HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130717Vanderpool Letter for Reconsideration.pdfJuly 14, 2013
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
Attn: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary
47 2 W est Washin$on Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
RE: Seeking Reconsideration of Order No. 32846 opposing IPC's proposal to modify
the "Net Metering Service" under case No. WC-E-12-27
Dear Commissioners:
We want to zubmit our response as provided for on page 20 of your "Order No. 32846"
as a Petition for Reconsideration. This letter is within the 2l-day time period ofthe filed
Order dated July 3, 2013.
In our opinion and to paraphrase Mr. Iverson (letter dated July 10, 2013) the IPUC
decision was an arbitrary action, whereby the Commission has disregarded thorough
researched and well-thought out responses from the public, intervener's attorneys and the
IPUC's own staffpermitting the removal of real financial value placed on kW hours
credited to small producers is a grim mistake. We further believe these serious errors will
cause dire consequences for everyone within the State of Idaho and stymie future growth.
I . The Commission states on Page I 5 of the Order. . . "Based on our review . . . , wo find it
fair, just and reasonable for the Company to compensate net metering customers ...
using a kWh credit instead of a financial credit or payment."
Comment: If there was ever an arbitrary statement, this clearly is it! tt indicates the
Commission's bias which plainly removes incentives for any future investment or growth
in renewable energy. Despite previous cases wherein the IPUC ruled kWh are directly
affected by the season, categorizes them within separate levels and acknowledges specific
seasonal financial value. But now in OrderNo 32846 the Commission concedes that
kWhs has value but flat line the financial worth for net metering customers, instead they
are issuing "non-transferable credits" ! !! In so acting, the Commission certainly supports
and sustains IPC's position without due reasoning or thoughq because this ruling fails the
State of Idaho and its people. This will only further weaken the future of all solar or
renewal energy projects within the State. In removing any incentive to invest in
renewable energy the Commission automatically consents to much more expensive fossil
fuel to remain the norm.
2. Again on Page l5 of the Order, the Commission continues... "While we want to
encourage net metering, we believe that financial credit or payment may incent
potential net metering customers to overbuild their systems. The net metering tariffis
for those who wish to offset a portion of their load"
Comment: Again the Commission indicates its symptomatic bias by limiting net
metering on "a portion of their load." Nevertheless, the wording of the net metering tariff
is "for those who wish to offset a portion OR ALL OF their load (emphasis added)."
With this ruling the Commissioners ominous attitude towards net-metering customers
system's size, discourages them from even considering building. Thus the ruling does
create an "over build" precedent issue for all small net-metering customers anywhere in
country because it only rewards and encourages large scale energy producers to move to
Idaho! Mor@ver, this ruling directly contradicts the State of Idaho 20l2Bnergy Plan to
do all that we can as a State to attempt to produce as much non-polluting and non-water
using clean renewable energy as we possibly can.
3. The Commission continues (pg 15, Order No 32846) "Those wising to be wholesale
power providers should look to Schedule 86 as the vehicle for that type of
Comment: Thus punishing the net-metering customers whose system is built to cover
their maximum energy usage (under 25kwh). Forthe small net-metering customer
Schedule 86 instigates unnecessary overbuilding of IPC utility lines (3-phase), places
non-firm value on kWtu hefty insurance costs and scheduling obligations.
4. The Commission continues (pg 15, Order No 32846) "We believe that removing the
cash payment takes away this gaming opportunity and encourages customers to right-
size their systems."
Comment: Again to paraphrase Mr. Iverson's letter, in the Idaho Solar Initiative cited its
goal as being "5000 Solar Roofs for Idaho" and it never once mentioned concerns about
"over building, right-sizing or gaming" of home systems as cited by the IPUC. Therein
dramatically affecting all future forward thinking yet, conservative net-metering customer
with a large family or large home and small general service businesses are penalized.
