HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131101DIRECT T. Tatum.pdfBEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )oF rDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) AUTHORTTY TO ESTABLTSH A NEW BASE ) LEVEL OE NET POWER SUPPLY EXPENSE ) ) CASE NO.r PC-E-13-2 0 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TIMOTHY E. TATUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 77 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O.Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Timothy E. Tatum and my business address is 7227 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A.I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") as the Senior Manager of Cost of Service in the Regulatory Affairs Department. o. A. Please describe your educational background. I have earned a Bachel-or of Business Administration degree j-n Economics and a Master of Business Administratj-on degree from Boise State University. I have also attended electric utility ratemaking courses, including "Practical- Skitts for The Changing Electrical fndustryr " a course offered through New Mexj-co State University's Center for Public Utilities, "Introduction to Rate Design and Cost of Service Concepts and Techniques" presented by Electric Utilities Consultants, Tnc., and Edison Electric Institute's "Electric Rates Advanced Course." Tn 20L2, I attended the "Utility Executive Course" at the University of Idaho. O. Please describe your work Idaho Power. A. I began my employment with as a Customer Service Representative in Customer Service Center where I handled experience with Idaho Power in 7996 the Company's customer phone TATUM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 call-s and other customer-related transactions. In L999, T 2 began working in the Customer Account Management Center 3 where f was responsible for customer account maintenance in 4 the areas of bitling and metering. In June of 2003, after seven years in customer 6 service, I began working as an Economic Analyst on the 7 Energy Efficiency Team. As an Economic Analyst, I was 8 responsible for ensuring that the demand-side management 9 ("DSM") expenses were accounted for properly, preparing and 10 reporting DSM program costs and activities to management 11 and various external stakeholders, conducting cost-benefit 72 analyses of DSM programs, and providing DSM ana1ysis 13 support for the Company's 2004 Integrated Resource Plan. 74 In August of 2004, T accepted a position as a 15 Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department. 76 As a Regulatory Analyst, I provided support for the 71 Company's various regulatory acti-vities, including tariff 18 administration, regulatory ratemaking and compliance !9 filings, and the development of various pricing strategies 20 and policies. 2t In August of 2006, I was promoted to Senior 22 Regulatory Analyst. As a Senior Regulatory Analyst, my 23 responsibilj-ties expanded to include the development of 24 complex financial studies to determine revenue recovery and 25 TATUM, DI 2 Idaho Power Company I pricing strategies, incl-uding the preparation of the 2 Company's cost-of-service studies. 3 In September of 2008, I was promoted to Manager of 4 Cost of Service and in April of 20Ll I was promoted to 5 Senior Manager of Cost of Service. As Senior Manager of 6 Cost of Servj-ce, I oversee the Company's cost-of-service 7 activj-ties such as power supply modeling, jurisdictional- I separation studies, cJ-ass cost-of-service studies, and 9 marginal- cost studies. 10 O. What is the Company requesting in this 11 proceeding? 72 A. Idaho Power is requesting that the Idaho 13 Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the L4 Company's determination of new normalized or "base level" 15 net power supply expense (*NPSE") to be utilized 1) to 76 update base rates on June l, 20L4, and 2) as the basis for 77 quantifying the 2014/20L5 Power Cost Adjustment (*PCA") 18 rates that would also become effectj-ve June 1-, 20L4. If L9 approved, the Company's proposed change in base level NPSE 20 woul-d have no net impact to the overal-I revenue collected 2L through customer rates and would al-so be "revenue neutral" 22 for aII cl-asses of Idaho customers. 23 O. If the overall revenue collected from each 24 customer class would not be affected by this application, 25 why is the Company makj-ng this filing? TATUM, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 A. The Company's currently approved normalized 2 l-evel- NPSE included in base rates reflects a 2010 3 normalized condition. Most of the individual cost and 4 revenue components of NPSE have changed significantly and 5 permanently resulting in an overall increase in the 6 normalized l-evel of NPSE of approximately $100 million from 7 the 2070 normalized condition to the 20L3 normallzed 8 condition. Because these increased expenses are not 9 reflected in base rates, such ongoing and permanent costs 10 are instead currently being recovered through the PCA l-l- annua11y. The Company bel-ieves that it is more appropriate !2 for these ongoing and permanent power costs to be recovered 13 through base rates than through PCA rates. Therefore, 74 Idaho Power is proposing to remove the recovery of these 15 additional normalized NPSE from the PCA and instead collect 1,6 these ongoing NPSE through base rates. :-.'l O. Has the Commission previously expressed 18 concern regarding the recovery of ongoing and permanent L9 power costs in the PCA? 20 A. Yes. On page 1l- of Order No. 32821 regarding 27 the 2073/2074 PCA (Case No. IPC-E-13-10), the Commj-ssion 22 expressed concern about the level- of ongoing NPSE recovery 23 in the PCA: 24 25 26 The danger of using the PCA as a costrecovery mechanism for more than the current annual power cost fluctuatlon is TATUM, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1I 9 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 t6 L1 18 79 20 2\ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 plainly demonstrated here. The PCA wasnever intended for long term recovery of costs that continue year to year. It wasimplemented to properly recover the Company's annual fl-uctuation in power costs and keep the customers from paying eithertoo little or too much of those costs. Idaho Power believes its proposal in thls case is a simple and effective way to address the Commission's concerns regarding the PCA and would restore the PCA to its intended purpose with no impact to customers' biIIs. o.Please provide an overview of the Company's case. A.In this case, the Company wil-I provide current computations of normalized NPSE utilizing methods previously supported by the Commj-ssion that demonstrate that the level of NPSE recovery in base rates is significantly below the current normalized level of NPSE. By utilizing an artlficially low normalized NPSEr drl artificially high PCA rate must be approved year after year. Periodic correction of the normalized NPSE in base rates also corrects the PCA price signal-. Mr. Scott Wright is the Company witness in this case who presents the development of proposed base level- NPSE as determined using the AURORAxmp model ("AURORA"). Mr. Wright explains the methodology used to determine the normalized NPSE and detail the changes to the modeling inputs that have occurred since the last update. TATUM, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 E, 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 !6 L7 1_8 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 My testimony in this case wil-l- describe the Company's request and the supporting rationale for that request. I wiII also present the Company's proposed implementation approach that wou1d result in no net change to the annual revenue col-l-ected through customer rates. Einally, my testimony will address what the Company believes to be the appropriate regulatory treatment of transmission wheeling revenue. O. Please provide a summary of the sections presented in your testj-mony. A.My testimony contains five sections. The first section provides the reguJ-atory background that l-ed to the currentfy approved base level NPSE. In the second section, I present the quantificatj-on of the Company's updated base level NPSE based on a 20L3 calendar year (*2013 Base Level NPSE") and describe the factors that contrj-buted to changes from the currently approved base level NPSE. The third section describes the Company's proposed approach to implementation that would result in no net change in annual revenue and would have no impact to customer biIIs. The fourth section of my testimony provi-des the Company' s rational-e f or making this request. The final section of my testimony describes the Company's view with regard to the appropriate regulatory treatment of transmission wheeling revenue. TATUM, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 L6 77 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 O. Pl-ease provide an overview of the intent and design of the PCA mechanism. A.The PCA is a rate mechanism that quantifies and tracks annual differences between actual NPSE and the normal-ized or base level of NPSE recovered in the Company's base rates for recovery or credit through an annual rate change each June 1. The PCA mechanism utilizes a 12-month test period of April through March and is composed of a forecast component and a true-up component. The PCA forecast is based on the Company's March Operating Pl-an and represents the difference between the NPSE forecast from the March Operating Pl-an and the base level- NPSE recovered in the Company's base rates. The PCA true-up includes a backward-looking tracking of differences between the prior year's PCA forecast and actual NPSE incurred by the Company during the prior PCA year. The PCA true-up contains a second component that tracks the collection of the prior year's true-up amount, referred to as the "true-up of the true-up. " I. BACKGROI'IID O. Please provide an overview of the regulatory background that led to the