HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150416Termination Letter.pdfDONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwal ker@i dahopower. com April 15,2015 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Gommission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Energy Sales Agreements Terminations Gase No. IPC-E-14-28, Clark Solar 1, LLC Case No. IPC-E-14-29, Clark Solar 2, LLC Case No. IPC-E-14-30, Clark Solar 3, LLC Gase No. IPC-E-14-31, Clark Solar 4, LLC Dear Ms. Jewell: On Apri! 6,2015, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/') terminated the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA") Energy Sales Agreements ("ESAs") with each of the above-referenced PURPA qualifying facilities ('QF'). Each of the referenced QF ESAs was approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") by Order, as noted in the table below. -. ^ : l ?ili; liPii li Pii lr: 50 .: ; i ._iL"'"l"lTlLll 1;:l.i r,i .i,.. l,' :,..', 3Effi*. An IDACORP Company Date of Order 01/08/15 01/08/15 01/08/15 01lo8l15 Project Clark Solar 1, LLC Clark Solar 2, LLC Clark Solar 3, LLC CIark Solar 4, LLC Case Number tPc-E-14-28 lPc-E-14-29 lPc-E-14-30 !PC-E-14-31 Order Number Order No. 33208 Order No. 33209 Order No. 33204 Order No. 33205 Enatas to Order Nos. 33208 and 33209 were issued on January 9, 2015. The ESAs require that a Security Deposit be posted within 30 days of final non- appealable Commission orders approving the ESAs. The required Security Deposits were not paid, and ldaho Power provided Notice of Default and Material Breach on March 2,2015. Subsequently, ldaho Power and the projects' developer, lntermountain Energy Partnerc, LLC, entered into an agreement (attached hereto as Attachment 1) 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Jean D. Jewell April 15,2015 Page 2 of 2 setting forth the agreed to provisions by which the projects were to cure the Material Breach of the ESAs. The Security Deposits were not so posted for the above- referenced Clark Solar projects; thus, the associated ESAs were terminated as of April 6, 2015. The Security Deposits for the Mountain Home Solar and Pocatello Solar projects were paid according to this agreement and thus were not terminated. To keep the Commission apprised of these terminations, ldaho Power has enclosed an original and four (4) courtesy copies of this letter and its attachment for your convenience. Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or concems. DEW:csb Enclosurescc: Dean J. Miller (w/encl.) - via e-mail Rick Sterling (w/encl.) - via e-mail Donald L. Howell, ll (w/encl.) - via e-mail onovan E. Walker ATTACHMENT 1 NEffiHK. An loAcoip cofipanv OONOVAT{ E. WALKER Lced Gounrl dwalkcnDld ahoomcr.com March 17,2015 ioe@mcdevitt-miller.com Dean J. MIller McDevitt & Miller LLP 42OW. Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, ldatp 83702 VIA ELECTRONIC UAIL Re: Security Deposits - Mountain Home Solar 1, Pocatello Solar 1, Clark Solar 1, Clark Solar 2, Clark Solar 3, Clark Solar 4. Joe: ldaho Power is in receipt of the memo from Mark van Gulik dated March 17, 2015, rcgarding the specific arangements being pursued by lntermountain Energy Partners ("lEP") to cure the material breach of the Energy Sales Agreements ('ESA') for each of the above referenced solar projects 'as expeditiously as possible." ldaho Power will accept your proposed schedule of events outlined ln your March '17, 2015, memo wtrich outlines activitles starting today to secure the necessary deposits and continuing through the stated deadlines of March 31, 2015, for Mountain Home Solar and Pocatello Solar- and April 3, 2015, for Clark Solar 1 through 4. ldaho Power will further accept the proposal of a "Non-Appealable" agreement and provlslon that ff the deposits are not pakl ln accordance with these dates, that the Energy Sales Agreements will immediately termlnate, and that IEP will not contest the termination at the ldaho Publlc Utilities Commission, or elsewhere. Because of the shortness of time before tomonoWs ESA termination deadline, please let this letter serve as both parties'written acknowledgement of this agreement: Consequently, both ldaho Power Company and lntermountain Energy Partners hereby agree that the final and definitive deadline with which lEP is to cure the material breach of the ESAs for each of the above referenced solar projects under contract with ldaho Power is March 31, 2015, for Mountain Home Solar and Pocatello Solar - and April 3, 2015, for CIark Solar 1 through 4, as set forth in lEPs March 17, 2015, memo, incorporated herein by this reference. IEP shall cause the approprlate amount of security deposit, as referenced in each project's respective ESA, as well as in ldaho Powe/s March 2,2015, Notice of '122t w idaho 5r (8t702) PO 8or 70 goise. lO 83707 Dean J. Mlller March 17,2015 Page2ol2 Default Material Breach - and ldaho Powe/s March 4, 2015, Notice to Terminate, to be posted on or before 5:00 p.m., mountain time, on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, for the Mountain Home Solar and Pocatello Solar projects - and on or before April 3, 2015, for Clark Solar 1, Clark Solar 2, Clark Solar 3, and Clark Solar 4. lf the required security deposit is not paid by these deadlines, then each assoclated ESA will immediately terminate. IEP wlll accept said termlnatlon and shall not contest said termination in any manner what-so-ever, either in law or equity, before the ldaho Public Utilities Commission or any otherforum. ldaho Power understands from IEP's March 17, 2015, memo, and from its conversations with Mr. van Gulik, and Mr. Miller, that the required securlty wlll be posted in cash. lf an altemative method is utilized (i.e., lette(s) of creditor parent guarantees) then the necessary anangements and approvals of such altemative methods must be completed on or before the deadline, or the deadline shall be deemed to have NOT been met. lf this ls agreeable, please execute this letter below and retum a signed copy back to me. ldaho Power Company Agreed to and Accepted by, on behalf of lntermountain Energy Partners: Irlo*.or-.: ftp".=,oe.a- Cntf"1 DEW:csb cc: novan E. Walker Printed Name)