HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130701Lisa Grow DI.pdfi1 '- n r.-.,t".:.1i...:._i' ', tUlS JUit 2S plt rl: SZ ll-t;- li,'-: '' ur[i'r; s i"cc,,,,. ; j.:. ,: ; +;, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATION FOR A CERTIEICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE INVESTMENTIN SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION CONTROLS ON JIM BRIDGER UN]TS 3 AND 4. CASE NO. IPC-E_13-16 rDAHO POWER COMPANY DTRECT TESTIMONY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 0. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Lisa A. Grow and my business address j-s 1227 West Idaho Street, Boj-se, Idaho 83102. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") as the Senior Vice President of Power Supply. o.Please describe your educational background and work experience with fdaho Power. A.I graduated from the University of Idaho in L9B7 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. I received an Executive Masters of Business Admj-nistration from Boise State Universlty in 2008. I began my career at Idaho Power after graduating from the University of Idaho in L987, and have hel-d several engineering positions before moving into management in 2005. In 2005, I was named Vice President of Delivery Engineeri-ng and Operations. In 2009, T was appointed to my current position as Senlor Vice President of Power Supply. My current responsibilities include overseeing the operation and mai-ntenance of Idaho Power's generation fleet, power plant engJ-neering and construction, environmental affairs, water management, power supply planning, and whol-esale electricity and gas operations. I also oversee Idaho Power's load serving operations, which GROW, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company t_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 1,4 15 1,6 t1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 is responsible for deli-vering reliable energy to customers through the Company's grid using its generation portfol-io and system purchases. o. proceeding? What is the Company's request in this A.The Company is requesting that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issue a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (*CPCN") and provide binding ratemaking treatment under ldaho Code S 6l-541 rel-ated to the Selective Catalytic Reduction (*SCR") investments planned for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 ("Bridger SCRs") . O. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? A.The purpose of my testimony is to: (1) provide an overview of the Company's case, (2) describe the important rol-e that the Jim Bridger power plant ("JJ-m Bridger Plant") serves in maintainj-ng the diversity and low cost structure of the Company's generation resource portfolio, (3) provide the Commission with an understanding of the regulations and analyses that led to the Company's plans to commit to the investment in the Brldger SCRs, and (4) explain the Company's rationale for requesting a CPCN and binding ratemaki-ng treatment in this proceeding. GROW, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 l6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 O1TERVIEW O. Please provide an overview of the Company's case. A. In this case, the Company will support its request for a CPCN and associated ratemakj-ng treatment rel-ated to the investment in the Bridger SCRs by demonstrating that the SCR investment is prudent, necessary, and in the best interests of the Company and its customers. Mr. Tom Harvey, Joint Projects Manager, will present testimony that describes in detail the federal and state emj-ssions reguJ-ations that require the Bridger SCRs. Mr. Harvey will also describe the analyses that were performed to determine that the Bridger SCRs represent the most cost- effective retrofit technofogy that will all-ow the Jim Bridger Plant to operate in compliance with those emissi-ons regulations. Lastly, Mr. Harvey wil-l- provlde a description of the Company's economic analysis that determj-ned that the investment in the Bridger SCRs represents the l-owest cost and least risk option of serving future customer demands. Mr. Mi-chae1 J. Youngblood, Manager of Regulatory Projects, wilI present testimony that discusses the portfolio analyses performed in the 20L3 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") which supports the continued operation of the Jim Bridger Pl-ant. Mr. Youngblood will- GROW, Dr 3 Idaho Power Company I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 L1 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 also present the cost estimates for the Bridger SCRs and the estimated