HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141107order_no_33161_errata.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date November 7.2014 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER’S ) APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION )CASE NO.IPC-E-14-04 OF 2013 DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT ) (DSM)EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY )ERRATA TO INCURRED )ORDER NO.33161 On November 4,2014,the Commission issued Final Order No.33161.The following change should be made to that Order: Commission Findings Section,Page 10,Paragraph 3 READS: The Commission notes that Idaho Power issued a strong rebuttal of these claims,offering several reasons to explain the recent decline in its DSM expenditures and a defense of its marketing efforts.While the Commission is cognizant of the recent decline in energy savings,acknowledged by the Company in its Application,we are encouraged by the Company’s reply comments that its commitment to cost-effective DSM has not waned and that it has a renewed interest in taking action to procure all cost-effective DSM. However,the Commission believes that it is fair,just and reasonable to elaborate on the passage quoted above.Henceforth,the passage shall be amended to read as follows: The Commission is cognizant of the recent decline in energy savings, acknowledged by the Company in its Application,and notes that Idaho Power issued a strong rebuttal of these claims,offering several reasons to explain the recent decline in its DSM expenditures and a defense of its marketing efforts.We are encouraged that the reply comments seem to demonstrate the Company’s renewed interest in procuring all cost-effective DSM. In this case,the Commission restricts its findings to the prudency of the Company’s 2013 expenditures.The Commission agrees that the issues raised by Staff and other parties are significant and warrant a more in-depth review. We direct the parties to do so in the context of the Company’s next Integrated Resource Planfiling. DATED at Boise,Idaho this 7 day of November 2014. IL i.cL I Jean D Jewell COmmission Seèretary 0:IPC-E-I 4-04np3Errata