currently approved base level NPSE. A. In Case No. IPC-E-09-30, Order No. 30978, the Commission approved a Settlement Stipulation that provided TATUM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 t1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 for an update of the Company's base level NPSE in 2010. In compliance with Order No. 30978, the Company filed on January L9, 2070, a request to update base leve1 NPSE using a 2070 calendar-year test period (Case No. IPC-E-10-01). On April 13, 2070, the Commission issued Order No. 37042 establishing the Company's base level NPSE at 5220,710,731 on a total system basis. In Case No. IPC-E-11-08, Idaho Power's last general rate case, the Commission issued Order No. 32426 on December 30, 2077, approvj-ng a Settl-ement Stipulation whereby the parties agreed to set base level NPSE at $208,100,936 on a total system basis. This amount held all- base level NPSE cost and revenue categories at the same l-evels established in 2070 by Order No. 3L042, with the addition of $23,921,466 in expected revenue from Hoku Materials, Inc. ("Hoku") and $1,1,,252,265 rel-ated to demand response program incentive payments. The net effect of adding these two components was a reduction to base level NPSE of $1,2, 669,20L. On March 2, 20L2, Idaho Power f j-l-ed a request to include the Langley Gulch Power Plant in rate base (Case No. TPC-E-12-14). As part of its request, the Company updated base l-eve1 NPSE pursuant to Order No. 29790 (Case No. IPC-E-05-10) in which the Commission ordered that future filings by the Company that result in the j-ncl-usion TATUM, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 77 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 of plant j-nvestment in rate base reflect the associated reduction J-n power supply costs in base rates. On June 29, 2072, the Commission issued Order No. 32585 establishing the now current base level- NPSE of $199,993,178 on a total system basis, a net reduction of $8r 107r 158 as compared to the previously approved l-evel-. This newly established base Ievel NPSE maintained the orj-ginaI 2070 l-oad and fuel cost inputs in the AURORA modeling process with the exception of the addition of Langley Gulch as a generation resource. II. 2OL3 BASE I.E\IEL NPSE O.lnlhat are the power cost and revenue components that make up base l-evel- NPSE? A.Base level NPSE is comprised of the following Eederal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Accounts: FERC Account 501, Fuel (coal); FERC Account 536, hlater for Power; FERC Account 547, Euel- (gas); EERC Account 555, Purchased Power,' FERC Account 565, Transmission of Electricity by Others; FERC Account 442, Hoku Revenues (first bl-ock energy only); and FERC Account 447, Sales for Resale (typically referred to as surplus sales). The NPSE component EERC Account 555 includes power purchases under the Publ-ic Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (*PURPA") and non-PURPA purchases. FERC Account 555 also inc1udes incentive payments the Company provides TATUM, Dr 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11_ t2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 to customers for participating in any of its three demand response programs. O. What is the Company's determination of the 20L3 Base Level NPSE requested for approval in this proceeding? A. As quantified by Mr. Wright and presented in his testimony, the 2013 Base Level- NPSE is $305.7 mil-lion on a total system basis. This represents a change of $105.7 mil-Iion as compared to the currently approved 2010 base level NPSE amount of $200.0 million. O. Please summarize the main factors that contributed to the increase in base level- NPSE since the last update. A.There are three the increase in base level- NPSE Iower market energy prices, 2) anticipated Hoku revenues, and purchases under PURPA. main factors contrj-buting to since the last update: 1) the elimination of 3) increased energy O. How do l-ower market prices impact the current determination of base level NPSE? A.Lower market prJ-ces impact the current expectation of the normalized l-evel of surplus sal-es, which serve to offset power supply expenses to the benefit of customers. Lower market prices impact Idaho Power's ability to economically dispatch its thermal generating TATUM, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 !4 15 t6 71 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 units for surpJ-us sa1es. That is, when market energy prices are near or below the dispatch price of the Company's thermal- generators, it becomes uneconomical- to operate the plants for surplus sales. During times when it is economical to dispatch the thermal units for surplus sal-es, lower market energy prices reduce the overall val-ue of surplus sa1es. O. What factors have contributed to lower market energy prices since 20L0? A. Lower natural- gas pri-ces and increased level-s of surplus generation in the Pacific Northwest have contrj-buted to Iower market energy prices in recent years. o.What is the Company's expectation with regard to revenue collection from Hoku? A.Electric service to Hoku under its Special Contract terminated on April 26, 2072. Neither Hoku nor j-ts United States bankruptcy trustee has given the Company any indication that it j-ntends to take service in the foreseeable future; therefore, no Hoku first block revenue and subsequently no Hoku load has been included in the determination of the 2073 Base Level- NPSE. O. What impact has increased energy purchases under PURPA had on base level NPSE? A. Growth in energy purchases under PURPA has contributed significantly to the increase in NPSE in recent TATUM, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 years. As described by Mr. Wright in his testimony, PURPA generation has increased from 119 average megawatts ("aMW") in 201,0 to an anticipated 245 aMW j-n 20L3r do increase of 726 aMW or more than double the generation in 2010. PURPA- rel-ated energy purchases have increased by approximately $71.0 mil-l-ion since 201.0. That represents a 113 percent increase in the PURPA expense over the three-year period. O.lnlere increased loads a factor that contributed to the increase i-n base l-evel- NPSE? A. No. As described by Mr. Wright in his testimony, annual- normalj-zed l-oad for the 20L3 update to base l-evel NPSE is projected to be 15.3 mil-l-lon megawatt- hours ("MWh"), the same as the Ieve1 used in the determination of the currently approved base level NPSE. o.Have you prepared a detailed listing of the differences that exist between the currently approved base l-evel NPSE and the proposed 2073 Base Level NPSE? A.Yes. The following Table 1 presents the dj-fferences that exist on a total system basis between the currently approved base l-evel NPSE and the proposed 2073 Base Level NPSE on a detalled component basis: TATUM, Dr L2 Idaho Power Company Tab1e 1. Systen-Level PCA Accounts: FERC Account 20to Prooosed 2013 Difference Account 501, Coal Account 536, Water for Power Account 547,Gas Account 555, Non-PURPA Account 565, Tra nsmission Account 447, Surplus Sales Account 442, Hoku Revenues Base NPSE 5 L61,L92,744 S L,g2g,640 5L,934,20t 45,510,093 g,262,OOO 1L24,9L6,L531 (23,92t,4661 Base NPSE 108,503,180 s 2,39O,597 33,367,563 62,606,593 5,455,955 (51,735,153) (58,689,564) 55L,957 (18,566,638) 17,096,500 (2,906,0451 73,181,000 23,92L,466 Net 95% Accounts Account 555, PURPA 125,890,059 62,85L,454 L6O,578,735 133,853,869 LL,252,265 34,6881676 7t,ooz,4t5 Account 555, DR lncentives L1,252,265 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 t6 L1 1B Total Table 1. A. 5 L99,993,778 S 305,684,869 S 105,691,091 a. Pl-ease describe the information contained in Table 1 presents a comparison of the currently approved 2010 base l-evel NPSE and the proposed 20L3 Base Level NPSE by detailed FERC Account category on a total- system basis. As can be seen on Tabl-e \, FERC Account 501, Coal, representing the Company's normalized coal fuel expense, is lower by approximately $58.7 mil-Iion. FERC Account 536, Water for Power, representing the water leases expense, has increased by $0.6 mil1ion. FERC Account 547, Gas, representing natural gas fuel expense, has decreased by approximately $18.6 mil-l-ion. EERC Account 555, Non-PURPA, representing market energy purchases and power purchase agreements, increased by approxlmately $17.1 mil-l-ion. FERC Account 565, Transmission, representing third-party transmissj-on expense, decreased by TATUM, Dr 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 L7 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 approximately $2. I mil-Iion. Sa1es, representing revenue FERC Account 447, Surplus from the sal-e of surplus energy, decreased by approximately $13.2 miIlion. EERC Account 442, Hoku Revenues, representing anticipated first block energy revenue from Hoku, decreased from $23.9 million to zero. EERC Account 555, PURPA, representing energy purchases under PURPA, increased by $71.0 million. EinalIy, FERC Account 555, Demand Response Incentives, representing payments to customers participating in demand response programs, remains unchanged. O. In light of the recently filed settl-ement agreement in Case No. IPC-E-13-14 ("Settlement Agreement") that, Lf approved, will modify the leve1 of incentive payments made to customers participating in the Company's demand response programs, why is the Company not proposing to update the base level amount of demand response incentive payment recovery as part of this case? A.The Company bel-ieves that the currently approved base leve1 amount of demand response incentive payment recovery of $11.3 mlI1ion wiII continue to be an appropriate 1evel of recovery goj-ng forward, even in light of the recently filed Settlement Agreement. Absent the modj-fications to the incentive structure proposed in the Settlement Agreement, the current level of demand response recovery wou1d like1y have been below the anticipated l-evel- TATUM, Dr 14 Idaho Power Company of related j-ncentive expense. However, under the redesigned program incentive structure, the anticipated Ievel of j-ncentive expense will more closely alj-gn with the 4 currently approved base level of recovery. 