HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130528Comment.pdfRE C V .P May24,2013 ZDl3HikY2B Ml 8:t8 Re.:Case No.IPC-E-13-10 concerning the application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement PCA Rates for Electrical ervice 1 from June 1,2013 —May 31,2014 Comments of David Monsees 1347 W Parkhill Dr. Boise ID 83702 dmmonsees@gmail.com Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this case.I respectfully ask the IPUC to proceed with caution in reviewing this huge PCA request. •IPC could reduce its costs by encouraging net metering,rather than following through on their request to end the program. Under net metering,I have heard from several reliable sources that IPC makes a handsome profit by selling electricity for more than they pay homeowners for it. •We ratepayers continue to pay for the Langley Gulch plant that is not needed now or for at least the next four years according to IPC’s own projections.Most of the power generated is sold outside IPC territory.IPC has had the best quarter in some time by selling the electricity elsewhere and not reimbursing the ratepayers who fund the plant.This may be legal,but it is certainly not fair to the ratepayers. •The requested flat rate increase will place the most hardship on those who can least afford it,people who more likely have older living quarters which lack insulation and who frequently rely on space heaters. •IPC’s cost projections have proven notoriously inaccurate in the past,and there is no reason to believe they will be any better this time. •Finally,I would remind the IPUC that IPC proudly followed the last rate increase within one month of its approval by a substantial increase in shareholder dividends,raising doubts that the money was really needed.The Oregon PUC has criticized the IPC lack of management that puts ratepayers at risk and reduced their request for cost recovery accordingly,I hope that you will examine this case in a similar light. Tb nkyou, David44on ees