revenue requirement impact of including that investment in the Company's rate base. Finally, Mr. Youngblood will discuss how binding ratemaking treatment is requested to operate in this case. O. What is your rol-e in the Company's decision- making process regarding the investment in the Bridger SCRs ? A.As the Senior Vice President of Power Supply, I oversee the Joint Projects and Water and Resource Planning groups. These groups were responsible for prepari-ng the economic analyses related to the Bridger SCRs as well as the 20L3 IRP. Under my leadership, the Joint Projects group manages the Company's ownershi-p interest in the Jim Bridger Plant; therefore, I am the officer responsj-ble for the Jim Bridger Pl-ant and the SCR project. Also, I am the officer that oversees the reliable operation of Idaho Power's system and electric generation portfol-io. Over the past several years, I have had regular discussions with Mr. Harvey regarding the regulations, financial-/economic analyses, and engineering studj-es related to the need and viability of the Bridger SCRs. GROW, Dr 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 II. IHE ROLE OF THE iIIM BRIDGER PI,ATiIT IN THE COMPATiIY' S GEIIERATION RESOI'RCE PORTFOLIO O. Please describe Idaho Power's current portfolio of generation resources. A. Idaho Power's current resource portfolio consists of a dj-verse mix of l-ow-cost generation types totaling nearly 3r 600 megawatts ("MW") of nameplate capacity. Idaho Power's resource portfolio is anchored by the Company's hydroelectric system consisti-ng of t1 projects located on the Snake River and its tributaries. These L7 projects provide t,'709 MW of nameplate capacity and approximately 8.4 million megawatt-hours (*MWh") annually under median water conditions. Idaho Power is the non-operating partner in three coal--fired power plants that provide the Company with 1,719 MW of namepl-ate capacity. Idaho Power's share of these resources i-ncl-udes the Jim Bridger Plant at 77L MW, the North Valmy power plant 1"Va1my") at 284 MW, and the Boardman power plant ("Boardman") at 64 MW Idaho Power's resource portfol-io also includes three natural- gas-fired combustion turbj-ne plants. Langley Gu1ch, a combined-cyc1e p1ant, provides 318 MW of nameplate capacity. The Company's two simple- cycle "peaker" plants, the Danskin power plant and Bennett Mountain pIant, provide a combined 444 MW of nameplate capacity. Idaho Power also owns a small diesel-fired GROW, Dr 5 Idaho Power Company I generator located in Salmon, Idaho, that provj-des 2 approximately 5 MW of nameplate capacity. 3 Q. In addition to energy from its own resources, 4 does Idaho Power serve its customer energy demands from 5 other generation resource types? 6 A. Yes. The Company currently has power purchase 7 agreements with one wind project and two geothermal 8 projects. Elkhorn Val1ey wind project, Iocated in 9 northeastern Oregon, provides 101 MW of nameplate wind 10 qeneration. The Raft River geothermal power pIant, Iocated 11 j-n southern Idaho, provJ-des 13 MW of nameplate capacity. L2 The Neal- Hot Springs geothermal project, Iocated in eastern 13 Oregon, provides 22 MW of nameplate capacity. 14 Idaho Power also contracts with Qualifying 15 Facili-ties for energy purchases under the Public Utility 76 Regulatory Policies Act of L978 (*PURPA"). As of May 31, t1 2073, Idaho Power had 103 PURPA contracts with independent 18 developers for approximately '184 MW of nameplate capacity. 19 The PURPA generation facilities consist of low-head 20 hydroelectric projects on various irrigation canals, 2l cogeneration projects at industrial facilities, wind 22 projects, anaerobic digesters, l-andfill 9ds, wood-burning 23 facilities, and various other small, renewable-power 24 projects. There is one additional- PURPA project under 25 GROW, Dr 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L1 t-8 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 contract schedul-ed to come on-l-ine by December 2013 with a nameplate capacity of 4.1 MW. o.How does a diverse generation portfolio benefit Idaho Power and its customers? A.Idaho Power has l-earned from nearly a century of operations that energy diversity means energy security. The Company's resource portfolio is among the most diverse and therefore secure in the nation. The Company leverages its hydro, coal, and natural gas resources to provide dependable "baseload" energy to customers, along with purchased renewable resources and a robust set of energy efficiency programs. It is the same principle as maj-ntaining a diversified investment portfolio to manage risk; a variety of resources, minimj-zes the risk that