEEA shall observe and comply with any applicable federal and state data privacy and data protection laws and regulations. NEEA shall promptly notiff Idaho Power if NEEA becomes aware of any actual or suspected violation (or charge or investigalion) of such laws and regulations and shall fully coop€rate with Idaho Power or govemmental authorities and non-govemmeirtal entities in connection with such acfual or suspected violation (or charge or investigation). Securilv Screening. Idaho Power is required by federal law and regulations to protect access to its critical assets, both physical and electronic. NEEA acknowledges and agrees that certain portions of Idaho Power's premises may have restricted access and may require prior authorization or an Idaho Power designated escort to allow NEEA access. If NEEA requires access to Idaho Power network or premises and Idaho Power agrees to grant such access, NEEA shall comply with federal, state, or local laws or regulations and any applicable Idaho Power policies, standards, and procedures related to physical security of its premises, including without limitation, any policies, standards, and procedures requiring drug screening, background checks, and social security verification prior to zuch access. s) Page7 ofl4 1s) r6) t7) Disnutes. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its performance shall, to the extent practicable, be settled amicably by negotiation between the Parties represented by management of each Party, prior to either Party taking legal action. Notrvithstanding the foregoing, however, either Party may seek provisional legal remedies, if in such Party's judgment such action is necessary to avoid irreparable damage or preserve the status quo. Notices. Notices required to be made under this Agreement shall be served personally, by overniglrt courier to the address shown below, or by United States certified mail, retum receipt requested. Notice will be deemed to be given: (a) on the date of personal delivery; (b) at the expiration of the second day after the date of deposit in the United States mail; or (c) on the date of conlirmed delivery by the overnight courier. Miscellaneous. 4 This Agreement, together with any exhibit, attachme,nt, amendments, and addenda constitute the entire agr€ement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous proposals, negotiations, representations, commitnents, writings, agreements, and all other communications between the parties (including invoices). No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written document hereafter signed by Idaho Power and NEEA. b) The tenns of this Agreement will govem in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the terms of this Agreernent and any terms related to the subject maftei of this Agreement contained in any other docurnent. ln the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the Afiicles of Incorporation or Bylaws of NEEA, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail as between Idaho Power and NEEA. c) Section headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and in no way define, limit, construe, or otherwise affect this Agreement. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as to be effective and valid under applicable law. If any provision is adjudged to be invalid, the remaining provisions in this Agreement shall remain in force. d) NEEA agrees and acknowledges that it is retained only for the purposes and to the extent set forth in this Agreement, and that the relationship of NEEA and its anployees, agents, or subconhactors at any tier to Idaho Power during the tenn of this Agreement shall be that of an independent contractor. Neither Party shall be deemed an agent, partner, joint venturer, or employee of the other party. NEEA agrees to be solely responsible for all compensation of its Personnel who provide Services to Idaho Power hereunder. NEEA's Personnel shall have no right or claim against Idaho Page 8 of 14 e) Power for workers' compensation, stock purchase plan, stock option, health and welfare, pension, retirernent or other benefits arising out of the Services performed hereunder. The provisions of this Agreement are intended to be for the exclusive benefit of Idaho Power and NEEA, and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted or construed as conferring upon any third party any right or claim against Idaho Power or NEEA or entitling any third party to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement on Idaho Power, NEEA, or otherwise. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or constnred to crcate or evidence a partnership between Idaho Power and NEEA, or as imposing any partnership obligation or liability on Idaho Power or NEEA. Request for Information. NEEA shall maintain books and accounts of the costs rclating to the Services in accordance with ge,nerally accepted accounting principles and practices. NEEA's records shall be kept in such a manner and in suffrcient detail to clearly disclose the nature and amount of Services provided by NEEA, costs p€rtaining to the Senrices, and the basis for charges or allocations to the Services. NEEA shall retain all records relating to reported results delivered under this Agreement for a perid of not less thao five years. Idaho Power shall have the ability to request information from these bools and accounts in order to veriff costs and other infonnation related to the Services provided to ldaho Power for a period of five years after completion. At Idaho Power's request, NEEA will deliver, withh 30 days of written request from Idaho Power, either the original or a copy of any and all records, calculations, sumoraries, reports, and records produced and collected by NEEA, its agents, employees, and subcontractors at any tier in the course of performance of this AgreemeNrt, provided that such information is not protected by regulations or laws that restrict the disclosure of such information. Information to be disclosed under this section shall not include: (l) personally identifiable information of NEEA participants or survey respondents; (2) proprietary information, Eade secrets, or data from NEEA participants, survey respondents, or contracting party that NEEA is contractually restricted from disclosing to Idaho Power; or (3) other Funder's confidential infomration. This Agreement is not exclusive. Either Party may contract with other third parties for the receipt or provision of similar services. NEEA acknowledges that securities laws prohibit any pemon who has received material, non-public inforrration about a company from prnchasing or selling securities of such company or from communicating such information to arry person while such information is non-public under circumstances in which it is reasonably foreseeable that such person is s) h) Page 9 of14 