HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141014Comments (67 Total).pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ecseeds@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11,2014 7:13 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness ecseeds@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Mandy Latchu Name: Mandy Latchu Case Numben: IPC-E-14-19, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : ecseeds@vahoo. com Telephone: 2O85991,289 Addness: t75 NhJ Merlot Drive Mountain Home Idaho, 83647 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: October 11, 2OL4 Honorable PauI Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 hJest talashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement and IPC-E-L4-2@ Dear Commissioners: with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 Aften neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these pnojects. I suppont these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar enengy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-scale powen into thein resourcemlx. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnovidens to learn and to improve future solar projects. They ane good for the economy. These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landownens in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $4O0rA@Olyean to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent fron 2OL@ to 2OL3, per a Solar Foundation 2QL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of so1ar, wind, hydro and enengy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices will only rise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunityto leann how to do that. They are good for oun envinonment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now wiII continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans aften we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will power an estimated 3O,OOO homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also reduce the mencuny, hydrocarbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated lSO.OOO tons of carbon dioxide per yean. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this pnoject. Sincerely, Mandy Latchu Unique Identifien: 7L.2O9,5O.23! Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: pdgarrett4S@gmail. com Saturday, October 11,2014 7:22 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness pdgarrett4S@gmail. com Case Comment Form: PaulGarrett Name: PauI Garrett Case Number: IPC-E-14-L9,TPC-E-L -2O Email : pdgarrett48@gmail. com Telephone: 2@39t92337 Address: 3025 N. Five Mile Rd., Apt. LO2 Boise Idaho, 8371,3 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these pnojects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorponating Idaho-generated solan utility-scale powen into their nesouncemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnoviders to leann and to improve future solan projects. They ane good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for L2 months, after which they wiII employ maintenance pnofessionals. This wiII create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solan workers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $40O,@Oo/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment gnew 53 percent fron 2@10 to 2O13, pen a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand neduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices wiII only nise due to government regulations internalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunity to learn how to do that. They are good fon our environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the finst and largest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L2O MW generated will power an estimated 3O,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this wiII nemove an estimated LSOTOOO For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this project. Unique Identifier: L74.27.83.L68 tons of canbon dioxide per yean. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: jbaldas@boisestate.edu Saturday, October 11,2014 7:34 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness j baldas@boisestate. ed u Case Comment Form: Dr. Joseph Baldassarre Name: Dr. Joseph Baldassarne Case Numben: Email: ibaldas@boisestate.edu Telephone : 2@83221.4L3 Address: L9LL N Phillippi BOrSE rD, 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: It is time that Idaho look forward instead of backwands. Gas by horse, etc. wene all great fon thein time, but I doubt anyone would those sources of powen, Iight and travel, Unique Identifien: 97.L21.18.159 Iight, candles, want to go back travel to Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: cheryl.flinn@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 7:49 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness cheryl.flinn@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Cheryl Flinn Name: Cheryl Flinn Case Number: IPC-E-1.4-19, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : chenvl.flinn@gmaiI. com Telephone: Address: lOtO E Washington St Boise ID, 8371,2 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: Dear Sins and Ma'am:I wish to express my suppont as an Idahoan and an Idaho Power customer for these pnojects, the state's first projects of this sca1e. These pnojects wiII provide jobs during construction and ongoing (for maintaining), and will be a boon fon rate-payers such as oun family as adding solar to the mix of sources is a veny smant move for Idaho Powen and fon Idaho's powen needs going further into this centuny. This adds furthen stability as nonrenewable sounces become more depleted oven time.I hope you will give your assent to these projects. Thank you. Unique Identifier: 67.6O.2.244 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: roycuellar@u. boisestate. ed u Saturday, October 11,2014 7:58 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness roycuellar@u. boisestate.edu Case Comment Form: Roy Cuellar Name: Roy Cuellar Case Number: IPC-E-14-L9, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : noycuellar@u . boisestate . edu Telephone : 2O8 -841- 6853 Address: 1810 S. Curtis Rd Boise Idaho, 83705 Name of Utility Company: self Acknowledge public record: True Comment: tO/tL/2A74 Dean Commissioners, The following is a form letter which outlines a position that I completely support, and submit for considenation. The future is sustainable energy. The past is fo,ssil fuel. Roy Victor Cuellan Boise, Idaho !t***** ,f***** October tL, 2Ot4 Hononable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West hlashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Enengy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: After neviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Grand View So1an and Boise City, I would like to registen my support for these pnojects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good fon natepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good for ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale powen into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to impnove future solar pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landownens in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,@@O/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent from 2OL@ to 2OL3, pen a Solar Foundation 2OL4 repont. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They are good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good fon oun environment. Pen the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now wiII continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of yeans aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the better. These are the finst and largest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 124 M!,J generated wiII powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It wiII also reduce the mencuny, hydrocarbons, ansenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated tsl,OOO tons of canbon dioxide pen yean. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encourage you to approve this pnoject. Sincenely, Roy Victor Cuellan Boise, Idaho Unique Identifieri 174.27.62.lLL Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: mark@masselli.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:10 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness mark@masselli.com Case Comment Form: Mark Masselli Name: Mark Masselli Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-t9 IPC-E-LA-2O Email: mark@masselli. com Telephone: Addness i 4916 S Townsend PI Boise Idaho, 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: October 11, 201,4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission 472 ttest tlashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agneement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sa1es Agreements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont for these pnojects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (for us and future genenations) They are good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale powen into their resourcemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City providers to learn and to impnove future solar pnojects. They ane good fon the economy. These projects wiII provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for t2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solan workens. Landowners in E1more County wiII neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,O@@/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent from 2@t@ to 2013, per a Solan Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydno and energy consenvation + demand neduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Per the International Pane1 on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of yeans after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the betten. These ane the first and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will power an estimated 301000 homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It wiII also reduce the mencury, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, impnoving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Mark Masselli Unique Identifien: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: baldings@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 8:15 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness baldings@yahoo.com Case Comment Form:william balding Name: william balding Case Number: Email: baldings@vahoo.com Telephone: Addness: 7065 w whittaker st boise Ld, 837t4 Name of Utility Company: idaho power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: no brainen - support solar in the tneasure valley; neopen the solan plant in CaIdweII/Nampa Unique Identifien: 159.L18.98.239 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: beadspiritT@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:22 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness beadspiritT@gmail. com Case Comment Form: Jo Roseborough Name: Jo Roseborough Case Numben: Email: beadspiritT@gmail.com Telephone: Addness: P0 Box 94 Sandpoint ID, 83864 Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: 0ct. LL, 2Ot4 Hononable PauI Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 talest t^Jashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agneement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for natepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good fon our environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve futune solar projects. They ane good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This wiII create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landowners in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OOro@Olyear to tax neceipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2Ot0 to 2013, per a Solar Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the ena of so1an, wind, hydno and enengy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that were formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an oppontunity to leann how to do that. They are good fon our environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of yeans aften we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the better. These ane the first and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L20 Mtl| generated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydnocarbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of burning coals, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated tsO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per yean. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, lo Roseborough Unique Identifier: 5O.52.37.28 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: bigdoganne@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:27 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness bigdoganne@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Anne Egbert Name: Anne Egbert Case Number:' Email: bigdoeanne@gmail.com Telephone: Address: 72lL W. McMuIIen Boise Idaho, 83709 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Honorable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West hlashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sa1es Agreement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-1,4-L9 and IPC-E-!4-2O Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View So1ar and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale power into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solar projects. They ane good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for !2 months, aften which they wiII employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landownens in E1more County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,O@@/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent fron ZO\O to 2073, pen a Solan Foundation 2Ot4 repont. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices will only nise due to government regulations internalizing costs that wene formenly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for our envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate fon hundreds of yeans after we ane gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These ane the first and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 12O l4W generated will power an estimated 3O,OO@ homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mencury, hydrocarbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and !'lyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated tSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per yean. