HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140514DeVol DI.pdf.ri , , iii il, " :l,t: RECEIVECI $llilfl tg pil rir [I urr#ffi%,ffii&lex BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBIIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE IDAHO POT{ER COMPANY' S PETITION TO TEMPORARILY SUSPEND ITS PURPA OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE ENERGY GENERATED BY SOLAR-POWERED QUA TFYING EACILITIES (*QF"). CASE NO.rPc-E-14-09 IDAHO POTflER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PHILIP B. DeVOL 1 Q. Please state your name and busj-ness address. 2 A. My name 1s Philip B. DeVol and my business 3 address j-s L227 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83102. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and j-n what capacity? 5 A. I am empJ-oyed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho 6 Power" or "Company") as the Resource Planning l,eader. 7 Q. Please describe your educational background 8 and work experience with Idaho Power. 9 A. In May of 1989, I recej-ved a Bachelor of 10 Science Degree j-n Mathematics from Mlami University in 11 Oxford, Ohio. I then received a Master of Science Degree 12 in Biostatistics from the Unj-versity of Michigan j-n May of 13 1991. 14 O. Please describe your work history at Idaho 15 Power. 1,6 A. I began my emplolrment with Idaho Power in 2001 L7 as an Engineering Specialist in the Water Management 1-8 Department. In this position, I was responsible for 19 modeli-ng of the Idaho Power hydroelectric system for the 20 Integrated Resource Pl-an ("IRP") and relicensing studies. 2L In 2004, I became a Water Management Operations Analyst 22 where I continued to be responsible for hydroelectric 23 system modeling. 24 In 2005, I became a Planning Analyst in the Power 25 SuppJ-y Planning Department. Tn this position, I was DEVOL, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company 1 responsible for the compilation of Idaho Power's long-term 2 operating plan prepared on a monthly basis as part of the 3 Company's plan for managing risk. My duties in this 4 position also expanded to include the study of wind 5 integration. 6 I became the Power Supply Planning Leader in 2010 7 and Resource Planning Leader in 20L3. My duties in these I posj-tions have incl-uded project management for the most 9 recent Idaho Power wind integration study. 10 I have been involved in regional and natj-onaI 11 proceedings related to the study of wind J-ntegratj-on. I 72 participated in methodology discussions for the 2007 Wind 13 Integration Action Pl-an produced by the Northwest V[ind L4 fntegration Eorum. I have attended numerous Utility Wind 15 Integration Group ('UWIG") workshopsr and presented at UWIG 76 workshops in Oklahoma City 1n 2006 and Portland, Oregon, in 77 2007. I also presented to the fdaho lilind V0orking Group at 18 its September 201L meeting. In November of 2013, I 19 presented at a Centre for Energy Advancement through 20 Technological Innovatj-on ("CEATI") workshop focused on 21, forecasting uncertaintj-es for renewable energy supply. 22 I am leading the solar integratj-on study on behalf 23 of Idaho Power. 24 O. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 25 matter? DEVOL, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L L2 l_3 t4 15 16 l1 r-8 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the current solar integration study ("Study") that Idaho Power is conducting, including the current status of that Study. O. When did ldaho Power initiate the current sol-ar j-ntegration study? A. The official Study kick-off was on August 15, 2013, with the first meeting of the Technical- Revj-ew Committee (*TRC"). O. Vfhat j-s the TRC? A.The TRC was formed during the summer of 2073 with the purpose of providing j-nput, review, and guidance for the Study. It is made up of participants from outsj-de of Idaho Power that have an j-nterest and/or expertise with the j-ntegration of intermj-ttent resources onto utility systems. The TRC consists of: Brian Johnson from the Universi-ty of Idaho; Jimmy Lindsay from the Renewable Northwest Project ("RNP") (now with Portl-and General Electri-c); Kurt Myers from the Idaho National- Laboratory; and PauI Woods with the City of Boise (now self-employed as a consultant). In additj-on to the members of the TRC, Staff from both the fdaho and Oregon commj-ssions