HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140520Comments (8 Total).pdfJean Jewell From:jamesski@jlsce.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 10:43 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:jamesski@jlsce.com Subject:Case Comment Form:James Szatkowski Name:James Szatkowski Case Number:IPC-E-14-89 Email:lamesskijlsce.corn Telephone:2888662181 Address:9581 Knottingham Dr Boise ID Idaho,83784 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Please hold Idaho Power to their obligations under PURPA and do not waive their obligations.Insist that they demonstrate,in detailed open-book accounting,how the rate payers will suffer “great and irreparable harm.”I,for one,do not believe their repeatitive hype and hyperbole. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:mdunay@ altenergyincorporated.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 10:44 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:mdunay@altenergyincorporated.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Matthew Dunay Name:Matthew Dunay Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:mdunay(altenergyincorporated.com Telephone: Address:780 Lenz Boise Id,83702 Name of Utility Company:IPC Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Dear Commissioners, It was stated in the press release for the public hearing of Case Number IPC-E-14-09 that “The hearing will be limited to two questions:1)whether the commission should issue an order temporarily suspending Idaho Power from its PURPA obligation to enter into contracts with solar producers and 2)whether the commission should issue an order directing Idaho Power to include a placeholder in contracts that will allow for an appropriate solar integration charge to be included at a later date. After reading the available testimony,it seems that the Utility has already concluded there will only be costs associated with solar integration and no benefits.Although the solar integration study was commissioned by the Utility,with Utility appointed members,it may be concluded the benefits outweigh the costs to Idaho ratepayers.Idaho ratepayers have not had the opportunity to evaluate or respond to the solar integration study.A placeholder for an “appropriate solar integration charge”seems premature especially without evaluating benefits. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Iagergren@cs.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 12:12 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:Iagergren@cs.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Ginna and Ken Lagergren Name:Ginna and Ken Lagergren Case Number:Case No.IPC-E-14-09,Order No.33039 Email:laergren(cs.com Telephone:208-788-2453 Address:215 E.Myrtle #1241 Hailey ID,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:We are opposed Idaho Power’s request that its federal PURPA obligation be suspended or,in the alternative,the commission issue an order stating that future solar contracts include a provision for an appropriate integration charge. With Global Climate Change in progress,there is NO TIME TO WASTE on making use of the Sun as solar power,regardless of the monetary cost to consumers. Idaho Power needs to get more serious about using solar power and quit bickering about the costs!!!! Please tell Idaho Power to forget their “Study”and just encourage solar production as fast as possible. Sincerely, Ginna and Ken Lagergren Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:kahie ©kahlebeckerlaw.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 1:07 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:kahle ©kahlebeckerlaw.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Kahle Becker Name:Kahie Becker Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:kahle(kahlebeckerlaw.corn Telephone:2083331403 Address:8721 W.Ringbill Ct. Garden City Idaho,83714 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Idaho Power should not be able to hit the time out button on a federal law.There is simply no legal basis to do so and the request only serves to demonstrate the level of arrogance with which this company has operated.With gas at $3.75/gallon and unemployment at record levels in many rural communities,the state should be encouraging renewable energy development,not curtailing it so a state sanctioned monopoly can increase returns for its shareholders.If Idaho Power continues its war on renewable energy,perhaps its time Idaho says so long and opens the marketplace to other power companies. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:zmorris@gmail.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 1:40 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:zmorris@gmail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Zack Morris Name:Zack Morris Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:zmotnisgmail.corn Telephone:208-724-4831 Address:515 Williams Boise ID,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Hi thanks for taking my comment on whether Idaho Power should be able to suspend entering into contracts with small power producers under PURPA. I feel that it’s in the customer’s best interest for Idaho Power to continue its contracts with small power producers,because in the long run,more power on the grid means lower prices.Not only that,but it’s an incentive for people to invest in solar and other types of renewable energy,which creates jobs. Even with falling prices on solar panels,the rate of new installation has not been very high,due to the economic downturn.The amount of new solar power being installed is dwarfed by the power output of new natural gas plants,like the one that was built in Mtn.Home in 2005.So I don’t see the need for urgency in ending the contracts. If there are indeed higher costs associated with connecting alternative energy to the grid, then I am concerned that that’s an indication of an aging electrical infrastructure.I don’t understand why that wasn’t addressed sooner,when people were making projections decades ago about wind and solar becoming competitive with coal and natural gas in what is today the not- so-distant future.I was inspired by Idaho Power’s net metering program over the years but now that the financial credit is gone due to case IPC-E-12-27 (which replaced it with a kilowatt-hour credit),I am concerned that any further disincentives toward alternative energy will shift investments in it to other states.Please consider what the energy landscape might look like in 3,5 or 10 years from now and what early efforts to encourage new sources of energy could mean for Idaho. Thanks again, Zack Morris Boise,ID Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Iisa@ holy-icons.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 2:28 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fad ness Cc:Iisa@ holy-icons.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Lisa Garrett Name:Lisa Garrett Case Number:IPC-E-14-09 Email:lisaholy-icons.com Telephone: Address:iOiOO W King Arthur Dr Boise ID,83704 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Idaho Power should be required to purchase solar power.Deny Idaho Powers request to suspend their obligation. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:scotthyder08@mail.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 2:42 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:scotthyder08@mail.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Scott Hyder Name:Scott Hyder Case Number:(IPC-E-14-09) Email:scotthyder0$(rnai1 .corn Telephone:208 324 4016 Address:246 S 100 E Jerome ID,83338 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I would like to encourage Idaho Powers application to develop solar power in the state.It is only by developing resources that are truly sustainable and clean that we can free ourselves from the consequences of dependency on petroleum products and reduce the likelihood of contaminated water and air from fracking. Thank you, Scott Hyder Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell From:Iists@leechubb.com Sent:Tuesday,May 20,2014 2:59 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:Iists@leechubb.com Subject:Case Comment Form:Lee Chubb Name:Lee Chubb Case Number:IPC-E.14.09 Email:1istslleechubb.com Telephone: Address:P0 Box 2695 Ketchum ID,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Addressing the narrow questions raised by Idaho Power in its Petition: >>>(1)Whether the Commission should immediately issue an Order temporarily suspending Idaho Powers obligation under PURPA to enter into contracts to purchase energy generated by qualifying solar-powered QFs<<< I do not believe that Idaho Power has shown or will be able to show that “a temporary suspension is necessary to prevent great and irreparable harm to its customers that will result if the utility is compelled to enter into PPA5/obligations with solar QFs without the inclusion of solar integration costs. My reasons for believing this are as follows: 1 -Current penetration of solar in Idaho Power is not at a level that could threaten the distribution grid. 2 -Unlike wind,sources of solar generation are typically sited close to sources of consumption,lessening the impact on the grid. 3 -Reasonable daily forecasts of solar generation are possible using weather data. >>>(2)Alternatively,whether the Commission should issue an Order directing Idaho Power to include an appropriate solar integration charge in PURPA contracts with solar QF5.<<< The key word here is “appropriate.”I do not believe the Commission should issue an order to include the charge without examination of the facts concerning solar generation, predictability of solar generation,the inherent matching of the solar generation curve to the demand curve,and the distributed nature of solar generation.I fear that without this examination Idaho Power will be free to concoct solar integration fees that are anti competitive in nature. Submitted with respect, Lee Chubb Unique Identifier: 1