HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131105Comments.pdfKARL T. KLEIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 5156 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W, WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attomey for the Commission Staff IN THE MATTER OF rDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S 2013 INTEGRATED RESOURCE ) PLAN. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC.E.13.15 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission comments as follows on Idaho Power Company's 2013 Integrated Resource Plan ("[U"';. BACKGROUND On June 28,2013,ldaho Power Company filed its 2013 IRP. The IRP explains how the Company intends to adequately and reliably serve its electric customers at the lowest system cost over the next 20 years. The Company files an IRP every two years as required by the Commission. See Order No. 22299. The 2013 IRP addresses available supply-side and demand-side resource options, planning period load forecasts, potential resource portfolios, a risk analysis, and includes an action plan that details how the Company intends to implement the IRP. The IRP filing consists of four documents: (l) the 2013 IRP; (2) Appendix A - Sales and Load Forecast; (3) Appendix B - Demand-Side Management 2012 Annual Report; and (a) Appendix C - Technical Appendix. The Company says it incorporated stakeholder and public input into its IRP by working with the Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council ("IRPAC"). The IRPAC meetings were STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 open to the public, and the Company says the IRPAC and members of the public significantly contributed to the IRP. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff actively participated in the IRPAC and believes the current IRP reflects the Company's continued improvement in incorporating the group's feedback. Idaho Power held 11 IRPAC meetings while preparing the IRP. Many of these were well-attended by non-IRPAC members. Both IRPAC members and non-members were involved in the discussions, several of which were categorized as "spirited." The Company's acceptance of input is evidenced by the IRP's inclusion of a resource portfolio proposed by the Idaho Conservation League and Boise State University that centers on early retirement of the Company's coal-fired facilities. While not all recommendations were incorporated, nor all of the conclusions universally supported, the Company's willingness to discuss sensitive issues represents progress toward developing a robust IRP. Unlike the past two IRPs, in this IRP the Company analyzed the 20-year planning period in one segment as opposed to two, 10-year segments. Idaho Power previously stated that bifurcating the 20-year planning period prevented resource decisions for the first 10 years from being influenced by more speculative and unproven resource decisions from the second 1O-years. 2009 IRP, p. 3. Staff has acknowledged the benefits and risks associated with modeling each period separately, and supports the Company's retum to a single, 2}-year planning period for this IRP. The IRPAC also endorsed the return to the 2}-year planning period, and it is appropriate given Idaho Power's changing circumstances. The Company revisited the 20-year period for this IRP to account for long lead times for new resources and the IRP's role in PUPRA rate setting. 2013 IRP, p. 2. Also, it was unnecessary to divide the 20-year period because lower growth projections, the recent addition of Langley Gulch, and the presumed on-line date of the Boardman to Hemingway ("B2H") transmission line significantly reduce the Company's need for more supply-side resources in the near and long term. The 2013 IRP's primary goals are to: (1) identify sufficient resources to reliably serve growing energy demands over the 2}-year planning period; (2) ensure the selected resource portfolio balances cost, risk, and environmental concerns; (3) give equal and balanced treatment to supply-side resource and demand-side measures; and (a) involve the public in the planning process. 