are parti-cipants in the Study. Rick Sterling from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff, and Brittany Andrus and John Crider from the Public Utility Commission of Oregon Staff have participated throughout the Study. Although Mr. DEVOL, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 o. A. Lindsay has left RNP, he wil-1 continue to parti-cipate as a TRC member. Cameron Yourkowski has been designated by RNP as Mr. Lindsay's replacement for the TRC. Similarly, Mr. Woods, although he left employment with the City of Boise and is now a self-employed consultant, has continued to serve as a member of the TRC. How is the Study being conducted? The conduct of the Study is guided by two documents that were shared with and discussed with the TRC. Principles for TechnicaT Review (TRC) Invol-vement in Studies of VariabTe Generation Integration into ElectricaL Power Systems was produced by the National Renewabl-e Energy Laboratory ('NREL") and Utility Variabl-e-generation Integration Group (*UVIG") . The NREL/IWTG principles document provj-des guj-dance in deflning the important rol-e of the TRC in the Study. The second report, The Evol-ution of Wind Power Integration Studjes: Past, Present, and Future, was authored by five NREL researchers consj-dered to be at the forefront of the study of renewable integration and was published by the Institute of El-ectrical and Electronics Engineers (*IEEE"). Even though the report was written from the perspective of wind integration, the principles remain the same for solar integration. This report is used as the roadmap for Idaho Power's solar integration study. So1ar, like wind, is variable and DEVOL, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11_ t2 13 L4 15 76 L1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 uncertain and, consequentl-y, the system of dispatchable resources has to be operated differently in order to successfulJ-y integrate the generatlon without compromising reliability. o. A. What process is the Study following? The Study is generally following the process outlj-ned in the IEEE report, which includes: (1) Data gathering and scenario development; (2) Study analysj-s-a. statistical-based analysis of solar characteristj-cs, b. production cost simulatj-on analysis, and c. rel-iability assessment; and (3) Study conclusions and results. O. Has the TRC agreed with and been lnvolved wj-th this process? A.Yes. Idaho Power has comprehensively walked through both guiding documents, as wel-1 as the steps outlined above, with the TRC. Additionally, the importance of the guiding documents was emphasized to participants of a May 1-, 2074, public workshop. The TRC has thus far been extensively involved in the first step: data gathering and scenario development. The TRC has been integrally involved wi-th the identification of suitab]e sources of sofar producti-on data, ds well as discussions leading to the development of scenarios to be studied. The TRC has a Ieading role in advising as to the use of a technique to transform point-source solar data to meaningful production DEVOL, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 data for a solar farm. The technique is called wavelet 2 vartability modeling. The TRC's counsel with respect to 3 Idaho Power's use of the wavelet technique has been 4 important and needed. 5 Q. How has the Study progressed to date? 6 A. The Study has progressed to the point where it 7 is about to commence what j-s identified above as step 2.b, 8 the production cost simulation analysis. 9 One of the larger tasks of step 7, data gathering 10 and scenario development, as noted in the IEEE report, is 11 the undertaking involved with coming up with solar resource 72 data that is needed to model future power output. In fact, 13 the Study's biggest hurdle thus far has been obtaining the 14 solar resource data needed to model sofar power output. 