1 2 3 5 6 III. IMPLEMEI{TI}IG A RE\TENT'E NEI'':[RAI RATE o.If approved, how does the Company envision its 7 revenue neutral- update to base level- NPSE would occur? A.To successfully implement the proposed revenue 9 neutral update to base 1evel NPSE, the Company i-s 10 requesting that the Commission issue an order by March 37, 11 201,4, approving Idaho Power's determination of the system- t2 l-evel- 2013 Base Level- NPSE in the amount of $305,684,869. 13 Recej-ving an order by March 31, 20L4, will al1ow the L4 Company time to compute the 2014/2075 PCA using the newly 15 established 2013 Base Level NPSE. L6 On April 15, 20L4, Idaho Power will fil-e its annuaf 77 request to adjust its PCA rates and wil-l- request to 18 simul-taneously adjust base rates effective June I, 2014. t9 The Company's PCA request would include a PCA determination 20 based upon a measurement of the forecast April 20L4 through 2L March 20L5 NPSE to the newly established 2013 Base Level- 22 NPSE. Because the 2073 Base Level NPSE will- be higher than 23 the current base level NPSE, the resulting proposed PCA 24 coll-ection amount wiII be l-ower by the Idaho jurisdictional- 25 share of the incremental base l-evel NPSE requested in this TATUM, Dr l_5 Idaho Power Company 1 case, adjusted for PCA sharing. The Company will- also 2 request an equal and offsetting increase to base rates to 3 become effective on June t, 2074. In other words, base 4 rates would be increased in a manner that will- generate the 5 same Ievel of revenue that would have otherwise been 6 allowed for recovery through the PCA. 1 Q. V[hat is the Idaho jurisdictional share of the 8 $105.7 million difference in system-Ievel base NPSE? A. Based upon the current energy-based allocation 10 used for PCA computational purposes of 95.53 percent, the 11 Idaho jurisdictional share of the $105.7 million difference L2 in system-level base NPSE would be approximately $101.0 1-3 miIlion. L4 0. Does the $101.0 million represent the increase 15 to Idaho jurisdictional- base rates that the Company plans 16 to request as part of the 2074/20L5 PCA filing? 71 A. No. The Company's proposal in this case 18 envisions a rate adjustment that is intended to maintain L9 the same overall leve1 of revenue recovery from base rates 20 and the PCA in aggregate. In other words, the Company's 27 proposal is intended to be "revenue neutral." To achieve 22 this goal it wil-I be necessary to adjust the $101.0 mill-ion 23 difference in Idaho jurisdictj-onal base level NPSE to 24 reflect the 95/5 customer to Company sharing provision that 25 exj-sts in the PCA. With the exception of PURPA expenses TATUM, Dr 76 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 and demand response incentive costs, the PCA allows the Company to pass through to customers 95 percent of the annual differences in actual NPSE as compared to the base l-evel NPSE, whether positive or negative. As can be seen on Tabl-e L, the total- system-level difference 1n NPSE within the FERC accounts that are subject to 95 percent recovery (or credit) under the PCA is approximately $34.7 million. Under the PCA mechanism, the Company would recover 95 percent of the Idaho jurisdictional share of the $34.7 million difference or $31.5 million ($34.7 million x 95.53% x 95.00%: $31.5 mil-Iion) . When the $31.5 mil-Iion of allowed recovery is combined with 100 percent of the difference in the fdaho jurisdictional share of FERC Account 555, PURPA, of $67.8 million ($71.0 million x 95.53% $67.8 mil]ion) , the total- al-Iowed recovery under the PCA would be $99.3 mill-ion. Therefore, the Company's proposal would result in an increase to base rates of approximately $99.3 million, which includes a $1.7 million reduction to the total difference in Idaho jurisdictional base 1evel NPSE of $101.0 mil1ion. This $1.7 mj-Ilion "PCA shari-ng adjustment" would continue to be reflected in base rates until the Company files its next general- rate case or it is otherwise adjusted by Commission Order. TATUM, Dr 77 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o.How does the Company propose to allocate the $99.3 million base rate increase to each customer cl-ass? A.The Company proposes to use the same energy allocati-on basis that woul-d exist under the PCA to apportion the approximately $99.3 million base rate increase to each customer class; that is, in proportion to each class's annual energy consumption. By using the same energy all-ocation basis applied in next year's PCA filing, each customer cl-ass will contribute exactly the same amount of revenue to offset NPSE that would exist under the PCA collectj-on. Exhibit No. 2 demonstrates that the Company's proposal would result in no change to the total amount of revenue by customer cl-ass from base rates and the PCA, j-n aggregate. For il-lustrative purposes, Exhibit No. 2 has been prepared utilizing the currentl-y approved revenue from base rates and revenue from the 2073/20f4 PCA. As can be seen on Exhibit No. 2, the Company's proposal would result in an increase to base rate revenue of $99.3 mi-Ilion and an equal and offsetting reduction j-n PCA revenue. o.Are there other components of the PCA that shoul-d be adjusted as part of this case? A.Yes. The Load Change Adjustment Rate (*LCAR") should be updated effective June L, 2074, to reflect the incremental change in base level NPSE col-Iected through base rates. TATUM, Dr 18 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 l1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o.Have you quantified an updated LCAR to become effective June 7, 201-4? A. Yes. By applying the methodology established by Commission Order No. 32206 in Case No. GNR-E-10-03, the LCAR should be increased from the current level of $1,1.64 per MWh to $24.34 per MWh. o.Have you prepared an exhibit that details the derivation of the updated LCAR? A. Yes. Exhibit No. 3 details the derivati-on of the updated LCAR amount of $24.34 per MWh. As can be seen on Exhibit No. 3, the numerator of the LCAR has been updated to reflect the new Ievel of NPSE to be coll-ected in base rates. IV. RATIONAI,E FOR UPDATING BASE LE\IEL NPSE o.Why should the Commission approve the Company's proposal to update base l-evel NPSE at this time? A.As demonstrated by the Company's determination of the 2013 Base Level NPSE, the PCA coll-ects approximately $99.3 mil-Iion annually from ldaho customers for ongoing and permanent NPSE. The Company believes that it is more approprj-ate for these ongoing and permanent power costs to be recovered through base rates than through PCA rates. The collection of significant ongoing and permanent costs through the PCA has compromised the intended symmetrical TATUM, Dr 19 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1_1 72 13 74 15 t6 L7 l_8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 design of the PCA and has created counterintuitive messaging on customers' bill-s. O.How has the collection of significant ongoing and permanent costs through the PCA compromised the j-ntended symmetrical design of the PCA and created counterintuitive messaging on customers' bills? A.As mentioned earlier in my testimony, the PCA j-s a rate mechanism that quantifies and tracks annual differences between actual NPSE and the normalized level of NPSE recovered in the Company's base rates. These differences may exist as a resul-t of changes in hydro condi-tions, fuel costs and/or market energy prices. Whil-e fuel costs and market energy prices contribute to annual fluctuations in NPSE, it is the availability of hydroelectric generation that can have the most significant impact on year-to-year dlfferences in NPSE. When the Company's base level NPSE is reflective of current normalized NPSE, one would expect that a better than average water-year would result in a negative PCA or a credit, and a worse than average water-year would result in a positive PCA or a surcharge. Because the PCA is col-lecting nearly $100 million in ongoing and permanent NPSE, the annual PCA collection is likely to always be positj-ve or a surcharge to customers, even in a good water- year. This is not representative of the symmetrical TATUM, Dr 20 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 t1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 mechanism the PCA was intended to be and has been a source of confusi-on for customers. O. Has the Commission ever approved an adjustment to the level of normalized NPSE recovered in base rates outside of a general rate case? A.Yes. The currentl-y approved base level- NPSE was originally established in 20L0 outside of a general rate case j-n Case No. IPC-E-10-01. In that 20L0 case, the Company fil-ed a request very similar to its request in this case. The Commission ultimately issued Order No. 37042 establishing a new base l-evel of NPSE to be used in the Company's 201,0/201,1 PCA filing. On April 15, 201,0, the Company fil-ed Case No. IPC-E-10-12 requesting that the Commission approve its 20L0/2011 PCA rate determination based on the base leve1 NPSE approved by Order No. 31042 to become effective June 1-, 20L0. In that same case, the Company al-so requested an adjustment to base rates to reflect the newly established base level NPSE, also to become effective June L, 2010. The Company's request was approved by Order No. 31093 on May 28, 201,0. V. TRA}ISMISSION TNEEELING RE\TENT'E O. Please provj-de an overvj-ew of issues related to transmissj-on wheeling revenues that were raised in the Company's 20L3/20L4 PCA, Case No. IPC-E-13-10. TATUM, Dr 2l Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A.In the 2013/20t4 PCA filing, Case No. IPC-E- 13-10, the Commisslon invited the parties to comment on whether the Company's PCA calcul-ation should only include transmission expensesr ds has been the practice since 2009, or should be expanded