comes with having all your eggs in one basket. O. What val-ue do coal plants like the Jim Brldger Plant add to the Company's resource portfolio? A. C1ean, renewable hydropower remains the lowest cost foundation of Idaho Power's resource portfolio, providing for more than half of its customers' energy needs j-n most years. However, in low water years like the one southern Idaho is experiencing in 201,3, water can be scarce during summer months when demand reaches its peak. Wind and sol-ar cannot always satisfy the resulting generation shortfall. Eor example, last JuIy, Idaho Power customers GROW, Dr 7 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 set a record for electricity demand. At that time, Idaho Power had 600 MW of wind capacity connected to its system. Unfortunately, on that hot, cal-m day the wind turbines were only able to generate about 14 MW when customer demand was peaking in the late afternoon. It is at those times that the Company's reliab1e, low-cost coal resources, l-ike the Jim Bridger Pl-ant, can be dispatched to help meet customer demands. The Jim Bridger Plant not only provides highly val-uable capacity during periods of peak demand, but also Iow cost and dependable baseload energy. O. Pl-ant. Please describe the Company's Jim Bridger A.Idaho Power owns one-third of the Jim Bridger coal-fj-red power plant located near Rock Springs, Vrlyoming. The plant consists of four generating units. After adjustment for scheduled maintenance periods and estimated forced outages, the annual energy generating capability of Idaho Power's share of the plant is approximately 625 average megawatts. PacifiCorp (formerly known as Pacific Power & Light Company) has two-thirds ownership and is the operator of the Jim Bridger Pl-ant. O.How does the variabl-e cost of operating the s other resourceJim Bridger Pl-ant compare to the Company' al-ternatives ? GROW, Dr 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 L6 l1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 A.The Jim Bridger Plant has the lowest dispatch cost of Idaho Power's entire thermal generation fleet. Based on the Company's May 2073 Operating Pl-an, the Jim Bridger Plant's average dispatch cost is expected to be IZuwr, over the period of June 2oL3 through ltay 20L4. For comparison purposes, the average dispatch cost for the remaining baseload thermal fl-eet is expected to be IZuwh over the same perlod. O.When fixed plant investment is al-so considered, does the Jim Bridger Plant continue to rank among the Company's l-owest cost resources? A.Yes. The Jim Bridger Pl-ant is also the Company's lowest cost thermal resource from an instal-Ied cost of nameplate capacity perspective. Based on actual 2072 financial information, the total- cost of nameplate capacity (excluding fuel- and per-unit energy taxes) for the Jim Bridger Plant was $8.24lkilowatt (*kW")/month. For comparison purposes, the average 20L2 instal-l-ed cost of nameplate capacity for the remaining baseload thermal- fl-eet was $13.39lkW/month. rrr. REQUTREDTENTS AIID ECONOMTC AIIATYSES DEMONSTRATTNG THE IIEED FOR THE BRIDGER SCRS 0. Please describe the emissions control investments planned at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 for which the Company i-s seeking a CPCN. GROW, DT 9 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 T9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. The emissions control investments proposed in this CPCN are SCR systems and associated ancillary equipment for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4. These emissions control equi-pment investments wil-l result in the reduction of ni-trogen oxide (NOx) emissions from Jj-m Bridger Units 3 and 4 in compliance with already binding state and proposed federal emissions requirements O.Which federal and state emissions requirements are the Bridger SCRs intended to satisfy? A.The Bridger SCRs are required to comply with exi-sting Regional Haze Rules and are also required to comply with stand-a1one requirements in the Wyoming State Implementation Pl-an ("SIP"). Mr. Harvey describes these emissions requirements in greater detail- in his testimony. o.When must the SCRs be instal-led at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 in order to successfully comply with the federal and state emissions regulations? A.The BART Appea1 Settlement Agreement and the Wyoming Regional Haze SIP require the instal-lation of SCR on Unit 3 by the end of 2075 and on Unit 4 by the end of 2OL6. On May 23, 2013, the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") proposed to approve the Wyoming SIP for instal-l-ation of SCR on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 