HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141106Reply Comments.pdfDONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Gounsel ncrE !t, li:. i'tl\LrJl-" v: i ?0lq HOV -6 PH lr' 00 r.rr r Jr?il,,-- ci,; r* ! s s i i "',, 3Effi*. An IDACORP Company November 6,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-14-19 Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC ldaho Power Company's Reply Comments Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Reply Comments. Very truly yours, / O,"24fu---- Donovan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@idahopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH GMND VIEW PV SOLAR TWO, LLC, FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY. r: ,_ -^1 P::'-, L- ,r'r.._V, ?[}:r, t{cy -5 PH t+: 00 i['"lrii, r -. -, ] l"JT iLlTllS Ci- ;.,, l.t;1,--,., BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PC-E-14-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powef' or "Comp?[y"), in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued in Order No. 331 19, and in response to the Comments of the Commission Staff filed on October 31, 2014, hereby respectfully submits the following Reply Comments to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"): 1. The Comments of the Commission Staff recommend that the rates contained in the Energy Sales Agreement ("ESA') between ldaho Power and Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC ("Grand View") "should be revised to account for the energy cost computation issues identified by Staff." Staff Comments, p. 11. Staff recommends two modifications, related to assumptions about the fuel forecast and assumptions IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 1 about displaceable resources, to the computation of avoided cost rates utilized by the approved lncremental Cost lntegrated Resource Plan Methodology. Staff recommends that the spreadsheet model used for computing the avoided cost of energy be modified to account for monthly variations in natural gas price, thus, monthly variations in dispatch costs of ldaho Power's gas-fired resources. Staff also recommends that the model be modified to allow for hourly dispatch costs to be assigned in proportion to the cost and quantity of each resource able to be displaced by the QF in each hour. . . . Staff believes that all of the remaining terms and conditions contained in the Agreement are acceptable and in compliance with appl icable Commission orders. Staff recommends that the Commission direct ldaho Powerto revise the rates in the Agreement to reflect the methodology changes proposed by Staff, obtain concurrence by the project developer, and resubmit the Agreement for Commission approval. lf Staffs recommended rates are included in a revised Agreement, then Staff recommends that the Commission approve all of the Agreement's rates, terms, and conditions and declare that all payments ldaho Power makes to Grand View for purchases of energy will be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. Staff Comments, pp. 1 1 -12. 