HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140610final_order_no_33053.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date June 10,2014 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE lATTER OF TARIFF ADVICE NO.) 13-05 OF IDAHO POWER COMPA1Y FOR )CASE NO.IPC-E-13-25 AUTHORITY TO UPDATE SCHEDULE 86.) )ORDER NO.33053 __________________________________________________________________________________________ ) On October 24.2013,Idaho Power Company tiled Tariff Advice No.13-05 with the Commission seeking authority to update its Schedule 86.At the Commission’s regularly scheduled November 25,2013,Decision Meeting the Commission suspended the tariff advice and determined that the case should be processed by Modified Procedure.On December 6, 2013,the Commission issued a Notice of Filing and set a deadline for intervention.Order No. 32945.J.R.Simplot Company;Cassia Wind Farm.LLC;SE Hazelton A,L.P.;Fulcrum,Inc.; BP Hydro Associates;Bypass Power Company,Inc.and Notch Butte Hydro Company,Inc., petitioned for,and were granted,intervention.Order No.32960.A Notice of Parties was issued and the Commission subsequently adopted the procedural schedule proposed by the parties. Order No.32985. Pursuant to the schedule,the parties met on March 4,2014,for confidential settlement discussions.As a result of successful negotiations and reasonable compromise,the parties agreed to resolve and settle all issues raised in IPC-E-13-25.On May 14,2014,puist1ai1t to Idaho Code 61-502.RI>56.and RP 274.the parties filed a Joint Motion for approval of a Settlement Stipulation.The parties agree that the Settlement Stipulation represents a fair,just, and reasonable compromise of the disputes between the parties and that it is in the public interest. Based upon our review of Tariff Advice No.13-05,the terms of the Settlement Stipulation,and the Joint Motion for approval signed by all parties,we approve the Settlement Stipulation as set out in greater detail below. BACKGROUND On October 24,2013,Idaho Power filed Tariff Advice No.13-05 with the Commission seeking authority to update its Schedule 86.Idaho Power proposed to add the words volume”in front of ‘weighted average”in order to reflect the Company’s past practice of using the volume-weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Mid-C index prices to ORDER NO.33053 calculate non-firm energy in determining its avoided energy cost.The Company also proposed to replace use of the Dow Jones non-firm Mid-C electricity price index with the Platts non-firm Mid-C electricity price index. THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT The parties met on March 4,2014.for confidential settlement discussions.The parties reached agreement on all issues.Based upon the settlement discussions,and as a compromise of the respective positions of the parties,the parties agreed to the following terms: I.The Parties agree to amend the definition of Avoided Energy Cost’ contained in Schedule 86 to state as follo s: Avoided Lneniv (‘ost is 82.4 of the monthly arithmetic a eraLe 01 each davs Intercontinental Exchange (ICE”)daily lirm Mid—C Peak Avg and Mid-C Off-Peak Avg index prices,Each days index prices will reflect the relative proportions ol peak hours and off—peak hours in the month as follows: Heavy Load (IlL)Hours:The daily hours from hour ending 07i0— 22(0 Mountain Time.(16 hours)L’xc!udnlg all hours on all Sundays. New Years Day.Memorial Day.Independence Day,Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Light Load (EL)I lours:The daily hours from hour ending 2300— 0600 Mountain ‘I ime (8 hours).plus all other hours on all Sundays. New Years Day,Memorial Day,Independence Day.Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day and Chrisirnas Day. The actual Avoided Energy Cost calculation being: 824 *({(1CE Mid-C Peak Avg *[IL hours tbr day)±(ICE Mid-C OIl-Peak Avg’*LL hours fr day)J (n*23)) where n =number of days in the month If the ICE Mid—C’Index pi’ices are not reported br a particular day or days.prices derived from the respective averages of IlL and LL prices for the immediately preceding and following reporting periods or days shall be substituted into the lormula stated in this definition and shall therefore be multiplied by the appropriate respective numbers of I—IL and LL Hours for such particular day or days with the result that each hour in such month shall have a related McGraw Hill Financial,the publisher of both the Dow Jones and Plaits indices,provided notice to the Company that as of September 13,2013,it was discontinuing publication of the Dow Jones non-firm index and transitioning to use ofthe Platts non-firm index, ORDER NO.33053 price in such fbrmula.If the day for hic1i prices are not reported has in it only LI,I lours (for example a Sunday).the respective averages shall use only prices reported for LI.hours in the immediatel\preceding and following reporting periods or days.If the day for which prices are not reported is a Saturday or Monday or is adjacent on the calendar to a holiday,the prices used for HE hours shall he those for IlL hours in the nearest (forward or backward)reporting periods or days for which III prices are reported. Filed as Attachment No.1 to the Settlement Stipulation is an example of a Schedule 86 axoided cost rate calculation using one month of actual data from the ICE Mid-C daily price index.Filed as Attachment No.2 to the Settlement Stipulation is a red-lined crsion of Schedule 86 show ing the aho c-referenced changes. 