HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140605Replacement Pages 50 and 53 of Appendices E and F.pdf7!lmHo NIPO1TER= An loAcoRP company DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahopower.com June 4,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W esl Wash i ngton Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-14-07 Head of U Canal Project Energy Sales Agreement - Replacement Pages 50 and 53 for Agreement Dear Ms. Jewell: On May 27,2014, in Case No. IPC-E-14-O7,ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/') filed an Amended Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Energy Sales Agreement ('ESA") between ldaho Power and North Side Energy Company under which ldaho Power will purchase electric energy generated by the Head of U Canal Project ("Head of U"). Clerical errors were discovered on pages 50 and 53 of Appendices E and F, respectively, of the ESA. Sections E-2 and F-2 should read "For all Base Energy received during Light Load . . ." instead of "For all Base Energy received during Heavy Load . . . ." To correct these clerical errors and prevent any potential confusion, ldaho Power seeks to replace pages 50 and 53 of Appendices E and F, respectively, with the enclosed pages. Redlined versions of pages 50 and 53 showing the corrections are also enclosed for the Commission's ease of reference. ldaho Power has spoken with Head of U about this issue and has sent Head of U replacement pages for its final version of the ESA. Therefore, enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies each of replacement pages 50 and 53 of Appendices E and F, respectively, of the ESA between ldaho Power and Head of U. Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or concems. DEW:csb Enclosurescc: Randy Allphin - Mencls. (via e-mail) Alan W. Hansten - dencls. 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) PO- Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Ch, -,1 c3r_ -r- -{(J t--j\i e. r'{Jr-fiQ '? n"iai', r C)C:-I -r :-it \J?-*I , -o I.: =*:r'-. --E' I I {t:,"-' .. -tr'rJl =ul\--. r.c ;f, bnovan E. Walker E-2 Base Enerey Light Load Purchase Price - For all Base Energy received during Light t oad Hours, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized encrgy price in accordance with Commission Order 32817 with seasonalization factors applied: Season I - (73.50o/o) Mills/kwb 52.68 56.76 59.16 62.15 il.42 66.34 69.07 72.16 74.83 76.34 77.91 79.46 84.72 82.s6 E4.55 86.s9 88.98 91.67 94.47 98.01 102.30 106.78 I I1.40 Season 2 - (120.00 yo) Season 3 - (100.00 70)Millvkwh MillvkwhYear 2015 20t6 2017 2018 20t9 2020 202t 2422 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 86.00 92.68 96.59 tot.47 105.18 108.31 112.77 117.81 t22.18 124.& 127.21 129.73 131.78 t34.79 138.05 t4t.37 145.27 149.67 ts4.24 160.01 167.02 174.33 181.88 7t.67 77.23 80.49 84.56 87.6s 90.26 93.97 98.18 101.81 103.86 106.00 108. l I 109.82 tt2.32 115.04 117.81 12t.a6 124.72 r28.53 t33.34 139. I 8 14s.28 151.57 50 l.,Base Enerqv Light Load Purchase hice - For all Base Energy rcceived during HearetlightL-Load Hours, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 32817 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2027 2022 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 203s 2036 2037 Season I - (73.50 %) Season 2 - (120.00 yo) Season 3 - (100.00 7o) Mills/kwh Mills/kWh Mills/kwh 52.68 56.76 59.16 62.15 64.42 66.34 69.07 72.16 74.83 76.34 77.9t 79.46 80.72 82.56 84.55 86.59 88.98 91.67 94.47 98.01 102.30 106.78 111.40 86.00 92.68 96.59 rct.n 10s.18 10E.31 rt2.77 I17.81 122.18 124.64 t27.21 129.73 131.78 t34.79 138.05 t41.37 14s.27 149.67 t54.24 160.01 t67.02 174.33 181.88 7t.67 77.23 80.49 84.56 87.65 90.26 93.97 98.1 8 101.81 103.86 105.00 108.11 109.82 tt2.32 115.04 I 1 7.81 r2t.06 r24.72 r28.53 r33.34 139.18 r45.28 151.57 AE L =Arp-rrlB = i"n'urF, 1 C)c.>Y .r nlO;?*t{-: v?- -l ;1 tf>! -!? (JrC t"o'f- 50 F-2 Base Enere.v Ligfit Load Purchase Price - For all Base Energy received during Light Load Hours, ldaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 32817 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 20t5 zAL6 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2A2l 2022 2423 2024 2A2s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203t 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 Season I - (73.50 %\ Season 2 - (120.00 o/o) Season 3 - (100.00 %) MillYkWh Mills/kWh Mills&Wh 39.27 43.17 45.37 48.16 50.22 51.93 54.45 57.33 s9.78 61.07 62.42 63.74 &.77 66.37 68.13 69.93 72.07 74.52 77.07 80.35 84.38 88.60 92.9s 64.12 70.48 74.07 78.62 81.99 84.79 88.90 93.60 97.60 99.71 l0l.9l 104.06 r05.74 108.36 ttt.24 rt4.t"t 111.67 r21.66 125.82 13 1.1 8 t37.76 144.65 lsI.76 53.43 58.73 61.72 65.52 68.32 70.65 74.08 78.00 81.34 83.09 84.92 86.72 88.12 90.30 92.70 9s.t4 98.06 101.38 104.8s 109.31 114.80 120.54 t26.47 C.cr_ fft4-0a C): *|i ff,r'U: ;i: r\,a ?-Nfr ltlr(? 5 liip€:: - ..; ctl\o 53 F-2 Base Energy Lieht Load Purchasc Price - For all Base Energy received during l{gevftUhLload Hours, Idaho Power will pay the nonJevelized energy price in accordaoce with Commission Order 32817 with seasonalization factors applied: Season 1-(73.50ozt) Mills/kwh 39.27 43.17 45.37 48.16 50.22 51.93 54.4s 57.33 59.78 6t.07 62.42 63.74 64.77 66.37 68.13 69.93 72.07 74.52 77.07 80.35 84.38 88.60 92.9s Season 2 - (120.00 yo) Season 3 - (100.00 7o) Mills/kWh MillYkwhYear 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2422 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 64.t2 70.48 '14.07 78.62 81.99 84.79 88.90 93.60 97.60 99.7r 101.91 104.06 tos.74 108.36 ttr.24 tL4.t7 117.67 12t.66 125.82 13 l.18 r37.76 144,65 r51.76 s3.43 s8.73 61.72 65.52 68.32 70.65 74.08 78.00 8r.34 83.09 84.92 86.72 88.12 90.30 92.70 95.14 98.06 101.38 104.85 109.31 114.80 120.54 t26.47 C-{r_:"i=t: rn= ,t- )F: . ertiU} fr t\, =c.H CiJ -. lTtr{)+ ril:;"E' :;:. = .;i tt C)o 53