2. ldaho Power has incorporated Staffs recommended adjustments into the model, is capable of making the recommended modifications, and has re-run the model for the pricing contained in Grand View's ESA. ldaho Power has generated a Replacement Appendix E to the ESA which contains the revised prices. The Replacement Appendix E is submitted herewith as Attachment 1. Also submitted as Attachment 2 is a redlined version of the Replacement Appendix E showing the revisions. Additionally, Grand View has requested to adjust its First Energy Date and its Scheduled Operation Date by moving each date out by two months. Submitted as IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS.2 Attachment 3 is a replacement page 37 from Appendix B of the ESA which includes the revised dates. Also submitted as Attachment 4 is a redlined version of replacement page 37 from Appendix of the ESA. 3. Although the Company was able to incorporate Staffs recommended modifications into the avoided cost price model, the results from the modeling differ slightly from those that Staff obtained from running its model independently. ldaho Power has consulted with Staff regarding the slight differences in the modeled results and has reviewed, side-by-side, Staffs modeling data to the Company's. ldaho Power is confident that the results obtained from its modeling runs are accurate and correct. For comparison purposes, the 2O-year levelized rate for the ESA as originally submitted is $73.41lmegawatt-hour (.MWh"), the rate from Staffs modeling is $70.57/MWh, and from the Company's modeling is $71.48/MWh. 4. ldaho Power has consulted with Grand View's representatives and obtained Grand View's concurrence to the revised rates contained and set forth in the Replacement Appendix E. The Replacement Appendix E is hereby jointly submitted as a replacement to Appendix E in the original ESA, and is intended to become part of that executed ESA. With these Reply Comments, Idaho Power hereby resubmits the original ESA, with its Replacement Appendix E and replacement page 37, for Commission review and approval as recommended by Staff. Respectfully submitted this 6th day of November 2014. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 3 Attorney for ldaho Power Company CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 6h day of November 20141 served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Aftomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Grand View PV Solar Two, LLG Peter J. Richardson 515 North 27h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 X Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! Ovemight Mail FAXX Email kris.sasser@puc.idaho.oov Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail FAX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Christa Bearry, Legal IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS .4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 E-l REPLACEMENT APPENDD( E SOLAR FACILITY ENERGY PRICES (Prices based upon the energy shape and capacity specified in Appendix I) Base Enerey Purchase Prices - For all Base Energy received during Heavy Load Hours Idaho Power shall pay the Base Energy Heavy Load Purchase Price less the Solar Integration Charge specified below and for all Base Enerry received during Light Load Hours Idaho Power shall pay the Base Enerry Light Load Purchase Price less the Solar Integration Charge specified below. All of these prices are subject to revision as specified within paragraph7.4. Base Energy Heavy l,oad Purchase Month/Year Price (Mills/kWh) Jan-15 $49.48 Feb-15 $49.47 Mar-15 $46.67 Apr-15 $31.16 May-15 $43.38 Jun-15 543.67 Jul-15 $58.07 Aug-15 $58.04 Sep-15 $53.49 Oct-15 548.66 Nov-15 $52.54 Dec-15 $52.74 Jan-16 $56.11 Feb-16 $55.05 Mar-16 $50.11 Apr-16 S38.79 May-16 $46.18 Jun-16 $46.81 Jul-16 $59.33 Aug-16 561.84 Sep-16 $54.24 Oct-16 $51.26 Nov-16 $57.14 Dec-16 558.24 Jan-17 $58.76 Feb-17 $57.29 Mar-17 553.93 Base Energy Light Solar Integration LoadPurchasePrice Charge(Mills/kwh) (MillYkwh) $0.99 s0.99 $0.99 s0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.9e $1.02 s1.02 $1.02 sl.