HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130424Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: Jean Jewell Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:25 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Consumer Assistance Form Original Message----- From: bdsbjmin(hotmail.com [mailto:bdsb1min(hotmail.com ] Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:33 AM To: Front; Beverly Barker Subject: Consumer Assistance Form Consumer Assistance Form submitted by Ben Shelley -Follows: Name: Ben Shelley Contact E-Mail: bdsbimin (@,hotmail.com Daytime Telephone: Home Address: City: Boise State: ID Zipcode: If this concerns a Business, Business Name: n/a Business Address: Business Phone: n/a Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Have you contacted the utility regarding your concern?: yes Please describe your question or complaint briefly: I have lived at the same address for 11 years. My power bill has increased by almost 4e% since then. My income has not. Idaho Power is trying to sustain projected profits for their shareholders at the expense of the public, who are similarly not experiencing an income growth. These rate hikes will lead to people living without simple conveniences, heat, cooling, etc., and will lead to bills so large that people cannot pay them. The power company, and YOU, are here to serve the public. NOT TO INCREASE PROJECTED PROFITS FOR A BUNCH OF WEALTHY PEOPLE WHO OWN STOCK!!!!!! The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/cons/cons.html IP address is cons 1