HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141030Comments (5 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:idahomartin@gmail.com Sent:Thursday,October 30,2014 3:39 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:idahomartin@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Stephanie Martin Name:Stephanie Martin Case Number:IPC-E-14-19 Email:idahomartingmai1.com Telephone: Address:P 0 Box 69 Jerome Idaho,83338 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Grandview Solar Two would produce 80 CLEAN megawatts!Let’s focus on hydro, geothermal and solar.I am a 4th generation Idahoan and I want to see solar development in southern Idaho.thanks,Stephanie Martin Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:aaugusto@buildpros.com Sent:Thursday,October 30,2014 2:23 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:aaugusto@buildpros.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Anna Augusto Name:Anna Augusto Case Number:IPC-E-14-19,IPC-E-14-20 Email:aaugusto(buildpcos.com Telephone:208-972-7685 Address:762 E Gentlewind Ct Boise Idaho,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:October 30,2014 Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Re:Idaho Power --Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City,IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-14-20 Dear Commissioners: Idaho is poised to add its first two utility-scale solar projects:Grand View and Boise City Solar.I fully support these two projects because they are: •Good for the economy •Good for ratepayers •Good for Idaho Power •Good for our environment They are good for the economy.These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 12 months,after which they will employ maintenance professionals.This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 years of payments,and Elmore County will add over $400,000/year to tax receipts. They are good for ratepayers.Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States,and solar energy is poised,as electronics did,to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal,which will only get scarcer and more expensive.I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into their resource mix. They are good for Idaho Power.Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind,hydro and energy conservation +demand reduction to meet its power obligations.Coal prices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly 1 externalized (i.e.,cleanup),leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs.This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good for our environment.Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth’s climate for hundreds of years after we are gone.The sooner we stop burning coal,the better.These are the first and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho!The 120 MW generated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning.It will also reduce the mercury,hydrocarbons,arsenic,lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals,improving the health of Idaho,Nevada and Wyoming residents.They will also remove an estimated 150,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year. I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve these projects. Sincerely, Anna Grace Augusta Unique Identifier: 2 Jean Jewell From:deir@frontier.com Sent:Thursday,October 30,2014 4:40 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:deir@frontier.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Deirdre Bingaman Name:Deirdre Bingaman Case Number:IPC-E-14-19 Email:deir(frontier.com Telephone: Address:14186 Jefferson Rd McCall ID,83638 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I am in full support and appreciation of Idaho Powers request to approve the two solar energy projects,the Grandview Solar Project and the Boise City Solar Project.These solar projects would be a win for everyone in Idaho!From property tax revenue and better customer rates,hopefully,to adding clean,green energy to Idaho,this is a good move for our states economy and the environment,as well as benefiting Idaho Power.I urge you to approve these projects! Thank you! Deirdre Bingaman Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewel! From:klmcoe©qcom Sent:Thursday,October 30,2014 4:36 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:klmcoe@q.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Kim Coe Name:Kim Coe Case Number:IPC-E-24-19 Email:klmcoe(lg.com Telephone:208-353-5556 Address:5212 Bel Air Boise Idaho,83705 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:This project is good for Idaho,good for taxpayers,good for the environment.This is what Idaho needs-not a nuclear plant above our aquifers or dirty coal fired plants and more dams that threaten our fish and wildlife. Thank you K Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:NWPlugltln@gmail.com Sent:Thursday,October 30,2014 4:45 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:NWPlugltln@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Gary Kunz Name:Gary Kunz Case Number:IPC-E-14-19 Email:NWPlugItInmail.corn Telephone:2083622263 Address:10090 W Harness Dr Boise Id,83709 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Re:Idaho Power --Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Two,LLC,IPC-E 14-19. Dear Commissioners: I want to offer my support to the Grand View solar project—it is the right step for Idaho, both environmentally and economically.It will produce 80MW of environmentally clean electricity—equivalent to the power used by 20,000 households.Solar power requires nothing to burn;it does not produce ANY emissions.To compare:80MW of coal power emits 102,000 tons of C02 a year (279 tons of C02 every day),as well as mercury,hydrocarbons,arsenic, lead,and other toxic heavy metals.Additionally,it can supply 300 local jobs for a year, as well as many permanent full-time positions for maintenance specialists.This project will generate increased local revenue during the time of its construction,and supply as much as $400,000 in yearly property taxes to Elmore County for many years to come. Idaho is a beautiful state and we need to protect the environment that nature has given us. As opposed to following the rest of the country in the adoption of clean energy,Idaho should lead the country in the protection of the amazing resources we have been blessed with and the use of clean,solar energy. The Grand View 80MW solar project gets my full support—it benefits the environment,and it is good for Idaho’s economy. Thank you, Gary Kunz 208-362-2263 Garynwplugitin.com Unique Identifier: 1