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 s1.02 $1.0s sl.0s $1.0s $48.20 $48.37 $42.03 s23.43 $30.70 $33.97 $s 1.39 ss0.82 $47.83 M7.89 $s0.99 $s1.70 $s4.16 $s3.s5 M6.60 $42.04 $3s.86 $34.98 $54.45 $s7.33 $sr.22 ss1.26 $s6.98 $s7.5s sss.40 s54.99 $51.,f4 48 Apr-17 May-17 Jur-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-I8 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-I8 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-I8 Nov-18 Dec-I8 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 $38.20 $48.62 $49.10 $62.40 s6s.24 $s9.49 $5s.06 $60.s3 $61.08 $s7.90 $59.56 $s0.79 $47.92 $s l.6s ss0.88 $64.17 $69.86 $61.62 $s9. l 8 $63.70 s65.04 $59.09 s63.20 $48.11 $47.18 s49.s8 $s2.20 $66.02 $70.31 $63.03 $61.20 $66.67 $67.7s $65.46 $s3.1 I $46.86 $46.r l $48.20 $53. l l $67.62 $71.9s $60.72 s62.45 $68.90 s70.48 $69.03 ss6.l3 $52.90 $26.37 $36.40 s37.19 $s8.40 $60.10 $s3.6r sss.39 $s9.90 s60.78 $s l.s6 $s8.80 $49.39 $49.34 949.34 $39.27 s63.84 963.29 $60.15 s60.78 $63.36 $65.0s $s3.42 $s2.71 $47.74 s47.29 $46.04 $44.84 $61.70 $63.44 $61.60 s62.29 $66.24 $67.74 $64.21 $47.93 $46.8s $4s.84 $4s.1s $47.26 $62.98 $64.80 ss6.77 $63.s7 s68.05 s70.5r $64.39 s50.04 $49.12 $1.0s s1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.05 $1.08 s1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 s1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $l.l I sl.l I sl.l I $l.l I $1.11 $l.l l $l.l I $l.l l $1.11 sl.11 $l.l I $1.11 $1.1s s1.15 $l.ls $l.ls $1.15 $l.ls $1.15 $1.1s $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.1s $1.18 sl.18 $1.18 49 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jwr-22 JDl-22 htg-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jwr-24 tul-24 htg-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jat-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 s48.68 $s2.93 sss.53 $69.86 $74.61 $63.55 $64.31 s72.38 $73.89 $71.30 $72.38 $s7.31 $s3.06 $55.99 $s9.03 $73.06 $78.82 $70.68 s66.48 $76.78 $78.,{4 $74.49 $7s.s0 $62.79 $ss.07 $57.s0 $60.76 $7s.99 $8 r.31 973.72 $68.07 s81.06 $82.88 $82.8s s79.33 $62.11 $s3.49 $5s.66 $60.88 s81.33 $91.,t4 $74.s4 $69.s2 $84.80 $86.69 $87.t2 $83.12 $68.48 $48.69 $48.69 $49.74 $66.49 $66.95 $s8.s8 $6s.02 $71.66 $73.8s $67.s2 s66.01 $s4.60 ss3.01 $s3.02 $48.6s $69.80 s70.s0 $66.s2 $66.60 $76.09 s78.22 s67.50 $71.08 $61.s4 $s4.48 $ss.0r $ss.sl $7s.33 $76.59 $69.07 $68.17 $79.88 $82.16 $76.07 $7r.86 $64.03 $53.24 $s3.37 $s7.12 $77.70 $76.28 $72.39 s69.s8 $83.79 $86.23 s87.s6 $72.93 $6s.70 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 st.22 st.22 $r.22 9t.22 st.22 sr.22 $r.22 sr.22 st.22 51.22 $r.22 sr.22 s1.25 $1.2s $1.25 $1.2s $1.2s $1.25 $1.2s $1.2s s1.25 $1.2s $1.2s $1.2s $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.33 s1.33 s1.33 50 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep-25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 Mar26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Ang-26 Sep26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Feb-27 Mar-27 Apr-27 May-27 Jvn-27 Jd-27 Aug-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Ja*28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 Mar-29 $s3.99 $60.06 $63.64 s86.s4 $96.02 $77.32 $71.33 s88.6s $91.33 s91.08 s90.86 $64.13 sss.l0 $62.30 s6s.00 $88.74 $9s.74 $82.s7 $73.33 s92.66 $96.71 $93.48 $93.84 $70.42 $60.33 s62.r9 $67.04 $91.93 $99.67 $8s.s3 $75.7s $9s.7s $ l0l.53 $98.68 $e8.08 $67.86 $60.10 $68.84 $67.90 $96.s0 $102.1l s88.68 $78.s3 $100.2s $r06.90 $101.57 sl02.l2 s74.98 $s3.66 $61.86 $s8.73 $78.47 $78.73 $72.93 $71.29 $88.13 $8e.94 $91.s7 $86.55 $s7.48 $s3.42 s68.16 $60.1s $81.71 $82.47 877.82 $73.32 $91.s3 $94.42 $86.94 s87.46 $70.49 $62.20 $66.36 $6r.93 $81.9s $86.09 $80.49 $7s.68 $95.s0 s98.17 $88.49 $92.4s $69.75 s63.68 $7s. I 8 s62.79 $86.s1 s88.74 s85.00 s78.29 $99.92 $102.82 $90.85 $96.12 s67.99 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 s1.41 s1.41 $1.41 $1.41 s1.41 $1.41 $1.41 sl.45 $1.4s sl.4s $1.4s $1.4s $1.4s $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $1.45 $1.4s sl.4s $1.s0 sl.s0 $r.s0 51 Apr-29 May-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 ktg-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 N'dar-32 Apr-32 May-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 $s9.sl $73.24 $69.s9 $102.14 $108.80 $93.52 s81.00 9t04.27 $109.9s $r06.38 $104.56 $74.ss $s8.9s $6s.32 $70.84 $108.83 $l l1.49 $96.96 s84.M $108.42 $114.88 sl14.0s $110.78 $95.21 $70.30 $90.10 $84.45 s120.93 $tt7.r2 $r07.29 s105.82 $l16.88 $12s.46 $l r7.98 $l14.99 $100.23 s79.23 $93.32 $88.62 $r29.91 $123.44 $1r 1.23 $1r3.10 $12s.48 sr27.63 $120.98 $117.90 $102.69 $62.19 $77.0s $62.s7 $92.s3 $91.20 $88.19 $80.87 s103.43 $106.68 $101.24 S98.,t4 $74.84 $60.57 $61.81 $68.79 $98.30 $93.90 $91.61 $83.87 $106.83 $l l l.r3 s108.60 sr0r.52 s84.s4 $6s.s9 $83.73 $83.s 1 $107.20 $98.72 $102.91 $90.44 $l16.46 $r20.38 $l12.68 $102.48 $90.88 s78.01 $91.40 $88.03 $1r3.03 $104.64 $107.99 $98.31 $122.44 $122.88 $l ls.sl $10s.01 $93.06 s1.s0 $1.50 $1.s0 $1.s0 sl.s0 sl.s0 $1.s0 s1.s0 s1.s0 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.54 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.s4 s1.54 sl.s4 s1.s4 $1.s9 $1.s9 sl.s9 s1.59 $1.s9 $1.s9 $1.s9 $1.s9 $ l.s9 $1.59 $ l.s9 $ 1.59 s1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 52 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep-33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 May-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Jun-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 $81.07 $9s.58 $90.73 $133.26 $126.60 $l14.02 $r r5.95 $128.70 $130.91 $124.01 $120.84 $10s.18 $82.91 $97.86 $92.86 $136.67 $129.81 $l16.85 $l18.84 $131.97 $r34.25 sl27.t4 $123.87 $107.75 $84.80 $100.20 $9s.06 $r40.r8 $133.1 r $1r9.76 $121.81 $135.34 $137.68 $r30.32 $126.9s $110.34 $86.71 $102.57 $97.27 s143.74 $136.47 $122.72 $124.82 $138.76 sl4l.17 $79.81 $93.60 $90.13 $1r5.88 $107.24 $l10.69 $r00.71 s125.57 $126.02 $r r8.39 $r07.57 $9s.26 $81.61 $9s.81 s92.24 $118.76 $109.87 $l13.42 $103.14 $128.t4 st29.2t $121.3s $l r0.20 $97.s3 $83.47 $e8.10 $94.41 $121.74 $112.57 $l16.23 $l0s.6s $r32.01 $132.49 $124.3s s112.87 $99.82 s8s.33 $100.40 $96.61 $124.75 sl 15.31 sr 19.08 $108.18 $13s.33 sr35.83 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 s1.69 $1.69 $1.69 s1.69 $1.74 s1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 s1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.84 s1.84 s1.84 s1.84 s1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 s1.84 $1.84 $1.84 s1.84 53 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 E-l REPLACEMENT APPENDX E SOLAR FACILITY ENERGY PRICES (Prices based upon