2.‘l’he Parties agree to amend the 1 inn Energy Sales Agreements (“FFSA”) between Idaho Power and each interening party to reference the ICE index using the same language as,and consistent with,the Schedule 86 language agreed upon herein.Filed as Attachment No.2 to the Settlement Stipulation are the amendments to the associated Firm Energy Sales Agreement Amendments,signed by Idaho Power and th rele ant inter ening party,required to effectuate this change to the power sales agreements.I he parties jointly recommend approval of each of these contract amendments as part of this Settlement Stipulation. 3,‘Ihe Parties jointly’recommend to the Commission that it allow any’ existing PURPA qualify’ing facility (“QF”)that currently has a contract with Idaho Power containing reference to the Dow Jones non-firm Mid C clecti’icity price index to amend their respective FESAs consistent with the terms agreed to in this Settlement Stipulation and similar to the contract amendments submitted for appro\al herewith between Idaho Power and the intervening parties,should they choose to do so. The Settlement Stipulation contains a provision stating that all terms and conditions of the settlement agreement arc subject to approval by this Commission and that only after such approxal,without material change or modification,has been rcccicd shall the settlement agreement be alid. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over Idaho Power Company, an electric utility,and the issues raised in this matter pursuant to the authority and power granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ORDER NO.33053 3 (PURPA).The Commission has authority under PURPA and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)to set avoided costs.to order electric utilities to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of energy from qualified facilities (QFs)and to implement FERC rules. In this case,the parties entered into a Settlement Stipulation agreement.Our Procedural Rule 276 recognizes that the Commission is not bound by the parties’settlement agreement.The Commission may accept,reject,or amend a proposed settlement.IDAPA Commission will independently review any settlement to determine whether it is fair,just and reasonable;in the public interest;and otherwise in accordance with law and regulatory policy.Id.Furthermore,the proponents of a proposed settlement have the burden of showing that the settlement is reasonable,in the public interest,and otherwise in accordance with law and regulatory policy.IDAPA The parties assert that the Settlement Stipulation is fair and equitable.The parties maintain that the Settlement Stipulation is a reasonable resolution of all issues related to the Application filed by Idaho Power.The Stipulation further resolves disputed language contained in each intervenor’s Firm Energy Sales Agreement.The parties state that it is also in the public interest for the Commission to approve the settlement. Based upon our review of the record and the Settlement Stipulation presented by the parties,we find that the settlement represents a reasonable compromise of the original positions of the parties.We further find that the changes to both Schedule 86 and the intervenors’Firm Energy Sales Agreements are just and reasonable and in the public interest.We commend the parties for resolving their disputes through settlement negotiations.We also find it reasonable to allow any additional existing PURPA QFs that currently have a contract with Idaho Power containing reference to the Dow Jones non-firm Mid-C electricity price index,should they so choose,to amend their respective agreements consistent with the terms of this Settlement Stipulation and similar to the contract amendments approved by this Order. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Joint Motion of Idaho Power;Commission Staff;J.R.Simplot Company;SE Hazelton A;Fulcrum;BP Hydro Associates;Bypass Power Company;Notch Butte Hydro Company;and Cassia Wind Farm for approval of the Settlement Stipulation is granted. ORDER NO.33053 4 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties shall comply with all of the terms and conditions contained in the Settlement Stipulation. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §6 1-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this I day of June 2014. A MACK A.REDFORD,COMMISSIONER )0 -I MARSHA H.SMITI-{.COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jean D Jewell Commission Secretary O:JPC-E-1 3-25ks4 PA IDENT ORDER NO.33053 5