2013 IRP, p. 1. Despite specific issues addressed in these comments, Staff believes the STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 Company has effectively accomplished these goals while meeting Commission requirements set forth in Order No.22299. Load and Resource Balance This IRP system peak and load forecasts are lower than those in the 2011 IRP. The Company cites several reasons for the declines. Notably, 133 average megawatts (aMW) of load from Hoku Materials and a proposed server farm (denoted as a "Special" customer) have been removed from the prior forecast. Lingering effects of the recession have shown that the 2011 IRP's recovery projections were overly optimistic. Finally, the 2013 IRP projects declining use per customer for the residential class. The result is a more conservative expectation of load growth in the Company's service territory. The Company continues to use 70th percentile water conditions and 70th percentile average load for energy planning, and 90th percentile water conditions and 95'h percentile peak-hour load for capacity planning. The Company expects the population in its service territory will continue to grow, mainly due to net migration from other states. Id at p. 48. The IRP projects that the Company will serve 170,000 more customers over the 20-year planning horizon. Customer growth is partially offset by forecasts of declining residential use per customer over the timeframe, prior to any incremental energy efficiency savings. The Company says recent changes in lighting standards and customer response to higher retail prices drive the lower per-customer use for the residential class. The IRP also projects robust sales among the commercial and industrial sectors, and relatively flat load for the irrigation class. In total, average system load is projected to increase by 21 aMW (1.1%) each year through 2032. Peak demand is expected to grow at a compounded rate of 1.4%o ayear. The following table reflects the average annual compound growth rates and selected peak loads for the last four IRPs. While the differences between growth rates appear relatively minor, the impact for peak-planning purposes is significant. Between the 2011 and 2013 IRPs, the Company's peak load expectations for 2018 declined by over 400 MW, nearly as much as the Danskin and Bennett Mountain gas peaking units combined. Staff believes the Company's forecasting methods and data are sound. The table illustrates the inherent uncertainty of electric load forecasting, even within the near-term. STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 Idaho Power Energy and Peak Forecasts By IRP IRP Growth Rate (%l Peak Load (MWl 2006 2009 20L7 20L3 Energv Peak 1.9 2.L o.7 1.5 7.4 1.8 t.t L,4 2018 2025 4,051 4,689 4,003 4,34L 4,056 4,529 3,651 4,033 The Company's use of the 70o/o planning criteria for energy and90l95% for peak is consistent with IRPs since 2002. In that time, Staff has generally supported Idaho Power's conservative planning approach. Staff continues to support the 70th percentile load and water conditions for evaluating future energy needs. But Staff recommends that the Company investigate whether it should adjust its peak load planning criteria before the next IRP. The change in planning criteria arose from the energy crisis of the early 2000's and relying on market transactions to meet peak deficits. Severe spikes in Mid-C prices were a function of a regionally under-built transmission system and market manipulation. In response, entities throughout the Pacific Northwest have taken steps to ensure customers are not exposed to such volatile energy costs. Over 75,000 miles of transmission build-out from 2001 to 2012t, and enhanced protocols, have increased the grids connectivity and reliability within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's ("WECC") footprint. From 2003 to 2012, over 11,500 MW of net generationz capacity has been added in the Pacific Northwest, primarily consisting of natural gas-fired facilities and wind. The Company's B2H transmission project will improve its access to low cost energy resources in the Northwest via the Mid-C market. As detailed below, the B2H project remains the preferred resource alternative under all the risk scenarios, implying that reliance on the market is less risky in today's environment. Idaho Power relies less on hydroelectric generation now than in 2002because it has added more gas-fired generation. While water conditions remain important in meeting customer demand, they are not the resource balance drivers they once were. Intuitively, moving to a less I Source: WECC State of Interconnection 2012 Report. 