HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140725REC Reply comments.pdfREilHI\/NII RENEW*.BLJE ENEseY coAIJTIoNz0r., jul :5 Pr'l 2: 08 . _.. i[il-ij ;.,;::i- r, r aoso snt rnrmotrrf sT. poRTLitND, onreon 9ze z# T I L I T I {: s c o ruq t''l i $ s i c iu July 25,r 2fJ14 The Honorable tarsha H. $mith The Honorable Paul Kfellander The Honorable ilack A. Redfotd ldaho Public Utilities Gommlsslon 472 West Washington $treet Boise, lD 83720 RE: Gase Ho. IPG-E-{+O6, Order llo. 33O55 Dear Gommisslonerc Smith, (iellander, and Redford: The Renewable Energy Goalltion (the'Goalitlon') ls providing the following comments ln response to the reply eomments of the ldaho Pubilc lftIlltles Gommlsslon (the'Gommlsslont) staff (c$taff") filed on July ll8, 2o,14 ('Reply Gomments'). Staff responded to the Goalltionts July 11, 2O,,,4 publlc commcnts (cPubllc Gomments") wlrlch support approval of the April 23,, 20{4 Power Purchase Agreement (rArkoosh Agreemenlf) between tr. ffilliam Arkoosh and ldaho Power Gompany (rldaho Powel,). The Goalltlon ls submiftlng these commGnts to correct the record and respond to Staf,Ps assertlon that the Goalltionts Public Gommelrts wera rtnicleadlng.' The Goalltionts comments wcrc not, and did not ln any way lntend to be, mlsleading. lnitially, the Coalition would llke to correct the lmpreslon that its comments are ln represontati,on of tlr. Arkoosh or other Goalltlon members with slmilar contract terms awaiting Gommission approval. The Goalltion ls not representing any speclfic member in the negotiations with ldaho Power or as an lntervenlng party to thls caso. Rather, all the Goalitlon's eomments in thls case are an expresslon of the general interests and concerns of the Goalltionts multl.state membership. Specifieally, the Goalition is concetrred about the application of the performance deadband and its potential to severely impact any hydroelectric prolecfs reyonues. ln addltlon, aa a result of its approved applicatlon in ldaho, this concept has been proposed in at least one other state. Therefore, the Goalltlonts lnterests on this issue go well beyond a select few mernbers in ldaho with Immediate eontracting needs. ln support of the Adroosh Agreement, the Goalltlon clted the Gommission-approved Bell tountaln Hydro profect Power Purchase Agreemed (l3Bdl Hountain Agreenrentt). While a number of terms between the Arkoosh and Bell tountain Agreements differ, they both replace the standard historlcal$ applied 9O/{'lO performance deadband with provlsions more uniquely situated to the operational andor financial characteristics and consideratlons of the profects. StafPs comments in support of the Bell Hountaln Agreement repeated$ mentloned that the agreement was the result of negotiations, and stated that the main two reasons for its support for replacing the 9OI{{O perforrnaneB deadband wlth the techanical Availabililr Guarantee (t'tAGt) was ebecause of the yer:y small slze of the proied (zql kW), and because the contract rates and terms are the result of negotiation and compromlse.' Staft now statcs that lts support ior the Bell tountaln Agrcement ls because of, the small slze of the proiect, and that agreement includsd a tAG in exces; of wind proiectst requircrncnts and an lntcgratlon charge. At least ln the case of the Arlroosh Agreement, ldaho Power has explained that the proposed change should lmprove short-term delivety estimatcs. ldaho Power negotlated an agreement that provides greater benefits to both the company and the Arkoosh prolect. StafPs comments comparlng improvements oyer the tAG as applied to wind did not seem to add to the ratlonale for recommendlng approval of the Bell tountaln Agreement. ln addltlon, most hydroelectric profeets in ldaho selllng as Qualfylng Facllltles under a published price also might be consldered veqy small prolects The Goalition's Public Gomments state that we understand that the tetrns ol the Artoosh Agreement may be the first of several agreements negottated wlth ldaho Power that contain identlcal terms and conditions rslated to the petformance deadband. Stdf agrees with the fact that there are a number of similar contraets, but polnts out that these contracts have been submitted but not yet approved. The Goalition agrees, and we neyer implied or $uggested that these contracts have already been approved. Our comments expressly note that these addltional contracts are pendlng approval but that the outcome of the approval of the Artoosh Agreemnnt could have lmpllcatlons to both pendlng and exlstlng agreements. The Goalition's Public Gomments referenee a studyr of, Goalltion member prolects located in ldaho. Statr states it is unfortunate that we dld not provlde thls analysis. $uch study was pettormed on a sample of ldaho member profects for the purpose of measurlng the potential magnltude of revenue loss reulting from penaltie assoelated wlth dellverles outslde the performance deadband. ln addltlon, the study measured the potential reycnuo losscs as described above eompared to thore that mlght be expected lf the tlAG approach was used including full wind integratlon charges, While thls study wal not dcveloped and performed for publlc use, a similar and more thorough study could most celtainly be completed for more public purposes. The Goalition has made no attempt to quantltyz the lmpllcations of the new and improved porformance deadband terms under the Artoosh Agreement. The Goalition appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Gommissionts consideration of the Arlcoosh Agreement and continues to recommend that lt be approved as it is clearly an improvement over the status quo. $incerely, Q \ John Lowe Executive Dlrector Renewablc Energy Goalition