HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140522Comments (10 Total).pdfMay 21,2014 t.{1no Pubtic Utility Commissioners472W. Washington St.Boise, lD 93702 Regarding: Case #lpC_E_14_09 Suspend Obligation tSolar-powered Qualifying Facilities- tdaho powcr "^-ljl.t,l[l-se Eneroy Generated byS o r a r- p o we re d e u a r i ry i n g r r. i r i t i "I_- iffi ;#3 ,", tffi ;;,.; tsT, ".l :,fJ f,il il: l"JDear Commissioners: energy sources. I?ff iHI-:', J:;I;J:fl? [: l, J:: x':: I 1, r_.f io n I aftr er th a n m a k i n g it m o re flhliiT,',"Jn,i:l#'trJffi I'ff ,?J#t1il::,l:ii,=ffi HiJ:lJf lo!?,ngthe way for solarlo come on liine and to make up a large, p"r.",itr;:Til: il:r"#, People can decide not to believe in accelerated climate change but not believing doesnot change the fact that it is no Lng", merely coming--it is heie. Burning fossil fuers[Xi:il::?:,;,.ffi f#:il;,;;;/ r,", #i,,0,i"pr,." it with sustainabre sources Hopefully ldaho Power will work to keep integration .9r1:.as row as possibre for solarenergy generators and encourage oeveropmErt, ,"i.tail it. According to theirsubmission, thev expect to have"their inte!rat,;; ;tr;t."rr,","o,ll,rlr" this year.Even if detairs require a ritile ;;r; time, ,ii.norij;_13r,"ted during the next coupre::$:HH1?iJl:*:' ' i"', '*,e davs to o"i",r]ne how to minimile intesration ldaho power co'ects donations from customers ,n ,n:[il?en program and perhapssome of these funds could be useJ to offset ;;; "ifl..," integratioi costs of sorar. My3xi:il',,l5llH,XiTI#iS;,tfl;51i:H"",tacce,eratedso,arenersy It is unnecessary to suspend ldaho Power's obligation under puRpA for such a shortrrme and doing so is onry more Jirlorrrging for inor" o"reroping or hoping to deverop,ffi,.:ffi:ff;, Ii""ffim:]i}"",nr," trtt , *i,r sorar devLropers whire theirproducers 'J vvrrrPrs.Eu arlq means are put in place to minimize costs to solar Lura J. Morgan, phD 5459 N. Tuckerson place Boise, lD 93704 Sincerely, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Public Hearing lPc-E-l4-09 Boise, Idaho 05121114 WHAT DO YOU THINK? lf you cannot or do not want to testify in person at this hearing but want your opinion noted, please use the space below to write your comments. Add extra sheets as needed. You may either hand this sheet to a commission staff member or mail it to: IPUC, PO Box 83720, Boise, !D 83720-0074. You may also post comments on our Web Site. http ://www. puc. idaho. gov Click "comments & questions." Print Nam " E tirol, il IL / , ,L sisn Name Mailing Address Phone Number f l/ -tlo ?- City and State Zip Code &z/ tz Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: heartfeltsong @ msn.com Wednesday, May 21 ,2014 10:56 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness heartf eltsong @ msn.com Case Comment Form: Lisa Hecht Name: Lisa Hecht Case Number: IPC-E-L4-O9 Email : heantfeltsong@msn. com Telephone: (208) 331-2L59 Address: 4920 E. Sagewood Drive Boise ID, 83716 Name of Utitity Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public recond: True Comment: Sending an updated, abridged version of my testimony. l{ay 2t, 2Ot4 Honorable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utility Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, TD 83702 Re: Idaho Power Company Petition to Suspend Solar PURPA Obligations, Case # IPC-E-t4-O9 Dear Commissioners: I thank you for the opportunity to submit comments to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission regarding Idaho Powen Company's Petition to Suspend Solar PURPA Obligations. I have been an Idaho Power stockholder for 54 years. I am also a retired Hewlett-Packand engineer and program managen, and a panent whose children will experience the consequences of decisions made today. To quote Kim Trout of Trout Law in an article written Januany 2nd, 2OL4: "As a regulatedutility, Idaho Powen is requined to pnovide centain senvices in exchange for the oppontunityto earn a "fai?" return on its investments....In the period from L998 to 2OL2 Tdaho Power's actual return measured in eannings per share growth rose an average of L4.8 pencent. As a fname of reference, according to data fnom Bloomberg and Thomson Financial, in the same 15- yean peniod, Idaho Power returns wene 117.9 pencent higher than the S&P/Dow Jones Industrial Average indices for the same perJ.od." Abundant evidence fnom the conclusions of the IPCC, an intennational body of