the energy shape and capacity specified in Appendix t) Base Enerry Purchase Prices - For all Base Energy received during Heavy Load Hor:rs Idaho Power shall pay the Base Energy Heavy Load Purchase Price less the Solar Integration Charge specified below and for all Base Energy received during Light Load Hours Idaho Power shall pay the Base Energy Light Load Purchase Price less the Solar lntegration Charge specified below All of these prices are subject to revision as specified within paragraph7.4. Base Energy Heavy Load Purchase Month,/Year Price (MillslkWh) Jan-15 549.48$4848 Feb-15 $49.47$4856Mar-15 $46.67W# Apr-15 $31.16$39+t9May-15 $43.38$+744Jrur-I5 $43.67$4# Jul-15 $58.07$6l-'15Aug-15 $58.04$599t Sep-15 Ss3.49$s4'46Oct-15 S48.66$4954 Nov-15 $52.54$5eJ5Dec-15 $52.74$5&20Jan-16 $56.1l$52#3 Feb-16 $55.0s$5253Mar-16 $50.1l$5+90 Apr-16 $38.79$M+7May-16 $46.18$5e$8Jun-16 $46.81$4965Jul-16 $s9.33$er*qAug-16 $61.84$62J6Sep-16 $54.24$5635Oct-16 $51.26$55S2Nov-16 $57.14$56+19Dec-16 558.24$5+3/+ Jar.lT $58.76$5s50Feb-17 Ss7.29$s500 Mar-17 $53.93$54=+5 Base Energy Light Load Purchase Price (Millykwh) $48.20$48+l $48.37$4+J4 s42.03$HZ $23.43$+H $30.70$4# $33.97$+19 $s1.39$5g $50.82$51=-t3 $47.83$48+r $47.89$4832 $s0.99$4{J2 $s1.70$4868 s54.16$#S8 $53.55$5{-56 $46.60$48=16 $42.04$41-59 $3s.86$4597 $34pE$€Je $s4.4s$5+32 $s7.33$s859 sst.22$5w $s1.26$rH $s6.98$55+r $s7.5s$sg $ss.40$tr3+ s54.99$# $s1.44$+r#8 48 Solar Integration Charge (Mills/kWh) $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 s0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 s1.02 $1.02 $1.02 $1.02 s1.02 s1.02 sl.02 s1.0s s1.05 sl.0s Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-I8 Apr-I8 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-l8 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-I8 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 $38.20$48S6 $48.62$# $49.10$# s62.40$6# $6s.24$66'23 $s9.49$g $ss.06$58*3 $60.53$60S7 $61.08$595:7 $s7.90$s+J8 $591_6$# ss0.79$s{J2 s47.92&4944 $sl.6s$5# $50.88$s250 $64.1't$w $69.86$6eJe s61.62$€*6 $59.18$6{-er $63.70$6H $6s.04$60J9 $s9.oe$sry $63.20$6sSr $48.1l$48*0 $47. I 8$4?+18 $49.58$5+=04 $s2.20$ss4 $66.02$#l $70.3lwr s63.03$s $61.20$ss $66.67$1% $67.7s$€Js $6s.46$6+16 $s3.11$s+53 $46.86$46*e $46.1 l$49 $48.20$48+ $53.1l$54S6 s67.62$&42 $719s$14? $60.72$#7 $62.4s$ffi $68.90$6&s9 $70.48$es8 $69.03$6s $56.13$57Si7 $s2.90$#s $26.37$s8 $36.40$48S2 $37.19$4# $s8.40$ss3 $60.ro$ffi $53.61$s6# $ss.3e$5+# $5990$se38 $60.78$59+14 $s1.56$t{J0 $58 88$sffi $49.39$4e56 $4-3_4$4w $49.34$49e4 $39.27$48+r $63.84$AH2 $629geree $6qJ5$6+r'e $5AJE$609+ $63.36$6es+ $6s.0s$60r6 $s3.42$5#+ $s2.71$rH $47.74$+736 $47.29$m $46.04$46S4 $44.845414? $6r.70$# $63.44$54$8 s61.60$#+ $62.zew $66.24W4w1_w $64.21$Ht $47.93$s4++ $46.8s$4.s $45.84$46114 $45.15$49+ w.26$+7# $62.98$+r*s $54.80$6552 $56.77$s894 $63.s7$6357 $68.0s$# $7011$63J+ $64.39$el6s $s0.04$5H s49.12$5e58 $1.05 $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $1.0s $ l.0s $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.08 $1.1I s1.11 $1.1r $l.l I $1.1I $1.1I $1.1I $1.1I $l.l I $l.l I sr.l l $1.1I sl.l5 $l.ls $1.1s $l.ls $1.15 $1.1s $1.15 $1.15 sl.1s $1.15 $l.ls $1.1s sl. r8 $1.18 s1.18 49 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar22 Apr-22 May-22 Jwr-22 Jd-22 htg-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Ian-24 Feb-24 M'ar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jvr-24 J'ul-24 Atg-24 Sep-24 Oct-24 Nov-24 