Perhaps the Commission needs to define and quantify small, medium and large systems
categories because the one size fits all approach is not working but certainly they
shouldn't inhibit any energy conservation or progress.
According to the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) (June/July issue, Pg 68)
"Many utilities that did not take solar and distributed generation seriously as recently as
2-years ago do so now. Even utilities that have not seen much solar on their own power
systems know it is coming. ...Utilities do not lose profits from solar, but they are
concerned about losing revenues that cover fixed system cost and how this will affect
non-solar ratepayers and rate increases in general. Distribution planning design can
differ substantially from one electric utility to another, even within the same state. A
more urbanized utility may use a looped design and high voltages, while a neighbor that
serves a more rural area may rely on radial, low-voltages lines. The ability to
accommodate increased solar penetration varies with the distribution design.
Historically, utilities have always designed for peak loads. Most do not plan around-and
do not measure-low loads, though it is at periods of low loads and high exports ofPV that
problems can arise in a system. Utility engineers do know the system design basis - the
protection scheme that ensures the safety and reliability of the distribution
system... Streamlining the interconnection process is good for all concerned. It is a work
in progress in active solar areas, where application volumes have swamped utility
systems not designed for the recent rise in activity...One large California utility says that
the single most common reason it has to return interconnection paperwork is because the
singleJine diagram and the application describe different systems."
President Obama just recent expressed dire consequences for the USA energy users in
cleaning-up coal-fire plants and causing high power rates due to the lack of energy within
the country. Now is not the time for the State of Idatro to retreat or deviate from its
position to stilnulate renewable energy and conservation approach to both water and
powel Already this year we are looking at extended periods of triple-digit hot weather
with water and energy shortages. Ifthis global trend continueq Idaho may be looking at
brown-outs in the very nea.r future. No body wants to alienate Idaho Power Company,
The Commission or anybody else forthat matter, but only when the Commissioners
reconsiders this portion of the Order, then the evolution of green energy can be restored
to the State of Idaho.
In closing, we are attaching a reproduction from a portion of Mr. Iverson's letter that
directly copied portions from the Idaho Energy Plan2012 (including his informational
Everett & Eileen Vanderpool
6177 Somerset Lane
Star, ID 83669
Attachments (last 4 Pages from Mr. Iverson's July t0 letter)
Cc: SenatorElliot Werk
Senator Michael Crapo
Senator James Risch
Mr. John Chatburn, Chair Idaho Office ofEnergy Resources
Mr. Scott Pugu{ Energy Specialist, Idaho Offrce ofEnergy Resources
Mr. Nathan J. Davis, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Mr. Dean J. Miller, McDevitt & Miller WP & Idaho Clean Energy Assoc.
Mr. Benjamin Otto, Idaho Conservation League
Mr. Peter Richardsoru Richardson & Adams LLC
Mr. John Hammond, Jr., Batt Fisher Pusch & Alderman LLP
Ms. Lisa Nordstronr, Idaho Power Company
NIr. Gary lverson, Sr.
Recommended Policiee and Ac{ions - Idaho Energ5r Plan 2Ol2
Elccttici{ nrsorncts Pottciee
l.TheStateof tdahoshorHcnablerohrtdsrrcloprcntofabrudmlgcofoet<ffcctiramgcfficicmyardpourcr
gstrcr:rtiqr rcsoures sithin covircormlrlty md p.nmctcrs.
2. Alien lqi:*atirc pdidcs, ryrtrtory pdicics and statc rtpocy acfivity to mmi*cruly nin&roe and $ryDod state
Qiecrivcs rcgardiry emcr5r cfEciency, encrgr prodrsiq and ddiruy.
