HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180813_ej1jo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:EDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:AUGUST 8,2019 SUBJECT:IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER'S APPLICATION TO EVALUATE SCHEDULE 84 -NET METERING;CASE NO.IPC-E-19-15. On April 5,2019,the Company filed its Application in this matter. On May 15,2019,the Commission set an intervention deadline of May 29,2019. Order No.34335. On July 26,2019,IdaHydro filed a late petition to intervene in this proceeding.The rules for late petitions to intervene,and the late petition filed by IdaHydro,are summarized below. RULES GOVERNING LATE PETITIONS TO INTERVENE Commission Rules provide that a petitioner seeking intervention must state its "direct and substantial interest ...in the proceeding."IDAPA to intervenethat are not timely filed "must state a substantial reason for delay."IDAPA"The Commission may deny or conditionallygrant petitions to intervene that are not timely filed for failure to state good cause for untimelyfiling,to prevent disruption,prejudice to existing parties or undue broadening of the issues,or for other reasons."Id.Also,"Intervenors who do not file timely petitions are bound by orders and notices earlier entered as a condition of granting the untimelypetition."Id."No order granting a petition to intervene will be acted upon fewer than seven (7)days after its filing,except in a hearing in which any party may be heard.Any party opposing a petition to intervene must do so by motion in opposition filed within seven (7)days after receipt of the petition to intervene and served upon all parties of record and upon the person petitioning to intervene."IDAPA DECISION MEMORANDUM l IDAHYDRO'S PETITION IdaHydro describes itself as "a confederacy of Idaho small hydroelectric producers joined in a trust for mutual benefit,consisting of approximately 80 MW of capacity produced by 28 small hydroelectric plants."Petition to Intervene at 2.IdaHydro claims a direct and substantial interest in the proceeding and states that its intervention would not undulybroaden the issues or delay the proceedings.IdaHydro does not state a reason why its Petition to Intervene is untimely. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to grant IdaHydro'spetition to intervene? Edward well Deputy rney General I \Legal\ELECTIUC\IPC-E-19-15\memos\IPCE1915_decmemo 3 ej doc DECISION MEMORANDUM 2