climatologists, and data collected over the past century, indicates that climate change is alneady occunning and resulting in significant costs to Idaho citizens (ratepayers) in health and agricultural impacts, and national catastrophes, which ane currently extennalized costs to Idaho Power. Nonetheless, we natepayens incur them in addition to any increases to electricity costs. CIeanIy, Idaho Powen is receiving mone than a "fair" return on its investment, and its natepayens are being asked to act as unwitting investors in oversized Idaho Power pnofits. At the same time, coal genenation incuns unfair costs for ratepayers. Suspending PURPA and charging for utility connection removes the opportunity for ratepayers to reduce their externalized and direct costs by moving to solar and violates Idaho Power's legal charter of "fain" neturns as a regulated monopoly. Idaho is blessed with incnedible solan energy resounces. Solar installed on rooftops has the added advantage of removing the need fon transmission lines and neducing associated losses, so adds to energy efficiency (reduced demand) as a resource. This is a demand reduction cost removed from Idaho Powen. Funthermore, the need for peak generating powen is neduced, since solan power output peaks at the same season and time-of-day that summer heat peaks in Idaho. At the same time, costs fon coal generation ane rising as a nesult of increased governmental nequinements. Stanford University just announced a divestment from coal and fossil fuels inits estimated $L8 billion endowment. It is clear that if Idaho Power continues in this direction, it will only increase costs for ratepayens, especially as currently externalized costs ane included in rate costs. In fact, many studies have shown that, when currently externalized costs of coal electricity genenation are included, solan power is clearly cheaper than coal. Kim Tnout's article ends with the line, "Idaho case Iaw states, "the public interest is the paramount considenation of the commission...". Thus, where Idaho Powen is acting as if it were an unnegulated corporation, to maximize its pnofits without regard to all of the many coststo its natepayers, it is the responsibility of the Idaho PUC to remind Idaho Power of the terms of its articles of incorporation and to protect ratepayens. In conclusion, I believe that until Idaho Powen demonstrates actual harm, it is premature to suspend the company's solan PURPA obligations. For the afonementioned reasons, I requestthat the Idaho Public Utilities Commission neject Idaho Power's request. Thank you fon the opportunity to submit comments. Sincenely, Lisa Hecht 4920 E. Sagewood Drive Boise, ID. 83776 Unique Identifier: 7L.2O9.2t.2t1 Jean Jewel! From: Sent: lo: Cc: Subject: rsandberg36 @ gmail.com Wednesday, May 21, 201 4 6:04 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness rsandbe1936 @ gmail.com Case Comment Form: Robert Sandberg Name: Robert Sandberg Case Numben: IPC-E-t4-O9 Email: rsandbers36@gmai1. com Telephone: Address: 9L8 Haines Street Boise ID, 837t2 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: Tnue Comment: May 2L, 2OL4 Hononable Paul Kjellander Hononable Marsha Smith Hononable Mack Redford Idaho Pub1ic Utility Commission 472 hJest Washington Street Boise, TD 83702 Re: Idaho Powen Company Petition to Suspend Solar PURPA Obligations, Case # IPC-E-14-O9 Dean Commissionens: I thank you for the opportunity to submit comments to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission neganding Idaho Powen Company's Petition to Suspend Solar PURPA Obligations. I am an Idaho Power stockholder and a ratepayer. I believe that it is wrong to suspend Idaho Power's obligation to enter into power purchase agreements unden PURPA for the following reasons: 1. Lack of due diligence. If in fact there is a necessity to add solan integnation costs, Idaho Powen has had plenty of time to reseanch and assess what othen utility companies have done in similan circumstances. They have not done so; they have not done their due diligence.2. Timing. Introducing such a suspension at this time is highly suspect. It smacks of a stall tactic. And allowing only two days for a public heaning and taking public comment is also an effont to thwant public input. 3. False assessment. Idaho Powen has only signed and executed contnacts fon approximately 60 MW of solar PURPA projects, a smalI fraction of the 50L MhJ the company alleges are "attempting" to sign contracts. 