{. Ewurasc tl$ {c*d@rrcm of,crrilncr-owrEd and omnunfyo*rrca rcrn*lc mgpd coiilinod hcm sd
powcr &cilitice thrt mcct thc Encrgr Phn d{cctivce of thc Statc of ldalre. (Emphads addod-)
Aulhor's C-omrnent The most reent actirxrs of the IPUC Board violaH the intent and direct staH plan
to "encuurage the development of customer oumad renewable energf wtrich is rot in any way limtted to
todtoporanyothersize......IPUCac-tftms haveNEVERben in anyplan asyou willselateron below..,..|}airiltr*|lttt*l**
E a. Id.ho'f, eloctric utiliths shmH ontinrrc aalurting trutmisdon ss r r€smlc optbn in rceqrrce plamiry ad
thcdd ortiillc panicipating in tlre dcudoprncnt of bcrl, stb-rcgiorat and rugional, natlonrl, and intcrnati<xal
lilncmission plus locoilmHtramiscimhciliticthrtacnedcdto prwi& rcli*h,low-mtenerpscrvieo
their orslomcr:s-
E-6ThcstateofldahslrqldwraertcdmlooicthqlminimircEtrfus@harmfulmlht trE a$dcotrsmfiiv€urof*rer. Grdesiraddcd.)
and futurc lording..... any oolar gcncntion hdps with this nsod right mw! Aho, tom E{. with the fufirc of wind
gctrcfrttiul in qeionuttrtre&F tomnyvui(Brttsrq rtarelc& uilbONLYJolrGingarcryoncofthcrc
state's ob.iectirres in thc Ptan. Thc curpnt aaionsof tb IPUC non put errtn this into qucetion for thc futurc in I&ho.rtr**t*++t+t+ai
E-7. tdaho shotrld €ncourry coet-e(fecHve invetment in renewable generation and ombined heat and
por rer facilities.
E-ll. It is ldaho pollcy to encoura8s irrcstment in cuetomor-ommod gemntion; thcrcbre ths ldsb PUC, utiliticq
nnmicipntities, and oqcrathrce erc cmmgpd b cnsrrc nmdiscrimimtry policies for inlcrmntgfun rnd s
t *+* *l*** {t t**:t* Al,[D belOr ta*tl*+lt
Table 1.1. Fa(t AboutEncrgyin ldalp32% Slnrcof lddto'82(X)9ekrbwgrapflyttat
uns irportod ftroqr out of statc
19& highcrt
Shareof l&ho's 2(X)9 ekaricityfirct mix 0ur carp
frottr sol-fftd pmplanu
Shareof ldrho's 20@ chctricity upply that came
fiom troritdro mmrdh wgt tolnoe$
Slruc of ld.ho's 202[) cleciricity spply lhat h
erytcd to conr ftorn non-hydro rcncw$le cncrgr
cqrcs besd sr 201I tdrln dility rcsqrcc pbns
Idaho's encryf intenrity as a shuc of thc $ste
€conomy comparcd b oftcr $ees
Artrtor'sComrncnfiInE IIandint b,hI.IrceGeWIIY thcStatsofldaho'e ErmgrPlanvyantstocncomqgcad
lt(lT odiroolragcthingllitctoLrdrtn6cringt t otstwrrrm.ftoforcactgr ii iryoildl lryortedcoe{Sr
is cxpcasive ffigy..... thc 0.616 that gme to dsr is a urrp &W in UE hdmq so wlry dryh it qrt for sineuhrfirs? l.loticc tlu rr ooly hstc 3% of ur r@y forn m*5dro rwudkc..... thd is ALL forus of non*ldro
9rcc,0btss....... noncodtotrudcrwhyMththcfrilueoftheIPUCtoprrotpctthcciti"rmofthisearftunaglecdy
Comprry and it'o continnod Hturc b ryt it rthcly. CIb EoGrEr Ftan madacs $ch qrpport)trr*+ar$t*tt*rrt*f, rr+*ta*tt