2 Net generation takes into consideration plant retirements. Source: Northwest Power and Conservation Council. STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 restrictive peak planning criteria would result in smaller deficits, and may potentially delay the building of a resource designed to meet a low-probability event. Less restrictive, yet still conservative planning criteria may include a specific planning reserve margin or more probabilistic water and load conditions (80% load and water for peak planning, as an example). Staff believes the Company's current resource position provides an opportunity for the Company to reassess its planning criteria for the upcoming IRP cycle without unduly jeopardizing its obligation to meet customer demands. The Company has updated its facilities' operating characteristics to reflect additional constraints going forward. Streamflow and management practice trends in the Snake River Basin have been incorporated into the hydrologic modeling, resulting in a more realistic view of hydro availability throughout the planning horizon. The Company also considered the potential generation loss arising from the installation of pollution-control equipment on its coal-fired facilities. In Case No. IPC-E-13-16, Staff addressed the investment decisions regarding coal retrofits. For this IRP, Staff believes the Company has been consistent with the findings from its Coal Unit Environmental Investment Analysis, and that its coal generation is properly reflected in the resource balance for baseline purposes. The results of the load and resource balance show that the Company has no energy- related deficits throughout the planning period. The IRP shows a capacity deficit beginning in 2016, which steadily increases through the planning horizon. Without more resources, the peak- hour capacity shortfall grows from 126 MW in 2016 to 1,095 MW in2032. Peak-hour deficits occur exclusively in the summer months when irrigation load coincides with residential and commercial air conditioning load. Natural Gas and Coal Adder Forecasts Prior IRPs used a weighted composite natural gas forecast based on several public and private sources. The 2013 IRP relies on the US Energy Information Administration ("EIA") forecast published in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 from June 2012. The EIA forecast was used for the Company's coal replacement study, and is the Commission-approved source for gas prices when updating the avoided-cost rates for PURPA projects. Staff supports the consistent use of the EIA forecast for planning purposes, though Staff recommends that the Company use the EIA nominal forecast instead of applying its own escalation factor to the 2010 constant dollar forecast. Staff uses EIA's nominal price forecast to calculate published avoided cost rates for STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 PURPA projects, and supports it in Case No. IPC-E-13-16 as a more transparent use of EIA's data. It is unclear if the Company applies its escalation factor to capture the effect of lower purchasing power in the future, or some belief that the forecast produces prices that are inherently lower than what can be expected in the future. Either way, Staff believes the EIA nominal forecast more transparently provides a fuel price that indicates what the fundamental forecast predicts prices will be at a given point in time. The difference between the EIA nominal forecast and the Company's escalated values can be as large as 30Yo or more, meaning the Company may be overstating the fuel cost associated with natural gas facilities. Staff continues to believe it is reasonable for Idaho Power to apply a standard 3%o escalation rate to capital and general O&M expenses. The Company applies a carbon adder to the generation from CO2-emiting resources, as it has since the mid-90s. The base case scenario of $14.64 per ton beginning in 2018 and escalated at3o/o comports with the value used in the Company's coal investment study. The IRPAC vetted and generally supported this carbon adder. Staffbelieves the range ofcarbon scenarios (a low of $0 per ton to $3 5 per ton in 20 I 8 escalat ed at 9Yo) is reasonable given the uncertainty surrounding future carbon regulations. Demand-Side Management Before analyzingthe load and resource balance, the Company adjusts the balance by including demand-side management ("DSM") resources. The Company relies on a Conservation Potential Study or Assessment ("CPA") by a third party consultant to set achievable savings for the IRP planning period. Energy savings from potential programs effectively reduce the resource deficit and alleviate the obligation to add additional supply-side resources. Cons ervation P otential Study Idaho Power commissioned EnerNOC to complete a2}-year CPA to forecast technical, economic and achievable energy efficiency savings. The CPA analyzed the Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Inigation sectors to ascertain criteria like electric use, market characterization and potential savings. The Company previously completed a CPA in 2009. EnerNOC forecasted 234 aMW of total achievable savings by 2032. The Commercial sector provides the largest achievable potential