15 The solar build-out scenarios are considering solar farms 16 at six locations j-n southern Idaho: Parma, Boise, Grand l7 View, Twin Fal-Is, Picabo, and Aberdeen. The Study was abl-e 18 to obtai-n soLar data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 19 Agrj-Met network at the desired five-minute time step for 20 al-l- locations except Grand View. NREL maps indj-cate the 2L area surrounding Grand View and Glenns Ferry has the 22 highest annual- solar intensity in the state. For this 23 reason, Idaho Power and the TRC have felt it is j-mportant 24 to model a sol-ar farm at Grand View. Obtaining five-minute 25 sol-ar data for Grand View has requj-red the acquisitj-on of DEVOL, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 1-7 18 t9 20 21, 22 23 24 25 data from SolarAnywhere, which j-s a web-based service from Clean Power Research providing satellite-derived solar irradiance data. The Study did not receive data for Grand View from SolarAnywhere until April, causing delay in the Study schedule. V{ith the acquisition of data for the Grand View area, the Study is nearing completion of step 2.a above, statistical-based analysis of sol-ar characteristics. Idaho Power has had correspondence with the TRC regarding the strategy for statistical-based analysis of the sofar data, and the Study is nearing completion of this analysis. The results of this analysis have not yet been presented to the TRC. It is anticipated that this analysis will be presented to the TRC for its review in May. The intent of this analysis is to translate the variability and uncertainty present in the solar data to an incremental reserve requj-rement. The NREL authors of the IEEE report describe this as an analysis to determine the increase in ancillary servj-ces required by a given solar scenario, where NREL defines ancillary services as services that help grid operators maintain bal-ance on el-ectric power systems. fdaho Power has discussed with the TRC and workshop participants that the next step is to take the increase in reserve requirement, or ancil-1ary servj-ces, from step 2.a for any given sol-ar scenario and to input it into the DEVOL, Dr 7 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 \2 13 74 15 1,6 t7 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Study's production cost simulations to determine the cost of carrying increased ancillary services, step 2.b. O. What is your estimate for when the Study will be completed? A.At the August 2013 kickoff of the Study, a tentative completion of quarter L 2014 was dj-scussed with the TRC. The most recent communications with the TRC over the last couple of weeks have been centered around narrowing the focus of the Study in order to determine integration costs for photovoltaic solar ("soIar PV") resources suffi-cient to al-l-ow Idaho Power to have integration costs necessary for IRP and Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of Lg78 cost assumptions for solar PV resources. Commission Staff has expressed agreement with thls scope. Because of the use of the two guJ-ding documents and, in particular, the IEEE report as a road map, the requj-red steps remaining are well understood by the TRC and workshop participants. ft is anticipated that results could be obtained as early as mid-June. However, because of the col-laborative process with the TRC and Study participants, Idaho Power is not j-n sole control of completion and final- results. Furthermore, it is important to note that while the NREl-authored IEEE report provides a roadmap, there stil-l- is no one-sj-ze-fits-a11 methodology for studying variabl-e generation integration. It has been DEVOL, Dr 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 1-4 15 L6 77 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 my experience that unexpected complexities frequently arise, making it challenging to designate a firm study completion date. O. Did Idaho Power keep any record of attendance or particJ-pation in the public workshop process for the Study? A. Yes. Attached as Exhibit No. 2 to my testimony is the sign-in sheet for the May 1, 2014, public workshop that was held for the Study at Idaho Power. O. What was the nature of the May 7, 2014, public workshop? A. A summary and status update of the Study was given and discussed, incl-udj-ng a methodology overview and the fact that Idaho Power anticipated Study results could be avaj-Iable as soon as early summer 201,4. a. Do you have any lnformation at this point regarding what cost is associated with sol-ar integration on Idaho Power's system? A.I do not have any final- cost numbers or estimates for solar i-ntegration costs on Idaho Power's system, as the Study sj-mp1y has not advanced to that point at this time. I have continually emphasized, and expressly communicated to the TRC and the Study participants that Idaho Power has no preconception of solar integration DEVOL, Dr 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 1.4 15 16 t7 18 1,9 20 27 22 23 24 25 costs; i.€., the Company does not have an integration cost in mind. This was specifically emphasized at the August 15, 2073, kick-off meeting, and again at the most recent public workshop on May l, 2074. hlh1le the study of solar integration is relatively young, especially when compared to the study of wind integration, I am aware of sol-ar integration studies that have been conducted for other utility systems. Notable among these studies are a 2077 sol-ar integration study for the NV Energy system, a 2072 solar integration study for Arizona Public Service (*APS"), and a 20L4 solar integration study for Tucson Electric Power ('TEP"). The NV Energy study reports integration costs ranging from $3.OO to $8.00 per megawatt-hours (*MWh") of j-ntegrated solar generation. The APS study reports integration costs ranging from about $1.50 to $3.00 per MWh of integrated sol-ar generation. The TEP study reports an integration cost of $5.20 per MWh. 0. Does this concl-ude your testimony? A. Yes. DEVOL, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 t2 13 T4 15 16 L7 18 79 20 2\ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ATEESTATION OF TESTIIIONY STATE OF County of IDAHO )) ss. Ada ) I, Philip B. DeVol, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by fdaho Power Company as the Resource Planning Leader in the Water and Resource Planning Department and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-fil-ed testimony and exhibit are true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 13th day of May 20L4. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of DEVOL, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company Philip *ott{* \***0#*x( Notary Publ-ic Residing at: expr_reMy commission BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-14-09 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY DeVOL, Dl TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. oLqo.:3iEe.!oo5gi:EE ='iJoLqgE u,t ooo .gt !o .EE)c'g, ,Eooto6 oG o s.cI =.<(! dtQ \t I I : L a t $\ I .) Io o o o Ea!z Jl,'lq _sI c5 6 {s{ Hs\ i t <)1 ? t \ { h' d$ $ \+ e s { l{ : 5 ^I #st ;{_ I N Nvl \ d f ad \x ( t\ ao xs bq T J ;t CI { ( sJi II iq { T- ( !! d N -\5 $ J) i I + 3 ) +( a s ds .$-\ 5t ({ I:{ \r ( -lI'l I \t.\\ (lt f\ a rfr + Jtr! ,A flf { 1 { \! $( $V1j ') I d \\ {\ h s J T e1 "t )*i J- b 0)I 4 tj t o o E F r)u T sS k v* {- wo f,"rt c .1t p - { $ <) .{ c \ q k J o L.) p g - ? '5 s .) E o ,EF to- oc L s \o\ t\ Sr{ *- f, r{s !\nN fr \Jn6 { :S't d r.l v t'\Dr c.{ )" C) v(r\St'r{u'Jrl q N '{ a : t & C\ a t$ o a!o s aN rn soN rr) .$ o(\ F 1r) $ro(\I Tr) $o(\l rr) soN F r^r) toN-l() rt oNr ro $o$l ro \t oN tr) tf oN lr) $ oN r.f) rf oC! rO $oN to so(\ lr) toN F rJ) .t oN l^f) $oN l^r) !t oN l.r) $oN ro .t oN ro soN l..) sl oN lo $ ON to rt o$l ro :lr Et, 9EErtG * EE; rfl oLo *.IIoII Exhibit No.2 tPc-E-14-09 P. DeVol,lPC Page 1 of2 Eto::iEo9o)E6roEOIIEBJoLE B3uI o5o .gG EoEa.o-!- .=>t olE ooIoo oA t/ \\ 3 (5 nt/ sfi s € E ) o:o o o E IEz {v ,r5j b s {+ rf 3o o E F -\ \ $ 5 E o EF o)+{, S)$.l o oo sioN lr) soAI rO $ oN r,) si oN ro if FoN rI) rt o$tr ]f) s oN lo -f oN ro soN lf) sfo$l to t aN rl) $oN ro !t oN lf) I oN F rr) soN-lO s <)Nrlr) soN rO $o(\I r rt) toN to \t oN to $roN tr) soN 1r) so(\ 1() va(\I r ro )at $oNr l,) )N a a:) t:. o 4. .1 'j.i; cfr tfr ffi oLo*fIIoII Exhibit No.2 . tPc-E-14-09 P. DeVol,lPC Page2 of2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of May 2014 ! served a true and correct copy of the DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PHILIP B. DEVOL upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Donald L. Howell, ll Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Robert Paul 515 North 27s Street Bolse, ldaho 83702 Mark VanGulick P.O. Box 7354 Boise, ldaho 83707 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email don.howell@puc.idaho.oov kris. sasser@ puc. idaho.oov Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! Overnight Mail FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAXX Email robertapau18@omail.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email mvanqulick@suneroworld.com Christa Bearry, Legal Assista CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE