HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130502Comment.pdfCPc-E - Public Utilities Commission: RECEIVEB 10t3P.FJY -2 AN951 I would like the person or people responsible for making the decision anout tue Idaho Power rate increase to review and consider this letter. I absolutely dOffi 1K agree with another rate increase. Does the Public Commission ever tell lid lfi~ 'M No! No more rate increases. how about put a hold on the current rates for the next five years. Idaho Power employees live high on the hog. They drive the best of the best, as far as pickups go. Are the customers paying for all of this? I bet so. My car will barely make it down the road. Must be so nice to drive a brand new pickup to and from work while somebody else pays for the gas and the vehicle upkeep. Idaho Power has employee benefits that most people only dream about. I have personally talked to Idaho Power employees and I cannot believe the benefits they are entitled to. A lot of people do not even have a job. Why should the average Idaho person have to pay for the employee's retirement? This is wrong. I do not have a retirement plan. I would love someone to pay for my retirement with no sweat off my back, must be nice to live like a king! I know for a fact that Idaho power purchased a home on Blue lakes Blvd in Twin Falls. The homeowner was Margaret Stobaugh. She got more then the asking price for her house paid by Idaho Power Company. Now it is just an empty parking lot for the high and mighty to park their cars. Must be nice for Idaho Power to play monopoly, buying up all the property. Our hard earned wages at work. Wish I had a say how my money is being spent through Idaho Power!!!!! flow much property is Idaho power purchasing on a yearly basis? I bet it is a lot. I object to paying for all of this huge expense. There is no drought. According to the canal company, the reservoirs are full. We have had plenty of water. This is just a poor excuse to raise rates. If it is not a drought year Idaho Power finds some reason TO RAISE RATES. I AM SO SICK OF IT. It really makes me upset. Our government has ordered cutbacks, sequester. I think Idaho Power should be made to do the same, only more so. Clean house, cut wages and do major cutbacks. They way over spend on things that are not necessary. flow does Idaho Power have the money to donate? In addition, how does Idaho Power offer the powering tomorrow grants? If they do not have a surplus of money, I do not see how they do all this donating. People are really struggling financially. People cannot afford to pay for basic needs food and medicine. Paying for a monthly bill through Idaho Power is like paying for a second house payment. You need to get it through your thick skulls that people cannot afford this. I sure do not see any of Idaho Power suffering. They would not even know what it is like to be poverty-stricken. I was told if Idaho Power installed electric meter the rates would go way down. Idaho Power co. said it would really help cut back costs. Another big lie. The rates just keep going up up!!!! I cannot express enough how much I object. I do not think there should be any more increases at all period, flow many raises over all the years have been approved for Idaho Power? Do you do a complete audit of the expenses and audit their books from head to toe. I think it would be best for Idaho Power to cut wages of the big CEO/ and top administrators for starters. I hope for once, the Public Utility Commission will listen to the public outrage. The poor broke Idaho People who are requesting no raise! Thank you for your time and consideration. Uit