HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140314Reply Comments.pdfnlmloNPO1TER= An loAcoRP companv 3: 00 DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahopower.com March 14,2014 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-13-21 Capacity Deficiency Period Utilized in SAR Methodology - ldaho Power Company's Reply Comments Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed forfiling in the above matterare an originaland seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Reply Comments. cr.1 !: tlitn I IJ;!i : i,ilii i li , :lli': DEW:csb Enclosures Very truly yours,&,/< Donovan E. Walker 1221 W. ldaho 5t. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) JULIA A. HILTON (lSB No. 7740) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwal ker@ idahopower. co m ih i lto n@ idahopower. com Attorneys for ldaho Power Company IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITS CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE UTILIZED IN THE COMPANY'S SAR METHODOLOGY. a ,. ._il.. r_ i ,,i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-13-21 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") respectfully submits the following Reply Comments in response to Comments filed by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff ("Staff') on February 23,2014. I. PROCEDURAL HISTORY AND INTRODUCTION ln December 2012, the Commission directed that this case be initiated outside of the lntegrated Resource Plan ('lRP") filing for the establishment of the capacity deficiency period to be utilized in the surrogate avoided resource ("SAR') avoided cost rate methodology: [W]e find it reasonable and fair to subject each utility's determination of capacity deficiency to further scrutiny. Therefore, when a utility submits its lntegrated Resource IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 1 Plan to the Commission, a case shall be initiated to determine the capacity deficiency to be utilized in the SAR Methodology. The capacity deficiency determined through the IRP planning process will be the starting point, and wi!! be presumed to be correct subject to the outcome of the proceeding. Order No. 32697, p. 23. The Commission also directed in that Order that inputs from the Company's IRP will remain fixed between IRP cycles, with the exception of the load forecast and the natural gas forecast-which is to be updated annually by October 15 of each year. Order No. 32697, p. 22; Order No. 32802. The Commission also directed that Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA') contracts that have terminated or expired, as well as any new long-term contracts that have been signed, be included in the utility's load and resource balance. Order No. 32697, p.22. ldaho Power filed its 2013 IRP on June 28, 2013.1 On October 15, 2013, the Company filed its updates to the IRP's avoided cost rate inputs, including an updated load forecast, updated natural gas forecast, and an updated list of new and terminated PURPA contracts and long-term power purchase agreements. The Commission subsequently approved these updates in Order No. 32941. Idaho Power filed its Application in this case on November 4, 2013, seeking an update to the capacity deficiencies identified in the 2013lRP for purposes of avoided cost rate determinations with a first deficit occurring in July 2021. On February 28, 2014, Staff filed Comments recommending a first deficit year of 2016. ldaho Power now files its Reply Comments addressing Staff's criticisms and assumptions and reiterating its request for establishment of a first capacity deficit occurring in July 2021 for purposes of avoided cost rate determinations. t ldaho Power's 2013 IRP was recently accepted by the Commission on February 24, 2014. Order No. 32980. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 2 II. COMMENTS ldaho Power set forth three identified capacity deficiency positions in its Application for this case: (1) the capacity deficiencies identified in the 2013lRP; (2) the 2013 IRP capacity deficiencies updated to include the updated load forecast, natural gas forecast, and new and terminated contracts from Case No. IPC-E-13-18; and (3) the updated 2013 IRP capacity deficiencies, including up to 440 megawatts ("MW") of demand response ("DR") from the settlement agreement ("Settlement Agreement") in Case No. IPC-E-13-14. Staff was highly critical of, and disagreed with, the Company's inclusion of up to 440 MW of DR. lnstead, Staff recommended including only 170 MW of DR for determining the capacity deficiency for avoided cost rate pricing. Staff Comments, p. 8. Staff stated: ldaho Power's inclusion of demand response in its load resource balance assumes it can reliably and immediately provide 440 MW continually throughout the entire 2O-year planning period. Staff believes this contradicts the basis of the Commission-approved settlement agreement, the likely effect of the program modifications included in the settlement, and is not justified by the Company's responses to discovery in this case. Staff maintains that the most reasonable estimate of the capacity provided by ldaho Power's demand response portfolio is 170 MW. Staff Comments, p. 4. As explained below, it is Staff's arbitrary limitation of DR capacity to 170 MW that "contradicts the basis" of the Settlement Agreement, is inconsistent with the Settlement Agreement and the accepted 2013 IRP, and results in an overpayment of capacity in the PURPA avoided cost rate to the detriment of customers. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 3 A. Staff's Assumption Limitins DR Capacitv to Onlv 170 MW ls Not Gonsistent with the Settlement Asreement. Staff criticizes the Company for including 440 MW of DR in its Peak-Hour Surplus/Deficit Charts. Staff contends that the inclusion of 440 MW is inconsistent with the outcome of the Settlement Agreement entered into in Case No. IPC-E-13-14, approved by the Commission in Order No. 32923. Staff contends that the appropriate estimate of capacity to be achieved after the Settlement Agreement is 170 MW. Staff's position incorrectly equates the value (the amount the Company can spend on demand response) with the capacity (the amount of demand response the Company is requlred to accept). The Settlement Agreement states: The Company musf: i. Use existing demand response resources when possible. This includes using, to the extent possible, current demand response equipment owned or available to ldaho Power and participating demand response customers, which currently represents approximately 400 megawatts ("MW") of potential demand response capacity vi. Calculate the avoided cost used for demand response by using the avoided capacity cost of a 170 MW single cycle combustion turbine ("SCCT') multiplied by the effective load carrying capacity (.ELCC"), measured over 20 years, plus the corresponding deferred energy savings for 60 program hours. Case No. IPC-E-13-14, Settlement Agreement, p. 3 (emphasis added). In the DR workshops leading up to the Settlement Agreement, the participants expressed a desire to preserve customer participation in and infrastructure used for ldaho Power's DR programs for the longterm, and acknowledged that this meant incurring DR costs even in years when the IRP did not demonstrate a need for such IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 4 costs. The participants ultimately justified the value of incurring costs in such years by reasoning that, if demand response were not available, the Company would likely choose to build a 170 MW simple-cycle combustion turbine ('SCCT'). The participants agreed to use the value of this 170 MW SCCT "multiplied by the effective load carrying capacity, measured over twenty years, plus the corresponding deferred energy savings" as the minimum avoided cost of DR. Settlement Agreement, p. 4. This value is to be used "even in years when the IRP shows no peak-hour capacity deficit" and "will be updated with each IRP based on changes that include, but are not limited to need, capital cost, or financial assumptions." Settlement Agreement, pp. 4-5. The value of DR does not equate to the amount of DR capacity the Company is required to accept and may acquire. The participants agreed that: The Company must Use existing demand response resources when possible. This includes using, to the extent possible, current demand response equipment owned or available to ldaho Power and participating demand response customers, which currently represents approximately 400 megawatts of potential demand response capacity. Settlement Agreement, p. 3 (emphasis added). As described in Staff's Comments in Case No. IPC-E-13-14, the "resource-based value calculation combined with cost savings and program modification helps the Settlement preserue previous investments in a valuable DR resource while limiting cosfs in years when it is not needed to meet load." Staff DR Comments, p. 7 (emphasis added). As Staff correctly pointed out, the value calculation was intended to allow the Company to incur program costs even when such costs were not justified by the lRP. The value calculation was not intended to create a limit on participation or capacity. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 5 Within each program description in the Settlement Agreement, the parties described how existing, and in some cases new, participants would be included in the programs going forward. The parties agreed early on that participation should not be unnecessarily limited and that the Company would utilize its "participating demand response customers." Settlement Agreement, p. 3. For the A/C Cool Credit program, the parties agreed that existing participants will be allowed to remain in the program, new participants will be allowed to join, and, in certain limited circumstances, the Company will contact customers to inquire about participation. Settlement Agreement, p. 5. For the Irrigation Peak Rewards program, participants are limited to past program participants with an active, working load control device. Settlement Agreement, p. 6. For the FlexPeak Management program, Idaho Power will not actively seek to expand the capacity. Settlement Agreement, p. 7. In no case does the Settlement Agreement allow Idaho Power to turn away existing program participants. ln no event does the Settlement Agreement intend or imply a limitation of DR capacity based upon the 170 MW SCCT used to calculate the value of DR programs. Because participation is not limited and because the Company must use existing DR resources when possible, the Company is required to accept up to 2012 participation levels, which is approximately 440 MW of DR. Staff alleges that attrition will substantially reduce the program sizes and capacity that the Company may receive. ldaho Power also believes that some unknown level of attrition will likely occur for each program. However, under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, ldaho Power must accept up to 440 MW of DR capacity if program participants choose to participate or any IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 6 new A/C Cool Credit participants wish to sign up at the programs' current incentive amounts. B. Staffs Assumption Limitins DR Gapacitv to Onlv 170 MW ls Not Consistent with ldaho Power's 2013lRP. It is reasonable to include DR in the amounts identified in the Settlement Agreement and analyzed in the 2013 IRP for the Company's capacity deficiency determination foravoided cost rates. The Company's 2013 IRP utilizes DR up to 400 MW to meet all identified capacity deficits up to July 2021. As stated above, the Settlement Agreement requires the Company to accept a!! DR up to 2012 levels. Historical DR peak reduction capacity levels reported in the 2013 IRP are 336 MW for 2010, 403 MW for 2011, and 438 MW for 2012. 