HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130415DIRECT T. Tatum.pdf1 will suspend the operation of two of its three demand 2 response programs in 2013. What impact does the suspension 3 of the demand response programs have on this year's PCA 4 Forecast? 5 A. As compared to last year's PCA Forecast, 6 reduced demand response incentive costs are forecast to 7 benefit Idaho customers by approximately $10.1 million on 8 an Idaho jurisdictional basis. 9 Q. Are there any other factors contributing to 10 the year-over--year difference in required PCA Forecast 11 revenue? 12 A. Yes. On June 29, 2012, the Langley Gulch 13 combined cycle power plant became operational. On July 1, 14 2012, the Company was authorized to change its base rates 15 to reflect the incremental revenue requirement associated 16 with the Langley Gulch plant. At the same time, the 17 Company reduced the Base Level NPSE included in base rates 18 by approximately $7.7 million to reflect the economic 19 benefits of this new plant. Because the PCA Forecast 20 represents the difference between the NPSE forecast from 21 the March Operating Plan and the Base Level NPSE recovered 22 in the Company's base rates, this change in Base Level NPSE 23 related to Langley Gulch serves to increase the deviation 24 measured by the PCA Forecast. In other words, when 25 comparing the year-over-year change in the PCA Forecast, (CORRECTED) TATUM, DI 14 Idaho Power Company 1 one must also consider that the Base Level NPSE was reduced 2 by approximately $7.7 million, resulting in a direct 3 increase to the measured deviation. 4 IV. HISTORY OF PA MITIGATION 5 Q. How does this year's PCA compare to 6 historical PCA rate adjustments? 7 A. To provide a meaningful comparison of PCA 8 rate adjustments over time, PCA amounts should be compared 9 without the revenue sharing component. While revenue 10 sharing is currently a component of the PCA, it was not a 11 component prior to the 2012-2013 PCA Year; therefore, the 12 inclusion of revenue sharing would not allow for an 13 equivalent comparison across all years. 14 This year's total PCA amount as measured from Base 15 Level NPSE, excluding revenue sharing, is $165.6 million 16 and represents a year-over-year change of $120.3 million or 17 approximately a 13.1 percent increase over current billed 18 revenue of $915.2 million. Since the inception of the PCA 19 in 1993, the single largest PCA increase was $244.4 million 20 in 2002 associated with the 2002-2003 PCA Year. The second 21 largest year-over-year change in PCA revenue was associated 22 with the PCA approved in 2001, which allowed recovery of an 23 incremental $217.2 million in PCA revenue phased in over 24 two rate adjustments. The first PCA rate adjustment 25 occurred on May 1, 2001, and allowed collection of $168.3 (CORRECTED) TATUM, DI 15 Idaho Power Company