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Unique Identifien: 174.27.5.L41 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lynseyjuel@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:29 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness Lynseyjuel@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Lynsey Winters Juel Name: Lynsey Winters Juel Case Number: IPC-E-L4-L9, IPC-E-14-2O Email : Lvnseyjuel@gmaiI. com Telephone: Address: 2801 n. Eldonado Boise Idaho, 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: Yes! P1ease approve the pnoposed in which Idahoans get their enengy, moving Thank you. Lynsey Unique Identifier: 2O7.225.37.L48 solar projects ! ! It is towards renewables. time to divensify the ways Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Martha_haga@fd.org Saturday, October 11, 2014 8:37 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness Martha_haga@fd.org Case Comment Form: Martha Haga Name: Martha Haga Case Number: Ipce14-1-9 & ipce L4-2@ Email: Martha haga@fd.ors Telephone: Addness: L26L4 north schicks nidge road Boise Idaho , 83714 Name of Utitity Company: Idaho power Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: October Ll, 201"4 Honorable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 Vlest Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View and IPC-E-L4-2A Dean Commissionens: Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont for these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheantedly because they ane:. Good fon ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (fon us and future genenations) They ane good fon ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contnast this with coal, which wiII only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale power into their nesourcemix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City pnoviders to leann and to improve futune solar projects. They are good for the economy. These projects wiII provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workens. Landownens in Elmone County wiII receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment gnew 53 percent fron 2OL0 to 2OL3, per a Solar Foundation 20L4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the era of solar, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices will only nise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunityto leann how to do that. They are good fon oun environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the better. These are the finst and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will powen an estimated 3@,O@O homes and neduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydrocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, (Youn Name Unique Identifien: 7O.2@8.71.7L4 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: wSsnw@aol.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:37 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness wSsnw@aol.com Case Comment Form: Ellen Wait Name: Ellen Wait Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19, TPC-E-L4-20 Email: wSsnw(daol. com Telephone: Address: 8262 N Wayne Dn Hayden ID, 83835 Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge public record: True Comment: 11 October, 2OL4 Hononable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Enengy Sales Agreement and IPC-E-14-20 Dear Commissioners: with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 After neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these pnojects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for our environment (fon us and futune genenations) They are good for natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheapen. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into their resouncemix. This wiII be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solan projects. They ane good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for 12 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workens. Landowners in E1more County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County wiII add oven $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment gnew 53 percent fron 2OtO to 2013, pen a Solan Foundation 2OL4 neport. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the ena of solar, wind, hydno and enengy conservation + demand neduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They ane good for our envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These are the finst and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will power an estimated 301000 homes and neduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mencuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change perspective, this wiII remove an estimated LsOTOOO tons of canbon dioxide pen year. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincenely, The lrlait Family Unique Identifien: 98.745.L28.255 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: jferro@cableone.net Saturday, October 11,2014 9:03 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness jferro@cableone.net Case Comment Form: Judy Ferro Name: Judy Ferno Case Number: IPC-E-L4-L9, IPC-E-74-20 Email: iferro@cableone.net Telephone: (208) 454-8742 Addness: 3O0L E Rosso PI Caldwell ID, 83605 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: True Comment: (Today's Date), 2OL4 Honorable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-t4-2O Dear Commissioners: Idahoans have benefitted fnom renewable powen for decades. Today we are fortunate that wind and solar power are developing. I would love to see solar panels on eveny roof. That doesn't mean that I would object to a commercial venture like Idaho Powen's proposal for the Enengy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City. I would like to negister my supportfor these pnojects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good for natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good fon our envinonmepf;(for us and future generations) I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Judy Ferno Unique Identif ien : 24.LL6 .152.232 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: casey.claireO 1 @gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:04 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness casey. claireO 1 @gmail.com Case Comment Form: Claire Casey Name: Claire Casey Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-1,4-20 Email : casey. c1aire0l@gmail. com Telephone: Addness: P.0. Box 2L1,2 Hailey Idaho, 83333 Name of Utillty Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: October 11, 2OL4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement and IPC-E-14-20 Dear Commissioners: with Grand View So1ar and Boise City, IPC-E-1.4-19 Aften neviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont for these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good fon natepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good fon natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resources in the United States, and solan enengy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorponating ldaho-genenated solan utility-scale powen into thein resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solar projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for t2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $400,Od0lyear to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industny employment grew 53 percent fron 2Ot0 to 2@L3, pen a Solan Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only nise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of yeans aften we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and langest solan utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The L2O MW generated wiII power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It wiII also neduce the mercuny, hydrocanbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coa1s, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated TSO.OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Our future lies in nenewable clean energy, solan and wind. Idaho Power has to give up coal as an energy supplier. It is dinty and it nuins the earth in the mining of this pnoduct. there is N0 way to safely store the used pnoducts fon Sincerely, Claire Casey Unique Identifier: .L4O Also nuclear is also NOT an option as future generations. Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ppgfh@hotmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:06 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness ppgfh@hotmail.com Case Comment Form: Heywood Williams Name: Heywood Williams Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19, IPC-E-14-20 Email: ppgfh@hotmail.com Telephone: 2O82L9L82O Address: t24O L8th St Heybunn ID, 83336 Name of Utility Company: City of Heybunn Comment: Octoben 11-, 2OL4 Honorable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sa1es Agreement and IPC-E-L4-2O Acknowledge public necond: Tnue with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 Dear Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sa1es Agreements with Grand View So1an and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are good for ratepayers, good fon the economy, good fon Idaho Powen, and good for our environment, fon us and for oun futune genenations. I'm sure you know that not only does Idaho have some of the best solar resources in the United States, this solar energy is poised, as electronics were, to get better and cheapen. CoaI, on the other hand, will only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am very happy to see Idaho Power inconponating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale power into their resource mix. This is an opportunity for daho Power and Grand View and othen Boise City pnoviders to learn and to impnove futune solan pnojects. Financially, these projects wiII provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs fon 12 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This wiIl create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solar wonkens. Landownens in Elmore County wiII neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add over $400,OOO a year to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent from 2O1O to 20L3, according to a So1an Foundation 2OL4 neport. Idaho can share in that growth. Idaho Power also needs to succeed in this era of solar, wind, hydro and energy conservation. CoaI pnices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an oppontunity to learn how to do that. FinaIIy, and to my way of thinking as a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother, they are good fon our environment. According to the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of years aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and Iargest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and neduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho residents and residents of nearby states. Finally and most importantly, you have an opportunity here to help pnevent the ruin exacenbated by an estimated 150,000 tons of canbon dioxide per year. Fon appnoving thisproject, I and my descendants will enthusiastically thank you! Heywood Williams, loven of the Eanth, artist, retired teacher, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and native Idahoan. Unique Identifien: 65.729.3.244 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Samsonlyman@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:11AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness Samsonlyman@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Sam Lyman Name: Sam Lyman Case Number: IPC-E-t4-L9 Email : Samsonlvman@gmai1. com Telephone: Addness:. L24 East Morton St. Moscow ldaho, 83843 Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: Please suppont and fund the development of solar powen because it is only a matten of time before oil runs out. Solan is also a more climate-friendly power sounce and will create jobs fon Idahoans. Unique Identifien: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: fishingrandma@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:32 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness fish ing randma@g mail. com Case Comment Form: Linda Reed Name: Linda Reed Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O. Email : fishinsnandma@smail. com Telephonez 2@8 777 L879 Address: 2637 A No Revette St Post Falls Idaho, 83854 Name of Utitity Company: Kootenai PUD Acknowledge public record: True Comment: My comments are brief and to the point We have one planet, and it offens us many free power sources, if only we as humans what is best for all people and not focus on making money as oun top pniority. Sun, wind, waten work wel1, and fossil fuels are destroying our planet. What do we do when the waten, air isn't usable anymore ? Can we please, sit down and use altennative energy sources more and become a trend instead following oun ancient past histony ? Thank you fon listening. Linda Reed Unique Identifier i 72.L77.192.L21- focused on setten, Jean Jewel! From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: nuskin6T@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:40 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness nuskin6T@gmail.com Case Comment Form: stacey proctor Name: stacey proctor Case Numben: Email: nuskin6T@gmail.com Telephone: 2@84467325 Address: 5L55 citnuswood drive post fal1s idaho, 83854 Name of Utility Company: kootenai and avista Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: Octoben L0, 2OL4 Honorable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission 472 hlest !,lashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agneement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-74-20 Dear Commissionens: Aften reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to registen my support fon these projects. I suppont these projects wholeheantedly because they ane:. Good fon natepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good fon our environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resources in the United States, and solar enengy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancen and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-generated solan utility-scale power into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to impnove future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects wiII provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they wilI employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent from 2OL@ to 2OL3, per a So1ar Foundation 2@L4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! They ane good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI pnices witl only nise due to government negulations internalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They are good for our envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the better. These ane the first and Iargest solar utility-sca1e pnojects to be built in Idaho! The LzO MVI generated will power an estimated 3O,@O@ homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It wiII also reduce the mercury, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LSOTOOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Stacey proctor. Unique Identifien: 76.!78.L67 .9O Jean Jewell From: Sent: IO: Cc: Subject: fishbrat@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:40 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness fishbrat@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Kriss Crowdis-Mann Name: Kriss Cnowdis-Mann Case Number: Email: fishbnat@yahoo.com Telephone: 2@8 35L-6823 Addness: 1435 Elmone Idaho FaIIs Td., 83402 Name of Utility Company: Idaho FaIIs Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: The sun is usually shining in ldaho. It's time to sun. Unique Identifien: 7L.2O9.47 .9 start developing power from the Jean Jewel! From: Sent: To: Gc: Subiect: rocketpdr@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:42 AM Beverly Barker, Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness rocketpdr@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Paul Rachetto Name: PauI Rachetto Case Number: ipc-e-14-20,'Llc -i- l\'t'l Email : rocketpdr@gmaiI. com Telephone: 2O8869428@ Address: L4O5 Came1 Back Lane Boise ID, 83702 Name of Utility Company: 1946 Acknowledge public record: True Comment: October 11, 2OL4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 tdest trJashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View So1ar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support fon these projects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayens. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good fon oun environment (for us and future genenations) They are good for natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-sca1e power into thein resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providers to leann and to impnove future solan pnojects. They are good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landowners in Elmone County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $40O,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment gnew 53 percent feom 2@10 to 2O13, per a So1ar Foundation 20t4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and enengy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good fon our environment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we ane gone. The sooner we stop bunning coal, the betten. These ane the first and Iangest solar utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The LZO Mtd generated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydrocarbons, ansenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated LsO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincenely, PauI Rachetto Unique Identifier: 75.92.15O.78 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: michaelsd9S@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:46 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness michaelsd9S@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Dianne Lipscomb Name: Dianne Lipscomb Case Number: IPC-E-1.4-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Email : michaelsd9S@vahoo. com Telephone: Address: 5072 S Carpenter Loop Post FaIIs ID, 83854 Name of Utility Company: Kootenai Electric Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: Dean Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon ratepayens. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good fon oun environment (for us and futune generations) They are good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scancer and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scaIe powen into thein nesouncemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve future solar projects. They ane good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OOr%b?/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2Q7O to 20t3, per a Solar Foundation 2@L4 nepont. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They ane good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand neduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices wiII only rise due to govennment negulations internalizing costs that were formenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now wiII continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we ane gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and langest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated wiII power an estimated 301000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It wiII also reduce the mencury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hlyoming residents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will nemove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide pen year. For this, we and future ldahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincenely, Dianne Lipscomb Unique Identifier: 50.LzO.89.223 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: nquarton@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 9:49 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness nquarton@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Nancy Harakay Name: Nancy Harakay Case Numben: IPC-E-1-4-19 and IPC-E-L -?O Email: nquarton(Ogmail.com Telephone: 2@87885977 Address: 511 Eastridge Dn. Hailey Idaho, 83333 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: True Comment: LO/71, 2OL4 Honorable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agreement and IPC-E-t4-2O Dear Commissionens: with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to registen my suppont fon these pnojects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayens. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power inconporating ldaho-generated solar utility-sca1e powen into thein resourcemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solar projects. They are good for the economy. These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmone County wiII receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent fron 2@LO to 2@L3, pen a Solan Foundation 2O74 repont. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the ena of so1ar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices wiII only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for oun envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of years after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The LzO MVt generated wiII powen an estimated 3O,000 homes and neduce the need for coal bunning. It will also reduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, ansenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coa1s, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hlyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated !5O.OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Nancy Hanakay Unique Identif ien : 65 .L29 .706.2O3 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: esusan 1 @mindspring.com Saturday, October 11,2014 10:04 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness esusan 1 @mindspring.com Case Comment Form: Sue Boydstu Name: Sue Boydstu Case Number: IPC-E-L4-L9,IPC-E-L4-ZO Email : esusanl@mindspning. com Telephone : 2@8-343 -199O Address: 5108 HiII Road Boise Id, 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: True Comment: 11 October 2QL4 Honorable PauI Kjellanden Hononable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond fdaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West hlashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-!4-2O Dear Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support for these pnojects. I suppont these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar enengy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into thein resouncemix. This wiII be an oppontunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City pnovidens to learn and to improve futune solan pnojects. They ane good fon the economy. These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs fon t2 months, aften which they wiII employ maintenance professionals. This wiII create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landownens in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and E1more County will add oven $4OO,O@O/yean to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment gnew 53 percent fron 2OtO to 2@73, pen a Solan Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They are good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand neduction to meet its power pnices will only nise due to government regulations internalizing costs externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs.to learn how to do that. This is an opportunity They are good for our environment. Pen the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of yeans aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the better. These ane the finst and largest solar utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The LzO MVI generated wiII power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this wiII remove an estimated 15O,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Sue Boydstun Unique Identifieri 65.t0L.72.752 the ena of solar, obligations. CoaI that were formerly Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: lstoneback62@g mail.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 10:10 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness lstoneback62@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Lori Stoneback Name: Loni Stoneback Case Number: IPC-E-t4-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Email : lstoneback52(dgmail. com Telephone: Address: 5151 N Pierce Park Lane Boise Idaho , 837L4 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: When wiII it be more beneficial to have solar powen at home for heating and cooling than not?? Unique Identifier: L59.118.7O3.O Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: bm2243id@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11,201410:15 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness bnl2243id@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: William Woodward Name: William Woodward Case Numben: IPC-E-14-19, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : bi112243id@yahoo. com Telephone: Address: 2243 W Chateau Dr Meridian ID, 83546 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: Oct. LL, 20L4 Honorable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon ratepayens. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for our envi.ronment (for us and futune generations) They are good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale power into thein resource mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solar projects. They ane good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in E1more County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County wiII add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2@LQ to 2OL3, pen a Solar Foundation 2@1,4 neport. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! 1 They ane good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. Coal pnices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that were formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for oun environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the better. These are the first and Iangest solar utility-scale projects to be bullt in Idaho! The 120 MW genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It will also reduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated 750,@OO tons of canbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincenely, William D Woodward Unique Identifier: 67.6L.53.76 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: crummyl 8 1 0@frontier.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 10:25 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness crummyl 81 0@frontier.com Case Comment Form: Barb Crumpacker Name: Barb Crumpacker Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-19,IPC-E-74-2@ Email: crummy1810@fnontier.com Telephone: none Address: tOL5 E lakeside Ave Coeur d'Alene ID, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge public record: True Comment: I strongly urge you to continue with implementation of support othen renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal fon listening. Banb Cnumpacker Unique Identifien: 5O.52.!1.239 solan energy in Idaho. I also & hydroelectric. Thank you Jean Jewel! From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: mattlau ranceart@g mail. com Saturday, October 11,2014 10:29 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness mattlau ranceart@g mai l.com Case Comment Form: Matt Laurance Name: Matt Laurance Case Number: IPC-E-14-19;IPC-E-L4-20 Email : mattlaunanceart@qmaiI. com Telephone: 2083764645 Address: 4736 lennifer Stneet Boise TD, 83704 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: I fully support Idaho Powen's submission for Enengy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City. Climate change due to global warming is nea}, definitely human caused and the effects ane present or imminent globa1ly and locally. This could be a gneat opportunity fon economic growth lf regulators like yourselves help cneate a business climate favorable to it. Sincerely, Matt Laurance Unique Identifier : 'J.84.99 .L27 .1.L0 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: lyndas. kleckner@gmail.com Saturday, October 11 ,2014 10:40 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness lyndas. kleckner@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Lynda Kleckner Name: Lynda Kleckner Case Number: IPC-E-14-19 Email: lyndas.klecknen@gmail.com Telephone: Address: P0 Box 83 Lava Hot Springs Idaho, 83246 Name of Utility Company: Utah Power and Light Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Dean Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support fon these projects. f support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) Unique Identifien: 168.1O3.44.L2 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: vulcan.fire. 0. 1 @gmail.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 1 1 :1 1 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness vulcan.fire.0. 1 @gmail.com Case Comment Form: MichaelTuttle Name: Michael Tuttle Case Number: (IPC-E-l-4-19, IPC-E-L4-2O) Email : vulcan . fire . 