Dec-24 Jan-25 Feb-25 Mar-25 s48.68$4859 $52.93$55-t8 $ss.s3$s6*e $69.86$70rt9 $z+.0r$+4*6 $63.ss$665r $64.31$6s s72.38$#2 s73.89$6#3 s71.30$ffi $72.38$68++ $s7.31$6056 $s3.06$sr $ss.99$5s $59.03$61# $73.06$7tr09 $78.82$+933 $70.68$++r9 $66.48$68J7 $76.78$689+ $78.44$s $74.49#W $7s.s0$#e33 $62.79$6#4 sss.07$s+#4 $s7.s0$6H $60.76$#+ s7s.99$+#8 s81.31$8r+s s73.72V# $68.07$+2+lO S81.06,$+2+18 $82.88$+3+r $82.85$+1145 $79.33$++73 $62.1l$el*+ $s3.49$rB+ $ss.66$s8J2 $60.88$#2 $81.33$83S0 s91.44$92#s s74.54$+868 $69.s2$++p $84.80$+sd3 $86.69re $87.72$1146 $83.12$7# $68.48$6H $48.69$4859 s48.69$4859 s49.74$se+r $66.49$#3 $66.9s$# $58.s8$# $65.02$6s+3 $71.6W $73.8s$6# $67.s2$69 $66.01$692 ss4.60$s4#3 $53.01$ser $53.02$s02 $48.65$5Es $69.80$++32 $7010$+139 $6612$68+e $66.60$68#8 $7609$68+t $78.22$68#8 $67.s0$#r $71.08$69S0 $61.54$ffi $54.48$5,t=98 $ss.0l$# $ss.51$s#3 s7s.33$+er $76.s9$?+3+ s69.0191+31 $68.17$+2Et+ $79.88$+2S2 $82.16$++48 $76.07$+rS $7L86$70.06 $64.03$eL+8$s3.2W $s3.37$s33+ $s7.r2$s8/9y1n$+em $76.28$44+7 $72.39## $69.58$7r#2 $s:.zq$718s $86.23$+# $87.s6$+750 $72.9391+57 $65.70$66+r $1.18 $1. l8 s1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.22 $1.22 sr.22 $t.22 sL.22 $1.22 $t.22 $1.22 $1.22 $1.22 $1.22 $1.22 $1.25 $1.25 $1.2s $ l.2s $1.25 s1.2s $1.25 sl.25 sl.2s $1.2s $t.25 $1.2s $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $ 1.33 $ 1.33 $1.33 Apr-25 May-25 Jun-25 Jul-25 Aug-25 Sep25 Oct-25 Nov-25 Dec-25 Jan-26 Feb-26 M;ar-26 Apr-26 May-26 Jun-26 Jul-26 Aug-26 Sep-26 Oct-26 Nov-26 Dec-26 Jan-27 Fe627 Mar27 Apr-27 May-27 Jtn-27 td-27 Ang-27 Sep-27 Oct-27 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-28 Feb-28 Mar-28 Apr-28 May-28 Jun-28 Jul-28 Aug-28 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-28 Dec-28 Jan-29 Feb-29 M;ar-29 $53-6_6$SS6 $6r.86$e$3 $58J3$63s+ s78.47$193s $78.73$8e3s $72.93$H{J9 $71.29#1134 $E&13$+++e $89.94$80S3 $91.57$80,8e $86.ss$;958 $51.48$s+48 $5312$s353 $68.16$685 $60.rs$669r $8r.71$84++ s82.47$83#8 $2Z.82$83s8 $73.32$8e9+ $9-lll$80++ $94.42$83=g s86.94$805s $87.46$8053 $70.49$+U2 $6224$66-+s $66.36$6s $61.93$6853 $81.95$&t-++ $E609$87Je $80.4e$ffi $7s.68$83s9 $9s.s0$83J6 $9E U$883+ $88.49$82,4e $92.4s$83J9 s69.7s$+e53 $63.68$s3 $7s.18$+#9 s62.79$;14J+ s86.s1$8&84 $E8J_4$8eJ6 $8s.00$8998 $78.29$864? $99.92$8+J6 $102.82$92#e $90.85$&H $96. l2$87-92 $67.99$'g-* $s3.99$# $60.0ffi+ $63.64$57*3 $86.54$8ejs $96.02$+738 $77.32$8*r $71.33$++8+ $88.6sW6 $91.33$8+13 s9r.08$8052 $90.86$8e*8 $6413$6s=4e $s5.r0$5?+8 $62.30$69*2 $6s.00$+e*r $88.74$92S9 $95.74$9+J+ $82.57$864s $73.33$8+12 $92.66$eL58 $e6.71$8ee $93.48$&2J9 $93.84$83++8 $70.42$1439 $60.33$ffi $62.19$6#3 $67.04$+2$zt $91.93$96s3 $99.67$++H6 $8s.s3$8H $7s.7s$83+8 $95J5$843.8 $101.53$9S7 $98.68$8663 $98.08$86s0 $67.86$?0t3/t $60.r0$6s $68.84$+6J8 s67.gWW $9ff4$++23e $102.11$;t+t.67 $EE OgSs+34 $78.53$8# $l!025$8&+4 $r06.90$10+J9 $r0r.s7$89ss $102.12$gs $74.98$++S2 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 s1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 $1.33 s1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 s1.37 $1.37 s1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.37 $1.41 sl.4l sl.4l $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.4s $1.4s $1.4s s1.45 $1.4s s1.45 $1.4s sl.45 $1.4s $1.45 $1.4s $1.4s $1.s0 $1.s0 $1.s0 5l Apr-29 Ifuday-29 Jun-29 Jul-29 Aug-29 Sep-29 Oct-29 Nov-29 Dec-29 Jan-30 Feb-30 Mar-30 Apr-30 May-30 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-30 