i) i) k) likely to purchase or sell such securities. NEEA shall comply with all such laws. Any obligation in this Agreement, which may involve performance subsequent to termination of this Agreement, or which camot be ascertained or fully performed until after termination of this Agreement, including without limitation, indemnification, confidentiality, insurance, and wamanty obligations, shall survive. Waivers of any right, privilege, claim, obligation, conditiou, or default shall be in writing and signed by the waiving Pafty. No waiver by a Party of my breach of this Agreonent shall be a waiver of any precsding or succeeding breach, and no waiver by a Party of any right under this Agreement shall be constnred as a waiver of any other right. NEEA and its employees, agents, and representatives shall, and NEEA shall cause its subcontractors ofall tiers to, perform all obligations under this Agree,ment in a prompt, diligent and workmanlike manner, snd pursuatrt to a standard of care no less than the standard of care followed by reputable professionals with national practices performing similar services on similar projects. [signature page follows] Page l0 of14 Date: By: IDAIIO POWER COMPANY Warren Kline Senior Vice Preside,lrt of Customer Operations Name and Address for Notices to Idaho Power Company Attention: Warren Kline Senior Vioe hesidmt of Customer Operations Idaho Power Company P,O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE, DIC. Dale: By Name and Address forNotices to NEEA: Susan E. Stratton, Executive Director Northwest Energy Effi ciency Alliance 421 SW SixthAvenug Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 972M Susan E. Stratton Page 1l of14 Attachment A Payment Schedule Regional Energy Efficiency Initiative Agreement Between Idaho Power Company And Northwest Energy Efficiency Nliance, Inc. Part A - Flve-Year Direct Fundins 6'All In"* Commitment oer tr'undins Share Direct Funders 20ls- 20r9 Direct Fundlng Shares Bonneville Power Administration 36.042o/o Energy Trust of Oregon 20.146Yo Puget Sound Energy Inc 14.l39o/" Idaho Power Co 8.966Y" Avista Corp 5.742Yo NorthlYestern Energy LLC 4.0350/" Seattle City Light 3.655Vo Pacifi Corp (Washington)2.3430 PIID No I of Clark County l.3l4o/o Tacoma Power 1.096Yo PUD No I of Chelan County 0.9680/o Snohomish County PUD No 1 0.6540/o PUDNo I of CowlitzCounty 0.383% Eugene Water and Electric 0.3l7Yo Total 100.000% * These funding shares represent "all in" percentages, assuming all funders participate in all NEEA programs and activities. Actual or "effective" funding shares will vary dependi4g on decisions by IPC and other funders to participate in optional programs and activities. Prye12 of 14 1. Part B - Invoice and Pavment Schedule Funding Share and Optional Programs. Idaho Power's funding share is listed in the table above. The NEEA Board approved a funding share formula at its June 20, 2014 Special Board Meeting. For the 2015-2019 NEEA funding cycle, Direct Funders can choose to remove specific optional programs and activities listed in the Business Plan from its total funding commitment (the "Optional Programs"). Idaho Power shall fund a percentage of NEEA'S core budget and the Top Trade Tier Ally Advanced Training and associated administrative expenses in a total amount not to exceed $13y'50,835.00 ('Funding Commitmenf'), as follows: o Idaho Power's 2015-2019 Funding Share of core budget and activities, not to exceed $12,981,458o Top Tier Trade AllyAdvanced Training, not to exceed $4361081o Allocation of Annual Admin Expenses for Optional Programs, estimated at $33,296 Idaho Power will not ftnd the following Optional Programs (costs Idaho Power will not incur for each program are in bold): r Existing Building Renewal and Commercial Real Estate, $6271730o Industrial Technical Training, $1381076o Specilic Market Transformation Activities including Marketing Resources, Market Channel Development, and Stakeholder Support and Coordination (as defined in Appendix 12 of the NEEA 2015-2019 Business Plan) for all initiatives (esffmated at $794,388). Idaho Power urill fund, create, and deliver specific market transformation activities for all initiatives which are relevant for the Idaho Power service territory. Idaho Power and NEEA will coordinate through the appropriate initiative working group and/or advisory committee, if applicable. NEEA will not expend any resources or conduct any actions related to the optional Specific Market Transformation Activities in Idaho Power service territory.o Associated administrative expenses, $119,126 Actual expenses for Optional Programs are capped at and strall not exceed the five-yearbudget a.mounts specified in the 2015-2019 Business Plan. Effective Funding Share. As set forth in Part B, subsection [, Idaho Power's Funding Commitrnent shall not exceed $13,450,835.00 for Services rendered from 2015-2019. This Funding Commitment, in dollars, will not be affected by other funders' commitnents, including those who may not elect to fund all Optional Programs or activities or 2. Page 13 of14 those who choose not to fund NEEA during the five-year funding cycle. When all Direct Funders' commitments are under contract, NEEA will re-calculate the funding share percentage for each funder (the "Effective Funding Share"), which will detennine the allocation for this funding cycle of expenses and those savings that cannot be reported at a more granular level such as by service territory. NEEA will notifr Idaho Power of its Effective Funding Share on each quarterly invoice. 3. Incurred Expense Invoices. NEEA shall provide Idaho Power with an invoice of NEEA's estimated expenses for Ql-2015 on Decemba 1,20L4, which is due and payable within 30 days of receip. Subsequently, NEEA will provide quarterly invoices not less than 30 days prior to the beginning of each quarter, with palm.ent due the l't of each quarter. NEEA will apply Idaho Power's Effective Funding Share to the most current forecast to calculate the estimated expenses for each invoice. 4. Expense Reconciliation. Reconciliation between the estimated expenditures and the actual expenditures will be completed 30 days after the quarter end, with the exception of year-end which will be provided as a draft by January 3t of each yem with a final reconciliation by March 1. A true-up of any variance from the estimate will be included in the next quarterly invoice prepared. Additionally, NEEA will provide annually a forecast of the following year's expenses, by quarter, to Idaho Power prior to the end of October of each year. Part C - Contact Information Invoices should be sent to: Name: Title: Theresa Drake Senior Manager, CustomerRelations & Energy Efficiency Organization: Idaho Power Company Address: l22lW Idaho Sheet Boise,Idatrc 83702 Phone: (208) 388-6445E-mail: TDrake@idahopower.com Page 14 of14