HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190225_sc6.PDFldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED FEB 2 2 2019 Boise, Idaho James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 400 Boise,Idaho 83701 Telephone: (208)33 I -9200 Facsimile: (208)3 3 | -9201 Email: James@idunionlaw.com Attorneys for lntervenor Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISTTION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASENOS. SUZ-W-I8-02 EAG-W-18-01 CITIZENS ALLIED FOR INTEGRITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY'S MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RESPOND TO DISCOVERY COMES NOW lntervenor Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability ("CAIA"), by and through undersigned counsel and hereby moves the Commission pursuant to Rule 56 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure for an order extending the time within which CAIA must respond to discovery requests served upon it by Petitioner Suez Water Idaho. lntervenor CAIA so moves for the reasons and on the bases set forth herein. I. Facts and Background Suez Water Idaho and Eagle Water Co. petitioned for approval of a sale of Eagle Water Co.'s water system to Suez. CAIA moved to intervene in the proceeding, which motion to intervene was granted by the Commission. Shortly before a January 15,2019 prehearing meeting in the case, the City of Eagle gave notice to Eagle Water (and others) that it believed Eagle Water was in default of a contractual provision requiring Eagle Water to grant a right of first refusal to the City of Eagle before selling the water system. Since then, this case has been in I - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines a state that can only be described as "on hold" while the implications of this contractual dispute between City of Eagle and Eagle Water are sorted out. PUC Staff initially set a date of January 15,2019 for a telephonic prehearing meeting to discuss the general outlines of a scheduling order in the case, including public information meetings, pre-hearing deadlines, and possible hearing dates. On or about January 14,2019,the City of Eagle informed Eagle Water of its contention that Eagle Water was in breach of a contract requiring that the City have a right of first refusal before any sale of the water system to any other entity was completed. In light of these developments, at the January 15 prehearing meeting, it was decided that the prehearing meeting would be reconvened on January 30 so the parties would have time to consider the implications of this development. At the January 30,2019 status conference, there was very little new or additional information. The City of Eagle informed the other parties that it would be taking action to assert and enforce its contractual positions. PUC Staff, and several of the other parties, were adamant that issues relating to that contract dispute were outside the jurisdiction of the Commission. However, they also recognized that resolution of those issues could easily render the present Application moot. This is for the simple reason that if the City of Eagle has an enforceable right of f,rrst refusal then sale of the water system to Suez Water would be entirely conditional upon whether City of Eagle exercised that right. The disputed contractual provision between City of Eagle and Eagle Water provide that in the event of a proposed sale to a third entity, City of Eagle is entitled to notice of the proposed sale, 30 days to determine if it wishes to pursue purchase of the system, and sufficient time to hold a revenue bond election to attempt to finalize such purchase. (Exhibit l, Intertie Agreement between City of Eagle and Eagle Water Co., paragraph 6). Eagle Water Co. has taken the position that it is not required to comply with that right of first refusal. (Exhibit 2, Letter from Eagle Water Co. to City of Eagle). If City of Eagle attempts to exercise its claimed right of first refusal, it will almost certainly have to initiate an appropriate civil action for breach of contract. Resolution of that dispute could occur within a few months or could easily take in excess of 12 months. It is only after that process is concluded, that City of Eagle could undertake the steps to attempt to buy the water system. If it was successful in doing so, this Application would become moot since Suez Water would no longer have any legal authority to complete the sale for which 2 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines it seeks the Commission's approval. Even if the City of Eagle is not successful, it is highly likely that a sale taking place as much as one to two or even three years in the future would be on different terms than those presently under consideration and might well involve different considerations for the Commission as a result of the additional years of development and growth in the Treasure Valley. Although resolving the contractual dispute is a matter outside the Commission's jurisdiction, its resolution could have serious consequences for any decision the Commission might reach. As a result, staff suggested and the parties largely agreed during their January 30 prehearing meeting that another delay was warranted and that the prehearing meeting would again be rescheduled, this time for March 4,2019. It was and is expected that by that time more information would be available about how the City of Eagle and Eagle Water intend to go about resolving their dispute (i.e., whether they would be litigating or finding some alternative). Tellingly, the city of Eagle has apparently