savings through 2027. The Industrial sector provides the second largest source of savings until2015, when Residential sector savings become the STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 second largest source. The Irrigation sector provides the least amount of potential savings. Lighting in the Residential (59% of total residential savings) and Commercial (46%) sectors is forecast to provide the largest potential achievable savings by end use in 2017. Most of the Industrial savings are from motors (52%). The study forecasts scientific irrigation practices will comprise most of the Irrigation sector's savings (38%). The CPA illuminates the large disparity between achievable and economic potential savings in Idaho Power's service territory, which is largely a symptom of program participation rates. While achievable savings over the 20-year period are estimated at234 aMW, the forecasted economic potential is 438 aMW. Staff recommends that the Company increase its efforts to improve customer participation rates to bridge the disparity between achievable and economic potential savings. Staff believes the CPA is an appropriate venue to forecast future potential savings. As stated earlier, the Company will use the CPA's forecast and may refine the savings potential that is then incorporated into its IRP load and resource balance. Staff notes the CPA was not included in the IRP filing, and that the IRP failed to address how the Company will acquire the future savings. Future Savings The Company refined the CPA's 2}-year energy potential savings from234 aMW to26l aMW. In the short term (2013 -2017), the Company projects 69 aMW of achievable energy savings. The Company applies its forecasted future savings to the Load and Resource Balance section of the IRP. Staff has two concerns about the Company's treatment of DSM savings in the IRP. First, the load and resource balance calculation excludes new Residential energy efficiency savings in 2013 and2014 with no explanation. Second, there is inadequate discussion of the Company's future energy efficiency acquisition plans. The Company includes forecasted energy savings in its load and resource balance, but fails to adequately describe how the savings are to be acquired. Considering that the DSM alternate costs for energy efficiency have decreased by almost 50% from the 2011 IRP, and the Company's total energy savings have decreased over the past two years, it is not clear in the IRP how the Company plans to acquire forecasted energy efficiency savings. Preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis from the September 18, 2013 Energy Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG") indicates that over half of the Residential energy efficiency programs are not cost-effective due to the 2013 alternate cost used STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 in the cost-effectiveness calculation. The IRP Action Plan does not describe current problems or how they might be resolved to acquire the energy efficiency resources in the future. Staff acknowledges that the EEAG is the Company's forum to discuss future DSM acquisition. But the IRP is the centralized document that matches future need with resources. As such, the IRP should discuss future energy efficiency acquisition. Staff recommends the Company provide greater detail of future energy efficiency acquisition in the IRP's'Action Plan section. Dynamic Pricing Programs The Company does not consider expanded dynamic pricing programs in its IRP. Dynamic pricing can take many forms, including time of use and critical peak pricing. Though dynamic pricing is not DSM in the traditional sense, Staff believes that large scale dynamic pricing programs can significantly impact the Company's peak loads. Idaho Power currently has mandatory time of use rates for large industrial customers (Schedule l9). But it has not conducted an impact evaluation of the rate design since 2007 (the rate design went into effect in 2004). The Company also has a voluntary time of use program for residential customers that has provided inconclusive results regarding peak load shaving capability. Staff recommends that the Company investigate dynamic pricing options, enrollment strategies, and potential savings for inclusion in its the next IRP. The findings would inform the Company and IRPAC as to whether pricing structures can potentially reduce future peak loads. Resource Alternatives Analysis In response to comments from the IRPAC, the Company analyzed initial resource alternatives before developing its portfolio. The goal of this approach was to isolate the impacts of a particular resource addition