in 2Ot5 and 20L6, respectively, as outlined in the SIP. GROW, Dr 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 l_3 74 15 76 L7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 The EPA has indicated it wil-l- sj-gn a notj-ce of final rul-emaking on November 27, 2013, making these emission reduction requirements at Jj-m Bridger Units 3 and 4 federal-l-y enforceable as well-. O. What woul-d resul-t if the Company did not make these investments within the complj-ance time frame? A.If the environmental upgrades are not installed within the time frame given by the EPA, Idaho Power would be forced to stop generating from these units. Unl-awful-1y operating the units in viol-ation of federal and state regulations is not an option for Idaho Power. O.As a minority partner in the Jj-m Bridger P1ant, what is the Company's decision authority regarding projects like the Bridger SCRs? A.Several provi-sions in the aqreement for the operation of the Jim Bridger Project Between Idaho Power Company and Pacific Power & Light Company ("Operation Agreement") address Idaho Power's payment obligations rel-ated to operating expenses, capital additions, and maintenance costs at the Jim Bridger Plant. Some of those provisions set forth below. Article L4 of the Operation Agreement, Capital Additions, states: At any time that either party shal-l- determine a capital addltion, improvement or betterment is required GROW, Dr l_1 Idaho Power Company l 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 )'7 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 3B or useful- (other than replacements budgeted under the ma j-ntenance and repair provisions of this Agreement), the Operator shall have prepared a cost estimate of such capital addition and, if the part.ies agree, proceed with construction and installation, the costs thereof to be paid one-third by Idaho and two-thirds by Paclfic unless otherwise agreed to at the time. Articles 5 and 6 of the Operation Agreement, Expense of Operation, Maintenance, Repairs, and RepTacements and Payment of Operating Expenses, also contain sections re.l-ated to the payment of costs at the Jim Bridger Pl-ant. Section 5.1, for example, outlines certain operating expenses attributable to the Jim Bridger Plant ("Operating Expenses"). Section 5.4 then establishes a process for the review and approval of the budget as follows: On or before October 1 of each year, Pacific shall submit to Idaho a budget of its estimate of Operating Expenses by ca1endar months f or the calendar year beginning January 1 next following.Such budget shall be subj ect to approval by Idaho, whi-ch approval shal1 not unreasonably be withheld.If such approval is not given by November 1 in any such year, the parties shall- agree upon a revised budget not later than December 1 of such year. Each budget shalI include such items of expenditures for replacement and repair of Project facilities as are normal to projects of a similar character and shal-l- provide an adequate contingency item for GROW, Dr 12 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 emergency repairs and replacements.Pacific w11l-submit any budgetrevj-sions which changes the budget by 10% or more during any cal-endar year which Idaho shal-l promptly consider andwhich shall similarly be subject to approval by Idaho. Idaho Power representatives have been, and contj-nue to be, fu11y engaged with the operating partner, Pacj-fiCorp, to provide a thorough review of the costs and benefits associated with the installation of the Bridger SCRs according to the provlsions of the Operatj-ng Agreement. O.Pl-ease describe the interactions that have been taking place between the Company and the operating partner, PacifiCorp, in regard to the SCR project. A.The Company and PacifiCorp have been discusslng the Regional Haze regulations and thej-r impact on the Jim Bridger Plant since the EPA promulgated the Regional Haze Ru1es (40 CFR Part 51) in 1999. Most recently, senior officers of Idaho Power and PacifiCorp met at the Jim Bridger Pl-ant, di-scussed the SCR approval process and contemplated the provisions to be incl-uded in a "Limited Notice to Proceed" for the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction ("EPC") contract. A subsequent meeting between Company representatives and PacifiCorp occurred to review the SCR procurement process, bidders, drawings, evaluations and recommendations on the GRO!