hired new counsel who has entered an appearance in this dispute. The firm Holland &Hart, and its partner Newall Squyres are known for their skills as litigators, suggesting but not confirming that the City intends to pursue its legal remedies. In the meantime, Suez Water served discovery requests on multiple parties including CAIA. (Exhibit 3, Suez Water's Discovery Requests to CAIA). The requests were served via email on February 8,2019. Suez demands that responses be served not later than March 1,2019. (Id.).' lntervenor CAIA requested that Suez Water agree to an extension of the deadline for discovery responses, but counsel for Suez would not agree to the requested extension. Intervenor CAIA is a not-for-profit, grassroots organization focused, as its name implies, on integrity and accountability in the use of Idahoans' natural resources. It operates on a very small budget and is funded entirely by donations and membership fees. Because the present application of Suez Water may become entirely moot, and, if it does not become moot, may necessarily be delayed for a period that could be counted in years, CAIA seeks leave of the Commission to delay answering the discovery requests until such time as it appears this matter will actually be set for a hearing and decision by the Commission. ln the alternative, an extension of 60 days from the current March 1 deadline would allow for a more reasoned I The Commission's rules leave some ambiguity as to whether objections to the requests, if any, must be served sooner than March l. This motion seeks additional time in which to serve both objections and answers to the discovery requests. 3 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines decision about the appropriate timing for discovery proceedings. Granting either of these requests would prevent CAIA from wasting limited resources on discovery requests that may never be relevant to any contested case that the Commission has to decide. If the discovery requests do remain relevant, because Suez's application to approve the purchase of Eagle Water goes forward, then the Commission could easily set discovery timelines as part of the overall scheduling order that it will ultimately issue. II. The Commission's Rules Provide the Basis for This Request. The Commission's own rules call for a practical approach to their application. Rule 13 requires that the rules of procedure, including the rules governing discovery, "be liberally construed to secure just, speedy and economical determination of all issues presented to the Commission." IDAPA 3 I .01 .0 I . I 3. The same rule provides that "the Commission may permit deviation from these rules when it finds compliance with them is impracticable, unnecessary or not in the public interest." Id. Finally, Rule 56 provides that aparty seeking relief from the operation of the rules is to do so via a motion such as this one. IDAPA 3l.01.01.56. Under the present circumstances, a temporary delay of the discovery timeline in this case will not prevent, or have any impact whatsoever, on accomplishing a "just [or] speedy" determination of this case. Final resolution of the merits is almost certain to be delayed by the ongoing contractual dispute between City of Eagle and Eagle Water, and there is nothing the Commission can do to prevent that.2 An extension of discovery deadlines would not affect the speedy determination of the merits of this Application. Nor is there any basis to claim it would affect the 'Just" determination of the application. If the Commission is actually able to proceed to addressing the merits of this Application (for instance because a Court rules against City of Eagle, or the City decides not to proceed with a purchase), there will be more than adequate time to allow for discovery. Finally, the "economic" determination of the dispute calls for the discovery extension that CAIA is requesting here. Undergoing the time and expense of discovery proceedings in a case 2 Suez Water may argue that it is entitled to proceed with its purchase of Eagle Water despite the contractual dispute with City of Eagle. Such an argument would be incorrect for several reasons. First, such an argument ignores the reality that the interests of rate payers would not be served by allowing a sale that could result in substantial liability for a regulated utility. Second, it ignores the fact that a Court could enter a preliminary injunction barring the sale pending the outcome of the contract dispute. Third, it would put the Commission in the position of deciding whether to approve a sale that a court may ultimately find to be unlawful. None of these outcomes would serve the goal of accomplishing a "speedy, just and economical determination" of the merits of Suez's Application. 