HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140813order_no_33092.pdfOffice ofthe Secretary Service Date August 13.2014 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR A )CASE NO.IPC-E-14-04 DETERMINATION OF 2013 DEMAND SIDE ) MANAGEMENT (DSM)EXPENSES AS ) PRUDENTLY INCURRED )ORDER NO.33092 ____________________________________________________________________________ ) On March 17,2014,Idaho Power Company (‘Idaho Power”or Company”) submitted an Application with its Demand Side Management 2013 Annual Report (“DSM 2013 Annual Report”)and makes application to the Commission for an Order designating Idaho Power’s expenditures of $21,748,331 in Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider (“Rider”)funds and $4,203,155 of demand response (“DR”)program incentives included in the 2014 Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”),for a total of $25,951,486,as prudently incurred demand-side management (“DSM”)expenses. On April 30,2014,the Commission issued a Notice of Application,Notice of Intervention Deadline and Notice of Modified Procedure.See Order No.33032.A comment deadline of 90 days from the date of the Order was established. Thereafter,the Idaho Conservation League (“ICL”)and Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (“ICIP”)submitted Petitions to Intervene as a party.Both parties were granted leave to intervene as a party in this case.ICL,ICIP and Staff each submitted written comments within the established comment period. IDAHO POWER MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME On August 5,2014,Idaho Power filed a Motion for Extension of Time in which to file its reply comments.The Company states that “based upon information contained in Staffs comments,Idaho Power has discovery requests of Staff “The Company “anticipates that it will need two weeks from the receipt of that information to draft its reply comments,for a requested reply comment deadline of September 9,2014.” ICIP,ICL and Staff do not object to Idaho Power’s Motion. COMMISSION FINDINGS The Commission has fully reviewed Idaho Power’s Motion for an extension of the time period in which to file its reply comments in this case.Inasmuch as there is no objection by ORDER NO.33092 1 any of the parties in this case to the Company’s Motion,the Commission finds that the Motion shall be granted.The deadline for Idaho Power’s reply comments shall be September 9.2014. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Idaho Power’s Motion for Extension of Time is granted.The deadline for Idaho Power to submit its reply comments shall be September 9,2014. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this / day of August 2014. MACK A.REDF ,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: //L Jean D.Jewel)’, Commission Secretary O:IPC-E-I 4-04np2 X7 U !cJAc MARSHA H.SMITH.COMMISSIONER PAUL KJE ORDER NO.33092