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Jean Jewell
From:Anga Velasquez
Sent:Monday,June 03,2013 6:48 AM
To:Jean Jewell
Subject:FW:Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-10 Rate Increase
From:Bruce [maiIto:bef19S1(]
Sent:Sunday,June 0?,2013 6:27 AM
To:Anga Velasquez
Subject:Re:Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-10 Rate Increase
Thank you for the information.I somehow knew that the Idaho PUC
would grant this increase.Does the PUC ever say no to Idaho Power?
Original Message
From:Anqa Velasquez
Sent:Friday,May 31,2013 10:25 AM
Subject:Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-1O Rate Increase
Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-1O /Final Order No.32821 is now avaHable on the IPUC Home Page.
Jean Jewell
From:Anga Velasquez
Sent:Monday,June 03,2013 6:48 AM
To:Jean Jewell
Subject:FW:Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-10 Rate Increase
From:David Hamilton []
Sent:Saturday,June 01,2013 6:46 PM
To:Anga Velasquez
Subject:Re:Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-10 Rate Increase
Thanks for listening to my wife and I about NOT rising idaho power rates.We live on a budget but as long as
your CEO and high mailagement get their money everything is all right.
Thanks a lot.Waste of my time for typing this reply.
David Hamilton (New York Yankees)
On May 31,2013,at 10:25 AM,“Anga Velasquez”<>wrote:
Idaho Power Company Case No.IPC-E-13-10 /Final Order No.32821 is now available on the
IPUC Home Page.
Jean Jewell
Sent:Monday June 03,2013 1:06 PM
-/3 —/O
Subject:FW:Case Comment Form:Robert Napier
Original Message
From:napierrw85( [mai1to:napierrw85çgmai1.comj
Sent:Monday,June 03,2013 12:13 PM
To:Erik Jorgensen;Front
Cc:napierrw8Sjgrnail .corn
Subject:Case Comment Form:Robert Napier
Name:Robert Napier
Address:2140 Lexis Lane #104
Nampa Id,83686
Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power
Acknowledge public record:True
Comment:Im wanting to know why Idaho power is allowed to keep raising the price of power
costs.They are the only power company that I know of in the state,let alone in my area.Sohowisitfairthatjustbecausetheyhadalossofrevenueandnaturalresourcesthateveryonehastopaymorepermonthforthenextyear,at least.Its not fair at all.Therearepeoplethatareonfixedincomesthatalreadycannotaffordtheirpowerbillsandnowtheywanttoincreasethepowerrate.If I had the resources or the means,I would either gotoanothercompanyorgosolar.But I cannot.IDAHO POWER SHOULD SERIOUSLY CONSIDER what theyaregoingtodototheresidentsofIDAHOandtheothercustomertheyhavebeforetheymakepeopleslivesharder.Thanks
Unique Identifier:
Public Workshop
Twin Falls,Idaho
IPC-E-1 3-10
May 1,2013
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