HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141106order_no_33173.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date November 6,2014 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY’S APPLICATION TO )CASE NO.IPC-E-14-18 IMPLEMENT SOLAR INTEGRATION ) RATES AND CHARGES.)ORDER NO.33173 _______________________________________________________________________________ ) On July 1,2014,Idaho Power Company filed an Application with the Commission seeking to implement solar integration rates and charges.The Commission issued a Notice of Application on July 23,2014,setting an August 6,2014,deadline for persons/parties requesting intervention.Order No.33079.Idaho Conservation League,Snake River Alliance and Sierra Club petitioned for,and were granted,intervention.Order Nos.33090 and 33097.Matt Vespa, attorney for Sierra Club,was granted pro hac vice admission.Order No.33117.A Notice of Parties was issued on August 21,2014.The parties proposed,and the Commission adopted,the following procedural schedule: October 23,2014 Staff/Intervenor prefile direct testimony October 31,2014 Discovery deadline November 6,2014 Simultaneous filing of rebuttal testimony November 13,2014 Technical hearing Order No.33137. On November 5,2014,the parties filed a Joint Stipulation requesting that the Commission vacate the November 6 rebuttal deadline and the November 13 technical hearing. The Stipulation states that,after review of the Company’s Application and direct testimony filed by several parties,all parties wish to suspend the remaining procedural schedule in order to pursue a resolution of this matter through settlement.The parties further agree to meet for a settlement conference on November 17,2014.“Should the parties be unable to reach settlement, then a mutually agreeable schedule shall be re-established for the filing of rebuttal testimony and hearing.”Joint Stipulation at 2. Based on the agreement between the parties,and in order to allow adequate time to resolve this matter through negotiation and settlement,we find it reasonable to suspend the procedural schedule in this case and vacate both the rebuttal deadline of November 6 and the Technical Hearing scheduled for November 13. ORDERNO.33173 1 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the procedural schedule for Case No.IPC-E-l418 is suspended. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the deadline for rebuttal testimony to be filed no later than Thursday,November 6,2014,is vacated. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the technical hearing scheduled for Thursday, November 13 2014,is vacated. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this day of November 2014. - MACK AREDFOJD,CMMISSIONER c71!S4L3k M RSHA H.SMITH,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: I /I Jean D Jewell commission Secretary 0:IPC-E-14-1 8ks4Vacate Hearing ORDERNO.33173