{, Dr 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t5 t7 18 T9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 EPC contract. PacifiCorp and the Company continue to have communi-cations on the SCR proj ect. O.How will the investment in the SCRs impact the Plant as compared toeconomic viability of the Jim Bridger other resource alternatives? A.To determine the economic viability of installing the Bridger SCRs, Idaho Power prepared the CoaI Unit Environmental- Investment Analysis ("CoaI Study") which is incl-uded as Exhibit Nos. 5 and 6 to Mr. Harvey's testlmony. The Coal Study analyzed the SCR investment at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 as part of a larger analysis conducted for all four units at the Jim Bridger Plant and the two unj-ts at the Valmy p1ant. The methodology used in the Coal- Study examined future investments required or reasonably anticipated for environmental- compliance for the existing coal- units. Those investments were then compared to the costs of two al-ternatives: (1) replace such units with combined-cycle combustion turbj-nes or (2) convert the existing coal-fired unj-ts to natural- gas. For the complete evaluation, fdaho Power used a combination of third-party analysis, input from the operating partners of each coal- pIant, and a final economic dispatch analysis conducted by the Company to assure a compJ-ete and fair assessment of the alternatives. GROW, Dr 74 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 q, 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 1,6 t1 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 a.Do you believe the CoaI Study results support retrofitting Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 wlth SCRs? A.Yes. As outl-ined in greater detail in Mr. Harvey's testlmofly, the Coal Study supports retrofitting Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 with emissions control equipment to aIlow ongoing coal--fueled energy production from this facllity through the study period as the least-cost, adjusted for risk, outcome for customers. IV. CPCN AIiID RATE!,IAICING TREJAI!'ENT o.Why is the Company requesting a CPCN and binding ratemaking treatment under ldaho Code S 67-541 at this time? A.The Company is requesting a CPCN and binding ratemaking treatment under ldaho Code S 6l-541 for the SCR investment because of the magnitude of the investment, the uncertainty surrounding coal--f ired generatj-on in today's political and social environment, and the amount of interest expressed by stakeholders. With the magnitude of the investment and the changing climate for investments in coal-fired generation, the Company has chosen to request a CPCN even though it does not believe it is required to do so by Idaho Code S 6l-526. In this wdy, a public process is initiated to provide the Company, Commission, and interested parties a regulatory forum to fu1Iy vet these contested issues. GROW, DI 15 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1l_ 72 13 t4 15 1,6 t1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. Please explain further what you mean by "today's political and social environment." A.The political uncertainty surrounding the ongoing operation of coal-fired resources has been a reality for many years now, complete with discussion about cap and trade legislation, addition of a carbon tax, etc. The Company has experienced a number of events in recent years that attest to the heightened sensitivity to the issues surrounding coal-fired generation. Eor example, in the Company's last general rate case in Oregon, the Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon objected to the Company's proposal to recover a prior j-nvestment in Jim Bridger Plant pollution control equipment. Over a year later, even though the Public Utility Commissj-on of Oregon ("OPUC") found that the Company's $400,000 investment in envlronmental control-s was not imprudent nor caused harm to Oregon customers, the OPUC stated on page 7 of Order No. L3-L32 that the Company "fail-ed to exercise the reasonable standard of care" they expected utilities to exercise as co-owners of a generatj-on facility. Thus, to ensure future compliance with that standard, the OPUC found that a one- time disall-owance to management expense equivalent to 10 percent of the Oregon portion of the investment was appropriate. GROW, Dr 76 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. What are other experiences the Company has had 2 that indicate a changing political and social- environment 3 regarding coal-fired generation? 