0 . l@gmai} . com Telephone : 2O8-298 -9O98 Address: 605 N. Almon St. #34 Moscow ID, 83843 Name of Utility Company: na Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sa1es Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-14-20 Dear Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont for these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for natepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for our envi.ronment (for us and future genenations) They are good fon natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-generated solar utility-sca1e power into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providers to leann and to improve future solan projects. They are good fon the economy. These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for L2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to suppont solan wonkers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and E1more County wiII add over $4OO,O@@/yeac to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent from 20LO to 2Q73, pen a Solan Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the ena of solar, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These are the first and largest solan utitity-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The 72O MVI genenated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and neduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and l,,Jyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated l5O.OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Michael Tuttle Unique Identifier: 98.L45.155.191 Jean Jewell Name: Vinginia Newsom Case Numben: Email: gnewsom2@live.com Telephone: Address: t4@ E tr'Jallace Ave Driggs ID, 83422 Name of Utility Company: FalI Riven Electric Acknowledge public record: Tnue From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Comment: I want to be on necord hydro, solar and wind power. I egnegious as nuclean and coal. Thank you for your hand work on Unique Identifien: 2O7.183.189.92 gnewsom2@live.com Saturday, October 11,2014 11:24 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness gnewsom2@live.com Case Comment Form: Virginia Newsom supporting efficient alternative undenstand that there are issues behalf of Idaho Citizens. enengy opportunities like fon each, but nothing as Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: darcyvansteelant@yahoo. com Saturday, October 11,2014 1 1:36 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness darcyvansteelant@yahoo. com Case Comment Form: Darcy VanSteelant Name: Darcy VanSteelant Case Number: IPC-E-14-20 Email : darcyvansteelant@yahoo. com Telephone: Addness: 75 Scriven Bluff Rd Ganden Valley Idaho, 83622 Name of Utility Company: idaho powen Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: I strongly support the use of solar powen to help the envinonment and the citizensof Idaho. Unique Identifier: 74.38.32.LO7 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: rarusnak62@gmail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 11:40 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness rarusnak62@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Richard A Rusnak Jr Name: Richard A Rusnak lr Case Numben: IPC-E-74-L9,IPC-E-L4-ZO EmaiI : narusnakS2@gmai1. com Telephone: (208) 899-57L3 Addness: 24OO S talildrye hlay Nampa ID, 83586-4922 Name of Utility Company: ID Powen Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: As a residential rate payer concerned on coal burning and upon reading of ID Powen's agreement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, projects. oven the effects of continuing to heavily rely planned acknowledgement to the PUC for theI would like to negister my support for these I suppont these projects wholeheantedly because they are:1. Additional energy sounce options fon concerned natepayers 2. Growing good jobs for the economy 3. Good for our environment, less mercury in our famous Idaho fisheries, birds andwildlife and for improving the health of future genenations.4. Good investment fon both ID Powen and myself as a small investor saving for my future And several other points outlines below: They ane good fon our envinonment. Per the IPCC, CO2 emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the first and langest solar utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It wiII also reduce the mercury, hydrocanbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated L\O,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. The solar option is good fon ratepayens. ID is abundant with solan resources amongst this US region, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive.It is good to see ID Power inconponating Idaho-generated solan utility-scale power into their resource mix. This will be an oppontunity for both ID Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City pnoviders to leann and to improve futune solar pnojects. Jobs, jobs, jobs right, are good for the economy? These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 12 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional loca1 jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County wiII add over $400,O0@/year to tax neceipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent from 2O18 to 20t3, per a Solan Foundation 2014 report. Idaho can and should shanein that growth! As a small investon these solan investments wiII pay off and ane good fon Idaho Powen and myportfolio. CoaI is dirty, polluting, poisonous and is necognized on WaII street as being a loosing investment for the coming decades. ID Power must find a way to pnofit in the era of so1an, wind, hydno and enengy conservation + demand neduction to meet its powen obligations. 1 CoaI pnices will only rise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that wene fonmerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is oppontunity to leann how to do that. Thanks fon taking my comments. Unique Identifien: 95 .L8.tSO.23O Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: stanfordb@me.com Saturday, October 11,201411:44 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness stanfordb@me.com Case Comment Form: Stanford McConnehey Name: Stanford McConnehey Case Number: IPC-E-L4-L9, IPC-E-L4-ZO Email: stanfondb@me.com Telephonez 2089544776 Address: 4LO Sherman St Boise ID, 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: 11 October, 2Ot4 Honorable PauI Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Dean Commissionens: Aften neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good for ratepayens. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (for us and future generations) I will stant with the most impontant of the bullets listed above. The existential thneat of climate change is too neal to ignore. lust because the direct effects of burning fossil fuels are invisible to the human eye, the real consequences of such actions ane real and visible. The sad thing is that scientists have been telling us this for oven two decades, longer thanI have been alive. Coping with the new normal of extneme weather and potential planetary uninhabitability, along with the continued oppression of poor peoples in orden to continue such a dinty extnactive pnocess means a whole new world for young people - and we need the change that immediately. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we are gone. These are the finst and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated wiII powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per yean. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! They ane good fon ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resounces in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorponating ldaho-genenated solan utility-scaIe power into thein nesounce mix. This wiII be an oppontunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to impnove future solar projects. They are good for the economy. These pnojects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmone County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $q@OTOOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 pencent fron Z@LO to 2@L3, per a Solan Foundation 2@L4 nepont. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen wants to pnofit in the era of solan, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that were formenly externalized(i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. The earlier we stant acting to prevent a catastnophic future, the less the needwill be for dramatic actions and negulations in the futune. I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincenely, Stanford B McConnehey Unique Identifier: 67 .737 .L2.LO Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: redhead_41 952@yahoo.com Saturday, October 11,201412:00 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness redhead_41 952@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Chris Ward Name: Chris Ward Case Number: Email: redhead 41952@vahoo.com Telephone: Address: 3947 S. Ticonderoga Way Boise ID, 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: Clean enengy is the Earth's future. l,rJithout it, oun children's children won't have a future. Please pnotect their futune. Thank you. Unique Identifien: 7O.208.4.29 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: I support. Good. Good. Good. Good Name: Terri Mantin Case Number: IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-14-?O Email : tjeanmantin@gmaiI. com Telephone: 2@83920186 Address: 3801 W Custer Dr Boise Idaho, 83705 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powe Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Octoben 11, 2OL4 Honorable PauI Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 talest Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-74-20 Dean Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with registen my support fon these projects. they are: tjeanmartin@g mail.com Saturday, October 11,2014 12:29 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness tjeanmartin@gmail.com Case Comment Form:Terri Martin these projects wholeheantedly becausefor natepayers fon the economyfor Idaho Powerfor our environment (for us and future generations) They ane good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scancer and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorponating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into thein nesouncemix. This wiII be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solar pnojects. They are good for the economy. These pnojects wiII provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional loca} jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solan workens. Landowners in Elmone County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and E1more County wiII add oven $4OO,Oo@/year^ to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent from 2Ot0 to 2OL3, per a Solar Foundation 2@!4 repont. Idaho can and should shane in that growth ! 1 They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the ena of solar, wind, hydro and energy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They ane good for oun environment. Per the International Pane1 on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the betten. These are the first and Iargest solar utility-sca1e projects to be built in Idaho! The LzO MW generated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydrocarbons, arseni-c, Iead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the pnocess of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated tSO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per yean. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Tenri Martin Unique Identifien: 65.729.56.46 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: Ronald0807@aol.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 1 :10 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness Ronald0807@aol.com Case Comment Form: Ronald Fri2 Name: Rona1d Fritz Case Number: IPC-E-L4-79 IPC-E-74-2O Email: Ronald0807@aol.com Telephone: 208 676-9913 Addness:. 25L6 S. Hwy 95 Coeur dA1ene ID, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Heeart Clinics Northwest Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Honorable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West t'lashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: Aften reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my suppont for these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Powen. Good for oun environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good for ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen incorporating Idaho-generated solan utility-scale powen into their nesouncemix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to impnove future solar projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for. L2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add oven $4O@,O@@/yean to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment gnew 53 percent from 2OtO to 2OL3, per a Solan Foundation 20L4 neport. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the ena of soIar, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI 1 prices will only nise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good fon our environment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of yeans aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These are the first and largest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The LzO MW generated will powen an estimated 30,OOO homes and reduce the need fon coal bunning. It will also neduce the mencuny, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated 1.5O,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen yean. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Ronald Fritz Unique ldentifier : 64.L34.222.206 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: larrysiglin@earthlink. net Saturday, October 11,2014 1:20 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness larrysiglin@earthlink. net Case Comment Form: Larry Siglin Name: Larry Siglin Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-L9, IPC-E-1-4-2O Email : larrysiglin@eanthlink. net Telephone: 6L92182787 Addness: 1988 E. Gunther Avenue Coeur d'Alene Idaho, 83815 Name of Utility Company: Kooteai Electnic Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Solan powen, either on an individual basis on a utility scale pnoject, is not only good for Idaho, but beneficial to the envinonment. Hydro generated power will be around for Iong time. Howeven, as we have seen with the Wanapum Dam problem on the Columbia, Mothen Nature always find a way to dismantle what man has created. Altennative energy methods ane necessary alternative to the ways of the past and it is time we embnace fully these new technologies. Unique Identifier: 24.L6O.51.35 Jean Jewel! From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: davidjameshunt@hotmail.com Saturday, October 11, 2014 2:29 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness davidjameshunt@hotmail.com Case Comment Form: David Hunt Name: David Hunt Case Number: IPC-E-74-L9 and IPC-E-L4-20 Email : davidiameshunt@hotmail. com Telephone : 208 - 66Q - 8498 Address: 934 E. EIm Ave. Coeur d'Alene ID, 83814 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: The agreement between Idaho Power, Grand View Solar, and Boise City is Good for natepayens, Good for the economy, Good fon Idaho Power, and Good for our environment (fon us and future generations). I support it and urge you to do the same, Sincenely, David Hunt Unique Identifien: 98.145 .233.27 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: CathyCate@cableone. net Saturday, October 11,2014 4:03 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness CathyCate@cableone. net Case Comment Form: Cathy Hudson Name: Cathy Hudson Case Number: IPC-E-74-L9, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : CathyCate@cableone. net Telephone: Address: 22?9 W Smith Avenue Boise ID, 837@2 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: I am speaking up fon solan powen installation in Idaho! Unique Identifierz 67.60.54.LO3 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ron62den ise@gmail. com Sunday, October 12,2014 4:44 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness ron62denise@gmail. com Case Comment Form: Denise Zembryki Name: Denise Zembnyki Case Number: IPC-E-L4-L9, IPC-E-LA-?O EmaiI: ron62denise@gmail.com Telephone: Addness:. 3205 Sagle Road Sagle ID, 83860 Name of Utility Company: Northern Lights Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West talashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sa1es Agneements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to registen my support for these projects. I suppont these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Powen. Good for our environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcen and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale power into thein nesource mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve future solan projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for 12 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solan workers. Landownens in Elmor e County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent from 2OtO to 20L3, per a Solan Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They ane good fon Idaho Powen. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the era of solar, wind, hydno and enengy consenvation + demand neduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices wiII only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunityto learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundneds of years aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the betten. These are the finst and Iargest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydnocarbons, ansenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming r esidents. From a Climate Change perspective, this wiII remove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this pnoject. Sincerely, Denise Zembnyki Unique Identifier : 75.1@6.228.63 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: wuzoey@frontier.com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:56 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness wuzoey@frontier.com Case Comment Form: Don Oak Name: Don Oak Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-19, IPC-E-L4-2O Email: wuzoev@fnontier.com Telephone: Address: 7@LL Ruth Ave Sandpoint ID, 83864 Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: To: Hononable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-1-4-20 Dean Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sa1es Agneements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I wholeheantedly encourage you to appnove these projects/case numbers. Thank you, Don Oak Unique Identifier: 50.52.!9.179 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ca rolynw@filertel. com Saturday, October 11,2014 8:56 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell, Gene Fadness carolynw@filertel.com Case Comment Form: Carolyn Wolter Name: Carolyn Wo1ter Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-19, IPC-E-14-2@ Email: carolynw@filentel.com Telephone: Address: 1880 E 4500 N BuhI ID, 83316 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: Octoben 11-, 2OL4 Hononable PauI Kjellanden Hononable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 tdest hlashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-1-4-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support for these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good fon natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good fon oun environment (for us and future generations) They are good fon ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resounces in the United States, and solar enengy is polsed, as electnonics did, to get better and cheaper. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen incorporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-sca1e power into their nesounce mix. This wiII be an oppontunlty fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnovidens to learn and to improve future solar pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 72 months, after which they wiII employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solan workens. Landownens in Elmore County wiII neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County wiII add oven $+oO,ooo/year to tax neceipts. The U.S. solan industny employment grew 53 pencent from 2OtO to 2O13, pen a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! 1 They are good fon Idaho Powen. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the ena of solar, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that wene formenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They are good for oun environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop bunning coal, the betten. These are the finst and langest solan utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The L20 MW genenated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mencuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this wiII remove an estimated L50,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen yean. Fon this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincenely, Carolyn Wo1ter Unique Identifieri 2O7.11-8.105.11 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: freeski 1 057@g mail.com Sunday, October 12,2014 7:59 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness freeski 1 057@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Todd Davis Name: Todd Davis Case Number: IPC-E-1-4-19, IPC-E-14-2O Email : fneeskil05T@smai1. com Telephone: (208) 89L-819L Address: 5046 W. Pansons Drive Boise TD, 837t4 Name of Utillty Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Dear Commissioners: Aften review of Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agneements with Grand View So1an and Boise City, I would like to convey my suppont for these solan enengypnojects. SoIan energy, like aII energy sources, is not perfect but with recent significant improvements in efficiency and when the tnue costs of carbon based enengy is factoned in it becomes clean that solar should and will be part of the solution to clean and economical energy for Idaho. f strongly believe that coa1, the dirtiest and most hanmful to our environment, should be phased out of our resounce mix, and that ultimately the real costs of coal will make that clear. We have abundant sunshine in Idaho for these pnojects. They will benefit the local economy both in the shont and long tenm, they wi}l benefit both natepayens and Idaho Powen in dealing with our energy needs, and they our good for the environment which Idahoans so appneciate and why we ultimately live here. Thank you fon taking the time to read and considen my input on this impontant issue. Unique Identifien: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: MARLEENH ELLER@YAHOO.COM Sunday, October 12,2014 9:36 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness MARLEEN HELLER@YAHOO.COM Case Comment Form: MARLEEN HELLER Name: |4ARLEEN HELLER Case Numben: IPC-E-L4-l-9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Email : MARLEENHELLER(dYAHOO. COM Telephone : 2O8 -86O-88LO Address: 28245 N BOHN RD ATHoL rD, 8380L Name of Utility Company: KOOTENAI ELECTRIC (KEC) Acknowledge public necond: Tnue Comment: October, 12, 2074 Hononable PauI Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfor d Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West l,r,lashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-L9 and IPC-E-1,4-20 Dean Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont for these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for our environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good for ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcen and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-generated solar utility-scale powen into thein nesounce mix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City pnoviders to leann and to impnove futune solar pnojects. They are good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they wiII employ maintenance professionals. This wiII create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar wonkers. Landowners in Elmone County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County will add oven $40O,QOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industny employment grew 53 pencent fron 2OLO to 2@L3, per a Solar Foundation 2@L4 nepont. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good fon Idaho Powen. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the ena of solan, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand neduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI pnices wilt only rise due to govennment negulations internalizing costs that were formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an oppontunity to learn how to do that. They are good for our envinonment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate fon hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These are the first and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW generated wiII power an estimated 3O,OOO homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also neduce the mencury, hydrocanbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated 15O,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per yean. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this pnoject. Sincerely, Marleen E. Heller, Ret SSG US Anmy Unique Identifien: 72.L71.192.6L Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: hunter@uidaho.edu Sunday, October 12,2014 11:44 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness hunter@uidaho.edu Case Comment Form: Jessie Hunter Name: lessie Hunter Case Numben: IPC-E-t4-L9 EmaiI : hunten@uidaho. edu Telephone: 2O83t@5957- Address z 934 east 8 st Moscow Idaho (ID), 83843 Name of Utillty Company: AVista Acknowledge public necond: True Comment:I suppont these projects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for ratepayens. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good fon oun environment (for us and futune genenations) They are good for ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating ldaho-generated solar utility-scale power into thein resource mix. This wiII be an opportunity for both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These pnojects wiII pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, after which they wiII employ maintenance pnofessionals. This wiII create additional loca1 jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solar wonkens. Landowners in Elmone County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,Q$@lyear to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent from 2OLO to 201,3, per a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the ena of solan, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand neduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI pnices will only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that wene formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an opportunityto learn how to do that. They ane good fon our environment. Pen the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coaI, the better. These ane the first and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The 120 Mt^J genenated wiII powen an estimated 3O,OOO homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also neduce the mercuny, hydnocanbons, ansenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and t^lyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will nemove an estimated tSO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen year. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: yray1977@gmail.com Sunday, October 12,2014 2:20 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness yray1977@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Yvonne Ray Name: Yvonne Ray Case Number: IPC-E-L4-!9/2O Email: vnayL977@smail.com Telephone: Address: 372 Diamond Ave Twin Falls Idaho, 8330L Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: Today is a new age, we need to consider oun cunnent abilities to manage our resources. It neally comes down to the point that the earth has been thnough too much, our climate is changing, and so must we. Solar powen, wind power, items that use the powers of natune can help not hinden oun success. Honestly it is not the idea of taking peoples jobs,it is the idea of creating better ones that also support clean and healthien living. Please look at what can be done, please look at what has already been done. The definition of insanity is doing an action over and oven again expecting diffenent results. . . . Iet's not fall into this. Unique Identifien: 71.22O.158.15 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: norway292002@yahoo. com Sunday, October 12,2014 4:00 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness nowv ay292002 @ya h oo. co m Case Comment Form: Tim Stoddard Name: Tim Stoddard Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19, IPC-E-L4-20 Email : nonway292002@yahoo.com Telephone: 2@84048464 Addness: 4OB Bonah Ave tal Twin Falls ID, 83301 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necord: Tnue Comment: 12 October 2014 Hononable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: Aften neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support fon these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for our envinonment (fon us and future generations) They ane good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solan enengy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancen and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconponating ldaho- generated solar utility-scale power into their resource mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providens to leann and to improve futune solar projects. They ane good fon the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business oppor tunities in Idaho to support solan workers. Landownens in E1mone County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County wiII add oven $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment gnew 53 pencent from 2O1O to 20L3, pen a Solan Foundation 2QL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of so1ar, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices wiII only rise due to government regulations internalizing costs that were formenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They are good fon our envinonment. Per the International Pane1 on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundneds of yeans aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the better. These ane the first and Iargest solar utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The 120 Mtd generated will power an 1 estimated 30TOOO homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It wiII also neduce the mencury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of burning coa1s, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this wiII remove an estimated t50,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincerely, T Stoddand Unique Identifien: 37.24.L47.L32 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: shantara@cableone. net Sunday, October 12,2014 4:45 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness shantara@cableone. net Case Comment Form: Shantara Sandberg Name: Shantana Sandberg Case Number: IPC-E-14-19, IPC-E-1'4-20 Email: shantana@cableone.net Telephone: Addness: 918 Haines St Boise ID, 837L2 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: October 13, 2Ot4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agneement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-74-20 Dean Commissioners: Aften neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to registen my suppont fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good fon natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for our envinonment (for us and future genenations) They are good for ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorponating ldaho-generated solar utility-sca1e power into thein nesource mix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solar projects. They ane good for the economy. These pnojects wiII provide an estimated 450 construction jobs foe L2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solar workens. Landownens in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County