l,{3. f,mudcl Foltcb rd Asthu
Energy Plan does not remmrtrend maior &anges to the stsucture of ldaho's dectricity industqy. At the
same fimq the C-ommithe reogniru thet inveeturcnts in nerv gen€ratinE recounoes are beoomirg
increasin$ydrallengingdue to volatile fud ccts and increring envirorwental ourcerns and that ldaho'f
currmt dflrendencu cF €p.l r€sources 6of nerrly {096 of iEeffiicity flpnly cfldd l€Ave th€ stats
vulngrahl€ to pqtenHat S?fbog fegulation. Enluncint encrgf mnservation and efficiency meacuree and
cgnttnutry b support &e further development of cost<ftc{ive in+tate renerrable €neq6/ rrcuurses in
ord€r to rcdue ldaho's dependene on tunported ml{red porrcr ae important aspecb of ldaho
The 9ommittee findfl.that gtFrEr onservqtig+ and enertil.efficiencv measuresprpvide tlre gruqtest
em+gmk and enyirqurqrbl benefits for Idrho (and €rth4$cd €omndc qrBlntitven€ss frtr our
businesses) and shoulC be one of Halro's htfrest Florl$ enerry reqorrces anSlJrps it is a malr 6oqqs of
the 2012 ldaho EnergH BIg*,Ilre Cunmithe bdieve| th iryqadnr inwffi ir.@Trsptlnmtln is in
ordcr b rc&lce ldaho's dmdenoe on uilddltc eirilv goruoes. (Fnphsil addcd.)
NOIE ftom page A d frenlz ldaho Energr plan.....
Tl(restateoro4ucesabout2Snmsrtof theenergritconsr{ns-asslpwninf$ure23^2 Metof theeneryl
p,roduced in ldaltocqrc ftour hydtfficdams,Thestate's relianc€onener5rftun ndghboringstates
indicatesthatinfrastmcturem.intenanc€anddev@mentsucharhtghwny, rail,ptpeline,andpowerltnes
are critiol to suppat eonmric det dopment @rphds rOdod")
Author'r Conurrnt: lVe *c hre s Ecq rtr* Idrho only FtrodE *CII 25% of ot o*'n Sfrrcs porcr and w NEED
morc: tru dcnand is Ngf dccrcasist o/cr tim citherl Ccl it one of thc trorst srBr $umcs (if one can chooce
rvtictrtousc),dustothchighcrfrmanissioco4lt WoshmldDc&iagrll*crtm$lycrnto$morttbmc
firllydcrnandrcncurdcthet*edolave. Oncth*mtot ueaonqgstiwiryacta${dH3orinanyrty:Ttat
onc brm is mler/ PV. Thc IAho Ercrgy Plarr hna dl dre tld, td IPIIC re o bn G locl thcir visirn and rvill.
*i'}tlr*tlrl**tltl+**tf 'l
ldaho currentty hae no oonrmerdal cml otl or nahrral tre reeourc extracton operdons (dthoqgh naturd
gasexploratbn and testrudhhavebeen drill€d andproductftxris antidpabdbbegininhte2ml.)Iddrc
dpes hay, eavaaety,of rqpewaHeresouraes avathblefor potential dey,Spment induCtggsCnd a4d smflll
hydro porfrer. tnothermat blomas6, ard plar enetgr. (En&bm")
tit'} *l ** ****a*t'tttttl**
2.3.7. llohr IDP pr6c{9
Solarenerg5rls hrrnesscd Erroughahrdiftrcnt techmlogtss.Solqf PhobrroltaiclXPVsqstems corve,rt
srUllght to etecqtcis. Theqqygtqns may be srnal systsns q-irdMduel hqqup and businessqr of l4fgp
crnhal Bnerating utiliH SrHns .
