HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130823Comments.pdfStations 30MVA with 4-Unit Metalclad Transformer Through Low-Side ONLY Company Vehicles - Labor Cost - Material Cost - $37,243.99 $196.063.81 FERC Acct #s 362.60 360-3tt 380.30 302.68 360.30 382.57 362.01 360.30 362.57 302.ES 300.ir4 361-30 362-63 380.30 382{.7 36&30 $2.n7 302.72 382-57 Loaded Cost $11,827.72 s2,643.76 $835.31 $41,786.39 s847.23 $1,173.83 8781,297.25 $3,348.75 $3,119.03 $9,708.84 s1,580.25 $821.85 02,557.50 s391.28 $542,130.56 $8,001.75 $1,269.00 $25,991.43 $s40.00 Description 138kV alrbreak swltch Alrbreak Struc{ure Alrbreak Foundaflon 138kV hlglrslde lnt€mrpter & structurE lntemrger Foundatlon I ntem.rpter control Ca bles 1 38kV/1 3.09kV, 28MVA transformer Transformer foundatlon Transformer control cables 13kV alrbreak swltch Alrbreak Shrcture Alrbreak Foundatlon 13kV padmount local seMca Local Servlce Transformer Pad &unlt Melalclad Metalclad foundatlon Metalclad control cables Transformer protectlon and control rack Rack c,ontrol cables 38&50 UG 4-feeder duct to statlon fence 387.51 UG 4-fueder power cable to statlon fence 382-55,058, 69 Mlscellaneous parts and material: (Bus, conductor, cadwelds, fitllngs, conduit) $1,48s.90 $9,415.91 $4,548.55 Total Materials Field Total General Overheads for 36-month rolling.average is 1 6.76% Totat (This installation costs $65,734 per MVA) Station Allowance $ummary lnstalled Cost per MVA $1.455,634.08 $1,688,942 $263,066.76 $1,972,009 $65,734 Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-I3-09 Supplemental Staff Comments a822lt3