rather than the combination of resources developed in the Company's portfolios. Eight resources were chosen for the analysis, and scaled to meet 200 MW of on-peak capacity at a90%o exceedance value (200 MW 9 times out of l0). The eight resources and the associated costs are included as Attachment A to Staff s comments. Aside from the upfront capital cost, particular resources, such as solar, compare unfavorably due to the additional nameplate capacity needed to achieve the 200 MW evaluation criteria. As the Company points out, the treatment of distributed solar Photovoltaics ("PV") was a divisive point of discussion throughout the IRP planning process. For both utility scale and STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 distributed PV, the Company relied on cost and operating characteristics from the February 2012 Cost and Performance Data for Power Generation Report published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ("NREL"). The NREL report served as the foundation for all supply-side resource inputs. Unlike other generation resources, solar was modeled with a slight decrease in capital cost over the planning period. Solar costs have been on a downward trend for a number ofyears, and it is thought that technological breakthroughs and increased production could halve the price of installations in the next 15 years.3 The Company's price assumptions are more modest, and may not account for potential efficiency gains from new PV technologies. The IRP includes the full cost of distributed PV, including customer costs. Several IRPAC members argued that as a utility planning document, the IRP should only concern itself with utility costs, thereby representing distributed PV as virtually costless. Staff concurs that the IRP should analyze only utility costs. That said, arguments that customer-owned PV should be modeled as costless ignore all entry barriers, and result in spurious conclusions.o Euen with the cost of distributed PV installations becoming more competitive, Staff believes distributed PV cannot be considered a plausible resource alternative until some consensus can be reached on appropriate pricing assumptions that balance the Company and customers' perspectives. Staff recommends that the Company investigate whether incentive programs could realistically generate enough interest in expanding distributed PV installations in sufficient capacity (10 MW and above) to warrant including distributed PV as an alternative resource. The analysis would provide a good foundation for discussion in the next IRP cycle, and would result in a representative price in alternative analysis. The Company conducted further risk analysis on the eight resources to test for sensitivities to changes in natural gas prices, carbon adders and water conditions. The rank order of the resources did not change under any of the risk scenarios. After reviewing the table in Attachment A, it is not surprising that the ranking remained unchanged under the various risk scenarios. The primary driver in total cost differences between the resources is the capital, or fixed costs, which would be unchanged under the different risk scenarios. The change in total cost is attributed to changes in variable cost, which are calculated for the existing resources plus ' Source: Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings Sector, EIA, August 2013.o By that logic, the Company should spend no resources and acquire all distributed solar it can. It currently does so through the net metering tariff, which accounts for approximately 3 MW of generation. STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5,2013 the additional resource being analyzed. The magnitude of the change in system variable cost for each resource alternative is not significant enough to overcome the disparity in fixed costs. Portfolio Design and Selection The results of the alternative resource analysis served as the basis for designing resource portfolios to meet the Company's forecasted deficits over the next 20 years. Nine resource portfolios were analyzed, and generally fell into three main categories: l. B2H resource portfolios (2), designed around an on-line date of 2018; 2. Alternative to B2H portfolios (3), which exclude B2H as a resource; and 3. Coal alternative portfolios (4), which explore the partial or full retirement of the Company's coal-fired facilities. Each portfolio was designed to meet the Company's peak-hour needs accounting for existing and committed resources and energy efficiency. The net present value ("NPV") of each portfolio was used as a preliminary ranking method. The results are included as Attachment B to Staff s