4. Legal question of suspending a federal Iaw. We believe that suspending Idaho Power's PURPA obligations, especialty with regands to contracts that have already been executed, sends a chilling signal to futune investors of clean enengy in Idaho. Additionally, outstanding legal questions nemain concerning the state's ability to suspend the implementation of PURPA, which is an existing federal law. 5. History of resisting solan enengy. Idaho Power just two yeans ago attempted toradically limit net metering. This is a common tactic among investor owned utilities around the country. Thankfully, with public input, the PUC wisely restored most of the fonmer net metering implementation. Idaho Power would like to place a freeze on what it considers to be a threat to its business model.6. FaIseIy considens solar energy intenmittent. Idaho Power paints solar power in the same broad stnokes as wind power. It is much mone predictable, and it is most abundant during Idaho's times of heavy peak load-+'rhen it is sunny and wanm and air conditioners ane nunning. AIso, a cloud passing in one location is counterbalanced by clean skies at the same time in another location.7. Paints a picture of unique cincumstances. Solar power has much deeper penetration in areas like Germany, and in this country in the following large, investor-owned utilities. These companies have found workable solutions to include renewable energies. Idaho Powen is not unique; it can do the same as weIl. These utilities are:a. Austin Energyb. Berkshire Hathaway Enengyc. Green Mountain Powerd. NRG Energye. Pacific Gas & Electricf. XceI Energy Fon a1l of the above neasons, please vote to reject Idaho Power's request to suspend thein obligation to enter into powen punchase agneements under PURPA. Thank you fon the opportunity to submit comments. Sincerely, Robent Sandberg 9L8 Haines Street Boise, ID 83772 Unique Identifier:67 .60.248.206 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Sandpointprices @ f rontier.com Wednesday, May 21, 2O1 4 5:1 0 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness Sandpointprices @ f rontier.com Case Comment Form: Rick Price Name: Rick Price Case Number: IPC-E-I4-O9 Email : Sandpointprices@frontien. com Telephone : 2OB -29O-166Q Address: 198 OId Sawmill Rd. Sagle ID, 83850 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powe Acknowledge public record: True Comment: I believe Idaho Power and aII utilities should have to do all they can to consenve energy use in ldaho. This will keep them fnom having to build mone plants. This conservation should include providing energy to their customers fnom small operators like solar usens and wind power generators. They should not be allowed to say no. The IPUC should lead negotiations between Idaho Power and these small genenatons to be sure a fair price is paid to these small generators considering aII factors. Thank you for letting me comment. Rick Price Unique Identifien: 95 .5.L44.97 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: crsntmoonbeam @ yahoo.com Wednesday, May 21, 201 4 7:00 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness crsntmoonbeam @ yahoo.com Case Comment Form: Hydee DasGupta Name: Hydee DasGupta Case Numben: EmaiI : crsntmoonbeam{0vahoo. com Telephone: 9Ol OL22 Address: 4OL Resseguie Boise ID, 83702 Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: Idaho power has an obligation to up hold. Thatare looking at solan to reduce our electric costs, not should look into breaking into the market not squashing something. Unique Identifier : 1-74.232.!29.L46 is to up hold PURPA. Many of us to raise them. Penhaps Idaho powenit. Thank you fon allowing us to say Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: torypearse@gmail.com Wednesday, May 21 ,20147:42PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness torypearse@gmail.com Case Comment Form:Tory Pearse Name: Tony Peanse Case Number: Email : torvpearse@gmaiI. com Telephone: Addness:. 