HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140521Comments (9 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:yhtac57@gmail.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 6:59 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:yhtac57@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Cathy Butterfield Name:Cathy Butterfield Case Number:IPC-E-14-@9 Email:yhtac57(gmail.corn Telephone: Address:P0 BOX 65 Ketchum ID,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Citizens should not be stripped of the power to mitigate their power bills by being creative and productive.The coming energy crisis cannot be solved by monopolies.They only value profit,not efficiency and logic. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:derek@northendboise.org Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 9:49 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:derek@northendboise.org Subject:Case Comment Form:Derek Hurd Name:Derek Hurd Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:derek(northendboise.org Telephone:2088414112 Address:1524 W.Hays Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Solar power is important to Idaho,both environmentally and economically.Below are just a few of the reasons Idaho Power should not be permitted to renege on its commitment: •Almost all clean energy in Idaho exists because of PURPA.A suspension of its requirements sets a precedent for further obstruction of clean energy development. •Idaho Power claims it needs to determine the cost of solar integration before it enters into any contracts.The company is free to negotiate with solar facilities while it makes this determination,but it should not be allowed to simply ignore the requirement to enter contracts. •There are currently zero utility-scale solar projects under construction in Idaho.A suspension of PURPA will ensure that this continues to be the case. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:mashetah @ gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,May 21,2014 8:57 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:mashetah@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Ta E lay Hedge Name:Ta E Tay Hedge Case Number: Email:mashetah(gmai1.com Telephone: Address:20 Loblolly Boise ID,83716 Name of Utility Company:None Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I understand you are reviewing a request by Idaho Power about taxing people who own and use solar power panels. I disagree with this request as Idaho power has had nothing to do with our use of solar power.They did not pay for,provide,or support us in any way in obtaining or maintaining our equipment.They should have no support from us through taxes in any form.Thank You. Ta E lay Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:mgroenevelt@mccall.id.us Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 10:42 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:mgroenevelt@mccall.id.us Subject:Case Comment Form:Michelle Groenevelt Name:Michelle Groenevelt Case Number: Email:mgroenevelt(mc call.id .us Telephone: Address:216 E,Park Street McCall ID,$3638 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear Idaho Public Utilities Commission, It is my understanding that you are being asked to consider by Idaho Power to suspend their obligation to enter into contracts with solar power providers,regardless of price,while it completes its study of solar integration costs. The City of McCall has received several grants to assist our local businesses in purchasing PV or solar thermal systems that help offset their energy cost.The City has purposely eliminated any barriers for residential solar projects.We believe that renewable energy is good for our community and have been called A Solar City. As the Community Development Director and a previous project manager for solar projects in the City,I appreciate the role you play to ensure there are clean energy options in Idaho and request that you decline Idaho Power’s request. Thank you, Michelle Groenevelt,AICP Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Paul@sitebasedenergy.com Sent:Wednesday,May 21,2014 11:06 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:Paul@sitebasedenergy.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Paul Conrad Name:Paul Conrad Case Number: Email:Paul(sitebaseUenergy.corn Telephone: Address:Po box 3432 Hailey Id,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I ask that you require idaho power to go back to the drawing board,conduct an open and transparent process. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:deanholter@yahoo.com Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 11:59 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:deanholter@yahoo.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Dean Holter Name:Dean Holter Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:deanholtetyahoo.corn Telephone:2087218007 Address:PC Box 701 Ketchum Idaho,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear PUC Commission: It is imperative that Idaho Power not be allowed to put a chilling effect on solar PV development in Idaho.The robust development of quality solar projects is good for the economy of Idaho because it creates local jobs and keeps energy revenues here in Idaho instead of going to out of state energy producers.Renewable energy production,with solar being the frontrunner,is reaching a tipping point in many regards.The number of unbiased and reasonable people who believe renewable energy is the future based on real science and unbiased economic analysis is growing by leaps and bounds.Sadly,whether real or perceived, Idaho has a reputation as being an “ignorant”state that is woefully behind the times on many issues.Let’s not have energy be another area where Idaho is left in the past yet again.We have abundant renewable energy resources in Idaho,including solar.And this is an issue that all of us can get behind.Tree hugging liberals want renewables to save the planet. And conservatives should want more renewables for the security of its long-term and stable economic benefits and the preservation of in-state self-reliance. I will give you a concrete example of a quality project that gets positive attention and recognition for all the right reasons.I am a lawyer who worked on a solar project at the University of California,Berkeley campus.On a recent site tour,the building manager said that the project had become a model of energy and economic efficiency because it was saving the campus money and keeping that savings in-house.He was giving lots of site tours by those interested in duplicating its success for economic reasons,with the environmental benefits as a feel-good bonus. There is nothing but good that will come to the State of Idaho by encouraging the robust development of our solar resources. I would strongly urge the PUC to help Idaho become part of the future of energy production--a real renewable powerhouse--and not backtrack into the past of over-reliance on dirty energy. Sincerely, Dean Holter PC Box 701 Ketchum,ID 83340 208-721-8007 Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:deborra.bohrer@gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 12:00 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:deborra.bohrer@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Deborra Bohrer Name:Deborra Bohrer Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:deborra .bohrermail.corn Telephone:(208)720-1934 Address:P0 Box 606 Ketchum ID,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:The PUC needs to direct Idaho Power to return to the bargaining table.This is unacceptable manipulation of our energy future.They need to act on current solutions that integrate solar energy into the grid.They are using inflammatory language that is intended to create fear in their customers,“to prevent great and irreparable harm to customers.” Idaho Power has NOT been blind sided by the solar industry.There are solutions available today that would help I.P.integrate this new source into the grid.For example,utility sized batteries are now in use in many states,Calif being one of them.We need a fair and transparent dialogue.We need for Idaho Power to get in the front of these issues and not drag their feet. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Iaurie_kuntz@ hotmail.com Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 12:07 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:laurie_kuntz@ hotmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Laurie Kuntz Name:Laurie Kuntz Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:laurie kuntz(hotrnail.com Telephone: Address:11850 W Alfred St Boise ID,83713 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I oppose the two requests made by Idaho Power:1)to have the commission issue an order temporarily suspending Idaho Power from its PURPA obligation to enter into contracts with solar producers and 2)to have the commission issue an order directing Idaho Power to include a placeholder in contracts that will allow for an appropriate solar integration charge to be included at a later date. I am a current solar customer who paid Idaho Power to inspect my system,while providing them cheap electricity during peaks power usage times. Idaho Power is currently telling customers that the increase in their power bills are a result of solar customers using their infrastructure.Wow.This demonizes those who are giving back to their communities by going green,and makes Idaho Power sound like a victim. That’s Idaho Power’s way of “spinning the story”to get people opposed to green energy -ID Power will not make as much profit when people install solar power,since solar customers won’t use as much hydro and coal-fired power after they go solar.Solar customers including myself,have to pay for all of the infrastructure up front,NOT ID Power.The kicker is that we supply our extra solar power to ID Powers grid during the time when demand is highest,on hot sunny summer days when everyone runs their A/C.ID Power has publicly announced a desire to build a new coal-fired plant,even though solar customers could prevent the need for a new power plant altogether.The fact is that hydro and coal power plants impact our environment negatively while impacting ID Power’s bottom line positively.Investing in solar could get us off foreign oil and prevent disastrous mining practices like mountain top removal.Idaho Power wants to keep the status quo and remove solar incentives b/c the company makes more money that way,period,regardless of how it impacts future generations. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:aimee@ christensenglobal.com Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 12:26 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:aimee@christensenglobal.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Aimee Christensen Name:Aimee Christensen Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:aimee(christensenglobal.com Telephone:2024929520 Address:P0 Box 4089 Ketchum Idaho,83340-4089 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Solar integration is an important consideration for our Idaho grid,but not one that should be requiring a delay in moving ahead on solar development in our state.Idaho Power’s integration analysis is taking too long and they need to immediately return to a collaborative,transparent process in conducting the integration study,enabling involvement of independent experts.There are best practices that can easily be considered and leveraged by Idaho Powers there is no need to reinvent the wheel.By denying this petition and directing Idaho Power to accelerate and open their integration study process,the PUC will make more effective the study and better protect Idaho ratepayers.Idaho Power should proceed forward with the first solar projects in front of them as the first ones will have little if any impact on the grid.Idaho Power’s claim of the potential of “great and irreparable harm” should be applied to the threat of their delay in deploying solar,as the faster we deploy solar in our state,the faster that high-quality jobs will be created here and the more opportunity customers will have to save money on their bills. Unique Identifier: 1