comments. The Company then performed a stochastic analysis to test the robustness of each portfolio under varying load, gas, carbon and hydrologic scenarios. Generally speaking, the portfolios that contain B2H and ongoing coal-fired operations performed better than portfolios without B2H or retired coal facilities. The two lowest cost portfolios, both with B2H and one with demand response (Portfolio 2) and one with demand response and a Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine ("SCCT") addition in2029 (Portfolio l), significantly outperformed the alternatives from a least cost and least risk standpoint. The NPVs for these two portfolios are nearly identical; Portfolio 2 is less than lYo cheaper than Portfolio 1 under planning conditions. The primary difference between the two is the fixed cost, which tempers Staff s concern regarding the Company's adjustment to the EIA natural gas price forecast. Staff also notes that these portfolios are identical until2029, confirming that the demand response/B2H combination is the preferred near- and mid-term option. Though the portfolios that assess early retirement of coal plants perform poorly in terms of NPV, Staff believes it is beneficial to include them in this analysis. The use of carbon adders is an appropriate method for capturing the additional cost of environmental regulations. But it does not effectively convey the impact that stringent regulation may have if the plants are forced to shut down entirely. The analysis shows that early retirement of coal-fired facilities could expose ratepayers to increase s 35oh greater than the preferred altemative over the next 20 years. STAFF COMMENTS l0 NOVEMBER 5,2013 Staff expects the Company to continue to include a similar type of analysis in future IRPs as emissions costs and regulations evolve in the coming years. Staff noted in its previous IRP comments that the Company's analysis fails to quantify the risk associated with transmission siting and escalating capital cost. IPC-E-11-11, Staff Comments, p. 13. Staff is concerned that all portfolios containing B2H assumed a specific in- service date, and no analysis was conducted to address the potential delay in the projected completion. The conclusion of the environmental review and routing process are mostly beyond the Company's control. The Company's demand response programs may be able to meet peak deficiencies for 2018 and 2019. But after that, deficits grow in duration beyond what current demand response programs can handle. Staff recommends the Company provide an alternative action plan that would result from a 2 to 5 year delay in the construction of B2H as part of its next IRP update. Preferred Resource Portfolio and Action Plan Based on the Company's analysis, the preferred portfolio comprised of demand response and B2H in 201 8 (Portfolio 2) performed best in terms of least-cost and least-risk. Under virtually all scenarios, Portfolio 2 proved to be less costly than altematives that did not include B2H. Staff believes this result is well-supported, with the reservation that the B2H timeline is not certain. Additionally, Staff notes that none of the analysis made any assumptions about the completion or impact of the Gateway transmission expansion of which the Company is a part. Staff recommends that the Company include a broader discussion and analysis of the Gateway transmission project in its IRP update. The Company's Action Plan is shown below. The specified actions are representative of the IRP analysis and, besides the lack of detail on additional energy efficiency acquisition, provide an adequate blueprint given the information at this time. Although the IRP Action Plan is not intended to bind Company decisions, Staff expects the Company to keep the Commission well-informed on the progress made toward achieving the identified goals. ilSTAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER 5, 2OI3 Table 10.1 Fortfolio 2 action plan Year Resource 2013-2018 2013- 2013 2013 2016-2017 2018 2U1s 2019 2020 2020 2024-2432 Boardman to Hemingway Gateway West North Valmy Unit 'l Jrm Bndger Units 3 and 4 Demand respons€ Boardman io Hemingway Shoshone Falls Jim Bridger Unit 2 Jim Bridger Unit 1 Boardman Demand response Ongoing permitting, planning studies, and regulatory filings. Ongoing permitting, planning studies, and regulatory filings. Commrt to the installatiorr of dry sortent injectron emission-control technology. Commit to the installation of selective catalytic reduction emission-control technology. Have demand response capacity available to satisfo deficiencies up to approximately 150 f\,4\ry. Transmission line complete and in service. Shoshone Fafls upgrade complele and in service. Comrnit to the installation of selective catalytic reduction emission-control technology. Commit to the installation of selective catalytic reduction emission-control technology. Coal-fired operations at the Eoardman plant are scheduled to end by year-end 2020. Have demand response capacity available to satisfy defrciencies in 50-MW increments up to approximately 370 MW in 2031. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS After reviewing Idaho Power Company's 2013 IRP, Staff believes that the Company performed extensive analyses, gave reasonably equal consideration of supply- and demand-side resources, and provided acceptable opportunities for public input, resulting in an IRP that satisfies the requirements set forth in Commission Order Nos. 25260 and22299. Staff, therefore, recommends that the Commission acknowledge the Company's 2013 IRP. Respectfully submitted this day of November 2013. /// 1 ,// Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Bryan Lanspery Nikki Karpavich i:umisc/comments/ipcel3. I 5kkbl comments STAFF COMMENTS r'r3 t2 NOVEMBER 5,2013 @O) ct d'n ft.) oN aiu)ov) ..c6o.Fac dl 6oA 5o E oE oo) fltc(, Ea E EGg 14oo E d, iI o, i:o Eo ttt oo aou E o,t o26. Eo I t!.s .E ooL oo E oo -g.6 .E J! o6z Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-13-15 Staff Comments tUoslt3 C)OoGltf,F-()Q'a8_8-E"E h-6.3_u'r c.i fr) J or or f.tLOF(l)@C)cor-tAFFO{v(OFurvr.6 **6 O O) F C.,l uf l'r ol cDrI)r+u1mt(fC.llr)CI)(J)lfrO)tr)ln0rr1'1rJrDdi*;cn dr*.;O(.orF-@wO)@F-l\cD6O)F('rdo,i ni c.i c'i oi .,t fi fi.r'418,Ja@@ @@6 (rJ ts -trJ l\ (o , -_ c.)- al_ | rI jdi*r r r I Iu, d) (f,6a F(..ltQ!t|rr(orr@ Orrr6$ItOf,4OFFrO0l(\e(('JoJOre.rf!C{(olr) ()()r:1{)()(} C) C.J CJ fiN frl (V (\ r\l O, r (I) (..l (*'l (f (O t\r.rcqcD-rf,a.l(DO()crF\e{6C,,(\.ltrJcQo'f e.i- 14Oi(o(.4F.(r)OJF()CDoO1€ (*) F F a.l (O CO C., ,& 3H 88ff<<<(',.q. :qq)D)(rO-l-ta--@?C!--af, ltt ti, .t, C) l'- t O) (t F- rt r.,l-.clOrC)C)OF-O(.oOl\OrF-O@N+rj(l].+l- c4.aN1\tsvql\FFV(D(o(O(O(ol41tr1IJ) e.i c.i r.'r rt,,, oi Fi c,i .".i16 tO t'+ t9 @ e+ tA tA fi()()frC!Cl(! f{ r.t aasF. 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Attachment B Case No. IPC-E-13-15 StaffComments tU05l13 ,t E Ean oofiF 3'ErE elg -o'!JToG, ,*vCsd >- @O6JOu oE, aoi, C;o- o s.:- Ea t! o [i{("mo@(}O@(r)Fl-(1. aY). tf. a ?i t(j-@F-Or.lal[)OltSaO*iOrl|(l(Dl*lnF...6.Jt6 i.t a+ tr(}@frO(! (qPOms@l*F.t6nc)c!ot_.-t__$l'.t-o.lN@rvooamCll*NOOFOrii 6i rr, .(, d r.tt €, vt .1, d, e, u',f"lul6$GI.n oolol\c)C)mdblll(rr;tllan{Fri c*r" q0rorndt dt rrt r.ls(r)[)$t(, t)6 u oU !o,Ilr *E &uo-: rlt -C,EU -E'E * fa TS '@2 l'tIUrt -o3 fezfi - (r IE -tt@tF+g uSEC ERCIAS (! o r.l(', r.t (l,rf- e. a. -to*t*oc:cl;-;;{a $} irt f'Flf)t-F00@l-dDr- r- r,Nr)!iFytdt& lo 1...' @ (., rDl''"rOOt!r()- a- @- 01 ryCrt@@@Fft (') (i) t{., Fc.,lflrO@l-t {/l rJ, 8, t7 t.(o(r)tt-f,'tf,FotalelI)6(!ts(rcrcd + <r c.icl (,*dro6)FF)(r)vt-t/,y'e)i4 ctoa)ofloc{r,tOt.tONNmooo(.,I\ricr.rro;o.r' qlaf4s1,n r Yl c.l8&* (rrtfi (')SU *i d! c.l {5 t- d(.lfirD*rt€tct€Fcr+a(fri;;@d6r(o (,,1 (, (f, cD rf, +Fr.lm@()l\a\6sAr,hrhu)g! f.l{')oo s U' *fi6(o s6 (t) [)6S o,0lriaa UIoUto.! n! (!^ea otsGlr.i -o- E)OEet\(Ylr)dr r (t cO f.- nl f.lOJiS&Sf.,lwi{]dcidr;;@o*F..$rtrltomooo60@t-a?sf{[)orhaA6.hrt96 (Y' (.'tl !t t-Fo(Do(D $rD c 6 E o-= #- ^ sh r I Ee E ai i?q IEr.; t Eit gEi a3#"He".*g .!f,tgtgg BiHrH[Es {igtfrtfrfrrffg$1 ff!tsl g;r Fi Ett?iit$ifiiiaiETEa E'9 Ad E -(,.= Cx F,= cD..pi,HE ;E E- F PEE EE EE l. 6;E3E 33 #E I *3f 38 *f O E8EJ J J JJ J J JJ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 5TH DAY oF NoVEMBER 2013, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-I3.Is, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM JENNIFER REINHARDT IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 EMAIL: lnordstrom@idahooower.com j reinhardt@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower.com KEN MILLER SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE BOX 1731 BOISE ID 8370I EMAIL: kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS 5I5 N 27TH ST BOISE ID 83616 EMAIL: oeter(Erichardsonadams.com THOMAS H NELSON ATTORNEY AT LAW PO BOX 1211 WELCHES OR 97068 Email: nelson@thnelson.com GREGORY W SAID TIMOTHY E TATUM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 EMAIL: gsaid@idahopower.com ttatum@ idahopower. com BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH ST BOISE ID 83702 EMAIL : botto@idahoconservation.org DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading@mindspring.com NANCY ESTEB PhD PO BOX 490 CARLSBORG WA 98324 Email: betseesteb@qwest.net SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE