HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140519Miller Comment.pdf(208) 343-7s00 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564-8370t Boise,Idaho 83702 RECEIVIi} 201[ tlAY l9 At{ 9: b6 iDAHt/ l)il,,'-,,;uTrrdtfii$flfltrtid&sistu DeanJ. floe) Millet May 79,2074 Via llaad Delivety & Electonic Traasmissioa The Honotable Paul Kjellander The Honorable Matsha Smith The Honorable Mack Redford Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 Vl est Washington Stteet Boise,Idaho 83702 Re: Idaho Powet Company Petition to Suspend, Case No. IPC-E-14-09. Deat Commissionets: I am wdting on behalf of the Idaho Clean Enetgy Association, Iflc., (ICEA) tegading Item No. 5, on today's Decision Agenda, Idaho Power Conpary Petition to Suspend Solar PUWA Obligation. As you recall from the recent Net Metedng case', ifl which ICEA participated as an Intervenor, ICEA is an incorporated association of business and individuals intetested in promoting the development of clean, renewable energy in Idaho. As with the Net Metering case, Idaho Powet Company did not confet with any ICEA member or representative priot to filing the present Petition for a Stay of its PURPA obligation. ICEA leamed of the Petition only though periodic monitoring of the Commission website. Consequently, we have not had an opportunity for in-depth study of the Petition and accompanying testimony. And, as with the Net Metering case,ICEA is concemed that the unannounced fiIing of petidons that seek to suspend or upset the prevailing regulatory ftamewotk has a destabilizing effect on the tenewable energy industry. Based on preliminary review of the Petition, ICEA intends to seek intervention in the ptoceeding and to oppose the Petition. The Petition in its Prayer for Relief,2 asks for the issuance of an immediate order tempor:Lrily suspending Idaho Power's obligation under PURPA. If by this Idaho Power is requesting the issuance of an order witlout further notice and opportunity to comment, ICEA obiects. In ICEA's opinion, the Petition and accompanying testimony do not establish the existence of imminent irteparable i"i"ry that would justifr such an extraordiflary remedy. I [PC-E-72.27 2 Petition Pg. 17 Commissioners Idaho Public Utilities Commission Page 2 May 79,2014 As recited in the Petidon,3 Idaho Power does not currently have any solar PURPA contracts. The Petition also recites that two previous solar contracts wete tetminated, demonstrating that even if a developer obtains a firm energy sales agreement there is no assurance the pro)ect will achieve commercial operation. And, as shown by the attached Idaho Power publication, solar generation accouflts for .01 percent of Idaho Powet's cunent Resoutce Portfolio Fuel Mix. Idaho Powet's doomsday worries are overblown and do not justifr an immediate stay. There is also substantial legal doubt regarding the Commission's authority to stay PURPA obligations. In previous cases, the Commission has been able to avoid the legal question by reducing the eligibility cap for published rates.4 Here, that option is not available to the Commission as avoided cost rates fot solar QF's above 100 kilowatts are determined by the inctemental cost IRP methodology.s Accordingly, the Commission should not act prccipitously. Rather, the Comrnission should follow its normal process of issuing a Notice of the Petition, establishing an intervention deadline and thereafter set a procedutal schedule that will permit a reasoned considetation of issues presented by the Petition. Very truly yours, McDE,VIfi & MILLER LLP \)dw DeanJ. Miller DJM/hh Cc: by electronic mail: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Kris Sasser, Deputy Attomey General Donovan Walker, Idaho Power Company Peter Richardson Idaho Clean Energy Association 3 Petition Pg. 6 a Order No. 32498, Case No. GNR-E-I1-3. s Petition Pg. 5. Idaho Power - About Us - Company Information - Facts - Resource Porfolio Fuel Mix 20... Page I of I myAccount Login Uaamame or Efi.ll Parmnl Foroot Passmrd?Forootusemame? Go O Rcqlst.r l{owl myAccount Logln SowlG.tnd Bllllng Encryy Eficlcncy il.u! and Colrmunlty Our Envltonm.nt Ganert About Ur ComFny Backoround 3u*.ln.bllity Energy Sources PoEPlrnta Hydro.Lctlc Cod+k d OL.*flrtd ilrard Ga-Flrld Soht rvlnd > Fuel Mix FbU.? LhG. Raba.!rd R.gulrbrys.ny SarvlclArea Lp Orr PLn Ourln w Bu.haa. To Bualn .. Resource Portfolio Fuel Mix - 2013 ldsho Polruor obtains on€Ey liom a dlt €r8a set of gBnara0on Igsources, longFtem porv€r punfiase ao]€gm€rits, and 6hort-{orm m{ket por$esss. Th6 e$imated fuel mlx ror l&ho Powo/s resourEe portioilor h 2013 ls shorvn bdow2, Fucl Coal Hydro€l€cfic Naturel C'as Wnd Geoth€rmal Blomass V\hd€3 Nudear LantltlllGases Coko Other Solar Tot l PcEantao. 38.896 38.1% 10.1% 10.00n 1.3% 0.6% 0.5% o.2% 0.1% 0.0296 o.o2% 0.01% i00r Ooes nd totd e,Gcfy 1q)96 duo b rcundng. r Longt€rm pow€r Brrcfiass with a known fud sourco havo b€€n i&ntfl€d by fu€l type,m[k6t purcfia8oe ha\ro b€en asdgned tlo Norhwe8t Powcr Pool Net Sydcm Mk lor 201 2 a6 summerh€d in the State of Washinqton DeDartrneni of Commerce Fuel Mlx Dl6dosurE - sa6 Annual Regortsr2ol2 data, pagp 3. 2 Thls le en eslirrleta of lhe tu€l mix of ldaho Porc/8 po.folb d generaton supply, induding ,mrt6t Frr$8ear. Fud rlx p€rcdrtegos ,nay not total 100 p€rcaflt duo to rcundlng. B€cau8e ldaho Poryer intsnds to sell the Ren€ryable En€rgy C€rtlfrcatos (REC8) lhat lt olms h the n€ar- torm with poc€€ds befl€fithg retall olstom€rs, and sinco ldeho Porver does not own fio RECB for h€ ofier qudmed r€nswaBe r€sources r€pr€sented ln the abow R€sourEe Porfrlio Fuol Mlx table and dran, Eaho Povre. cannol and (b€s not npresent that dedidty prcduc€d by thls tuel mlx ls bdng &llv€r6d b iE iEtaI qrstomers in 2012. For mo(E lnformallon qt lhe enotw dally€r€d to o.rr IrtEll orstom€r8 8€o 3 Comtindion of hdu8fiel wa8te and odt6r bflm ofwece. flHHh Releted lnformetion Leaan mo(€ about oun . Customers. ldaho Power-owned Generation Resources. Enerov Sources. Fuel Mix. Eleclricitv Delivered to Customers. General Facts About Our Business CO, Emissions Lean ,nors and Yiew drerts aboul our COr emisslons: . 1&Year Emissions. Emissions Rankino. lGYear Emissions lntensitv. Emissions lnlensitv Rankino. CO, lntensitv Reduction Goal Site Map I Energy Emergency lTems - Conditions lPrivacy Policy lFoovard-Looking Statements I IDACORP @ 1995-2014 ldaho Power Company. Serven CHE https://www.idahopower.com/AboutUs/EnergySources/FuelMi:*/resourcePortfolio_2013.c... 5ll9l20l4