HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140902Comment.pdfJean Jewell From:js_weber@hotmail.co Sent:Sunday,August 31,2014 12:21 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:js_weber@hotmail.co Subject:Case Comment Form:John Weber Name:John Weber Case Number:IPC-E-14-22 Email:js weber(hotmail.co Telephone: Address:7855 W Hummel Dr Boise Idaho,83709 Name of Utility Company:Idado Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear Commissioners and Staff, I request a technical hearing as well as a public hearing for this case. I request that commissioners do not confirm use of a first capacity deficit of July 2021 for purposes of avoided cost prices determined by the incremental cost,IRP Methodology Comments: Idaho Power’s battle against renewable generation is tiresome.Idaho Power controls the IRP process and the outcome of the IRP.The costs of solar generation are less than the newly built Langley Gulch gas plant that was not needed.The most convincing reason for that plant to be built was to allow the incorporation of more renewable generation.Now the plant is built and the company wants to stop the renewable generation. The company use to import a great percent of its power.Last year they imported very little power.They still want to build new transmission lines at a cost to their customers when the need for these lines was in the past and not the future.Idaho based solar generation besides providing the least expensive peak generation also makes new transmission lines not needed. Idaho Power still wants to upgrade the Shoshone Falls Dam.If approved it will provide almost zero peak capacity and when it is generating,the power could be sold at a loss,all increasing the cost to customers. In the current IRP meetings,the debate continues on the forecast for the price of natural gas.This uncertainty creates risk for Idaho Power and its customers.There is no uncertainty with regards to the forecast for the price of sunshine and wind. If a solar project can come online for less than the price of Idaho Power running one of its gas plants it should be built and the gas plant should be idled when not needed.Idaho Power took the risk of building the newest gas plant and if it is not economical to run in comparison to other resources that is the risk they took and will have to deal with.Idaho Power’s customers are demanding more renewable generation.Long term,due to economics fossil fuel generation will be too expensive and fossil fuel plants will be stranded assets. Thank you for your consideration. Unique Identifier: 1