HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140421Comment.pdf0 :.0 0g 0 •: :. :: . • 00 . 00 C • 0 çJ F I. •00 0 3g 0 0 : 0S •0 . : fj • • • a •à a • * •• • 4 • • : E’ E . I . a o 0 S *a a. 0 • .. - • : I : a • • • )f - •‘ • •_ • • Overall Impact c2%’ A summary of the proposed change to Idaho r”ates is shown below. 2014 FCA REVENUE IMPACT BY CLASS Percentage Change from Current Billed Rates Small Large large .OverallIResdentialiGeneralGeneralIrrigation*•\l Service Service Power Change 1.20%0.00%0.00%0.00%1.18% *The overall percentage change for the affected classes. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed,the price change for a typical residential customer using 1,050 kWh a month would be about S 1.20 per month beginning June 1. IHO PIVERn en macone Company To Our Valued Customers: On March 14,Idaho Power filed its annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA)with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC).This year’s FCA filing represents an increase of $6.0 million for Residential and Small General ServieCUtomers.The proposed FCA would result in an FCA rte of 0.2913 cents pr kilowatt-hour (kWh)for ResidentTTEfdmers and 0.3709 cents per kWh for Small General Service customers. The FCA annually adjusts the electric rates for Residential and Small General Service customers based on changes in energy use during the previous year.The ECA is intended to provide for the recovery of the IPUC-authorized level of fixed costs. If,because of reduced energy use per-customer during the prior year,Idaho Power collects less than the authorized fixed-cost amount,we collect the difference through a surcharge.Ifwecollectmorethantheauthorizedamount,we refund the difference to customers through a credit.In the past seven years, both scenarios have occurred.In 2013,Idaho Power recovered less than the authorized fixed cost amount. The company has a very positive perception of demand-side management programs and believes that actively pursuing energy efficiency and education programs is a beneficial priority. The FCA mechanism allows the company to pursue those programs without experiencing negative financial impacts and allows for a robust energy efficiency portfolio. Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s filing is a proposal that is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC.Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (472 W.Washington St.,Boise, Idaho,83702),Idaho Power offices or on the IPUC’s website, puc.idaho.gov or Idaho Power’s website,idahopower.com. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s R55 feed to receive periodic updates via e-mail about the case.Written comments regarding the utility’s application may be filed with the IPUC. You can view additional,related materials,including a news release on the filing at idahopower.comlrates. We value your business and appreciate you taking the time to read this notice.Thank you. IHO R Printed on recycled paper ©2014 Idaho PowerA,r OOACORP Company The FCA is a true-up mechanism that “decouples,”or separates, energy sales from revenue in order to remove the financial disincentive that exists when Idaho Power invests in demand side management resources.These financial disincentives occur when customers use less energy due to the energy efficiency activities the company invests in and promotes,thereby causing the company to recover less fixed costs through customers’ energy bills. Pave 2 ot 2IHO PAIER® An IDACORP Company www.idahopower.com Questions?Contact us at: P0 BOX 70,Boise,ID 83707. Or call (208)388-2323 (Treasure Valley). Se habla espanol. For faster service please call Tuesday -Friday,7:30 am,to 6:30 p.m. Customer Name: Account Number: Billing Date: Print Date: WALT &SANDRA HICKSTEIN 03/27/2014 04/01/2014 Service Agreement No: Service Location:3932 S LELAND WAY I BOISEJD Meter Service Period Number Number From To of Days 77253340 02/25/14 03/25/14 29 Billing kW BLC 4 0 Service Charge Non-Summer Energy Charge 243 kWh f$0.072355 pejkWh Annual Adjustment Mechanism Energy Efficiency Services Federal Columbia River Benefits Supplied by BPA Current Charges -Electric Service CR =Credit kWh =Kilowatt-hour PCA Power Cost Adjustment kW =Kilowatt BLC =Basic Load Capacity G=Generation 16.9 13.8 11 3 13.0 8.6 76 9.2 10.9 ,8.1 8.8 10.4 8.3liiiiI.iIIi. Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 It writing information below,please check the appropriate box on the reverse side. NEW CONTACT INFORMATION: Does Idaho Power have your correct mailing address and phone tumber? If not.please write any changes below: Account Number:2203814153 PROJECT SHARE PLEDGE L,Please add the amount indicated to my monthly bill. $2 $5 $10 Street Apt/Suite City State Zip Code Telephone Number I would like to make a one-time contribution in the amount of:$ “Please round-up my monthly bill amount to •*the nearest dollar and contribute the difference to Project Share. Thank you and please remember to track your tax-deductible donations. Next Read Date:04/23/2014 Reading Meter Readings Meter kWh Type Previous Current Constant Used Regular 16703 16946 1 243 imResidential Standard Plan Schedule 01 Your Electric Use Pattern 0) )a) $5.00 $17.58 $3.26 $0.90 $0.12 CR $26.62 IHO A IDACORP Cona)ny Name E-mail Address IPCO9P