HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140821Comments (6 Total).pdfElmore County Board of Commissioners Phone (208)587-2129 Ext.270 ELMORE COUNTY COURTHOUSE Fax (208)587-2159 150 South 4th East Suite #3 Mountain Home,Ida ho 83647 Albert Hofer Wesley R.Wootan Franklin L.Corbus 599-1620 599-3131 599-1294 August 11,2014 Honorable Paul Kjellander Honorable Marsha Smith — —->=_u Honorable Mack Redford -c rn tdaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise Idaho 83702 Re:Idaho Power —Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Two,LLC,! IPC-E-14-19. Honorable Commissioners: We are writing you to express otir support for Grand View Solar Project located in Elmore County between Mountain Home and Grand View.We are fully supportive of economic development and would like to express our support for this form of economic development in Elmore County. Please let us know if you have any questions for us or if there is anything we may do to assist with this project approval. Sincerely. Elmore County Board of Commissioners fL/ç Albert Hofer,Chairman Franklin Corbus,Commissioner Wesley ommissioner I •City of Mountain Home 160 South 3rd East,P0 Box 10,Mountain Home,ID 83647 (208)587-2104 fax (208)587-2110 —1 A +1 )fllA -ugus .,— >c:—- )mHonorablePaulKjellander1”.)C) Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford ‘ Idaho Public Utilities Commission — 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Re:Idaho Power --Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Two,LLC,IPC-E-14-19. Dear Commissioners: We view the Grand View 80MW solar project as a tremendous financial opportunity for Mountain Home and Elmore County.We need industry that can supply 300 local jobs for a year,as well as many permanent full-time positions for maintenance specialists.This project will generate increased local business during the time of its construction,and supply as much as $400,000 in yearly property taxes to Elmore County for many years to come. I am pleased that 560 acres of nearby unused farmland will be put to such good use.This utility-scale solar farm benefits Idaho Power by helping it meet recent EPA requirements to reduce its overall carbon emissions.The construction of this solar project will not adversely affect the local environment,and it will produce electricity with no emissions whatsoever. This utility-scale solar project gets our full endorsement—it helps the economy,and it also helps the environment. Thank you, /NVL4 Tom Rist Mayor City of Mountain Home www.mountain-home.us Economic Development Office City of Mountain Home 150 S 3 F Mountain Home,ID 83647 —>c D G)flfAugust13,2014 r’, Honorable Paul Kjellander 7 Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho $3702 Re:Idaho Power --Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Two,LLC, IPC-E-14-19. Dear Commissioners: We view the Grand View 80MW solar project as a tremendous financial opportunity for Mountain Home and Elmore County.We need industry that can supply 300 local jobs for a year,as well as many permanent full-time positions for maintenance specialists. This project will generate increased local business during the time of its construction,and supply as much as $400,000 in yearly property taxes to Elmore County for many years to come. I am pleased that 560 acres of nearby unused farmland will be put to such good use.This utility-scale solar farm benefits Idaho Power by helping it meet recent EPA requirements to reduce its overall carbon emissions.The construction of this solar project will not adversely affect the local environment,and it will produce electricity with no emissions whatsoever. This utility-scale solar project gets our full endorsement—it helps the economy,and it also helps the environment. Paula Riggs Economic Development Director City of Mountain Home DISTRICT 23 STATE CAPITOL ELMORE,OWYHEE P.O.BOX 83720 &T\NIN FALLS COUNTIES BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0081 (208)332-1300 HOME ADDRESS FAX:(208)334-2320 46331 THREE CREEK HIGHWAY bbrackett@senateidaho.gov ROGERSON,IDAHO 83302 HOME:(208)857-2217 OFFICE:(208)308-4961 SENATOR BERT BRACKETT ‘S August8,2014 c •--Honorable Paul Kjellander’‘tTI Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission - 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 C) Re:Idaho Power -Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Two, TIC,IPC-E-14-19. Dear Commissioners: I view the Grand View 80MW solar project as a tremendous financial opportunity for my constituents in Elmore County,as well as a good direction for the state of tdaho.We need industry that can supply 300 local jobs for a year,as well as many permanent full-time positions for maintenance specialists.This project will generate increased local business during the time of its construction,and supply as much as $400,000 in yearly property taxes to Elmore County for many years to come. I am pleased that 560 acres of otherwise unused farmland will be put to such good use.This utility-scale solar farm benefits Idaho Power by helping it meet recent EPA requirements to reduce its overall carbon emissions.The construction of this solar project will not adversely affect the local environment,and it will produce electricity with no emissions whatsoever. This forward-thinking project gets my full endorsement —it helps the economy,and it also helps the environment Thank you, Idaho State Senate August 13,2014 ECEtVf.Q Honorable Paul Kjellander AUG21 PM ft 06 Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho $3702 Re:Idaho Power —Energy Sales Agreement with Grand View PV Solar Iwo,LLC,IPC-E 14_19. Dear Commissioners: I’d like to voice my support for the Grand View Solar Project.Not only is this project good for the environment and the Idaho economy,it will finally bring Idaho in line with the prevailing energy production methods being implemented nationwide.Idaho has had a great start with renewable energy with their history of hydropower but there is so much more that can be done. Bringing on more solar projects will help us become an energy leader in America. Solar power is dependable and renewable.Unlike coal and natural gas,which are quickly depleting,solar energy is readily available.Solar does not produce emissions and there is no cost for the “inputs,”unlike coal.Solar energy provides energy independence and security. In addition to its environmental benefits,bringing utility-scale solar to Idaho brings money and jobs within our borders.Unlike the coal and natural gas plants that Idaho Power supports in other states,the Grand View Solar Project and others like it would provide jobs for Idahoans.Solar is one of the fastest growing industries in the nation and we need to get on board before it’s too late. Solar power is the future of energy production and it’s time for Idaho Power to move forward. Every day it becomes more and more clear how risky and dirty coal plants are and yet Idaho Power clings to them.New regulations are forcing them to rethink their business and their customers want clean energy.It’s imperative to support projects like this for many decades to come.It’s time to bring utility-scale solar to Idaho. Tuesda.Auust 12.2011 RECEYE Honorable Paul Kjellander Z!1 AU 2!PM 1:07 Honorable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford UT Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Wash ngton Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Re:Idaho Power--Energy Sales Agreenient with Grand View PV Solar Two,LLC,IPC-E-14-19. Dear Commissioners: Today,I read Idaho Power’s submission to the PUC for the Energy’Sales Agreement with Grand View in its entirety and would like to provide comments as an Idaho Poster stockholder of 51 years.as a ftrmer Electrical Eiwineer and Program Manager ith He lett-Packard of 32 years.and as a mother of o children who ill in herit the earth v e leave them. To prove that I actually read it.I will note that section 10.I.Metering,contains an extraneous comma after the word “shall”.Other than that,I was impressed by its careful,complete,compliant and innovative terms of agreement,as well as by the cooperation between Idaho Power and Gi-and View to bring Idaho’s first Solar Power QE on—line.This is truly an epic moment,and I coLild not he more proud to support it. I support this project wholeheartedly because: •It is good for ratepavers •It is good for the economy •It is good for Idaho Power •It is good for our environment (for us and ocir clii Idren) It is good for ratepavers.Idaho is blessed with some of the best solar resources in the United States.and solar energy is poised,as electronics did.to only get better and cheaper.Contrast this with coal.hich will only get scarcer and more expensive.I am thrilled to see Idaho Poer incorporating solar poer into their resource mix.This ill be an opportunity for both Idaho Poer and Grand Vie to learn and to improve future so ar projects. It is good for the economy.Grand View will provide up to 300 constrtiction jobs for 12 months,after which it will employ maintenance professionals.This will create additional local jobs and business opportunities in the Grand View area to support solar workers.Landowners will receive up to 35 years of payments,and Elmore County will add $400,000/year to its tax receipts. It is good foi-Idaho Power.Idaho Power must find a way to profit in the era of solar.wind.hvdro and megawatts to meet its power obligations.Coal prices will only’rise dtie to go ernment regci lations internalizing costs that were formerly externalized (i.e.,cleanup).This is an oppoilcinity to learn how to do that. It is good for our environment.As a mother,I think every day about the impact of Climate Change upon my children’s life even after I am stone.The sooner we stop burning coal,the better.This is the first and largest solar utility-scale project to he built in Idaho!The 80MW generated will poer an estimated 20.000 homes and reduce the need for coal burning.It ill also reduce the mercury.hydrocarbons. arsenic.lead and other toxic heaty metals generated in the process of hiirniiig coals.mpro ing the health of Idaho and Nevada or \Vvoming residents.From a Climate Change perspective,this removes an estimated 102.000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.My children thank you for this! I wholeheartedly encourage you to approve this project. Sincere lv. ia edLt 4920 E.Sagevood Drive Boise.Idaho 83716