Sep-30 Oct-30 Nov-30 Dec-30 Jan-31 Feb-31 Mar-31 Apr-31 May-31 Jun-31 Jul-31 Aug-31 Sep-31 Oct-31 Nov-31 Dec-31 Jan-32 Feb-32 i&'{ar32 Apr-32 N'{ay-32 Jun-32 Jul-32 Aug-32 Sep-32 Oct-32 Nov-32 Dec-32 Jan-33 Feb-33 Mar-33 $s9.51$6#8 $73.24$;1826 $69.59$+?J8 $102.14$Hr-23 $108.80${+4# $93.s2$9*? $81.00$9036 $104.27$916r $109.95$+0230 $106.38$9p7 $104.s6$92J6 $74.ss$#sgr $58.95$61-67 $6s.32$6833 $70.84$+991 $108.83$++9J4$lll.49$ffi $95p5${{0'+e s84.04$93#+ s108.42$9# $l14.88$to854 $114.05$+0H $l10.78$J+t.87 s95.21$93r+4 $70.30$+3*6 s90.10$+l-95 $84.45$8ffi $r20.93$W $l17.12$pffi $107.29$1eH $105.82$+{4,49 $116.88${+43e $12s.46$W+3 s117.98$+r4J3 $l14.99$+OB5 $100.23$++H0 $79.23$84+4 $93.32$93;19 $88.62$9{-e2 $r29.9r$14142 $123.44$13+98 $l r 1.23${+{32 $l13.10${{q09 $12s.48$r3rJO $127.63$Wt $120.98$+l+05 sl17.90$+9.09 $102.69$+e3J9 $62.19$6m $77.05$++Jg s62.s7$1# $9213$e6s8 $91.20$9232 $88.19$93J+ $80.87$90S3 $103.43$90J8 $106.68$ryLer $10r.24$9H3 $98.44$9Lr+ $74.84$;14r*4 $60.s7$sle $6LE1$61.93 $68.79$80++ $98-3_o$te7*6 $93.e0$es#7 $91.61$9652 $83.87$e360 $106.83$9*9 $r l l.13$96#+ $108.60$++s $l0l.s2$9#3 $84.s4$Wr $6s.59$6ffi $83.73$&S $83.s1$84e+ $107.20$]{8=t0 $98.72${00S9 $102.91$+€459 $90.44$+e0+l2 $116.46$14-36 $120.38$+{4.10 $l12.68$+0630 $102.48$!)65r $90.88$9152 $78.01$+9S0 $9-L40$91-s+ $88.03$893s $l13.03${49+ $r04.64$+07J3 $107.99$+08+ts $98.31${.08#5 $r22.44$14042 $r22.88${+F+ $l15.51$re8J4 sl0s.0l$9&96 $93.0_6$e3+2 s1.s0 sl.s0 $1.50 $1.s0 $1.s0 $1.s0 s1.s0 $1.s0 s1.s0 s1.54 $1.54 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.s4 $1.54 $1.s4 $1.54 $1.s4 sl.s4 $1.54 $1.s4 $1.s9 sl.s9 $1.s9 $1.s9 s1.59 $1.s9 sl.s9 $1.59 $1.s9 $1.s9 s 1.59 $ 1.59 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 s1.64 $1.64 $1.64 s1.64 s1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 52 Apr-33 May-33 Jun-33 Jul-33 Aug-33 Sep33 Oct-33 Nov-33 Dec-33 Jan-34 Feb-34 Mar-34 Apr-34 iuIay-34 Jun-34 Jul-34 Aug-34 Sep-34 Oct-34 Nov-34 Dec-34 Jan-35 Feb-35 Mar-35 Apr-35 May-35 Juu-35 Jul-35 Aug-35 Sep-35 Oct-35 Nov-35 Dec-35 Jan-36 Feb-36 Mar-36 Apr-36 May-36 Jun-36 Jul-36 Aug-36 Sep-36 Oct-36 Nov-36 Dec-36 $81.07$86'p s9s.s8$effi s90.73$9sr $133.26$+rH $126.60$+3++6 $114.02$+14# $115.9s$BB $128.70$-l,H $r30.91${30sr $124.01$rJ+J+ $120.84${+4# $105.18$-rc6-re $82.91$88,r+ $9286$e83s $%E:6$e+41 $136.67$-155=46 $129.81$r4e99 $n6.8s$l-rs $118.84$Er9 $131.97$-r30sr $r34.25$83*3 $r27.r4$]ppd6 $123.87$.1-l+J+ $107.75$+e8S9 $84.80$90,+6 $100.20$+e#r $9s.06$9+68 $140.18$+59S $133.11$+44S3 $r 19.76${-19*+ $121.81$s!8=35 $r3s.34${33*3 $137.68$+3+ts $130.32$-12# $126.9s${40J0 $l 10.34$+{t-32 $86.71$9e23 $r02.s7$-l€3+9 $97.27$W7 $143.74$+6341 $136.47$+4&33 $122.72$+2?32 s124.82$+3156 s138.76$134r sl4l.l7$J4e+3 $79.81$80*2 $93.60$e3+? $90.13$9H $115.88$r+H s107.24$+{€# $110.69$++-t-30 $100.71$++l=47 $12s.s7$-133+19 $126.02*W $1 18.39$++r# $r07.s7$1+B+ $9s.26$9#4 $81.61$8+66 $95.E1$esJe w2,uws! $l r8.76$r+L7+ s109.87$+r# $113.42${{3Js $103.14$rJ422 $128.74$-r26i6e sr29.2t$1113+^ $121.35$-lJ4-38 $110.20${{}# $97.s3$98+2 $83.47$&t 55 $98.10$98J8 $9441$es#s $121.74$t35:0+ $l 12.57$+16-16 $l16.23$-l{€++ $10s.65$-rJJSs $132.0r$r:93r $r32.49$Bpr $124.35${-t+-t7 $l12.87$re6J7 p32$+o053 $8s.33$86/4 $100.40${n59 $96.61$97J8 $124.7s$-138+t9 $l1s.3r$+-r9s0 s119.08$+{9# $r08.18$+1993 s13s.33$i3+06 $13s.83$BB3 $1.69 $1.69 s1.69 s1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $r.