2013 lRP, p. 40. The preferred resource portfolio from the 2013 lRP relies primarily upon the Boardman to Hemingway (.B2H') transmission line with associated market purchases as the major resource acquisition to cost-effectively meet the Company's service obligations. 2013lRP, p. 8. The preferred resource portfolio assumes an expected operationa! date of B2H as 2018. td. Because of delays in the ongoing required state and federal permitting processes for the B2H line, the Company recently announced that the operational date for B2H will be no sooner than 2020. Attachment t hereto contains the updated load and resource balance that was the basis for Table 3 in Idaho Power's Application in this proceeding and shows the inclusion of 440 MW of DR, which eliminates summer deficits through July 2020. The amount of DR begins at 30 MW in the summer of 2014 and gradually increases to 440 MW in the summer of 2021, which is the first summer the DR programs are not able to eliminate the entire deficit; i.e., the first deficit year. Just as IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 7 the preferred resource portfolio relied upon contributions from DR to meet peak capacity deficiencies prior to B2H becoming operational, the first resource portfolio that considers resource options without the addition of B2H meets all near-term, peak-hour capacity deficiencies with DR, up to 400 MW. See 2013 lRP, p. 91, Resource Portfolio 3. Resource Portfolio 3 considers the Company's resource portfolio without the addition of the B2H line, and includes DR up to 400 MW. This resource portfolio meets all identified capacity deficits to July 2021 . lf DR were limited to the 170 MW suggested by Staff, resulting in a first deficit year of 2016, the Company would have to presently be developing the next combined- or simple-cycle combustion turbine in order to have it operational to meet the 2016 deficit. However, the Company's IRP considered the alternative that B2H would not be on-line when anticipated and, in those alternatives, the Company's IRP calls for meeting those deficiencies with DR. ldaho Power's customers have borne the costs associated with developing the Company's DR programs and to ignore the past proven capabilities of these programs would be incorrect. Staff, without analysis or basis, determines that ldaho Power's DR programs will shrink from approximately 440 MW to 170 MW as a result of the reduced incentives agreed upon in the Settlement Agreement. Staff Comments, p. 6. A reduction in the amount of DR was anticipated in the Settlement Agreement due to a current lack of need for the amount of DR that had been attained in the past. Although the Company has not projected what level of attrition will occur, the Company believes Staff is overestimating the amount of expected attrition for all three demand response programs. Even with some level of attrition, because the capacity deficiencies start at IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 8 approximately 30 MW and gradually ramp up past 440 MW in 2021, some level of attrition from the 438 MW acquired from DR in 2012, will still enable the deficits to be met, and for the DR programs to ramp up over time accordingly. lt is entirely reasonable to assume that DR will be acquired at levels up to those achieved in prior years, and a chance that participation may grow. The Settlement Agreement requires ldaho Power to accept levels up to those of past years and also requires ldaho Power to accept new participants in the A/C Cool Credit program. As customer load continues to grow and the need for increasing amount of DR returns, the Company anticipates incentive payments may need to be adjusted to attain program participation levels experienced in the past. This was contemplated in the DR workshops and Settlement Agreement and demonstrates the flexibility the DR programs are able to provide. Staff alleges that capacity of the lrrigation Peak Rewards program participation will fall from 320 MW to 110 MW. Staff provides no analysis to support this claim and fails to consider that the irrigation customers were represented and agreed to the incentive levels set out in the Settlement Agreement. Staff alleges that the irrigators repeatedly voiced concerns about the incentive reduction in the DR workshops. ldaho Power acknowledges that the irrigators were concerned about a reduction in the program incentive. However, after such concerns were voiced, the irrigators, ldaho Power, Staff, and others reached agreement on appropriate incentive amounts as evidenced by their support of the Settlement Agreement. After signing, no such representations were made. While Staff acknowledges that the exact capacity of ldaho Power's DR programs is unknown, it continues to assert that the Company will experience a reduction in IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS.9 capacity from 440 MW to 170 MW, shrinking to 39 percent of the programs' former size. ldaho Power believes that the terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement that maintain customer participation and infrastructure, and which relied upon agreement from representatives of customers will prevent such a drastic decrease in the size of its DR capacity. Furthermore, the Settlement Agreement provides flexibility to the Company in years where the lRP demonstrates a need for increased demand response capacity. The Company must "reevaluate the value calculation as the IRP changes." Settlement Agreement, p. 3. The Commission acknowledged this flexibility in its order approving the Settlement Agreement, encouraging the Company to "continue evaluating opportunities associated with DR programs on an ongoing basis." Order No. 32923, p. 7. Staff was highly critical of ldaho Power's responses to discovery questions posed by Staff in this matter stating, "ln multiple responses, ldaho Power emphasized that the 'Company believes that is a reasonable assumption that it can satisfy the deficit of 30 Megawatts ("MW") in 2014 with its existing demand response programs if necessary."' Staff Comments, p. 6. Staff further states that it "does not believe that satisfying a deficit of 30 MW in the first year of a 2O-year planning period is sufficient evidence to justify including 440 MW of demand response in each year of the planning period." /d. ldaho Power's answers to discovery questions quoted by Staff above were in direct response to Staff questions that asked about the level of DR the Company expected to acquire for 2014. ldaho Power was answering the question asked in reference to the reasonable assumption that it can satisfy the 30 MW deficit in 2014 with IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 1O existing DR. However, just as it is reasonable to expect that a 30 MW deficit in 2014 will be met by existing DR, it is reasonable to expect that the increasing deficits through 2021 will be met by the existing DR of up to 440 MW, which is what ldaho Power is required to accept pursuant to the Settlement Agreement. An alternative resource portfolio that meets all capacity deficits through 2021 with up to 400 MW of DR was analyzed and included in the Company's acknowledged 2013 lRP. ln this case, the Company provided updated 2013 IRP identified capacity deficits with the approved update to the load and natura! gas forecasts, as well as updated contracts for use in the avoided cost rate methodologies-and included the additional 440 MW of DR as provided by the Settlement Agreement and as analyzed in the Company's accepted 2013 IRP. Staffs arbitrary limitation of DR to 170 MW is not reasonable or supported by the IRP and Settlement Agreement. III. CONCLUSION Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving the capacity deficiency period shown in Table 3 of ldaho Power's Application, with a first deficit occurring in July 2021. As discussed above, Staffs assumption limiting DR capacity to only 170 MW is not supported by the Settlement Agreement, or any other analysis. ldaho Power's inclusion of up to 440 MW of DR is consistent with the Settlement Agreement's requirement that ldaho Power accept al! existing, and some new, demand response participants up to 2012levels (which was 438 MW). lt is also consistent with the preferred and alternative resource portfolios in the 2013 IRP, which utilizes DR to meet all identified capacity deficiencies until the B2H transmission line can be completed. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 11 The purpose of this docket is to establish, outside of the lRP, the capacity deficiency utilized for avoided cost PURPA pricing. With this purpose in mind, any PURPA contracts entered into wil! lock in this capacity deficiency into its avoided cost rates for the next 20 years, and cannot subsequently be changed. The effect of arbitrarily limiting DR to 170 MW is to increase the avoided cost of capacity payments made in any PURPA contracts, and to lock that higher payment in for the next 20 years with no ability to change it, resulting in customers paying more than they should for these contracts. Even if the next IRP analysis, or the continued operation of the DR programs, shows that all capacity deficits are met through 2021 or beyond, the PURPA contracts will have locked in capacity payments for 20 years based upon the limitation of 170 MW of DR and a resulting capacity deficit that occurs at least five years sooner than the reasonable analysis and requirements of the Settlement Agreement and 2013 IRP indicate. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving the capacity deficiency period shown in Table 3 of ldaho Power's Application, with a first deficit occurring in July 2021. Respectfully submitted this 14th day March 2014. DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 14th day of March 2014 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 J. R. Simplot Company Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams R]CHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAXX Email kris.sasser@puc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Email peter@richardsonadams.com qreg@richardsonadams.com Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! FAXX Email dreading@mindsprinq.com Christa Bearry, Legal Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REPLY COMMENTS - 13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-13-21 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 ooo ooo omo o60 600 €mo omo sgo doe oge o6(, ooo mc, mod tto oct oo ood oo ho lc, MC' oo mo -a!,nf tIoC g tr E EAJ iTE IE-. 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