wiII add oven $4OO,Ooo/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment grew 53 percent from 2OL0 to 2013, per a So1an Foundation 2074 report. Idaho can and should shane in that gnowth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices will only rise due to govennment regulations intennalizing costs that were fonmerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These are the finst and largest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The !2O Mvt generated will powen an estimated 3O,OOO homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mercuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coa1s, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated LsO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Shantara Sandbeng Unique Identifier: 67 .60.L29 .82 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: lau rie_ku ntz@hotmail. com Sunday, October 12,2014 5:26 PM Beverly Barker, Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness lau rie_ku ntz@hotmail. com Case Comment Form: Laurie Kuntz Name: Laurie Kuntz Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19, TPC-E-14-2O Email: laurie kuntz@hotmail.com Telephone: 2088807279 Address: 1L850 W A1fned St Boise ID - Idaho, 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: Dean Commissionens : I am a net metered solar customer who believes that solan powen would be a huge benefit to Idaho, and we should be pnoactive in producing solan power at an industnial 1evel. After neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support for these pnojects. f support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good fon our environment (fon us and future genenations) They are good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resounces in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale powen into thein resource mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City providens to learn and to impnove future solan pnojects. They ane good for the economy. These pnojects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solar wonkens. Landowners in Elmor e County will receive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add over $+OO,o6@lyear to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industny employment gnew 53 percent fron 2O7Q to 2Ot3, per a Solar Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the ena of solar, wind, hydro and enengy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI pnices wiII only nise due to govennment regulations intennalizing costs that were fonmerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They ane good fon our envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop bunning coal, the betten. These are the first and 1 largest solar utility-sca1e pnojects to be built in Idaho! The L20 Ml{ genenated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal bunning. It will also neduce the mencury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated tSO.OOO tons of canbon dioxide per yean. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Laurie Kuntz Unique Identifier z 97 .!2L.47 .48 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: bethelandi@aol.com Sunday, October 12,2014 6:25 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell, Gene Fadness bethelandi@aol.com Case Comment Form: Beth Landis Name: Beth Landis Case Numben: IPC-E -14-L9,IPC-E-- 4-2@ Email: bethelandi@aol.com Telephone: Addresst ]-540 E. Rivens End Ct. Eag1e ID, 83516 Name of Utility Company: ID Powen Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: 0ctober 12, 201-4 Hononable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sa1es Agneement with Grand View So1an and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-1,4-20 Dear Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good fon natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for oun envinonment (for us and futune genenations) They are good for natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesounces in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen incorporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale power into their nesourcemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, aften which they wiII employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cr eate additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solan workens. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County will add oven $+OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2@!O to 201,3, per a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They ane good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices wiII only rise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that were fonmenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an oppontunity to learn how to do that. They ane good for oun envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate for hundneds of years aften we ane gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the finst and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L20 MhJ generated will power an estimated 3O,OOO homes and neduce the need fon coal bunning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydnocanbons, ansenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of bunning coaIs, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated L5O,OOO tons of canbon dioxide pen year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this pnoject. Sincerely, Beth Landis Unique Identifieni 2O4.1-86.81.58 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: dianberger@gmail.com Sunday, October 12,2014 7:41 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness dianberger@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Dian Berger Re: and Name: Dian Berger Case Number: IPC-E-1.4-t9 and IPC-E-1-4-20 Email: dianbergen@smail.com Telephone : 2OB -383 -OO7 5 Addness: 5539 E. Gateway Dr. Boise ID, 83716-9041 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: oct. L2, 20].4 Hononable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 Vlest hlashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agneement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 IPC-E-1.4-20 Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my support fon these projects. I suppont these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Powen. Good for our environment (fon us and future genenations) They ane good for natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesounces in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancen and more expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-scale powen into thein nesouncemix. This wiII be an opportunity for both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve futune solan projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for !2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar wonkens. Landowners in Elmore County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County will add oven $4OO,O@Qlyeac to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industny employment gnew 53 pencent from 2OL0 to 2@L3, pen a Solan Foundatlon 2@L4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! They ane good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the ena of so1ar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that were fonmenly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an oppontunityto learn how to do that. They ane good fon oun envinonment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate fon hundreds of years aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These ane the first and largest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L20 MW generated wiII powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydnocarbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will nemove an estimated tSO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen year. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encounage you to approve this pnoject. Sincenely, Dian bergen Unique Identifier: 159.LL8.7t.177 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: rg berger@cableone. net Sunday, October 12, 2014 7 :44 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell, Gene Fadness rgberger@cableone. net Case Comment Form: Russ Berger Name: Russ Berger Case Numben: IPC-E-14-1-9 and IPC-E-L -ZO Email: ngbergen@cableone.net Telephone : 2O8-383-O@75 Address: 5639 E. Gateway Dr. Boise ID, 837L6-904L Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Oct. 12, 201,4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West hJashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agneement with Gnand View So1ar and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-L4-20 Dean Commissioners: Aften reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negisten my support for these pnojects. I support these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon natepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for our envinonment (for us and future gener ations) They ane good for ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcen and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-scaIe powen into thein nesounce mix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City pnovidens to learn and to impnove futune solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects wiII provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for !2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solar workers. Landowners in Elmone County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $400,@O@/year to tax neceipts. The U.S. solan industny employment grew 53 percent from 2OLO to 20L3, per a Solar Foundation 2OL4 report. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! 1 They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and energy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good for oun environment. Pen the International Pane1 on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate fon hundreds of years aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coa1, the betten. These are the first and Iangest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L20 MVI genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hJyomlng residents. From a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LsO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen yean. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encounage you to appnove this pnoject. Sincenely, Russ Bergen Unique Identifier: 159 .tL9.7L.177 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: odaggers@gmail.com Sunday, October 12,201410:26 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness odaggers@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Sherrie Burkett Name: Sherrie Bunkett Case Numben: Email : odaggens@gmail. com Telephone: 2083652363 Addness: L61.5 stan In Emmett ID, 83617 Name of Utility Company: Idaho powen Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: Octoben 12, 201,4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-1"4-L9 and IPC-E-L4-20 Dean Commissionens: Aften neviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my suppont fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they ane:. Good for ratepayens. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good fon our envinonment (for us and futune generations) They are good fon ratepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan nesounces in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contnast this wlth coal, which will only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Powen incorporating ldaho-genenated solar utility-scale powen into their nesounce mix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City providens to learn and to improve futune solar projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 72 months, aften which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to suppont solar wonkers. Landownens in Elmone County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2O1O to 20L3, per a Solar Foundation 2OL4 repont. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! 1 They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI pnices will only nise due to govennment negulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunityto learn how to do that. They are good for our environment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate fon hundreds of yeans after we are gone. The sooner we stop bunning coal, the better. These are the first and largest solan utility-sca1e pnojects to be built in Idahol The LzO MW generated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mercury, hydnocanbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of burning coals, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated tSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per yean. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheantedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Shennie Bunkett Unique Identifier: 7L.37 .L63.21,3 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: eamesdebbie@yahoo. com Monday, October 13,2014 12:52 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness eamesdebbie@yahoo. com Case Comment Form: Deborah Eames Name: Deborah Eames Case Number: IPC-E-14-19, IPC-E-LA-2O Email : eamesdebbie@vahoo. com Telephone: Addness: P0 Box 806 Eagle ID, 83616 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: October 13, 2074 Honorable PauI Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 837@2 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dean Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support fon these projects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheantedly because they ane:. Good fon ratepayers. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for our environment (fon us and future generations) They ane good fon ratepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resounces in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen inconponating Idaho-genenated solan utility-scale power into their resource mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Gnand View and Boise City pr ovidens to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects wiII provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for t2 months, after which they wiII employ maintenance professionals. This will cneate additional loca1 jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to support solan wonkens. Landowners in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County wiII add oven $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 pencent fcon 2OtO to 201,3, per a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 repont. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! 1 They ane good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the ena of solan, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government regulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an opportunityto leann how to do that. They are good for our envinonment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of years aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the better. These are the finst and langest solan utility-sca1e projects to be built in Idaho! The tzo MW genenated will power an estimated 30,OOO homes and neduce the need fon coal burning. It will also neduce the mercuny, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, impnoving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change penspective, this wiII remove an estimated L50,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen yean. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encounage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Deborah Eames Unique ldentifien: L74.27.33.9 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: slifer@filertel.com Monday, October 13,2014 7:50 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell, Gene Fadness slifer@filertel.com Case Comment Form: Betty Slifer Name: Betty Slifen Case Number: IPC-E-l-4-L9, IPC-E-t4-20 Email: slifer@filertel.com Telephone: 2Q8 326 5O3O Address: 3779N 225OE Filen Idaho, 83328 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: These projects make perfect sense for Idaho. We have plenty of the fnee resource (sunshine), and they will give us what we need: a boost to oun economy without damage to the environment. Unique Identifien: 2O8.98.749.229 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: kmac.rider@gmail.com Monday, October 13,2014 9:04 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness kmac.rider@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Kathleen McCarter Name: Kathleen McCarten Case Numben: TPC-E-1.4-L9 and IPC-E-L4-ZO. EmaiI: kmac. nider@gmail. com Telephone : 208-859 -37 62 Addness:. 745O Saratoga Dr. Nampa ID, 83686 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: Dear Commissioners: After neviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negisten my suppont for these projects. I suppont these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good for natepayens. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for oun envinonment (fon us and futune genenations) They ane good fon natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resounces in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-generated solan utility-sca1e powen into their nesource mix. This will be an opportunity for both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providers to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 72 months, after which they wiIl employ maintenance professionaLs. This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar wonkers. Landownens in Elmone County will neceive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County wiII add oven $4OO,OOO/yeac to tax neceipts. The U.S. solan industny employment gnew 53 percent fron 2OL0 to 2013, pen a Solar Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that growth ! They ane good fon Idaho Powen. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and energy conservation + demand neduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices will only nise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stranded costs. This is an oppontunityto learn how to do that. They ane good fon our envinonment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now wiII continue to disnupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of years after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the finst and largest solar utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The L20 MW genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need fon coal bunning. It will also neduce the mercuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of 1 burning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hlyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LSOTOOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Kathleen McCanten Unique Identifien: 95. 5.163.9 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: railsback. kathryn@g mail.com Monday, October 13,2014 10:48 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness railsback. kathryn@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Kathryn Railsback Name: Kathryn Railsback Case Number: case numbens IPC-E-1.4-19, IPC-E-L4-2O. EmaiI : railsback. kathnvn@gmai1. com Telephone: 2@83789222 Address: P.O. Box L408L5 Boise Idaho, 83714 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: Octoben 13, 201,4 Hononable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 hlest hlashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sa1es Agneement with Grand View So1ar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: Aften neviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Energy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negisten my suppont for these projects. I suppont these projects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good fon our envinonment (for us and futune generations) They ane good for natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scancen and mone expensive. I am thr illed to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-genenated solan utility-scale power into thein nesouncemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City providers to learn and to impnove future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These pnojects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for 12 months, aften which they wilI employ maintenance professionals. This wiII create additional locaI jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to suppont solan workers. Landownens in Elmone County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmone County will add over $4OO,OOO/yeac to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industny employment gnew 53 percent fron 201.0 to 201,3, pen a Solar Foundation 2OL4 nepont. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! They ane good for Idaho Powen. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the era of solan, wind, hydno and enengy consenvation + demand neductlon to meet its powen obligations. Coal pnices will only nise due to government negulations internalizing costs that wene fonmerly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They are good fon oun environment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundneds of years after we are gone. The sooner we stop bunning coal, the better. These are the first and largest solan utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The L2O MVI genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercuny, hydrocarbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the pnocess of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will nemove an estimated 15O,OOO tons of canbon dioxide pen yean. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincenely, Kathnyn Railsback Unique Identif ier': 7L.209 .LL.28 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ryansly81@yahoo.com Monday, October 13,2014 10:49 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness ryansly81@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Ryan Wadsworth Name: Ryan Wadswonth Case Numben: IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-LA-ZO EmaiI : rvansly8l-@vahoo. com Telephone : 208 - 4@3 -L360 Addresst !27 N. 400 t^.l. Blackfoot ID, 83221. Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necond: Tnue Comment: I fully support clean enengy production in Idaho, both solar and wind. Unique Identif ier: 7@.36.79 .74 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: M. long. boise@gmail.com Monday, October 13,2014 11:45 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness M. long. boise@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Mitch Long Name: Mitch Long Case Number: IPC-E-L4-!9, IPC--E-L4-20 Email: M. lons. boise@gmail. com Telephone: Addness: 2463 Eastdale Dn Boise Idaho, 837L2 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: Hononable Paul Kjellander Honorable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agneement with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-1-4-19 and IPC-E-14-20 Dean Commissioners: I was pleased with Idaho Powen's recent submission to the PUC for the solan pnojects in Boise and Gnand View. These projects wiII be a win-win situation aII anound. Ratepayers, Idaho Power, local economies, and the envinonment will aII benefit. Other utility companies around the country have shown that solan and wind powen pnojects can help the bottom llne fon the companies, and the ratepayens. Ratepayens will benefit because of the fixed costs of solan. The sun will neven cost anything, while the cost of othen fuels will continue their nise, as they have fon decades. Idaho is blessed with abundant sunshine, and the money will remain here in Idaho, rather than being sent out of state where oun coal plants ane located. Idaho Power will benefit, as they can learn how to profit in an ena of change whene coal plants are going to disappear and be replaced by non-CO2 emitting energy sounces. The futureof coal plants is obvious, and as the consequences of climate change become even largen, the urgency and demand fon change will become gneater'. Idaho Powen, and their rate-payers, must be sure to not end up with plants they have invested lange sums in that will be stranded. Local economies will also gneatly benefit by the jobs they create and the tax base they will create. Duning constnuction, these pnojects will provide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs, with jobs fon maintenance professionals continuing, as weII as jobs in businesses that suppont these projects. Payments to landowners in Elmone County wilL continue fon up to 35years, and E1mone County will add oven $400,OOO/year'to tax receipts. These projects will also benefit oun environment. Our ain will be cleaner, there will be fewer emissions of mencury, Iead, ansenic, and othen heavy metals, which will impnove people's health, and make our remove about L\O.OO0 tons of heat-tnapping gases. beautiful Idaho vistas even cleaner. Additionally, it will CO2 per yean, an important step in cutting the production of I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincerely, Mitch Long Unique Identifien : L73.L6O.!84.L42 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: celestearnold@yahoo. com Monday, October 13,2014 1:43 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell, Gene Fadness celestearnold@yahoo. com Case Comment Form: Celeste Arnold Name: Celeste Arnold Case Numben: IPC-E-14-L9, IPC-E-L4-2O Email : celestearnold@vahoo. com Telephone: Address:. tLO23 Race St Boise ID, 83713 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: Octoben 13, 2Ot4 Honorable Paul Kjellanden Honorable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Enengy Sales Agreement with Gnand View So1ar and Boise City, IPC-E-L4-L9 and IPC-E-].4-20 Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agreements with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to register my suppont fon these projects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good fon ratepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Powen. Good for our envinonment (fon us and future genenations) They are good for natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Powen inconporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scaIe powen into thein resouncemix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City providers to learn and to impnove future solan projects. They are good for the economy. These projects will pnovide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs foe 1.2 months, aften which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will cneate additional locaI jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to suppont solan workens. Landowners in E1more County will receive up to 35 yeans of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,OOO/yeae to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2OLO to 20L3, pen a Solar Foundation 2@L4 neport. Idaho can and should share in that growth ! 1 They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in wind, hydno and enengy consenvation + demand neduction to meet its power prices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs extennalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving ldaho Power with stnanded costs.to learn how to do that. This is an oppontunity They are good fon our environment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years after we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coal, the betten. These are the finst and langest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L2O MW generated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It will also neduce the mencuny, hydnocanbons, arsenic, lead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the pnocess of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated LSO,OOO tons of canbon dioxide pen yean. Fon this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encourage you to appnove this project. Sincerely, Celeste Arnold Unique Identifier: the era of solar, obligations. CoaI that wene formerly Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: betsinboise@gmail.com Monday, October 13,2014 2:48 PM Beverly Barker, Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness betsin boise@gmail. com Case Comment Form: Elizabeth Bearden Name: Elizabeth Bearden Case Number': IPC-E-1,4-L9, IPC-E-L4-2O Email: betsinboise@gmail.com Telephone z 2O883Q\OQ9 Addness:. 277 tal Pickenell Ct Boise ID, 83706 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: (Today's Date), 2Ot4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to negisten my enthusiastic suppont fon these fonward-Iooking projects ! These projects ane: . Good fon Idaho. Good fon customens. Good for oun economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for oun environment (fon us and future generations) Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and many of us see solan energy getting better and cheaper with time. Coal and oil will only get scancen and more expensive. I am so excited to see Idaho Power incorponating Idaho-generated solar utility-sca1e power into thein resounce mix! This is a great opportunity for Idaho Powen, Gnand View providers, and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. Idaho can and should take advantage of and benefit from the gnowth that can come with solar powen pnojects. These projects wilI provide an estimated 450 construction jobs, then malntenance pnofessionals, and pnobably even a few non-powen but related jobs. Then we'11 get 1 additional local jobs and business oppontunities. The U.S. solan industny employment grew 53 percent fron 2OtO to 20L3, per a Solar Foundation 20L4 repoct. These pnojects would be good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the era of solan, wind, hydro and energy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices wiII only nise due to govennment regulations intennalizing costs that were fonmenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to feann how to do that. Solan power pnojects are good for oun envinonment. The soonen we stop bunning coal, thebetten! Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the eanth's climate for hundneds of years after we ane gone. Let's reduce the need for coal and the amounts of mercury, hydnocanbons, arsenic, Iead and othentoxic heavy metals genenated in the process of bunning coa1s, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and trJyoming residents. Fnom a Climate Change perspective, this will remove an estimated LsO,OOO tons of carbon dioxide pen year. EVERYONE should be able to suppont this! Idaho has something of a reputation for not being a forward-thinking, progressive p1ace. These pnojects would be the first and largest solar utility-sca1e pnojects to be built in Idaho and would go a long way towand changing that viewpoint. PLEASE! Approve this pnoject! Sincenely, Elizabeth A. Beanden Unique Identif ien I L64.165 .!52.1.99 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: kris. metzker@g mail.com Monday, October 13,2014 3.46 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness kris. metzker@gmail. com Case Comment Form: Kris Metzker Name: Knis Metzken Case Number: IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-1-4-20 EmaiI: kris.metzker@gmai1. com Telephone: Addness: 1.@41. Yockey Rd. Tnoy ID, 8387L Name of Utility Company: P, G & E Acknowledge public necond: True Comment: oct. 13, 2OL4 Honorable Paul Kjellanden Hononable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agneement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissionens: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC fon the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to negisten my support fon these projects. I support these projects wholeheantedly because they are:. Good fon natepayens. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power'. Good fon oun envinonment (fon us and future genenations) They are good for natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solar enengy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheapen. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scarcer and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconponating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scale powen into their nesouncemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Powen and the Grand View and Boise City providens to leann and to impnove future solan pnojects. They are good for the economy. These projects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they wilI employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneate additional locaI jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solar wonkens. Landowners in Elmone County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County wiII add oven $4oo,ooo/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solan industry employment gnew 53 percent from 2OLO to 2@1,3, pen a Solan Foundation 2Ot4 report. Idaho can and should shane in that growth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to pnofit in the era of solar, wind, hydno and energy conservation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that were formenly externalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an oppontunityto Iearn how to do that. They are good for our envinonment. Per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate fon hundneds of yeans aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coa1, the betten. These ane the finst and langest solan utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The 124 MW generated wiII power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It will also neduce the mercuny, hydnocarbons, arsenic, Iead and othen toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hJyoming residents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated L5O,OOO tons of canbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encourage you to appnove this pnoject. Sincenely, Knis Metzker Unique Identifier: 72.L7L.L92.L2L Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: geneworldwide@hotmail.com Monday, October 13,2014 6.13 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness geneworldwide@hotmail. com Case Comment Form: Gene Marcowka Name: Gene Marcowka Case Number': IPC-E-L4-19, IPC-E-L4-2O Email : genewonldwide(Ohotmail. com Telephone: 2082@18208 Address: 7760 Spoon Creek Drive Victon ID, 83455 Name of Utility Company: Fall Riven Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: 0ctober 13, 2OL4 Hononable PauI Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 taJest tr,Jashington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dear Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agneements with Grand View Solar and Boise City, I would like to negister my support for these pnojects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good for natepayers. Good fon the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for our environment (for us and future genenations) They are good for natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar nesources in the United States, and solan energy is poised, as electronics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which wiII only get scarcer and more expensive. I am thnilled to see fdaho Power inconporating Idaho-generated solan utility-sca1e poh,er into thein nesounce mix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City pnovidens to l-eann and to impnove future solar projects. They ane good fon the economy. These pnojects will pnovide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they will employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will create additional ]ocal jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to support solan wonkens. Landownens in Elmore County wil-I neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax receipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 pencent from ZOLO to 2@L3, per a Solan Foundation 2OL4 nepont. Idaho can and should shane in that growth ! They are good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to pnofit in the ena of solan, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. CoaI prices will only rise due to government negulations intennalizing costs that wene formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They ane good for our environment. Per the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the earth's climate for hundreds of yeans aften we ane gone. The soonen we stop bunning coa1, the betten. These ane the finst and langest solan utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The LzO Mvl generated will power an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also neduce the mencury, hydnocanbons, ansenic, Iead and other toxic heavy metals generated in the process of bunning coals, impnoving the health of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming residents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated t5O,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future fdahoans thank you! I wholeheartedly encounage you to approve this project. Sincenely, Gene Mancowka Unique Identifien: L73.198.L63.185 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Gc: Subject: jennyjo99@hotmai l.com Monday, October 13,2014 6:16 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness jen nyjo99@hotmail. com Case Comment Form: Jenny Charles Name: Jenny Charles Case Numben: IPC-E-1-4-L9, TPC-E-L4-2O EmaiI :'iennyjo99@hotmaiI. com Telephone : 3L2-56O-O6LL Addness:. 7760 Spoon Creek Drive Victor ID, 83455 Name of Utility Company: Fall River Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: October 13, 201,4 Hononable PauI Kjellander Honorable Mansha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stneet Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Enengy Sales Agneement with Gnand View SoIan and Boise City, IPC-E-1"4-19 and IPC-E-L4-2O Dean Commissionens: Aften neviewing Idaho Powen's submissions to the PUC for the Enengy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to negisten my support for these pnojects. I suppont these pnojects wholeheartedly because they are:. Good fon natepayens. Good fon the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good for our environment (for us and futune genenations) They ane good for natepayers. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electnonics did, to get better and cheapen. Contrast this with coal, which will only get scarcen and mone expensive. I am thrilled to see Idaho Power incorporating Idaho-genenated solar utility-scaIe power into thein resourcemix. This will be an oppontunity for both Idaho Powen and the Gnand View and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solan pnojects. They ane good fon the economy. These pnojects will pnovide an estimated 450 constnuction jobs for L2 months, after which they wiIl employ maintenance pnofessionals. This will cneateadditional locaI jobs and business opportunities in Idaho to suppont solar wor.kens. Landownens in E1more County wiII neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmone County will add over $4OO,OOO/year to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industny employment gnew 53 per"cent from 2OtO to 201,3, per a Solan Foundation 2OL4 neport. Idaho can and shoutd share in that growth ! They ane good fon Idaho Power. Idaho Powen must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and enengy conservation + demand reduction to meet its powen obligations. Coal prices will onty rise due to govennment negulations internalizing costs that wene for mer ly extennalized (i.e., cleanup), Ieaving Idaho Powen with stnanded costs. This is an opportunity to leann how to do that. They ane good for oun environment. Pen the Intennational Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), canbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disrupt the eanth's climate for hundneds of years after we are gone. The soonen we stop burning coal, the betten. These are the finst and largest solan utility-scale pnojects to be built in Idaho! The 120 MW genenated will powen an estimated 30,000 homes and reduce the need for coal bunning. It wiII also reduce the mencury, hydnocanbons, ansenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the pnocess of burning coa1s, improving the health of ldaho, Nevada and Wyoming nesidents. Fnom a Climate Change penspective, this will remove an estimated lSO.OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and future Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encounage you to appnove this project. Sincenely, Jenny Chanles Unique Identifier: 173. L98. L63.185 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: merrillruth@hotmail. com Monday, October 13,2014 8:'14 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness merril lruth@hotmail. com Case Comment Form: Ruth Merrill Name: Ruth Mernill Case Numben: IPC-E-14-19 and IPC-E -],4-2O. Email : mernillruth@hotmaiI. com Telephone : 208949393'J, Addressi 2047 Bnoxon St. Boise ID, 83705 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: Octoben L3, 2OL4 Hononable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redfond Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 Vlest hlashington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powen -- Energy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solar and Boise City, IPC-E-14-L9 and IPC-E-L4-20 Dean Commissioners, I am writing to voice my complete suppont fon the agreement between Gnand View Solan and Boise City fon these following reasons: ' Good fon natepayers. Good for the economy. Good fon Idaho Power. Good fon oun envinonment (for us and futune generations) I donate money each month for Gneen Powen. We can't wait any longen to put oun money in alternatives. Sincerely, Ruth Menrill Unique Identifier: Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: jsimpson@altenergyincorporated.com Tuesday, October 14,2014 10:02 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness jsimpson@altenergyincorporated. com Case Comment Form: Jesse Simpson Name: Jesse Simpson Case Number: IPC-E-L4-19 and IPC-E-1-4-2O Email : j simpson@altenergyincorponated . com Telephone: Addness: 3511- W Alpine Rd. Boise TD, 83705 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: Octoben 1.4th , 2Ot4 Honorable PauI Kjellander Hononable Mansha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Power -- Energy Sales Agreement with Gnand View Solan and Boise City, IPC-E-14-1.9 and IPC-E-14-20 Dean Commissioners: After reviewing Idaho Power's submissions to the PUC for the Energy Sales Agreements with Grand View Solan and Boise City, I would like to negister my support fon these projects. I support these pnojects wholeheartedly because they ane:. Good for ratepayens. Good for the economy. Good for Idaho Power. Good for oun envinonment (for us and future generations) They are good for natepayens. Idaho is blessed with some of the best solan resources in the United States, and solar energy is poised, as electronics did, to get betten and cheaper. Contnast this with coal, which will only get scancen and mone expensive. I am thnilled to see Idaho Power inconporating Idaho-generated solan utility-scale power into their resourcemix. This will be an opportunity fon both Idaho Power and the Grand View and Boise City pnoviders to learn and to improve future solan projects. They ane good for the economy. These pnojects will provide an estimated 450 construction jobs for L2 months, after which they will employ maintenance professionals. This will create additional local jobs and business oppontunities in Idaho to suppont solar wonkers. Landowners in Elmore County will neceive up to 35 years of payments, and Elmore County will add oven $4OO,OOOlyear to tax neceipts. The U.S. solar industry employment grew 53 percent fron 2@tO to 2OL3, per a So1an Foundation 2@L4 neport. Idaho can and should share in that gnowth ! 1 They are good for Idaho Power. Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solar, wind, hydro and enengy consenvation + demand reduction to meet its power obligations. Coal prices will only rise due to government negulations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e., cleanup), leaving Idaho Power with stranded costs. This is an opportunity to learn how to do that. They are good fon our environment. Pen the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), carbon dioxide emitted now will continue to disnupt the earth's climate for hundreds of years aften we are gone. The sooner we stop burning coal, the better. These ane the finst and Iargest solar utility-scale projects to be built in Idaho! The L2O MW generated will powen an estimated 301000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning. It will also reduce the mercury, hydrocanbons, arsenic, lead and other toxic heavy metals genenated in the process of burning coals, improving the health of Idaho, Nevada and hlyoming nesidents. From a Climate Change penspective, this will nemove an estimated ts?,OOO tons of carbon dioxide per year. For this, we and futune Idahoans thank you ! I wholeheantedly encounage you to appnove this pnoject. Sincenely, Jesse Simpson Unique Identifien: 159 .LL8.64.19L Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: monicatog 1 5@yahoo.com Tuesday, October 14,2014 11:22 AM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness monicatog 1 S@yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Monica Tognetti Name: Monica Tognetti Case Number: Email : monicatoglS@vahoo. com Telephonez 2087334695 Address: 1135 Starfire Twin Falls Id, 8330L Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: We have so many sunny days, it seems ungrateful not to take advantage of them. We don't know the future of petroleum, but it seems unlikely that the sun will dim. r think we should be ready for when oil supplies wane. Unique Identifieri L74.126.89.53