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 s1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.74 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 s1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 s1.84 s1.84 $1.84 $1.84 53 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-14-19 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTAGHMENT 3 APPENDX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY Project Name: Grand View PV Solar Two Project Number: 12616100 B-I DESCRIPTIONOFFACILITY (Must include the Nameplate Capacity rating and VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all Generation Units to be included in the Facility.) The expected desigr of the Facilitywill consist of APPROXIMATELY 340,480 polysilicon photovoltaic panels, each rated at NOMINAL 300 Wdc (SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY). The panels will be installed on a single-axis tracking system, supported by a fxed post and beam structure, located 20 miles southwest of Mountain Home. Nameplate: 80 MWac Var Capability (Both leading and lagging) Leadingis 1.05 pf Lagging is 0.95 pf. B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Grand View. Idaho Actual or nearest physical street address: Idaho Highway 167 and Frederickson Road GPS Coordinates: Latitude Decimal Degrees 43.025 LongitudeDecimalDegrees -116.016 State: Idaho County: Elmore Description of lnterconnection Location: 60 MWac will interconnect to the l38kv Bowmont- Canyon Creek-Strike transmission line #920 at the Grand View PV Solar substation. The other 20 MWac will interconnect to the 34.5kV Canyon Crek4? distribution feeder. B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected Auzust l. 2016 as the Scheduled First Enerry Date. Seller has selected September 1. 2016 as the Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion 37 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-14-19 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 APPENDD( B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY Project Name: Grand View PV Solar Two Project Number: 12616100 B-I DESCRIPTIONOFFACILITY (Must include the Nameplate Capacity rating and VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all Generation Units to be included in the Facility.) The expected desigrr of the Facility will consist of APPROXIMATELY 340,480 polysilicon photovoltaic panels, each rated at NOMINAL 300 Wdc (SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY). The panels will be installed on a single-axis tracking system, supported by a fxed post and beam structure, located 20 miles southwest of Mountain Home. Nameplate: 80 MWac Var Capability (Both leading and lagging) Leadingis 1.05 pf Lagging is 0.95 pf. 8.2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Grand View. Idaho Actual or nearest physical street address: Idaho Highway I 67 and Frederickson Road GPS Coordinates: Latitude Decimal Degrees 43.025 LongitudeDecimal Degrees -l16.016 State: Idaho County: Elmore Description of lnterconnection Location: 60 MWac will interconnect to the 138kV Bowmont- Canyon Creek-Strike transmission line #920 at the Grand View PV Solar substation. The other 20 MWac will interconnect to the 34.5kV Canyon Creek42 distribution feeder. B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected June-Auzust l. 2016 as the Scheduled First Enerry Date. Seller has selected Jubrser,"rrb", ,. ,OrU as the Scheduled Operation Date. ln making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion 37