3560 N Rock Cneek Ln Boise Idaho, 83703 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Powen Acknowledge public necord: True Comment: I hope that as regulatons you ane paying attention to the incredible pnogness thatis being made in other Countries and also in other States within the US. I also hope that you are educated about the impacts of climate change on our communities and throughout theworld. I am an Idaho Powen customer and if necessary, I am willing to pay higher rates for renewable energy. I believe that transitioning to clean energy is the most impontant issue of the day and I know solutions ane in fnont of us if we will only noll up our sleeves and get to wonk. The fossil fuel industries have had thein decades of subsidies and government support and they have taken us for granted. They have damaged our ecosystem and they have polluted our planet. Now is the time for change and we need you to do everything in youn "power" to suppont the transition off of fossil fuels. Renewables thneaten their profit model but they threaten our planet. Make your decision carefully as new models fon energy including publicly owned utilities ane emerging. Please support policies that encourage clean energy and help lead us into a betten world. Unique Identifien: 55 .129.56.L78 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: bakpakbiker@ gmail.com Wednesday, May 21, 201 4 8:40 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness bakpakbiker@ gmail.com Case Comment Form: Bryan DuFosse Name: Bnyan DuFosse Case Numben: IPC-E-74-09 EmaiI: bakpakbiker@gmai1. com Telephone: Address: 5303 W. Gnover St. Boise Idaho, 83705 Name of Utitity Company: Idaho Power Co Acknowledge public recond: Tnue Comment: I am asking that Idaho Powen continue to be required to purchase, on provide, a percentage of their power by solar. Solar is an impontant and undenutilized technology for power production and should be a large part of a diversified netwonk of altennative energy solutions. Unique Identifier^: 7L.2O.39 .78 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: edntucker@gmail.com Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:59 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness edntucker@gmail.com Case Comment Form: Ed Wardwell Name: Ed Wandwell Case Number: TPC-E-L -O9 Email : edntucker^@gmai1. com Telephone: Addness: L3268 Dechambeau Way Boise Idaho, 837L4 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: The idea behind PURPA is to nequine utilities like Idaho Power to be forced to integnate new alternative clean energies instead of the old dinty fossil fuels. Thein business model is out of date by relying on fossil fuels and needs to be pushed into the 21st centuny. Fon the sake of our childnen and those unborn we need to reduce the canbonfootprint of every utility. PURPA is just the start of what is needed for a betten futune.If Idaho Power was banknupt and needed time and money to integrate that might justify a delay but that is not the case. The stockholdens of which I am one can bean a slight decline in pnofits for the sake of the future. Idaho Powen could change its business model and make money on clean altennatives but they ane choosing to go the lazy way by asking for a waiver to foIlow the rules. Do NOT let them avoid the PURPA rules. We need to step up the requinement fon solar not go backwands. Unique Identifien: 55 .232.82.!75 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: r.casey.wilson @ gmail.com Wednesday, May 21, 2O1 4 1 0:43 PM Beverly Barker; Jean Jewell; Gene Fadness r.casey.wilson @ gmail.com Case Comment Form: Robert Wilson Name: Robert Wilson Case Numben: IPC-E-14-09 Email : n. casey.wilson(dgmail. com Telephone : 303 -72@-1282 Addness: 29L@ Wildwood St Boise I,D, 837L3 Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge public record: True Comment: I would like to let it be known that I feel the PUC should deny Idaho Power's request to suspend their obligation under PURPA to enter into contracts to purchase energy genenated by solan power. I have been wonking in the solan industry for over 5 years now and necently relocated to Idaho because I had heard so many good things about the state. I was excited to gain employment with a solan installation company in the Boise anea not even two weeks ago. I was veny upset to hean that my job could be in jeopardy after such a shont amount of time. The company I am wonking fon is growing at a fantastic nate and is already talking about hiring anothen full time employee. Idaho has a tnemendous solar resource available, it would be a shame to continue to let this nesounce go to waste and eliminate additional potential jobs in the state. Please don't help Idaho Power eliminate my job! Unique ldentifier: 67 .60.6L.714