Sorflrrilest ldaho'q mlEr omid b vav.simihr to thetdthc dcsn,soxhrcet q&i$&S th hiehcat sdlr nntsntirl
in ,thc Unitcd Smcst ,ItF Chrf td&p ffi mrqgftics frq $lar EuEJlldiFilio$itprtlrrr- dcsla ils crrc{lcnt
qplar rtfouce pdcr[irt tqho is bchid ryrh of th6 tt+ of OF forutrv in edrr fudtfletions. It ir csiroaed thrt a mnal
of I to 1.2 trrtrI of rolrr PV is ornerrty idallcd in ldrho. In 2010 almc tlc $oler Enerry Id$try Asemixiom
esr,imatcs l,?3? MTy of PV nrere idaltod in tlrc US.u (pmphr* aada"l (Q: $lttY so little in ldaho?)
of I to 1.2 ltilX, of rlrr F\l is curtuty inerllod in l&to Ir Z}l0 alom, thc Sdrr @r ldrrry Agcoderin
e*imras 1,73? l,tW of W urcrc innalbd in thc US.n (Eryhaft addod.l (Q: WIIY so little in ldaho?)
A fuv of fu bffi of slrr idu& ulilizrtln of aa rhudrnt ldrb ruunc, no gruhffic !6 eoisrioc
disrilned gsncrntoq end puctlid &rm dditirml mrnu&ctuing inedry in tb ctre. Thmrh rohf ir +nhtcrndttcnt Eourcp itr idcrnittaqe iF 6odffi. Ird ln +GHrl ia pmd{ilin poesiat liG up qdl sig FiSh
dcmend (mid{aV}. A,$ oontrct $Btctffi comitne to imprort" IIENE is coqf, Uhlitsod.8ry qolsr tonlFv Sr irEu$trt rch.
CU b curltrlly thc orjor baricr O imdlafon of pholorrufiah (PlO f5tc6s, rlthmgh Orc prb of lt'y ryucffioontinrc todcdim rq*lly, matirysith-gtereofmlrrpurtrforeloqrHVgcacrdon bse pmhftiriw.
Authm'r mmrmcnt: Fhre 1ur rec tlut thc Idaho Strb Encqy Phn s &c distinct urd cl€ar valuc b ldaho and
it'e pcryh dsWportiag rd uragiry sohr PV pourcr, yrt urr IPUC hac jurt firr6cr ureahd any trqe
of a solar futurc for 0rs Sar of Idaho with troir arbimary urd biassd rnoric! By igruirs th pooplo'r ruitl and
tE truo unbiarcd iryrt of their *rfi, I bdlrc fut fisy hErre clcilly domarstnod thu thcy hrc h6t 0rc will
togowrn rightlywi0rortbhc, bilecvitboofldab's fiturcindcancncwatlcmgr, andaromfolbwfug
OEI&hoEnertyPhn. ThieispartiofufyirportdwttcnmakLrfuryanyfinurcftrSolarPVponsr.t+tf'tl*ttta*l+**l*t*a
Idtho's Cilrcnadon Prcgrxn Frttrdint Chrtcof 1.5% of ortonrr olocrdcity bitb ir aotlcad ad adnini*crod by
I&hot ehctric utilttir bllwiry a 2fl12 rulitg by ttc tdlb mb Uilib Commirsim. Lhho hdgdod orcr 3fl)
nillfonr in 2010 to prodc @Er cffciocy end lod tnnryermt (in*di!g rtei&oti il rd hry.im plogram)
in thc *rte 0uough initidr,c edminisercd by Idaho utilitb ad the Nuttrrcet Encrgr EfEciGmsy Atliare.I0t
Author's mrmrt: llre tr ur drc.dy - slt ofur mins - fu &i&-.... rhcrc is it goitt? Wao it ured wirdy? thn,
lonSdftt$hrtrcpryftrlart? I-mgtlmf dd*caoullymmflishanythingrtrll? Erm if thrcurerctobc&und
mnrc smll ino6rityin theolnrotG rnesrrirydrn, it ir0vioslye \rERY Enrll ic$rityrhd docs trots$etr ourcdw to this molot dmmy lrhco Aur acrrcncby fue of htv FACT. Giw rrry $50 millim snd clrcat PV?*t*tt*tt+*
$nd. egt lrs tntirc. rd 6 ta ftrmtd ec b efu drthtdy lwd Gdiln- rmCl dE tuflt'lir s Edt qr
nqry ofdisgihrrcis0crgv tp*mhficboins rcncrv$lc UIEtnrG- TFn sffi cerbe dddwo-qnry hd.
