HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131028Attachments.pdfFIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND TUANA GULCH WIND PARK L.L.C. TABLE OFCONTENTS TITLEArticle 1 Definitions 2 No Reliance on Idaho Power 3 Warranties 4 Conditions to Acceptance of Energy 5 Term and Operation Date 6 Purchase and SaleofNet Energy 7 Purchase Price and Method of Payment 8 Envlronmental Attributes 9 Facility and Interconnection l0 Disconnection Equipment 1l Metering and Telemetry 12 Records 13 Protection 14 Operations 15 Indemnification and Insurance 16 Force Majeure 17 Land Rights 18 Liabilitv; Dedication 19 Several Obligations 20 Waiver 21 Choice of Laws and Venue 22 Disputes and Default 23 Governmental Authorization 24 Commission Order 25 Successors and Assigns 26 Modification 27 Taxes 28 Notices 29 Addirional Terms and Conditions 30 Severability 3l Counterparts 32 Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C EXHIBIT { 2118t2005 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) TUANA GI.]LCH WIND PARK. L.L.C. Project Number: 31 31 5065 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this tSn day of--Febu[ary- 2005 benveen TUANA CULCH WIND PARK L.L.C. (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as *Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: l.l "eomtdssM'- The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 'eqtract Vgaf" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. "Designated Dispatch Facility" - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. "Disconnection Equipment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. "Facility" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. l- I.3 t.4 1.5 u1812005 1.6 "First Energ.y Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery. 1.7 "Generation Interconnection Process" - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconncction in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 1.8 "Inadyertgn!-E[glgy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is mr.rre parricrrlarly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. l.l0 "lnitial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than 10 average MW per month and is theretbre eligible to be paid the publlshed rates rn accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. l.l 1 "Losses" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of tlrc trarrslurmation and transnrission of cncrgy betwecn thc point whcrc thc Facility's cncrgy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l2 "Market Enerqy Cost" - Eighty-five percenf (Rsqa) of the weighfed average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia Index. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. 1.13 ' Mate11al grc4gb" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. .' 2lt8t2ut5 l.l4 "Maximum Capacity Amo " - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l5 "Me!ettrl€!qgip![g4: - All equipment specified in Schedule 7?,thc Gencratiou Lrtcrconlection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho lowcr's systcm' 1.16 "Ng!_Engrgy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to ldaho Power at the Poinr of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include lnadvertent Energy. 1.17 'ApqAlpdDalg" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. l.l8 ' PgU!_Sf lglfvqy" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s electrical facilities are interconnected. 1.19 "Prudent Electrical Practices" - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safcly, depcur.lably, efficicntly and cconomically. 1.20 "Scheduled Operat " - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. I .21 "Schedule 72" - Idaho Power' s Tariff No l0l , Schedu I e 72. or if s srrccessor schedrr les as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "Sgagg!" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 "S!ati-gn__!^e" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production ofelectricity by the Facility. -3- at8/2005 I .25 "surplus Energy" - ( I ) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds 1107o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 9OVo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month spccificd in paragraph 5.2, thcn all Nct Encrgy dclivcrcd by the Focility to the Idaho Porver electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "fotnt Cc,st of tn" er " - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE TI: NO R.ELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER 2.1 Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of pertbrming hereunder and has not rehed upon the advice, experience or expe(ise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Z.Z Sellcr Iudcpcrrdcnt Expcrts - All pr"ofcssionals or cxpcfts including, but not limited to, enginccrs, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE Itr: WARRANTIES 3.1 No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. 3.2 Oualifying Facility Stanrs - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- zil8t2005 4.1 is used and defined in l8 CFR 5292.207 . After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will bc a Matcrial Brsach ul this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of enexgy from the Seller. Seller shall: 4.1.1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, l8 CFR 292.207. 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and tn good standtng rn the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a rcasonablc indcpendent review, counscl is of thc opinion that Scllcr is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to ldaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion- Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be govemed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law ( I 99 I ). 4.1.3 Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- 2lla2ao5 5.1 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&I{) Policy as dcscribcd in Commission Order No.2169O. These certificates rvill be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1 ,5 Insurance - .Srrhmit wriften proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1.7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from ldaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fuIfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time tbllowrng the Seller's request and wrll not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPtrRATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- ut8/?005 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from ltlahu Power u[ the Operatiuu Datc. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Datc will bc an cvcnt of dcfoult. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacrty Amount. Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Lritial Year Monthly Nct Encrgy Amounts: 6.1 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June Supteurbcr October January February kwh 3,100,625 2,689,296 2,501,984 1,910,208 1,781,958 1,884,234 2.,4)s2qs 2,711,046 2,422,340 2,621,565 1,923,853 2.559,792 Season 3 -7- 2n812005 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (l) the Seller mav not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adiustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as speciflred in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- 2lt8t200s Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 suspension under paragraph 14.2.1 or the tbllowing: Where: fbr the specific month in which the reduction or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with NEA = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) If ldaho Power is excrrsed from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: n) b.) TGU = RSH = Adiusted NeiEne.gy = NEA Amount ffiil x NEA ) x(((ffi)) 6.3 This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations fbr only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (1O7o) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- 2/18t2005 7.1 ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energv Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the nonlevelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 29646 with seasonalizatron tactors apphed: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201 5 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Season I - (73.50Vo) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 s0.91 52.O7 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 SeasonZ -(120.00Vo) Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.'17 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.007o) Mills/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 7.3 Sumlus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specif,red in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvenent Energy - 7.3.1 Inadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplicd by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 7M times 10,000 kW = 7 ,440,000 kWh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kwh in this example would be Inadvertent t0- ata2005 7.4 Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than l0 average MW and theretbre does not intend to generate lnadvertent Energy, ldaho Power will accept lnadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for lnadver-tent Energy Payment Due Date * Energy payrlleuts tu tlte Seller will bc disburscd withirr 3O r.lays uf ths datc which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreernent will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Enere_y. Inc., 107 Idaho 781,693P.2d427 (1984); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 ldaho 1 122,695 P.zd 1 261 ( 1985); Afton Energy. Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, l l l Idaho 925, 729 P.2d 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VIII: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributcs includc, but arc not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and lnadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full _ 1l_ 7.5 8.1 9.1 zfi8t2oo5 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required lnterconnection Facilities will be in accordance wtth Schedule'l'2,the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incunctl by Idalru Puwer fur otluiprrrent costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOUIPMENT 10.1 Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation lnterconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and Idaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and mcasurc power flows to Idaho Powor in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station IIse, Inadverfent F,nergy and maximum energy deliveries (ktM) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incured by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - 12- t1.l 2118t2005 11.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by ldaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periudic tcst sEhsdulc rclevamt tu thc cquipmcnt installcd as specificd in Appcndix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payments will be based on the shoner of ( I ) a period equal to r.rne{ralf the tirrrc fruru thc tlatc of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. Tclcmctry - Idoho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and lnadvertent Energy produced and delivered to fhe Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Desienated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE XII - RECORDS l2.l Maintenanceof Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- 2/t8na05 r3. r and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by ldaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Pany, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to lnspect and audit any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. ARTICLtr Xru - PROTtrCTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, lhe Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the Naticrnal Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt of the Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power'.s equipment, personnel or service to its customers, ldaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such inremrption prior to its occurrence as provided irr paragraph 14.9. Scllcr shall providc and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back up protoction for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTTCI F XIV - OPERATIONS 14.l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. 14 .2 Energy Acceptance - - 14- 2,n8t2005 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused fiom accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it is prevented trom dorng so by an event of Force Maleure, or if Idaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or Inadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, crlugcru.ics, clcctriual systtrlu uperating conditions on its systcrn rrr as othcrwisc rcquirod by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsaf-e or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt rhe flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. '14 7 Seller Declared Strspension of F.nergv Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to - 15- zfi8t200s Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation uni(s) within the Facility impacted by the tbrced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condrtlon ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the tirle as specificd (not lcss than 48 hours) in the writtcn notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy f)eliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVffi that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documenmtion provided by thc Sellcr to dctcrrrrine Itlalro Puwcr's auceptalcc of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's torced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14"5 Voltage Levels - Seller" in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (1O7o) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as - t6- 2il8t2005 necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the nght to hnxt the rate that generation is changed at startup, during normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit ldaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 SchedulEd Maiutcnancc- On or bcforc January 3l of cach calcndar ycar, Sellcr shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. 14.8 The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the .Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circurnstances, real tirrre operations o[ the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intemrption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. 14.9 ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Indemnification - Each Party shall agrce to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party. its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with - t7- l5. t u18t2005 this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.2.1 Conrprchcnsivc Ccncral Liability Insurancc for both bodily injury and propcrty damagc with limits equal to S1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance Industry Utility practices for similar Property. 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee ar; applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall lurnish Idaho Power a certificatc uf irrsurarcc, tugether with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reaton, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, - 18- 16.1 2/t8t2005 t7.l such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, trres, hghtnrng, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise ofdue diligence, it shall be unable to uvclcullrc, If either Party is rcndcrcd wholly or in part unablc to pcrform its obligations undcr this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (l) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonahly possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars ofthe occulrence. (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. ARTICLE XVTI: LAND RIGHTS Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement. including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. - 19- 2 8t2ms 17.2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse 17.3 environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. 'l'heretore, sub3ect to ldaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities upon, along artd uver arry arrtl all public loads, $trccts and highways, thcr: thc usc by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission focilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4,Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this pNagraph 17.2. Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilities to accornrnodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragtaph 17.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as requircd by paragraph 17.4,ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. 17 .4 Conditions of Usc ' It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVII. Therefore, the Parties a$ee that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights ennmerated in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3 shall: (l) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall - 20- 2/t8t2005 l8.l provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVII. ARTICLE XVItr: LIABILITY: DEDICATION Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTTCI,E XTX. SEVERAI, OBI,IGATIONS 19.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joinr venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 2l.l This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. - 2t- 7/18t2005 22.1 ARTICLE XXII: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT Disputes - All disputes related to or anslng under thrs Agreement, rncludrng, but not llmlted to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. ZZ.2 Nuticc uf Dcfault - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its Iegal or equitable remedies. 22.2.2 Material Breaches * The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide ldaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph 15.2. If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; 22.3.2 Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which na ala2005 ?3.1 22.3.3 Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller provtdtng the requtred certtficate; and Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agrccrrrcrrt. Lr addition, Seller will supply Idaho Powcr with copics of any lrew ur additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1.\f at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4-l-l or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXTtr: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS ANN ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, -23- al8t2(n5 any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all of Idaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law ur L:urrtraut. ItJahu Power shall havc tlrc right to bc notifiod by thc financing cntity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLE XXVTI: TAXES 27.1 Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVIII: NOTICES 28.1 All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Tuana Gulch Wind Park, L.L.C. Attn: Larry Leib l424Dodge Ave Helena, MT 59601 - 24- 7n8t2005 To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copy of document to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.1 This Agreement includes the following appendices. which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer's Certifications ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceabitity of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 31.1 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXTI: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporzmeous oral or written agreements between the -25- zil8t2005 Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WffNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective naltles ott tlte datcs sst furth bcluw. Idaho Power Company Tuana Gulch Wind Park L.L.C. ,/BY /.€ r' ,//* u/ James Carkuli s */1 ur.,,., /o/.,rr/,.u Dated , 1 "n",r,- ,/f t*, 'Z o* {- "Seller" BY \LK N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations feut*tv t8, Zos "Idaho Power" - 26- APPENDIX A A -I MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTTON AND SWITCHING REPOR'T At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise,Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, [nadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - ?1- 2118t200s Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production }TON'THLY POWER PRODUC'I'ION AND SWI'I'CHING R"BPOR'I' Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip Facility Output Station Usage Station Usage Metered Maximum Generation kw Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Date Time Meter Breaker Onening Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of Facility Disturbsnce of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cousc Unknown Other (Explain) *Reeson Breaker Closing Record f)ate Time Mefer * I ,, 3 4 5 6 7 I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signoture Dote - 28- 2lt8t2u)5 A-2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily Energy Production Reporting Call daily by 10 a.m., 1-800-356-4328 or l-80G635-1093 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number o Current Meter Readingo Estimated Generation for the current day o Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call I 80O 345 l319 and leave the following informotion: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Approximate time outage occurredo Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller' s Contact lnformation 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Proiect On-site Contact information Telephone Number: - 29- 2n8t2005 B1 APPENDX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELryERY PROJECT NO.313r5065 TUANA GULCH WIND PARK DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 GE Wind turbines model 77 SLE with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 10.5 MW. LOCATTON OF FACILITY Ncar: Ilagcrman, Idaho Sections: Township: 75 Range: l2E County: Twin Falls Idaho. Sections: 19.30 Township: 65 Range: l3E County: Twin Falls Idaho. SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected December 31. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected January 15. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.7 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with ScheduleT2 and the Generation Interconnection Process. MAXIMUM CAPACffY AMOUNT: This value will be 1O.5 MW which is consistcnt with thc value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in the Generation lnterconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-2 B-3 D-4 30- 2/23/2005 B-5 POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery" meansn unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the ldaho Power electncal system. l-he Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will bccotuc arr itrl'cgral part ul tlris Agreemcnt. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at 27a of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conduclor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agrccmcnt. If ot onytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calcrrlation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The ldaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 31- B-6 B-7 2n8t200s B-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications wrtl include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Lrtsrcururection proccss, including but not limitcd to thc cquipmcnt spccifications and requirements will become an integtal part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's comrnunications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's nse terminafing at the Idaho Power facilities capahle of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to ldaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accortlance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILITIES The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agpeement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and - 32- 2t18t2005 B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTIVE POWER The ldaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation Interconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Sellcr providcd cquipmcnt, and all costs associated with thc cquipment, dcsign and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limiled to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (l) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require interruption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. Thc Idaho Powcr Ccncration Intcrconncction proccss will dctcrminc thc Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller B-9 - 33- u18t2005 provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their intcrconncction wiring for cnginccring approval prior to installation. Thc cntirc Ceneration Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained hy Jrlaho Power, with total cost of prrrchase, installation, operatinn, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-10 COSTS The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for thrs Facrlrty to lnterconnect to the Idaho Power system, inctudrng but not lrmited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and Interconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation lntcrconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agrccment thc Scllcr will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid - 34- 2lt8t2m5 by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpayment of the adjusted monthly operations and rnaintcnancc chargc within sixty (60) days of the dctcrmination of this amount. B-I1 SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiratinn of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under SchedrleT2, the Generation Interconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, Iess the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power'.s nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after re,ucipt r"r[ thc invuice. Sellcr shall lravc the right to uffset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- 2n812005 The APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION 0t, OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follorvs: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and is hereinafter referred to asand this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section Township Range -, Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (2O) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7 That Fngineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the 36- ?/t8t2005 Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreemenl is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his Larowlodgc and thcrcforc scts his hand and scal bclow. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 37- ?,18t2005 APPENDIX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATTON OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Thc uudcrsigned on bchalf of himsclf and to as "Engineer," herebyhereinafter collectively referred states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing io the .State of Idaho- 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and - as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No.and hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the the Project,which IS commonly known Project, is locarcd at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project. its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the hoject will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the - 38- 2n8t2005 remaining years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on bngrneer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 39- 2fi8t2ffi5 APPENDIX C ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION Ut DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", hetween Tdaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller. dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section _, Townshrp Range Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to fumish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a (_) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same tyPe as this Project, 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Proiect, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. - 40- ut8t2005 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10.That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the temrs of thc Agrccnrcnt and with Prudcnt Dlcctrical Practiccs for a (_) ycar pcriod. 11. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph5.2 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 12.That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. By (P.8. Stamp) Date - 41- 2n8t200s FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND GOLDEN VALLEY WIND PARK LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS TMLEArticle 1 Definitions 2 No Reliance on Idaho Power 3 Warranties 4 Conditions to Acceptance of Energy 5 Term and Operation Date 6 Purchase and Sale of Net Energy 7 Purchase Price and Method of Payment 8 Environmental Attributes 9 Facility and Interconnection 10 Disconnection Equipment 1l Metering and Telemetry 12 Records 13 Protection 14 Operations 15 krdemnification and Insurance 16 Force Majeure 17 Land Rights 18 Liability; Dedication 19 Several Obligations 20 Waiver 2L Choice of Laws and Venue 22 Disputes and Default 23 Governmental Authorization 24 Commission Order 25 Successors and Assigns 26 Modification 27 Taxes 28 Notices 29 Additional Terms and Conditions 30 Severability 31 Counterparts 32 Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C EXHIBIT 2 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) GOLDEN VALLEY WIND PARK LLC Project Number: 3 I 765 160 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this day of____Itlay_ 2005 between GOLDEN VALLEY WIND PARK, an Idaho limited liability company (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPAI.IY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sornetimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WIIEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINTIIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "eommi.&l" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 "Qg4trqg!-Yeet" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 1.3 "Designated Dispatch F '- Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idatro Power. 1.4 "Disconnection Equipment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.5 "E4gili!y" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. 51) 1- 5t412005 1.6 "First Enersv Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfred the requirements of Article IV and the Se1ler begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery' 1.7 "Generation lnterconne " - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 1.8 "Inadvertent Energy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 atd the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.10 "Initial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than 10 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. l. I I "fuSES" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and uansmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 7.12 "MarkelE4etgtee$" - Eighty-five percent (857o) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia Index. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. I .1 3 "MaXgdaI BIgAgh" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. -2- 5t412005 l.l4 "Maximum Capacity Amount" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.15 "M9teriug_@ippgnL - All equipment specified in Schedule 72,the Generation Interconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. 1.16 "Net Energy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. l.l7 "Operation_Dqle" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 "Eqin!_qfDglivgly" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller's electrical facilities are interconnected. 1.19 "Prudent Electrical krct " - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safely, dependably, efficiently and economically. |.20..@''-ThedatespecifiedinAppendixBwhenSelleranticipates achieving the Operation Date. l.2l "schedule 72" -Idaho Power's Tariff No 101, ScheduleT2or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "SgA!9!" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and./or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or theGeneration Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 "Slation_Usg" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- 1.25 "Sue!u.Q Enelgy" - (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds 1107o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 907o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the ldaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. I.26 "Total Cost of the Facility" - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE tr: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller Independent Experts - All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE Itr: WARRANTIES No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. Oualifying Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as thar rerm -4- 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 is used and defined in 18 CFR 9292.207. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4.1.1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, l8 CFR 292.207 . 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Irtter signed by an attorney admiued to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 Initial Capacitv Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data" resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- 5.1 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No. 21690. These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognizs the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1.7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to ldaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts: 6.1 6.2 Season 1 Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June September October January February kwh 3,612,966 2,787,964 2,095,176 1,513,939 1,662,174 2,387,942 3,351,561 r,939,187 2,387,420 2,734,798 t,496,47r 2.659,638 Season 3 -7- 5t412005 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5ft day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 f.or the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energ Amount - 6.2.3.L No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to ldaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller may not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- 514t2005 Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 14.2.1or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) SGU = a.) ff Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU = Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. psH = Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3-1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: tfli"{i" = NEA ( ( ffi x NEA ) " ( H ) ) This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy. 6.3 Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (l0%o) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specifred in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- ARTICLE Vtr: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energy Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 29646 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 200s 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 0 201 1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Season | - (73.50%) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 52.O7 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 Season2 -(l20.O0Vo) Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.0070) Mills/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 s3.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 7.3 Surplus Energv Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvertent Energy - 7.3.1 Inadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 hours times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kwh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kWh in this example would be l0- 7.4 Inadvertent Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than 10 average MW and therefore does not intend to generate Inadvertent Energy, Idaho Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for lnadvertent Energy Payment Due Date - Energy payments to the Seller will be disbursed within 30 days of the date which ldaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energy. Inc., 107 Idaho 781,693P.2d427 (1984); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 ldaho 1122,695 P.zd I 261 (1985); Afton Energry. Inc. v. Idaho Power Compan),, I I I Idaho 925, 729P.2d 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and l8 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VItr: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned lnterconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full - 11- 7.5 8.1 9.1 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Interconnection Facilities will be in accordance with Schedule72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOIJIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation lnterconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and Idaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTTCLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a nunner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incured by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - t2- 10.1 11.1 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. ll.2 Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic test schedule relevant to the equipment installed as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustrnent (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payments will be based on the shorter of (1) a period equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. 11.3 Telemetry - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to ldaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE Xtr - RECORDS Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, lnadvertent Energy - 13- t2.t t3.l 12.2 and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, lnadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE XM. PROTECTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt ofthe Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its custorners, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, ldaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such intemrption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 14.9. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. 14.l Communications ARTICLE XTV - OPERATIONS - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. 14 .2 Enersl'Acceptance - - t4- 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if ldaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or lnadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, electrical system operating conditions on its system or as otherwise required by Prudent Electrical Practices. ff, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facilily to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 1.4.3 Seller Declared Suspension of Energv Deliveries L4.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to _ 15_ Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. ln the month(s) in which the Declared Suspensibn of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 lf the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.I, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facilily by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVIII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltage Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall rninimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. ldaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (lOVo) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as - 16- necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at startup, during normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. I4.7 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before January 31 of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and ldaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. 14.9 Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intemrption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSI.]RANCE 15.1 Indemnification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with - t7- this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.2,1 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current Insurance Industry Utility practices for similar ProPerty. 15.2.2 T:he above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall fumish ldaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, - 18- 16.1 17.1 such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and otler labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars ofthe occurrence. (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. ARTICLE XVtr: LAND RIGHTS Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, lnterconnection Equipment, Disconnection F,quipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to ldaho Power's approval and in recordable form. - 19- 17.2 UseofPublicRights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.2. 17 .3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph l7.4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilities to accommodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this pNagraph 17.3. 17 .4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall -20- provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to ldaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. ARTICLE XVItr: LIABILITY: DEDICATION 18.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereofto the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XD(: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS 19.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are iltended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE XX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 2l.l This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. - 2t- ARTICLEXXtr: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 22.1 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not Iimited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this 223 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph l5.2.If Seller 22.2.2 Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which -22- 22.3.2 Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and 22.3.3 Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller will supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXItr: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION 23.1 This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Parry of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, -23- any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all of Idaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. 26.1 ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. 27.1 ARTICLE XXVtr: TAXES Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a Iien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVII NOTICES 28.I All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC 1424Dodge Ave. Helena, MT 59601 To ldaho Power: Original document to: Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 -24- Copy ofdocument to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.1 This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer' s Certifi cations ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 31.1 This Agreement rnay be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXtr: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes tlte entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed -25- 5t4t2005 ByBy in their respective nnmes on the dates set forth below: Idaho PowerCompany N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations M*v 5 ,1Do5 "Idaho Powet'' Golden Valley Wind Park LLC /f,,U'r'1 James T. Carkulis - Managing Member Dated-- - d7" zaa{ -"Seller" - 26- APPENDX A A -1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWTTCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - 27- Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State 7ip Facility Output Station Usage Station Usaee Metered Maximum Generation kw Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Datc fime Meter *Reason Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter * I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Breaker Openine Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced 0utage of Facility Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) I hereby certify that the above meter rcadings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the slvitching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature -28- Date 5t4t2005 A-2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact lnformation Daily Energy Production Reporting Catl daily by 10 a.m., 1-800-356-4328 or 1-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numberr Current Meter Readingo Estimated Generation for the current dayo Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call 1-800-345-1319 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number. Approximate time outage occurred o Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller' s Contact Information 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Proiect On-site Contact information Telephone Number: -29- APPENDX B FACILITY AND POINT OFDELIVERY PROJECT NO. 31765160 GOLDEN VALLEY WTND PARK B.I DESCRIPTIONOFFACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 Wind turbines model GE sle with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 10.5 MW. B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Burley, Idaho Sections: EVz.E%of 24 Township: 11 S Range: 2l E County: Cassia ldaho. B.3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected April 31. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected June 1. 2006 as t}re estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making tlese selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreernent must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process. B-4 MAXMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: This value will be 10.5 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in the Generation Interconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. - 30- 5t412005 B-5 POINT OF DELTVERY "Point of Delivery" rleans, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will become an integral part of this Agreement. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at 2Vo of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the ldaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 31- B-6 B-7 B-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILITIES The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. ldaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and -32- B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTIVE POWER The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation lnterconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation lnterconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (1) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require intemrption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller B-9 - 33- st4t2N5 provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specifred in Schedule 72. B-10 COSTS The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and Interconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid -34- 5t4t2005 by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpayment of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B-11 SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under ScheduleT2,the Generation Interconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- 514t2005 APPENDD( C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IFCo Facility No.and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Golden Valley Wind Park Project, is located in Section EYz.Erh of 24, Township 11 S, Range 21 E, Boise Meridian, Cassia County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to fumish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a - (-) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M') for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the - 36- 5t4t2N5 APPENDD( C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigled on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to.the Seller as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No.and hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Golden Valley Wind Park Project, is located at 550 South ,700 West, Burley, Idaho 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to tdaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the - 38- remaining years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By -39- APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively refered to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC as Seller, dated That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Golden Valley Wind Park Project, is located in Section E%.EYz of 24, Township 11S, Range 218, Boise Meridian, Cassia County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a - (-) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all - 40- 5/4t2m.5 applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of t}re Agreement and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a - (-) year period. 11. That Engineer recognizes that ldaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 4t- Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a - (-) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 37- 5t4t2N5 i"j-'n r'^ ) lt ...- FIRMENERGY SALES AGREEMENT ' .i .: iJ BETyEEN i;:.;5" ;" IDAHO POWER COMPANY ,. ., ,;', t, l,:.' ,AND "'t,-/i i. j MILNER DAM WIND PARK LLC TABLEOFCONTENTS TTTLE Definitions No Reliance on Idaho Power Warranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operation Date Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attributes Facility and Interconnection Disconnection Equipment Metering and Telemetry Records Protection Operations Indemnification and Insurance Force Majeure Land Rights Liability; Dedication Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severability Counterparts Entire Agreernent Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C ' :J {,j 1r..'J ri? 4;1,5 - , l.lilr r^clrr,iil!sicru Article 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 l5 I6 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 EXHIBIT 3 10t10t2005 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aI\,lW or Less) MILNER DAM WIND PARK LLC Proj ect Number: 3 17 20 I 90 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on trris / { day of 0"t 2005 between MILNER DAM WIND PARK, an Idaho limited liability company (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Pa.rty." WTINESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINTIIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "Commission" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission LZ "eontract YeAI" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 1.3 "DesiEnated Dispatch Frcility" - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. 1.4 "Disconnection Equipment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.5 "Eegiflly" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. l- l0/10/200s 1.6 "First Energy Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery. 1.7 "Generation Interconnection Process" - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. l 8 "InadvertgnlEle1g." - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.10 "Initial Capacity Deterrnination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than 10 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. 1.l l "Losses" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. I.I2 "Marks!_-Engtry_Co$" - Eighty-five percent (857o) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia krdex. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. 1.13 "Material BreAgh" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. -2- l0/10/2005 l.l4 "Maximum Capacity Amount" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.15 "MCtqfin&Eouipment'. - All equipment specified in Schedule 72,the Generation Interconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. 1 .16 "Ng!_Energy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours ftWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. 1.17 "@ratiq4 !a!9" -The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 "Poin!_qf lelivqy" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s electrical facilities are interconnected. 1.19 "Prudent Electrical Practices" - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safely, dependably, efficiently and economically. 1.20 "Scheduled Operation " - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. 1..2L "Sghedu!9._72 - Idaho Power's Tariff No 101, ScheduleT2 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "Sg4!e!" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 "futien_Use" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- 10/10/2005 1.25 "Suph5jEugtg" - (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds lIOVo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 90Vo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2,then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "Total Cost of the FrciliU" - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE tr: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller Independent Experts - All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLEItr: WARRANTIES No Warrantv by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, shength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. Oualifying Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 l0/10/2005 4.1 is used and defined in 18 CFR 5292.207. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4.1.I Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, 18 CFR 292.207. 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attomey admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4. 1 . 1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that ldaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- Loltot2m5 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No.21690. These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1.7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE 5.1 Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date flrst written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. 5.2 OperationDate-The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- l0/10/200s 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default. ARTICLE VL PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All hadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to [daho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initial YearMonthly Net Energy Amounts: 6.1 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June September October January February -7- kwh 5,787,962 4,427,728 4,963,825 3,2L4,413 3,031,353 3,732,861 4,870,362 4,542,022 3,874,824 4,945,819 3,863,663 4,58s,851 Season 3 l0/10/200s 6.2.2 Ongoine Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one yeiu of monthly generation estimates (hitial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6-2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller ma), not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5e day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Enerry Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1. or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- l0/10/2005 Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) SGU = a.) If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B ttrat are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU = RSH = Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agrcement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.I or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: Adiusted Nei Energy = NEA Amount NEA ) x(((ffix H)) 6.3 This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy orthe Sellerdeclared a Suspension ofEnergy. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (107o) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- l0/10/2005 7.1 ARTICLE Vtr: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energy Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 29646with seasonalization factors applied: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Seasonl-(73.50Vo) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 s0.91 52.07 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 Season2 -(120.00Vo) Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.'t7 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.'14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.0070) Mills/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.2s 7.2 7.3 Surplus Enerey Price - For all Surplus Energy,Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvertent Energy - 7.3.1 Inadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 hours times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kwh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,M0,000 kWh in this example would be - 10- l0/r0/2005 7.4 7.5 Inadvenent Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than l0 average MW and therefore does not intend to generate lnadvertent Energy, Idaho Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for Inadvertent Energy Payment Due Date - Energy payments to the Seller will be disbursed within 30 days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton EnerKv. Inc., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d427 (198a); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 Idaho 1122,695 P.zd 1 261 (1985); Afton Energy. Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, 1l I Idaho 925, 729 P.Zd a00 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VItr: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and lnadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full - 11- 8.1 9.1 l0/10/2005 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Interconnection Facilities will be in accordance with ScheduleT2,the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOUIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection hocess and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and Idaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI: METERTNG AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetr), - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - t2- 10.1 11.1 r0/10/2005 17.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be ilspected, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic test schedule relevant to the equipment installed as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and SeIIer shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 7o) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payments will be based on the shorter of (1) a period equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. 11.3 Telemetry - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE Xtr - RECORDS 12.1 Maintenanceof Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- t0/10/2005 13.1 and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE XM - PROTECTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-fumished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt ofthe Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect ldaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation lnterconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such interruption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 14.9. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XIV - OPERATIONS 14 .l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. - t4- 10/10/2005 14 .2 Energy Acceptance - 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if ldaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or Inadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, electrical system operating conditions on its system or as otherwise required by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 lf, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or lnterconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or t*e such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will tlre Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facilily to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 14.3 Seller Declared Suspension of Energl, Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as - 15- r0/10/2005 provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. ln the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 lf the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Desigrated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVIII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltage Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (lO?o) at the Point of - 16- l0/10/200s Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at startup, during normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before January 3l of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical systenL and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intemlption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. 14.9 ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Indemnification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or - t7- 15.1 l0/10/2005 maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. L5.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.2.1 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance hdustry Utility practices for similar property. 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 1.5.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specifrc reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause _ 18_ 16.1 l0/10/2005 beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (l) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the (3) occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occulTence. ARTICLE XVI LAND RIGHTS l7.I Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to ldaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to _ t9_ (2) l0/10/2005 Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. I7 .2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public righrof-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.2. l7 .3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph l7 .4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilities to accommodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. l7 .4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to ldaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for -20- 10/10/2005 resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. ARTICLE XVItr: LIABILITY: DEDICATION 18.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XD(: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS 19.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venhre or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLEXX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 2I.l This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of -2t- lul0/200s the Fourth Judicial District of tdaho in and for the County of Ada. ARTICLE XXtr: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 221 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph l5.2.If Seller 22.2.2 writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O -22- 22.3.2 l0/10/2005 22.3.3 & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller will supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXII GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION 23.L This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXTV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.I This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being - 23_ 1Cl/l0/2005 first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need ofconsent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all ofldaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLEXXVtr: TAXES 27.1 Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLEXXVItr: NOTICES 28.1 All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Milner Dam Wind Park, LLC Attn: James T. Carkulis 515 N 276 Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, tdaho 83702 - 24- 10/10/2005 To ldaho Power: Original document to: Vice President, Power Supply ldaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Cooy of document to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.1 This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer' s Certifications ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 31.1 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXI ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter -25- l0/10/2005 hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Milner Dam Wind Park L.L.C. Dated to/t, /ar- "Idaho Power""Seller" C. Miller, Sr. Vice President, Power Supply -26- l0/10/2005 APPENDX A A -1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWMCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise,Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - 27- l0/10/2005 Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State 7,tp Facility Outnut Station Usage Station Usage Metered Merimum Generetion kw Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Brcaker Opening Record Date Time Meter *Reason Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Breaker Openins Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of tr'acility Disturbance of IPCo Systcm Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protcction Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Eneryy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature Date -28- l0/10/2005 A.2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily Energy Production Reporting Call daily by 10 a.m., l-800-356-4328 or 1-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number r Current Meter Readingr Estimated Generation for the current dayo Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call l-800-345-1319 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number o Approximate time outage occurred o Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller' s Contact Information 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Telephone Number: -29- B-1 FACILTTY AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJECT NO. 31720190 MILNER DAM WIND PARK DESCRIPTION OFFACILMY The Facility will consist of 12 Wind turbines; model 77 GE SLE with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 18.0IvtW. LOCATION OF FACILTTY Near: Sections: 25.26.35 Township: Tl0S Range: R20E County: Cassia Idaho. SCTMDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected November 1. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected May 1. 2007 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 andthe Generation Interconnection Process. MAXIMLTM CAPACIY AMOUNT: This value will be 19.2 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in the Generation Interconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-2 B-3 B4 - 30- l0/10/2005 B-5 POINTOFDELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will become an integral part of this Agreement. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the ldaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at ZVo of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equiiment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, ldaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 3t- B-6 B-7 10/10/2005 B-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILMIES The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and - 32- 10/10/2005 B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTTVEPOWER The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation Interconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, desigl and installation of the ldaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (1) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require intemrption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller B-9 - 33- 10/10/2005 provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equiprnent cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-IO COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and Interconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid -34- 10/10/2005 by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost incuned by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpayment of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B-1I SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished lnterconnection Facilities as required under ScheduleT2,the Generation lnterconnection Process and/or described in this Agreernent, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the lnterconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for t}re net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- l0/10/2005 APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineern" hereby states and cerlifies to the Seller as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and is hereinafter referred to asand this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the , is located in Section - Township -, Range -, Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recogrizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the sanre type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review ofthe Policy for Operation and Maintenance ('O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the - 36- 10/10/2005 Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 37- l0/10/2005 APPENDX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned on behalf of himself and to as "Engineer," herebyhereinafter collectively referred states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. "Project". and hereinafter referred to as the 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the remaining years of the Agreement. - 38- r0/10/200s 9. That Engineer recogaizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date - 39- 10/10/2005 APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated -J.That the cogeneration or small power production project, which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement, is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section -, Township -, Range -, Boise Meridian, County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a ( ) vear oeriod. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. - 40- l0/10/200s 9. Thatthe Project has been constructed in accordance with saidplans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10.That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a _ ( ) year period. 11.That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations opinions contained in this Statement. 12.That Engineer certifies that the above statements axe complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date the and By - 4t- l0n0/200s Article I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHOPOWER COMPANY AND OREGON TRAIL WIND PARK L.L.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS TruLE Definitions No Reliance on Idaho Power Warranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Tcrrn and Opcration Datc Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attributes Facility and Interconnection Disconnection Equipment Metering and Telemetry Records Protection Operations Indemnification and Insurance Force Majeure Land Rights Liability; Dedicaticrn Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authori zation Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severability Counterparts Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C EXHIBIT 4 at8t2a05 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) OREGON TRAIL WIND PARK L.L,C. Project Number: 3 131 5075 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this l8'h day of--Eqbruqy- 2005 between OREGON TRAIL WIND PARK L.L.C. (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, constnrct, own, mainfrin and ope.rate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. TI{EREFORE, [n consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following rncanitrgs: l.l "Commission" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 ' eS$faqllggl" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 1.3 'nesignateA Oispatcn " - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. 1.4 "Disconnection Equipmont" - All equipment specified in Schedule 12 and the Generation lnterconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.5 "Eagi!!y" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. - l- 2/18t2005 "First Energy Date" - The day commencing at 001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Polnt of Deltvery. "Generation lnterconnection Process" - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation intercgnlcctir.rlr iu currrpliance with all applicablc rcgulatory rcquirements, Prudent Elcctrical Practices and national safety standards. 'I4dyeAenfErcryy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 afi the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. L 10 "Initial Capacitv Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than l0 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. I .1 I "Losses" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the point whcrc thc Facility's cilcrgy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l2 ' MS*g-Ea9Igy..1C9$" Eighty-five percent (857a) of the u,eighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Partie.s will mutually agree upon a replacement index. which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia Index. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. 1.13 "M!4cnal_Elggeh" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. a-L- ?/t8t2005 1.14 'tvtaxlmum Capacity emount" * The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agrcement. 1.15 "Metering EquiDment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72, the Generation InLerconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Iduho Powcr's system. t.t6 "Ne! lgelgy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to ldaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. l.l7 'Ape14tiS! !a!9" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 "Pqill9f_Delively" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s electrical taci I ities are lnterconnected. l.l9 "Prudent Electrical k " - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safcly, dcpcndably, cfficicntly and cconomically. 1.20 "scheduled Operat " - The date specifred in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. l.2l "schedule 72" - Idaho Pnwer's Tariff Ncr 101 , ,Schedrrle 72 nr its successor schedrles as approved by the Commission, 1.22 "Sga5e!" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 "Station Use" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- ala2ws 1.25 ' SUrylUS_fnefgy" - ( l) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds llO%o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the correspondlng month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 9OVo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month spwificd in paragraph 6.2, thcn all Nct trncrgy dclivered by thc Facility to thc Idaho Powcr electrical system for that given month or (3) AII Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "fotat Cost of tne ercility" - The total cost of stnrctures, eqn:ipment and apprrrtenances. 2.t ARTICLE tr: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller ofthe obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable ofperforming hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise ofldaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller Independent Expens - All profcssionals ur oxpcrts iucludirrg, but rrut liruitcrJ [u, crrgirrccrs, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE Itr: WARRANTIES No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. Oualifving Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that rerm 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 is used and defined in l8 CFR 9292.207 . After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of ldaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4.1.1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, 18 CFR 292.207 . Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Leuer signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is of thc upirriuu that Seller is iu substarrtial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attomey rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Porver is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- z I 8/200s 5.r 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Pulicy as tlesiJribed in Cqnunission Ordcr No.2l69O. Thcsc certificatcs will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4 .1.5 fnsurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1 .7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Ycors from the Operation Date. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- 2il8t21)05 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Datc will bs att cvent of default. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energ.v - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to ldaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Enerq.v Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initial Year Monthly Net Energv Atuouttts: 6.1 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June September October January February kwh 3. r 00,625 2,689,296 2,501,984 1,91.0,208 1,781,958 1,884,234 2,425,295 2,711,046 2,422,340 2,621,565 1,923,853 2,559,792 Season 3 -7- 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthlv Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5'h day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2. I for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy anlounts- 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: ( l) the Seller may not revise the imrnediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5e day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amotrnts will he deemed to tre an electicrn of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- vta2005 Amount as specified in paragraph suspension under paragraph 14.2.1 the followtng: Where: 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with NEA = SGII = TGU = RSH = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) a.) If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage ofcurtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: Adiusted NeiEne.gy - NEA Amount HtxNEA)x(((ffi)) 6.3 This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused fiom acceptrng the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension ofEnergy. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least len percent (lo7o) r:f the sulr uf thc Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- 7.1 ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Enerry Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 29646 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 201 0 201 1 2012 201 3 2014 2015 201 6 2017 201 I 2019 20,20 2021 2022 2023 2424 2025 2026 Season l-(73.507a) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 4't.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 52.O7 53.28 s4.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 Season2 -(120.NVo) Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.25 70.65 72.44 74.',t6 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.1 4 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.007o) Mills/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70-45 72.49 74.16 75.57 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 Surplus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvertcnt Encrgy - 7.3.1 lnadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kWh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kwh in this example would be lnadvertent 7.3 t0- 7,4 Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than l0 average MW and therefore does not intend to generate Inadvenent Energy, lclaho Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for Inadvertent Energy Payrncnt Duc Datc - Encrgy paymcnts to thc Scllcr will bc disbursed within 3O days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and lnadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A Continuins Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energ.v. Inc., 107 Idaho 7 81, 693 P.2d 427 ( I 98a); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 Idaho I 122,695 P.zd 1 261 (1985); Afton Enerey. Inc. v. ldaho Power Company, I I I ldaho 925, 729 P.zd 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 cFR S292.303-308. ARTICLE VtrI: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full - I l- 7.5 8.1 9.1 at8/2005 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required lnterconnection Facilities will be in accordance with ScheduleTZ,*re Generation Interconnectit-rn Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule '72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Powcr for cquipmcnt costs, installotion costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICT,F, X: DISCONNF,CTION EOTJIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ldaho Power ongoing monthly operatlons and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTTCLE XI; METERING AND TELDMDTRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Scheclule 72-, Crene-ration Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and ma;timum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - r2- ll.1 u18t2005 tt.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicablc pcriodic test schcdulc rclcvant to thc cquipmcnt installcd as spccificd in Appcndix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspecfion or fest shall take place, and each Parfy may have representatives present at the test or inspection. Ifa meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payrncnts will be bascd urr thc shur tcr uf ( l ) a pcr iud equal to ouc-half the timc from thc datc of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. I 1.3 Telemetrv - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the ldaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE XII - RECORDS l2.l Maintenanceof Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- zil8t200s and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Pany, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to rnspect and audlt any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, lnadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. l3.l ARTICLtr XItr - PROTtrCTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National F.lectrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt of the Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intem,rpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such interruption prior to its occurrence as provitlcrl iu palagraph 14.9. Scllcr shall providc and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XIV - OPEBATIONS 14 .l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement, 14 .2 Energy Acceptance - - t4- ata2(ns Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delrvery, if rt is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if Idaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or Inadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or nraintenance requircments, crucrgcncics, clcctrical systsm opcrating conditions on its systcm or as othcrwisc rcquired by Prudent Electrical Practices. lf, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intem.rption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, heginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intem.rption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 lf, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt . the flow of energy front the Facility as specificd withirr Schcdulc 72 tsr takc sur,h utlrcr reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Ma-ximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 14.3 Seller Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to - 15- ?,18t2005 Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 4E tururs) irr tlre writtcl ur.rtihcatiun pruviderl by thu Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified inparagraph6.2.4. 14.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVIII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension ofEnergy Deliveries and a description ofthe conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forccd outagc as en acccptoblc forced outage will be bosed upon the clear documentotion provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltage I.evels - Seller, in accordance with Pnrdent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (|Oc/o) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as - 16- 2118t2005 necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Rampine - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the nght to limit the rate that generation is changed at stafiup, during normal operation or following reconnection to ldaho Powerh electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 Schcdulcd Maintenance - On or bcforc January 31 of cach calcndar ycar, Scllcr shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability ofthe proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to fhe acceptahility of the Seller's timefahle for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. 14.9 Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller undcrstalrds that irr thc r.:asc uf errrcrgcucy uircunrstalrucs, real tinre opetations sf the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may rot be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intemrption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 15.1 Indemnifi_cation - Each Party shall aeree to hold harmless and to indemnifu the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with - t7- 2n8t2005 this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party rn entorcrng thls lndemnlty. l5-2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.2.1 Comprehensive General Liability ftrsurauuc fur buth budily injury ald property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current Insurance Industry Utility practices for similor proPerty' 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a cenificate of insurance, togerher with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coveraee - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapsc for ony rcoson, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitrrte a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE 16.l As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, - t8- v18t2005 such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, tires, lightnrng, eprdemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to ovcrcorle. I[ sithsr Party is rcndcrcd wholly or in part unablc to perform its obligations undcr this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (l) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possihle after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. The suspension of performance shall be of no gleater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occulTence. ARTICLE XVtr: LAND RICHTS Scller to Provide Access Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this .A,greement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection F.quipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Ag5eement. including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with tle access described above. AII documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. - 19- (2\ (3) t7.t 2/ta2(n5 l7 .2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or t'ederal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilitics uporr, along and ovcr any and all public roads, strccts ond highways, then thc usc by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim rtse of srrch puhlic right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 11 .2. 