4 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines that may never be heard on the merits would not be economical. Conserving resources such as the cost of attorney fees is the only economical choice in this instance. This applies both to the fees of counsel for CAIA, as well as the fees incurred by Suez Water. Encouraging Suez to spend money which may ultimately be reimbursed by consumers is not economical. Rule l3 explicitly encourages the Commission to allow "deviation from these rules when it finds compliance with them is impracticable, unnecessary or not in the public interest." IDAPA31.01.01.13. Complyingwithdiscoveryrequestsatthisparticularpointintime,while the case is all but stalled pending the outcome of potential proceedings before a District Court is entirely unnecessary. There is simply no reason that Suez needs discovery responses now, rather than waiting until it is apparent that its Application will actually be decided by the Commission on the merits. Similarly, it is not in the public interest for either Suez or CAIA to be spending limited financial resources on undertaking discovery when this case may well become moot. The public interest is best served by requiring the parties to be efficient, rather than having them spend time and money in ways that may ultimately be entirely useless. III. The Commission Should Extend the Deadlines for Responding to Discovery. lntervenor CAIA requests, and the Commission should order, that it not be required to respond to discovery requests unless and until a scheduling order resulting in a final hearing on the merits is entered by the Commission. In the alternative, a 60-day extension of the deadline for responses to discovery should be granted. Such an extension would allow for some of the matters outside the Commission's jurisdiction to develop such that the Commission would be better informed about when and if it is going to be able to proceed to the merits of the present Application. DATED this 22od day of February,20l9. PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC James M. Piotrowski Attorney for Petitioner CAIA 5 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22"d day of February, 2019, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Steet Boise,Idaho 83702 secretary(rDpuc. idaho. qov diane. hanian(dpuc. idaho. eov Commission Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr Brandon Karpen Sean Costello Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Steet P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 brandon. karpe[Gqpuc. idaho. gov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr sean. costello(dpuc. idaho. qov Att orneys fo r C ommi s s ion S t aff Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. P.O.Box2720 Boise,lD 83701-2720 mcc(a) eivenspursley. com prestoncarter@ qivenspurslev.com Attornqtsfor Petitioner SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr Marshall Thompson Suez Water Idaho, Inc. 8248 W. VictoryRd. Boise,Idaho 83709 mqEhal l.thompson(aJ suez. com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trnxtr Petitioner 6 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Law 1775W. State St. #150 Boise, ID 83702 mollv(gibizcounseloratlaw. com Attornqtfor Petitioner Eagle Water Co. Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr trtrxtr trtrxtr trtrxtr Robert DeShazo, Jr., President Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State St. Eagle,ID 83616 ea ql ew ateco(d, qmail. com Petitioner Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax N.L. Bangle H2O Eagle Acquisition, LLC 188 W. State St. Eagle,ID 83616 nbanel e(/, h2 o- solutionsl lc. net Petitioner Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax B. Newal Squyres Murray D. Feldman Holland & Hart LLP 800 W. Main St., Ste #1750 P.O.Box2527 Boise, lD 83702-2527 nsquyres (rD hollandhart. com mfeldman(rDho I I andharr. com Attorneysfor Intervenor City of Eagle Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax Brad M. Purty 2049 N. 176 St. Boise,lD 83702 bmpurdy(rdhotmai l. com Attorney for Intervenor CAPAI Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax 7 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines Abigail R. Germaine Boise City Attomey's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise,ID 83701-0500 aserma ine(@cityo lboi se. clrs Attorney for lntervenor City of Boise Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr Norman M. Sernanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 w. Main St., Ste #1300 Boise, D 83702 nsemanko(@parsonsbehle. com ec f(@p arsonsb eh le. c om Attorney for Intervenor EWCG Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Electronic Mail Fax trtrxtr James M. Piotrowski 8 - CAIA Motion to Extend Deadlines INTERTIE AGREEMENT This Intertie Agreement ("Agrcemenf'), dated as of July 12, 2008, is between Eagle Water Company, [nc., an Idaho corporation (*EWC") and the City of Eagle, Idaho, an Idatro municipal corporation ("City"). Recitals City recently constnrcted and owns an approximate one million gallon water storage unk (the "Storage Tenk"). EWC owns and conducts a water utility supply and distribution business ("Water System") in and around Eagle, Idaho. EWC has water distribution lines in the vicinity of the Storage Tank and desires to temporarily connect such distribution lines to the Storage Tank in order to satisS certain regulatory requirements for fire protection service to its customers. EWC intends to use the lnrcrtie a! a tempomry measu€ until it completes a new well and DEQ determines the Intertie is no longer needed to meet regulatory requirements. The parties agree as follows: Agrcement l. lVeter Storage Connection" City hercby agrees that immediately upon the execution of this Agreement, City will allow EWC to consfruct, at EWC's sole expense, a connection and two manually-controlled gate valves with a meter spool for a future meter ("Intertie") between EWC's existing main distibution lines and the Storage Tank based upon engineering plans previously submitted by the City to and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality ('DEQ"). City shall have the right to approve the location and manner of constmcting such Intertie and shall do so no later than 24 hours after EWC identifies its prcferred location for the intertie. EWC shall ensure that all wort is performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. City makes no reprcsentations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the Intertie or any benefits to be derived by EWC therefrom. The City shall own the lntertie infrastnrcture save and except for the l2-inch Intertie tee and the attached l2-inch gate valve. 