to include both transmission expenses and revenues. Commission Staff and intervenors explained that they believed there was a mismatch by only including third-party transmission expense and not transmission wheeling revenue. The Company subsequently filed reply comments argui-ng to the contrary; however, the Commission ultimately concluded that excl-udj-ng transmission wheeling revenue differences from the PCA results in a regulatory mismatch. In support of its conclusion, the Commissj-on made the following findings: We reject the Company's claim that a mismatch will arise if the Company's PCA includes transmission wheeling revenues wi-thout their associ-ated costs. The Company provided no detail about these costs. We expect they are de minimis. Order No. 3282L, page 13. o.Vrlhat was the Commission's directive to the revenue in OrderCompany regarding transmj-ssion wheelj-ng No. 3282]-? A. Order No. 32821 issued in the 20L3/2074 PCA docket (Case No. IPC-E-13-10), directed the Company to establ-ish a base level of transmission wheeling revenue in TATUM, Dr 22 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 t7 18 1,9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 o. A. the next rate case so that deviations may be tracked through the PCA. Order No. 3282L, page 13. O. Does the Company believe that this case provides the venue in which the Commission intended Idaho Power to comply with its directlve regarding transmission wheeling revenue? A. No. Because the Company's proposal in this case is intended to be revenue neutral, it would not be appropri-ate to establj-sh a base l-evel amount for a new PCA component as part of this case. The Company believes that it was the Commission's intent that a new base level of transmission wheeling revenue would be established as part of a broader general rate case where the associated transmission costs would al-so be addressed. Notwj-thstanding this view, the Company believes that it is appropriate as part of this case to provide the Commission with additional detailed information that demonstrates the significant regulatory mismatch that would occur as a result of incl-udingr transmission wheelj-ng revenues as an offset to third-party transmisslon expense in the PCA. What is transmission wheeling? Transmissj-on wheeling refers to the transfer of electric power by use of the transmission network of one utility for the benefit of a transmission customer, such as TATUM, Dr 23 ldaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t_0 11 72 13 1,4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 o. A. another utility or an independent power generator. Transmj-ssion wheeling is commonly referred to as transmission service and is provided under a FERC-approved Open Access Transmission Tariff (*OATT"). The OATT sets out the terms and conditions of service and rates to customers for transmissi-on services. Idaho Power purchases transmission service from other transmission owners 1) to move purchased power over their system(s) into Idaho Power's system for service to customers or 2) to move surplus sal-es off of the Idaho Power system on to the transmission system(s) of other transmissj-on owners. These expenses result from PCA- related transacti-ons and are booked to EERC Account 565. Such expenses have been included in the PCA since 2009 (Case No. IPC-E-09-11) . What are third-party transmission expenses? Third-party transmission expenses result when What are transmissj-on wheeling revenues? Transmissj-on wheeling revenues result when O. A. third-partj-es buy capacity on Idaho Power's transmission system to facil-ltate the movement of their power. These third-party transmission customers are charged the OATT rate and the revenues Idaho Power receives are booked to FERC Account 456 and serve to offset the Company's transmission-rel-ated costs or revenue requirement. TATUM, Dr 24 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 O. What costs are being recovered through Idaho Power's OATT formula rate? A.The transmission formul-a rate outlined in Attachment H of the OATT is designed to recover the cost of owning, operating, and maintaining Idaho Power's transmission facilities. The rate specifically excludes expense accounts or plant items the FERC has deemed to be generation related and not appropriately recovered in the transmissj-on formula rate, even though those items are properly recorded in the transmission function EERC accounts. O. Have you prepared any exhibits that detail the FERC Accounts used in Idaho Power's transmission formula rate? A. Yes. Exhibit No. 4 is Attachment H "Total Transmission Revenue Requirement" from Idaho Power's FERC- approved OATT and Exhibit No. 5 details the current rate calculati-on which sets forth the method used to calculate the total amount of transmission costs to be recovered. O. Please summarize the major cost components of the transmission formula rate as presented in Exhibit No. 4. A. The major cost components of the transmission formula rate, dS described fully in Exhibit No. 4 section 3. 0 are as follows: TATUM, Dr 25 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t-0 11 L2 13 L4 15 1) Transmission Rate Base (Transmission Plant recorded in EERC Accounts 350 to 359) plus transmission-related general and intangible plant, transmission related working capital, less the associated accumulated depreciation, 2) Return and associated income taxes on rate base, 3) Direct transmissj-on expenses including depreciation, operations and maintenance (FERC Accounts 560 to 573 excl-uding EERC Accounts 561 and 555) and an allocated portion of qeneral and administrative and general expenses, and 4) Prior year short-term and non-firm transmission revenue credits. O. Are third-party transmission expenses incurred 16 by the Company included in the cost components of the 11 transmi-ssion formula rate? 1B A. No. As depicted in Exhibit No. 4, the OATT 19 rate specifically excludes third-party transmission 20 expenses because they are not expenses related to Idaho 2L Power's transmission system. 22 O. What is the magnitude of the transmission- 23 rel-ated costs currently authorized for recovery through the 24 transmj-ssion rate in the Company's OATT? 25 TATUM, Dr 26 Idaho Power Company 1 A. As can be seen on l-ine 45 of Exhibit No. 5, 2 the transmission-related costs currently authorized for 3 recovery through the transmission formula rate in the 4 Company's OATT are approximately $118.2 million. 5 Q. Is any portion of the transmission-rel-ated 5 costs that transmission wheeling revenues are intended to 7 offset tracked through the PCA? 8 A. No. There is no portion of Company-owned 9 transmission-related costs of whj-ch transmissj-on wheeling 10 revenues are intended to recover that are tracked through 11 the PCA. 12 O. To what extent do transmissj-on wheeling 13 revenues from third-parties offset the Company's 74 transmission-related costs? 15 A. Tn 20L2, the Company received approximately 16 $21.1 mil-Iion in transmission wheeJ-J-ng revenues from third- 17 parties. Revenue from the Company's base rates is intended 18 to offset the remaining transmission-related costs. 79 O. Does the Company view its current level of 20 transmission-rel-ated costs offset by transmissi-on wheeling 2t revenue from thlrd-parties to be de minimis? 22 A. No. Transmission wheeling revenue from third- 23 parties offsets approximately $2L.I million of the 24 Company's total transmission-related costs of $118.2 25 milIion, or nearly 18 percent. TATUM, Dr 27 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 l'7 18 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 O. How are transmission wheeling revenues treated in Idaho Power's base rates? A.Retail customers receive the benefit of transmission wheeling revenues as a revenue credit in base rates. The test-year level of transmission wheeling revenues is set at the time of a general rate case to offset the test-year amount of transmission j-nvestment and expenses in the Company's revenue requirement determination. The test year leve1 of transmission wheeli-ng revenues in base rates is reflective of the transmission plant and expense information current at the time of the test year. o.Does the Company believe that a general rate case is the appropriate proceeding to set the leve1 of transmission wheeling revenues reflected in customer rates? A.Yes. Base level transmiss j-on wheeling revenues and base level transmission expenses shoul-d be based on the same test period. Introducing transmission wheeling revenues as an offset to base transmission expenses outsj-de a general rate case creates an improper matchj-ng of transmission wheeling revenues and transmission expenses. O. What is the Company's reconrmendatj-on with regard to the future regulatory treatment of transmission wheeling revenues? TATUM, Dr 28 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 I6 77 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. A. The Company believes it has provided evidence to show that transmission wheeling revenues do not offset third-party transmission expenses and should not be tracked through the PCA. However, if the Commission is not swayed by this evidence, then the Company recommends that transmission wheeling revenues remain out of the PCA until the Company files 1ts next general rate case, a time when the Commission can approve an appropriate regulatory treatment. VI. CONCLUSION o. proceeding Please summarize the Company's request in this A.Idaho Power requests that the Commission approve the Company's determination of new normalized or base l-evel NPSE to be utilized l-) to update base rates on June L, 2074 and 2) as the basis for quantifying the 2014/2015 PCA rates that would also become effective June 7, 20L4. If approved, the Company's proposed change in base level NPSE woul-d have no net impact to the overal-l- revenue collected through customer rates and would al-so be "revenue neutral" for all classes of Idaho customers. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes, it does. TATUM, Dr 29 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 74 15 76 L7 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 ATTESTATION OF TESTIIIONY STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) Tt Timothy E Tatum, having testify truthfully, and based upon state the following: been duly sworn to my personal knowledge, I am employed by ldaho Power Company as a Senior Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department and am competent to be a wi-tness 1n this proceeding. f declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-fiIed testimony and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my information and bel-ief . DATED this 1st day of November, 2013. imoth SUBSCRIBED AND November, 20L3. SWORN to r$"*H-"--{ tt vJ TATUM, Dr 30 Idaho Power Company ,€,2. Tatum before me this 1st day of 1()T.{p, r-a-t &g3s1C Notary PNotary Pufl)c for Idaho Residinq "t- S+At, fuahaMy commission expiiEi: ,J-Jo€art' t *ATrJ,,7 (D.(} )r.reuq BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. !PC-E-13-20 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TATUM, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 Ea EH+HEEHH====l= ====l= { s NNoocf c,i @oo- .iooqq O F6o6N-\ots ooo- .dooO N{N<Oo +N69F ONOo- ddci@ <F@O @NFi ot ot;O Ne-oqo F OOOOo ota6o @=@+ datljo o=@O 6OFJ oieJ@64@ + NNFOOFo{66 00dd ctci+@ +66O FNOo- at dt cte NeF6@O N <N<Oo +N66F ONOo- {dci6+F@o. @- N- F-F OOFO NeFoog o @@ooo tsoo6t NNFo' +'jdO OFF O NNN6 @O@ o N Ots@O{ @@o9@ 006o- dddO Fttts {66o- ci d oci-< N6e64 F O@OOF @@Oo- o_ o_ t"o tsNt@ @ots6- O- O. O-F NN@$ ooo( OFN Cri tsooN@FooooNi@N9000NNOOOOoo tsoNo*oDFodlj iiot'jd'jdi J-do+ FFF-OOAFNol 6+ OO{O@FOOF5l !j.a c\i il F-' ,j ,j ri rj ci eFt @ o Fo6No66? BN FFg q eo @oo{oFootsoN@@oooNo60000ttsF tstN@€OOOodd ddciJil.o-atJriFN NOOoFFOOTts4 Fts@eSi6Foo- eets- doo- oN F Feeqq -NOOOOFN@tOOOFOOFOOO@$OO@o OOOOOO@OFdtdi drtdctciJJctoiiN 0tsDoFtso@oo+ NOFNNFOOFN.6 sici6i.j.jaiedi6o 6FoeFN 6< €N FF6 g oo tsooN@FooooNtoN6@O@NN@OOOo- o- ts_ o. N- o. q- o- o- F- ol@ts FOFOFOF-OO+ FNFFOOOFtsAl @< OOtO@FOOF6l F-e c\iilF_.'j.jd JrieFl @ 6FOeNO69t 6N FF6 @ 66 o otso@€@F$o@N@5 6oe@@ONOOO-@C or @NFFtNOOOQ cici d+dotoo-dotodv4 -, o@ F@OFFNtNO-Yal Ne OtsO@OOFOeEHI E -E$ si&--i6 6 O G6Ejo 6+OtsFFOFOtsO€NNOFN@OtsO@NON- F_ .: O- - €- O- o- @_ F- Clnts FO@ONOFO- ^t 6 6 @FFOFOO@<Xl to OoON@FOFF61 6i6 c\i ri rt'j d.r-6 ci6@l o q FF6OF e+ eN 6Fge6 o$oFo@aootoo6@ O=OOF+NFO - o-@- F-o-o-o_o-tso_N_qX ^, N @ O O ts O v s On \=l 6 o O @ F N O N O 0 F = tuf, N O N O O + N @ F @ Og XSI d+ dateiddct.,idc,iE:<l i N=o FoFNhrnal € Fo Fts Z-r + o- oiJ NOOFN{OOFOFFoN NOF OF€OO ==l N- o_o-o_ -O"N_N_Soqol<FoNoFFrEg e *o F I E.ol<i9lot -9e Eo UJ 9., B8It E,o6oo o+o6@_Ioo+oao O oooi cri @-qON66|,0- O ooooo-a NN6- O- N6FO 0 FO*oNO --do6-q@@oo@o o No'No.ts o_ ot6l6ld!t fitroCL6,iaF aIE! CL3gg,;6 EE iI#tft-rEE -E EoasE 3d$ o az Foro.-99N?5$@ooNO: .,60:ltozt E PuJbFOy)!t i;iPt<!YorIo o-NN= FE._, P=3EI EFE I,EE EE Efi €l fl #EHEtfiieE$,;r g - =r E. EI EEEEfgEgEEEEE BsE-ig E Exhibit No.2 Case No. IPC-E-1$20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 1 of 1 FNoseoN6oP:SP :99=PP R9orizl BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPG-E-13-20 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TATUM, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 (r)(oo-N$t@+ $o,c.Nr+\o(o(a @ N(o(o oto(f)- o)o,a FN\l\(f,sf- F(o(\le, s I(\l I TUIotL c,zoooo Lo96f(trILEcE.9{i6!)bEFLd r,!(9 Exhibit No.3 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 1 of 1 o $E ^ sE= EEAo.=JE' EE= bJ Q.9to6 - CJ E€E -B Ee'E OR;E E-=(sFO PE E * 5'=9rlr 6 E s#uEe EHE E*o & eeB3ou)O-oE9E Ei.+*oe# co EoofCEoooa Eg.g6o'Et9 >rf9l!oclrJ ]U o EH EOs*. EIIJ232IEE =;,;U PeaEiE68BEro. OZoJr =:3=ooEO Bf,getz BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-13-20 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TATUM, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff ATTACIIMENT H Total Transmission Revenue Requirement Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-1&20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 1 of18 3.8 Page I ofl Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 2 of 18 3.8.1 Page I of4 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 l.0Methodology This formula sets forth the method that the Transmission Provider will use to determine its annual Total Transmission Revenue Requirement. The Total Transmission Revenue Requirement reflects the Transmission Provider's total cost to own, operate and maintain the transmission facilities used for providing Open Access Transmission Service to transmission customers under this Tariff. The Total Transmission Revenue Requirement will be an annual formula rate calculation, and will be based on the previous calendar year's FERC Form I data and the Transmission Provider's books and records where greater detail is required. The Total Transmission Revenue Requirement shall be effective for an initial term commencing June l, 2006 and ending on September 30, 2007. Thereafter, the Total Transmission Revenue Requirement shall be effective October 1, of each year, and ending September 30 of the following year. 1.1 Annual Informational Filing 1.1 .l On or before June I of each year or as soon as practical thereafterr, the Transmission Provider shall post a draft Informational Filing on the publicly accessible portion of its OASIS (the "Posting Date"). The posting will notiff Transmission Customers of the date of the meeting to be held pursuant to Section 1.1.3. If the posting is made prior to June, the Transmission Provider shall provide notice via e-mail to the parties in Docket No. ER06-787. 1.1.2 The draft Informational Filing shall include the following information: (a) The rates and revenue requirements for transmission service under Schedules 7 ,8 and 9 of this Tariff; (b) The formularate calculation and all inputs thereto, in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format (inclusive of all formulas, references and linkages), in a form similar to that which the Transmission Provider provided to Transmission Customers and posted on its OASIS on May 22,2006; (c)Allocation demand and capability data, in a form similar to that included in the Statement BB workpapers filed on March 24,2006 in Docket No. ER06-787-000, and a reconciliation of such data with the FERC Form 1 load data; ' Th"r" procedures shall become effective August l, 2OO7 ,and all other dates set out in Section I . I shall be adjusted accordingly for 2007 only. FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 3 of 18 3.8.1 Page 2 of4 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 (d) The generator step-up substation (including jointly-owned generator step- up substations) plant investment, depreciation reserve, depreciation expense, and operation and maintenance expense; (e) The property taxes directly assigned to fransmission and general plant, as reflected in Section 3.7; (0 Workpapers showing Account 454 revenues, which shall identify the types of revenue sources and the amount of each source, describe the nafure of each such source, and indicate the allocation ffeatment; (g) Workpapers showing the Account 456 revenue included as revenue credits, which shall contain annual data by customer, and which shall identify the transmission-related revenues reported in Account 456 that are included as revenue credits and those for which the transactions are included in the rate divisor; (h) Workpapers showing the calculation of the Long-Term Debt Component included in Section; (i) Workpapers showing the calculation of the Equity AFUDC component of Transmission Depreciation and Amortization Expense included in Section; 0) Workpapers showing the calculation of the State Income Tax Rate used in Section; (k) The plant investment, depreciation reserve, depreciation expense and operation and maintenance expense associated with the Transmission Provider directly-assigned Interconnection Facilities excluded from transmission rate base pursuant to Section 2.2.10 of the formula rate; (l) The data used in the formula rate for Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest; (m) A list of substantive changes to the Transmission Provider's accounting policies, practices and procedures from those in effect for the calendar year upon which the immediately preceding Informational Filing was based that could affect the charges under the formula rate; (n) A description of each item of new transmission plant installed during the calendar year upon which the Informational Filing is based with a cost in excess of $250,000; and (o) For costs based on 2005 and 2006 data only, workpapers showing the calculation of the revenue credit for Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service and Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff. FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 3.8.1 Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.0 The above list does not preclude the Transmission Provider from including in the draft Informational Filing additional information to that set forth above. 