rodrcim or diUg@im thc +cdfrr,ransmfoaiuu ln mrrc crsp dltriqncd gl{ctrfifurn llttit clF cmn bG qC rs an
ellcrnetiw o mmim q qgm o thc rri(Jn addition ndl cbogn dinr.ibrtod qncfdio+ loc$ions cm even
rEfrrF,criil lc*sedc$il$flFr$illqvsyiu*tich imrrt exilf4rititv(nrctrr rc0ctiwmGr. AcqIG[cX
ardor vrillaec ontrot).IS4 (qrlorcd ftun pegp 94.) (Erqhutu rddcd")
Author'roomrm: PlwdodcthrtthcrchrsNEVERbGil, inrryofanydl&ho'rErcrgrPlancaproblcmwith
sin; orcr size, orer.&uilt, or any othcr aftitrry linitl IIrc desire to rt&rcc fir ffity dcpcnaqm, impct ard
pdlution is tIrc orenrb,tmirg thd€ht ad irbnt.... wht haeecncd to this atidm" in thc otrccs of thc IPUC-??
mrcrldidthirbolqgpSilt'rigir+bsy*em&overhdlf omreftour? Aluncilon&rrnoewiththe'Compe4f?*t*f |}i*+i+t*{.*tt
3.?3. Eovlmnnatd lrp.Etr rotl Cutm nqddo2lf
Paragfaph 2..-.-....ItisliletytbSlelrndnak'ldGfrottsbsffil C0rwillimpactldahc/seonomy;bodr
throughene6lpricingurdouroverallerurcmiccornpe0Uvenec.t$troisurwgthenlttorfct $estpet
qpita.eneqy impor.tint statef atd maqy of our en€rtil lmpgrts come frotB 6it{r€d potrcr plants that are
most susceptiblg to carbon$ased priqe incTeaees. ffpending r%ulaHqta increase pourcr production ccts,
uHlity regulatcs in states hcting the power production frilffies may act to prclcct the consurners in their
rqion. This could further inacaee the prie od po$rer sold on the open rnrket.
Aulhor's Coomcnt: hcrc ne arc in bcafifrrl ldrb, !Er, rc as r dete ue m unrch crfton ard airpotlufing eurrcce of
po$!r that wr rrB otrc of tb n*ion's hrgrsil polhtErs per cryiti...... la's rc if nt cf,n .fiop or tm:polltlitg
renerurbksalltog6hcr,shellurc? OrPUCie&iagvsryrvdlrightnowofrr&crtheamrcselnofSplarPower.a*tlttr**tt**a*+**i t*t
From pagp I I 8, Idalm Enorgr Plin........
Idrho oouH t &.etiorr to rficmpt to oitigrE puedal grccnlffi gE Gild$fon ry&Om t[mrgh:
Z. Supportingdevrjoprn€ntq(,additional bwc#rtqr.regrrgqLsqdr as gnotherrlril. bbdedrlsig, yind"
eolar, disHbuted ludrqponq. +nd,biqlrn$arlc. (Eaftmirradca.)
Author's C-ornnrcnh An honcct qucation f6 Orottht 'How can ldatro attitdy support these nur-
polluting, rener,uabh rcures best and what m[ht that supput be in the brm of?'
In answering thab there is ONE thlng fior certdn..- tlu arrr€il IruC Board hae p,roren that it iust does not
ggt it. These peopte are l.IOf hdptr6; Thece peoph have falbd ttre Sate of ldaho and lfs peopl€.**tt *t*ti*+tt**t'r**at*t
From pagc I 2O,..-......
