HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130508Comment1.pdfJean Jewell From: Jean Jewell Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 11:43 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Power rate increases From: Pat King[SMTP:KlNGPAT05GMAlL.00M1 Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 11:04:36 AM To: secretary Cc: Pat King Subject: Power rate increases Auto forwarded by a Rule CASE NO. IPC-E-13-lO NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSHOPS ORDER NO. 32796 This is my first time writing on any matter like this. I am very concerned about the ever increasing rates on power and fees. I have a small business rate a residential rate and an irrigation rate. These rates have increased steadily over the last 6 years and no matter what I do to conserve power to keep my costs down the power company manages to raise the rate to make up the difference and then some. This very inflationary rate can not be passed on to help cover costs of operation and my very source of income is greatly affected. Not only have the k/wh rates nearly doubled over this period the service charge fees along with energy efficiency services fees and annual adjustment mechanism fees have increased. I am sure you can go through a whole list of examples that you may use to justify your increases, but the bottom line is that the very users of your service have no other options available. You are almost as bad as Government with the redistribution of wealth making the very citizens pay for the upgrades on energy efficiencies of those that can afford to do so. If these people wish to save money they should do so at their own expense so they can realize their own savings, encouraging people to upgrade to save money only benefits Idaho power by providing less power at higher rates and then passing on those costs to very citizens you serve. This is not competition and The PUC should not approve your request for rate increases. I have not been able to increase my service rates due to competition and economy and yet my costs have gone up drastically from every category, from property taxes, fuel costs, energy costs and even employments costs. Your rate increases will greatly improve your profit and pensions while being very destructive for me and my farm and small business and personal residence. It will also hasten the recovery of our struggling economy while increasing the cost of everything else every citizen in Idaho will purchase over the next year or two. This rate increase is just not a onetime but a doubling of costs increase.You also force more people to cut back even more use of electricity there by shorting your revenue projections forcing to seek another rate increase. It's an ugly cycle and really no one wins in the end. I know I am one person making these statements but if you really got out to the people to hear their opinions instead of hiding meeting rooms of unannounced meetings. You should know how hard it is to keep up with the costs by how many people are late payers and or don't pay. Why can't we get back to a simplified rate and get rid of those extra fees which add nearly 20 to 30 dollars a month to my already high power rates. Please consider my opinion as not just one voice but one speaking for many. Thanks Pat King Caldwell Idaho.