HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140521Comments (4 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:shantara@cableone.net Sent:Wednesday,May 21,2014 3:17 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:shantara@cableone.net Subject:Case Comment Form:Shantara Sandberg Name:Shantara Sandberg Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:shantara(cab1eone.net Telephone: Address:918 Haines St Boise Idaho,83712 Name of Utility Company:I am an Idaho Power customer. Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I hereby OPPOSE the request by Idaho Power to suspend their PURPA obligation. I OPPOSE Idaho Power’s request to add solar integration costs to contracts,now or later. In addition I believe that a public hearing should be PUBLIC and allow enough notice to the public so that the public to respond.A day or two is not a reasonable amount of time to allow for a prepared response from the public.There is no emergency here -there is no excuse to hold this meeting as if an emergency exists. Thank you for taking my comments.As this is such a last minute meeting,I am not available tonight to attend in person. Unique Identifier:67.6@.248.2@6 1 Jean Jewell From:Ielelewa@msn.com Sent:Wednesday,May 21,2014 3:30 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:lelelewa@msn.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Lelelewa TanoRikiho Name:Lelelewa TanoRikiho Case Number:IPC-E-14-@9 Email:lele1ewa(rnsn .corn Telephone:283924435 Address:5 Apache Way Boise Idaho (ID),83716 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I understand you will be having a hearing on Idaho Power tonight. I oppose both requests.Idaho Power should not be suspended from their PURPA obligation,and They should not be allowed to add a solar integration charge to contracts,now or later. Thank you for hearing my views on this subject. Lelelewa Tano Rikiho Unique Identifier:71.2B9.35.127 1 Jean Jewell From:kerrinmac@gmail.com Sent:Wednesday,May21,2014 3:59 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:kerrinmac@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Kerrin McCall Name:Kerrin McCall Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:kerrinmac(agmai1.com Telephone:2087265859 Address:105 sunnyside Blvd Ketchum IDaho,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Idaho Power has had significant time to determine solar integration costs.The past two IRP reports should have included this determination just as IPCO should have seen the obvious and rapid movement towards solar applications in other states and countries. Resistance to the inevitable as a result of irresponsible future planning is no excuse for suspending PURPA mandates and stalling solar energy contracts.Other states have already defined these integration costs providing an abundance of available information from which to plan for integration.Idahoans want clean energy.From what I’ve been told by IPCO staff “IPCO likes solar energy”.We know the benefits and believe that progress toward renewables is in the best interest of the company and the residents of our state. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:kristinab@cableone.net Sent:Wednesday,May 21,2014 4:06 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:kristinab@cableone.net Subject:Case Comment Form:Kristina Priest Name:Kristina Priest Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:kristinabcab1eone.net Telephone:208-345-4019 Address:1123 E.Victory Rd Boise ID,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:As a native Idahoan I am always concerned about our power production. I do not believe that Idaho Power should be suspended now or in the future from their PURPA obligation to buy renewable energy when it is available.We must be mindful of our environment and the impact of non-renewable energy resources at all times.There is no argument that alternative energy sources are more environmental friendly that non-renewable sources.In Idaho we must be pro-active in our efforts to protect the environment and this is a step in that direction. Further,I believe that Idaho Power should not be allowed to add a solar integration charge to contracts,now or in the future.Idaho Power should be supporting and expanding alternative sources of energy when and wherever possible now and in the future.This would be a small step in the right direction for Idaho to be ever mindful of our environment.Idaho Power should be working in conjunction with any available renewable resources,not against them.Idaho has many precious resources and we need to protect them for generations to come. Thank you for the opportunity to provide my input. Sincerely, Kristina Priest Unique Identifier: 1