HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131231order_no_32953_errata.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date December 31,2013 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A )CASE NO.IPC-E-13-08 DETERMINATION OF 2012 DEMAND-SIDE ) MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES AS )ERRATA TO PRUDENTLY INCURRED )ORDER NO.32953 ____________________________________________________________________________ ) On December 20,2013,the Commission issued Order No.32953.The following changes should be made to that Order: Page 1,second paragraph,line 3;Page 4,footnote 2,line 4;Page 9,first complete paragraph,line 2;Page 11,last paragraph,line 4;and Page 12 first paragraph line 2: READS iN PERTINENT PART: “$46,092,707” SHOULD READ: “$46,092,747” Page 4,footnote 2,line 3: READS IN PERTINENT PART: “$25,857,603 in Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider expenses.. SHOULD READ: “$25,594,191 in Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider expenses .. Page 9,first complete paragraph,line 3;and Page 11,last paragraph,line 6: READS IN PERTINENT PART: “Rider expenses (i.e.,$27,768,002 -$173,81 I in 2012 labor expense increases).. SHOULD READ: “Rider expenses (i.e.,$25,768,002 -$173,811 in 2012 labor expense increases).. ERRATA TO ORDER NO.32953 1 Page 9,Section II,line 9: READS: “NEEA,which delivered almost 18,000 MW of cost-effective energy savings in 2OI2and.. SHOULD READ: “NEEA,which delivered almost 18,000 MWh of cost-effective energy savings in 2012 and.. DATED at Boise,Idaho this day of December 2013. Barbara Barrows Assistant Commission Secretary 0:IPC-E-I 3-08_kk3Errata ERRATA TO ORDER NO.32953 2