1 . I .3 The Transmission Provider will hold an open meeting within 14 to 2l days from the Posting Date to explain and clarify the draft Informational Filing. A Transmission Customer and any parties in Docket No. ER06-787 may make reasonable requests to the Transmission Provider for additional information relating to the formula rate inputs from the Posting Date until 60 days thereafter. Such information requests will be limited to what is necessary to determine if the Transmission Provider has properly applied the formularate, and will not be directed to determining whether the formula rate is just and reasonable. The Transmission Provider will respond to such requests in a reasonable time frame, typically l0 to 15 business days, unless the Transmission Provider disagrees as to the reasonableness of such requests, in which case the matter will be subject to the Dispute Resolution Procedures set forth in Section 12 of the Tariff (except that the requirements of Section 12.2 regarding senior representative review will be eliminated and all time periods in Section 12.3 and 12.4 will be shortened by half). The Transmission Provider will not be required to respond to any such contested request pending the outcome of such procedures. The Transmission Customer and any parties in Docket No. ER06-787 will submit any comments on the draft Informational Filing to the Transmission Provider no later than 75 days following the Posting Date. 1.1.4 Within 90 days following the Posting Date, the Transmission Provider shall post the Informational Filing on the publicly accessible portion of its OASIS and submit such filing to FERC. The Informational Filing will include the information described in Section 1.1.2 and any modifications thereto that the Transmission Provider made. The Transmission Provider will advise the parties that submitted comments on the draft Informational Filing of the comments that the Transmission Provider agrees with and provide a reference to applicable resulting change(s). The Transmission Provider will not propose any modifications to the formula rate or the Tariff in the Informational Filing. The Informational Filing does not re- open the formula rate for review or challenge, and shall not constifute arate change filing under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act. If there are any corrections to the Informational Filing after it is submitted to FERC, the Transmission Provider shall post such corrections on the publicly accessible portion of its OASIS and file the corrections with FERC. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 4 of 18 Effective : August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 1.1.5 A Transmission Customer and any parties in Docket No. ER06-787 may challenge the Informational Filing by filing a protest at FERC. 1.1.6 If the Transmission Provider files a revision to its FERC Form I that affects the formula rate calculations, the Transmission Provider will post such revisions on the publicly accessible portion of its OASIS. In addition, if the Transmission Provider files revisions to its FERC Form I after it posts its draft Informational Filing on the OASIS, the Transmission Provider will post on the publicly accessible portion of its OASIS a list of such revisions and the associated changes the revision has on the Informational Filing. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 5 of 18 3.8.1 Page 4 of4 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 6 of 18 3.8.2 Page I of4 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 2.0Definitions Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in Section I of this Tariff have the following definitions: Allocation Factors 2.1.1 Transmission Wases and Salaries Allocation Factor shall equal the ratio of the Transmission Provider's Transmission-related Direct Wages and Salaries to the Transmission Provider's total direct wages and salaries excluding administrative and general wages and salaries. 2.1.2 Plant Allocation Factor shall equal the ratio of the sum of total investment in Transmission Plant, Transmission Related General Plant and Transmission Related Intangible Plant to Total Plant in Service. Terms 2.2.1 Adminisffative and General Expense shall equal the Transmission Provider's expenses as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 920-935, excluding FERC Account Nos. 924, 928 and 930.1, and EPRI dues recorded in Account No. 930.2; provided, that for rates in effect after September 30, 2007, the Transmission Provider will make a Section 205 filing to implement any increase in the expense for post-retirement benefits other than pensions that results in an increase in the rate for Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service of more than $.05&W-month, as compared to the rate for Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service in effect for the immediately preceding Service Year. 2.2.2 Amortization of Intangible Plant Expense shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance in Account 404 - Amortization of Limited Term Electric Plant. 2.2.3 Amortization of Investment Tax Credits shall equal the Transmission Provider's credits as recorded in FERC Account No. 4l1.4. 2.2.4 Amortization of Other Utility Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's Amortization of Other Utility Plant balance in Account 1l l. 2.2.5 Depreciation Expense for Transmission Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's transmission expense as recorded in FERC Account No. 403 (excluding the portion of such depreciation expense associated with the Transmission Provider's (l) solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities and (2) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities); provided, that 2.1 2.2 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 3.8.2 Page2 of4 Version 0.0.0 if the depreciation rates used to calculate transmission expense as recorded in FERC Account No. 403 differ from those set forth in Section 4.1, then, solely for purposes of calculating Depreciation Expense for Transmission Plant for use in this formula rate, the calculation of transmission expense as recorded in FERC Account No. 403 shall be modified as necessary to reflect the depreciation rates set forth in Section 4.1. 2.2.6 General Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's gross plant balance as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 389-399. 2.2.7 General Plant Depreciation Expense shall equal the Transmission Provider's general plant depreciation expenses as recorded in FERC Account No. 403; provided, that if the depreciation rates used to calculate general plant expense as recorded in FERC Account No. 403 differ from those set forth in Section 4.1, then, solely for purposes of calculating Depreciation Expense for General Plant for use in this formula rate, the calculation of general plant expense as recorded in FERC Account No. 403 shall be modified as necessary to reflect the depreciation rates set forth in Section 4.1. 2.2.8 General Plant Depreciation Reserve shall equal the Transmission Provider's general plant reserve balance as recorded in FERC Account No. 108 (excluding the portion of such reserve balance associated with the Transmission Provider's asset retirement costs for general plant), except as provided in Section 4.2. 2.2.9 Idaho Power Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities shall mean the Transmission Provider's Interconnection Facilities, as that term is defined in Attachment M of the Tariff, that were constructed on or after March 15, 2000, and that are associated with the Transmission Provider's generating units, provided that such facilities do not comprise part of the Transmission Provider's Transmission System, as that term is defined in Attachment M of the Tariff. 2.2.l0Intangible Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's plant balance as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 301-303 2.2.11Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest shall equal the reimbursable prepayments made by an Interconnection Customer for a Network Upgrade constructed under aLarge Generator Interconnection Agreement and associated reimbursable interest earned by the Interconnection Customer during construction of the Network Upgrade, recorded in Account 252. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 7 of 18 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 3.8.2 Page 3 of4 Version 0.0.0 2.2.12 Other Fees and Charees shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance in FERC Account Nos. 408.1 and 409.1 excluding Payroll Taxes, Property Taxes the license tax on the production of electricity through the use of water power assessed under Idaho Code $ 63-2701, franchise fees assessed by municipalities in Oregon, fees assessed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission under Idaho Code $$ 6l-1001 through 6l-1008 for the costs of such Commission, and fees assessed by the Public Utility Commission of Oregon under Oregon Revised Statute $ 756.310 for the costs of such Commission. 2.2.13 Other Rezulatory Assets/Liabilities - FAS 106 shall equal the net of the Transmission Provider's FAS 106 balance as recorded in FERC Account No. 182.3 and the FAS 106 balance as recorded in the Transmission Provider's FERC Account No. 254. 2.2.14 Other Reeulatory Assetslliabilities - FAS 109 shall equal the net of the Transmission Provider's FAS 109 balance in FERC Account No. 182.3 and the FAS 109 balance as recorded in the Transmission Provider's FERC Account No. 254 as adjusted for offsetting amounts related to FAS 109 in accounts identified as accumulated deferred income taxes. 2.2.15 Payroll Taxes shall equal those payroll expenses as recorded in the Transmission Provider's FERC Account Nos. 408.1 and 409.1, less the payroll loading reversal. 2.2.16 Plant Held for Future Use shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance in FERC Account No. 105. 2.2.17 Prepayments shall equal the Transmission Provider's prepayment balance as recorded in FERC Account No. 165, excluding prepaid pension expense. 2.2.18 Property Insurance shall equal the Transmission Provider's expenses as recorded in FERC Account No. 924. 2.2.19 Property Taxes shall equal the Transmission Provider's property tax balance in FERC Accounts 408.1 and 409.1. 2.2.20 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes shall equal the net of the Transmission Provider's deferred tax balance as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 281-283 and the Transmission Provider's deferred tax balance as recorded in FERC Account No. 190, as adjusted for offsetting amounts related to FAS 109 in accounts identified as regulatory assets or liabilities. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 8 of 18 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 9 of 18 3.8.2 Page 4 of4 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5,2010 2.2.21Total Materials and Suoplies shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance in FERC Account Nos. 154 and 163. 2.2.22 Total Plant In Service shall equal the Transmission Provider's total gross plant balance as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 301-399, excluding asset retirement costs recorded in FERC Account Nos. 3 17 , 326, 337 ,347 ,359.1 and374. 2.2.23 Total Transmission Depreciation Reserve shall equal the Transmission Provider's Transmission reserve balance as recorded in FERC Account No. 108, excluding the portion of such reserve balance associated with the Transmission Provider's (1) solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities (2) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities and (3) asset retirement costs for ffansmission plant, except as provided in Section 4.2. 2.2.24 Transmission Operation and Maintenance Expense shall equal: o the Transmission Provider's expenses as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 560,562-564 and 566-573,less RTO development costs amortized to these accounts, less o the portion of such expense associated with the Transmission Provider's solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities (for which the Transmission Provider shall have a separate work order or its functional equivalent), less o the product of (l) the Transmission Provider's expenses as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 560, 562-564 and 566-573 artd (2) the ratio of (a) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities and (b) Transmission Plant plus (i) the portion of the Transmission Provider's gross plant balance associated with the Transmission Provider's solely- and jointly-owned generator step- up facilities and (ii) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities.. 2.2.25 Transmission Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's gross plant balance as recorded in FERC Account Nos. 350-359, excluding the portion of such gross plant balance associated with the Transmission Provider's (l) solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities and (2) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities. 2.2.26 Transmission-related Direct Wages and Salaries shall equal Transmission- related direct wages and salaries multiplied by the ratio of (a) Transmission Plant to (b) the sum of Transmission Plant and the gross plant balance associated with the Transmission Provider's (l) solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities and (2) IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities. FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff O o o o a 3.0 Total Transmission Revenue Requirement Calculation The Total Transmission Revenue Requirement shall equal the sum of the Transmission Provider's: Refurn and Associated Income Taxes, Transmission Depreciation Expense, Transmission Related Amortization of Investment Tax Credits, Transmission Operation and Maintenance Expense, Reimbursable interest earned by an Interconnection Customer following the Commercial Operation Date of the Interconnection Customer's Generating Facility that the Transmission Provider reimburses to the Interconnection Customer, Transmission Related Administrative and General Expense, Transmission Related Taxes Other than Income Taxes, and Amortization of RTO Development Costs. 3.1 Return and Associated Income Taxes shall equal the product of the Transmission Investment Base and the Cost of Capital Rate. 3.1.1 Transmission Investment Base will be the end of year balances of: o Transmission Plant, less o The unreimbursed portion of Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest, net of the accumulated depreciation reserve associated with the Network Upgrades to which the Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest relate, plus o Transmission Related General Plant, plus o Transmission Related Intangible Plant, plus o Transmission Related Plant Held for Future Use, less o Transmission Related Depreciation and Amortization Reserve, less o Transmission Related Accumulated Deferred Taxes, plus . Other Regulatory Assets/Liabilities, plus o Transmission Prepayments, plus o Transmission Related Materials and Supplies, plus Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 10 of 18 3.8.3 Page I of6 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 a a O FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff o Transmission Related Cash Working Capital, plus o Unamortized RTO Development Costs. 3.l.l.l Transmission Plant will equal the balance of the Transmission Provider's investment in Transmission Plant, as defined in Section 2.2.25. Transmission Related General Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance of investment in General Plant multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Intangible Plant shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance of investment in Intangible Plant multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Plant Held for Future Use shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance of Transmission Plant Held for Future Use, plus general Plant Held for Future Use multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. 3.1 . I .5 Transmission Related Depreciation and Amortization Reserve shall equal the balance of the Transmission Provider's: o Total Transmission Depreciation Reserve, plus o Transmission Related General Plant Depreciation Reserve and the Transmission Related Amortization of Other Utility Plant (i) Transmission Related General Plant Depreciation Reserve shall equal the product of General Plant Depreciation Reserve and the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. (ii) Transmission Related Amortization of Other Utility Plant shall equal the product of Amortization of Other Utility Plant and the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Accumulated Deferred Taxes shall equal the Transmission Provider's electric balance of Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Other Regulatory Assets/Liabilities shall equal the Transmission Provider's Other Regulatory Assets/Liabilities- FAS 106 multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor, plus the Transmission Provider's Other Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page11of18 3.8.3 Page 2 of6 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 3.8.3 Page 3 of6 Version 0.0.0 Regulatory Assets/Liabilities-FAS 109 multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor. 3.1.1 .8 Transmission Prepayments shall equal Prepayments multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Materials and Supplies shall equal the Transmission Provider's balance assigned to transmission as recorded in FERC Account 154; plus the Transmission Related portion of Account 154 assigned to General Plant, determined as the product of the balance assigned to General Plant and the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor; plus the Transmission Related portion of Account 163, determined as the balance in Account 163 multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Cash Workine Capital shall be a 12.5o/o allowance (45 daysl360 days) of the Transmission Provider's Transmission Operation and Maintenance Expense and Transmission Related Administrative and General Expense. Unamortized RTO Development Costs shall be: (a) $4.229.802 for the period May l. 2008 - September 30. 2008 (b) $3.306.936 for the period October l. 2008 - September 30. 2009 (c) $2.384.070 for the period October 1. 2009 - September 30. 2010 (d) $1.461.204 for the period October l. 2010 - September 30. 2011 (e) $538.338 for the period October l. 201I - September 30. 2012 (0 Commencing October 1.2012. Unamortized RTO Development Costs shall be $0. 3.1.2 Cost of Capital Rate will equal the Transmission Provider's: o Weighted Cost of Capital, plus o Federal lncome Tax, plus o State Income Tax. Weighted Cost of Capital will be calculated based upon the capital structure at the end of each year and will equal the sum of the Long- term Debt Component, The Preferred Stock Component, and the Return on Equity Component. Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 12 of 18 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5,2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff (i) The Lone-term Debt Component shall equal the product of the actual weighted average embedded cost to maturity of the Transmission Provider's long-term debt then outstanding and the ratio that long-term debt is to the Transmission Provider's total capital. (ii) The Preferred Stock Component shall equal the product of the actual weighted average embedded cost to maturity of the Transmission Provider's preferred stock then outstanding and the ratio that preferred stock is to the Transmission Provider's total capital. (iii) The Return on Equity Component shall equal the product of the Transmission Provider's Return on Equity ("ROE") of 10.7o/o and the ratio that common equity is to the Transmission Provider's total capital. This ROE will remain effective until new ROE provisions are made effective for the Transmission Provider. Federal Income Tax shall equal [(A + [(C+B) / D]) x (Fr)l divided by (1-Fr) where; FT is the Federal Income Tax Rate is the sum of the preferred stock component and the return on equity component, as determined in Sections and (iii) above. is the Transmission Related Amortization of Investment Tax Credits, as determined in Section 3.4 below. is the Equity AFUDC component of Transmission Depreciation and Amortization Expense, as defined in Section 3.2 and is the Transmission Investment Base, as determined in Section 3.1.1, above. State Income Tax shall equal (A + [(C+B) / D] + Federal Income Tax) x (ST) divided by (1-ST) where; ST is the State Income Tax Rate, A is the sum of the preferred stock component and return on equity component determined in Sections (ii) and (iii) above, C Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 13 of 18 3.8.3 Page 4 of6 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 14 of 18 3.8.3 Page 5 of6 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 201 0 Filed on : August 5, 2010 B is the Amortization of Investment Tax Credits as determined in Section 3.4 below, C is the equity AFUDC component of Transmission Depreciation and Amortization Expense, as defined in Section 3.2, D is the Transmission Investment Base, as determined in Section 3.1.1 above, and Federal Income Tax is the rate determined in Sectiot3.l.2.2 above. 