4 A. In its review of the Company's 2011 IRP filing 5 in Oregon, the OPUC would not acknowledge any IRP provision 6 relating to new investments in coal plants until the 7 Company completed a study of its coal investment complJ-ance 8 costs and other parties had the opportunity to comment on 9 the study. In Order No. L2-L77, the OPUC directed Idaho 10 Power to complete an eval-uation of environmental- compliance 11 costs for existing coal-fired plants. Action Item 11 in L2 Appendix A of Order No. l2-L77 stated: 13 In its next fRP Update, Idaho Power 74 will include an Eval-uation of15 Environmental- Compliance Costs for 76 Existing Coal-fired Plants. The71 Eval-uation will investigate whether 18 there is flexibi-Iity in the emerging1,9 environmental regulations that would 20 all-ow the Company to avoid early27 compliance costs by offering to shut22 down individual units prior to the end 23 of their useful- lives. The Company24 will also conduct further plant 25 specific analysis to determine whether26 this tradeof f woul-d be i-n the 21 ratepayers' interest. 28 29 Recently, when the Company filed an informational 30 copy of its 20lL IRP Update with the Commission under 31 Docket No. IPC-E-11-11, environmental groups expressed 32 concern regarding the use of coal--fj-red power generation by 33 Idaho's regulated el-ectric utilities and plans by those GROW, Dr 11 Idaho Power Company 1 utilities to make signifj-cant investments in the coal 2 plants to keep them in complj-ance with state and federal- 3 regulations. These groups believed a rigorous review and 4 public evaluatj-on of additional coal plant investment 5 should occur, and even suggested a CPCN proceeding. 6 Q. During the Company's development of the 2013 7 IRP, were there other indications of the changing social- 8 and political concerns with regard to coal-fired 9 generation? 10 A. Yes. Over the course of a year, the Company 11 invol-ved representatives of the public in the resource !2 planning process. On a monthl-y basis, the Company met with 13 members of the Integrated Resource PIan Advisory Council 14 (*IRPAC"), which included representatives from the 15 political-, environmental, and customer sectorsr ds well as 16 representatives of other public-interest groups. The IRPAC Ll actively participated throughout the resource planning 18 process. Members of the IRPAC representing the Idaho 79 Conservation League and Boise State University suggested an 20 additional resource portfolio which eliminated the 2l Company's involvement in all of its coal-fired generation 22 plants be included and analyzed as part of the 2073 IRP. 23 In addition to the resource portfoJ-io suggested by 24 the IRPAC members representing the Idaho Conservation 25 League and Boise State University, Idaho Power developed a GROW, DI 18 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 L6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 resource portfolio that was derived from the study of the Idaho Power coal investment compliance costs. The resource portfolio was al-so analyzed as part of the 2073 IRP. During the development of the 2013 IRP, NV Energy announced its intention to remove coal from its portfol-io Idaho Power is a one-half owner of Valmy and NV Energy is the operating partner. As a resul-t of that announcement, Idaho Power included two additional resource portfolios designed to estimate the effects of closing Valmy. The 20L3 IRP is included as Attachment 4 to the Application filed contemporaneously with this direct testimony. o.What were the resul-ts of the IRP's analysis of the four coal-replacement scenarios? A. The IRP's analysis supported the Coal- Study in that the coal--retirement portfolios are not the least cost al-ternatlves. The cost to replace the coaf resources is simply too high. 0.Are emission control investments at Valmy part of the Company's current CPCN request? A. No. While the Valmy plant is not a part of the Company's request for a CPCN for the SCR j-nvestments at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4, the Nevada legislation associated with NV Energy's announcement is yet another indication of the changing climate with regard to coal-- fired generatJ-on. GROW, Dr L9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 1,6 !7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. Do you believe that the installation of the Bridger SCRs represents a prudent investment that is j-n the best interests of the Company and its customers? A.Yes, I do. As supported by the comprehensive analyses presented in this case, the investment in the Bridger SCRs represents the lowest cost and least risk option of serving future customer demands. The SCR investment will allow the Jim Bridger Pl-ant, the Company's l-owest cost thermal generatJ-on resource, to continue providing customers with rellable energy and will maintain the Company's diverse portfolio of generation resources. O. Does this conclude your direct testimony in this case? A.Yes, it does. GROW, Dr 20 Idaho Power Company