E-l t, li titUto pttq, to snuutagc tt*v.*nanl tn anstclrir.owtcd gemmiln, tbn{ov ilE lddro PuC, sttltttes,nmtcigtiltcsandwpfrxcttllittcs*carycdbatflrzt ffiwlrrlaatoryfiictofutatctwltttr*ttonand
ncl ,Mknrrt
The Cqmmittsc-fin# Orat it ip h ldahols tAffi to enmurgr rrmhr+ egrrcpuhip of snrll+crtc
reneymble generation su4 as,wind sqlar. q rpifio.hydry in additiop to lrryor fflcilitier th+ $Hliff for
{URIPA payac+S.. Idaho's inlr€ittr ot,vnd utilitiee haw eetaHieH interorttw$on end ,net metering'
poticies Gor thee rerourosr and ldaho's municipat and coopcatine utilitkrs have developed model poltcies
through the ldaho Consumer0vuned UHlities Assochtion. ILe $snfnittee.urgeo thp m,Iq.ard ldaho
ufflitiec to rqftry.tfuse ltqticies to Jqrur$, that Uq' enmrr$EP .inv€stme{$ i{t qFdl-sa4le T€newphle
resogmes and b tufly implem€Ot tlttrqpqtides + qul*ly$JrqFiible (E4ha*#.]
t * it l*rl** r** t rt*1 4+** *tlt l:*i. i '}+
CE-IO. Ifuho &ata Gov*rnmcnl*lll:
l. oE/,ipa*ae lMfip hy pww Natocrtw ctttrgt s$k/tctrty, crutgy c$ictctrl ptduc&, ux $ruw&leqargt, urd@ttg curlrglry te&rcloglcs by lnwea$ng energt effclenq in &aec goverawnt;
iv. Wa* n'idry{tily allrlddirq,bgnias md disincatiqq tg innc{E.d"qr{lbitiffi dw?gy a@ien $d
Author's Concluding Corrmcnts:
Idatro as a Statc, *Plsmod ard tnter#' that the IPUC wurld activdy support all forms ofBOTH
large urd mrall rqcunHo socr$r which fulchdcs sdar PV at priwr€ hom, ctc. The rwsr IPUC
arlions do NOT fumn this plan nor intent, btrt show a seriqs lack of urdcr*anding; intmt, ard
conrpliucewilhfieldahoPhninwhsttrydointhcarcas. Theirwnummdsmdactionsarctheir
judge. The current IPTJC action in Order NO. 32846, on sc,vtrel othcr areas I did not cover. ... . wods
ttrsy lraveusedthst I didnot e,von includekl thiq also defipnstratcacomplctedisnEglrd brtheldatro
State Energpl Plans past rnd prcscnt. In reality, ALL - in it's entirety - ofthe ldaho Power Cornpany
proposal bqinning bapk with OrdGr NO. 32?15 should h$/e bccn disrnissod with prqiudice as being
urnusooslg owrbarin& havy hsndod, unfah, unequaL End Egain$dre State'sEnergrPlut.....
but it ua$ not. In fact, mary of the nrcst orsurs of tlrc furtcnded neu,ly proposed clarges and
monctary pendties were not onty - NOT factudly dismissod rs being wrong..... ard th€y werc jus
dmply evil unong...... hn were hdd offfur now, and cleverty wordd so thst Otey could bo brought
back agsin for consideration but under a sliglrtty different vGrue (wlrere ttrey couU tlrcn quietly be
rlippe6 in wtren rxl olrc $nrs looking).(?) This sort ofthins is NOT urd duild nsver be' a firnction
of our PUC! Pleasc DO reconsider your pres€nt action in fu&re int€ntiotu in this rnarter.
Grrt{ Iversoq Sr.
Nampa, Idaho 83686