3.2 Transmission Depreciation and Amortization Expense shall equal the sum of the Transmission Provider' s : . Depreciation Expense for Transmission Plant, plus . An allocation of General Plant Depreciation Expense calculated by multiplying General Plant Depreciation expense by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor, plus . An allocation of Amortizationof Intangible Plant Expense calculated by multiplying Amortization of Intangible Plant Expense by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor. Transmission Related Amortization of Investment Tax Credits shall equal the Transmission Provider's electric Amortization of Investment Tax Credits multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor. Transmission Operation and Maintenance Expense shall equal be as determined in accordance with Section 2.2.24. Transmission Related Administrative and General Expenses shall equal the sum of the Transmission Provider's : o Administrative and General Expenses multiplied by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor, . Property Insurance multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor, and . Expenses included in Account 928 related to FERC Assessments multiplied by the Plant Allocation Factor, plus any other Federal and State transmission related expenses or assessments in Account 928 plus specific transmission related expenses included in Account 930.1 3.6 Transmission Related Taxes Other Than Income Taxes shall equal the sum of the Transmission Provider' s : Balance of Property Taxes direct assigned to transmission, multiplied by the ratio of (a) Transmission Plant to (b) the sum of Transmission Plant 3.3 3.4 3.5 FERC Docket No. ER10-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 15 of 18 3.8.3 Page 6 of6 Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on: August 5, 2010 and the gross balances associated with IPC Order 2003 Interconnection Facilities and the Transmission Provider's solely- and jointly-owned generator step-up facilities, o An allocated amount of Property Taxes direct assigned to general plant calculated by multiplying Property Taxes direct assigned to general plant by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation Factor, o An allocated amount of Payroll Taxes calculated by multiplying Payroll Taxes by the Transmission Wages and Salaries Allocation factor, and . An allocated amount of Other Fees and Charges calculated by multiplying Other Fees and Charges by the Plant Allocation Factor. 3.7 Amortization of RTO Development Costs shall equal$922,866 each year for the five-year period May l, 2008 through April 30,2013. Commencing May 1,2013, Amortization of RTO Development Costs shall be $0. FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 4.0Depreciation Rates For Use In Formula Rate 4.1 3.8.4 Page I of2 Version 0. 1.0 Account Number Column A Depreciation Rates for determining depreciation expense throush Mav 3l-2012 Column B Depreciation Rates for determining depreciation expense beginning June 1, 2012 3s0.20 t.st%1.39% 350.21 1.50% 352.00 1.68%1.84% 3s3.00 2.06 1.90% 3s4.00 1.96%r.70% 3ss.00 2.81%2.77% 356.00 1.92o/o 2.25 359.00 0.98%0.79% 390.1l 2.38%2.58% 390.12 2.24%t90% 390.20 258%2.15o/o 391.10 4.97%2.88% 39r.20 24.37o/o ll.l2o/o 391.201 391.2r t3.96%ll.22o/o 39t.2tt 392.10 6.23o/o 750% 392.30 8.62%r.73% 392.40 3.58%7.36% 392.50 1.49%3.s3% 392.60 3.69%4.14% 392.70 2.39%3.21% 392.90 t.99%2.10% 393.00 s.40%3.30% 394.00 434%4.13% 395.00 s39%4.29% 396.00 6.95%1.66% 397.10 6.160/o 4.25% 397.20 6.99%5.38% 397.30 8.36%5.31% 397.40 8.20%7.90% 398.00 9.57%5.20% FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Exhibit No. 4 Effective: June l, 2012 Case No. tpC-E-13_20 Filed on : July 16,2o12 T. Tatum, IPC Page 16 of 18 Idaho Power Company FERC Electric Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 17 of 18 3.8.4 Page 2 of2 Version 0.1.0 Effective: Jvne l,2ol2 Filed on : July 16,2012 4.1.1 For service provided during the period October 1,2012 through September 30,2013 (for which the ffansmission revenue requirement is based on 201I costs) the depreciation rates in column A will be used to determine depreciation expense. For service provided during the period October l, 2013 through September 30, 2014 (for which the transmission revenue requirement is based on20l2 costs), the depreciation rates in column A will be used to determine depreciation expense for January 1,2012 through May 31,2012, and the depreciation rates in column B will be used to determine depreciation expense for June 1,2012 through December 31, 2012. For service provided during the period October 1,2014 through September 30,2015 (for which the transmission revenue requirement is based on20l3 costs), the depreciation rates in column B will be used to determine depreciation expense. 4.2 In the event that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) issues a final order approving changes to the depreciation rates set forth in Section 4.1, Idaho Power will file such changed rates with the FERC pursuant to Section 205 of the Federal Power Act within 45 days of the issuance of such final order, to be made effective on the same date as such rates are made effective by the IPUC. If as a result of FERC's review or for any other reason, the depreciation rates approved by FERC for ratemaking purposes differ from those approved by the IPUC, the inputs to the formula rate will be calculated using the FERC- approved depreciation rates. FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 Idaho Power Company FERC Electic Tariff Open Access Transmission Tariff 5.0Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 18 of 18 Idaho Power shall record Network Upgrade Prepayments and Reimbursable Interest in Account 252. Such amounts shall be subtracted from Accornt252 as reimbursed. Reimbursable interest earned by an Interconnection Customer (as defined in Attachment M of the Tarif| during the construction of a Network Upgrade (as defined in Aftachment M of the Tarif! under aLarge Generator Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Attachment M of the Tariff shall be capitalized in Account 107 as AFUDC. Page I ofl Version 0.0.0 Effective: August 5, 2010 Filed on : August 5, 2010 FERC Docket No. ERl0-2126-000 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-13-20 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY TATUM, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.5 IDAHO POWER COilIPANY Transmbsion Gost of Servlce Rate Development 12 Months Ended 1213112012 IDAHO POWER COMPANY RATE CALCULATION TRANSMISSION RATE BASE1 Transmission Plant (excluding Asset Retirement Costs) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Generator Step Up Facilities LGI's Account 252-Transmission (Net) General Plant (excluding Asset Retirement Costs) lntangible Plant Transmission Plant Held For Future Use General Plant Held For Future Use Transmission Depreciation Reserve (Acct 108) (excluding Asset Retirement Costs) Transmission Depreciation Reserve Generator Step-Ups Transmission Depreciation Reserve LGI's General Plant Depreciation Reserve (excluding Asset Retirement Costs) Amortization of Utility Plant ADIT Allocated to Trans ADIT Allocated to Gen & lntang Transmission Related PrepaymenG Transmission Materials & Supplies Transmission Cash Working Capital Unamortized RTO Development Costs Transmission Rate Base RETURN AND ASSOCIATED INCOME TA(ES Overall Retum Composite lncome Tax (Federal and State) Return and lncome Taxes EXPENSES Deprec Expense: Transmission Deprec Expense: General Plant Amortization Expense: lntangible Plant Amort of ITC (Acct 411.4) O&M Expense: Transmission Less Account 561 (Load Dispatching) Less: Account 565 (Transmission of Electricity By Others) O&M Expense: A&G Taxes Other than lncome: Amortization of RTO Development Costs lnterest Expense ( Network Upgrade Prepayments) Transmission Expense Gross Transmission Revenue Requirement Transmission Revenue Credits Net PTP Tranamisaion Revenue Requiremsnt System Peak Demand - MW Annual Rate $/kW per year Monthly Rate $/kW per month Weekly Rate $/kW per week Daily Rate $/kW per day (Mon-Sat) Daily Rate $/kW per day (Sunday) Hourly Rate $/MW per hour (Peak) Hourly Rate $/MW per hour (Off-Peak) Source FF1 p207 58(g) less 57(g) Schedule 7 Schedule I Schedule 9 Schedule 1 Schedule'l FF1 p214 4d + 5d + 10d + 23d Schedule 1 FFI p 219 25(b) less 108.'100 = 0 Schedule 7 Schedule 8 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Schedule 1 OATT Attach H, I (f) Sum (1 ) Thru (1 9) Schedule 6 Schedule 6 (2o)'((23)+(24)) Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 Schedule 2 FF1 p321 84bto 92b FFI p 321 96b Schedule 2 Schedule 2 OATT Attach H, 3.7 Schedule 9 Sum (29) Thru (39) (2s) + (40)) Schedule 4 Schedule 5 (45y((47r1000) (4s) t 12 (4e) t 52 (51) / 6 (51) t 7 (4911000 / 4896 (4911000 / 8760 Anrount 930,229,983 (22,535,890) (1,O41,',t47) (1,332,405) 38,319,569 7,815,583 1,132,474 436,134 (285,425,52O) 10,617,990 161,813 (14,284,412) (2,979,941) (63,360,246) (3,224,093) 1,647,569 13,712,116 4,970,O27 614,859,604 0.081 13 0.03496 71,379,051 17,663,01 1 1 ,349,157 971,740 (63/.,572) 28,521,5N (2,743,844) (6,294,410) 20,276,930 5,560,569 82.O23 64,r5r,*3 '136,131 ,195 (17,890,979) $ 118,240,216 5,'186 22.80 1.9000 0.4385 0.0731 0.0626 4.66 2.60 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Exhibit No.5 Case No. IPC-E-13-20 T. Tatum, IPC Page 1 of 1