2. Limitations On Use. The parties agree that the sole purpose of the Intertie is to provide redundant fire flow protection capacity to EWC and is not intended to be a source of water for EWC's normal operating requirements. 3. Paymcnt. In consideration of the City entering into this Agreement and allowing EWC to connect to the Storage Tanlq EWC agrees to compcnsate the City as follows: CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPAI.IY INTERTIE AGREEMENT. I A. B. C Exhibit 1 3.1. Lease of Water Rights. EWC agrees to grant the City the permanent Right of First Refusal to lease up to ten (10) cubic feet of water per second of certain municipal water rights currenfly owned by EWC, provided such water rights are not necessary to maintain the integrity of EWC's Water System, including compliance with all regulatory requirements and EWC engineering plans.This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 3.2. Cash Payment. In addition, EWC shall pay City a fee for the connection to the Storage Tank of $10,000.00 per month commencing on the date the interconnection is completed and approved by the Idaho Departnent of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 4, Duration. This Agreement shall commence upon acceptance by the City of Eagle and completion of the Intertie that is the subject of this Agreement ("Commencement"), and the Intertie Lease shall continue month-to-month so long as the Intertie connection is needed by EWC in its sole discretion. If the Intertie continues past 18 months from the Commencement date, the Intertie Lease Cash Payment shall increase five percent (5%) and every 18 months thereafter. The parties may mutually agree, in writing, to extend or modiff this Agreement. 5. Moratorium. At EWC's reasonable request, City agrees to cooperate with EWC to assist EWC in its efforts to satisff the conditions set forth in the current DEQ Consent Order establishing a moratorium on new connections in EWC's service territory and to cause the moratorium to be terminated. This Section 5 shall not require City to expend any funds or take any actions that it is not laurfirlly permitted to take. EWC shall reimburse the City for any costs incr.ured by the City related to this Section 5, provided the same have been pre-approved by EWC in writing. 6. Right of First Refrrsal. If EWC determines to sell or convey all or any part of its Water System, which shall be deemed to include, but not be limited to, water rights, wells and other infrastructure, ffid receives a bona fide offer for this Water Systenl before making any agreement to sell all or any portion of the Water System, EWC shall give notice to City stating EWC's desire to sell and the amount and terms of such offer in detail. City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer; provided, that if the third party offer is for a consideration other than cash, the City shall have the right to pay the fair market value of such consideration in cash. Upon delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, the City shall hold a revenue bond election for the purpose of securing voter approval of the purchase at the next available election date and/or utilize City funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to complete the purchase. For the purpose of this Section 6, 'Next Available Election Date" shall mean the earliest possible election date based on the time required by law for legal notice of such an election and for the conduct of any required public hearings. tf the bond is approved at said election, the City shall proceed in good faith to secure bonds to pay the purchase price ("Finance") as expeditiously as possible. Closing of the transaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall not extend more than 180 days from the date of the revenue bond election, or if the election is challenged in a legal proceeding, the CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT.2 Closing shall occur no more than 90 days after final resolution of any such legal challenge. In the event that a revenue bond election is not required because the City has the necessary funds directly available in a capital account enterprise fund, general fund, or other readily available City fund or account to finance the transaction in lieu of holding a revenue bond election, then the Closing of the tansaction between the City and EWC that is the subject of this Section 6 shall occur no later than 60 days after the City provides EWC with its Notice of Intent to Purchase. For purposes of this Section 6, this Right of First Refusal applies solely to an "EWC Change of Control Transaction", which means one or a series of transactions in which (i) all or substantially all of EWC's Water System is sold to a third party, or (ii) there is a stock sale, merger, consolidation or similar transaction as a result of which said third parly owns a majority of the outstanding voting and outstanding capital stock of EWC or any successor owner of EWC. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7, below. 7. Termination. EWC or the City shall have the right to terminate the Intertie connection upon 30 days prior unitten notice to the other party. In the event the City terminates the Intertie connection for any reason other than a non-cured default by EWC under Section l0 of this Agreement, then the Rights of First Refusal in Sections 3 and 6 of this Agreement shall likewise terminate. 8. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement below on behalf of a party represents and warrants to the other party that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authoiz*d by all necessary corporate or municipal action by such party, that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of such party, and that this Agreement is a legal and valid obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms. 9. Force Majeure. Except for obligations to make payment, nonperfonnance of either party shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or restictions, or any other reason where failure to perform is beyond the control and not caused by the negligence of the non-performing party. 10. Default and Remedies. 10.1. Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an event of default: l0.l.l. EWC fails to make, on or before the date which it is due, any payment to be made to the City pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; or 10.1.2. Either party materially breaches this Agreement. 10.2. Re medies. If any default shall occur, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party notice of default. Such default must be cured within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Default unless such default is curable but cannot be reasonably cured within ten (10) days after giving the Notice of Default and the defaulting party commences within such ten (10) day period to cure such default and prosecutes the same to conclusion with reasonable diligence. CITY OF BAGLE * EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 3 The foregoing remedy shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available to the parties under applicable law. I L Attorneys Fees. [n the event an arbitration, suit or action is brought by any party under this Agreement to enforce any of its terms, or in any appeal therefrom, it is agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the arbitrator, or court of applicable jurisdiction. 12. Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder, including notices to Mortgagees, shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be in writing, shall be personally delivered, delivered by reputable ovemight courier, or sent by registered or certified mail, retum receipt requested, and postage prepaid, addressed to the parties at the following addresses: if to the City: City of Eagle Ofiice of the City Clerk 660 East Civic Lane Eagle,ID 83616 With a copy to: Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, tdaho 83707 Notices personally delivered shall be deemed given the day so delivered. Notices given by overnight courier shall be deemed given on the first business day following the mailing date. Notises mailed as provided herein shall be deemed given on the third business day following the mailing date. Notice of change of addrcss shall be given by written notice in a manner detailed in this Section 12. 13. Governing Law. The parties intend that this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho, without regard to choice of law rules. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute part of the original document. CITY OF EACLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT- 4 If to Eagle Water: Eagle Water Company,Inc. 172 West State Street Eagle,ID 83616 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. EWC:EAGLE WATER COMPAI{Y, an Idatro Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., City:CITY OF EAGLE,IDAHO mwicipal corporation Bandy, oa ATTEST: o ST A{K. Bergmann, City CIry OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 5 + ATTORNETS AND CoUNSEII)RSI AT I,ATtr l6ggw. RTVERSIDEDRn/E BoISE,ID SgZr+ TELnpHors: (zo8) ggr-r8oo FAcsIMu.E: (zo8) ggr-rzoz WWW.MSBf,IAW.COM Mrcseu C. Moon& Of Counsel DEr.rMs L RADocH& Of hunsel " Alsoadmitted in Utah S aur SgerHou M. ATI/\rELL SrspHAMrJ. Bot$.IEY= PeuT,J. FTTZBR Jrr,r,S. HouNxe CHERESED. MCI,.AIN AMrrroNYM. PANIERA" ry Grorrnrv.A- Scnnoposn Fh,Al.rcEsRSmnx PAULA.TURCIG January l4,20l9 Subrnitted via U.S. Mail and electronically Eagle Water Company 172 West State Street Eagle,ID 83616 RE: Notice of Default To Eagle Water Company: On behalf of the City of Eagle, please be advised and take notice that Eagle Water Company ("EWC") is in default of the Agreement between EWC and the City of Eagle dated July 12, 2008, a copy of which is attached hereto. This constitutes notice of default under Section l0 of the Agreement. EWC failed to continue to make payments due and failed to provide required notice to the City. Section 6 of the Agreement is entitled "Right of First Refusal" and prescribes a clear intent and specific process by which the City shall have the "exclusive right" of first refusal triggered by a determination by EWC to'sell or convey all or any part of its Water System...." Agreement (attached hereto), Section 6. Upon receipt of such notice from EWC, the Agrecment prescribes that the "City shall have the exclusive right for 30 days after receiving such notice to provide Notice of lntent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the amount of said offer...." Id. The proceedings in Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 and EAG-W-18-01 before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission appear to reflect a triggering event under Section 6 of the Agreement - a Joint Application of Suez Water Idaho and Eagle Water Company for the Acquisition of Eagle Water Company. However, EWC did not provide notice to the City beforc making any such agreement and is therefore in violation of Section 6 and the City's Right of First Refusal. On behalf of the City, we hereby demand that you give notice stating EWC's desire to Exhibit 2 January 14,2019 Page2 sell all or specified part(s) of the EWC Water System and the amount and terms of such offer(s) in detail. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Agreement, you have fifteen (15) days to cure this default. Upon your response, or lack thercof within the specified time period, the City will determine whether to pursue its rights under the Agreement. The City reserves its rights to seek alternative or additional remedies as may be applicable. ,rffi Cherese D. Mclain cc: Molly O'Irary (viaemail) Michael C. Creamer (ISB No.4030) Preston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 mcc@givenspursley.com prestoncarter@ ei venspursl ey. corn Attorneysfor SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. [3cl74l 1455179.1 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO AND EAGLE WATER coMPAl.IY FOR THE ACQLTISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case Nos. SU7-W-fE-O2 EAG.W-18-01 trInsr PRoDUcrroN REeuEsr or SUEZ Warnnloluo Ixc. ro Cruzens Ar,r,rno FoR INTEGRTTY ANn AccOUNTABILITY SUEZ Water Idaho [nc. ("SUEZ") requests that Citizens Allied for Integrity and Accountability ("CALA") provide the following docume,nts and information by March l,2Ol9. This Production Request is continuing, and CAIA is requested to provide additional docume,nts that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please aoswer each question, provide the documentation requested and provide supporting workpapers (if applicable). Responses must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, the name, location, and phone number of the record holder, as well as the name of the person who will sponsor the answer at a hearing if needed. IDAPA 31.01.0r.228. Exhibit 3FRST PRoDUcrroN ltEeuEsrs oF SUEZ To CAIA - I Request No. 1: Please provide copies of any and all organizational documents pertaining to CAIA, including (without limitation) any and all articles of association, bylaws, resolutions or minutes, and other docume.nts related to CAIA's participation in this proceeding. Request No. 2: Please provide the names and business addresses of the officers and directors of CAIA, indicate whether these persons are customers of Eagle Water Company, and indicate which schedule or tariff under which they take service. Request No. 3: Please describe the process by which a person or entity is admitted to membership in CAIA. Request No.4: Please state the total number of persons or entities who are members of CALA. Please indicate whether each mernber is a current customer of Eagle Water Company and, if so, under which schedule or tariffthey take service. Request No.5: Please state the number of CAIA members that also are members of another intervenor in this proceeding. For each, please identify which other intervenor the CAIA member is also a mernber of. Request No. 6: Please describe the source of funds by which the activities of CAIA are supported. Request No. 7: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to Intervene that CAIA's participation in this case will further its interest "maintaining high quality water resources." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents supporting your answer. Request No. 8: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to Intervene that CAIA's participation in this case will further its interest "maintaining FIRSTPRoDUCTIoN REQUESTS oT SUEZTo CAIA - 2 local control" of water. Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents suppofting your answer. Request No.9: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's staternent in its Petition to Intervene that there are "possible environmental harms stemming from the merger." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents concerning any possible environmental harms that you attribute to the proposed Eagle Water Company asset acquisition by SUEZ. Request No 10: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to lntervene that "the outcome of the proceedings regarding the Joint Application could also impact service to customers." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documcnts conceming any impacts on service to customers that you attribute to the proposed Eagle Water Company asset acquisition by SUEZ. Request No. l1: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statsment in its Petition to Intervene that "the outcome of the proceedings regarding the Joint Application could also impact . . . water quality." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents concerning any impact to water quality that you attribute to the proposed Eagle Water Company asset acquisition by SUEZ. Request No. 12: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to lntervene that "the outcome of the proceedings regarding the Joint Application could also impact . . . chemical treatments." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents supporting your answer. Request No. 13: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to Intervene that "the outcome of the proceedings regarding the Joint Application could FRSTPRoDUCTIoN REQUESTS oF SUEZ To CAIA - 3 also impact . . . environmental concems." Please provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents concerning any impact to environmental that you attribute to the proposed Eagle Water Company asset acquisition by SUEZ. Request No. 14: Please describe, in detail, the factual basis for CAIA's statement in its Petition to Intervene that Eagle Water Company has "many'' customers who "are single parents, elderly, or living with disabilities on fixed and limited incomes." As part of your answer, please provide an approximate estimate of the number of such customers. Please also provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents that form the basis of your estimate. Request No. 15: Please identiff any existing programs or other arrangement by which the City of Eagle can or does provide assistance on water bills to single parents, the elderly, those living with disabilities; or low-income customers. Request No, 16. Please state whether CAIA is aware of SUEZ's low-income assistance programs. Request No. 17: Please provide copies of all informational materials, pamphlets, statements, or other communications that CAIA has provided to its members or to the public regarding the subject matter of this proceeding. Request No. 18: Does CAIA contend that the phased-in rate increases proposed by SUEZ in the Joint Application are higher than any rate increases that would be necessary if the City of Eagle acquired Eagle Water Company? [f so, please describe, in detail, the factual basis for this position and provide any and all relevant analyses, studies, or other documents supporting this position. FIRSTPRODUCTIoN REQUESTS OF SUEZTO CAIA - 4 Request No. 19: Does CAIA contend that the City of Eagle would not seek to move water under Eagle Water Company water rights to other portions of the City's current or future senrice area if the City were to acquire Eagle Water Compan/ Request No. 20: Does CAIA contend that the tdaho Departnent of Water Resources does not have jurisdiction and authority over the place and purpose of the use of the water rights that are currently owned by Eagle Water Company, even if those water rights are acquired by SUEZ? Request No.21: Does CAIA contend thatthe City of Eagle would not chlorinate the water that would be provided to current Eagle Water Customers if the City were to acquire Eagle WaterCompanfl Request No. 22: Does CAIA contend that the City of Eagle does not currenfly chlorinate the drinking water provided to its current customers? Requect No. 22: Please identiff each person or entity that CAIA intends to call as a witness in any technical hearing in this matter. For each, please state the subject matter of their testimony and provide any documents they considered or relied upon in forming their testimony. DATED this 8s day of February,20L9. SUEZ Water Idaho tnc. By:r Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneysfor SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF SUEZ TO CAIA - 5 CERTIF'ICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 8fr day of February,2}l9, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the following in the manner indicated: Diane M. Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 IPUC Brandon Karpen Sean Costello Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Auorneysfor IPUC Molly O'Leary BizCounselor at Iaw 1775W. State St. #150 Boise, D 83702 Counselfor Eagle Water Company Robert DeShazo Eagle Water Company, Inc. 188 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 Petitioner N.L. Bangle 188 W. State Street Eagle,ID 83616 Petitioner Stan Ridgeway, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. Civil Lane Eagle,ID 83616 Intervenor City of Eagle Cherese D. Mclain MSBT Law, Chtd. 7699 W. Riverside Drive Boise, Idaho 83714 Attorneys for Intervenor City of Eagle [ ] byU.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery (Original & 3 copies) [ ] bv Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail secretary(a)puc.idaho. gov diane .idaho.eov t I bvU.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail brandon.karpen(rDpuc.idaho.eov se2n llo(douc.idaho.sov t I byU.S. Mail I I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail molly(dbizcounseloratlaw.com lxl bvU.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile t I bv E-Mail [ ] bvU.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] by E-Mail nbangle(@h2o-solutionsllc.net t I byU.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail srideewa],(Ecityofeasle. ors sbersmann@ citvo fea gle.org [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile Fnsr PnooucrroN REeuESrs oF SUEZ ro CAIA - 6 lxl bv E-Mail cdm(rumsbtlaw.com Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer 800 West Main Street, Suite 1300 Boise,Idaho 83702 Attorneys for Interttenor Eagle l{ater Customer Group [ ] bv U.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail NSemanko(g)parsonsbehle.com ec f l@parsonsbehle.com Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attomey Boise City Attorney's Office 150N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, tdaho 83701 -0500 Attorneysfor Intertenor, City of Boise [ ] bv U.S. Mail t I bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mail agermaine(a)cityofbojse.org James M. Piotrowski PIOTROWSKI DURAND, PLLC P.O. Box 2864 1020 W. Main Street, Suite 440 Boise,ID 83701 Attorneys for Intervenor Citizens Allied for Inte grity and Accountability t I bvU.S. Mail [ ] byPersonal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X]bV E-Mail James(4idunionlaw.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N, lTth Street Boise,ID 83702 Attomey for Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho [ ] bvU.S. Mail [ ] bV Personal Delivery [ ] bV Facsimile [X] bV E-Mait bmpurdv(g)hotmail.com Preston N. Carter FrRsr PRoDUcrroN REQUESTS OF SLIEZ TO CAIA - 7