17.3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17 .4, Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilities to accommodate ldaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilities tr.r such rtcwly uunstructcd facilities. Except as requircd by paragraph 17.4, tdaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. 17.4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVII. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by ldaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 77.2 and 17.3 shall: (l) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall -20- u18t2tn5 provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVII. ARTICLE XVIII: LIABILITY: DEDICATION 18. I Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or afl'ect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 19.1 ARTICLE XIX: SEVER AT, OBT,IGATIONS Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE XX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with resp€ct to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI:CHOICE OFLAWS AND VENUE 21.1 This Agreernent shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. - 2t- at8t2w5 ARTICLE XXII: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 'Z'Z.l DisDutes - AII disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Noticc of Dcfault - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in 22.2.2 writing to he given to the defaulting Party, specifying fhe manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to dclaults idcrrtifisd irr tlis Agrecurclrt as Material Breaches. Material Breaches nrust be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph 15.2. If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which r'r.l - LL- 11 ?) ut8t2N5 22.3.3 Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required cenificate; and Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreenlcnt. In addition, Sellcr will supply Idaho Powcr with copics of any ncw or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses descrihed in paragraph 4"1.1 orto provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXItr: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION 23.1 This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those govemmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions horeof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, - 23- v142005 27.1 any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need ofconsent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all ofldaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Powcr shall havc thc right to bc notificd by thc financing cntity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICI,F, XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No nrcdification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLEXXVII: TAXES Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVtrI: NOTICES 28.1 All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Oregon Trail Wind Park L.L.C. Attn: Larry Leib 1424 Dodge Ave Helena, MT 59601 -24- at8t2ffi5 29 I To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vlce President, Power Supply ldaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copv ofdocument to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement includes the following appendices. which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer's Certifications ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI COIJNTERPARTS 3l.l This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXtr: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the - 25- ut8t2m5 Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed il their respcctivc narrrcs on thc datcs sct forth bclow: Idaho Power Comgany Oregon Trail Wind Park L.L.C. BY l/^n' s N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations feSeumv 18, L@5 By Dated James Carkulis ,1o,-., o,.. o 1k, * o "., "Idaho Power""Seller" - 26- APPENDIX A A -1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - 27- at8t200s Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND S\ryITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip tr'acility Output Station Usage Station Usaee Metered Maximum Generation kw Net Generation Meter Ntrmher: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Defe Time Meter *@ I Lack of Adequate Prime Mover 2 f,'orced Outage of Facility 3 Disturbnnce of fPCn Sysfem 4 ScheduledMaintenance 5 Testing ofProtection Systern 6 Cauee Unknown 7 Other (Explain) ,*Reason Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the swltchlng record ls accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreernent to which I am a Par$. Signature Date -28- ut8t2m5 A.2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact lnformation Daily Energy Production Reporting Call daily by l0 a.m., l-800-3564328 or l-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: r Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Current Meter Readingo Estimated Generation for the current dayo Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call l-800 345 l3l9 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Approximate time outage occurredo Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller's Contact Information 24-Hour Proiect Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Telephone Number: - 29- atSt?aos B-l APPENDIX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJECT NO. 31315075 OREGON TRAIL WIND PARK DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 GE Wind turbines model 77 SLE with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 10.5 MW. LOCATION OFFACILMY Ncar: Hagcrman, Idaho Sections: Township: 75 Range: l2E County: TwinFalls Idaho. SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected December 31. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected January 15. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process. MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: This value willbe 10.5 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in the Generation Interconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-2 B-j B4 30- B-6 B-5 POINT OF DELTVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Ceneration Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this proccss will bccomc an intcgral part of this Agreement. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the ldaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at ZVo of the kwh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss spccifiuatiuns, conductor sizcs, ctc) of all of thc clcctrical cquipmcnt bctwecn thc Facility and thc Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, ldaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adiust the previous months kWh loss calculations. B-7 METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 3l- ut8t2w5 B-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications wilt include bur not be limircd to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Intcrconncction proccss, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to ldaho Power's communications eqrripment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy producaion. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILITM,S The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specif,rcations will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided eqtripment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and 2n8/2005 B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTIVEPOWER 'l'he ldaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon intbrmation provided by the Seller. The Generation Interconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power systcrn to mcct thc Facility's rcactivc powcr rcquircmcnts. Thcsc specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the ldaho Power provided equipment The entire Generation Interconnection process. including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to ldaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be rncluded in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNbC'IION EQ U IPMEN'I' Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (l) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Scllcr rcquirc intcrnrption or curtailmcnt of cncrgy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipmenf is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire - J-1- ut8/2005 and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Ceneration Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and wilt test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and rcquircmcnts will bccomc an intcgral part of this Agrccmcnt. Idaho Powcr owncd cquipmcnt will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will he in accordance with Schedrrle 72 ancl the teital Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-IO COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protectron equlpment and lnterconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation lnterconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, iustallation and construction chargcs as spccificd abovc, during thc tcrm ofthis Agrccmcnt, Scller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has cr.rmpleted installatinn of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to - 34- 2/t8t2005 reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by ldaho Power. Idaho power will refund or Seller will remit any underpayment of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B-II SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power firrnished Interconnection Facilities as required under Schedrile72, the Generation Interconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, Iess the cost ofremoval and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership ofthe Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- a$t2005 APPENDIX C ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAII{TENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer, hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: L That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of ldaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and is hereinalier ret'erred to asand this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known the Prujcct, is locatcd in Scction Townslrip Range , Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period- 6. That Engineer has substantial experience power plants of the same type as this Project. the design, construction and operation of electric 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Proiect. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Powcr, in acconlancc wittr paragraph 5.2 oI the Agrcuureut, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above staternents are complete, tnre and accurate to the best ofhis knowlodgo and thcrcforc sets his hond and eeol below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By APPENDX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Thc undcrsigncd on boholf of himself ond hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: l. That Fngineer is a T.icensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and - as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. "Project". and hereinafter referred to as the 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Pruject, is lucatcd at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, constnrction and operatinn r-rf electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Proiect, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its desigrr electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the - 38- ata2005 remaining- years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, rs relying on Engineer's reprcsentations and opinions comained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date - 39- vt8t2005 APPENDIX C ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State ofldaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer. and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section Township Range -, Boise Meridian,County, [daho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a - ( ) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Desiga Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis ofthe plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. - 40- 2n8t2005 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prutlent ElEctrical Practiccs for a _ (-) year poriod. I l.That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations opinions contained in this Statement. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best ofhis knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date the and By - 4l- at8n00j Article I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 l0 11 t2 t3 l4 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPAI.IY AND SALMON FALLS WIND PARK LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE Definitions No Reliance on ldaho Power Warranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operation Date Purchase and Sale ofNet Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attributes Facility and lnterconnection Disconnection Equipment Metering and Telenretry Records Protection Operations Indemnification and Insurance Force Majeure Land Rights Liability; Dedication Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severability Counterparts Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C rii-C'rlVED ',,j : :i.tn i i ?tl5{)tT 20 Pl{ l^':53 r'r \ ii'i IrUtlLlC i, i il.i r iis-co14l"tlsslol{ EXHIBIT 5 l0/10/200s FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) SALMON FALLS WIND PARK LLC Project Number: 31618100 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this / I d ay ot O o* 2005 between SALMON FALLS WIND PARK, an Idaho limited liability company (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy ,produced by the Seller's Facility. ' THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "eorEnnDgion" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 "e.qn!&c!_Yea5" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 'Oesienated Disparc " - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. "Disconnection Equipment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. "Facility" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. t.3 t.4 1- 1.5 l0/r0/2005 1.6 "First Energy Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery. 1.7 "Generation Interconnec '* Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 1,8 "lnadvertent Energy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. lnadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "lnterconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection kocess and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.10 "Initial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than l0 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. 1.1 I "LesSeS" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l2 "Market Energy Cost" - Eighty-five percent (857o) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia lndex. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. 1.13 "Material Breach" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. -2- 10/10/2005 l.l4 "Maximum CapaciU Amount" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.15 "Melqrigg-Eqgircnli - All equipment specified in Schedule T2,theGeneration lnterconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. 1.16 "Net Energ.y" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. Ll7 'AperUtS! !ate" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. l.18 'EStItgtlgliIgry" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s electrical facilities are interconnected. 1.19 "Prudent Electrical Practices" - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safely, dependably, efficiently and economically. l.2O "scheduled Operation Date" - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. l.2l "Sshgdu]g_Z{ - Idaho Power's Tariff No 101, Schedule 72 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "Season" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2. I of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation lnterconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 'StAliS!_Use" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- l0/10/2005 1.25 "surplus Enersy" - (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds ll0vo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 9OVo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "Total Cost of the FrciliU" - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE tr: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER 2.1 Seller Independent Investisation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 2.2 Seller Independent Experts - All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seiler may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE III: WARRANTIES 3.1 No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. 3.2 Oualifying Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- 10/t0/2005 4.1 is used and defined in 18 CFR 9292.207. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE TV: CONDMIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4.1.1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, 18 CFR 292.207 . 4.t.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attomey admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is of the opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law ( 1991). 4.1.3 Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- I 0/l 0i2005 5.1 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No.21690. These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 lnsurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1.7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withhetd by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- l0/10/2005 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by ldaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total a.nourt of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 lnitial Year Monthly Net Energ.v Amounts: 6.1 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June September October January February . kwh 5,M7,744 5,565,060 5,027,172 4,065,190 3,772,578 4,041,053 5,330,750 4,',l00,332 4,470,040 4,-157,415 4,203,181 3,436,421 Season 3 -7- 10/10/2005 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to ldaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5e day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.I for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energv Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided lnitial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller may not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5s day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller' s Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- 10/10/2005 Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 14.2.1or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) SGU = a.) If Idaho Power is excused from acceptingthe Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be' equal to the percentage ofcurtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU = Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. psH = Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: l*i,*i" = NEA ( ( ffi', x NEA ) " ( H ) ) This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy. 6.3 Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (lOVo) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- 10/10/2005 7.t ARTICLE VII: PI]RCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energy Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 296y',6 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201s 2016 2017 2018 201 I 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Season | - Q3.50Vo) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 4s.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 52.O7 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 SeasonZ -(120.007o) Mills&Wh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.2s 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 . 77.62 79.40 9',t.24 83.'11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.007o) Mills&Wh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 7.3 Surplus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvertent Energy - 7.3.1 lnadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 hours times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kwh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kWh in this example would be - 10- 10/10/2005 7.4 Inadvertent Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than 10 average MW and therefore does not intend to generate lnadvertent Energy, Idaho Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for Inadvertent Energy Payment Due Date - Energy payments to the Seller will be disbursed within 30 days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energy. tnc., 107 Idaho 781,693 P.Zd 427 (1984); Idaho Power Company,v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 Idaho 1 122,695 P.2d 12:61(1985); Afton Energ.y. lnc. v. Idaho Power Company, l l l Idaho 925, 729 P.zd 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VItr: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full - 11- 7.5 8.1 9.1 l0/10i2005 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Interconnection Facilities will be in accordance with ScheduleT2,the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOUIPMENT 10.1 Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation lnterconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and Idaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - t2- 11.1 l0/10/2005 tt.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic test schedule relevant to the equipment installed as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall,be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent Q. ?o) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, correctioni tb the payments will be based on the shorter of (l) a period equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. I 1.3 - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. t2.l ARTICLE Xtr - RECORDS Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- l 0/r0/2005 l3.l and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power, 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE XM - PROTECTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt ofthe Generation Interconnection Process. H, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversefy affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically interrupt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such intemrption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 14.9. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XIV - OPERATIONS 14 .l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. - 14- l0/10/2005 14 .2 Energy Acceptance - 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if Idaho Power determines that curtailment, interruption or reduction of Net Energy or Inadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, electrical system operating conditions on its system or as otherwise required by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. ldaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 lf, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or lnadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 14.3 Seller Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as - 15- l0/10/2005 provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net nergy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 If the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the , earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller ' will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVIII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. \4.5 Voltage Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days' notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (lO7o) at the Point of - 16- l0i l0/2005 Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accorrunodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at startup, during normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before January 3l of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of sigrrificant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. 14.9 Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interruption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to ldaho Power. ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Inderrmification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or - t7- 15.1 10/10/2005 maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.2.1 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for both bodily injury and property ddmage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current Insurance krdustry Utility practices for similar property. L5.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coveragg - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause - 18- t6.r 10/10/2005 beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars ofthe occurrence. (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. ARTICLE XVtr: LAND RIGHTS l'l.l Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to - 19- 10/10/2005 Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. 17.2 UseofPublicRights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Powerb compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public righrof-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.2. l7 .3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17 .4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilities to acconunodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attach\ng Seller's lnterconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. 17.4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operatingjointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to aglee on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for _20_ 10/10/200s resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. ARTICLE XVItr: LIABILITY: DEDICATION 18.l Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with referlnce to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XD(: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS 19.1 Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership orjoint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLEXX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 2l.l This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of - 2t- l0/10/2005 the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. ARTICLE XXtr: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 22.1 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreernent, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3-l lnsurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph 15.2. If Seller 22.2.2 Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occunence of the breach. fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O -22- 22.3.2 t0/10/2005 & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and 22.3.3 Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Seller will supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXItr: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION 23.1 This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being _ 23_ l0/10/200s first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need of consent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all of Idaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLEXXVtr: TAXES 27.1 Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the lnterconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVItr: NOTICES 28.I All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Salmon Falls Wind Park, LLC Attn: James T. Carkulis 515 N 27e Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 -24- t0/10/2005 To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vice hesident, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copy ofdocument to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.l This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A - Generation Scheduling and Reirorting Appendix B - Facility and Point of Delivery AppendixC - Engineer'sCertifications ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 31.1 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXtr: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32J This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter -25- 10/10/2005 hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agrcements between the Parties concerning the subject rnatter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Salmon Falls Wind Park L.L.C. ,za,/zr./at'/ "Seller" -26- C. Miller, Sr. Vice President, Power Supply 10/10/2005 APPENDX A A _1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTTON AND SWITCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, lnadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy ftW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. -27- l0/10/2005 Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip Facility Output Station Usage Station Usage Metered Maximum Generation kw Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Date Time Meter * 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 Breaker Openins Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of Facility Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) ,1.Reason Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature Date -28- l0/10/200s A-2 ROUTINEREPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily Energy Production Reporting Call daily by 10 a.m., l-800-3564328 or 1-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: r Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Current Meter Readingo Estimated Generation for the current dayo Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call 1-800-345-1319 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Approximate time outage occurredo Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller's Contact Information 24-Hour Project Opbrational Contact Name: 'Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Telephone Number: - 29- l0/10/200s APPENDD(B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJECT NO. 31618100 SALMON FALLS WIND PARK B.1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILMY The Facility will consist of 14 Wind turbines; model GE SLE with individual generator ratings of 1 .5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 2l .0 MW. B-2 LOCATION OF FACILMY Near: Sectiorrs: 25.36 Township: T08S Range: R12E County: TwinFalls Idaho. Sections:rft Township: T08S Range: R13E County: Twin Falls Idaho. B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected November 1. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected May 1. 2007 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection Process. B-4 MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: This value will be 22.40NNV which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to ldaho Power in the Generation lnterconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. - 30- l0/10/2005 B-5 POINT OF DELTVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will become an integral part of this Agreement. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at 2Vo of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equipment between th'e Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and - 31- B-6 B-7 l0/10/2005 B-7 telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will include but not be limited to equiprnent specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated wilh the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost conununication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILITIES The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifircations and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total - 32- 10/10/2005 B-8 Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTTVEPOWER The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation lnterconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (l) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require intemrption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited B-9 - 33- l0/10/2005 to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation lnterconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-IO COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and lnterconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay ldaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the - 34- 10/10/2005 Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpaynrent of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B.I1 SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under Schedule7Z,the Generation lnterconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the lnterconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt ofthe invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. 35- l0/10/2005 APPENDIX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production projeit which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. the "Project." and is hereinafter referred to as 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the is located in Section _ Township -, Range Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the - 36- l0/10/2005 Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 37- l0/10/2005 APPENDX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: l. lhat Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No.and hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said koject, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence.to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the remaining years of the Agreement. - 38_ l0/10/2005 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 39- APPENDD( C ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State ofldaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated -3. That the cogeneration or small power production project, which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement, is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". and is hereinafter 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section -, Township Range Boise Meridian, - County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a (_J year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller fumished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. - 40- 10/10/2005 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans hnd specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10.That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a - (-) year period. 11.That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 12.That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 4t- l0/10/2005 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND THOUSAND SPRINGS WIND PARK L.L.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLEArticle I Definitions 2 No Reliance on Idaho Power 3 Warranties 4 Conditions to Acceptance of Energy 5 Term and Operation Date 6 Purchase and Sale ofNet Energy 7 Purchase Price and Method of Payment 8 Environmental Attnbutes 9 Facility and lnterconnection l0 Disconnection Equipment I I Metering and Telemetry 12 Records 13 Protcction 14 Operations l5 lndemnification and Insurance 16 Force Majeure 17 Land Rights l8 Liability: Dedication 19 SeveralObligations 20 Waiver 2l Choice of Laws and Venue 22 Disputes and Default 23 Governmental Authorization 24 Commission Order 25 Successors and Assigns 26 Modification 27 Taxes 28 Notices'29 Additional Terms and Condirions 30 Severability 3l Counterparts 32 Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C EXHIBTT 6 zfi8t2005 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) THOUSAND SPRINGS WIND PARK. L.L.C. Project Number: 3 1315055 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this 186 day of- Februqy- 2005 between TIIOUSAND SPRINGS WIND PARK L.L.C. (Scllcr), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinatter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility;and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows; ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: l.l "Commission" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 "eongqcllgl" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereatler. 1.3 'Oesienated Dispatc " - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. 1.4 "Dissolnectiol Equiprucnt" - All cquiprrurt spcuifictl il Schedulc 7? ar.lL.l the Gsleratiurr Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.5 "Fagilily" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. - 1- 2n8t2005 1.6 1.7 "First Energy Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Pnwer's systenr at tlte Poinl of Delivcry. 'Generation Interconnec " - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 'tnAdlg4g4E1ggy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. lnadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. l.l0 "Initial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than l0 average MW per month and rs therefore eligrble to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. 1.1 1 "Losses" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of cncrgy botwccn thc point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.12 "Marke.r F.nergy Cosf" - F.ighty-five percent (857o) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will murually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia Index. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. I . 13 "Matede!-Brcagh" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. 1.8 a 2t18t2005 1.14 "Vtaximum Capacity Amoum" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l5 "Metering Equipment" - All equiprneltt specificd iu Schedule 72,thc Celeratiurr Lrtcrcorurectiurr Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. l.16 "Net Energly" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. l.l7 'ApeIAigI !A!e" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 ' ESIptpt lg]tyqty" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s electncal tacr ltttes are lnterconnected. 1.19 'pruaent nrcctricat p " - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safcly, dcpcndably, efficicntly and cconomically. 1.20 "Scheduled Operation Date" - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. l.2l 'Sebeddel| - Tdaho Power's Tariff No l0l , Schedule 72 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "Season" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "Special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 'StatiS!_lUE'- Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production ofelectricity by the Facility. -J- zl812005 1.25 'SUtplgSErcryy" - (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds I l07o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for thc currcspuudiug ruonth specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If thc Nct Dncrgy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 907o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 'Totallostofuhe-Eacility" - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE II: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER Seller Indeoendent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Selter of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has lnvestlgated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Sollcr Indcpcndcnt Expcrts - All profcssionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE III: WARRANTIES No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. Oualifying Facility Starus - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- 1.26 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 2n8t2005 is used and defined in l8 CFR 5292.207. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller"s failure to maintain Qualifyiug Facility status will bc a Material Blcach ul this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller. Seller shall: 4.1 .l Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, 18 CFR 292.2W. Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Leffer signed by an attorney admitted to practlce and m good standlng ln the State of ldaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a rcasonablc indepcndcnt revicw, counscl is of thc opinion that Scllcr is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion rrnderstands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion lrtter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1 .3 Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- 2n8t2005 5.1 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No. 21690. These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1 .5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1 .7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfrlled. Such written confirmation shall be provided wrthin a commercrally reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period oftwenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation l)ate. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a .onsistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- ut8t2uJ5 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has reccived writtcrr r.urrlinuatiurr frurrr It]ahu Puwer of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default. ARTICLE VI: PLIRCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Ener&v - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Dehvery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Energ.v Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initial Year Monthly Nct Encrey Amounts: 6.1 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November l)ecemher June Scptcnrbcr October January February kwh 3,100,625 2,689,296 '2,5u1,9E4 1,910,208 1,781,958 1,884,234 2.425.29s 2,711,046 2,422,340 2,621,565 1,923,853 2,559,792 Season 3 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Energy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5'h day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided tnitial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller may not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5s day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- 2fi8t2005 Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 suspension under paragraph 14.2.1 or thc following: Where: for the specific month in which the reduction or 14.3.[ occurs will be reduced in accordance with NEA = SGU = TGU = RSH = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) a.) If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value willbe equal to the percentage ofcurtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Dclivcrics. Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3-l TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resultins formula being: Adjusted Net Energy Amount = NEA ((ffixNEA)x()) RSH TH 6.3 This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only ahe specific month in which Iclaho Power was excuse<I frr;m accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension of Energy. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Controct Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent ( 107o) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- 2/r8/2@s ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Enersv Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accortlarrce with Cuuuuiusiun Order 29646 with seasonalizatiorr factors applicd: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201 1 2012 201 3 2014 201 5 201 6 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Season I - (73.509o) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 5?_O7 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 SeasonZ -(120.00Vo) Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.007o) Mills/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.'t7 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 7.3 Surplus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvcrtcnt Ener8y 7.3.1 Inadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kWh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,M0,000 kwh in this example would be Inadvertent l0- 2Jtgt2005 7.4 7.5 Energy.) 1.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than 10 averagc MVy' and therefole dues rrut intenrl to Bencratc Inadvcrtcnt Dncrgy, Idabo Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay lbr lnadvertent Energy Payment Due Date - Energy payments to the Seller rvill be disbursed within 30 days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energy. Inc., 107 Idaho 781,693P.2d427 (1984); Idaho PowerCompany v,Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 tdaho I t'22,b95P.2d1261 (1985);AftonEnergy. Inc.v. IdahoPowerCompany, llt Idaho925, 729P.2d 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and l8 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VIII: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attrihutes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags. Green Certificates. Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE IX: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full - I l- 8.1 9.1 2/t8/?OO5 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required lnterconnection Facilities will lrc iu aucurdarrcs with Schedule 72, thc Ccncration Intcrconncction Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurrod by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by ldaho Power tor equrpment costs, installation costs and ldaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measrrre power flows to ldaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72. Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. AII Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - 12- l0.l l1.l 418t2005 11.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. AII meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic tcst schcdulc rolcvant to thc cquipmcnt installcd as spccificd in Appcndix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Powerh expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to thc payurclts will trc bzrscd urr the shorter of ( l) a period equal to one-half the tin e frsm the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. Telemetry - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the ldaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. I1.3 ARTICLE XtI - RECORDS l2.l Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- zil8t2005 and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Pany, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all gcncratiol, Nct Elergy, Statiurr Use, lnadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. 13.1 ARTICLE XItr PROTECTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Pnrdent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code. the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt of the Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy trom the hacrlrty as specrfied within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller uf sucl iuterruption prior to its occurrcnce as provided in paragraph 14.9. Scllcr shall providc and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Powerls facilities In thaf event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. Communications ARTICLE XIV - OPERATIONS Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. 14 .2 Energy Acceptance - 2lt8t200s 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if ir is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if Idaho Power determines that curJailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or lnadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, cmcrgcncics, clectricol system operoting conditions on its system or os otherwise rcquircd by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such interruption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 lt, in the reasonable opinion of ldaho Power, Seller's operation of the F-acility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt tl'rc flow of cncrgy from thc lacility as spccificd within Schcdulc 72 or takc such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amonnt that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 14.3 SeIer Declared Susoension of Enersv Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to - t5- 2t18t2N5 Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outagc cr.rnrlitiou ("Doclarsd Suspcrrsiurr uf Errcrgy Delivcries"). The Seller's Dcelarctl Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue fbr the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. If the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance wrth Article XXVII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will rcvicw thc documcntation providcd by thc Scllcr to dctcrmine Idaho Power's acccptancc of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack ofadequate preventative maintenance ofthe Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltage Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent QAVo) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as - 16- 2118t2005 necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at slirrtup, during nornral operation or ltrllowing reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 Schcdulcd Maintenance On or before January 3l of each calendar year, Sellor shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and l'actltty maintenance schedules such that they occur srmultaneously. Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Sellcr undcrstands that in thc case of emergcncy circumstanccs, rcal timc opcrations of thc electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intem:ption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. 14.9 ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 15.1 Indemnification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with - t7- ata2005 this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, def'end any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that nray be ittcurrcrl by thc r.rthcr Party irr cufclcilg this indenurity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the fol lowing insurance coverage: 15.2,1 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current Insurance lndustry Utility practices for similar property. 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provrsron statlng that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thcrcaftcr, Scllcr shall fumish Idaho Powcr a ccrtificatc of insurance, togothor with thc endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15 2 shnll lapse for any reason, .Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, _ 18_ 16.1 u18t2005 such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, eanhquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulaticru occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise ofdue diligence, it shall be unable to ovcrcome. If either Porty is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is aff'ected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Party shall. as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. No obhgatrons of erther Party whlch arose before the occurrence causlng the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such ARTICLE XVII: LAND RIGHTS l7.l Seller to Provide Access - Seller herehy grants to ldaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide [daho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. - 19- (2) (3) vt8t200s l7 .2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse 17.3 environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being construcred in close proximity. Therefore, subjefi to Idaho Powerb compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilitics upon, along and ovcr any and all public roads, streets and highways, thcn thc usc by Seller of such public righrof-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public righrof-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.2. Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17 ,4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Sellerh Interconnection Facilities to accommodate ldaho Power's usage or ldaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attaching Seller's htsrcoluection Facilitics to such newly constnrctcd facilities. Exccpt as rcquircd by par-agraph 17.4, ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. 17 .4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of anyof therightsenumeratedinparagraphs 17.2and 17.3shall: (1)complywithallapplicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall - 20- at8t2w5 provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. ARTICLE XVIII: LIABILITY: DEDICATION Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision ofthis Agreement shall constitute the dedication ofthat Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARIICL.E XIX: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLEXX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OFLAWS AND VENUE 2l.l This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. -21- ?,18t2005 2?.1 ARTICLE XXII: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT Disputes - All disputes related to or arisirrg undcr this Agrccurcut, inclutliug, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of defaulf'), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in 22.3 Securitv for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph 15.2. If Seller 22.2.2 writing to be given to the defaulting Party. specifying the manner in which such default occurred. Ifthe defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at lts optron, tefinrnate thls Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to dcfaults idontificd in this Agrccmcnt as Matcrial Brcachcs. Matcrial Brcaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which - 22- 22.3.2 zil8t2005 Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Scller providing the requircd ccrtilicate; arld 22.3.3 Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. In addition, Sellor will supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4. I.l. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. AKI'ICLE XXUI: GOVERNMEN.IAL AU IHURIZA.I ON 23.1 This Agfeement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof withorrf change or condition and declarafion fhaf all payments to he made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, -23- zil8t2005 any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without neetJ of oonsent or approval by tlrc Scller, succccd to all uf Itlahu Powcr's rigllts, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLF XXVI: MODIFICATION 26J No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLEXXVII: TAXES 27.1 Each Party shall pay betbre dehnquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. 28.1 ARTICLE XXVItr: NOTICES All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Thousand Springs Wind Park, L.L.C Attn: Larry Leib 1424 Dodge Ave Helena" MT 59601 24- ut8t2ffis 29.1 To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vice Prcsident, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copy ofdocument to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer' s Certifications 301 ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY The invalidity or rnenforceahility of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 3l.l This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXII: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the - 25- ?/t812005 Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Thousand Springs Wind Park L.L.C. "Idaho Power" Dated /1n,.,-.,^,' l'-' Z r.o i- - "Seller" Bv ,L*X B' -/-. ::'/y' N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations "l Jurn", Carkulis lY* -.., . -, //< .- n---- Dated ftanuaev i8. Zrcs -26- APPENDIX A A _I MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCIIINC RtrPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment rneasuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - 27- ulSnms Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWDR PRODUCTION AND SWITCIIING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip ['aclllty 0utput Statlon Usage Statlon Usaqe Mctercd Maximum Generation K\M Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difference: Tinres Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Date Time Meter Reason Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter * Breaker Openins Reason Codes I Lack of Adequate Prime Mover 2 Forced Outage of Facility 3 Disturbance of IPCo System 4 ScheduledMaintenance 5 Testing of Protection Systems 6 CauseUnknown7 Other (Explain) I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the abovc month and that thc switching rccord is accuratc and complete as required by the Firm Energlr Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature Date - 28- a18t2N5 A-2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily Elcrtsy Plotluctiul RcpurtiuB Call daily by l0 a.m., l-800-356-4328 or t-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: . Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number. Current Meter Readingo Estimated Generation for the current dayr Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call l-80O-345-1319 and leave the fcrltowing information: r Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number. Approximate time outage occurredo Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller's Contact Information 24-Hour Proiect Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Telephone Number: 29- 2n8t2005 B-l B:) APPENDIX B FACILIry AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJECTNO. 31315055 THOUSAND SPRINGS WIND PARK DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 GE Wind turbines model 77 SLE with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 10.5 MW. LOCATION OF FACILITY Near: Hagerman, Idaho Sections: Township: 7S Range: l3E County: Twin Falls ldaho. Sections: 19.30 Township: 63 Range: l3E County: Twin Falls Idaho. SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected December 31. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled First Enerry Date. Seller has selected January 15. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. ldaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process. MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: This value will be 10.5 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to ldaho Power in the Generation Interconnection process. This value is the maximum enerry (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-3 B4 - 30- B-6 B-5 POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the ldaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this proccss will bccomc an intcgral part of this Agrccmcnt. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering eqrripnrent is cnpahle of rrreasrtring the exacf energy deliveries hy the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set al 2Vo of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss spccificatiuls, currduutur sizcs, ytc) ul all uf thc elcctrisal equipruert betweeu the Fauility aud the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 3l- B-7 2/l 8/200s equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will iucludc Lrut rrot be lirrited to cquiprncnt spccifications, cquipnrcnt location, Idaho Puwer provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation lnterconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will anange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to ldaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the [daho Power facilities capable of providing ldaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. 8.7 SPECIAL FACILITIES The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location. Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by ldaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and -32- u18t2005 B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTIVE POWER The Idaho Powor Cenelatior Intclccrnnection process will dctcmrinc thc rcactivc power rcquiled to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation Interconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-9 DISCONNECTIONEQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (l) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require internrption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility. this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire - 33- ata2@5 and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details fbr the disconnection panel and will tcst tlte equiprrrcrrt priur tu atry upcral.iuus uf the Facility, Seller will provide drawirrgs uf their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-IO COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Prorecrion equipment and Interconnection Equipmcnt. As specified in the Ceneration Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to - 34- ut8t200s reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpaylrcut of thc arljustcd rnouthly upcrations antl maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B II SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under Schedule 72. the Generation Interconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership ofthe lnterconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estrmated by ldaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. 35- APPENDIXC ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller. dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and is hereinafter referred to asand this Statement rs rdenttfied as ll'Co Factltty No. the "Project." 4. That Project, which commonly known Projcct, is locatcd in Scction Township ___, Range -, Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power fnr a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review ofthe Policy for Operation and Maintenance ('O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the the - 36- ?,18t2005 Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Engineer recognizcs tha( Idaho Power, in accoldanse with palagrapb 5.2 of tlre Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowlodge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By -37- APPENDX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigrred on behalf of himself and to as "Engineer," herebyhereinafter collectively referred states and certifies to the Seller as follows: That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and - as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement l. 2. and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. "Prqect". That the Project,which and hereinafter referred to as the commonly known Projcct, is locatod at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design. construction and operation of electric power plants of the same rype as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this koject. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the - 38- ata2@5 remaining - years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Eugiucur's roprcsentations and opinions contaiuEd in this Statcmcnt. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 39- utatzu)s APPENDIXC ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated J.That the cogeneration or small power productron project which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section Township Range -, Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a - (-) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this hoject and has made the analysis ofthe plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. - 40- 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the tcrmsoftheAgreementandwithPrudentElectricalPracticesfore-()yearpericld. 11. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph5.2 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Staternent. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 4t- 2n812005 Article 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND BURLEY BUTTE WIND PARK LLC TABLEOFCONTENTS TITLE Definitions No Reliance on Idaho Power Warranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operation Date Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attributes Facility and Interconnection Disconnection Equipment Metering and Telemetry Records Protection Operations Indemnification and Insurance Force Majeure Land Rights Liability; Dedication Several ObligatiOns Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severability Counterparts Entire Agreement Signatures Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C EXHIBIT 7 st4t2w5 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 alvfw or Less) BURLEY BUTIE WIND PARK LLC Project Number: 317 65 l7 O THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on ttris 5') aay of--May- 2005 between BURLEY BUTTE WIND PARK, an Idaho limited liability:ompany (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, ln consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 "eonqrmggiq" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 'eS4&g!_YgAt" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 1.3 "Designated Dispatch Facility" - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated bY Idaho Power. 1.4 "Disconnection Equipment" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.5 "Facility" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1- 5t4t2005 1.6 "Erst__E4ggy!A!q" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Seller has satisfied the requirernents of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Power's system at the Point of Delivery. 1.7 "Generation Interconnect '- Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 1.8 "Inadvertent Energv" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "lnterconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. 1.10 "Initial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design condition-s the Facility will generate at no more than l0 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paid the published rates in accordance with Commission Order No. 29632. 1.11 "Losses" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specif,ted in Appendix B of this Agreement. '1,.12 "Market Energy Cost" - Eighty-five percent (857o) of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia lndex (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia lndex price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia lndex. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electrical industry. 1.13 "Material Breach" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2-2. a-L- 5t412005 I.L4 "Maximum Capacity Amouil" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.15 "Metering-Esipmentl - All equipment specified in Schedule 72,lhe Generation Interconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. l.16 "Net Energy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. l.l7 "QpgratiqnlDalq" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 "Point of Delivery" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller's electrical facilities are interconnected. 1.19 "Prudent Electrical P " - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, . safely, dependably, efficiently and economically. l.2O "scheduled Operation D*d' - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. l.2l "Schedule 72" - Idaho Power's Tariff No 101, ScheduleT2 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "gsassn" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation lnterconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power system. 1.24 "Slalion_llq" - Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- 1.25 "SUlplug-E4etgy" - (1) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds lll%o of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 90Vo of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6.2, then all Net Energy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "fotat Cost of tne fa " - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE tr: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER Seller lndependent Investigation - Seller walrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forih herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise ofldaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller Independent Experts - All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE ltr: WARRANTIES No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specificationr, "qoip*"nt or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. Oualifyins Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 is used and defined in 18 CFR 8292.207. After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain Qualifying Facility status will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review tle Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4.Ll Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, 18 CFR292.2A7 . 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4. I . I above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is ofthe opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 lnitial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perform the Initial Capacity Determination. Such data will include but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, normal and/or averag€ operating design conditions and Station Use data. -\- Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a reasonable time. 4.1.4 Ensineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No.21690. These certificates will be in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 12 md Generation Interconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1 .7 ' Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been iulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a commercially reasonable time following the Seller's request and will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE 5.1 Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date lirst written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of twenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. 5.2 Qpgration Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- 5.3 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Seller has received written confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operation Date. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default. ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acceptance of Net Energy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery, All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount. Net Energy Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.L Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts: 6.1 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June September October January February kwh 3,612,966 2,797,964 2,095,176 1,513,939 1,662,174 2,387,942 3,351,561 1,939,187 2,387,420 2,734,798 7,496,471 2.659,638 Season 3 -7- 5t4t2005 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Enerqy Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to ldaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the lnitial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2.1 for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than.the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance wifh paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (l) the Seller may not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than . 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by Idaho Power, the Net Energy -8- Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 for the specific month in which the reduction or suspension under paragraph 14.2.1or 14.3.1 occurs will be reduced in accordance with the following: Where: NEA = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) SGU = a.) If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. TGU = Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation' units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this' agreement. Rsrf _ Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: ft:i[::Xr, = NEA - ( r sGU x NEA ) "(H ) )Amount \ \ TGU This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific month in which Idaho Power was excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension ofEnergy. 6.3 Unless excused by an event of F6rce Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (107o) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- 5t4t2005 7.1 ARTICLE Vtr: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energy Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy price in accordance with Commission Order 29646 with seasonalization factors applied: Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20'13 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 I 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Season I -(73.50Vo) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.47 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 52.O7 53.28 54.5'1 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 Season2 -(l2O.O0Vo\ Mills/kWh 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.11 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 Season3 -(100.00Vo) Milts/kWh 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 63.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 81.25 7.2 7.3 Surplus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7.1, whichever is lower. Inadvertent Energy - 7.3.1 lnadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 hours times 10,000 kW = 7,440,000 kwh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kwh in this example would be - 10- '7.4 Inadvertent EnergY.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than 10 average MW and therefore does not intend to generate Inadvertent Energy, Idaho Power will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for lnadvertent Energy Pavment Due Date - Energy payrnents to the Seller will be disbursed within 30 days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energv. lnc., 107 Idaho 781,693 P.2d 427 (1984); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 Idaho 1 122,695 P.2d I 261 (1985); Afton Energy. Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, 111 Idaho 925, 729 P.zd 400 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VIII: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Idaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environmental Attributes include, but are not limited to, Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production of energy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Design of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the fulI - l1- 7.5 8.1 9.1 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Interconnection Facilities will be in accordance with Schedule 72,the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOUIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred.by Idaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and Idaho Power ongoing monthly operations and monthly maintenance expenses. ARTICLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy production into the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this - t2- 10.r t1.l Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. ll.2 Meter lnspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic test schedule relevant to the equipment installed as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard metgr used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payments will be based on the shorter of (1) a p.eriod equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. I 1.3 Telemetry - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. ARTICLE XII- RECORDS Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy - 13- t2.l l3.l and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all generation, Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum generation ftW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE XtrI. PROTECTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-fumished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt ofthe Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such interruption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 14.9. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. ln some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. ln that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XTV - OPERATIONS 14 ,l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement. - t4- 5t4t2005 14 .2 Enersy Acceptance - 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery, if it is prevented from doing so by an event of Force Majeure, or if Idaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or lnadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, electrical system operating conditions on its system or as otherwise required by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other. than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable montl in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14.2.2 If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or takesuch other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. 14.3 Seller Declared Suspension of Ener&v Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as - 15- provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outage condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided by the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 lf the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making tglephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accordance with Article XXVIII that will contain the beginning hour and duration of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller. to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Sellei's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltaee Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (ll%o) at the Point of - t6- Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at startup, during normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.'7 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before January 3l of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. 14.9 Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to.exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to intemrption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 15.1 lndemnification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, aff,rliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or - t7- maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on tle other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney fees that may be incurred by the other Party in enforcing this indemnity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 15.Z.l Comprehensive General Liability lnsurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance Industry Utility practices for similar property. 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.1 Seller to Provide Certificate of lnsurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coveragg - If the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE XVI. FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause - l8- l6.l beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overconrc. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party w.ritten notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occulTence. ARTICLE XVII: LAND RIGHTS. l'7.1 Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to ldaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Interconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to - 19- Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. 17 .2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public righrof-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required.to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 11.2. 17 .3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4,Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's lnterconnection Facilities to accomrnodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and . above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 77.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. l7 .4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 17.2 and 17.3 shall: (l) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equiiably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for _ 20_ resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVtr. ARTICLE XVIII: LIABILITY: DEDICATION l8.l Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XD(: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS 19.l Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties,,obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLEXX: WATVER 2O.l Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with resp€ct to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 21.1 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of - 2t- the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. ARTICLE XXtr: DISPUTES AND DEFAI.JLT 22.1 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default - 22.2.1 Defaults. If either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be'cured within acommercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. 22.2.2 Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Agreement, Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 lnsurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph l5.2.If Seller fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; 22.3.2 Engineer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O -22- 22.3.3 & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agreement. ln addition, Seller will supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXItr: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORZATION 23.1 This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall become finally bffective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being _ 23_ first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need ofconsent or approval by the Seller, succeed to all ofldaho Power's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLEXXVtr: TAXES 27.1 Each Party shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVIII: NOTICES 28.I All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller: Burley Butte Wind Park, LLC 1424 Dodge Ave. Helena, MT 59601 - 24- 5t4t2005 To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vice President, Power Supply ldaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copv of document to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXD(: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.1 This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Generation Scheduling and Reporting Appendix B Facility and Point of Delivery AppendixC - Engineer'sCertifications ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30.1 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the ' validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 3 1 .1 This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. ARTICLE XXXtr: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the - 25- Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the dates set forth below: Idaho Power Company Burley Butte Wind Park L.L.C. BY (r^k N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations tlnv 5, 2oog Dated y'Yo. ,97* zoaf "Seller""Idaho Power" James T. Carkulis - Managing Member -26- 5t412005 APPENDX A A _1 MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise, Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. - 27- 5t4t2005 Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AI{D SWITCHING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip Facility Output Station Usage Station Usage Metered Maximum Generation kw Net Generation Meter Number: End of Month kwh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: , Difference: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Date Time Meter *(Reason Breaker Closing Record Datg q:"Meter * 1, 3 4 5 6 7 Breaker Opening Reason Codes Lack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of Facility Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systems Cause Unknown Other (Explain) I hereby certify that the above rneter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the above month and that the switching record is accurate and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature 28- Date A-2 ROUTINE REPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily Ener&v Production Reporting Call daily by 10 a.m., 1-800-356-4328 or 1-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: o Project Identification - Project Name and Project Numbero Current Meter Reading o Estimated Generation for the current dayo Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call 1-800-345-1319 and leave the following information: r Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number. Approximate time outage occurred o Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller' s Contact Information 24-Hour Project Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Project On-site Contact information Telephone Number: -29_ APPENDIX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJECT NO. 31765170 BURLEY BUTTE WIND PARK B-1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 Wind turbines; model GE sle with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of 10.5 MW. 8.2 LOCATIONOFFACILTTY Near: Burley, Idaho Sections: Township: 11 S Range: 228 . County: Cassia Idaho. B-3 SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected October 30. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected December 31. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequ.ate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 ard the Generation lnterconnection Process. B-4 MAXIMUM CAPACIY AMOUNT: This value will be 10.5 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to ldaho Power in the Generation Interconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. - 30- st4l2c0.5 B-5 POINTOFDELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will become an integral part of this Agreement. LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the Idaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility and the Idaho Power Point of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially set at ZVo of the kWh energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement, Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not conectly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry _ 31_ B-6 B-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurenrcnts required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at SelleCs cost cornmunication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these gosts will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-7 SPECIAL FACILITIES The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation lnterconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and - 32- B-8 Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. REACTIVEPOWER The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Generation lnterconnection process will specify the equipment required on the Idaho Power system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of (l) the Sellers delivery of energy exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require intem.rption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Generation lnterconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller B-9 - 33- provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit necessary for the operation of the Disconnection Equipment. Through the Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval prior to installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-10 COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for this Facility to interconnect to the Idaho Power system, including but not limited to the cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and Interconnection Equipment. As specified in the Generation Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pay Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid - 34- by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with Schedule 72 the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power and previously charged monthly operation and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpayment of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B-II SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under ScheduleT2, the Generation lnterconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- 5t412005 APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of ldaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between ldaho Power as Buyer, and Burley Butte Wind Park LLC as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No,and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Burley Butte Wind Park Project, is located in Section 6, Township 1l S, Range 22 E, Boise Meridian, Cassia County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construCtion and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8, That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. - 36- 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 37- s14t2005 APPENDX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: 1. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement,'l between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Burley Butte Wind Park LLC as Seller, dated -. 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No.and hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Burley Butte Wind Park Project, is located at 250 South. 650 West. Burley. Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this hoject. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the remaining years of the Agreement. _ 38_ 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 39- 5t4t2@5 APPENDX C ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and _, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and Burley Butte Wind Park, LLC as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project, which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement, is identified as IPCo Facility No and is hereinafter refened to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Burley Butte Wind Park Project, is located in Section 6, Township 11 S, Range 22 E, Boise Meridian, Cassia County, Idaho. 5. . That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a ( ) vear oeriod. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all - 40- 5t412005 applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a -_ ( ) year period. 11. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph5.2 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. t2. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date By - 4r- FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND PILGRIM STAGE STATION WIND PARK L.L.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1 2 J 4 5 6 a 8 9 l0 il 12 t3 t4 l5 l6 l7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 TTTL:E Definitions No Reliance on Idaho Power Warranties Conditions to Acceptance of Energy Term and Operation Date Purchase and Sale of Net Energy Purchase Price and Method of Payment Environmental Attributes Facility and Interconnection Disconnection Equipment Metering and Telemetry Records Protection Operations Indemnifi cation and Insurance Force Majeure Land Rights Liability; Dedication Several Obligations Waiver Choice of Laws and Venue Disputes and Default Governmental Authorization Commission Order Successors and Assigns Modification Taxes Notices Additional Terms and Conditions Severability Counterparts Entil c Agrecrncnt Signaturcs Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C ata2005 EXHIBTT 8 FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (10 aMW or Less) PILGRIM STAGE STATION WIND PARK. L.L.C. Project Number: 3 I 3 15045 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this 186 day of---Febggy- 2005 between PILGRIM STAGE STATION WIND PARK L.L.C. (Seller), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an ldaho corporation (Idaho Power), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Party." WTINESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller will design, construct, own, maintain and operate an electric generation facility; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is willing to purchase, firm electric energy produced by the Seller's Facility. THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINTIIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: l.l ' es!q!sbug!" - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 1.2 'C9il1qg!-Ygaf" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Opcration Datc and cnding 354 days thcrcaftcr. 1 .3 "Designated Disoatch F " - Idaho Power's Systems Operations Group, or any subsequent group designated by Idaho Power. "Disconnectic.rn Eqnifrment" - All eqrripment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. "Egqjltly" - That electric generation facility described in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.4 l- 1.5 2ilN2{n5 t.6 1.7 "First Energy Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that Setler has satisfied the requirements of Article IV and the Seller begins delivering energy to Idaho Powcr's system at thc Point of Dclivcry. 'Generation Interconne " - Idaho Power's generation interconnection application and engineering review process developed to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicahle regrrlatory requirements, Prudent Electrical Practices and national safety standards. 1.8 ' tnadyeAg41_lE!91gy" - Electric energy Seller does not intend to generate. Inadvertent energy is more particularly described in paragraph 7.3 of this Agreement. 1.9 "Interconnection Facilities" - All equipment specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B. l.l0 "Initial Capacity Determination" - The process by which Idaho Power confirms that under normal or average design conditions the Facility will generate at no more than 10 average MW per month and is therefore eligible to be paitl the publishcd rates iu acuurtlarrcc with Cuuunissiurr Order No. 29632. I .l I "LS$91" - The loss of electrical energy expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh) occurring as a result of the transformstion and transmission of energy between the point where the Facility's energy is metered and the point the Facility's energy is delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system. The loss calculation formula will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.l2 "Markef-Enerslleost" - Eighty-five percent (85Vo\ of the weighted average of the daily on-peak and off-peak Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index (Dow Jones Mid-C Index) prices for non-firm energy. If the Dow Jones Mid-Columbia Index price is discontinued by the reporting agency, both Parties will mutually agree upon a replacement index, which is similar to the Dow Jones Mid- Columbia Index. The selected replacement index will be consistent with other similar agreements and a commonly used index by the electncal mdustry. 1.13 "Material Breach" - A Default (paragraph 22.2.1) subject to paragraph 22.2.2. a 2il8t2005 l.l4 "Maximum Capacity Amount" - The maximum capacity (MW) of the Facility will be as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. l.I5 "Metcring Dquipmcnt" - All equipmcnt spccificd in Schcdulc 72,the Generation Interconnection Process, this Agreement and any additional equipment specified in Appendix B required to measure, record and telemeter power flows between the Seller's electric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. l.16 "Nel_Englgy" - All of the electric energy produced by the Facility, less Station Use, less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Seller commits to deliver all Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. 1.17 "Operation Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours, Mountain Time, following the day that all requirements of paragraph 5.2 have been completed. 1.18 ' EStl1-qt_Dglircry" - The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and the Seller' s elecrical faciliries are interconnected. l.19 ' pruOent Slectrical P " - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully, safcly, dependably, efficiently and economically. l.2O "scheduled Ooeratio " - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. 1 .21 "schedulel2l - Idaho Power's Tariff No l0l, Schedule 72 or its successor schedules as approved by the Commission. 1.22 "Sqasg!" - The three periods identified in paragraph 6.2.1 of this Agreement. 1.23 "special Facilities" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers as described in Appendix B, Schedule 72 or the Generation Interconnection Process required to safely interconnect the Seller's Faclllty to the ldaho Power system. 1.24 'Stale!_Uge'- Electric energy that is used to operate equipment that is auxiliary or otherwise related to the production of electricity by the Facility. -3- 211817005 1.25 "surplus Energy" - ( I ) Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month which exceeds 1107o of the rnonthly Net Energy Amount for thc corrcsponding month spccificd in parograph 6.2. or (2) If the Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to the Idaho Power electrical system during the month is less than 90Va of the monthly Net Energy Amount for the corresponding month specified in paragraph 6 ?.. then all Net F.nergy delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system for that given month or (3) All Net Energy produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered by the Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system prior to the Operation Date. 1.26 "Total Cost of the Facility" - The total cost of structures, equipment and appurtenances. ARTICLE II: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER 2"1 Seller Independent Investigation - Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertaking by Seller of the obligations set forth herein, Seller has investigared and detcrrnirrcrJ that it is capablc uf pcllurruiug hcrcuutlcr arrd has nut rylicrl uporr the advice, experience or expertise ofldaho Power in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 2.2 Seller Indeoendent Experts - All professionals or experts including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertaking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE III: WARRANTIES 3.1 No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's desrgn, specrtrcatrons, equrpment or facilities, including, but not limited to, safety, durability, reliability, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibility. 3.2 Oualifying Facility Status - Seller warrants that the Facility is a "Qualifying Facility," as that term -4- 2/ I 8/2005 4.1 is used and defined in 18 CFR 9292.207 . After initial qualification, Seller will take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facility's Qualifying Facility status during the term of this Agrcenrcut and Scllcr's failurc to maintain Qualifying Facility status will bc a Matcrial Brcach of this Agreement. Idaho Power reserves the right to review the Seller's Qualifying Facility status and associated support and compliance documents at anytime during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV: CONDITIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF ENERGY Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of Idaho Power's acceptance of deliveries of energy from the Seller, Seller shall: 4. I . 1 Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary tbr Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including, but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B, l8 CFR 292.207 . 4.1 .2 Opinion of Counsel - Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of ldaho providing an opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4. L I above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller and, based on a reasonable independent review, counsel is ofthe opinion that Seller is in substantial compliance with said permits as of the date of the Opinion Letter. The Opinion Letter will be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idaho Power's acceptance of the form will not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter will be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law ( l99l). Initial Capacity Determination - Submit to Idaho Power such data as Idaho Power may reasonably require to perfbrm the tnitial Capacity f)eterminatlon. Such data wrll lnclude but not be limited to, equipment specifications, prime mover data, resource characteristics, norrnal and/or average operating design conditions and Station Use data. -5- u1812005 5.1 5.2 Upon receipt of this information, Idaho Power will review the provided data and if necessary, request additional data to complete the Initial Capacity Determination within a rcasonablc tirnc. 4.1 .4 Engineer's Certifications - Submit an executed Engineer's Certification of Design & Construction Adequacy and an Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Policy as described in Commission Order No ?1690 These cerrificafes will he- in the form specified in Appendix C but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certificates. 4.1.5 Iruura.nee - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XV. 4.'1.6 Interconnection - Provide written proof to Idaho Power that all Schedule 72 and Generation lnterconnection Process requirements have been completed. 4.1 .7 Written Acceptance - Request and obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to acceptance of energy have been fulfilled. Such written confirmation shall be provided within a corrunercially reasonable time following the Seller's requ€st antl will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. ARTICLE V: TERM AND OPERATION DATE Term - Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.2 below, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first written and shall continue in full force and effect for a period oftwenty (20) Contract Years from the Operation Date. Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after the Facility has achieved all of the following: a) Achieved the First Energy Date. b) Commission approval of this Agreement in a form acceptable to Idaho Power has been received. c) Seller has demonstrated to Idaho Power's satisfaction that the Facility is complete and able to provide energy in a consistent, reliable and safe manner and has requested an -6- ?J18t2005 5.3 6.1 Operation Date in written form. d) Seller has requested an Operation Date from Idaho Power in a written format. e) Scllcr has rcccivcd writtcn confirmation from Idaho Power of the Operotion Dote. This confirmation will not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Seller's failure to achieve the Operation Date within ten (10) months of the Scheduled Operation Date will be an event of default, ARTICLE VI: PURCHASE AND SALE OF NET ENERGY Delivery and Acqeplance-qf_llellnqgy - Except when either Party's performance is excused as provided herein, Idaho Power will purchase and Seller will sell all of the Net Energy to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. All Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility will also be delivered by the Seller to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery. At no time will the total amount of Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Delivery exceed the Maximum Capacity AmounL Net Energ,v Amounts - Seller intends to produce and deliver Net Energy in the following monthly amounts: 6.2.1 Initiol Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts: 6.2 Season I Season 2 Month March April May July August November December June Scptcmber October January February kwh 3,100.625 2,689,296 2,501,9E4 1,910,208 1,781,958 1,884,234 2.425.295 2,711,046 2,422,340 2,621,565 1,923,853 2,559,792 Season 3 -7- uta2m5 6.2.2 Ongoing Monthly Net Enerey Amounts - Seller shall initially provide Idaho Power with one year of monthly generation estimates (Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts) and beginning at the end of month nine and every three months thereafter provide Idaho Power with an additional three months of forward generation estimates. This information will be provided to Idaho Power by written notice in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 56 day following the end of the previous month. If the Seller does not provide the Ongoing Monthly Net Energy amounts in a timely manner, Idaho Power will use the most recent 3 months of the Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts specified in paragraph 6.2. I for the next 3 months of monthly Net Energy amounts. 6.2.3 Seller's Adjustment of Net Energy Amount - No later than the Operation Date, by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, the Seller may revise all of the previously provided Initial Year Monthly Net Energy Amounts. Beginning with the end of the 3'd month after the Operation Date and at the end of every third month thereafter: (1) the Seller mav not revise the immediate next three months of previously provided Net Energy Amounts, (2) but by written notice given to Idaho Power in accordance with paragraph 28.1, no later than 5:00 PM of the 5'h day following the end of the previous month, the Seller may revise all other previously provided Net Energy Amounts. Failure to provide timely written notice of changed amounts will be deemed to be an election of no change. 6.2.4 Idaho Power Adjustment of Net Energ.y Amount - If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 or if the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 and the Seller's declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries is accepted by ldaho Power, the Net Energy -8- yt812005 Amount as specified in paragraph 6.2 suspension under paragraph 14.2.7 or thc following: Where: for the specific month in which the reduction or 14.3.1 bccurs will be reduced in accordance with NEA SGU TGU = RSH = Current Month's Net Energy Amount (Paragraph 6.2) a.) If Idaho Power is excused from accepting the Seller's Net Energy as specified in paragraph 14.2.1 this value will be equal to the percentage of curtailment as specified by Idaho Power multiplied by the TGU as defined below. b.) If the Seller declares a Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1 this value will be the sum of the individual generation units size ratings as specified in Appendix B that are impacted by the circumstances causing the Seller to declare a Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Sum of all of the individual generator ratings of the generation units at this Facility as specified in Appendix B of this agreement. Actual hours the Facility's Net Energy deliveries were either reduced or suspended under paragraph 14.2.1 or 14.3.1 TH = Actual total hours in the current month Resulting formula being: Adjusted Net Energy Amount xNEA)x(= NEA H))((ffi 6.3 This Adjusted Net Energy Amount will be used in applicable Surplus Energy calculations for only the specific rnolrtlr ilr whish Idahu Power was excuscd from acccpting thc Scllcr's Nct Energy or the Seller declared a Suspension ofEnergy. Unless excused by an event of Force Majeure, Seller's failure to deliver Net Energy in any Contract Year in an amount equal to at least ten percent (lOVo) of the sum of the Initial Year Net Energy Amounts as specified in paragraph 6.2 shall constitute an event of default. -9- ata2005 7.1 ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT Net Energy Purchase Price - For all Net Energy, Idaho Power will pay the non-levelized energy pricc in accordance with Commission Ordcr 2964.6 wirh seasonalizotion factors applied: Season I -(13.50Vo) Mills/kWh 37.00 37.85 38.73 39.62 40.53 41.46 42.42 43.39 44.39 45.42 46.4/ 47.54 48.63 49.76 50.91 52.O7 53.28 54.51 55.76 57.05 58.37 59.72 Season 2 - (120.0O Vo) Season 3 - (100.00 7c) Mills/kWh Mills/kWhYear 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201 5 2016 2017 201 I 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 60.41 61.80 63.23 64.68 66.17 67.69 69.25 70.85 72.48 74.16 75.86 77.62 79.40 81.24 83.1'l 85.02 86.99 88.99 91.04 93.14 95.29 97.50 50.34 51.50 52.69 53.90 55.14 56.41 57.71 59.04 60.40 61.80 6,3.22 64.68 66.17 67.70 69.26 70.85 72.49 74.16 75.87 77.62 79.41 8 t,25 7.2 7.3 Sumlus Energy Price - For all Surplus Energy, Idaho Power shall pay to the Seller the current month's Market Energy Cost or the Net Energy Purchase Price specified in paragraph 7. l, whichever is lower. Inadvertent Energy - 7.3.1 Inadvertent Energy is electric energy produced by the Facility, expressed in kWh, which the Seller delivers to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery that exceeds 10,000 kW multiplied by the hours in the specific month in which the energy was delivered. (For example January contains 744 hours. 744 times 10,000 kW = 7 ,440,000 kwh. Energy delivered in January in excess of 7,440,000 kwh in this exarnple would be Inadvertent - 10- ?,t8t2005 7.4 Energy.) 7.3.2 Although Seller intends to design and operate the Facility to generate no more than 10 avcraBc MW and thcrcforc docs not intend to gcncratc Inadvcrtcnt Encrgy, Idaho Powcr will accept Inadvertent Energy that does not exceed the Maximum Capacity Amount but will not purchase or pay for Inadvertent Energy Pavment Due Date - Energy payrnents to the Seller will he dishrrrsed within jO days of the date which Idaho Power receives and accepts the documentation of the monthly Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy actually produced by the Seller's Facility and delivered to Idaho Power as specified in Appendix A. Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission -This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission and Afton Energy. Inc., 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427 (198a); Idaho Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 107 Idaho I 122,695P.2d l26l (1985); Afton Energy. [nc. v. Idaho Powcr Company, l l l Idaho 925, 729P.zd a00 (1986); Section 210 of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and l8 cFR $292.303-308. ARTICLE VIII: ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES ldaho Power waives any claim to ownership of Environmental Attributes. Environrnental Attributes include. but are not limited to. Green Tags, Green Certificates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs) directly associated with the production ofenergy from the Seller's Facility. ARTICLE D(: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION Desien of Facility - Seller will design, construct, install, own, operate and marntarn the F'acrlrty and any Seller-owned Interconnection Facilities so as to allow safe and reliable generation and delivery of Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery for the full 7.5 8.1 9.1 zfi8t2W5 9.2 term of the Agreement. Interconnection Facilities - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Intcrconncction Facilitics will bc in accordance with Schedul e 72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Generation lnterconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incnrred hy ldaho Power for equipment costs, installation costs and ongoing monthly Idaho Power operations and maintenance expenses. ARTICLE X: DISCONNECTION EOUIPMENT Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, the required Disconnection Equipment will be in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B. The Seller is responsible for all costs associated with this equipment as specified in Schedule 72 and the Ceneration Interconnection Process, including but not limited to initial costs incurred by Idaho Power fbr equipment costs, installatiul ct-rsts ald Itlalru Puwer uuguiug nrouthly upcratiurrs and monthly maintenance expenses. .A,RTICLE XI: METERING AND TELEMETRY Metering and Telemetry - Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon location to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with Schedule 72, Generation Interconnection Process and Appendix B of this Agreement. The Metering Equipment will be at the location and the type required to measure, record and report the Facility's Net Energy, Station Use, Inadvertent Energy and maximum energy deliveries (kW) in a manner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to administer this Agreement and to integrate this Facility's energy productton lnto the Idaho Power electrical system. All Metering Equipment and installation costs shall be bome by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this 10.1 2il812(n5 fi.2 Metering Equipment and services. The Metering Equipment shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billing hereunder shall be scalcd and thc seals shall bc brohcn only by Idaho Powcr whcn thc mctcrs arc to bc inspcctcd, tested or adjusted. Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect installations annually and test meters on the applicable periodic test schedule relevant to the eqrripment instnlled as specified in Appendix B of this Agreement. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Party may have representatives present at the test or inspection. lf a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2 Vo) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the rcst, adjustment (eilher upward or downward) to the paymcnts Seller has receiverl shall bE rnatle to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, corrections to the payments will be based on the shorter of (l) a period equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. I 1.3 Telemetry - Idaho Power will install, operate and maintain at Seller's expense metering, communications and telemetry equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's Net Energy and Inadvertent Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power Point of Delivery to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. AR'I'ICLE XII - REUORDS l2.l Maintenance of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties adequate total generation, Net Energy, Station Use, lnadvertent Energy - 13- 2fi8/2005 and maximum generation (kW) records in a form and content recommended by Idaho Power. 12.2 Inspection - Either Party, after reasonable notice to the other Party, shall have the right, during normal busincss hours, to inspcct and audit any or all gcncration, Nct Encrgy, Station Usc, Inadvertent Energy and maximum generation (kW) records pertaining to the Seller's Facility. l3.l ARTICLE XIII - PROTF,CTION Seller shall construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities in accordance with Schedule 72, the Generation lnterconnection Process, Appendix B of this Agreement, Prudent Electrical Practices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state and federal codes. Seller acknowledges receipt ofthe Generation Interconnection Process. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect ldaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72, the Generation Interconnection Process or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power will attempt to notify Seller of such internrption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 14.9. Selter shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilities. In that event, Idaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XIV - OPERATIONS 14.l Communications - Idaho Power and the Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through ldaho Power's Deslgnated Drspatch Facllrty rn accordance wlth Appendix A of this Agreement. 14 .2 Enerqy Acceptance - - 14- 2/t 8/2005 14.3 14.2.1 Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Energy or accepting Inadvertent Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by the Seller to the Point of Dclivcra, if it is prcvcntcd from doing so by an event of Force Mojeure, or if Idaho Power determines that curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy or Inadvertent Energy deliveries is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, electrical sysfem operating conditions on its system or as otherwise reryrired by Prudent Electrical Practices. lf, for reasons other than an event of Force Majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, intemrption or reduction of Net Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such intemrption, curtailment or reduction, Seller will be deemed to be delivering Net Energy at a rate equivalent to the pro rata daily average of the amounts specified for the applicable month in paragraph 6.2. Idaho Power will notify Seller when the intemrption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. 14,2.2 lf, in the reasonable r;pirrion of ldalu.r Puwer, Scllcr\ upcratiorr uf tlre Facility or Interconnection Facilities is unsafe or may otherwise adversely afTect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically intemrpt the flow of energy from the Facility as specified within Schedule 72 or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate. 14.2.3 Under no circumstances will the Seller deliver Net Energy and/or Inadvertent Energy from the Facility to the Point of Delivery in an amount that exceeds the Maximum Capacity Amount. Seller's failure to limit deliveries to the Maximum Capacity Amount will be a Material Breach of this Agreement. Seller Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries 14.3.1 If the Seller's Facility experiences a forced outage due to equipment failure which is not caused by an event of Force Ma.;eure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility, Seller may, after giving notice as provided in paragraph 14.3.2 below, temporarily suspend all deliveries of Net Energy to - 15- ata200s Idaho Power from the Facility or from individual generation unit(s) within the Facility impacted by the forced outage for a period of not less than 48 hours to correct the forced outogc condition ("Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries"). The Seller's Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will begin at the start of the next full hour following the Seller's telephone notification as specified in paragraph 14.3.2 and will continue for the time as specified (not less than 48 hours) in the written notification provided hy the Seller. In the month(s) in which the Declared Suspension of Energy occurred, the Net Energy Amount will be adjusted as specified in paragraph 6.2.4. 14.3.2 lf the Seller desires to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as provided in paragraph 14.3.1, the Seller will notify the Designated Dispatch Facility by telephone. The beginning hour of the Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries will be at the earliest the next full hour after making telephone contact with Idaho Power. The Seller will, within 24 hours after the telephone contact, provide Idaho Power a written notice in accr;rdartcc with Articlc XXVIII tlrat will curtairr the begiuning hour arrd duratiurr of thc Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries and a description of the conditions that caused the Seller to initiate a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries. Idaho Power will review the documentation provided by the Seller to determine Idaho Power's acceptance of the described forced outage as qualifying for a Declared Suspension of Energy Deliveries as specified in paragraph 14.3.1. Idaho Power's acceptance of the Seller's forced outage as an acceptable forced outage will be based upon the clear documentation provided by the Seller that the forced outage is not due do an event of Force Majeure or by neglect, disrepair or lack of adequate preventative maintenance of the Seller's Facility. 14.5 Voltaee Levels - Seller, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, upon one hundred eighty (18O; days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (l0c/o) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as - 16- 2n812(n5 necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 14.6 Generator Rampins - Idaho Power, in accordance with Prudent Electrical Practices, shall have the right to limit the ratc that gcncration is changcd at startup, during normal opcration or fbllowing reconnection to Idaho Power's electrical system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 14.7 Scheduled Maintenance - On or hefore Ianuary 31 of each calendar year, .Seller shall srrhmit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability ofthe proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices, Idaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 14.8 Maintenance Coordination - The Seller and Idaho Power shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility mainrcnance schedules such that thcy occur sinrultaneuusly. Contact Prior to Curtailment - Idaho Power will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to curtail, intemrpt or reduce deliveries from the Seller's Facitity. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrical system, and/or unplanned events Idaho Power may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interruption, curtailment, or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to Idaho Power. 14.9 ARTICLE XV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Indemnification - Each Party shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Party, its officers, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liability to thlrd persons tor rnlury to or death of person or lnJury to property, proximately caused by the indemnifying Party's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Party's works or facilities used in connection with 2n812005 this Agreement. The indemnifying Party shall, on the other Party's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs, including rcasonablc attorney focs that may bc incurrcd by thc othcr Party in cnforcing this indcmnity. 15.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage : 15.2.1 Comprehensive General L.iability fnsurance fnr hnth hodily injrrry and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance Industry Utility practices for similar property. 15.2.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: (a) An endorsement naming ldaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as (b) applicable; and A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the lirnits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. 15.3 Seller to Provide Ceftificate of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish ldaho Power a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 15.4 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Loss of Coverage - lf the insurance coverage required by paragraph 15.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. AKIICLE XVT. IORCE MAJEURE 16.l As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, - l8- 2fi8t?OO3 such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fircs, lightning, epidcmics, sabotagc, or changcs in law or rcgulation occuring aftcr the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. If either Party is rendered wholly or in part rrnahle tn perform its ohligations rrnder this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever perfbrmance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: ( I ) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars ofthe occurrence. The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. No obligations of either Pany which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such ARTICLE XVII: LAND RIGHTS Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, lnterconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-ot-way liom third partres so as to provrde ldaho Power wrth the access described above. AII documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to Idaho Power'.s approval and in recordable form. _ 19_ (2\ (3) 11.1 2^8/2005 17.2 UseofPublicRights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructcd in closc proximity. Therefore, subject to Idoho Power'.s compliance with paragraph 17.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-fumished lnterconnection Facilities rrpon, along and over any and all puhlic roads, streets and highways, then the use hy Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.2. 17 .3 Joint Use of Facilities - Subject to ldaho Power's compliance with paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's Interconnection Facilities, may rccoflstruct Scllerl htersuutrcctiuu Facilitics to accorrurtudatc Itlairu Puwerl usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 17.2, attaching Seller's lnterconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by paragraph 17.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 17.3. 17 .4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XVII. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 17.2 afi 17.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operatmg Jolntly used facilities and nghts-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall -20- atazoos provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XVII. ARTICLE XVItr: LIABILITY: DEDICATION l8.l Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party to this Agreement. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Party's system or any portion thereof to the other Party or to the public or affect the status of Idaho Power as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. l9. r ARTICLE XD(: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or liability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLEXX: WAIVER 20.1 Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XXI: CHOICE OF LAWS AND VENUE 21.1 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho without reference to its choice of law provisions. 21.2 Venue for any Iitigation arising out of or related to this Agreement will lie in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho in and for the County of Ada. - 21- utw2uJ5 ARTICLE XXII: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 22.1 Disputes - All disputcs rclatcd to or arising undcr this Agrcement, including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, will be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 22.2 Notice of Default - 22.2.1 Defaults. If 'either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (an "event of default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in 22.3 Security for Performance - Prior to the Operation Date and thereafter for the full term of this Aereement. Seller will provide Idaho Power with the following: 22.3.1 Insurance - Evidence of compliance with the provisions of paragraph 15.2. If Seller 1.' ',t ) writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondcfaulting Parly nuy, at its uptiurr, terrrrilate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. Material Breaches - The notice and cure provisions in paragraph 22.2.1 do not apply to defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches, Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. fails to comply, such failure will be a Material Breach and may only be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the required insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated; En$neer's Certifications - Every three (3) years after the Operation Date, Seller will supply Idaho Power with a Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance (O & M) from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Idaho, which aa 22.3.2 at8t2w5 223.3 Certification of Ongoing O & M shall be in the form specified in Appendix C. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate will be an event of default. Such a default may only be cured by Seller providing the required certificate; and Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 of this Agre.ement- In addition, Seller will supply Idahcl Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller will update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1.1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1.1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure will be an event of default and may only be cured by Seller submitting to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permitting agency. ARTICLE XXIII: COVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION Z3.l This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Party of this Agreement. ARTICLE XXIV: COMMISSION ORDER 24.1 This Agreement shall becorne finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 25.1 This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no assignment hereof by either Party shall become effective without the written consent of both Parties being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the foregoing, - 23- 2/1812005 any party which Idaho Power may consolidate, or into which it may merge, or to which it may convey or transfer substantially all of its electric utility assets, shall automatically, without further act, and without need ofconscnt or approval by thc Scllcr, succccd to oll of ldaho Powcr's rights, obligations and interests under this Agreement. This article shall not prevent a financing entity with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to he notified hy the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXVI: MODIFICATION 26.1 No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. ARTICLE XXVII: TAXES 27.l Each Pany shall pay before delinquency all taxes and other govenlmental charges which, it tailed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the Facility or the Interconnection Facilities. ARTICLE XXVItr: NOTICES 28.1 All written notices under this agreement shall be directed as follows and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U. S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller:Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park, L.L.C. Attn: Larry Leib l424Dodge Ave Helenq MT 59601 -24- 2t18t2A)5 To Idaho Power: Original document to: Vice Prcsiderrt, Puwel Supply Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 Copy ofdocument to: Cogeneration and Small Power Production Idaho Power Company POBoxT0 Boise, Idaho 83707 ARTICLE XXIX: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 29.1 This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Generation Scheduling and Reporting Facility and Point of Delivery Engineer's Certifi cations ARTICLE XXX: SEVERABILITY 30 I The invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions and this Agreement shall be construed in all other respects as if the invalid or unenforceable term or provision were omitted. ARTICLE XXXI: COUNTERPARTS 3l . I This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument- ARTICLE XXXtr: ENTIRE AGREEMENT 32.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties conceming the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the - 25- ?/18t2005 Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respecfive nAmes on fhe dates sef forth helow' Idaho Power Company Pilgrim Staee Station Wind Park L.L.C. " t/r-r*,Z* N. Vern Porter - Mgr Power Supply Operations febeunev 18. Aes Dated .. r''' ir,o,,n,., /{'-o ?da{- "Seller""Idaho Power" -26- 2118t2005 APPENDIX A MONTHLY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCHING REPORT At the end of each month the following required documentation will be submitted to: Idaho Power Company Attn: Cogeneration and Small Power Production P0Box70 Boise" Idaho 83707 The Meter readings required on this report will be the reading on the Idaho Power Meter Equipment measuring the Facility's total energy production, Station Usage, Inadvertent Energy delivered to Idaho Power and the maximum generated energy (kW) as recorded on the Meter Equipment and/or any other required energy measurements to adequately administer this Agreement. -2't- zfi8t2005 Project Name Address City Idaho Power Company Cogeneration and Small Power Production MONTIILY POWER PRODUCTION AND SWITCIIING REPORT Month Year Project Number: Phone Number: State zip Facility Output Statiorr Usase Statiou Usage Metered Maximum Gcneration k\ry Meter Number: End of Month kWh Meter Reading: Beginning of Month kWh Meter: Difrerence: Times Meter Constant: kWh for the Month: Metered Demand: Breaker Opening Record Date Time Meter * Breaker Openins Reason Codes L,ack of Adequate Prime Mover Forced Outage of Facility Disturbance of IPCo System Scheduled Maintenance Testing of Protection Systerns Cause Unlicrown Other (Explain) I, 3 4 5 6 7 Net Generation Breaker Closing Record Date Time Meter I hereby certify that the above meter readings are true and correct as of Midnight on the last day of the abovc month and that thc switching rccord is accuratc and complete as required by the Firm Energy Sales Agreement to which I am a Party. Signature *i I ; j Reason vt8t200s A-2 ROUTIM REPORTING Idaho Power Contact Information Daily EnerBy Production RcPorting Call daily by l0 a.m., 1-800-356-4328 or 1-800-635-1093 and leave the following information: o Projert Identification - Project Name and Project Number . Current Meter Reading o Estimated Generation for the current day r Estimated Generation for the next day Planned and Unplanned Project outages Call 1-80O-i45-l j19 and leave the following information: . Project Identification - Project Name and Project Number . Approximate time outage occurredo Estimated day and time of project coming back online Seller' s Contact Information 24-Hour hoiect Operational Contact Name: Telephone Number: Cell Phone: Proiect C)n-site Contact i nformation Telephone Number: -29- B-l APPENDX B FACILITY AND POINT OF DELIVERY PROJICT NO. 31315045 PILGRIM STAGE STATION WIND PARK DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Facility will consist of 7 GE Wind turbines model 77 SLE with individual generator ratings of 1.5 MW for each unit, for a total Facility generator rating of '10.5 MW. LOCATION OFFACILITY Ncar: Hagermon, Idaho Sections: Township: 75 County: Twin Falls ldaho. SCHEDULED FIRST ENERGY AND OPERATION DATE Seller has selected December 31. 2005 as the estimated Scheduled First Energy Date. Seller has selected January 15. 2006 as the estimated Scheduled Operation Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that adequate testing of the Facility and completion of all requirements in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement must be completed prior to the project being granted an Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by the Seller, will schedule its construction in accordance with Schedule 72 and the Generation Interconnection Process. MAXIMUM CAPACITY AMOUNT: This value will be 10.5 MW which is consistent with the value provided by the Seller to Idaho Power in the Generation lnterconnection process. This value is the maximum energy (MW) that potentially could be delivered by the Seller's Facility to the Idaho Power electrical system at any moment in time. B-2 B-3 B-4 30- ts-.5 POINT OF DELIVERY "Point of Delivery" means, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the point of where the Sellers Facility's cncrty is dclivercd to thc Idaho Power electrical systcm. The Idaho Powcr Ccncration Interconnection process will determine the specific Point of Delivery for this Facility. Upon completion of the Generation Interconnection process the Point of Delivery identified by this process will become an integral part of this Agreement, 8-6 LOSSES If the Idaho Power Metering equipment is capable of measuring the exact energy deliveries by the Seller to the ldaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, no Losses will be calculated for this Facility. If the Idaho Power Metering is unable to measure the exact energy ddiveries by the Seller to the ldaho Power electrical system at the Point of Delivery, a Losses calculation will be established to measure the energy losses (kWh) between the Seller's Facility an,J the Idaho Power Poinr of Delivery. This loss calculation will be initially ser at ZVo of rhe k\'y'lr energy production recorded on the Facility generation metering equipment. At such time as Seller provides Idaho Power with the electrical equipment specifications (transformer loss specifications, conductor sizes, etc) of all of the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power will configure a revised loss calculation formula to be agreed to by both parties and used to calculate the kWh Losses for the remaining term of the Agreement. If at anytime during the term of this Agreement. Idaho Power determines that the loss calculation does not correctly reflect the actual kWh losses attributed to the electrical equipment between the Facility and the Idaho Power electrical system, Idaho Power may adjust the calculation and retroactively adjust the previous months kWh loss calculations. METERING AND TELEMETRY The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the specific metering and telemetry requirements for this Facility. At the minimum the Metering Equipment and Telemetry - 31- B-7 2/ I 8/2005 D-7 equipment must be able to provide and record hourly energy deliveries to the Point of Delivery and any other energy measurements required to administer this Agreement. These specifications will include but rrut bu liuritsd tu equipneut specificatiorrs, cquipnrcnt location, Idaho Powcr provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost communication circuit(s) compatible to Idaho Power's communications equipment and dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating at the Idaho Power facilities capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous information on the Facilities energy production. Idaho Power provided equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule l'2 and the total metering cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. SPECIAL FACILMIES The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the Special Facility requirements for this Facility. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment spe.cifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Special Facility cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and - 32- ?/18t2005 ts-tt Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. RBAC'IIVE POWER The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by Idaho Power to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Ceueratiol hrterconncction procsss will spccify thc cquipmcnt rcquircd on thc ldaho Powcr system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility will be disconnected from klalru Puwer's slsttrru in tlre event of (l) the Sellers delivcry of cncrgy cxcecds thc Maximum Capacity Amount or (2) Idaho Power or the Seller require intemrption or curtailment of energy deliveries to Idaho Power or (3) a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facility. The Idaho Power Ceneration Interconnection process will determine the Disconnection Equipment specifications and requirements for this Facility, this equipment is for protection of the Idaho Power system and equipment only. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Idaho Power provided equipment, Seller B-9 - 33- zfi8t2U)5 provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment. Seller will install all Seller provided equipment, control wire and conduit noccssary for thc opcration of thc Disconncction Equipmcnt. Through thc Generation Interconnection process, Idaho Power will supply details for the disconnection panel and will test the equipment prior to any operations of the Facility, Seller will provide drawings of their interconnection wiring fnr engineering approval prinr tr-r installation. The entire Generation Interconnection process, including but not limited to the equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. Idaho Power owned equipment will be maintained by Idaho Power, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total Disconnection Equipment cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. B-IO COSTS The Idaho Power Generation Interconnection process and this Agreement will identify all cost for ttris Facility to intcrconncct to thc Idaho Powcr systcrn, including but not limitcd to thc cost of Metering equipment, Telemetry equipment, Special Facilities, Reactive Power, Disconnection equipment, Protection equipment and Interconnection Equiprnent. As specified in the Generation Interconnection process and in accordance with Schedule 72 and this Agreement the Seller will reimburse Idaho Power for all costs associated with this equipment. In addition to the equipment, installation and construction charges as specified above, during the term of this Agreement, Seller will pav Idaho Power the monthly operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 or its successor schedules(s). The monthly operations and maintenance charge will begin on the first day of the month following the date which Idaho Power has completed installation of the Idaho Power provided equipment and the interconnection equipment is available for use by the Facility. The monthly operations and maintenance charge will be based upon the initial cost paid - 34- 2lt8t200s by the Seller in accordance with Schedule 72. Upon reconciliation of the actual costs, in accordance with ScheduleT2the monthly operations and maintenance charge will be adjusted to reflcct tltc actual uust itlcurred by Idaho Power arrd previously clrargcd monthly opcration and maintenance expense will be revised to reflect the actual cost incurred by Idaho Power. Idaho Power will refund or Seller will remit any underpaymont of the adjusted monthly operations and maintenance charge within sixty (60) days of the determination of this amount. B-I1 SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power will prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilities as required under ScheduleT2,the Generation lnterconnection Process and/or described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes thar Idaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice Idaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by Idaho Power and Idaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after roceipt of the invoice. Seller sholl have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. - 35- ?,18t2005 APPENDXC ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: L That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and is hereinafter referred to asand thls Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. the "Project." 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section Township __, Range -, Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&M Policy will result in the - 36- lt Project's producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for a twenty (20) year period. 9. That Enginccr rccognizcs that Idaho Powcr, in accordoncc with pamgraph 5.2 of thc Agrcerrrnt, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Statement. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knnwledge and thereforc sets his hand and seal helow- (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 37- 2il8/2Cn5 APPENDIX C ENGINEER' S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer," hereby states and certifies to the Seller as follows: l. That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement," between Idaho Power as Buyeq and - as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No. "Project". and hereinafter referred to as the 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located at 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a twenty (20) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design. construction and operation of electric power plants of the same tyPe as this Project. 7 . That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspection of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection. It is Engineer's professional opinion, based on the Project's appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said 0&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency and plant factor for the - 38- ut8t2m5 It remaining - years of the Agreement. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of the Agreement, is rclying on Enginocr's rcprcscntations and opinions containcd in this Statcmcnt. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true aud accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below, (P.E. Stamp) Date By - 39- APPENDIX C ENGINEER S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned on behalf of himself and hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: L That Engineer is a Licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as BuYer, and as Seller, dated J.That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the and is hereinafterAgreement and this Statement is identified as IPCo Facility No referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is Iocated in Section Township Range , Boise Meridian,County,Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power tbr a - (-) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same tvrre as this hoiect. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis ofthe plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, prime mover conveyance system, Seller furnished Interconnection Facilities and other Project facilities and equipment. -4p,- 2il8t2005 9. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices as that term is described in the AgreemenL 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of perfbrming in accordance with the tcrmsoftheAgreementandwithPrudentElectricalkacticesfora-()yearperiod. ll. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 of Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations opinions contained in this Statement. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best ofhis knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. (P.8. Stamp) Date the and By - 4t- ut812005